The Sentinel, 1882-09-01, Page 37V 75, 51 7 A utin 04] U)n4rofi, 40"m 00 QEN Y the A*K. - - �: _. - -A*- - I . , I I . . - q .. I , - P, be fq�ce.,thresit6ned to- CTORIKS EALOP.- ph OnAdence. they SalliS 7 iger qI � .4 - - - Ull -1.1 iful. F� . J. down to -Zolarni YO f 0 all ers were W1,0jo "D IsCeUt� -of T11ae: H 0 h so M neaX 40 ergli MO F Soldi rep h Jill our Eli I, entsiwit Of Dalfida, -out 1heir sther ot -ortba the matdrna gran 0 - they. --fell into w6undecl during the: afternoon at W- tidusity tb -�,No on It iEV Officially- %ties '* t! kve, s%telil tha� the dadius OD, lu a h whio 10, was -is emaffis�., Thi th gdeuded),. son of. -Ahii-79tl of -the 'deal-roddO torno6il greatest Anoticiaiii - 01�Ahei- ggt 0 -IRELIND," Mon - BOO �A an a twat 65 h -The teoOhIlAbs drove . back- the Ism ffia'aR Port THILOUG Basins to Show. tbii .1114, enemy"i artillery He ralliedbis Men, - I - of ww all'ot bayo- -the oAigju arch son o 0T. - or 69,lach, the 77. _r - i Turks iii -front th Mon-.' :the- .8 i606 jrror� H&rts efr1rig kedigr .64 havabeenwes ry . (of Whib b nedsincoyes- miscuous ana, infantry kke3 - - - - - big.gims, --- -- - its 6ud looss­bis . Cava! 3d Y'. are Still inPOBition. ne lot --Af stem of t1id high Nfitiol: Son o ter4y-,Ibuttheir nig the - seattetoa aralt - �_Iaat few days orae of Arabes tIm-Turks bad llpfie) am( in igh�eenth 6th MOE aroh 3! -ijutiquity Z greatest -Within thl Form who wrote the 6 Cdcls� Cabuill the 7 R f3 lo. crowd. The-reiult .- t, The THE d Ats, century says'. oil O� I Fort' Neks &IIJ, PtOP0501 or -into their Ouse OU -Ste Gle6-Fathsob, the cfficjis�in He w a sitoc enchme) ourishtler witiI a, large.. body of Man. a I dea back n d which the -&4uit e'ble -6151194tor a sue 62. Urn rmitr is dean( mak C returl.-on -Mcia4q and a where suolf :ad fibui-thi bathe; or that many of the Turki,ddsPeiMely threw Gain basis. island." �ug t carefully &all P-Ut am wil. flwii the deciblotiLof pe'rishea- in, % of I The folloWl -611, M019 M0115th Ar t&votad, ntop kuc am o Would sceept-thVtOriiji-offer6d. It tbemselYes into the- bi Royal St Go nalt-they aeillibits- the Family of . SOUL Of San attempt to- ad Wesuits rltion-,of� the. -v Bach 66ir hips, Which that tbis.proplpf he -spot whiraili from which the Present RC agb,: the is believed 11 60.. COUbach. CaolrbhTe e Ron 0 officer is only MO. were. riding at anchor (in f stroye . - England erives its Ifueal us loan Alex auarinslI Queen- of nare L It, is stateathat the filtentibli to bombard. the i?reviO aid to 16. 'Victoria 6,5th Mona�rch­: Son: of T19a Water livi L ton Friday, the-Frenob jb, t. [19 arb resin 1880r. f her a rue, C -daug ero ',&bOuki �Offiofeffiy announced L.. d �aud Irol. Roch Buidlia: son 0 wi ani are M ht fwss lbaridoned at the ad 10,000 MeIl: perishe t busin. Ladrach, blood,- ai f 135- Edward Duke,ot Kent,, son o. Tait, omellt. OLIF .11, 1. _L - -The fleet, -and' transports- th' " _t - - son'of in -the I either by- a bayous 56. F 55 th, MOD!,, lasy afternoonlk Aboukir, - The thil Third Ron _(l in ile iea. ..George alqdadh.�Tolgraah, the 01111100prT. t, to Aboukir vn 9 �pmam , f Wales amed at nig�t q exorat A39- Fred L B_ arch Son 0 %bvu;t�, -Tapba's fordo surrendered.. erick duis, Prince 10 Aboukir the Son 0 =,JwqZdsSaaaving the- Ai3hilleB and. two Midst!) - ch' (Knridktih) ry. IS shortly after t to Mufteads his via ic r_ e They are elsilaria, -182. George -the of all son. elitruit Aboukir Bay" Af( - 9X of 11ag 0 led'. ta ?rench General�69qqped- 'frord MOU W ad M anchored im -the, bix F30U ielson I with of th th of! the- evaded- the English' cridsorg l3l.. George the -eon Broad, the - 4th - -N_ 1*01 - r* to Ernest 7they control Marr. Island, from whichL Point are. he. was -not, an nCmut f M gone. to Cyprus, Wh -B a and first 13OU 0 died at n -fail bU:L �tbl; coast f ik GI&S Son GellsisIg IFW 6nd Giabain and, to Rosetts, ti� 'Ua,_I;x Augustuai DIU a -of 'run - � i , , riVpcissfely in the. Gulf Ot 73 1 er, A.D. -1 6! 5.s Aodh the r_ of y ar A-Elbi 3toi of Hallov r of of GD131190 Aboukir -to I , - . _.. - --NU. Muke- have iot]�6 to AbquW Rosetta shows'no sign . % _52. while the at, the vicinity of Toulqu anove of the. w1lole.496t1the; irolxaladsjtj�ind- 4suding lit ng bqexL H r on the sth-June, 1714 Son of - lkirlorts. 31th Iffl on the Abet Elizabeth, - qualen of 51. GUI161114h, tf ane129 -as, stillAyini -I�LOT*-. son of will port the Mov Isitiolit- is imm -the First: of 1112gland son 0 he Agt� imentS, Si rribune's Lend II sug er o �h&lt lit a and, 7 t lespat6b, says t ni d 75T 9bh. regi f oneely strong so.: OU611 Olchadhi.. Arabi!s po n no probably Sup] )t son Of th'Xon-.- Utary'llien axe th of Scotland. InsiA at,Abukif by- an attack on the left'.mmt'be turned. X tl�a Lives Six Xaryo Que6ii Of Boots daughter of 49.' Bi-dina, S%ogbaladhi �Oe 34 Folsoloy ting too Discoveril whi6h Saves A Tlmely 1 127. -Without fe tbat-V a-soll-Oflarch:-hissou'li: all tILY Peopi Fit W of- So anabi blifore the 126. Ar nboati-, Habldbtt,� At ! b double'up Ma James the 150yearaL man 'great ht... 0 U., _ ­ b T 9 - an& ala= son 48.- Defix: lot successful blow of po to L 124. Eli aOf L Rdthesehti,_ 22hd Monarch lion 01: L so-oibrate. 'It May a 125. Uargaret daughter o Itupsitan- M ing to- Putt'd !0ADO. zAb6th k6st .-York: othir-jorai�*vesaelw apropar al aterveliti.0.11 Fourth HAN 32 �'Prave A:Turkish i any GING A LEADING- ESP] 3. Edward 46. XsO;2 ,son Of _of A-2. Richard P antaginlitit 11muchah'. -the �-201 me tilatAxabi!g entrenchment. kind. it: wolee'W's first Stroke fails it'will.- lu'choa- er of 45. A09945 0 iusti, and ilovoka. A Mobile telegram, ih son� of. d 6n, llondsy moruing wt 6 oul, lidste ArsbVs. cause 11. Lady Y Congo vill be attackle it unel taw county, AIQ-, -on the or . g6llize& 7it6j Re sah LambrOdint the 16 hh 3164' %Lr�ri 0 a caus- peridisoldii1l9i well i_gi-est. Nobammodaurising- Mortimer 911 ger t'Eaward. bundle Of P& LlAy Phillip's Marri J,L' arch: son, 0 nd 6ttali&L ht the U-Jgblsud-- peitedij awly action ifirper a caus jl6t �smdng the- negroes, to.. kill the entire .119.. mar - a Earl a . - I mf� I - batts ion Go Inty wasiound Mott first, Bralorgo I: son and-, the tha danger- of, 4�- The sale? thei rising Of a i7hito U013 -theHousso M .0 ulatiolm of that f ,or -he Va on landed. ey 'would ieol was aid i1age desdended - .1 42. Fallbralls, a of tha Irl -oh'.. FusIloyff* Th tU r lezvou I'. WLhite'Roge; son, Of of 5 near ons of their renq. -Ti- iclici or. 91 a OtL -boukir -or., -Rosetta. S house. h ' a ' a -­ be . an n— WediLesday- from A 41 Falsob (or_, FoUsill)L:_ Boll 0 y of rair wilfrda Blunti No"t Stirling difild 40., me6tigg of itizens of , Of nn iallif 19onar" son &Jarty of na Was. 1113, Lionel, Dukelcot C to foici.num-bera .6,252. The SearchgA and looted at Dutl factinsidef a Of 39. Eithriall,b r.t. die I 're -a 4"ll was.called onaxe Ths� dti. Butler Edward the Third h'10 ar of vbIvers- and e,6tendb& out'� -armed-, without Seven cases Egyptian soldiers We L. in the bading. best, mode- ofouppressing at 116. Of' Edward the Seabia on closed, to -vtoreound iwas: ageea tb 'of The-csl6al his beem -of ammunition - - it t: son res. . . . I n a, cases of sun- �keak and- massaora- ward'ifia-Firs dredgesait, Uers 1. abeenassigued 115. -Ed -ba4abeen nu; SrPu gleadbra,to whom h6:2 4: leading iq r, ilesian a: 'a ei.. k- the -rill - - Henry tbe"Thir&: solo of the Iff Slmh wer vessals, and th allaut, - 114. K tila-troops ent, to tItle sian have, been! seize ling" t061 jUa Other. 11 paino the duties -Jobli: 80116f 8 jS wd.moni of thoL tie LB. &Mile The But 3ter Deio, (g9Ajbv),other*isd ogle Mdulli F -Of kiissiva6f Spain: Son Of The bor)abE -enry'the-Si dotid -ion: 0 arfare ter -of 36 - in, modern Of each- n2i, H a fics_tjon�SL will probably take, PISC&I 111111-ig 90 �,th, &U two OOMI plades and Frill es -Bilei: son 0 _b a Aspil g4a i * * . w left yes- 3ited a-lod nja4 a . despMell -ot ; been tendered famous and 111. The� T be. F re Aboukir list ilad, shqulcl be Urri 110. Queell e.0 of the orvot!W. oil. huisday- i �-Mstildq; .,(in: Bre6ght'! (or Brig4i�); a VO take the p ace that bdOri) 10119 Th T ib 6 r who orasy to� it � arrest was offectle the otea:-" sea 90110 loukirwill be &mus sud, bibiorical 'Yet the youngest Fobla has b 61 Btigaul ace oibl dshea. desi6ent contilluW; oq line f llet�;j the. Mist Of 'sth: son of hF-ollowing'thd ral WE without disturb . ting -0 --Zr 'to, protect the- praucl:�, sub., I - - I - : onlY 33 to; ASSqWs a . time. L mass Me gattitld son W a, tbird, same day' 1, illiam tho Con erOr 3 the; Kediterrsue= 1411106 from called for':* By 2. Dagh: son of jecte therfe.- Tha� British- Mau�OfwRrTOur' 'Bkirts th which OtIL mornitigINT througu Of ' fill OIASS OtL tha� risonerp., ..The dau&ter'of 30 - 31. Ardadh - son'd the. this valor proceeds and:. Am tra, --dh -to-- decide- the iog.- Malcolm Thirdi: Of agunb6st I I Plot hSsL -been in: exis q thonce P8v-l- - gnW for so ion- t nos' f 30. -AIJWL- son 0 . f md- 10 h, yag- -. � ich. is son o Ah' lion 0 '!is 10edWoatchold the,; skirmis t, fishing vInaggs, the chief of W ]low number - s - 29. Nuo Ilu,: sell of Bes from the top 6f a. "u, Slij JoS Dune Of _,th a fiel& glass, Uandam, until he reaches the PA -01 and the 'a efisaii6 but tvio. 28o .-Nenuall.: son ThelL powder, gms, an iWool the See The: OUgL M nd Glas; son:Of �iikbi!s: guns. . to 21. FObric the ge-of A_ Ab ir distance Of bet*e selves -sufficlentlY ll-ouk , at a think them (or.- Bostricay, withIn ran ri iii1eance ' a d- B istwasnce the 8 day daughters. name, Fionu - son 0 rebollusi0ance- proves tha sit( OuZU611, lailbs-froul-t complish their. fiel deal .26.@ f his, ose to the Re late :and Dods. BeatriciDlp a : a;- Of be, accuracy 0 7 25. or lun sot -lade-ot Aleisnaria. Cl 17th, had be h Olin; -son- of. Gr night, Septemb critAan r f i� jarthworki and -ands, p 3r is which. is, nearly . 18gle of Aboukir, got married, to -th h equal to thiskOf vil piemontory stands -the -as-the-date: -its Dutican-i - quali- ad PrRC 100, Is: tax-, h6lid Cofi at �thls:-dsy was ij him h an; son of a While Dods, 23i - E Hag6niawhat S 'T Igo. nghsh�; no --furtht is, reports that i0d: uisitive traveler Papers ople 91 olm the -filon 0 Arabi, is of habitation- the- inq er'Of M 0 sit; b cauS6. thew the- White Pe fi6th �a selected. e m4at - ajughter t Insr to soil of me yola pdpuletiow. workat the 'bildaUlt CaUOPU "armad inc! the - ing. CAmpmee -be at a 1hina nf GIs on in h Of making- itb( ruins of, the trouble to would and- dee a;rlea, Raft-eLDwar overtake the no,resistAuce. -e-meeti Syliel, Idid of Glaininis, 3beth. - Before 20. PO M&OVestba, or 4�t Oetbe ev on -Scotl -*other-Plevris. tiotwithatanding,thS-01108 ul 'bro, r sbo .19.- Haber B.Cutt sovo Ri- � - �: C be for ji.oa.to the thr Of an' -1&-Sruth; son 9 Mir DeltE6, From. the promt repd--,, by. an' loolin The -T ann Son�o bird h -1he circle, lartg eau inoi size 16. _­$uverb, Agincourt, M of thb -for -few he w 'he Clan a- _na4ap 8 the iroitolads 104"'Ib tiMaL they-tbrined. hom were about 150 ]!Ogress, the adds r bustc Lou me ollsin. men, am or twelvo troopsh4s Who, after.� a�nj.,the-PsperO that Jack Of qaodhal- 6- 4,u9-. -t itibosta slid tory of Aboukir thaay of tfie v6teNcid6d. 10, _,91g! , - % noribeasterly Semi- danger lineal -Of :t -hait - of one called, on a0ooullt� SO— lyin the h -her Stretches in ti�-rhnle and head 211, Or estill UC t hula tfiaI L _UPY 8, Sharp horn. at the Turner was descent g the town, a :arabianaln .90110 imiustes. in" ad a re a to eais- !iIbout of dhsraoter� and g an& Nils. The -bay is ded IOUOWM Ue to enter the canal. the, �ublie_demsu L " , , :& he Y the, Rogetta, woutill, community, and tbit t .1 son of -Egyptians at thb� WaWtodorC involltor of Letters-; t0n'.df �ah yosterds, vs 0 adivtedeith- a gly 108 tr", daughter -of in the presence.of 107. Bos#ix Ba% (baoth -Irish wimple silo)tu&IW sit. the Pleassut'Plaosl a are Clear and, his immi IN ineft 3 Baotli firid 61jr tore at big shiPs. lig, Water Lp iged about 1.15. �the Secon I :Boll of y hal d. aio9% croW eriifyyson Of O�tposi 46th Infantry',- Odor Lin the, more- opoij-porions of the jL The C ineth son of basth, to t on tiolime bay pontsili a, depth. from sik to the at -First. Son of, 'he EgyptlaIi blue, sui assembled. temporary t Uts,6 T f disturbance 105,� 'g; Yirds, ht tstbpros-' bit here ban dispersed Saudi: all a quist 8ithrd d with Bell el.g "d -there� are 1`04. MalcoillIA110 son -Of Everything. w y1hen advance -air - Solna Caalry �h, to avoid, require cesSe son of - if L , , X -el-Dwar', ers c91 treacherous Shoals, wbil night.. The b ria are still in :103. DO 6sh - -son of it 1.62 --collazutine: son-' Lainsob:-, son.Of the direc & methuselah-, -son pmen ared- from tiolx- of Abdu greatest skill and caution, -mad - tha�llisriuerlis I as, were, mogt irregR- shore, aot. far from 'the vil- rthet 6 know kir. -Running in son Of Oj formi able 7. Enoch- ion Of— jar., oma of, the men, -were *PslantlT lap *of� Aboukir, there 06*40� The oi- sildb ag d cavalry were. &If'& Rai;. thello., gsiu, there �is, a red ioo.. Alpin 6. son del SeLioness Zo Bond iheL rest CuIlOdeli reef,atia the Karl Cldrly (or. C.0 fuslea . rocks known as: the -5.. Mahalal Abotit 6.. OiblOck the is an island, Sometimes called. bodi ofthe Sol 404. 0 4. nan; $oil Of About a fortnight the C"* f AbOUWr. IS1L; -Addh.(or - their 1 next dbstsalf with .98. son Hugh) F -rain. Slid anCL. sometimes. Nel -for - slid - Biads;re% Enos; son 0 Bjftis�j iron, clad, t sent out a'aar Earl- of Cra*, 14 - -1 1 U*rt eonv-, Be, This -As ow s- recent y -Ars foriy, pounder, w- iCh-% C1 Island; _Isoovered stDultablit aetiobe-1, aila troUgly f6_itiftEid, was brouglitt �97 Doi of- th sbu,61 -11gina -�an upe 96.- Donaid-Breac: son-� Was -*a epdalted. in. tI. h (Genesis LY Who & id aavauca oE the a jLi1Aervdls grounathe 6ireamfore to to familyviult, hb 0 t aentQ. var Sn(I wiglu and d ? -w Uj4he line Or four forts. and - party -of sidli BuldiA b ish A. 9&. Booh psi f a179.8 'led ire 0 hellf3 upoij,th& Egyptians .1jeneath the, urch. MjQVe_ Several , now. - isrthworks. it witi in, MA rd -O Yeuow�. Sot of d wo of the*bay there i, ejad*vored, to, -oxecul from.the Haigh est Pat. �a DikMen a small, -the. - tio -gentl inove- itish fleet so %A side of th' 94. pounder- after this t out to. 166k tok W it 8 _Aedhan: son o ment.1, Tho forty I a. h he vault,- which lies o ugl is A rem. old bay NiPollE church- to abright littla'-5- th t t 6 Bf rd Nelon, then . aba;pe"L IU -93 Gabb _i mentVi mu Bouspattaw below tho. nassy differ In. some Par-* Other day ar ith.sbells a Strictly private a ThoiBcotch'likori �ba...Bgptiatia replied wi s, Do you hoisted his flag in tfie* v roo6edi ad D W. vii. order to kee - v from ie hi th traill, suc as. desP,.&tp. P -p covere wi. m2 the up streeti I � the, ,had by affoldnig-wos OrGoto US. fro sudei it Irish r -rid, fting -to Toulouf*L eii aGsbh­T betweea- V ot burst gustdi T guns, and w that ­1ximshee, they;reedid thi RU over fWht at home 2 . _. ` I to The train, t Ij from Gibiiltsr % 0 withill Will, who Y angmp. bioded Lora: Viiiiien sheets, thus to Delieyad to be fitting. (No., 93) se, the sonj ins 1 .0 9TS4,004i -boy. ell my during th d Oeretro&t'L &nother, shell exi eon., was I Portion oft uro.. The -*suit- 16 0 ere Navol, 171 way. - t. No 91.. sell- tl The whe aition, for EgYpt. On the Vs Iss. 1,09 an Onfir, ,jest tthe train out his expel L betw atrounded -'With - r 0, mamma bad Aiiii., -5134'� 93. Gabbrall.: Son: bi h jetired L without. aq� asmage. ths, Vang4ard was disabled, in a, 9510 o;tons on as. blockeid the-� a%� On. OJ 10 he TheL'Br* ish iliNntry mea, ild to be move -a UW Iredir,ora- and Ileo -Admiral. God cietted d before an gy FObsidil: it 10 -at, th continue Batully 'these he ocal inggrest, a at weather lotathe gl.L ]D011ptt: soll mad 001. is a- stiablod. to could be obiainem- wing-domp t, asted Ither -.With Nspbl6on and arcs. adon: go.-. Frgus Mor X -Egy-litiall. eavalry,beitig.les k from Ticuloni tOge a Jourried to the LOI 'A di tig RY A 300� The, fighting ceased at sunapt. ritiail ibis tioops.-� Nelsou- 0,8,toff ll station, t4: the axe =rn j*aittfie arrival do 9 -Mac -by te t - o,clodif - that- the or arFHE CO jrab and.. the B, �T _u 1.4 .42 at Mor - - __ DqfoaCe - I f - ­ Scotland. 1OF T4a, trangporti, 2- the� Meaitairiapsu, b6a�- �Jt. was not - u Aore d. diiiith, mitioltsurf I Teached-Wi6sni, t land. t 11 -the priiice troops have arrive hips, culicaen G train coutbining, d �We ure, 11. - .- I a. iu' that 8, A90861511' ar--r;*illg Wit ZliC City of Pon jigjestic', Zealous, S-Wifts arl of. crd 24: W T4e transpotts With It ops, for Rgy Bell6rophOlil the preietit.19 it. ave, - all So r ki Only - lot. I Pt b On -on,, Theseus, In w!w . . - �e. asplan 1to 'WI .10 -grand- er Sig al U -h ol t 6'. - of wbi&� d =dV Alexander, all, it. The-coft Was arn, the 71;gplaners. D alone. �ud Leandet. on; Slid ed ad withV, Xae Dr - but ou f F Mae, Eatca, a the, 0840 'long one wa on this it was draw* father 01. da oOf: ench guliboatS eutere , a T*6 Fr tOL -be�bouud. to aid -and -'arrived -it a --son of %rest- ght 6&ine'Lof theLrurd the Was ,w s pur August, 1798, - th; via :d' They Are Pat the'. lot Of giiall t6 the pariah a E -are rish, Jeremiah roduc- to ay. rict, brought a Utter of Int iralL Came up. with his French.' butago- _g� thee 0 lowered -into Itha Loa:jil, was the last disf Adin to the church, b _L reatitig her tion to the ULW SU. iu - time SU_ Bards, tbeLbrot il We% to- L f gentle- 'was special C� ith 0-111 V&UltL and then- 9 o., Mok-MIL6. eel, and by lilt ibin6t -Counle Ujit' at' A*)Ukir, though not the 1.0 L artogh shown the beautkf a, It he body of thO & scientific inst hi &Aesym Path ining: t - Mi Prevent - t a landliurpu Place, in the ti -CoUnteliS', GhOf-IraI8;ud::sOULof E dria.- M the i3lit 6A mentafor meAstilanq, n' � Ad iral I and deterinininfC. ii.ijidirrstood. thal a�Vorterr is W1 g Alexa. a!heD6w&ger L a modif, aell _ t tb tio late p%ri,s f 660 of 'the various, d the military cetiter the coveted. Say ay, Lord h'. hariges -and c able to's, rLe. Unds the 89 Mixi dac ofthew6uther the. Tnikish-drAt for Brueya was- Ul Ciswfoi I L .88.L following be brought: his 'Wood,- and Boghan (Owe �Ni`all of the thernionjZ;tJ Ed t4lahied,to Mr. lcotiv'eatiou: VY the addition- of the threeL'Cral0fordi.. G. ibatgauge, where - harbor Of Albiandtiae, .69 the. Hon. Mor (kn a -56 Rrd English- gellsrd elf thou descended 87. Niall, ! T. the uses of the tbro& alsases. iall: soli of T. - F* t If !It thd iladidS reetor, CsUO1 ei)i the, anAbIlUY ililtlulre camp: to and. our. upon a and -Jan the Iftoatag, It nuthex ull to. rsDjjTe--deh it 11 b the Steps esalicin Booby 1 a . I UIC .: "III at -0 in, attach -O& to th TurkisbL d, the Bay loral wreaths 866 Zoch h r, seabuc casiiiie 74V frigates, anihor iU utiful f fterchinol litate- the -six :placing on. the,60111 a it nic ot the we fleets -_ tavA6 --ready 'for -the 'vau ob -son of line,, His inspece t 12' - Dar tioos-betweeIX d a oroeb. rg -the �rometeTorwindlneasurer ritis Both )turn a', and liml 7vone the Turl to the, an On t T, _Xea� of ther. R i and Aboukir 6.0,01ock.on.the Iiigh f The pa as have beJencoulduct- 85. Muredsch sell I tion f 021tohsee erl M-' JO'A Saoond the- M%beati ation, and at- ----- ­ )ke rig nql evo winye be the Ta6 et � to run 'kish f6rCe61 126th'- Xcu� Th�'-' bar&ietdr- MRS be' mutu carr.le 1�th- of August' liries in the" 122ad, b tert, - a tcommenadd- W *606. W'Ls� closed' narch Son oiwbib)l, �40` 1009 'Eig Eadat 86 fie' present EXXI is 84. Fiablis' rsbh Ulje,'th. m I - *1th of* -Aboukiri 0 - - i if S . - _iljL , i Rich : son 0 Andlook- same Wfiterl b6ihood of` be Abat Ito -e, 014 in st 10 m�Wli f6i Tbaclvm jha_ other, Third'A unding wiih- British Cannon, -the I I onetc -as -it -ne ith are 501) e ing. queerl Is are 83. Usirbre, Liffe ar let -bode! of- one -will "be, reBo detaimiubil; offil dusition of- n M it is, Is for the eva oit aespervite. -h ed7ihd' bank;,-, "te. shall b one Of the in �thq case sU911 not. were,utter tion -F -forces, i0abblieved, n&va1_V&rf4 By Fiftell the annals of up (common _y� called It Of Ivor Ea.' '-modern __g Tur It by Ehi Eglish eat. win spsrlo�tjb exr-6 O"L arch'. son 01, 0 7jlfl ads to dertain, too eyer . have alim-lAn -ented, 41.'the i3th the - Fren& that, England als- 6 has cons )on guilty pax 5th'Monarch: f th o -never:' the o ce her draft for -ther convell- One- ship bid jklown 120 r, CrIPPI At �JP 'e'.Wn Ime. reca -fiestions in )adly L . dared, twd set sal the tin all -undbroteuditig between the eight, had a itiat -At T $Ono 11"What Ph (or thV 2 twu, 1 a. therefore, sided is &ground, 0116 Fh 31r.T. oil thj6faggM 0 Gov.ornmeut% leg sudbahedi and two ere. inaki aniL'L eitor Of :0. -edga- _f the, thy ign -the, 11-2th' �eaisteliy aesiroyed 'by :Bra Robert W166n, of 1he CitY SUZVs: b ble. 7111dil"W95 IMI Of Mon ion -01. said: 1.11only 0 SLprepar�ea V a he bhrom4teW Said that As fflaut crew. � Tile IshipDbluole 4 fike, an aulidi6ea o7Hdrt n j)l�jijioil:fortha�-Bosr �of Public 1�61jn Of the 'this trap (Pointin by its OW - gi, r 6 a, oil son shows the good w A bully UOP fi0r -yiug MA -t Was. t 'Orient,' Eastern of- 80 Ceadii aths 4W weatherAM d ka, Torontoi Out., who is -1 e, �e4 Wad a Hu dre- Red a it's time, it Would Araft foi the� conv embo, '0 ati§ they ngli WeM or d sis) 10th -could lud. a6a Turkey, of his ofilder is le ccnoelaaio�j J)yL F ibmitted, to and. many her 14opting 'Says �!o 165 duck built with- reu h, ry- 70 T JACOBS Felim Rac Wheli. folks,hlls-it ev use - . t - Up 7e Thanow� Project is 'to be St iuried- into-, destruotiOu 'w.l iFOU tb6t�lla li.. -noadequato xecom- of' he;L&w- "before loss f6i wV COUUU7 i ov; 2L to the t lately -ovirtoolL Me. 19r (or Folim t, I-Ue slid. itterwaid timbers., 'The. se,�Ithis mido son of ;-Row' d6d bras argrymem. -he h ught Probable- tbst was, OUU pen Oit -an! itsap t boybLgot g d t 0' utly.sia_ Made giver), tho,108th Mnlarch ilonday. his --doathi t 4 ther reci as, Aga, langrage-0116t. V, 0.0 in, In t I -non face- -from Aftbatime 78 rrangem -times onAhe. t Gathe W aenU for good ht fight every� i1ne 'I The L ebtaineci the seve're. Wdund- as aroh.: -son of Tiso _the T )asaaddr 6 ceived a terea- into -1, w ffieunex _,ecte Aml bimself-re p ed-, M. &dvine- 6assaclorg-to thoprotor01 Nelson grounded near the.i-arrs_,,- Were an all -77 hip Culloder sofia�ioii,qis (lorL ". h eta - 011tely t i the Fi to.show him W in g6od--health, 916 Oxaa)j�the,104th� ollatc Over o -the- u$h The britisk 11 - ibich- it hasgivitilit its time ter y-;. but, us! -Whi _O loolang-overhis .g �rotection of old my, Isting: ta the; ititernstions, 1. he island tO,v was to tike placeiMY rq orin,�' SIPmg street cAri W. r M, -This- wai the slio0ting 1 Feiteiaslaii' Cansla . 0 go to closeita Aboukir back to stsy With e, '7( True - a of -he Nile, almost the rheumatism,# mine Fesohnach - k -the SUCL or, to fbiOgO the- 204Wainu B%ttl -ct� rheumR-- again, a a reiteratea the'previOus reservation dilebratecl gh bee 6,102h ot ii.which pro L iSOUg as throu , its a*bile I 1216a son' it The, �POUZXI ad rim o eL, , im, am ho t a. 6rce of th& mail.eure clausc colibratec a suita has. aCr C -h to Maj. and -.1 0 VI. ass for, non -inter a Ults- - AbOulurt 111 Put eat bother, b dto i�ftat witliessing t12lff sanguinary strugif in source Of gr axe t W ofial police t done a gres Son �Of' -tary or tL ae, deallof dbotor with AU 'Ing for it, t was -foot dOWWIO� U10 ity - u oul _98th 'a jot put Zjy - dtt id -i perin mixth 960 Wh� iabh g -4he Df- U%Vs1 bfftCars Of fill St. -her bay',: was destined aoe dn. this--:- last- attao' oon d' in her- vicinity _-Pu =9 74.' �im inst and ids.i In- or ODUCOrned perste.-batUlD fought' canle.011 me I crippled my 51 -eve bie andthe the protel -94 friel Of mine Son of seary for Here, OU the 25ra Of JuIY1 '17 Mona, :,aoil 0 neas th96t4Vdntn0 fortatirsT othst: lAt the great victory -they itning for the 1�atjd the MORRUXes were drawn us% alWailz the 93rd: thats r Napoleon,- frosr, -from OIL-1ho, Grist 78' of thecanAl amended 'St. Jacobs' ky foot down rami Bi ecor n eel sia-mamolukes at py 2. Eachaildh 81111_ - SoOluinUteg" and Staff over the r General tpstg �t. b' at NUB' 06=1611 Raft tb a cefrolathe uovalitered iq,Z�t_ Ir Slu� UOW 6jol tan1l" UP der- a to t sdabjill recoun to say an al could to -day. W1 inlbs,-who: bad -is 000 mall'un 71,'Fiouu-:� a 0ii of eagagmg , - I - 1ull cured and PSI are. :sbout iny,rooini�nd,welit dowNsmula Nnell near taph& Tidis (101104 The Sears, of dtherl. V Idin Wsters. NOW, wjxkw� . _Sdn�d.. I DY sit; di %tidn and enthU I & Wt,; -*e11 � andAbas 'him CORM5321 to more than Seat aOutposts the eueMT- anM kdiofuo had failed Arabi's Asafn WV8691021 0- Adh :. son 40wa eil ACCOMPI &,0 am V, bullets sinecl- by Of 5 *Mwus lu,=i-,,, 68 -At tbihk e - Sultan) ad4th ddlam of rifle leout Shells SmOngit tlia itien th sob, �tfie 8 --from Ends, ok�6tS and 67 4f. a ouder too tio, U* AS thi Sea, -A wara.rec. ou 77 'be tree& v tii I -a ttarie5 masksil b �d ad themselves 0 000 APO Cron one ti e dUrfitig thti.bst aOY ffaballs JUAW-012 M fit At _11foln 0. foity Pouildo b V uch: Clio -a th red iro 'yo 'bTv Ob If tate