The Sentinel, 1882-08-25, Page 8• GY +xse ,of -NOTICE. to inttinatc+, the peo slab[ Luoknow _ . t snrruundidr Cniitttry _tbat L&w uoW -- toady t«cl4x till]c nd% otfivotltiie zny hue at lc*w'eat_ p lock,. consistent with. goon work. - tk 4 =Oopying' and:.Erttargtttg a SpeSpecialty, Fru}nes- and :8tareO • saes es alwaya.:an taand. INA L. 40#LNSWII. Luclnow, Sept, 9th. ' The amount of de 1 -- its - cucr - a the Post- Office- Savings- Banks in Can - ads for= the year- ending ;30th :June :1882, amount to $6435,95.9, exceeding amount received.any previousyear. by` $2,200,947. -The amount received at: the LucknoW P O: Savings Bank for the same period shows =Increase over former. years of $14;011:. Deposit, area received from $1 to $1000 and interest allowed at the rate of 4 percent; Employees Pionic, The annual.picknic of the employ- ees: of the W."G- &B. a►nct B.. & . T. di visions. of the railway will take -place on the exhibition grounds, Guelph;.on • Saturday next, August 26t`h. •Trains will arrive at Guelph Omit 10-.o'chick and land aissenge's. at ' the Park. p- Games -to . conn mence at 12.30' p. thus. allowing:envie time for a visit to the 1V[odel Farm and - other peaces of ,.interest in the city: -Fare from Luck.-- lid, uck- lidw and return. $1:30. As the' comnnit- tee are' getting,up . a. fine programme of AB:L'Ea TIME 'i . • GOIWOE NORTH, o.0-- '11 12- No. 2 No. 8— 1 15:.. 1tio. 2-- 3- {4• 4.-10 N -- GOING SOfi'.•'T No. 451 3-=11 1 No. 5.- 2 24 No:- Z-- 5 a 0 MIL No Services. ' dr `here will be no services. in St. .An- 's Presbyterian Ghureh on,Sunday next. - - . drain andthe Recent Rain. We learn from a number of:- the in . hi vicinity-that,the wheat r Vie day of the Ualetminoiakessome cronies, it is expected-. the turnout will be a good one; Parini News._ At the last -.regular - meeting. Of the Dew Drop Lodge; the following officers were duly elected for the quarter': President,—Tiro: Pi. A. McKenzie. • `vice-President;=-Sis.. -Annie Agnew. Secretary,-Bro. John- Cook-: Chaplain;--Brcl. E. W. - Richards; - Senn. Coup.,•--Sis. Maggie Agnew.. Jun. Conn.,-Sis. Maggie Murchison: Treasurer, - : Bra. S. Murchison. Final Bier;=Bro. `D..G. McKenzie. MashaI,=Bro. Wm.Smith. - . Dep.- Marshal,—Sis. Janet Mu'rdooh. (Gutird, --Bro. Kenneth- McGimies, - Sentinel,:-=Bro. Angus Sutherland. Past President;—J'. P.. Murray. Stealing an. Idea. On Monday nightlast two mecha -- ics'employectit of eof the carriage shops i the . village, entered the works of -Air, John McWilliams, of Stautihr-st.,. and tore` the covering bf'f one of . the rigs which Mr.. McWilliams intends exhibiting at the fall show, evidently -with the intention of stealing an idea- of•tlie-style and finish of the workthat, gentleman. intended ; exhibiting. Just as: they were leaving •the shop,however,- Mr. McWilliams appeared, on thescene, and the individual's fled. The parties are well known, and' we believe Mr: McWilliams intends bringing them be- fore the Magistrates for trespass, in Which case we will `furnish their names to the pul: l.c,,, Wilson, of the. 4th (Jon, - of Huron sold to Mr. Andiew-gamil- ton, a splendid span of two-year-old SaMpson colts, for $4011L The" animals -Weighed 1395 Oikti U37 ftsrbsPed- -On Sunday-evenhv next le funeral sermonic -4 the late Mrs. William Peat, -whose iernaiiis were interred, in the KinlosS' cemetery on Sunday last, will be ,cleliveied in the Methodist Mir& F rst CI ass 'Certificate* At the Toronto Normal School ..ex- amlinations Mr. john Elliott, former teacher at the Belfast sehool, sue- ' elleost;_fpurlalyie sps iaosns eat thexempuritetsisoluosn ail oral first class Provincial certificate. _ Last week Mr. Chas. th.;Vin, reeve ' of' West Wawariosh, •while at work On a hay mow hi, his barn slipped and fell a distance of twelve feet.. No bones were broken but hp is' considerably Beladles St- Cathertees Nursery.: n 'w ' tallier orders for fruit -trees, ,7 an - of the abov6 should reserve their ri Barn Accident. John Fowler, of the gth con. of aceident on Tuesday morning last.= lie S 'working in the mow when he ae-- • bay rack:fractured several, of his ribs,. . The Bee Crop., tip year. The reason of this is pro- bably to Le found in the wet weather w has -characterized thia'season. • -have failed to, swarm insomeinstances, while the make of honey ha.s.been QOM - Religious. • .10n Sunday- indriiing last the Rev.. T.,laac'Ashley, of Lanes, occupied.the 141pit in the Methodist Church 'here, at'id in the evening the Rev. Joseph Philp, of Belgrave, tilled a similar posi- Waith, preached in 'the Methodist -arch Goderkh On the same date, Stolen- Bilis in eirctilatioe. lAn eichange warts readers to Civic - $oliday. IWe understand a; number Of other= towns:aud.villages wu- -tend .following tlie, example set by the citizens ofDrayton - • O_ aledonian: Society Briefs. Messrs. AI. Mas ret- ' Co.,-.,W:hole• ... sales' Grocers, Lend or have 'presented a cuddy Often as• a special pnze.R:-A. _Clow has secured the privilege of t'he, refreshaient booth on the grouudg ;- The varioua committees have ..been re aetivel - engaged in their struck and a Y . g yariOria departme ts.—The cunce t • - (• hie year Cendtiat.or. will : be very tacd y a large quantity Chaff Seed Wheat;*hi following. prides $1.40 at. Lot,17; Con..12, Wee 66 Aongua ar 2Eneas) Turmeach.. Teaamraeh, tlie 31.st Monarch (from whose younger son, Fiaoha Fearmara, the kings of Dalrida,. in. Scotland,: down to Loans, the maternal grandfather of Fergus LLMor- Mao-Earca, No. 9.0 on. his stem, woe gyp» seendedl ,, son of ' 05. tiooiiaidh ti -Fultz ..sori. nt r}' l ' he will sell at. the $1.25 respectively, Wawanosh. ' Ei)w3N GAUNT. M ®pleathon, the 79th n, P7131..Mo leibk out for dollar Ulf on...the • h ve been circulated 'during the past t at ten dollar bills on thie 'bank : are worthless,. as. they were steden, .Firemen's •Tournarnent.. A grand Firemen's tournanient :.and represente.tiv stenografers from b held in:Wingham on -Friday,. Sept:, Among the maw e,ttrs.otiona Will •waterworks,-1Mato_n,--, exhibition c. 'rickets 94 antgle fare wilt sued from naltatibuit o.4 the (4; W., • The large posters - announcing the eighth annual to-ainament .of the Luck - now padedimi,6ji Sociefy have been. issued. The nuinb,er of bills printed. this year -nearly double any former oc- casion,. whAe the programme is- the largest and most complete ever offered to the sporting world, embracing -as- it dees nearly $15.00 in in.oney; medals,' etc. One Of the leading features.of the: programme is the . great.. 8500 . heavy weight competition between Donald- Dinnie, of Scotland, champion. elhampion of Ainerica. Another very s interesting event, outfide of the ordinary -attractions, Will be the appearanee of the Saugeen- :Band who- will perform e„ .nunaher of .their faVorite -dances, including their marriage -.arict. war dances., In •the evening a grand cOncert will be held in the Lorne i.lyinnasitim, in -Which a -nnrilher_ of the leading singers of Cana- da will take part. • • Snyder ESnyeder s said to be a -first cl:Jfis•eamic sit pr. 3Tr.•Jelin Cousins, fir.,, is i suceess in;t- ie sane line-; while T; J. Jealin's merrits ail a- vocalist are •well' known, :with the valuable assis taaice of Miss X. C. Strong and other Ida tl talent the Success of the concert it assured.-ArehPry practice goes active- ly on, and: c>isiderable-rivalry:is evin e.ed .by she fair cont scants. The prizes .arevaluable-, "and`ce bope.to have torec d sco;es-,yor-thof the odCaston:= The tug of war, Will be ` innsually excif ing;. and -Capt. J C. *: Cernof the IHuror tam le `determined to retrieve the lost laurels: of H tronitea. while .Cs, t. No -lardy *equally cletermned. retain the :prestige already attained the'Bruer boy -Q, - Ohu`rcb Re-Openin', the -re-opening ervicesiii connectien; with 1Vlouit Zion Methodist - -'Church tock place . en Sun ay last, : when able and- eloquent -- sermons. were . preached at 10.30 a. m 'and 6..00 p:. m. by- the Rev.:: John Wak bid, 'of . Goderic&i,. Chairman.of the .. is_trict; and at 2.30 Ay. m., by .the Rev: Joseph Philp, of Belggrave, the. building" being packed' on each occasion by a large congregation. 'Ori Monday evening a very interesting and profitable profitable lemonade . social -,wat. held in the church and notwithstand- ing the threateniu appearances of the weather, the buil ing was - 'filled to gverflowing with, a 'large and appreei- ative audience. fter - ample justice` was done the.goo4 things -provided :by. the ladies. of the congregation, short and appropriate addresssL.were deliver- ed by the Rev. M ssrs.. J._ T. Smith,. T.n rkn nsv : YOSeD Philp, Belgrave ;. The first 'associated meeting of Short- hand W-riters.,of Oanada., irrespective of system and proficieney, •will be held inToronto 'on the 29th and 30th The ceramittee have prepared an gab, ,orate and unique' progranmie, -The -Secretary, V.: Thes. Bengough,--7.-wlio believes in spelling:. ai. we spealc;-:=-• • Meeting, as:- it wit doutles result in -the organization of a Canadian '8herthand Society combining:the influenc of pro- fessionals exixt -amateurs, or teknicaly. speaking, of 'Stenografers' and 'Short -- Shorthand has. taken his- rank in this uenses being greater than .the suply. -Awng the papers to be red is- one. by Shorthand as an Tniversal .Mediinn 'Writing and Printing.'. and -other prominent thorthand.-riters 'New York, Buffalo) Clucago- 1)etroit and other -American Cities Win pextici7 find! the Meeting very profitabl.. Reduced fares hav been, - Seemd for T EST ! los t -ENG LOT -22, 0 cession of.;Finror of .100 acres, in a. go There is : cn the prenus 45x60 feet, with. under -also good fraise house w A ..first-class. young o •situated -five miles. from er particulars' apply on WM. TI3E :1ST .'CON. `nwnaliiii; containing state of eoudit;an.. s_ a-Iarge.framr.` barn puiid stone stablS' th stone .foundation, ard. The Jarmo is ucknotiv., ref furth-.; he preniise8' G•Aiclils, _ Lveknoit P. O- ONEY'0 TOWN. N :FIRST CL -ASS - VIORTAGES, at 7 to 73/4 per. Cent int. rest payable yearly; cliarges very:modeiate.:..Apply .to . R07BERT M 11.1-14Y, St..Heltns:- S-ecrota ylof the West. Wawavosh Mutual. Fire Insurance _Comga .y,nothing'but farm property, insured..:Fait'es tk.ishiug to insure` its this $pular farmers ompanyla the town shit,'s-of Colbm ne, •Ash elc1, -East and West Wawanosh,. Kinloss, an =;H!uou'by seeding a , root.. Card -to Me Will b called on and .every informationgiven.--- . : - R013E>T'MLR' ' Y,.St. Helens:P .O• in the u the TheSubscribers hereby note .y u general that they are prep red to execute. all,ivork ii their 'line in_a :.superior style. B UILDI:NG of 4L! INDS for and finished the "latent man- . • ' f ion. .=-We .keep .. ' • net and with i eat: sates ax. on: hand a large. stock 4 Seasoned-- D MINDS DOORS, A. ; _ otrhand, or itiw.de to"orc:er at .short --notice, t work a we keels none We:giiaran,eestood • •l ut the best=of workmen nd material. 5 W43 Lucknow, March 22nd, 1882. • FANCY -e Cilit 6,mittea: 'The Secre- tary's, address. isk West 'James fCaswell; Eningannon, and John Wakefield, of God4rich. • At the close clear the debt- on t._e building, .was. the. result. . miring t e -evening the choir of the Methtdist hurch in. this village. rendered.' several . selections of music which greatly. added- to the pleasure of. _the • entertainment. The Mount Zion congr dratnlated On 'the to the building it neatest little chur - 'FECES Sun fa lams owing. ..mone refusing to pay it. owes. any- money t the interest -on. ail St Leuis: bridge bonds by the aid of shot and 'shell, and wire know's but: soni day , Mahone, of, mental in that State'a kicking fall paY7 inn- its. debts: The time may Collie swear allegiance 0. • the -. Vritish 4.ag, tit, and have a gun -bo t or a, iregiment of. soldiers to assist at colleefink back sub, and the members of eation are to be con - improvements made eing nowone of the et in the circuit. that the ',war in Wishes to infbrra his that he -has Moyed one rence's Tip Shop, Avli. door we.st-Of T; Law - re he -thtende keep- .- stoek of OODS (iiinection with his 1 Mrs. Piiitsbegs leaVe to 61^ LueknoW and adjaeent.131-aci that -she -has 'flow 'on hand a-*ariety of: ne Liele, and Net Giolies,Child.r.ens. Glovee; Infahts Lace Benne BA. Is, Fiera] Setts, Jet Oraeglelikts -Silks and otbez • boards, IVIottee.si'Cauvaa-.ar. 'Wools in .grea.t 16:81.0. d ober articles. non:irons e to order. Ciimit Mention. _Shirt_:Braid.,5pO*1-Silk and Cottom, • Campbell Stree,t,LucknOw 0 Rata: -31 .ti0rk.alwit'ys on hand: Wherever anybody, aii-En.glifinnan,, the Ont. trade .this 'seatio oriledations,- 54, • „far .exCeeded 'out lhalteleat. out UR mit Angnst 2001,1882, the wife -of Alex. Davidson- of laughter. • LucknoW,- On Friday-, Angust 11th, 182, the wife of :Don- ald Campbell ota daughter. • TRAVER—In Lucknow, en Saturday-, August 12th; he wife -of FEA.T10.11S, An Diwimuitso.es front this dato at AIRS SINITTWS.. CHEIVER LUCK110111 V1001.1.fli FAC DRESS GOOI NEW to thank -the rublic'for-the yew_ liberal ;Traver, harrist r, of 8, daughtet - Patronage tlley havt received for the last fif, T.R:NNI8014.-.7-7111.1, cknow, on 'Mon -day; tion tO the business:still.merit the same. As August 21st, tlie• wife of George spared -nether time or etpense in TeniniSOn; painta = gweetten4 ,eci it ° tu-Q!. Ulg t. me be i gu,e) To dY" tateflictlaos: iPnrF I earl • ' • • . teen years, and nop by strict personal atten- 18th f882, Mrs Willlam: Peart, aged. . - _spinning, Etc. 004.-34 W. 11*A on orahauttife-first Parties. furnishing their Own wool eau wade up.- Forint ,1 and varied sttick And SToditzso ;VA NS on hand, and tilWays adding to the 'stock. Warranted to gswe Batts - faction to the ...wee er, whieh. they 'sell cheap for cash or w — pricos. Bee 1;lostezs. They. that they have a late t. WIG 1)nclr and DEN M endless Variety, Tweeds and re* liats, cannot be beet- for ..kespness and • • •