The Sentinel, 1882-08-25, Page 4itckn*w #entillet, THE LIBERTY T 1: UTTER :4ldb TO asoms FREELY A_ CORDDDG TO TAB ikoTATES OroOl' SOIENO WZ Pi#Cau AEOVE <iLL aTRDi - 8u st-26,1a.aa. PETITIONS, 4_ fullowina, schedule Shwa the ,.e"m oers peti�i.ria ned again, t ttp to date and their electoral districts',William *Audit, North York # Henry Smyth, Kent; Alex- Gutin,, Kingston. ;, Alex. . Gunn • and M. Sl lli:van, 1 ingstan s . Michael• k tllivan,� Kingston.; ... J=.. Hawkins, . :othwell; • James Trow,, South. Perth!; -George. W. Rosa,: West 'Middlesex , Thos. Fain,. North went worth: l AI -0, Robertson, West: Hast, inns ;` Johi€ White, tad liastinga 1 X. K. Ilicke rsen, Reseal'; M G.,Gazn-- eron,, West goon ; J. A. Macdonald,. • Lennox R. M.:Wefts, East Bruce ; R. Tyrwhitt, S. Simcoe:; Geor ;e: Guilletr. West >NcrthumBerland1 Jameslt\Ici'iInl• .. len, North Wellington. I. B. Plumb, sZorth We lin„ton t L itilcCalluiiif, AIM ck ; ])-r McCallunii, Mnnck.; Ct. J`sel son, South Norfolk::.(Cross petit tion. to disqualify 'defeated:candidate.) The return of Mr.. Simon La.'Brositefor Prescott, is. lso petitioned .against, but the petition filed at L'Original. Mr. O'Poughert.;,. of Ottawa, is attorney for a the petition r • and Messrs.-. Bethune- , . & Co.: of T ionto, are attorneys for the- respondentsi • THE EGYPTIAN Oa'r'ing t e week startling hews- came- from, Constaintinople to the effect that the Porta hid declined to -proclaim. that a Turkish-army.s to he to act in«lepeirdenily of end that the: Porte: has=ent-. a:. alliance with. Enssi4 for obi a -rebel, stent to Egg - the. -British ered tato a Traveller's Hone" `home at rest,: was each fixed, or transient guest, silence reigned „ though broken sometimes by a snore. Here and. there along the halls, fixedsecurely on the walls, ,were the lamps, to _ show thcnumbers on the' door.. : - Burnecl the lanips, .but faint and. dim, litre the echo ofa hymn,heard at midnight, when the stars are still and bright ; just the. shadow :of a <. sound, nliakin il en ce moreprofouttso this" lam-p4ight Like a. pair gas the shadow of a -light. It peace with life, slept a traveller w th his wife. Suddenly be writhed in. manner . strange to see, .and 'he groaned and rolled his eyes, as. he muttered, " wife,- arise, for those cu cumbers I' ate.are killing me." Quickly from her bed she. 'rose, put- ting utting on but half her alothes,as he swore and roiled,and moaned, and groaned, and tossed, asshe said, " What;shall .I -do= l t),1 -I really wish I knew whet to `do, before his precioaslife is lest." Thenan inspiration cadre,• while- her :`husband writhed in Dain ; _" Get_some mustard get some - mustard. o'er and. o'er .. So she said, " Lie still my dear;_ ease fer you is, sure and near ," thee she turned and quickly through the doorr. Through the hallsand: down the stairs, where- her feet so small .and bare, step- ped so lightly that they. ' nev er made a -sound.. S wife and swifter yet she fled, while the lamps above .her head,flutter ed fecbly,as-the air was stirred around. Frain her neck she quickly tore the lars..e handkerchief shewore,' and she shook it out and held it in her ' hand, and •amiid the -dusky gleam of the_state, ly clinging rooms poured the utustar'd ov the maintenance of the :.independence _Of Egypt i rd t is added that Lauffer- has .cotu�in; tcated,Bess tacte to the British. Fo eigit €hulas« The trickery of tire Sultan: has all along been sue- peeted. B e has failed fres the very outset, of the; conuplicatians. in Egypt to supnortgligland in the .restoration - of order.. The demand for, the prod, rn,- ' ati€ n; t - rtect , ay f �. alit as a. robot bait been pari fray. day, , altheag h praised with firmness ,by Lord Dufferin; the military convention which. the British Anabassadlirstiggested betireen England. aikTurke. althoughthouh extremely 1e nd nt toward the latter'in its terms, was ,net y a couaer-proposition. from. the Porte • :whielt wo ld; have placed Englat4d in a :most h,uitilating position, depriving her ..f 'of any sh to in: the work of"•reatoring f the Khedive ; and -the �a th .rit ; a� _ the � • th u y i . simultaneously with the. procrastinations . of that Po to came •the'reports of masa- -ing of R i Sian troops in -Southern Eu. tope.. - Ac ording; to the latest telegram uow .an army of ninety on concentrated in the eau -it turns out that Turkey has allied; herself with, Russia: ft war will be inevitable. Eng• land' wills:hal'pill.,; have ` the support,: Mond ani physieal,of Germany.in such •.a tenting ncy, the German Government heviiiii, throughout the negotiations with the Porte nianitested thestrongest syn pathy with Great Pritain. Besides, Gemanyc•Ltiiot afford to permit Rus siall encroachment in Saran -Western 'Europe, r nd as a . measurer of self-:- pro • teetic n wit4uld be, cnipellea to take an .,active• part against 'that power. A -'e-w' days:must now ' dixclotre the . ti' tient, of = thek Porte,: since the ' rink is givinebattle to Arab/ he co-operation'=of Turkey.. • .. A, o •^ -ER OF TRAVELLI:N;G. tulle, .t. - %e tP`atu, . leatntly.chinime;ed down on Yi :emat� :wn�..not anehundred Dux pa),•ls, t0 .. •: lz'. `a'Lucknow=we.may state And c rte - . as t e e: faint and 'dini on the ire.. Russia ha ,thousand • crone li a tua1Ly t European f:v -I am offering very clay immense' .qv ntitie$ of Fresh : Springy PRINTS FR_ IV M 6 TO 15 GENTS. DR SS GOODS 9 TO 25 CENT ill- . f weeds.in' town,at the. lowest �a.ctory Cotton� •to ��2 cents. The l�est•a�asol.tmen o T_ A fin. assortment of Boots and Shoes. Just Open =d TWO- cases of Ready-made Clo ea�lSOr - - - � � NEW Lots of Straw Hats. ,QT O.F.GLASS* Felt hats froin-_5th cents tip_ at. OR0QE rices. 30O. PAIRS PRUNELLASH:OES:AA -;..;b.w.- 1 W STRAW ANt EL1 HATS '1 N GRED. ERSfrom 60 to VAIIET�. 60. cents NEW SPANISH LACES ES 114 ALL -COLOR (i Pieces of Dress Goods in all shades and price Satchels, and a great variety of ,Fancy. Goods, at A dies': and: Gents Ties..: - Note this . Brace up, ;t- I.a it, from the cruet stand. " In an. -upper room- alone, dreaming of a telephone, . a -traveller lay upctii hie bed;on his back he did repose:breath ing loudly through. his nose,'"and his man -arras were thrown. above his head:: 'Hp the stairs,- so Wide and grand, with..the plaster her hand,. Caine the lady; and site heart that utter snore, and she thought it was a groan, from the room she._called' tier ain, she_ looked not at the nuniiier on the door.. Na a .single word she said,;but she -went up:to the bed, threw the clothes aside as quickly as she could, with. a sigh of pure relief:that: his pain would noir be: brief,' slapped the plaster where she thoaght 'twould'ilo most good k t=hen he rose up with ',a yell, and he utterer'.,_ " I eII-o :.Hell o ! have I got the mes eage you've for" me ?'. but she vanished from his -sight like '-e a sinvke wreath in the: light, and she never stopped a mo- ment there- to see • to her rooin:ahe quickly went, on her sacl mistake in-, tent • hut her hushiudlaughed .until he �t almost -burst, but the wife_` could . only cryi whle;that laughing roan did try•to s.ilr, " how that young traveller must have cursed," . Says she, " von are a dunce,we must leave -this place at ouee',"- an she quickly packed her:trunk, with- fingers deft ; in the edge o€..morning gray these two people went away. ' . Int her, name was on't a handkerchief she left. ATA. MACINT •RE'S.. ' . at .S; ;;NI. a- cIn_ tre.'s« .Pau5 Maclntyre's. Ladies' and.GentTsmCb- olllal rs.- ounds =of good Tea for Alex.: MMacinty- r ' � teem+:'sibs inooni. was Taroh•iiii the: sarsola to Luctinow by art • ,very where hi•danada and the United Stettear5 of ®11 , h rhe le and retail druaeista. .• THE MARKETS. - Fall Wheat ... .... 80 -80 piing Wheat I�tani garter Oats ..,. ... .. Eeag ... ••• Petatsoes--pbrbua. H• ay—per ton «•« Woof ... ... ...000 00 ..•, a 00 _ 650' ..:1070. 070 .•. 0 34 .,. 0 5. ... -«..:..r 0 72 0 65 .. .«« 50 050 .«« «..10` oo - io oo: ...: .., ... 0 18 . 0 20 ,., 700 7 OQ ... 0 16 0 16 ... 0,14 615 • 5'00 50 0 75 .,. • 2 00 .:. 25 1 25. • Fork per Eggs: :.. Butter .. • « : .... Hides— - • Apples— waNd-- s.« Sfieepski of . ..z •y... Money to On Real Estate, at rates, on. terms of p suit Borrowers. ELLIOT cFFIC -Next to Luckzow, March 11 a easonable yment : to SPAV1:101 OU rte • RAVER: ost OL..ce: LAWRENCE'S: OLD. STAND, IVC To the farmers nd the general public. it wi f• .-011 you to buy anything in the Hardware Line -till 11 st Lawrence, . Campbell New Hardware Store of T. Laver , p e t e .. now o p � riet of 'goods is o now,_ Where a greata y g P designs in Builders Hardware, Cutlery, r -[stall Wa,Paints, 00,Gigs, P Manure and PiichEotics,.R. Rakes,end ry th LI First Class I:Caravan YtT$LIC-N OTICE. LL:_ PAR'R'IES ARE HEREBY FOR- hidden front giving credit to any per- son in my name without a written order, as If.will not holdmyself 'responsible for the payment. • MRS. ANGUS MaDAIRMID, - • Lot 10, Con. 11, Ashfield, b -- - .: ntinue` to will still• -,co • usual a fine lot ..of . iv! 1not pay call at the eet Luck,- -out.- New Shuiata1 nemet opper, �apaaac Granite Wares, pox, Parlor, also , and Coo _ " roves,= All of which are marked down low;: KendaII s Spay n . -The-Most successfu remedy ever- yered.a .- it is certain in its :elfe0s ander os blister.. Read proo€ bete KENDALL'8 SPYlN C • New }iamberm Ont. Dec. 5th,158 dear McCallusir,_Y he.bbttlQ : of Dr. I£end2I1's Spavin Cure hong tof you. last swimmer pave me:the Izitntosi: -tiafaetior• - 0.-a mare o ' z%1 cure .0p and performed a w nde •whi h was n inn •to me c nineteen years old Belo � g _ . badly.spavined for ten=years. She was so" ame " •that Icouid hardly:.r¢it her to *aye:.• rho • lameness• is entirely' gone'. •after. gone'. g.-hgif 3. bottle of the cure, and she is -like_ a ybun; rwrse-again; Tows truly , - J. F. oTn.• -KENDALL'S A tIN loft avetrou hing and, Repairing Promptly A endedT As nonebut'first-class_ workmen -are= employed, a • artiea fair= oring' us with their work, can rely upon havin a .good job. done,and at low _rices as can be done -in any fir t -lass shop - in the country. While returning m thinks to ti e ui lic for th.e liberal patronage bestowed on ;nie in the Las :; I hope for the continuance of the same in the future THOS, LAWREN Send address for Illustrated Circ, ar whie1D - we thunk - gives= posiiive `proof: of i• • virtues No semady has ever et with s idiimgaalified succ ss to our knowledge,for.Met; t' as arellas man. Price et. per bottle, er six bottler for $5: Alf . - drnggists hale it or can. get 't. for you,, or it *Bribe sent to ny addrese on receipt ofd price by t e pro= pretors, Dr.,B. J. Kendall & : o., En- osburgbFalls, Vt.. -SOLD BY --A-lI. DRi. GrIS'15 ; LYM ii SONS St' CO., MOIITREA W1 holesada Igsntsi CURE OR RELIEVE BILEWILLO. ISNESS, _ DIZZINESS,. 'DYSPEPSIA :, DROPSY, . INDIGESTION, ; = FLUiTERI G j JAUN ICE, -OF T H,EHEART, ERYPELAS, ACIDITY f 1 . 8ALT RHEUM' r. • THE ` TOMACIi,. HEARTBURN, DRYNESS ' HEADACHE, • OF : TFE SKIN, And: every- pedes. pf Ocease ar�sm *Om disordered LIVER. KIOP'EYS, ' TOyIAOH, • BOWELS 071 BLOOO