The Sentinel, 1882-08-18, Page 7IITii 11818TROUS ;be- defoated-t- ba-ve, Cairo Sind 4he Libyan' Ptm -thisvefikbai-& skitFou the British -OUR instrel bo.y. ..-The toxic wing thl Tremier as a Ed A "It 091W11, 8101 lbeseri British, with Alem.. Ill ait thiir baik—and at Stan IL fir M1 e`-IThe g- vto the Satur- warnwill ­MOrI whibli is covered by the -pns of rand old b6y A, telegram dited him, X� 13adget 6:r-.Xe9 rwt-you'll find Oil to -day ,liathajingoranks . 1. . city, was Srouse at trik6a�b Tday, Pays;- one ofthestr6ugest fleets With Dissy's sWord he Vill 13 10I whistle, A, - Co betWe6,11., Brjtgjt,� and Tar .1forth; to ao-battle -with an antagonist-IIIII And his own bakp ejubg behind Ui' 130011 by -,& OoI_ -fire e6j&rm: o,. -se an!--, i f Atoleribly oureiplacei of, retreat id th's Land of atorpieted, as ftellvlipnxis o1a A' despatch from Witanipeg dit�d tait :which, *as event air arms. ThI warrio artment responded 6diaItilY, be Immiald. of any disgstI befailling, th C1 soldier's life Though tricks th% play thee .(Friday.) night, saI -Ed 'Bird, formerI T - be ep enbol't .W a, Valley D Dt, from. of.'the British d� Rt atThe routine one-grandoldboy is* uried-yeoterdSyl; 'SnCl. 1101 WS ar -in n to .-Co in. the morning ha USt fall ByjoveIwq ftbetrayi#0e, :Toronto, died and demands that w newest- P - a Horn- His:&I went was., ram: ich the sound. �sotmed met theik -the' Aiff6ridnti -Eight to that expected th a at -bugle call and. answer to .-The Eg�ptiau"-ave n his, name.; latet-he of English gun III H, E GZAR RWIICESioz t era & -the IF - village* �-of to haa to take his turn at in their foits. .,I gush Several houses gaze. The track. OZ. the :Ct y j h6 may b&I to f&I Charlesbive been Railroad .lot a aii6uce -..Of- two miles WAS guarc - oi- Picket dat military, - authotities 'require-. - About two 1wis, -w1l" into a PI yes-rito, decide whether - they.wl Pox- -ope d torn up an -at own volth. the -OI party or take'part. in One death iirre yestef6I d r' J . accept 0 d Troop :recoun ng wore. shattere to be Sent to, issince-, theI when--hellas nothi o of new pattern. Thiielord' inve ators- oni-to­II close St. -an n -Grhss train oamong- 911P alions Who D-day 'at Yina mud '-a -long, -more to dc, her may lounge sibmit tiffar their guns tI .Ot r. Apollision, toQk-place 6f An Ieng I 6 eell 4o n sta is clay pipe. -or obattinK acisoptthem Two -engines an us,smobang hi frei nt te the te 4 a number of bars h piled., P - tw Buty -marines As *119 were ked- A -Prince Islander bij� The roit wig ad withadomrsae. The sconadiffets,strangely reported thAt a body of dward.' t The. canio is in the cimly -There the 11 to Occupy IsMaI pq ad ho'carl.3 rediked-to splinters.. of the Egyptians. sent by the caut as'killed. PUP a tO.Vd,- broken,and t ALL tWFLAG INSULT. majority of' the Mr. Bright's fbIld.wilag in. Britain 8 9tilo si grdenhoin: d"bpaIcher. thysiiiiansuncl 6thers- were soon; at thO RG. soldiers ' are dresse4 in except amol own seat Lud a no inerby to. scene, ;prideiing wis A mongrel European.. fashion,. with' the 3g thoseOf his" The'Government will iliowl tan to As Wounded airboof,!; or fen as illa".most, conspicuous I others, whose im"t is. 1. War -.i it no- Albari'VaIller. J6 . arrylug off the dead. -�speoulstois. Squatters scattered over the Sub ir charafoteriitib of -their uu!fQ wakru'vY i4elw a a rm, Or b� boy who works W t - tree USI I - , ill'b6oietedioithout at the Cranb ­ine% lind of railwair 100 W ritI whose picturesque- an -h brai 14. N -6t, 11101 � -AleAu4ria dbriespo adent. ia 'uateri will be W&9 thrown: &gains a but there the compensaI Honest- i q Rdbe t McGiutI who also inctly Oriental The ou,�rj*a,'hals lived -the land i . a &. daSh6d out are dist Of d or year in, deroanjfied. when a re quire r in ia, with. his'pudily colored kerchief xan-diia &a agent dfan- English liouseL. Wokatthe miUes,..*as­'not killbd out6glit, I Redoul, Ale Strawberries &is p1pntiful it: Battldord.. aead, leaving ends. that -is said -to be.better -informed about but wawbadly'injured -iiit�rna* and soon. wrappec! upon'his I Ha Mr. Middleton, of Oak :Rivb died. The body -'of George - )119 white, r, has barley fl. oat is. -than any Eng4shman living, I about h' illouldsis, , his lc ypt c! big iindailled -Arabs, is enoI '4 feet -6 inches high. jm%utila-like gairmehI an ScotoillinaI was taken -out', I 3ill-under A The physi6al strength 01 Ch of Lifer in- Presence- Y. Vescriptio -Calgary for 10 -cents, -.r. tail 6a;r, -Th .-t6�'.ot�is�head^htid-b§onorugli6d� feet -- the Soudanide, with- white turbaias,. mous.' Ali :officer of the P. mail -Beef -sells at - - a P.. - -8 cents-whol. sale 'C&I Or. 0 D a at h-. flowing raiment -and baggy trousers.l.the. g&I that there ate Ai abign g.sight. His and a, and be presented a, sholekin steamerS uni ihs were strewn over a Yro ireri. who dkesses as. he 'who cau readily. arry as until lal th byssinian adveutt stevedores from 461v 010. it Ms�61e0a.aud brag Flour W lately doubled up. -The-- I SI much -as his -brothei the Nubian -three o four cwt. The doukey; �oys of ien Sd pil a the body waI I p a 016 it Calgary. lea at beginfiing to a.,LE MY ON, THE MOVE- 'do-'es—all fofm: a singulan-contrast with lilt up their donkeys. -Were. broug t' to c ity -and are the 0I per'bull ft -aim. bodies of the If dy 6f CorbIc. unifor The Nilom6ter-usea for purl Ogg o- now in:Ousto, JOL 14. aj lustd eCounty. Collnoi . as 'E rank-Vall the quietly med soldiers. C0NSfAV-T11ZOPLF,L 4L:ngl` Ceirtain Mollah 11 regilar force. On tI, :of.battle a height of: the Ni _harles in died' The. 6asuring th In L Sinop on particul'4rly active lately. The these era sh. on -the Island of Rod&, oppoei appointed W� R. -and ba.vid' Morgan. ave, iSW V( a -scene to Old Cairo h .County -SoliciI the grig wounded. 'fifteen, I dill is jeaI ot th( atagonists _Consists of a square wel� or dham! mI b petted camp from that which, their a inimbir g'. 94, -ell -at"Edmonton Ia+--- Age Albainians and t e!% Guairds. of, Yeldiz. present. Sitting cross-legged in front of I wbich'is: a gradugited] pillar. Catile bave -Wintered W i'd fireman. - A stee the centre o engineerS. -depot. The nstive� C hriatians a -their tents,: which are I of thin. out. and the 1c 0 T4,mile lea the . )aip enteen, oubits,.eiblillab ;it by Indiana haw been; muwi. Lag int - uneasy. - P. 212- feet t ra into N a divided in- expected owing tothe elevation. lighter the' dbwn -this', griade th brt,kerna4 - he 6_ Was groutiffiges. paniq,ou Weduved, By L cauvaWstrkehad on, c. and ar so- alles long. 21 in 16mboull, low. tba n -in -the Moun go I St� L" dou�autg. have to. enter of at -n. en,of ce'wilf'be 1 tVho+M t their a. Le0bed tbe'liije i4 rel - ative ropoI -Te ed kdl� ()at cionirol, of the tran,*whicli been!. caused, them by crawliu& they assemble in 9;oupg t.lon. of -the risa of water SE'L een ftereoll. a 0 .0limehts,st Fort illy. heavy, and it dgshed along down at *16 XIUPI� f4ejing has ent t reinforce the detd our thir - chib6uque or nar- and it t no a . it a d twoT 'te Ofinally urnping ther the FI on ' ace tt of hoisting the, and PSS&L around passes abou Saskatellewari Suit Prince Alb ra -!)f miner - from 1 -be as the Eng Ila buildingaL 'Volleii the- glailell,'ille- bubbling sound of whioi� thirds "ow- The report Of the Financ6.-ComMittie-..Of: t abovd: the ki 14hi flag on P.11�, gheStpartoI lumn. rack niamber 11 DroIl in Cranberry -mines Were: on train, thus Brit gh ocioupied Suez.. TIrie h4s smoke: Pagsea through -the 'water is, almost' The state.of the siream i the"Fortage la Prairie Council .-shows.A bted a eured L, I thg# is, board e pt 9 of Cairo'during t: a Of L Ion e raising of the flag jha�*ouly. goutic xce the inut dation' bI n at town.of - accounting for the. g Ith Ste6e collected taxes in th --itates that- lluo. Biguifi -The ffitg was that 61 neigbingr.or tba-stainping of that horses_� every dig( by several aniers, to- e wil 'of The &I ilite1jigence receive 08110?.. 622,800. .' . . I - . . . I ­­ :- .. BrilatIff and" - -tte -Conductor M- -Of was. hoisted in tbuuto are. picketed whom .& particular district- rge & eing L,( theF 6on byth6heeabehiacl,the.-a8m ,64%rge brgan, W 0 Was Tha 'Prom twenty-four feet, to -twputyi iix feet A IS mount Of breaking is b is dead. -qwlth'tho Egyptian expladaI- irtegula.r� lines. - DiArict. T to �Iie trAills tic, bti' -L id, ain th -South Oak River ow Is uOt con I jk Kqtseiesa Army.. May be taken as the ordinat uni of I Satisfactory Y mAxi will be L' of grain an - immense quantity ROMNCE. -C ar IST. Pk Aug. It is -reported the rise at' airo.L -officer gallop -along siI wsrna them' raised.tbere'next ye rooP - at O'dessa-sad; ill the.Gduo&- An-, constautinople correspondent ?,ya the s bily �O� SYS L LL fteedy C11 the;ir "humor praijaled. on" 11'sides A police mail is carried every ten A L. fecelVediustruotioug to holcIL them, to-baL ready. They rise- has' 'Fort M&I -and- -for their greatest good in.. readiness a embark fo.9 CoUstan- fee, otal into their -he- .from Benton direct to M the Sittings 'Of the Confereuce T -York despatch says':. Saturday- Fefo -ace a w 8, son Lou" Mi the dia-" IU -'P1 IofL. war between weapon&. -and hustle itp. together re :Council' presents' the� -of a eqgar. !."G. Baker Cal; hav 'the OOrIF -AN t' th -o vent Appeara evening STu -key, w sJjaoU&-'tbey`r'US1lYfal1 into lil But they do, it Year s&I cori�-j alei -friends rather'than a trq reunion Of eight f6r Q.6,000-0, Itis'possible L to all with -very little noise. Statesmen. a Often' .. R uished pianist S. B. Mi is r ffi; C!&ar would meeting of Their labor i ng immine beleved. I Latest -reports . Bay' thai all--the'C ti -nect4d Wit a ooent to I u the- mountains h , Iealu; g-gra-a-la as jon. of firid, not, a, noisy but a hilafious group but jokes and &A I rbgp �uch-4 as aniiaterposit brightened by litI . have. been ,rd i Surveyors - in L 'Nihilistia nerall-v where a. chosen few of the- -at c -to,the- Grow'ii Of - the, present thigiff go tu badiriage. Ordered to Proceed oce -to Whom he was a gaged to -be er blaek-faced. SI aughter 16vfng faith I Brooklyn, lat be ov Nest pass West of Fort-HaoilsodI -1 toudgaoie&L of the country mig married. They -became nt re tha Soudan hie Surrounded. a story st4d iii list lort. from, It li said th Ithe mplet9 to Snjng 'a 6f.k 'L ' THE Rev. P band �f music-, and- -were. oth totter, w4ose, narrations of -.,the deeds vited t6 the Rapid' City Academ his _been mortals of: tilemselveol -when they if or therierry tricks- among 4ise, dur gen Avaults 61 the' l6abers ot D A allateil IF It., 9. AdMird,l. Biewarkable re the Pastorate, of the Baptist Church covers had 164 loil. -a lias- agreed to 3r Supernitural wortbies alternately d t"t the: t -train holkom cullio. at 61d orghivid, Beach ation -of the! vr Yo at Rap!& City, and that h Ax, An& AImiral Nio e'djty,'-.:Vearing the indi gm M.I; aneous, ery I 70 A V ditsbia oI ladys- parents an' D has- heart x -tan the exciti their, hep-voicbd. 'Wonder or. th uder SI Oil 0611di0O -.d I by- cable. to has Spout child -like- mirth.- -A Boston telegram says of ill p is erected at once. spartiIre; of.-% veSeel to Tripoli and unis- wor il.. In w ismain. t air q - night,, d �b'or Egyptian Camp, stories ild by thi):perqous. in h war icls at P, � - '' - those, adIdler Seeing A ful are tc to4kenal tho COLS-Illar" reI40 - _ nabblit, �iosition nd sktteudance on the faith -cuts a On. Friday JaStL is Mr.: Jo4n �SecprC DS` . j-ef BalS of %be-flEi6t L -and noting- the. recu amp they were greatly perplexed EX -'-ff-di d -that Su stoical manner of the M f its occu- meeting n School tea6her.L At Via Wickhana h [out, suggestd svosO tho� Metfa'diBt Missid i�ioh D pity, r' Charles Cullis, of this 0 h gun"� he wag w o was pres 'Veditftraueau�cokgt, SQ pants-mightlimagine that guah peop IS as ig 'conductim huuting,: t a- at his houid along- the- southerg ig -t, Old Orchata t�ka, -wag -out the'young lady Pigs the nigh rQtpqt, Amoriest- interests, in- that- - I 'fa' ;S L -PrOI Aff to 119 -at theBrinch under'his WI these hs;d, no energy for fightirig--but 'kastI -was 41 al� e&I carr was -accidentally difieharged and Beabla, Me. Yi. A French Ing n 0t locality. It is, understood 'that previous 'ihe - aft6 the the- all entered. hig: left arm- and a d Went& be egregiously mists -I daI and. in .de The -whole question WAS fins4ly gubrilitte L to 6x -Ser . I�i- aSme effecit..were seat. to lefi on Surid -to the de Sion of iitor Tharmainj natructions With is 4y oba6rved tabernoo Mian ay' tr&veUer, who- celatly -elds 10, -was., Opened race the at the &I pit. .-Dr. rQ- orted Q L tbjeeL to Stidud to the See. *mpli. L ­ he - .. . I . � .. . In ii, btit. he �has not rep the- Egyptian army an con- invalids, bf whom there were aboo * Osear.Wilde.:. T L aid: -and press at th& 411in MaI delivered the opin 'ithout. In with, them. a ioI. l" 8: hundred. Only -representaives of gruaviek elements of pure fellabeen, Copt 6 thought. th steamer '60 r me.1 who -"0 CableXI Nabihns, Western. Christi ea'tb eint This - 46 haive -made hiE:.coufrej .* advising=- the irn 016disie Sus, ana.clergy wdrq ormitt quette Would have. been -Able, ego, eBe4 came Was a k'eait 6 hun. another trip to Fort Ellied th eason, nage c n the t;oopsh�p EU-. Turk4 AbIns: and Soudan' r disappoi is a but - of the couple 0 lt'ev.,Fithe An The tOL t � t . i- . . a. r - -h Sri They 9;re admirably drods, of people -that had. g6thered ufaid ' on accountof the, low -it has-been .-Koo, ne gua6t at the hote ;.Wa. Ihis conexuaii water -as m-the.knot.- Tile coupel iiwaa, slain triftied, drilled- a. At 2.30 !Dr. Cullis'eui I ;u Zred t-lkst A'rkb na'diAciplined under thw ere& A silen rayer. dedid�d I onli allow -her to goas Lfar 0 L_ _..traL. O� -emcee offered by i i6boy n th rat ye-aterdiy. it is' not, however, believe.d. supervision of an jregent,` e e ditigly ' Abla Staff 'Of was 611 Nair'standing,':which is few -miles t__to r deternainefilly, Their �Anaer rLS silo Millford,'Wheil 6i cargo,wi ansf a do The, Egyptians fo4ght' ica;n atid otfier foreigii offics' , oink remarkiwdre made oh, the impor a, of llb0ii erre, San y Mo t.- R. jit I -I t Ell'. we.re caried. to- the DritiL4h rer the result: is thaI fin.6r- looking soldier perfect ISith by Dr'.L Culli4 a 10 the Allplik -s Aken to , e11jeut, Y"YL ioldier can be- "an 'Carter. The hymn, -Who un"Sud _fe - an Boyptian I under. The -expenses of'. X The Ca zation- Society,- "it L ] c a --will ceS -Yorki . rjC agirefully �%tte�i ed tor, thaijZ shire. ;rd od Itholic Col�ni faillantly, PxtsimAng tol the.- fro -'the �uowhre-" Such is a brief Bk�tch of the Mont isfully ooI[ of only touclied the heii� 6i HIS g the auspices o I h o .- --- - . . . . .. ILL . a while 9, now Waiting." 4 A -chbiBbop Ta ne left wL ingy of the attack. are Arabi's -prayer: ag 0 d Dr the : plo ase of CayendijaWg Aeaith,:wero t'rol d h ' 0. was SuUg, &I 6112 colonize- two towns 1ps -in Isted in the -vicinity of O' a'Of. ce an -that of St. Albert- iner, X -his. morning IS general paxade', Was men Sie, strongly TO Cultis then rotI to t4a further -the St. Boilifa, d three in Henry Partsulapi the, burial of Lieut. Ranaleb -'but -his strongestIon i'' on -w,ill be taken one --on. of bigiinly St.* London w - foun ordered to assisvi at tabernaclej plaoI a chi1r,L S pitcher 'DE The &tter towns ips tlrq'a wea illed yestbrolaye �tW narrow. u Were do of the wan - t the- judge Elliot t day, W the eck of land which stretches water mud a glass near.. The invalids Saskatche a ore t, a, d the iouth.si . ... :yql� kir Lake tOL the northern v the orded from the. Aou conducted 'to. him, singly, -b sek'andt .to a "in en ilitaty honors were t�uc brI -mouth 'of the Vermillion we, 4616ton9ed 8 n the Or 0 T I then. X&I With. &,.'broad a them the sad strilin s of the. Dead March �vergo. 6t Lake' miniAera, placing the patient in chair. the rivet, at,he-I one.- on -each a�;de of.' 111- 7, Was -Inquired.. & --a mi in Saul" ie _try 'behiud hfiu�, L a. railway And. plenty one - f 8b b , air Coun Mon 0 .Paul'$ 8 -echoig through thequtet. he- nature of the- disease 'of Waiter in the 0, brief, earnest Mahniqudiell. 0 Arabi which, had , 1 SU41 1 The: doctor'' thin offered ly. regou-jided to't4e boom to, bei able. to, make, a stubborn "Roman ­C&I �have been establighed, Rev -.-Pe FACTS MOUT UM. of guns a d. the �attle of inuskark., The -Rey ought -be removed, in some to' C LAS,' prayer that it might AbCalpry, a ClUjla� Of orce attempting orip re, and bodiek Bading a few.verses of S P at iella was i.. were laid to- e8t under L 4esistauceta any British I bases to at Blackfoot Cr6sEb3g,' Rev at oucet'L -.Antiquarians say hat the u ingthe Old Man W -after-Alle- If 'd moj heid- of the patient withloil. the obaplain-reading. the, Uarial to a along tgemeck land drive him from 00 A couspicuous, Is the L vented. shortlX hureli of- England. the ature. of that and at� the Piegan- reset - ve on P his positiom In Ce The patient was -removed *- a ad Other I bes f6r hums, .the �C Perd I,6gil. Mission houses- foast-improvea u&n .of idi app.1 it'.was i n - thos Qenera;l in aomm�Ln& arid'Adinlial Semoux neA s'thai it is fifted with, marhy" VFought forward. n6ndtfier par of' the River, Rev. k of land i ebififort the shape bei n- tunbrella- s, being 11 -6rectod at-:'tI Places an A UILl uni-- ground whip"ill geriousIV interfere with: h*ve 'bee' youthful --days of ttie world." present. with' their� staff in. I he- q stion oBritish cairalry rooui exhortation on faith�*pre'46ing on. -be added.. �ginde - the ike'a.p geon as. to t Of, metits both of il -4 30. churches. Will Soon much I -1 ns it. the volleys atimm4ced 1 the free, move bealing . continued- . unt- -the Ilery. The- groiLud Arabi - hL' Teestablislament -of the migii0fis 1jj35 --of sion—the.last ne who gets it ( e6ally th6l. d the: troopa a ning there 'Was an -.tiaptisdd -into 0- Ier!a ud tt&Uors ancl. arti bk This mor I wing-faoI:ts.about-umbreAag-4 lwasov , U -61010 _1B1 clifobt nation 1�ridld- purpo iiy, firm-, enough to �ave been eI one—may serve eve irten-- chosen Is,,on, the voutr ended- brellain. were, marched. bi�&k ta their qua experience meeting,. atit 'Shou. `L t6 I�OmSil Catl�oilic'Chureli, Sooner oillater. 11 bur v 'thousand nclaii -to ell ers. -pi( Vat fre a Sucau i tl� -: To p ace 3, 3dthellost,posi- permirz of y e otiv In v,i 9 people, - - 9 which i ge owner three A speond -Indicates.-that jt� is about e man e ti 'The canat Monte. : -umbrella eaxri - ELY igh he, has 10,000, men bertiud- #are jgiv�n by ed ' _g thot riumerous tea imonies I over �a pin: —has been 4p61nf6d-. to. P rince Albb- ft by in-dleates abut diipplAgS -0-the rai brella an pro&bly be, ill L UOj dd so, as he a who bad bee treite& - Ad6spatch nothing ing table of distinces affOrds per 0" Presbytoriiiial- Ch.tiroh�. addi- ship -When tile man 'has-tbe ei3videatly,intendaihis final tstaud ta.' to --Among the -gfeat-Nith he, iage.,., be at _n jht Says: sign" z teit W.Joinati the drippin, hidicia the Suip Canal our -of Sri a—edlidy tional. church edifices are nearly doinple ider 0 wer offered ther evidene& OE the - Value of as of afterday W.LaEL tbSj arry t at right ang 'U.1 Aiioukii The pfisoners, 0 g -f :0100 -each much nearer route- to I-ridis, than the yl ­ eight -a;Dt.:Q . 1p een and- as soon as the: gr V man' who follo, Of returujig-to, Apsibi, ,1a who- had not. walked sr. ate dg FUji&L nbrellabytfiesidoof OI r, - '- I , 1, -the Cape of- Good, Hope d applidd'f6r from the Church Buildii you'. Topdt a pottonut. rled. there. and Sss8$!aLbY Immediately' after. ree ilk andsignifies -,thdt 11 excha e is no robbe me: n -1 auOL fo much i.qcontont yeSr8, foatful. - ty ieut lied -to her 11 bee received thdy..w, . Wo lend an am illes. . at Ar -a, ant, anointing by: Dr. CUJI'S vial brellasigh enoukh -16 t r ......... - yfrom debt. -T -carry; V to Cairo somo,'of his offic;eTs Loridon, to BombaI Cape ....... 10,595- air. -and- . via ''the me' an: acrescif lando the. r "o an asia prisonerk = ell i miug to 3iregatibu, out men eyes and 1noe -off Lotioloti. to.1fembay via Canal ..................... 6 -he house where -she of the Piince Albert'.00) s pats, signi havina wilked from t 'fo g wh- hadii-aIikd- 19kat they- were fighting 8 I -a -M a w9man." out hn.-urnbre, 9.1 They Say thty neit; fight will be at. 4bdokir, ra favor of Canal route ................ I. . 4,265 irn iiairsele thiew laid -off. in- tI lots and ado r was b6i'rding. This mode sina $J oettli rhi V -- ropI in a-raiiamstorm, AX-O.BS-0-1 to a largo7. florce of awmalry, infantry -kndthi - . - and What ....... 11 50 a mantle of belie IL over =ibe -illoq,t-Leeptleal. matigin W, ave I 7,9W h :0.11 )ttle ST, 11:66138 XVI 11 London, Is �O the motion of a mango. . .g6t-wojW,I ToLk 86 fine' -ella for- your ol va itY London to Calcutta via, Cailsl ....... gentlemen whd had been'larb a1w;ays in I bLo 'for �oars and who enter is StiI that* tbL W-Trovinces king theab forta'I ad the isibernacle It a W a, inandab( .-ot*rheuffia is ofattso -LmorroW-,� . 14a L� - - house, in case i16 opher: 7 probably -a , Olef.". -- proposed to -be es.ta,bI between Mini. perfe'et aull L signify Wat y bQ knoWaL to. after In, fav6r oft4e Canal xou ....... crutch a aro odare real on as toba, and the Rookies wil a E to reconnol UI them It appears that - f6r'the :u �Qon- Gr ham w1i stralian trade b, Stands fully re-, a Lg olrpqu2zea. One wi gn(')t,.. has'm%de his there exists rowitig tendency f Ivor Of ew catecivism.ip Drai t9o. 11 be hd !'ravines Of th, _jj thi. L N ale jMA a me also, he xtendin _Ing the Cane'l. _ I Fort- Uwftk. g rom. Manitobi to 3rd -t a Qu!Appelle, Vil is' markea: Q��-Whst iq rbsuinatiim difference in faprof the.Ckta the -principal mor-Ou aenigation- - -G D6wdnby; with A.�Rheumatism.is a hu lison vi�jtea, tI *ounda4, sin �Wjth St. a of Lieut. . ovetuor regirn �Geu. A es men to rub the Oin wn or reek,: L jo sai -throw ine of -the C. P 'LL ondoutol He via.theCapa .... 044 t1imt OEM its chief th k the Pile of Bones C tind found all J)ut two. doing well.. - 57anei'L 14-S.W.' 12' �Jleir gal. 412'ey, Nas.w., v the. Canal .. 10,840 Jacobs- Oil, Play PI a tL on he main I The Pro -addressed, the ra�rines�. pmising London toL Sy s By Alar '�"bo .16cated thinis around, wear crutches of.-5askato Swan, 1aut coAduat under heavy fire of yesterda. ........ 1,2U h �to favor of the C ftnupill— �ton (0.) in doors Swathed: in red 'between Q - Roiekiesl- will: alle, saidthe ossing 0 P do �--Other War OWN. at the . -- -hav' i ew Era.: ts capital at the- railway -.Or c0rAjhLjWjcdtj n to -the edi 0116 S- holv, 11.. II London Econo*fst -holds: The Q.—..Whgt is St. Jacobs Oil? the 5outb Saskatchewan' where. it I Thef 41 ery pd-uss Alle. ajasi) R sh -hoW aTL - A.— of a 6ipeot d n- my' it nt to. conquer rp 1160 - - treated bis -Visitor - ,%v e -accepted British-'ar 213 qui a stifficie eou lair 811 8 9 linportant tow ould uile, which causes I palijea-L by Egypt, even if*tbe. beltii were.,defended b btraltilud ni-t kifid. ju *&U ii to visit jou in youT.new C g, pos will b -A est6blishe invitatio AD Accom, y t a if 1aleav System astonighinly: Wpleasure bef6L rEI -had ot my old ene .�kje an4 Morrison I drove tO, 4ECY' troops r6mirks the Battiefom i me sb4ildild Drs. 3t �Turkish 61, and it con a ths� _r Battle River,, Mr. Rheumatism, ouiieed o and where,. bf�ving dividedour num- iting,- be - kept Suring evenness of: temper the by, Out SbD R, called upon for s4ious figh, rily' Herald,lias kept up far abovaitsoidinary He arrivedlut. Finday, and,, bqr-lutaijartiekfilwe amliaed-the English Fiteadil-krefll:led,'tli-bug'�.npt so skeadilyss. ability to do'onaLS work satief It in ox jg6n&4p big she L leel the aeasm-.aud.'is large enough -card; rushed e a crutches, r roducos quar 9A eamers axger'the-ku Nj;�usog are burned.- Com- it uld be were the -systela of reserves in. ban etires flannel millodalte it many -the hand,%vith .0 n a se�eue- co -wr t. ere so, wlnin-� hand tiVely. few, llage4,- but the'full which it will ultia -a d brings us'dow t --and vrist rn as thbugh para, ll.Working drder- -in& I -i Oil oth was - Rheumik sm -beell. pi aularrips, er.- to' 0 L.g them arei the reiidencew of 19-essm. M&-tely iftain old thp rtyrdoln in that make rel &I that I � felt e r. Rheuma ivers. Thies or four year& ago: it was. but cP0Ra1njt,6aI Wid-un over'm The human, race Exchan e. Wil on; iSheldouj. Amos and Jbiles. anstantKisitor f mine or s arvier, 8 London - Spectator hasliee4. av nd I ut on a". an -7 COU214ratively small rier 'bat it' la 1% -e hasibeen, stiady war for 4 -,*000' ears; ht� a wells a �tL MySell-'napeat'-d- Ili tlie.. �vt 6f easing. III: idth-. 6ud . P Till. 10I I. have bc Ibeen!: Steadily- iner 'rs making himself at hoe devourinj�- T j-0- t '�house b%flies-' all. descrip-, yearg.j. and I has disco I d, eiciedi . ng1j.-little, A Jittle.' ad- Frank -Harwood,- scene. -he firo vere ohild narn spth-.. �. Thiii4pring it h'" grown twent ie poor ii i Ilesh U -111L a sta ed two winter he ramie an "ill lagt it' of' pillige plbsive in a Con- 2"ye'ars of age, was. run over oil Saturday -d -lstancb- and leaving n: Mont jl�,seemed less- the, effec, �xcepi the -fact that Sri exp. IS - et voider Mille gite-of'ih6 bridge I N� Louise street To. idW'that the nexft ie he eame�L The, mob j ifisile a long Way. night, by a waggon ..on eat d ee p, then dee SOME ac1. drive a ini ri ards. cb�n e'lil diet. I wag g, than, O( open 5 fined apace Wil last year, and is fifteen I mv ur in' t -biit -finalh concluded to Bt,. h bie-4 armeil With. axes. The w Atouss aci8u-� 14 a 8 afte e9d mu er e They hav eared to tbro ronto,:aud'di6d, fo r about-t6n festmora than ordinary. to him. with ly - fatlabi -8 0 L eta i namall"Piano. was -wrenclied offt' Louis Feclibtte, I of th Canadian level. All the lakes -and r s. :him: three.square kels a da) of STiJACbtS disr is �fare he -ii a4d nig. t. fil ed jejan. cavalry of the Egyptian. 'died �eiterdaj at HoohalagW, mornln&noon re Wt, ofie had, tI glass. smash The Cireal poet laureate, t are also. growing,, th tar -as 8 ' ' -Packing rriiwk iint win every pictu tric I fusted with, and 8 pieces., Military- Sol WU0.1 01, atat a ofSor tiext ot nearly lcol, whom Arabi FBI dia- id 70. He- D E �-41 I . and had then b on cut to, as.. a nat ig. very �­troubl' y to-morriII I -y a any longer, he hag pr. 58111 .81 814 Ise- itura had on e returnei: 1) -�irh viissed, hav I to- Eg pt, to a rve Nicholas Lothfillerre County. F` irr;, stop every piece of 1: o 6 12 absence of.- bridges n He, is & 1; he 0ii and ev had- been -to, the Khedive.. re, i fel d part 'in the: -construe of,' the -.Where. "Isiting Boi le o . fob . r fer a ggard em e s: ery, rs� active tenots v . - I I . L of the place had started Nile will. -be a t bi thdL-Salm are i, and atho; ku-&I TD-fty. the at it' lirdingry Xontr Q harbor and the L&I A, a pursuit --A dinner I b rtmking off *ith the. cattle,, and th 5488 mumhatibi, height, but ekeept-for an extra- gentle'- does j' J,S.-LEFAVOUR. for literat . ure )SitV—tbe yourages he 14 on t to —A -taste and. min (it is hia�first visit) las lee d- ut when L boat With some few honor- )d 'this -.''will, bffer -no 'nsur;- 6i br&eh thid,' ver be. condemue gto h The lious DiOulitabler obstacles 'to the ]Passage Of at last by injuirizigtho n of the' ordinary sh, no g6nerplly t4o se, exceptionai a 61. 'Mr. Amow an Ould' ame able that lovely -WOMOUL Was their tim on. sig There is, however, ...child repua. . lually'raI but, in all osees.books ap6aslbilit� little daughter, to4hichl'11II6 wasi ec rmy.. &way. di6I.I.&I ood-for-notbi , novels, sep, -Which vase- a &at that-. Aj el, do you k seem io have no -worselate. than-- Jut, in v eii rid wby, Eth Mr n dykes may be -i domes. a. nuisappe 10 h, r Of FjLjj Inuiadated to country �v , -be Owl expansa literature :be 1- E C that of beina tI i about.' Mr, Wilsou.'s friends: Most . men. w6uld ri ifer to see' PSI118. oil-- 8 Of . lestr� says youlie a muff yed. Such. a degree -that. th.e. country may be house -was. egg. �complotely the -latestidition of a: I good cookery book in. m.amlUA air -work baskets - tha Awoug-the. houses' unatt&I are. those.. renderec ipassable. It is, nevertheleag, .2 !he beat whi chil" nay � the two Pelegraph that such wive ' yo Plothe -eel 4 ho, N abar, Sid: believecl by the London'.' Lu-rtingt u t I jko,­ouie,.you. kdoI of Caiillard, B641, novel that Wall ever Written tither by ;T4PR 4 QVAJK Scott Diiou and Bell. a coutingbricy cara-be effecitLally WAte. ji.op, 139jime Tiablediu. N 14TIMIC Morices, I ,V floers From- tfie Interior we -leakil that, great' Charles Dickensf Anthony Tro, jS - DiM131LITY, eUM&jSM,- LSM't. lif tbI6- pillaged�­ouseg -oven: pots 0 orGeorgeElioit- But l.moW, that Kelly, 1) )prietoi - of - the Tdikiii Herald, 019RVOI -allmver­ 40he -aud p �rc Tars, 4C&n wilfully 4eatrOY(Id, movements'.0f Egyptian -troops are taki - few. men. have ver -80 0 -on Saturday I, 'BAI N.@uftlgi% I un sense or ed -and was jain g- im� media ely d or place towards W141-Kelar an. committed for.tiaI. COMF t Ire erm atcertail 11 -in - #ae a BBLTS,. in u - a is I - . Ily I 'Rents garine publishing. L in - article writtexi,by, 3 ame rient d - by. us g AND e Reapith. The vicii# f rt was' 9 -,D �48'OLFG Face to fao�e Are the armies, of th Zagazi r. The Suez garilsoii has. gone e �d buttoraless, Shirts could n v r be r u a the, 0ti masse to Telael-Kebr,,Whjther� also. ar igh, and an actioa is irculars and-001111121tat.1011 FREIM an&the Brit a n Egyptia I :buted to novel readig; d o 1. ard*deall, Egypti or cI horses bae been sent. I Should they numb De4ding. The ns, tait SHM 'I. P P