The Sentinel, 1882-08-04, Page 4ref • • t tangly kihcL ... Tali LIBERTY' TO UTTER AND. TO ARGUE; FREELT Accoannve to Tns DIc T .TES of coxacriaxcr Ws-. PitTZ*ABSYEAtIitTHERLIEERTIEs.' . tuckliovr, ,1882. FALL: l nth ever- ret rn of the hall Show-. .y Ieeas`en Rays. thR Li=.tewe :'Barine,, an: opportunity- is afforded t4 compare the ind. stries: of .the country withthose of foil err years. Unless there is' some • permanent advarttnnge to be gained .- -the way. of improved stock and inlplee 1'ine4s,: by holding annuul, shows, the tiial and money spent upon_ them by Ag4culturs,l Societies might. as well be aped, N p ons' bclieyea` 'that Agricult to t Societies . are kept op to gustily - were, Counoeify,- but .as a s_auree of in 7. forimd. ,�`iation that could not so well'beha •in aiiy.other .way, o.r Would• be impos sibl without them. The lessons to be : fear led at fall shows, from. observation •al�si ei are of -great value to every roue, erre ectiye: of his; trade pr process aa; �r "'but more particularly to; the agricultu1r= 1st. That person is hardly:. deserving thefame. of farmer' who, has no ambiti- oar fo maks lois term yield thirty b. bush- .r, Pea erre instead of twenty,to double tine'vfItie of his stock, or,* intelligent r -t beat comp,rraton, to selec.the _kind of gyp axricultu al i .leineute for his f rm� . lb, 'rder that fell shows would beet the gretest possible good le the greatest posible nunaber,greaterk iiterest should :he nanifesteil It therm: than what. it us: .-11.,111-y done, Every member of a Society: sholiild. endeavorto laaKe some'.-coutri: bustbg of his best. samples, iu • 8wn e' de :par'ment, to a xell th-e exhibition, leav: °-' iiie the winning or.losing a prize to be a s'coaiary consideration. -Irt.this way- th value of shows ,would be iuctea sel, . an, t difficulties often faun& in con: ire histo with them Iargely.rediuced. If these •Soeietiesare__ worth their existence al:nd Wu: drink every reasonable and iiat i1igent. person ivied be prepared;, with even.hie own experience,_ to adroit that they should.- be liberally sapported as $ that every agriculturist should, be a: iherber. : 4rncult uralSocietieri arevatuablei eryr rich in } .roportion to. the = "n iinber or iz;embers. they have, the fettle at the�dis- p1541 of the Dir: ctors to offer for prizes • tam, iM ares competition,: and the: general . • i •eve: t that is taken in redo.. -by Mein- heirs to make them,. t success: • Those deiirous•to, become Members should not • d4a,y sending in thnnr. Helices •to the 'So-tieties,tiltthe:day for holding the Fall Show, as is, too muck the euetoni, as toe. Socia; invariable sustains a pecan-. iary; lees when the.nanes are not regie e on -or bbfe..e thedrst day of August. tee thi promising appearance of the er l+r there: is likely to be a.. much: • grater competition in all kinds et grain lin! i, roots than for several gears, grsvi - - - Drib,, sod with* the continued. impriA.ra- Inilitt that: is . going;- on. in. atook and fikknafactures, the Fall Shows, this sea - I"3 c�iln�it fait to be. mote- Chau usually riti;co. 144 - BORN.' BAYNE.: - At Khitail,: on Thursday, TuIY. 27th,1882, the wife of Peter -. 3lacksmith, of it 'eon. I xT13co.—In.'Lucknow, on .Tuesday, August let,. the -wife of Robert Lith; co -of a daughter. : T,aYLox,—In West Wawanoah, en • Fri: day last,. the wife of Mr. A: Taylor of a son. - MooRg. • — In. Kinloss, ' on Saturday- last, aturdaylast, the wife of Mr. P. Moore `...of a MoCLuNG —At Lochalsh, on Saturday last,' the wife of Mr. McClung,school teaeher, of a daughter. PIG ' ESTRAY. GFAME TO THE 'PREMISES. OF .MR. George Mathiestin near the Great -West- ern Railway Station, on or about the first of August, a BlackYearlthg Pig. .Tie owner is, (quested toprave:preperty,,pay expenses and take the animal away. ' • • GEO. MA.THIESON, • • Lupknow P.' O it YOERS' LISTS. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING :OP VOTERS'`.L1ST. VOTERS LIST, 1882. -Municipality of the Township of West-Wawauosh•Co. of Huron.- Notice is hereby. given that I have transmitted or delivered to the -persons Men- tioned in the third and fourthsecticns of THE Vo'rsas' LIST AcT,the copies required bysaid sections to be so -transmitted or delivered of. the list,. made pnrenuant•te said act, of allper- eons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the _said Municipality to be entitled to votein the said Municipality at elections for members of thte.Legislative- Assembly, and at Municipal Elections, and: that said list was first posted up at my oSee at St. Helens, on the 8th day., of August,1882,atid remains there for inspection. Eleetore.•are called upon to examine said list, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate, proceedings to have the said `errors corrected according to` law. Dated this Sth day of August, 1882. ROBERT MURRAY', T'p vlerk.: off ring every day immense quantities of Fresh Spr ng' Goods PRINTS FROM, 6 TO 15 'CENTS. DRESS -OODS♦ 9 TO 25 S. Factory Cotto 5 to 122 cents. The best assortment of Tweeds in .town, at the A fine assortment of Boots and -Shoes.. justt-opened TWO -cases of Ready-im A : NEW LOT OF GLASSWARE AND CROC Felt Hats from50 `cents a .at Lots of. Straw Hats. _ . p ... . InglIMSSEIBMNINIM owest "prices.:_ le` •lothii g. ERY4 300 PAIRS RRUNLLA SHOES A! NEW STRA Never, be without it, Tourists and all who are subject to a -change of climate, water, diet,- &c„ Should .never be withot Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry. the -infallible remedy for all., Kummer complants . The well known dreg firm of N. C. Polson & Co., of Kingston, writes that' Dr. Fowler's. 'Extract of WildStrawberry has longheen'con• sidered the best remedy for Summer • con,- plaints :in.. the market, and arida that their customers speak in the 'highest terms of ita merits. gild Strawberry is the bestknown remedy for,Cholera Morbus, Dysentery and ail bowel cotn}>laintk.. - Liver Compia ort,• • Is rather an indefinate term, as commonly Understood it consists of a torpid 'sluggish State of the liver, a defic ency,er a superabun=. +, dance of bile, or an alteration frons its: proper character. All disturbed action of the liver and biliary- organo giving rise to• pain in the Fade, or wider the shoulder blade•. headache •weariness, dizziness, sick stomach, loss of appetite, bad bowels &c:, are promptly cured -by BurdockBlood' Bitters. • • AND FELT HATS IN GREAT VARIETY, -AT ..E M./1_011\71' NEW. SPA ISH LACES- :IN ALL COLORS, :AT, A. 1MAOINTYRE ' at MacInt =r 100 Pieces of Dress Goods In :all shades and , rices,A. y -e s.- Pard Satchels, -and a great variety of -Fancy -Goods, -:at A...Maieantyre s Ladies' and lents Collars. Ladies' and:Gents Ties. Note this; Brace u� 8 pounds of good Tea for 010 t P -Alex. Nlaclntyre s • Money to Loan. On Real Estate, at reasonable rates, on terms of payment to suit Borrowers. : ELLIOTTRAVER .• OFFICE "=Nxt to Pest O.ce Luckno is , March .11 SPAVIN CURE• ATT:. `LAWRENCE'S= OLD STAND, LUCIKNOE UOMWOiV PARLIAMENT . The iesut of the recent elections ' to tllr Dnstomion Parliament neer stands ash iuIIaN•s:— . Conasery ative 'Ruforw. Ontario, ....... , ... 35 - • 31 git4ti ut, .. ...... • f� 1 =1:4 N ti boot a, .� , . K.. I.3: $ - g w' Brunswick,y,.F . a. `.- S R. Be Ia lgidI •.E 5.555 - 1 - +3 :4,anitoba, : ....: 2 3:.. Coltilnbia,. .... 6 k, 0': 136 onservatire minority G3 : '`—When 3rott want to get rid of the iErotrble of waiting on customer* ; when you want to o.out ef'businoss: with a. ate* ori hand whets you want; te cmpletlely die with your business, then, d not 101414 then should you st.p= ado. e(t'tieiug • 5. Manuf'icturer of all kinds of farness, Saddles, Trunks, • • Valises, Ete. Having ,purchased the stock of harness, etc., belonging to.Mr,Wm. Grassick, I am better prepared than -ever to supply the wants. of my customers and the piblic generally. ' Remem- ber the place, Grassick's old Stand, next to Tennant's drug store. ALEX. ROSS. Lucknow June 9th, 1882. 1- • l =•r -s and the general public. : i t *ill not:pay T the, farme � p . n thin � -. in the. Hardwire. Line till you call at the you to buy a � g 3 .• New Hardware Store of T. Lawrence, Campbell street,Luck- now, where a great variety of goods is now opened out. New designs in Builders Hardware, ed�l's Spa Cure The most snccessfu ;- reins ' y eves. *Deed a - -it is certain -in its: eff cta and o. blister Read @ oof below. Cuflerj, 'PIateid *are,• Painh, Oifr, 'GlaSS, Piny, .SovcIs, •,Blanure and Pitch Forks, Hoes! Rakes, and everything found =n -a . First = Clash .midis Store. I will still continua to usual a fine 10 of • ll`�IlLtl . IGrateWaies, I *sin to inform the citizens of T ucknow an suirounding cauttry, that I have opened up: a • also Box, Parlor, j and Cook Stoves; B J 1 CHIER 511013All of whichare marked drown low. In R. G. Greenwill's Qld Stand. • I will keep on hand stall tunas ALL KINDS S l= O RE aH. MEAT Meat •o•eliverred to air Parts Of the • 'Village*. on. Shortest- Notice . Give"_nme a call.. JAMES L1_N.DSAYs Ltteknow; Sept. 9tli. - • - •i = Eavetrough ng and Repairing .Promptly Attended To 'Ass nonebut first'class workmen are employed, parties fav- � P oring us with their work, kali rely upon having a glkini doe,and at as lQwrices ascan be done in any"first-class_ shop in -the .country... Whilereturning thy thaaiks.to the public for the jiber"al patronage bestowed_ op ale i� tl e -1 ast, •_1 hope for 'the continuance of the same in the 'future.. e I'' • THOS. _LAWRENOE • KENDALL'S SP VIN CURE. New Hamburg, Ont., Dec; 28th,"188:L m Mr. F. H. McCalh ,:iiearsir, -The bottle of Dr..Kendall's Spavin Cure bought, of you last summer gave inc the=utmost -s satisfaction and performed a wonder 1 cure upon a mar's - nineteen years- old belon `' g to"me,which was - badly spavined for ten ydrs: She was so lame - that I .could_ hardly_ get=, her to move. £he lameness is entirely gone after using half a bottle of the cure, . and a e as like: a young - horse again. Yours truly, .. J F ItoTu, KENDALL'S S `}AY,IN CURE. _ Send address for :Illustr ted which We -think: gives positive proof of its : .virtues: No.rental has ever !net with-suoh-unqu i ified success to one knowle e,for beast s well a man. Price $1 p 1 .bottle, or sixbottles. r $5. All druggists have i ; orcna gel it for you; or it will, , e sent to- any athlresa on receipt of price b' the pro- prietora, ` Dr. B. : iendall Co , En - osburgh :F: i lg .Vt :SOLI,' BY A DRTIGGISI(S: GYMAN SONS -.k,•Co`;�- Mox,nixA. ' P. @•, i holesale Agents. - w • :WILL CURE BIL/OUS4E8S, DYSPEPSIA, /NDIGEST/ON, _ JAUNDICE. - ERYSIPELAS, SALT .RHEUM HEARYBURN, HEADACHE, -and every sparing of ' disordered. L YER, K BowELs os T.M1LBIiii &g R=:RELIEVE:: IZZ/NESS, ROP3Y, LUTTERINO :. OF THF HEAR1, - CIDIT-Y OF - - 'THE STOIKACHI` RYNESS. OF •THE SKIM; !Beast arlsing front. HEYS, - . 6TOMAvH, Bi000. ' PropNetors. f . - Tale... !47.1).