The Wingham Times, 1908-01-09, Page 54 "• TUE WINGlf.AM TIME%, JANUARY 91 1if08 BON' I BOVRIL added to any dish gives it the delightful odor of masking beef. Makes your mouth water—puts your appetite on edge. Its rich, beefy flavor, starts the gastric juices flowing, helping the digestive organs extract more nutrition from the food you eat. ]BOVRIL is not a mere extract. It contains in concentrated form all the essence, substance and flavor of prime beef. When tired ont, try�a little BOVRIL in a cup of boiling water, with a soda biscuit. Twill refresh and strengthen you. All good cooks keep BOVRIL always on hand. There's not a day passes that it cannot help make some dish more palatable —more nourishing. Alt good grocers sell BOVRIL, ss creates appetite Kernels from the Sanctum Mill Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. A cracked egg may be safely boiled if wrapped in a piece of greased paper. To clean a blaok chip hat, brush out all duet and rub on a little pure olive oil. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mail- ed out free. on request, by Dr. Shoop, Bachine. Wis. These tests are proving to the people—without a penny's cost— the great valve of this scien iScprescrip- tion known to druggists everywhere, as Dr. Shoop', Catarrh Remedy. Said by all dealers. A brass fender on a wide winnow sill sway be filled with ferns and potted plants with charming effect. To cleans spice hill grind two ounces of rine through the mill and all trace of the spice will be removed. Dr. Chase's Olnt ment is a certain and guaranteed cure for each and every form of itching, bleeding and protruding piles. See testimonials]. in the press and ask your neighbors abort it. You can use it and getyour money back if not satisfied. Me, at all dealers or E.DMANSON, BATES & Go., Toronto. Salt will do a greet deal toward pre- serving the color in silk that is to be waehed. Soak for a time in oold water, to which bag been added a pinch of salt, and there will be very little danger of the color running. For a good reliable paste, boil a pots• to; do not peel it; boiling it not too mach, but until done. Break off end and use by rubbing over wbatever yon went to stick, such as labels on fruit j ars. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medioine. They onre Constipation, Sick Headache, Billionsnesn, and Dyepepsia without griping, purging or sickening. Dr. Turcotte, Liberal, was elected for the Federal House in Nioolet County by over 500 majority, defeating J. C. Heron, Conservative. In the last elec- tion Hon. 0. R. Devlin was eleoted by only 393 majority. DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT. � CASTOR Nifeddinge resulting from chance ac- sleaintances may well be listed under For Rants and Children. the head of "casualties." Kind�y Bought put turpentiue on paint or var. The You Hae Always mish, as it will dissolve it as soon as it touches it. Its volatile nature makes it cut grease in the same way. G t' IC, g2. T A- . Bay the The Kind You HaveAlwaysBought rzoaf The Manitoba Government have bought the Bell Telephone system in the Province, the. price received being $3,- 300,000. Cecil Simpson, agent of the Canadian Express Company at Berlin, Ont., has been arrested on a charge of embezzle- ment. To check scold quickly, get from your druggist some little Candy void Tablets called Preventics. Druggists every- where are now dispensing Preventica, for they are not only safe. but decidedly effective and prompt. Preventics con- tain no quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sickening. Taken at the "sneeze stage" Preventics will prevent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc. Hence the name. Good for feverish children. 48 Preventics 25 cents. Trial Boxes 5 Rte, Sold by all dealers. The United States has more news- papers than any other country. Every week day there are 19,000,000 copies issued, and on Sunday the number is 11,500,000 copies. While getting off a. train while in motion Mrs, Grieve, of Seaforth, slipped and fell under the front wheels. The •engineer happened to see the accident and stopped the train before any damage was done. !S ,A. 'd' O R n[ tea. . Beers tlie The Kind You Have Always Bought 8lgnatere of Bears the Signature of 121-7—We The increasing demand for piping has made the progressive dressmaker seek for some more perfect and easy method of making her dress trimmings. The shops are now 'showing bias -seamed tapes made of good quality and in every shade. Statiatimans bs're fiuureil out tbat a !Ari You a Woman woman talk* about l times as muob as a man Well, the overage wotnaa has about eight duel as much time to talk. 'Willits, Rays a naturalist, have white tails, eo that the young tnay be Able to distinguish their mother in case of port suit The color of a rabbit is so like the ground tha' this ,sou'rl otherwise be diflioult, if not inipoa'ible. The lawyer sail esdty to his wife on his return home one night: People seem very onspioious of me. Yon know old Jones? Wall, I did somo work for him last month, and when he asked use for the hill this morning, I told him out of frieudship that I woutdu't charge hint anything. He thanker$, me cordially but seicl•he'd like a rtoeipt. When the Stomach. Heart, or Kidney nerves get weak, then these or. ahs al.. ways fail, Don't drag the Sromaoh, nor stimulate the H -art or Kidneys This is simply a mskeehift, Geta pros cription k no to rU~ • 1 Ata every shere he Dr. 'h B Restorative. 7 Re- aA D. b o0 P 0 '� a • ,r 1 for these atorative r prepared ex, oressly weak inside nerves Strengthen these nerves, build them up with Dr. Shoop's Restorative—tablets or liquid—ausee how quickly help will come. Free sera • Ole teat sent on request by Dr. Shoop, Ranine Wis. Your health is surely worth this eirople test. Shareholders of the defunot Task Loan Company, after their long waiting, will probably receive their share of the assets during the coming year. Referee Kappele expects to deoido all theclaims laid before him by January 30th, and the distributions of assets will likely begin a couple of months later. C7 .®. IS IX' Cl/ 1-4. X .1b.. . Boars sire Toho Kind You Hato Always Boa, 6ignatare e Q of - .. 9 ciGC A case of leprosy has been discovered at the Winnipeg General Hospital This is one of the rarest, most loathesome diseases known, and is almost incurable. Not for a number of years has a Date been disoovered in the West. The pros• 'sent patient is from Swan River, where he has eeen suffering for eight years. Bisbop Williams, of Connootiout, for many years president of the Episcopal Church, hued all his life unwed. A friend mentioned that one of the States was imposing a tax on bachelors, to be increased a certain per Dent. every ten years of baohelorhood,and added: "Why Bishop, at your age you would have to pay a hundred dollars a year." "Well," said the Bishop quietly, "it's wuth it." Get Instant Belief from Piles.— This most irritating disease relieved in ten minutes by using Dr. Agnew's Ointment, and a onre in from three to six nights. Thousands testify of its goodness. Good. for Eczema, Salt Rheum, and all ekia diseases. If you are without faith, one application 'will convince. 35 cents. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -127 • ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches, Bar ber's Itch and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals outed in 30 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by A. L, Hamilton. For sachets for the bureau drawers and similar places there is nothing else quite so practical as crepe paper doilies threaded together with ribbon. When they begin to lack freshness they are easily renewed without the trouble of taking apart, washing and remaking. An excellent furniture polish is made of equal parts of vinegar and linseed oil, a little to be applied with a piece of flannel and then polished off with a soft cloth, Remember that little of the polish is needed, but plenty of elbow grease, and the result will be brilliancy. The woman who is frightened by white hairs should take a brace for her courage. After the shock of the first few silver threads is past there is no excuse for bemoaning. Nothing softens and beautifies a face that has lost its lint freelances as well -kept, well-dressed aiirery hair. IICATARRH uIf Want a sure cure for CATARRH OF THE HEAD, hetes it is. : : : : : oxioililioll THE REASON irli fi t BECAUSE OXYGENATOR HEALS The mneous membrane being in an inflamed condition causes e. curunning at nose; but when this snCmbrane is belled, the discharge erases. Every effort should be made to euro Catarrh, for it loads to Catarrh of the Throat, Stomach or Bladder, Consump. tion and Bright's Disease. "Oxygenator" Ie sit ap n large size bottles, Pries. 31.11, sew, and sot "Oxygenator" is raid by all wholes iale and rsiadl druggists. The Oxygen o Company Via, ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT re- moves all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by A . L. Hamil- ton. In 1816 the number of employes of the United States Government was 6,327. In 1905 there were 349,075 on the pay roll. Of the total now in service 28,049 are employed at Washington alone, and the salaries paid there am- ount to $31,541,000 a year. Needing Strength ? Not long ago you were able to enjoy sue. Yon had vigor, strengtb, ambition —did everyehiug with goat and pleas- ure Upon your cheeks was the hue of health, in your eyes the span .) of vim and arainiiilp'n. To.dey—All is a drudge. Nut actually slot:, but if your work were less imperative, how gladly you would root. Yea ore breakiug down. Nervocs system as out of gear. (Digestive powers ere weak. Blood Melte nourishment. Just one thing to do—Bnitd up— Win book your heal'h with Ferrozone Nn remedy reetorr.s so fast, builds np eo permanently. insttila Ruch vigor or 8orploe etrength like Ferrozoee. A rase ehoaint{ how Ferrozone note ie illnstreted by the following from Mre H Wrieht of Enfield, N. S a ions 1 nnenced a er (*,baago 7e. -r u "Six m tt n . i with g nnlittln he :nineties, eta G commenced mmeu(ed dull pain, ttuomh my (beat and shoulders, ! round it hard to get aacistying sleep -would roll and rnss and in the morning felt tired all over. 'non 1 grew nervous, lust ire -h, _got p"lo and had heavy dark circles under my eyes. My strength got so low I couldn't do House• work I was worried and unable i o eat and feared 1 w old not got well, Ferrozone braced me up in a few week, It twined to supply wonderful strength I geiced to Iles looked better and was +shin to sleep In all [ took twelve boxes of Ferrozone and my cure was complete." 1[ Iserrozmne doesn't help and cure yon—thou nothing ever will; your drnlreist sells it is 50o. boxes—Better try Ferrozone. While it is undesirable to be a crank on health, it is worth while to give it many thoughts as you go along, just to make sore you are keeping it. Carlyle It ie 'raise at torte* to submit to oir. oumstanoes, and avoid trouble. Last, weep the owners of a atone quarry at Bedford. Indiana, reduced the wages of their men 2? o an,hour. The men were not foolish enough to go on strike, that their places would soots be filled; they took another way out of the difficulty. They decided that "short money" ought to meat short shovels," so they went to the machine chop and had 2% inches oat off their ehovels. Now the owners of the quarry are fi tiring out bow much they gained by ilii, reduction in wages Sir William Ram4ay related an emaa- net nnoodote the to •e•r night at the din- ner in London of tun Institute of •Chem- istry, It concerned a little girl who was invited out to au informal dinner. She was told that sine was not to be greedy, that the was to take what was offered, and was not to over -praise .,it. When she arrived home after the dinner, said Sir William, they asked her what Rhe r, "Well,", replied, I ha n ell Rhed had eats VP a some pudding." "And did you say Thank you?" ''Yes. I also said it was vary nine what there was of it, and then I thought that sounded as if I had not enough, so I added --'I mean there is plenty of it such as it ie " A very interesting and un'gte fam- ily gathering took place on Christmas evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Scott, Main St. West, Listowel, the auspicious occasion being the oele- bration of Mr. and Mrs. Soott'e silver wedding and also of tee commemora- tion of the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs, Archibald Tughen, Mrs. Scott's father and mother. • If there's a Hint of a Catarrh Taint apply Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder without delay, It will save you suffering, heal you quickly whether von have been a slave one mouth or fifty years. It relieves cold in the head and catarrhal headahea in ten minutes' The Hon. David Mills, Minietor of Justice for the Dominion of Canada, en- dorses it. 50 oeuts. Sold by A. L Hamilton. -129 One of the oldest residents of Goder- ioh township passed away on Jaturday, Deo. 28th, in the person of Martha Cassels, wife of Mr. E. Rumball, of the 13th concession. Deceased was a native of Armagh, Ireland, but has resided here for over 50 years. About nine years ago she bad an attack of pneumonia, from wbioh she never fully recovered, some times being fairly well, while at others she was confined to bed. Three weeks ago she took gangrene in one of her feet, and suffered untold pain to such an ex- tent that it was necessary to keep her partially ander the influence of mor- phine. She had perfect confidence in her Saviour, and quietly slept away. wasn't eo far wrong when he said: "Health is a thing to he attended to con- tinually. There is no achievement in life that is equal to perfect health." One Tablet After Eating and what a world of distress would be saved. Dr. Von's Pineapple Tablets cute sour stomach, distress after eating, weight in the stomach. wind on the stomach, loss of appetite, dizziness, nausea, and a dozen other troubles traoeable to bad digestion. One Tablet gives instant' relief. A positive and peasant owe that nature bas provided. 355 cents Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -12S A good mode of cleaning a oopper kettle is to rub it first with a cut lemon dipped in powered bath brick. When all stains are removed wash it in warm, soapy water; then dre and polish it with powdered bath brick and soft oloth. Powdered bath black, mixed to a paste with oil, may be used instead of the lemon. Doan's Kidney Pills act 011 the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure baokaches, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, infiamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder. On Wednesday evening, December 18th, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McKenzie, Loohalsh, was the scene of a very pretty wedding, when their youngest daughter Anna was united to Charles Boyd, Amberley. The ceremony was performed by Rev, Mr. Miller. SPRINYt3 MEDICItre. A9 a spring medicines Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones np the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. If a tablespoonful of peroxide is placed in two tableepoonfntt of water and teed as a gargle it wilt prove an excellent remedy y for tonsilitir. About ten drop* of peroxide in a ball' -glass of water and used to clean the tenth will remove tar. tar and harden the pans. A few drops of 'peroxide put in an open wound int' mediately will take out the poison. The h wound ttlnnid be bathed e Vadary y In water: to which a few drops of peroxide have bean added) and it will heal very gulokly. A lot of valuable time is wasted in trying to make people over into what yon think they should be instead of tak- ing them as they are. MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS State of Ohio, Oity of Toledo, 2 se Lucas County, Frank 3. Cheney makes oath that be is senior partner of the form of F. J. Cheney Oe Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of one bnndred dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cored by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CAENEY. Sworn to before me and $uhooribed in my presence, thie 6th day of December, A. D 1886. A. W. Gleason, (Seal) Notary Public. Halt's Catarrh Care is taken internally, and aots directly *on the blood and mu• cons surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Soli by all drriggists, 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for patiolL The "lead" of a very cheap pencil is often nothing but coke. Even if a stingy man does acquire a lot of real money, what the use? The first envelope over made is kept in the British Museum. The average cost of maintaining a prisoner in an English prison is about $125 per year. No Heart too Bad to be Cured.— Testimony could be piled high in com- mendation of the wopdorfal ourea wrought by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. No cage stands against this great remedy where it did not relieve the most acute heart suffering inside of thirty minutes. It attacks the disease in an instant after being taken. Sold by A. L Hamilton. -131 coned - Baby's Skin Trouble ITCHING ECZEMA For the skin troubles of babyhood Dr. Chase's Ointment acts as *magic cure. It is wonderful how promptly it allays the ion tation and stops the suffering of Mite tines who ars tortured by terrible itchui ,,tinging eczema. Mothers often find themselves helpless bafora this annoying ailment which torments so many young children, but we have yet to hear of a single case in which relief was not obtained by use of Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment • This soothing, healing preparation is also unrivalled as a cure for chafing and all skirt irritations. Mothers who once use it for this purpose do not think ofrete Ding t a box clogging. unsanitary at all dealers of h:dmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. Mrs. Lois Mdj(ay, Tiverton, Digby Co., N. S. writes: °' My children were taken with itching, burning eczema and tore their flesh until it was sore and bleeding. The doctor failed to help Ointment. It s Dr. Chase's s them os we used e:d Q . h did its work well and has entirely cured them. They suffered so they could not sleep nights, and I was nearly crazy from anxiety and loss of sleep." The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect oongh medicine—Dr. .Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 oents. Don't worry—either about the past or future. To waste a single hour in re- gret for the past is as senseless as to send good money after that which has been irrecoverably Met, To fret one's self about whet the future may have in store is about as foolish as to attempt to brush back the tide of the sea with a broom. Worries of whatever kind Mul- lah contentment, and contentment is a necessity of youth. "500 People Badly Bent" have in effect used these words in speaking of the curative qualities of South Ameri- can Rhenmatio Care—"My lege were orippled"—"My hands wore distorted" --"My joints were swollen"—"My back was bent double"—"My pain was ex; ornoiating" — "Bedridden for years." This great remedy has been the heaven- sent agent that worked a permanent cure. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -130 Thero is a great army of unemployed in New York. The skilled mechanics have felt the unhappy condition of the money market the hardest. The string- ency has compelled the speonlative builders to wait until a time when mon- ey will flow more readily, and as a oon- sequence it is estimated that more than 25,000 men in the building trades alone are oat of employment, with a total of all trades of 125,000. The member* of the Building Trades Employ- ers' association Ray that building operations will be considerably less in 1908 than they have been in many years. are mild, sore and eafe, and are a perfect regulator of the system. They gently unlock the secretions, clear away alt effete and waste matter from the system, and give tone and vitality to the whole intestinal tract, curing Constipa• tion, Sick Headache, iiilionsnees, Dyepep- ei Coated Ton gu e, Vold Bteath,James n Water Brash. afro. dice, Heartburn, anti In S. Ogden, Woodstock, N.13., writes: "My husband and myself have used Slil• burn's Lasa -Liver fills for a number of guars'. We think we cannot do without them. They ate tit* only pills We ever take." Price 25 cents or live bottles for $1.00, at all dealers or direct on receipt of price, The T. lwlilbarn Co., Limited, Toronto, (int, It is stated that a London firm has arranged to receive consignments from South Africa of locusts for use in the preparation of bird and poultry food, Mrs. T. L. Collins, Beryie, has a log oabin quilt wbioh beats that mentioned in last week's iasue. The grip contains 357 blocks, thirteen pieces in each block, which makes 4,641 pieces. On Ohrietmas evening an exceeding- ly pretty wedding was celebrated at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Arch. MoKjnnon,Glamis,when their daughter Miss Christie A. was united in the bonds of matrimony with Jno, M, McKinnon of Kinloss. When tiny pieces of felt are found in various parts of the piano it is evident that the tiny silver moth is at work and it will in time do much damage. Cam- phor gum tied iu cheesecloth and sus- pended inside the piano will drive them out, while placing a half cup, of tur- pentine inside, leaving it for several days, will be certain of driving out the inaeata. The Grand Tory of New York county returns on an average 64 indictments each day. Many a man has discovered that the ladder of fame is very much on the order of a greased pole. A tickling cough, from any cause, is quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. And It is so thoroughly harmless and safe, that Dr. Shoop tens mothers everywhere to give it without hesitation even to very young babes. The whole- some green leaves and tender stems of a long -healing mountainous throb, furn- ish the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and beale the sore and sensitive bronchial', membranes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Simply a resinous plant extract, that helps to heal aching lungs. The Span- iards pall this shrub whibll the Doctor uses, "The Sacred Herb." Always de- mand Dr. Shoop's Cough Care. A inan's narrowness is one of the things he doesn't want heralded broad - oast. The salamander looks like a lizard, bat its oharaoter is that of the frog. The old story that the salamander can endure fire is unfounded. Cure the Nerves and you will eontrol Almost every disease that flesh is heir to. The foundation of health is a perfect stomach and good digestion—these right and you are Insured plenty of nerve force, perfect circulation and pure blood. South American Nervine is a wonder - worker --gives nerve force—makes rich blood: It's a veritable "Elixir of Life." Sold by A. L. Hamilton. -132 H. W. Waiker, general auditor of the G. T. R. has retired after over 50 years' service. Dover, England, will have a new harbor which will be completed in 1010, when it will accomodate 50 men -oft -war, People who are good at making ex- cuses are not much good at anything else. Don't be afraid to do your duty be- cause some one ridicules or opposers you. A man who has opinions of his own and the courage to advocate them will be mute to.hoes opposition in this world because/he rant aoYose or contrary to other people's °pistons; but jnet keep right ahead if your canee is right and your conscience clear, Don't worry lite is too about what other people say; short for that. Some will abuts yon through envy, others for the want of principle and some because they honest- ly differ front you; but if you keep right on openly, martially and intelligently, and with your proper dignity of char. toter, honesty of purpose and aelf.re- ipeot, those who differ from .you will respect your opine. Weak Wornen To weak and ailing women, there is et least onb way to help, 'But With that Way, two treatments, must be combined. One is local, ono is constitu- tional, but both are important. both essential, Dr, :hoop's Night Cure is the Local. Itt. Shoop's Restorative, the Constitutional. Th- former—Dr. Shoop's Nigh tCure—is atouic at mucous membrane suppository remedy, while Ili, Shoop's Restorative is Wholly an internal treat. went. The Restorative reaches throughout the entire system, Seeking the repair of all ~erre, a1l tissue. and sal blood ailments. The "Night Core", as its name implies, dogs its 'work while yon sleep. It soothes eons and inflsee ed mucous surfaces, heals Weal weaknesses and discharges, While the Restorative, Wrists® nervous excitement, gives renewed vigor laid ambition ids u tissues bringing about regi bun wasted dog' renewed p , 1!! h. visor, end energy. Take Dr. Shoop's tive°-Tablets or Liquid—es a general torte to the system. nor positive Mod belie use at wen Dr. Sl"'oe"i`u 's Night uiv , "ALL DEALERS" To save incandeeornt ma ,•n. lighting turn on the gas for , w ,eo. made, then hold the snatch opo inch above the ohininey, It Is through ap- plying the thatch too quaoltly that so madly mantles are destroyed: Fire destroyed over $1,000,000 worth of property in Toronto last year, nearly 33,000 a day, the most in the history of the Fire Department with the ex. ception of the large are of 1904, and the year 1821$, the time of The Globe,. Osgoodby and Simpson losses, Women do not Fittateh enough impor- tante to sleep as a beautifier. It is said. that Mme. Recamier, the most beautiful Woman of her age, who retained her marvellous complexion to the day of her death, always slept ten and eleven hours out of the twenty-four. The first electric rondo were opened: fu 1889 in Richmond, Va.; Alleghany, Pa., and Waehington, D. 0. In 1902, the, total number of lines in the United States ate wets 707, 7, with a mileage of 22,- 677 miles. In 1890 • there were only 8,123 milds of street railroads, of which seven -tenths still used animal power, Ia 1902 97 per cent used eleotrio power. There is pending in the French Par- liament a bill providing for old age pensions to railroad work people. This. bill was introduced ten years ago, and. five years ago was submitted to the' president of the senate, In order to hurry Mm up a little on Jane 8 last 400,000 postcards were addressed to him by as many rdilroad men in all parts of France, asking his early at- tention to the matter. Alex. McLean, at one time one of the, best known citizens of Kincardine, died in West Superior, Wis., on Dec. 24th, at the age of 64 years. Alex. McLean oonduoted the Walker House from 1870 to 1875. In the latter year he built the Royal Hotel, one of the finest hotel properties in the oountry, . He conduc- ted it for a few years and went bank to the Walker. Since then at different periods he conducted the Commercial, the Albion and the Elgin. In 1901 ho went to West Superior where he resided until his death. sImesS013110101...11. Is Farming Your Business ? If so, THE WEEKLY SUN, the Farzner's Business Paper, will each week be of Special Interest to you. f H� Subscribe NOW for The WEEKLY SUN to ist Jan., 1909, IN COMBINATION WITH THE WINGHAM TIMES FOR, $1.80 1 •••••••••••• •.9••i••••••, • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • ••e • • • • • .• • • • • • • •• • A • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • 1 I 1 ••••••••••••••s•4ics••+••4411, If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon or make a better monse•trap than. his neighbor, though he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door,—Emerson. Get on the path to the door of the - e• 4. s• ••• a •• a a • r Times Printing Office •v Where mouse traps are not made but —where—• • Good , Printing 1.:•. •. Is turned out every day with neat- ness and despatch; where up-to-date materials and machinery are used, and were mechanics with up-to-date ideas are employed; where quality characterizes every piece of work and service given every buyer; where cheap printing is never done, but where good printing is done cheap; where the kind of printing is done that will lead the world to make a beaten path to your door; where particulars may be had by fallowing up the path to the office of THE WINGHAM TIMES or by calling up 'Photic 4. ..... .. . „ Or100401003619144, 1t40..**.