The Sentinel, 1882-07-21, Page 4tff tL.J403kwrY TO-trTT itA D O Alto rE. FRREI'T stkarlk$cf-tio Fish.!, T.tTER a iorisol, Nys itit ZacknOW,: Tuly 21,1862. 7'11X -0,110P..9 -4P OZAT7 IiI0:. The J'ul . Benoit of the Bureau of tdustriea g ves a: _summary of the Con - Won of grain; hay, and tract crops in nt.trio, together with statistics of tiar- a cara. a of grain crops: and est rnatea. of' •pro tioty and of the year`s clip of fins and. 'erase wools, The_ condition -cf the crops! is corn, 1 iled .from. the reports of five - hundred sure; pondents,nisdc on•the• lst ofJuly, nd towering nearly every township: in he -Province. :The statistics- of acreage ;Til i f estiivates ot pr 5duce wereaoilect- 1with .tl,o assistance of Public, and apa .deSchnol_ Tear:hereon tLhe31st of 61' fschedules, having :been distrrbii eclli f trners through€he schools, and,' v hes; •filled and tabulated, returned to he-. trreau. Itis»et-Braune. - that the ;;ores are strictly accurate, but it is he: icvv'd that if they err at all it is ,not on the aide Of excess. The estimates of litetdeTee-are<,..af'eottrse°,. gootl only for f he- tirnB at -which .they • were made by farme?-rs ;-they are too great or too: small in the proportion that the clops have since been modified by. con.ditiorrg.• 1t. is itr:tended: to verify.. theta; when the threshing season begins. It: will. be noticed in the sunitnary. of ages given below that tho areaunder fall wheat: is nearly double,.the area under Spring wheat. 'Th.is ' a a- great- ,rt;tative change, since l&"ro; when the drops were of tearly e.gital area. In that car the : total _ aria under wheat wet 1,3;65.872 7 2; !cares, and the product 14*2:33,389 bw liels_ This year the total. era& is 1,763,876 Amore$, and thei eirtiica produce 30P3,0_83 bushel, " Tho ittort,asR. and change have taken place chiefly in the West Mlland,. Georgian I. ay"sn'1; Lake. Huron counties. - 1te €all wheat is reported very , geod throughout. the.westarn hale cf. the Pro- vines. It has recovered adrairabty from the effects of spring: frosts, and if the -:wouth' r -corrtinuPa fitvourable until the - harvest.ing,: the yield will be better tIran a t>t::av average.:. In. the eastern half the. re :� rcA is • ere less favourable. In • the St I,.1wrt nee and Ottawa counties it.vl ill be • not. more, than hslf_e Grctp.' f mist be rYtnarked,. however, leastWard of 1j' rlk county a much greater :area ot strong wheat is_grownthair<of fall wheat,- ` wheat id re.. . a4Gtd theccrnatiesn af: spring lr:rttekl aiccrilent. Tlie indication ata•, Indeed; that the_ est%t fated produce of fife returns far wheat Rot- as>inming that i t4 : .ti that the crop._ isI` Ui.tario . will have a Muplus fur outside markets, of fully 20,000,00a b ishel:1. f�cta premises to be an excel ei t:cr.op i;ttt all aactiune of the Proviuce, and bar tor pati. Pets-fiirly goods The- rains he-rfins of .1Ta F and J Une, while favourable to the tomer grain:,, were sorrte-tt<lrat in-. Jttrious to, the latter ;_ i,txt the warm. days : 4 the, hist -two weeks of June caused all - to. thrive . woudc+rtt llt . -Is •i:c a ceea'gan d-estittet to tag a failure ; the tear- lterr.tr ure has been too lowfor it. Ttie etelter;crap: wtU, be shor•t:. in con=. see luwrra,� t of the plant . havrtrg- been: h -aced 1).y string frosts. Timothy mead- . owe haft• a late start as the result of a c.OW Alay, but- they pickled up finely throughout ,iukt , awl- the crop win not ' - he far >,11: rt of au averige. • The fruit crop ,has suffers'd severely ' Ilteiglout_ the yrastern cennties the gold %Tarifa, ant scat wincl,t which fol: lowed the blossoming season' ''having' bligut <d it, In- ttfe eastern counties the trees -canto. titer into bioor..it•, and apples especz.clly promise t ' ' be a large crop. I stere- tint! l,, a searcity of Ometries and phis ter :k ut small fruit is aburrearit - 'ao:fvliOwL:Ug ialrle gives taco rettfrner eiff acreage and estimate of produce the Bounties of.Bruce and Huron BRUCE. • Amos: Fall Wheat 66,892 Spring Wheat 11,184 e .. ...., 1 956' Bart . .8 Oats... 49,37 R e ......... 590 Peas . 32,238 corn ... 343. • • Emmons. Coarse Wool....:.. '40,481 _ j. Fine W .: 6,9:37 • HURON. Acesa. Fall ' ,.. 93,047 Spring Wheat 19,327 }barley... .. 30,822 Oats.... <... '-63,984 - Rye -170 , Peas ... ,236,86 Coro- ..... 3.278' Maims. - C&arse Wool 47,232 . Finer Wool6,690 for. Su:0R L.. 1,237 728 164,440 485,651 . 1,426,741 . 9,844 716,947 POUNDS. 215,029 • • •56,448. Bu HBLs, 1,562,753 • 301,043 739,689 2,081,013. -2,791. 498,242 POUNDS. 261,993 35,987 Gioderich High School.. • Of the 45 candidates who presented themselves at the recent High School - entrance examination,. 11 failed, the fail- ures being.chiefly in spelling and arith: ineticc. • The following are the names of those_who have been provisionally admit: ted by the IocaI 'board' of examiners, wan theizschools and marks•:- Currie Date,, Goderich Central Soh, 295 Downing Annie, - . : ""286: Ellen" Sophie, . ..te - 304 Grant Marion, - 1, 6 • 313 Kirkpatrick Ada, . ' t ' cc 294 Morton Lizzie, to 351 Sr t others Kate, " . 322 Williams Florence. t ft " .376 Yates Minnie, • 351 " • 315 Cox Eddie, Cooke Hatay. • ct Gurdon Charles R., ' •" Halliday John, " - ' "' Beale Charles, . " ' - -" - 346 &Ieliain John, t .t 374 ItifcBrieii.Leftus,. ' " " 359 Robertson Robt. S. " 37.8 Smith Charles,. " •+358 Walker Hugh, , it et 307. Antlrews..Alice,S. S. \o--1 God.e'_ rich: i 339 Andrews Hattie, . tf'. c.: 313 Driver Lizzie, " " 322 -Cox George If.; 5 " 400, Davidson David, • • G. 64 322,. Howell Eliza, 1 ColborneVp424 Young Celia G., 3 xt 3.64 Linfiehi Mary J-., it u' • 245 McIntosh Ana .L, 7 Aslifietd t'p360 NfcKnnzie Kate A., " -" . 317 Cxilrtsttr i<riciiaeI, 306 _ 8 `u. 319 . 8 " 318 6:'Stepbna 383 •.4 Grey' - . 38.6. Ct. .356 .3S0 332 I am offering every ay nrx><rlr»ense:. quantities :_of Fresh Spring = oa ' -1'�. 0,: f5 CENTB. DRE GOODS 9 TO 25 CEN R! IVTS FROIIIt 6..: _ - ..: �eed s i n town at the 2ov�' est �,>'� Cotton 5 to 12- cents. The test assortment ofrev Factory C Q Just 'opened TWO cases of Ready-made Clotl1i� A �fine�asortment of Boots and Shoes.: e p _.. :A NEW . LOT.. OF -C LASSWAR' Lots of Straw Hats, Felt Hats from 50 cents ul�'. pit • Issidistkaminitspett s.: ;g;. 300 .PAIRS -P ivNie . A,HOES AN TERS from 56 to 60 -cents NEW NEW STRAW AND FELT HATS- IN GREAT VARIETY CES tN ALL C'OLORS, AT A. MACINTYRE'S- NEW SPANISH.LACES .-_ _ _• in all shades and _,rices, at A.MacIntyre'. , Parslos TJn b lU0' Pieces of .Dress Goods _ prices,. ,; � Co. - .Ladies'.11(.2 C11tS' C great variety of FancyGacds, at:A. Maclnty1•e s. and G Satchels, and'a_. . • s' s this. Brace u • 8 pounds of good Tea for $1.00. Ladies' and Gents Ties. Note P .• Alex, :.Mac lntyres tt Ill he exeeedad. is fairly realized, afely... harvested,. McKay_ Alex.r- Cook e: Robert, Collins Kate,. Sinrson Alex, ammoth Collar.I Manuf Meturer of all kinds of Money t0 Loan; On Deal Estate, at reasonable rates. on terms of payment to j suit .Borrowers.. ELLIOT TRAVER OFFICE -N°xt to Post Oi..ce .uckr,o%r,` *Afar'clt l.1 Harness, .. Saddles, : Trunks, Valises; Ete. Ravingpurebased the stock of hitrness, eta., belonging. to Ur; Wm. tsrasiick, I am better. prepared than ever -to supply the *ants of_my ountomera and the kr.tblic. generally; Rem -em •17er the place,`CTrassrers 'old stan.i., next to 'rer,uunt'sdrug store. ALEX. -ROSS. ,,icknow June 90, 1882. , 1� AT MARKET T. LAWRENCE'S O D STAND ILVCI NOW farmers ::alyd the general public.. rt -will not pay To the :.ou to buy anything in the; Hardwvaxe Line tilt you- call at the you y bell streetLuck- New Hardware Store -of e'of T:: �,awrence, Campbell , e . s , : now 'opened- out.' New now, Where a ;g eat -variety of goods is o p designs in Builders Hardware, .C1111,ory. *are, Paints, �i Gass Putt . Shouts, s and er ting found lllsnure and Piteh Forks; Hoes; !Rake . , .evYt I went ter, -inform th.e citizens of T,ueknoit cad .I surrounding eouutry, that 1. bare °Derma up a BUTCHER - SHOP In R G. Ureenwill's Old Stand. .I.will -keep on hand at all timer' ALL K t4DS -OF FRESH. MEAT. ' rs 0483 SPAVIN .. CU RE. l a ctware - S oTe.. . I�itll:still continu usual a fine lot of Meat - Detiveeed to all Parts of the r Notice. - . �ho test _ Village, on S• sive me a &i1., . JAMES LINDSAY. faucltnew, Sept. 9th. , Granite Wares, keep as �.. also Box, Parlor, and Cook. Stove All of which: are marked dow law. endall's Spavin o;most s iccessfn • remedy ever • tt is-certainin Its effects and blister. Read -proof -below, treed a KENDALL'S SPAir1.N C11 t. , New Hamburg;' Ont , Dec 28 ;:1881.:. Mr F. H. McCallum, dear sir .- T °. •bottle of Dr. Kendall's Spavin Cure bought of. you last summer e?ave me the' utmost sail . -faction and performed a wonderful cure upon mart nineteen years old belonging to me,w �'eh Was badly spavined for ten years.She Bas o lame that could hardly get her to mov'._ rhes lameness is entirely gone after usin - half a bottle of:the'enre, and she is -like ' Toting horse again Yours truly, J 1+, Re u. KENDALL'S SPAY1N1: C , E. Send address for --Illustrated Circula'. xhicb. .we think gives positive proof o, its - virtues. leo remdyy has ever n' • t -_ with such vistualified sitcces - to our know edge,for tie ast. as1Ve11` as man: _ Price 1. per bottle, • or six bottlea'for $ All druggists have it or eau get i for•you, or it will be sent to an .ddresa on receipt of:price by they pro - Prieto -Ts, Dr: B. T. Kendall .& Cat , En osburgi Falls, :Vt.. BYT AIX 1KJ.Y.ifi.:: MY31:AN SONS & CO., MO Tit$eL P Q_,. W_hgrest:ln A :ut& Eavetroughing and -.Repairing Promptly Attended To, As nonebut first-class' .workmen are employed, em loyed, ..:..�l artien, fav- oringus with theirwokK,ct1 rely upon t good )o1 done and .at as low piles, as can be done in any first-class 51iop_ in the country. While returning my Hauls to thepublic tt, •. the p liberal ati'on a _re•bestowed 011 nee .iu. tl t' asst I hopefor . ..��. l , hope the continuance .of ale same in the, f ltnl'c. WILL CUREE'OR REt.ip E :. BILIOUSNESS, _ DIzZINES DYSPEPSIA, . _ DROPSY; "INDICESTIQN, FLUTTERIN 'ERT .JAUNUICF. - OF TH H A , .. ERYSIPELAS, 'AMITY D SACT RNEUIrf THE. S OMACJ!,: HEARTBURN - DRYNESS1 HEADACHE,- OF TDF SKIN,. And'evrryspecies of disease. arise rig from disordered LivER, -KIDNEYS,_ 8' uMAe.H, T� 4t�j ��}BtOpWELS SSR 'BLOOD •