The Sentinel, 1882-06-16, Page 5, Gerrymander • Songs.. (Air). Wival Bo- Kind but qhgrile. Canadians: teyour trust he free, — And chase front_power the- idlest erew. That e'er keountry bfighted- eiteps--Sst Tory Porter- do- your. best Where thro' the. irkest: yon -Wander, 'You'll amity late thelfuron- Men, WiII have no Gerrymander, The outcome of a recidees. band.' • Taxation, heavy, burden, clings. - :Upon the working classes., While" Sugar lords' stud"- dattori. kings." . 'Wake fortunes of -the tunsiteu—.Plte. Like flies_ uremia! a careass, Wheelie -their vote can purchase., Spoliation of- our Nor' West lands Becomes the rampant Tories; . \kilo -jeer at Syndicate demands, And in thad4reeibittfr gtorkes,—Cho Who would despoil!otir d•attain To- prop the Gertymander.- ' Now Tory Porthr„ pull your stake' , And wake for the- equator; . • For Cameron and Edward Wake Wilt bounee Sir Joint the- Ch0-# Frew, Our Otett. Corre:sontient Fliday as Mr. Me Donald , ped tar of TEamivat er woe tte to in to tura his 'tfit, t#tt the road; the hones b clind info the ditch; ..`up$otting. the vehicle-. A number -of people were soon at hand to assi4 .txur Mx. McDonald had ti -e muscle -ft-arm severly bruised, , - here are iteveraI fine barna beit-g built in this vicinity tins Yaittotl etre on Tlittrititty, :Pte. ilny very suitable fur work - the faindatian timbers wets soon in their pliscesi itfter which the- hands -were divided- Ely e.,tptains 14.10 cairinteneed real_ .earne4t, and bent was ready- to lie rais al; when the framer, Mr: Trios. it .inlerson; the attention _of -the Men, and stated that atter the last bent ivis raised there . be an intermission of 5 minutes preparri linal race .with: .0:11 was in readiness, every man got to his position; every 'mai hair its: hold, t he utmost,. when the word 'get wao givco; instantly. the large plates 'were in. inotion, and- quickly reached :their des- -few seconds., -.After three cheers hying 44 -iv en for the framer - recognition of iti:s g,Ooti iinanageni kat flu* boys on. 'gaged in a game—cf ball till the shades of night had ftillem • Meeting at Riversdale. servative candidate was held at lavera7 :eulogized the N. 13., adducing as a proof Of the coup Ws. prosperity the !widener.. et Kennedy 4, Drinater,:, small *oaten --doubt are presperonsi but. be forgot to .w-ith _the untaxed *ool of the United States. Ire alio referred to the. estitbr 1.iehment via bobbiii factory as evidence .0.f. the doituty---heenting a -greats mann: facto -tint -,,entre„ and waS rather DOD*, phissed when. O'Connor showed that .this great-tactory actually ..emplaV Streams, Bill -and Boundary Award ha dispOsecl of in liven:01114es.- Although 'attempt to, pirvi that a ": cat was a cat qiago„ horse.' That uncanottized.,Saint john A.,: and his yoting machine, gr.. •Shaw„. eleseive (No- gays Q. -061140r rflidied to Mr. --,4halr„ tore hie seatt_ing rebuke- to the titan who- eetild prove: au great tis:tur tho- interests lin4 native, Province. to spite of the ..izerryteaai‘k'r„it ia to be feared the legia: .r.".-v.,,tts debility; it a. regalt et indiscretion tit riwe, lig' often the- ressit-.of bad d .-Are "-MtrtlOck au- Or 40te aft- st oatro szal. Millbury Eraporivxo.. IAL 13I_ACK §ILKS FROM $1 jCP. CHENILLE RE AL AND SPANISH LACES SA OKET OIMAIvIgX.TS, MANTLE CASHMERES, AND SILKS. • The largest and most select stock of Millinery in.Lucknow,,.. • -LADIES 110NNETS; _PLAIN" AND FANCY STBAWS," 'MISSES & . CATIMREN'S HATS,in endless vartetV INFANT'S ROMS AND CLOAK -8, of the best qpilitY, - at 11,easonable Prices. CHILDREN'S LACE BONNETS, RIBBONS, L.A.CES, N. R.— A, fl.11 stookof Mourning Goods. !Mantles Made to Oder in the -latest style and pure to fit. Remember the place, next door to the Post Office... E LA -TE -ST gss and; brAll F ThIE tEASON. ELAM 'AND COLOR iSATINS 'BLACK Ain COLORED WAiltERED S BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. STRIPE SILKS: FOR DRESSES, C mss acso-D-s. The -snare better. and, cheaper. than -for :some. Years and embrace -in v color, Make, quality, and.Price: I have. neitPr Blown a larger range: INewea..dt"s l'ate0- patterns; last colorings, and loWest Madant do you. want to be without beinO-priiii,-attractiVe; bet net fla;stiY;.engagitig.,- hut not gaudy: 111 Goods,. these niprvelloing- effects Of Skill, money, and time. - Are You . erable and honored graridinothey Then you -have already • - earned -the best -the ceuntry can' afford, lens. RIBBONS, fRII4LINGli, YEILIN Coma*early, you can always:buy better than late, whe light is dim,and your mind has been.warped and crank& the labors of .th-e forenoon. TINS. iety- of at with - OS XL aiscoveroa -WORM *POWDERS.- • Arepleasant to take. Contain their own Ptliathre. . To a safe, tare, and effectual' ort6 has n irtoreas o prig OXL fist -class- improved At Low Rates by the. App!y to. s. SOMERVILLE, The subicriber has atm good VILLAGE LOTS br sale on easy terms, and a number of RK LOTb from one to eight acres, which can be had very cheap. Jig. SOMERVILLE. E INT T. S of -all kind Own neatly. and OF THE, LUCKNOW Harness Depb to the suet o the offering Great Bargairis Unravel, kiddies, Tranfis2 • Single ii!arneis, from 1R1A And everythingin the line cheaper,thina. the cheapest for cash or othernise. I am hound not to he underscld. All work. warrau d, as I keep nothing, but first-clase 'Stock, arid first - forget the place, opposite • R PROCTOR. free. Address STirrsos Poritlanct Maine. Oysters I— Oysters mks's He is now increasing his pop alarity by taking the 'duty the imports purchased by -farmers and others.- Commen FRESH- OYSTERS DAILY, Which I will 'serve either "i RAW OR COOK AT ANY HOUR 'Aso Fruits. of any Bascriploni Farmers wilrnave money by calling at And he is not thrall ina dust in their eyes eithet;. As i line Clean TEA. I have now receiVed free of dutyi: and Sellizig at cents er pout Also Breadi Cakes and Coursetionnry MRS: MOONEY. 41,1§11 RatianY, An. anUtling. cure for Stunin- Im po ten ay, *A. use ; hs Ibsen? Memory, Universal Litslia• hide, Pain in theback, Di -ss of Visien, f, Pretnatu re Grave.' mai-Flirt by Mail to every one. orTheiere ie this n Oise ; ... jijr_ sloid 1 •ti.Triim.GeA _,nivtlearmatarnue. 4w.A.1271t, .valgitig dressing BRAWN LANDSA#E FOUND Ot1 IN; :Northern .Pacific. R. R. it MINNESOTA, DAKOTik 'BIG -CROP- AGAIN- M. 1881 now teed to Owe or retie* either in MAN iAKF.11 INTERNALLY TOR CONTRACTIONS AND =SOLES - his wiu -DirittQ states son of :I"rinon STIF 14201p3LIfili.Ep 74 es Lame dChest BANDS