The Sentinel, 1882-04-28, Page 5- "17 . . . • • • - • t • J. GRENAGHE • to. inform the Pahlie thathe hats e. Instantly tu'Titatit.i a FIR5T-pLASS .STOCK -OF Arews„ omen's, Misses and Children's Bootfr„ ic. . (la iett exIteine hie really superiu Rio* in email elass,tespectany his • lltaffi'ebbloa-; whoto-stocirsoot4 I ; !fore pitrc hisiug elsewhere. 1 A-1,nufacturing a. Speciaity. yedes,litonk- soLt at a a unler . ' • FicJr Ezg4atta Thatt-r takeu it -rsehatige et,r gtiotte.: • IN U LB 1. In order to. clear them- au t• before stook . taking:. ft you want -a Cheap Overcoat, CO.,NtE-1 (ETtT..„ • COATS-, PANTS:, AND VESTS, IthEiPt Cue Pound Otle. laa fur 5[1c. • W. -02NN E.L.L. 0•r• t firstelass improved At Low-Itates by the •1,1\T TO Kg ES'S AGA. OF THE LUOKNO • offering Great.Bargainsin ifainess, :saddles,. Trunk, •Valises, 110bes, Blankets. Single stamen, froni $14 up. Tearer Ifarne.ssfrons $2 And everything in the line cheaper than cheapest for cash .or otherwise: I urn If not to he nuders..ht.' All work ‘varrante keep nothing -but first-class ,,t,•ek;'-and class workmen; I detr 30Mpaiti.011. forget the .dace„ opposite up. the und ; as rat- n't• • 11: H. Mcilathy's Brick Blo k. R. PROCTO Luck..w, January 13th1882.. tkitAir: M pine miglicriNE • -RADE. NIARK‘THEOREAT ES -TRADE MA -3•••‘ t;fraSli REME1)17: - - An unfailing . cure for Senlin-, n.I e aik n ess, Spermatorrhea, • I xn 0 t en ey-, • o.•••4-1 and 1,11 Disease• s • '`1 4equeucecfSelf A use : aIosnf ANIell10y,.UniversalT4. fq- ttule, Paizi in the hack; DimuEss of Iris on, Preniature ol d 'age, and.inany -other Dise ses-. that lead to Insanity or Clonal:inj4ion and a Premature Grave. /reFtfll particular In oazapheet, which we Hes-ire to send lfree hyrnnfl t,, evory one. ta-The Specific ed -- clue is d by aIl Druggists at • 11 per: pt ek- ntre. or pa,:kages for .15 or mill be bzit fr..e bv :halloo receipt of the nmney by , dr dressing • • -T11E- GRAY 311.EIGICIiiE-CO. . :Taranto. ()t.. Can da ' ins‘tucgnow by all •truzgists '. every where in Canada and the United ..,tat'es- • by41 wholesale and retail dinevists. : _ 1231 or s.ha uoliar11 • ,.2./111.11.111Mli , • : • • Carter's Imperial, King of Swedes, Banghloni Swede, Skitvink Svede, Yellow Aberdeems, The- boot Groe4 sod, for Cows & IIorcL • A large and varied selection of Garden and rower Seeds. -.LITCKNOW. 2!;e33E, •IV ROM BRAZIL' X The .r.-74; CompOtild: 4t,g derfulaffinity to the Digestive • • Apparatus and the,Livelr, increas-- Jng _the -dissolving juices, refer- zng almoSt-instantlythe dreadful results- ofDysPepsiaiIndigestion, ' •and -the TORPID makes Zopesa an every day necessity -in Ivery_horzse.. i 2 acts -gently and speedily . • Biliousness, Costkireuessi Head- • ache, Sick HeaclaChe, Distress al._ :-ter Eating,117ind oh the:Stomach, Heartburn, Pains An the Side and .: Back, Want ef.ApPetii.. Want Ener,gy, Low $pi.ritS, Foul Stonv • . aClf; . It invigorates the Liirer, pais ries off all Surplus- bile, regitlate4 • -the Bowels, azzdgitres tone tO the tv12.ole syste n2; . Gut thi:g otzt andtake it to yo*2 Druggist aizr2g,et a -10 -cent Sample, ora large betide' feu' 75 bents, and. -.10.-1(4:0`OurneighborbOutit.. • • as now• "saovcited:--.44t.. • • • 3FRA SSJ C Manniactuzer of ail kiudi :of. • • . • ADDLZEItgt•TNK.,ii.14ragrS, • DiSTERS.. RtinIFIEK IttiG -r- HAVE JUST .1? ECEIVED T/TR.LA I. 1 (4.-E.ST„_(The per arid -hest selected .sfo k . Of TWIN that hai 4v r be. -n bronglitto this town.. Carl early a? d Nee them. •Pri' "ranging 40-/-. 73 cents ndwards.. TEN cant. off for Cash. • • • • ''13: Mr: ORASSICIL - .C. NADA . Valuator. • _ The- subscriber haS'afeivgoOd • - • Y1TLLAGE LOTS. sakt on easy t errns,' anda 'number of. • K LOTS • -from oae to eight acres,, which .can be hid very cheap. JAS. SolortviLLE. Orf all Itiva drown nedtly and -theality. • s EONIERVILLE; . _ ttbrs —I Oyeters san . }Mgr OYSTERS RAIL Which I will serve either RAfTV, ote1 cooKE 2 T 'ANY Also.' Fruits of:any Dascripirc Painiers wi1 -safe money hy - • nt• O. EATING:HOUSE.- _ • • • filEALS AT ALL HOLIRc` Ms° 1JreaL, Gaes a d'Ottnteetierier at,..btwk-$t tiaitr •- iipc Air()ONTf7717 :EST: -NEAT. • AND GRAZING LANDS ARE FOUND ON ?NE Northern Pacific R. R. N; MINNESOTA, DAKOTA, AND MONTANA. - • RIG- CROP:AGAIN IN :1881 • WV/ PRIOES ; LONGTIME: REBATE POR IMPROVE. • MENTI REDUCED FARE AND- FREIGHT TO SETTLERA. Fnavr_vt.„RuuL :-r2FwATP7:44T:o8:Rs. stip•umr.L.Apint. • • , T - „ • • tr. igh Uri ,013, not increased the pice o proauce to the benefit of tbie • • . • a, • . lie ts now inereasina his pop ahnity by_ taking the ff duty o the imports purchase'd by farmers and others. -Commending . . . - - r And he is not throw ing dust in their eyes either, as it is a tine Clean TEA. .1 have now received free of duty, and Selling at 25 cents per pound • UN -0 LE • -Thindweek.11, 'JAY TituR e. stly Add COresol .r A liflusta Min. • AND .G FROM: NC TILL. One of Dr. E ordell's elebrated. reitise on:tho hors o -given to ovcy'ny? 011 stibsriLers p:ayipg. 182, -can get a 1 -me k. scriber. r • -. • • INIME2t, TO DIEASEs. ComptAiwrs and AccIDENTs *•t.vie I le idc hlt o cAuGrel:A:rDr'Seillreyel.L0eiWtheOrminismgAnnaraonr.. eizo- up,1rAKEH INTEReN,AulLGYITF0s11, • • eit4:3/PS• BORE THROAT, ANT1111114, • COLDS tee. APPLIED EXTERNALLY FOR RII-Z077.21.MTIS21( -B:15UR4LG.TA., • ,T1 cni-Limnv,s, cisizous LUMPS SIP7M.L.ING.Sr; •STIFF JOLLY" FOST LAMENESS - calms, . 016irimerioNs Jiar,Tiszs, LiatiB_ AGO • • • DE2INES5i• • •• 8PliAINS • PAIN in IDE, Every bottle guaranteed to give satisfao. • T. mizatrailk 00., Porietor* atiolnii;OrTONn7V1 ITIlfArefundOelilf:BOTTLe. PIM Sikh— • TORONTO,- ON. • - --• • I, ••• t• •vp., ii)b. ry -a•ta t., V .4 .52:04 0_2= 0 P.h1Q 8 L. 1'14 w 113Q cia ga gat q 01 V Civi :Z. bp .i CO r,3 fs, -1.32:1 r, 1 ,%'..s., 0-6 c' i• x.: -F.Q8 u'., ,•',.5.' r.: F. --' .. " =, 43 =•va q ccl.-•a si . i 64 4/ t%41 oi .i 1;1,o a c..) ...44. 0,0 .g5- ejr, ote-i.Q;Is Z 213 0 044.44'0' bd ]•••• t'372101g°111-1- •Vi4jj sr, 1•70.41.; 24gz to t cu.•501.F'"E'`"% 0.0 - Z.11•9xt 0.7 - - d • -9..Seri --;P* , tzr Git=.01 . E.1.- (4-c c3h-1,1.41° g • 0,--t.zu 7.3 ragf..-c ‘246 -elms ,ei27.11311 onoto, • Ait4t5't14, _ - - and becertsin (-'ja213: Brom. Jaiie . • 2,<'••=t-:•";•::•• • - -2- ,t• •