The Sentinel, 1882-04-21, Page 5WiAhe3 to form the public thathe_has etttl$tfLutly on -haled. a FIRST-CLASS STOCK - OF Men's; 1Vomen's, Iisses' and Clnl'dre12 s: Boots.. Go anEI et.tminr Eli retill'y superLi kooI: in' each Mass,_ especially his ii mtg. POI et: iIlfliqe.Shickitoot4 11tirc,pttrcit-tsi.ug lso.cvhere, k I rt tfacttil ink a. Specialty - . Dist -y'e4r's stock sold at. sad aiduiLle ph ai4 and l txttE r° talker > d .lxehant e f,r, offrtl:e. Ian. or �duttoa NES er t -i. clear them aut. before stock taktug.. T1` yttll ►y&Iiit to '. i OF THE LUCKNO 'N Harness ::Depot Isoffering(,seatBargainsiu —J-_. Harness,_ iiail4tes, Trunks, i Valise*, . flakes, _Blankets: single Harness; from $14 up Team harness from Be And everything in.the-line cheaper than n cheapest for cash—Or otherwise. I air b not to be tvt lers..ld. -All work-warrante I keep nothi::v but firstcities stock, and class wtorkaneii. I. defy* 2oaipetition. forget the place, opposite_ H. NcHardy's.Brick -ala R. PRP OTO T[uckuOW, iTtinuttry 1,3th,1882: - kttAf" -.K eine _ Iu111'IS:E `RADE MARK. THEGREdT EN -TRADE. MA ?K• vt ISIi l EMEDY4 unfdiliug- ettre for Suisun - al Weak nese, uininalWeaknese, Spermatorrhea,. Impoteuey, k andel' li Diseases ;efore back; liTA1tmgthatfolinev asa xdat sequenceofSeIfg r e ,Over A.• use it; •Atetnory, Universal. La�si a . I tilde; Iain in themits cif. Premature old ate, anct many other Dise, es that lead to Insanity or, Consumption an a Premature Grave. * Full particularst in ..Ur tt t...tphset-, which We desire to Rend ee tty ma;;iI to every utter, .aZ7The S i,.ecific M d- cine lased by all Druggists at $1 per: pa lk•-: age- or 4ie tiaekares for $5 or will be s tut. free by pailful receipt of the money by d - dressing'` . • PIN RB:1:Y VEDI4'[%:E. t"1/. TAP. the And , as rst- on't OU AND GET PANTS, - &ND VESTS, G:.LEAp,__ 'Toronto. Ont., Cana tro-Sold in S,n.eKnow bvall 'irsiggists I everywhere n 0tnadaand- the-United'.Sial by'eil .wholesale and retail iirnwe'ists. • Ia for 50c, Ir first-class improved A LOW Rates-. by the OF CANADA. Apply rnot� Colla YEA ST OK • lifactufactu er of all kinds of • IIARNESS, ' SADDLES, `rRtrNI`s, ' • ' VALISES; kb &c DUSTERS. Kt BILE K RUGS IT HAVE JUST 1? ECEI'VED THE LAR 'aES7'� Obe- pest and best selected: stop of TRUNKS -that htttr ev •r be(fu brow, ht t $ this towir, Call early it; d see them. Price. ranging free. 75 cents- -u,frords.: TEN pe cent off for Caste RAWSICK JAS: So;rc1<:Irr,11,. - - Valuator. Kt scriber has afew good AGE LOTS for si--le o -n easy.. terms and a number of LOIS fro / one acs eig .t- acres, which can. be had very=cheap . JAS. SOMBRY LLE of' all kind. drarwiz ilea an Oysters 0 --I am Receiving=— • -HSg OYSTERS DAILY, Whid serve either .fl W OR :COKED tT ANY HOUR. Fruits cf -any Osciip1rin, 'Farmers - will *alive money by calling tit In ATING SHOUSE. MEALS AT _ ALL -. :OP AI of Breat:1, Cafes a. d: E;outoctionmiya - at lowest Ii- t,rs.- . T _—_ . • MRS: . MOO`�T j?t' yT EST- -- GRAZINO LANDS ARE OUND =IN we Northern Pacific R. R. MINNESOTA, DAKOTA, MD MONTANA, . BIG CROP AGAIN !N` 1881 I hive nowin stock a very fine assortment of New, Olean and Crisp, for the; Spring and Summer Trade, and While ,Domestic. Cottons o,trm, Prints, Dress and Fancy. Goods; are_ nicer and Cheaper than ever. Full lines in Blaok Goods, ,Oolored flusters,_ and: 'Cashmeres. THE DRESS GOODS 'must be seen to appreciate their Beauty, to_Endorse their to -be astonished at their Cheapness. If you want to buy, come and inv g a Qualities, . hav ealready bought, -we will at least make you glad: to see what lovelate. Iyou - your�fiiends and neighbors can- have, •Y goodss L AD IES.,. , . $IL ftANDKERCBIEFS.:In these lines Ism o the - � - in this place: Description is im ffgritg some of best effects :ev atthi tellpyour rich f ptiids who will not'faiN to can ever shown - yLu buy in everyaycase, but an e; make ora_ presentwedding< Denims and_S rt The Latest tnd.Beat atPossible Price the Lo west �� - -.. Everybody. aays I_bave thenicest lines -of Dress Goods, and Ladies' Fancy Goods is these parts, Well the Trntis Will Out Remember Goodslooh betterwhenyou are cheerful, bright, and ban y IA . WSZON.=Eig tirROM BRAZIL. Tlix. e ltr:, Corn pour d . moa- derful "affinity to the . Digestive -. Apparatus and the Liver, increase ng the dissolving juices, �reliev- . ing almost Instantly the dreadful results ofDyspepsia ndigestion, and theTORPID:$, crakes Zopesa as every, day necessityiz °veryouse:. It acts .gently and speedily- aa: .Iiliousness, _`Costiveness. -Weal!- ' ache,'Sick Headache; Distress of-- ter Eating, Wind on the ,Stomach; Heartburn, Pains in the Side and Back, Want ofA petii�.: Want o . Energy; Low Spirrits,•;Foul Stoiu- etch. it invigorates the Liver, car ries off all surplus bile,, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to, the wh ole system. • • Cut-thiS,out and take it to yam' Druggist and i et a 20 cent Sample, or -a large bottle for 75 cents, and. 4/447),712:n ]. • 1Ias now discover° .at him to, 1 imports has not: a creased tie price of produce to:e benefit o the Ike is now p increasinghis :. n. alp; P a i Ity . by faking the duty off the imports purchased by farmers and others, . Commencing And he is .not'throa ing dust in their eyes either, as itis a; fine (clean TEA. I have now received free of duty, and Selling- at 25 cents -- per pound. 4 cheaply., LowPato:s; LUNG'To REBATEI+pi IMPROVE. +[� a SENT„ RAID FAREAND FREIGHT Tp:8ETTL FOR; FULL INFORMATION. AMMO* _est `Ei!' Ai 1- R. M. NEWPORT, GEN. LAND AOT. ' Borneo-isserame; a'i pAui DD) 'i week: *12 a day at home s 11, id made. t`'.,stlr . nth* free.. ,lddrewt Milt &: 00.p. AaN131ii1l, AiaiUe. . 1N GET Th rated Treatise horse gyve e every. new. scriber. 1 O '1Snbsclibeis pays lig-. 32,- itne.t t -i book.:: - BEAST TAKEN INTERNALLY FOR CnOriP,: cor_as, , -CRAMPS, SORE SIEROA3, ASTHMA, CDS, ate;, • APPLIED EXTERNALLY FO* lettzDaIATISM, ;•irEUBALI#r CHILBLAIy$, ctizzorsLUMPS_ :S?YEICLIXes, STIZ+'P JOINTS,. . , - _ - -FROs2' IlIT vAZZ$ t Sveity o bottle m�Ietaa teed to site satisiao''. »money i'eTwtd Dl [ITIONt1•wITN uAON 1 MLL " 0o per: 'TORONTO; --ORT. •• Ss s�riv-D To- DISRASES COMPLAINTS and ACCIDRNTS which HAGYARD's 'I:ELLOW OIL iS guaran. teed to cure or relieve either�Ii Maw or >+*ass, CORS, COXTR fyzz yS BBUISSB, DZ4FXEBS, PAIN IX BACK, SPBA12rg� . P4. T jn ail)4 s . n:-°.