The Sentinel, 1882-04-21, Page 1IF IIX t P VOL �LUCXNO FRIMAY PRIL 219 HOL fo IM K G A L West CAME ON Wawan osh"Lillitp Pa k- - -V CAMpB.E an(] ha �YL style --V'ery T Dicely tip Well, i-lil filled f4f6d SAP d* �What he iiitei - E- A fard heenqiiirq ftey-aw- d K R8 vaealie-yi. wbi cery.,_ dto": tSO,bg to, I�L ill Hu t opli 6flieeL next d6or -to !per- was gi�i5 ch was followed by .4 with the Post 0%qe. Luck* n ' vincible, Do d dL novr, Oat. in the top ey, r ub of Lillie g re.. convulsed at a-wa 7:LA,.toast WAS hen bait c Oah A. l, aGPITERSOIN, ATTOREr n at the resideine' -to,untiinanii, i'I'll M e 1. ol'The eol-'by John Joynt o0 torl,. &c., que.Lyj treet oney to Losm at Red -Rates ,o -of JOI111 19. xaylor�.,irl.order- to bid fire. Esq. i P Ooll WAS agai h Suit Water bliverage h Ptoved I Tim 'Job u. th I in �jb-e'inj e. well jd. jv[68�i a and. W ich bad blien Loa AP.ELOW- & PR0LUDF0t:,rr1' ns on AjortgAges as -low. as 6 per c 'beverage qfj Rvi4 6, e7ut.; Taylor, who for sonletilile Ch iole. -ar� list .&v e hin The but after Goder'41", T p the 01 NO IES held proud ape k -h(3L S'tt Inent k down i. RTGAGIS ile - ' porfti6lis­ in Me . - er in his'. natuiral; f P() UGHT saiii OaiY, -and orl paxtorp and-L�6.u�jljene 1, I TIC 6d agatuo,bf were a fu 10 fill a 'YOU )g.rn6fi;� d rLh he.-clai with Dela4y t- boutto� tyle- Drifts and c.h�qpes-ol, laurAi3h.their pro,-p-oA tit -Qtl' . 8 -011 t and- the - I Wes 0 -P, xr, E S 8 0 NLI I 1'� It V1 G AIL Point i.eashed. - :t for f 'ba thA roe t jr nianho6d.. a,dihilii aiLlif 60uuti5 0 A a Pint bottle ot -Special an(IL Prompt xponsive.-prairie. of. the "P6r1I)g Wi 'the -deattipti als - h.- Attentioupwd- -to the real; -ortli- ageri oft n th, colie-ation of zlot�s, Ac west, and the at graVs all -wid give -i' h a Rents, &c..-- & skey it, til tb* g�of the elti!b -touk. It Ing. Val Liator. for TrjlStL W, -he RAFTS - -ppoiturlit 'Pay tbein aftir-v�rjle j Y1. Y t ]ft P -. - - . 9 . . a parting Y also tLoWnAof CaPAYABLE AT PAR u_�XTO.N.; A -X on the tri at@ of - -Tavlor aga"in te8 d orld --the wi 'Y� a ter widiliglit Cod8 beta mmis Principa citiesand tc) then! a�v . rt- I f J, n-er in. 11,� R�, -etc.. Xonfav 't and -OIL %he Uited Stlies'arid. C -8 u 6cess in. -'cOUIPanY -th il a Solj&L nie apeteat.. t he Undyin -elargy. arc, .1-1 t M .-. C4 In 0 f t fit : P, w her . �e' With.tho ,iote" h or:for' h anking. C 0 tile -uno 8-8 D..Wellwo6' r -e Landea B Pa strucWd Vision y d this' the is tj OUng Ulan rtles it . . - �d. wa til ian- ij�i carlIE up.-4taiiA h.lw- enraptured. r�iljd bver. I he or a ti-)aQt in.babalf. . , Xv. Lo 'T jil� Rion of the. -Educra Ili's rh6jbll� lie tv -t unb-6unded �aiugr�ffi b f which' � .'O- - PA.,�Sed -ou ruethoo ww- REDERICK' ROGER e great.�ij' io� t. Ofthe ilarlor ty'r- E R E Oftheimpanop ijon df-th6 bw, bywfirst sP It - e Uea'ti- e L but LaItle, of To "s wlII9 that d a ai;Utike tive per ci-n - allal�red Ott, Dcr)Osits r world de -r' a4- toth6-11P*ard. Must begin i Pidgress S&idngs Ba" D in th - uOur, E tc. Fu Put' A cOnInlittee oftrallgement atiol err, CoAveja Rd* 1ftVfjtejt�rqr. �rlraie-piljtj h6ided b true priacipj�s: I y ISO Y ea b mer ever Ar I t held tbrtli t1l; wa - reachifig i Wi are. prepared u, o& 0 e is r iftKiii.,7did the in hicfi It Bloc G fLAATi ONr. facility afford�& b ta theevening e . an., ing-at 'itered Bank Ht_ is I . . I - z whN of e a�n ra on of th6 outjy J- ew e f -ducation -wjl III t -and- on equa -favicim awent, o k. UY lkbre t 1 r1to the soci-a part. ot'Ltbe e e p at f , jd$L to *eiing, eb;:' 'it nt" e -Solue- probably prov -i .It - R liding" thinig -of - ''I -t with �a A 0 trea� efaiiling a t 4TeY;ft*1nk in .41 -amhe' -a I erary gvle- ndude Coide to -& NEDICALW Or C 0111 MY -�lade in th e P, A tmrty ffietids and e. social elethout le?cc ajjj�- r -),, Muni -.He� th -g e fils .8 1 an go to'601L .1)1'- % �es of-thii Moil I-0, thti d were in- 4 f6rred'. row ydu- OU -t, :M A -Xl"Dt Xce, -h ` , * I I ted - t and ' ' ro'Yethent -of the educq�-ional af -hd,[Tfti eisitydfToran t e 11111it 60 W111( ow trimediatl "'R kR-G-A6'k1.G of t V Cc. Mir tern I _. " (Iffiee CA TIE% ii4,L- id- the arnple' 11, P' n, &C Mp -All p, PRESI�iNVED Wall- heard oBEST a -lending A shor OPPOrtullities o! keepini't Dt-la In ..p -ce w i M OFFIft MUM. Vp-ra ion, -aUdglilevin" t a fh,tb -tiuies--b ' -- -- - ' ­' -downstairs 9- A�'MjL -To be 11811 , e I iijbi)g Aheni : . his, e I - ' 0 .. le I o ' I. in(, to not lit t4 office, calij, at- the LaukIov, Balli. 4 P- M� se vas rov ell. -P ided by � variAs Ill Gbol ! Alice 178 -Of 'the .-HO's-'of-the pre and' shot I. V Ing c InPon, e were 1 ut� It?) I r w Pro h e 'h - Iq ail in'ti) e yar 'r-RY TO LKND orE. -Easy terms, f -ter, th ' -true wisdaIty, -After wfiie d - I 1itart duz out- tht ]allies who provided t 01101 ON, .71. , .. ­ I jdL j- - - . � GAMERGN &OAMPBELL, alosed bs, ail �aRpeal- 0--itte lier:to.run Y, to. d & 8111I.Pluous r6, thai -tile lead and. 'fiti a] th t :,I 'I -so th ecew'e& an) e julit-ice t-1 h v o1r." was- agalij, 13 Pl le d i t ) t -e In another W oil lhid*i ceiv I ' iApt)ly -P-1 `CAMAM-pu Dungann, P,' ;XY wils. called 0- d e Hever to -a ELL) y L, i1oker *ntroa, the lt'Led to tliew� toast to A aerious mier ef- 71�ffkq F Affts Y U 21 L 911cu tuilsf W waf, ktryeytir. Valu iner in B. Irlualt prc- let :,civ�n b _VI let] jiY fli Y'� R- Loc in. not Sup�09ill'I tb 0 e com-nifteli to pre "which fiLyliciilt. a to; b seriquaat one U W. Ural w, 8 ably le starte5fbrt tail will re-- *aninio col -uta er' 11 , . errand I b c-eive. pv),inlit attention. A _]10.. tit, dilg4he bill of fare- 11-81be most Licient. in.de and t e a b hl� . - pend g�t& wil 6 his .4 .-O ount6redCi:otj-e-- Upo 00,11VOYaneing'fif all it, 0110 f th6, qt hnol-abl e but b Deeds� Mort, 0 Lf alfeall Ier att vrthy 9 FONOtER- wres, .Rollds, Ar�-eejrte Ihe.Chairtilar, gave uYe-ry appr tPJ8t6P--bith; p 0, opria.-te ..Wjtll t Ilerue y e. h6cjji�g..6, th ness "arar ar ze tho e -that L'� f you-'dohlt )ut Leases &c crefully prepi ' h cried wit,' t , prumptty slid 4A res which"' 9 '0111.1 to lchat;aLpteri lan h3vic 4� :%vit API 'ed blow -Agelits f,)r.tuiq Loaning GompimnyL Special wid pro ­' r fig- I - , -1 .1 T. r - 6 " t ley we .111 luir - poke ourje� inell of. a-g6o oy. ., - And intit atte paid to the ill a% ofTives rition w4 large mouAt of farlds on-1aud t* 'and. to all rc-a Ili' matiers con Y tuciebing njif' wis In, .f t I an d. ni r, weta-I t, , .1 ' i - Illit 04 the lowest ter -lith the t�a`l rlitir ( o a so aini Lit . 116644, 'A Isfor, of It -force(j, to, per b a,lolis 3."ll eaely enol- -tig firin at 91')weviir b' stlite. earmajits of 'tlI6 b.ei andard -beirprs o 04Galle, ri.it hiliati eirele 111111fiagions: (;b Y ha' twtSte dr. io ontly.. aW Luckitaw., d A W - d6epl' L, eavifig.to e- 01 Vr au�b aui(,,k--1 V - patht-fic Id"the 11 0 'I -,XateTavT ke *46 t I t6edto W' ---BARR-11-ST la t ftllefrbirth.. :), Hat' li� - �0� I - . q d it' ts SO -10 of,� ERSL 'as or, e;ar by 11, un 11-14114 n an uticol)s L'901:110W Office. on, tell . door fro 6�g' an Opr er clOus *0or6rion. & or brother Joli n'-, thell gave an I 10pr iota kon-4 ably refit'iered. d OU h Was k Q011CITOR f, t I hie penetrated tj;�. t',at, the ball had P of er" forL 2taking Affid give d Ir Pank-o O t,..4 %Yere�then taljen. 0­��A `t- , C Puna.-- atvm' . Th avits. int ba, all Life" Jma�4110i producegi 11 Farin. Tow�n, e vAriou,4 arti%%- AljLjO wood. eniorrhage, wL - b _ ich eIng IlIfe Swe dby- th L. l - p i.n corn.plinie ts* by I lie cominjiWei. then PaRje ore ij th Li-entiateLof Village Pro erty bo �bd ugh and sold. Dental surgery d Y Singing t ­.h P r 1 thUll L. has re- Mckner (OrivAp fund it) 104 f f0llO1A;ed-.b CA aftei h n OX0 O.ay-,.- -and. Lila henedicti pol, On, , d � 1 - ' Aft"wed to �Vinzhftm whore*he will carry on ercent- I rWortgaga —A tdast -to ner tfte'(lentistry-bndqe8s buthe woul(l b6T Fa in�est,d for pry abeepted- by J�tj 11 y "gga -wer hen� e' re' th ar,l jjckn _ - I W pemnsatponL L - - I Q s, .. . erer was irtfarux his patrons, that he.. will. visit L the beAt Mortgage pecuritiell, itho Ta lot, - h7e nd 'a not only. on, the fir Tuesday, and alao, on Pense-to Lefider. mit,any-e 3010 altar ivin Party. d j M �dlilillt bk Detect* t A onday anc 9- the pal-ky a &.9i ty, P. lit and -to": tlw thif(l Ntou& n(i Tuesday oLesch fiionth, Landi for sa.le a but- a, in, Branit io11 ho -kn , ry 'p easa r I rig had t­fitable: eve 0 rX J�trp oba and the IVS:rth Mel an.d tfian . ........... nt. 110ped us e, been apt t to; p I. office, at whit:itlyg: Hotel., I for their avn)patj)Y.iu . . 4 . . to Darti re t)f Ineinhers: JiS CifeJeL - I Mjjj� Y ,X6, !to: etings- of -tilLia LOA 'lied ac er. may t1la, ON rep l�Itar' f .. o As p -r1fil'af.fit OJNRY TO L, jji a. W $11.617t, -appr rtate, L"Ut. riiu dem.orali"zin ained-'a atubtjol.11 OAN 0 �LNTGO()D, -pA�RM Se- 81'elice Seel) I ag, k soc] 1; a evenitig it roperiqr t a and -11, -be If Of 0H i4deb t- 6s" tIII]- 1ay 'of -- er cent, -accord., utances l?a -wake an to t ecul -G R 11he above will dII'P1 is, aHol:r9sip�ct, (].lie t ular il, ii, ny a Street �ItY-Jered 4 b 9, a v be O hat �o le. t. - - FnP reacl any terilia, to suit tbe bortkiWer.L Tht) doillpa akt if h- A F.t& A. K�, a ny"th0n. hPartily P01 Pat ence Will be cheerfully answei expense.-,. rc6i- farther partcill ed 4n0lig !lie I orgy, Itonal Anth -MURDER IN LON'D- 0� seerf Ili d onorbeforefullmoo ap em. h t mt tit 0 asAhen , - , I hit. hell I of each nionthat 8� .-.-A Wast w -it . . TOHv G �lled frolij . - . . . . - . �1& 1),m-. Visiting. breth� 46.7.., ick, wa arr ts tedz- for - !rt. tefachq,, in.'behalf- of. tile t13be evils -itl* I - - e . �s - .. - . a o, even- V 014- tb th RhOOtillig. D 1 rgV lich. was efficiez..tly j. f" preniclus. e a es it to- by th speaker. 11e, ap h -we again, 'I I D,6 1q I -T LOA ok G `0. A.. SIDDALL, TO Pa ded Pr" 0 -0 ezrryin,g, --loaded 9 Senretp6rr. e. in a 61[16hing forcibly 'fixem, �Martti%�r, O-w-bat-hadbroughttheM thiough.-the Inedival 0 I I] _rrnsitCLASS N10 . I . 0. f aIXGKNO-W Ing on --ine Y. IRTAGES �t 7 -to --gethor, and ral- n'* . .- or ill -to. the regret that. rlap,�,re 'Sh - 0 ti :-A -i-per cent interedt-payable yearly, ti , JI, 7 eriod dy1havtra Je olone, it charge wQerate. A, iply t6 - e. d I Ciro. el u b teit in ,losi jig, jwo-of �-on.',j$iturday-. adril - - i ted- tllat:) ein le hod-- a -e-irtrid f p dtw.e�;rar -Fr-tdaT:evw o'cloo: West V victillf, Pit -k W A roin t,b@ T( 9 Oka -in- a very. RO - . their t BERT kUR T9. -He th WrIlirs"'Ripilge. T1 Secietaiy oft -ung. 4t 9,P Y k,ini � wahogh -U-utual COMO linentaTy i D Fire, 1-a ovintier, lJot oilly:of e 'A rethren cor- surkn& compar thig but farm Wa a teathstor, ana 09t. theill th h -YIno k;� w Proper noured. Pjaiiei i, chiiider, and .1 ishing -to ii gellephl 4evueilinoui of . Years. i4ed'in* t, le vi t this pouljr.14ralencomp nsur, iliditv of`-L�lrldtiiij he ny in* thr those 'but- of4i e alit . i c btivii, ­, for, th *a4 'e'lloved t re . I ub 9 0. shh,Kof Colborne, Ashfi6ld., E I' a8t and - %Vegt -Whose ambitiin (1111110 . h e. - Y t lie- NVwanoah, X 9� a- ad not been to. rmakil 61"ItY wbire---he 110 W. 'Post, Gard, tome -will be 6%ne of gamblings,b r .a- altort .�n . i,aq ap4j. iulbiw,--and Huron by sendit.- his�.de .h. 70 49, Kw-- 0,, STRON.0%' and lit to deto o-.1fturd ri, -fio ItTer -19-,-a -VOu ug� inx iper flijot of hi,,j PI Hd. agility ref.-fring 11 hit -be n rentea. -on) a^ ael Y 30 years -6f tr6l, tIt. Helens P� o. ni loll gaillfstif by 411� 614,iirl�y saccor,fin woman Ila statornent; 5 p3q STRUXZX aiticient G iND IN rAl�, reeell. Filed Code lie to �fiii% Own bow ey id ow Of'a but t 11414 W o, for In isig t 4Ua=­;Piaua-ajxd c eriz n W, ., ra t iiii. erg. I in tirl 1, 'Oiled, Heiso rAth aer A W1sre A0At,)NX'r J. dinwhes at OlIly alld ri-Calit h ar' J� AN" their Utests,­ at -d th W avocatioii thrfa -lack cl d f1p, be*'&M prlpiflar=as a ly 0-92YTO. LOAN 036 e bu a k -V �to at 7 per cent., fjoni bag, QE-, 6 -in: tl eekiii--, tj , 1�r 7 2L -20 Farms ftir sal at valled - .1vir, -ed.,abovit tll� P�- Miges,du6i babit-of 0 t4 je grou &. A(Qj4jkjWq6, Yeays,listir of- up. er ieir day. Utirii Joitel e rig t Ontario E lie dirActiy', Par U IlitetvAles in ii, viro _tie. ol, a or then. Ib rej(.1 jb'&�'Conlpa y Itch he� Hit, *il consult their Into 'Wi Ig jua to sell facrms,-,An 8. 11 t wi kii 'fisiug, fi,41idei; (if sub a week in y4ur lim a. Terms sts th * piece -.of ifistruitierntal nlugi6 all it 'd -t ee e set 1� by "Out! Ire-n6iJibo *fitureq to look -tb inape the advert botli fa': -2-n Great uritain d1rei;, ad and ich' - Tht als- lin the face fit 1ree� �.the Vi i1irip h to$ l:king tileir- mg. - ei S q.e&dribed -an. lJol'i'n�, Portlaqd-. ginent of lands for sole. sl0 it I [ng Men Lublinow P YP leaviDg. i8tica wilicl, b Ve - di tit kth" a t Is allegd RU .0(1- ho ag Joufici mail ha -be i1rci - d 3—� L re -wa tit Val) by 0"t, -a t , - r e en Y,�llg appetite lit'4i r - , , '.. a wn-twike h , 10VI h eed 91 I)r liquari a a - dispositj�jl Ld g ary rM B. Ti o lid fdr loit6iiii ty. r, filter which a Song wa&giv- �Arry ail t ell danger a J: is leA B. kir. an 1),ut I a WeaPAISo - Indeed ou Ila- f. Alatiea Up -. t- - - enth. j er I j*o",re: of will to.vantuto ner b ings-cif- Ili,, -Y' WALTER amigied 11tELEAVE eMotbjLL Pa least At still keeps on haiad� iiij�X94! and .,forth U01 a pro ter t e, Ij air to* of h til of our bieb- o revolverSr7 Alid this, trait %Val; th, u hPartily. diank by W V C11i )fillpieuou P*trik DA 0 7.� A O- t two lil()Ijt 'TRIS alit' fift ie6avingsales will 46 vrell to tire him 8. otti, IV. oAvith"tbp deepprat rb�, b E R. L 090 0 -ES: Part b b n 0�11 -Yr oqfti ar, i at ftuo 0 fit everything -)und7 in the larderots, 11t,iotiarn pictured un. su,verl. oce orig --he 1vis L-�811 "libi 'Pq Atrill Irly -six o"It 4-,4.-4ekee tr. He would, aiso, (& Ila t hp Illost, free jf -all lands, *0, 416 r es- l -a 1.4 , , -Iter of t4e old fl.,j tj'ij. Allfla'th tile. hL ir un* a t.hat. he hall, eugs4ol ll calib PA -1 f 8� th it lit tie iInud tiek er's A* * bag bra 19 - li -years tile, K-V)e and (be Cail ho ba'i Vert It ft FAItt ii --bb,od) d� in ell Ttt 14 IMLLER"r. The ldpank therl j,jine' brand' of Cuill that has 6- lat 4istiretlir ven iffami singing he Roil, White 444- will" Buttei. I '111 hill ,w fur over :twail oterr ow Z Milling bililinest with- 1p . � . 1. t, , I 111TIP9 � ivn ov , i - Y W ans Th d Liji --m-A road -n er t" tile qiv�ry. -y go, -by 9 wan-thm iivpn . eftly llTsylo-, %fter; iss: It. of t - ho tM.'e4 wai-Ofie WhiAh X .0frolaxation 'a the C '011JPYM it t6r-Codi eelt nouge. -1twbibed 'a %fie blfc.� AlIkin"of ag Ireliad, the hind �f- ii P bby Street, ep�ojijt.q intow rendered a "I and -nativity'. W.diwii6rlbod as .41AIN A NO, 41 l"t to -the United 411II-ILY 0 100r.. At t on, -and., Was- dinjivr -bler,he bu 6 " * , , , i,lent.7, .11 - . . *ad,-i00ff6rjiVe'j0&lj, laq dustiloi anus ery -.vi( en- eA _d an '_ , . - .. le.j� wh -bad been al ONS l4te4 to and, pre4tibiag a Ili Y 0njY �16rw, U1 i&VXN':. broom kni whiefile- Is h., a A IN lin the Town. C. k I]Ilit but ilie.'speakor Wriiill eib a �i "Weapol -it 'Viol -t - rMan WOU64: dl Th