The Sentinel, 1882-04-14, Page 8wo Iwe sliflattli: of hIA.011: Soring Show. R NoTtGE- n ii -n mperor" -Nr Q800 The Spring Show liloss A isame O(bills�*b, -was Oi.E plaed i rVilorse "okFro of -tile. .-J ii.thif-peopleof Lu k 6 --tliii *illaia -on Friday .1ad -betweeii —Mr. of 11lielli w 13much A,nicultuial Societ 1. - gall ill be a-, AN cauntry-L, that.-tsur natr llBull V_ visin i4g.: As riew A lit -k w 0 lf ':Iticknow aid the, 'is �t pre all kindir ofwoi I in this 6!s coitsist� 46,Beaverd' of Kiijelllrilitie, whidli -resulu. village. pn lit 'thst. 1�ith_ gomt work,t. ed:iu`filvor.� a yen rii4s, -th", latfer Ili A Dilemma, TENT� Sprihk Goods.. pievt sc6re and Entar&g. 6 -foil witig is-the.co -Y -oil in this coji I llg es and ftreo.. enth stock of pr goods, !-In( 14 1.1" T -Willitims. hd Ae.faii1au- VId S060talty, Fram R F LOU The first exaniinati itil 1ifte has now rabbi Xis. d er 'KINCA und . ei' t Iiij I aw. sillowili PI ilf w 'bil atiets ence -in -all the in "hats gIve e s -hand�,- ancy V -for tr f. pry iise of nmrii: 6Kerracher w. nery, mantle.51, f )od U n _4241fil.. .-.-age,. oa t'ller s ek. tAir. J -,Qanei. t C to Yt le-tik rest c US 'Auction 8 oI a, -Cuilin.f. tord le, _rro, tale dturo,' W.- bludro -b .Remember the lac;e of -.2-: Dlifeuden, ell' PEART 0 I M- E - T- A B- L Oictrim, rstoveg 'ete NI Ash what. f fa' kouji: - lit, D.. 4 r R. J011 ritts: " %vit-h . Sale the' oPtire bt(;ek- -or loss ."Cl I fievel Bottles;and al' 'Mda Intyre� Hardware store.,011 1! 21st G"i �iijg more I the tl�ei TT x tures f or the iltalizifue.wre of GOMG-1507, All'ra.UStLbp..S(il'dwitho--n-tri erve at tile- sal e -tiillt' fle'thially a- 4 5& aB i f , anito: T _tlleL proprietor is k,i jig or I'ov.. is: 0 ;I raec, wil, I re*ol: O. AND and 6 f 00 1,14 (G; f -pro ISO 0 inarriA;j�e-Aiii oije-of flie. did. -fornierlythe propert� of ait. For, No.'S—. 2� 24 ap oilit further LUCKN j III 4 IIMP Lacrosse.. I 'se�t dow .10 A 1161`heii6ii idQrllie"assize. G id Mr&L A_ B. Cameron, fordlet f tkis Tly opeland. the offici� 'Itag electeil Capt�ai, -LOOAL Keirr.;, the'el Little . ....... LARC N er tandii; -%v Street crossings —A nu I P ea, -be) 1'.. n -b r"of tie ..13 SOD.- Alex. t1unougillly, ind Camp NVhat ait The ae i e-clif irt t; iYo bett6r. ma c :.jjr. C u put in.: I gious his ba.-jiness and ould 0 ii-fatAtir. br I Y I" `8011ye lOtba position. - , 11 _. . i Tile It, bie�foulld f6i Alays I I .. . . . .. . ., .- ot tit), prod tico gi -1 n", 0 Knox Presby t6r�' (1001.101 - e,i the -pulpit ill Imp A. &Ditll.: orse .,orted H Alit) ut 0 .8 W 141, on- -0 And C1 t Mss Fi fil r_� & tiW e'. widers taud t4t. Moss Fi ,w inell ilulidertheiever6st t e e. -%Var hbred Built Ferauson will tiavol. tli(i r.rece .1 �i 519n.duy Ilighte a ea. Thorouz ni . in; .6 It'llow 8 I 0 last ported er the sain'o 'roi le a% hould 'ntr- rce of AsIlLh . r, fir Hedalls.11in it Threei D ti ii i e i it rd I I er, I I 11 Y_ . 'Fol 1ploujas udid y h do,,iarta AvEteul. 1,teoL� No � q�rth6rn w tr "t The Vic e L 93 to'" P gl(j liiqspla ."Lrd D,�r4 64t, year., e us .4tors ware*. t r a-li itiloSe at thi ?xjjil�ltintfs of t Dobiiiic,li 'Ill io, Ur. W. DRID11 geat en will hve the patmnage Per ,11 t ifie Wbitely IOil Mers all lit, T The priud paid was ti rood of the, pupli& oil, it 0 letivy. iie aj aft�-r t; h44id -Aak vour IJZ51 15eirtDwiZ E. itU y loss ststa'.isiod b - thew - ill threir event Ob ar g.PSL local: dealer for i,M t;ike Y Y --Wall r, -imp f peat 8inco' oil 4ast* imue it becmes Pit Fine. chea I'll town -pailittil. j jjjY L to aV to D, h e _-reco:rd Elie do-. sto 011 (61 I'ast week a obw belo ing. to Phrencto ERN .91Y. -al Dr. -Catuphell the Scottish 01ire Riclar-daon,of Littigside,droPtad` -0g: ri lee'of:a- n1tIHb3'r.of. our, citizens,. es itifd-�f tloqtl'. havi I gave a series O( lectuvesh! the a .Btem lial ji(i eri,Eviry:kilm "of seeki. in. bul tit- Shvp.:' (1-Ul!l tl.(, Wet"I r"tl 11f, T .9- bf )uke of ArEyle;" that dollia aMi. IV I� le--f6wer t1lalffetirtliff6-6tit fli"hes: -%rell filled oil All occa.sio 'by_� a _j�as oek- in Jjj The we tire call� -led .1. f -nt - f iative -audieees.- The le,dure ic . -1 �i 414'prd to the Wises- pree p ..ketfetiou in- ro 0 itlence -.onL -le'ig: that -of - astel" thi nd instru(tiv e4 u.prn to chribipi, tLLhev_i%l(,(I. were very iit-ores e, V. _,..g a Ila elil �street, r1l.. William Campbell e 1.0 -tud glhowtitl that the doctor is thort 6g P..-Ycunol stsoi f- r- ? Arm. 0 I e -e Btua Ribbon H, ast. J.. W. Ar Ilk liturettia rtd t -L _J Postmaster, MAI Ora P" ly Aof Plfrenb posted in ths. matter hoal-I take warning -ibers I tIit (iii Vedfies re prepare to. exv lite At tl _k . I . 'I - .. ­_ _. - . - . - , .- :: � , �,r . - - a. . f I. -Oddfe ows his Piilli bwte ewj)loy.-d in ftiture; a. bell E�q.j� pron g 4d of sum Inel ti, -upera r -A Mht� Of. fl' ()�jlfol mpr wiic ce.:oll irsday o tyle. the.y ar,; well, known. The YS le I h o la -Lodge hl-tl L tie] e ra, 6 the eve ing last� frofn tho.effects of d Edocation i lis villa.. t tof wall'. P 8 -he XINDS 'AL al. ervices* sixty-thirj of the or'de by 'B. U�Ill So e, 'I _tit _Jjard�ll G ot tie. 11111d f�valr. Ill Reveb ,yr-oli s a. vas pl:C _�iee at_LS.t ore, n Ali([ w` tCo'litrazted for tin fini U_ Glit. .. __ - ... . . . . 1: I iier, IAnit wath­reat saisfat3tio e will deliver the usual edlwa- k V ��,) on nd -a a,gre st 43rd TheLlfle , no fpars; were 6ritertainid f�)� Ili 0.1, v I 1 thw St.- ISel-Vj['(_RL I tj wiih tile ioll . 4 weLtl r tL 14... omrooni-to,the,chtirpti. Ail er -till t �veks­a 0 when b SIR 1�0 re -no the. vroise, -aDd C-Illurch iu_this� village. cSan,,W for ine.n.beis ot tlie order ar -questei. t.o a -ELi1T6Rt ba- -bedoniR Ill 003 SA' DLINDS .11 all- th, t. -, lefic,A skill. could do t ough it I' Villag 6f th R foi- ar Public Noticaq- .on or. infi.de �1 ice. wm ,done. f6r" lifth. it, -wits of no-a-vail. Do e e We gtmrah+,�e goo -.fjj:t will. tj I i: Tio public tire herobj fla- Pining for Gor clerk _d rk- e nees acm nutil.bin of ecoll(I but the Vim of orl all niz January atitt, c ER -Y. W 0 Cerfietery oil I Ittirday lit] accom: 8 Ig —11 71--urg ar crotillto- -the ouip'.4 -a 5- T I W P!? - be j)y a last tu L H. 4ekert,of tj1eLuck-IIffW cnke�tcl� the villaoe OH.W�a �e-- I- t i�d o their urailt,.ure, inu.,t be 1�aidatlnc DI&fit- Iq,_ for: 'he day� purpow o � re: I?, '6 frie-IldS _0611n.tq ell itor the.-otbir ni;,.ht. --'-After rg nutub?r try a i I Ir d r tLjdS for jil6l,lij fheir.'blood.tj iisty appetite's o -The secoild cfe,.i th ww -h-'' ibe-odito, Od ,vill' tie, pleff-I in othe Ila .9., terrible Artw,gle r-.-. u� C �We are C()Illpp.I:L J., .. ACK-ap-T. a derta.in young Plan ofthikpl he in r to notico is that. of Mr. of the I a- at-, �er -fin L lintris,,uti old a I Thi.4 is tile seeil iefor-ii icbAlit"Z tit mile '&,e �J(qjt J. ill V t i�lint ei t en pre Pft r Ito 1roju- that section raided tile Vill. _lsed'- Wb -o. pare -f,)j- the"harvest. Id For, soni -o tiwo'past the dece hs1)1.illg , fV IJT" llntt his. resmence on I` d Y Illorti. rt time a pliult i'' Th * bu�ifie--�s nu -'u �T. caps. Stolen. nellingLat tile- hands'Of tile vil o 6. h1fa*go le s' i 9 . rW C: I Sol]Aetilll L'-* the past week- citle: -boya., i�, iu)t t Ls-itt it- u-mber of m, k � k %ve are. oilly wa are unabl t tij- 'jya�.�ig CE ibake th k%r, � 4LY:-t ree -years t.tbo ti e 100 01 w beiit b'A lfe�advrsoin, trunt the strealm thaf atoses furriItheir nariies to ti to- rublic., dedth, as filled to tha -housig with -know-li cattle itt-Shepa- ef"L. 6 ad, Campbell steeet, in ftput of ffi ve it is the intention- to Ii -tat L ave.. the hi, -'Ii t '-m' d dropsy, w - Pi inafe -ug, RemoM.,all .dbihi Fr6hi lie i;aty i, -,now mail offe tie if the tiqs; arit. tiding par 4, sted.- Cibave dalk-4. His _rctn'lin,4' wery'-bdried. ARA!' trie `1 d at, tica.-W.- will till ih tile 1�filloss. cenwtvry oli Yo [i Trienlips -a . a 0 ce �it _'tbe A.Fat [Error. 'Te b�rry," pron tin tflir& dtAth'which Occurre(I ll -0 E4,rly .6i, Tuesday mornhi las� -F 'Wtvl�tned Dowh. t I tuie:l,Johw_31oore_- of- bi h. young man lit iv yotim-eat, 96n of Dr. A il�. AlacC.j NV.011t '.to. vi. _'ur Dwell :1 -Ondav, Itig,11t nuall hliildw Walkerto-I A. V ril, pitj -ce bo Troilt 411, Give Yo ieD L moliths, Thero af.l three y e4i� sevei Y 0 Itro bolottging t6 the C etern. drug tore. wih armedie W a -con lilolictr D. -lit a' - lat, loil Friday Di,jIjt�'fj6Ijl ;rqght -'atL it )u from Sinith fax: his Nriff. V. Place J�)r w fer into ihfi tank Lei itd _a.good cha ice-bt pa Y ij a: ery4pelas. In tl.e'lb _Ve-red:froni:tho effec yo std� . . i _9 'atIC -entirely rco jkl" ill t his: villag is of tile faef-it Nv'as -lie Iteino 4 -vau ,e,, was. - dea- r., IrVilson, his clork-f. a- yod ijg " - 1, . fine ­ I " - - . I di ase. id in VC the ftp�r troyed ftky'fire The* fire is Sutiposad to a; _0W e Iad n" tied R i c. I i a r'4 Wit Pilt- ul) 'would be ar till bt iti. a finy d ItfidaY la,.qt a -0 d aga ay. W wb-re ib n -bn -0 ud e but "n' ery fire- MW of"tb hava gri.,in"it tad 81? -k� ffij I it a prescrij�tion. 110 lititat abb" high 'I V_ jmas.n4, eagwe the and IL't:&Ii,hOur' took.- a chano , and, die %v III h w2s. sh t- o' -P is' lake bil- e 'in I% le W AnItim no _UrV k oW lit -ai largelv ait,86ded' Mastel: Samuel -Alorrifion of RIO J� rq. Was a r�ol pso. N1 MoOr Loo. 04t, es. Thof.unt. Iv- AND; BIJ itil.-ges'. tha� the boy ha stric 'Or' r8 -.11fondy hl�gt.�Tb 'hitirthAbath h -at on Be. carv-f —8 eds, Field 4wi G, e - -ed 41 ilotl tij Attempt the 1111t,ting, up.of ard a Se s; O' lisis occur --ed, was that '4 M IF Y ilnj�orted. at S& Ho' pok plac 14's I IP�re were a ftwxibei of'. then)� iIjVe 8* -0 oto, O* _.which t UJA 4Y �_ard re., Iais! 6 .Cr I , if b -ftre I artfie -Iiis- abs Jan`ivs P Wa IL P _apef and,. is a 118.13, youll - g WO1111 . ill- o,jk con- a -fine I mb I t. Tho -deceased w fdkjt�_ The irtintbor. of 'youl.g -four years takan the ba, eatedly twmity. of.a u6 Woman not, low, inarried.. --ce Ha 61ves, a,n cart iIi,Lfie'Teinpei,,ai_ an V ad a lit Howey b" tho'. sylil�'illy Ot- -A _6d -0 And the 10, 2, frain to Our Supplement. 0M god llI esday ev�ijihuv - A 1 -2 6t It - tinie- ina b -Jooked4orvaft. to- t.e :entire s a 00- With'this week's ssue we -P t�s (I ber. 'tit to 4h. CRY-Pul e � 6 - . 4 llf(�r: ins were Ili eft o ra a 9 e at ill s n t da" -comiltry noiw sh6win& the lal�ge` bur ripa is _Ybst nd-mbst ders. a. supplem nt ,-*qiitai: i - � -1.1 *hr, - ?7 n tol I -1, T _ied Ou ru ow. Fin-er. Hoeses. - .as c6mete esday -w hil c took ever show recovd- of theTory Admi rY L Ck nstr- Fill -o severn tell 01. t e -a. 1n)i .ot t -dg IItch -duin sat ce wiii-:do 01 oiled -utt r 6 Ava li-e 0 it Stego 7 Persohals. zerc -tie e be 'Uhtail7ed. they. have fdr-'public, antelest's, if -.p4r -y 103 prices, were s V To -,4jb lose from, Mr js. - I nestillAwo e J,as� wook- Bell,, of Aqhfj0l, puqif�sqea are. t,). be r 4 of -.Oq pr -it IIAS bee'irtom down'- nil - quotations t,,i ven are ll ti.keli fri: m were vi.411ja T -P �Re fin-- -f $ 0 fo r tho Goverlument� retorts, A0 dar �nthp Vast widl: v. e et 0 caly- be e- in. tj�$ OL of- Of L: E TTE 1 L,i RL:T zite g9ad lied upoia. Wp tive been ht co.� it) I o lately Ba my a: 11ce Cam 611, -was Ai tivertorr, apiell,t S- LE order.that all Play h e chit o `onsL ni0,dorstand ihe --ri a.- r'boli MAW gIvy, OH, El miss R jj'all�ol' t Vo it ode of lettftlgr cot lact-tc, id: e Y O' -- lit 9 -hope, it �ivilf be dul h oI)Pt Wated on e4-- out readers.' SpLo"s- t 0 Tbe p tit' Ea -mer holklay -atro hm� qqnds u.ck III these -dayi j*bM- attoph el: V f S Ante, in the Village of 1, no"m Iry rt,� th� tionn. Fif len, -r,s variett lie or I . I At,L berty 04 1. - f ie 'Nort, .WeL tciiv 4tue of Col tilaed y r All In. nq,r- ittiparmnce,. -C tement "%,a. tf it ville a' lie i-mcrtg- 4--ge, wilkh x� ill be J&Qdj� Vhat jeLe tif fa lit pr,seii t 'ill. the -villatie t�e - Air., ­ � ": UwW ss� am of itf, -ttliele fime at L, 411X)i Wasi i.g " ',,e. -,h te ti- th" voices, duets, on tile strdets oil Friday ioruin -Ii, O 't, ti, dr�w-tb it fact, thap -S! f 11, VIsI 11 wIS n iqu of e -pt i ittli Y!S iit, in,tho Ilm4liow -anti qi wea tt- t,.#, & C-� u beiiveak, 4,r. A&A -illy laj)p�-alrtetico (f. tI at not,)6) �s f ri-il't i d a ill thit-villacte duriiig �uckuow,, Gn oiind* suri 1119 -wlti,itry fo is tat . s iRL the store.- .8ttark, the, -oL the vcious bors-i 41 Old ru have e4minju'pe UNIne I -DNE8D..k Y tjl��'%th d t I 113.1 u W.1, e Y T, W XPRIL (I -Y naly pf St. cqtharil.e�' 81 aet d d stu'ek ot gd� IC)r. E. -P - , t4i�t the brute -Sucdoeded i a gettit i�. t Void D. 1482 0 I and W -Whi P Fitigular thm c r ain parce or an _premises-sittlat�-jn'the village. af Lila- hid- head Out Of the 110CArf I ly'4f theBiJ I p8fitfeha�_&hl' P .. . � 1.9 10 . - .- ..- _. d is III, 0111; A 'P a - C X r. thi F .-Coas) grooni I atied- tile door in h te -g c Olt a vlol t? ter miw_, -in t "if Coutity ouBmeei bein !)Inpo rejity-tLeven an su(1- are, upualty ke� in 41614 -Class F liu aild in the villago: W. of - yillage lots 4aimbeirs Be d ikfgbty -three" in WO. �Illage of Ltinknow, be'. Goods tore, ving lately, i�r ersoty, Aptiff th tVilla-, a.ad ut t A Hackett f _lL t4or* MrI ii�'" a, b'01 iog part o ot numberafifty- heboun,d, vven, awL s, ijaa' &-ir retutti grailel. it *,ji' L nIne4 Ili t e th h goodsp TfiL7Vardsl)uiigttt)iit)ll,-f,.Ilb,v- UP' I nd pergoinally c osen P 1.8 of the- otieridit -1-bgh Sel of thit Q Phil) of Kinloss in 'the fe�el confidettt.thajt lool concession, 14 J�y di t thirip (ill by all f-xcrt(&ar6Wd. Alf. attiftiq Coblity of Rjt]Ict., cotitlifijilig A TiLsitut Eas,ter fo.,- th ir h6 halt m Sly holloume� wl h and - e tnes, hel Bence urement olie [,I, to 0'Lj)tIYL6 ed fruitlet, fialf acre, U the i U-111 - 10 t him prov e ore pa ronage, -And herewith I ext Vo *ou lill c6rdial-invi t4iolui.-toconie li� -my 90046 j;j'I(j_ A$�ffl be util �Alra, G W..Berry-Illid Wilik' er-less; _T of -the - purph erpent t i(.111111 it a re _g frisilds I ne.o sa e, and 1.0ance- as� ond intpectfor, abod t' msnf itsi, 'i j)QjI 6' t.Lbil,paid it -the ji a 1161u, o'H cc.Tifor first frQtti thig village, -'a. readiii], wl--i Not, furthe'X-1110AAW, am intfirtb" b . ., _' - - y wa, n. U1 -YonN in' getting, hijil ii -It --fiom iliffilbs, Alit'. lie RD.& D AI�VroW. W bjtkm. a as br6uglit baek' 1jj. 41a. jig ratilrijiJIt O)jk tuyday 1qqrjIijl Ido T#N. 7 in tt Y A -It n b Fit th -k the I DI 7