The Sentinel, 1882-04-07, Page 8ERE -ou TITT7- W Ir --OWS Lo _QAt on Spring oii.ht Yilji*_ald"ahOUld ho*s will '64 eautiful Ally 6 willi ag Tat, ost b Wall ple of Lucknow h t )h ir Thuisda autitry, 'that I now. 1 P . n-- Mr, D.- orsoll, -1) o ogral dnigns- it d atirrnuti -dron, -at T I ady 0, do all kinds work i �thj& 0 trust ouw out t April fbe.j Us . t old -0 TOG . tit* At I(kWV44 Pticea, onsfat t ATEN, RO With gPQ-(I wj'rk- deal dog 4P A tGrey, at'BrUSS -.5 Td. in tbe vallou-S -81' 'day it vn do: the- I 22th :B 06,pying and Enla"ging day b#jiij God Fr. 'I be Good Fr , idlay property. interred., UIR -80v�rjj1oleri k%kir, CA- 4 Vil age needs eRO- a# eand reo- e as kenetally obseiv kg t iciiagli ut thil' lit -2m 424 a Sill tlel . ess, being a -ay, Apri --t W-22 1 WoLm AN atty; Frame 1. W -e w0 urd �c t I p ce -ed. Q! thi3 cot, � L 'I S06 es way harfdo tch *illbei 14 1p S art hall ma, at4 Blj)q h �on Tuesday): A cjmo�ell are Orris, d ra. ClameronA, goN. in -the village btwe�n Kln6lrdinel� an aK.. L; ",ftwiox- building, next 11th. h ing their Is, ge brick Fn h a av eb, 06Y, Lucknov�. nines if the.weat lari Vor.*. 1) for their Idi Gol eii I - , . . - to W' T111ckilaWf, Sept fiUld-ii .-West R4 ir, 1,EART -entire s oc iA k athei" nkingb M d ba �y A Vicious.Horse. remand- up, w-aggon, jjot.tl�gl and villxhe --T 1 Wt )3: L Ex of *ealthy me E w'68amps6es" 9111 onil _Can jie th. the_,m W41faet 2 tbt b y uning print -11101 Turij or -At G led iha.t ferocious ailitriall thdag I'tbe- - a L ni, L GLE R - 6 E 10Y -Rill G SOr jLj , ap: and lekve behind us, Will h -TH �Strojj piles f end hi 4ert (jf,Mr.% Yor Way last, ak of thisim 4, 5,3 Village. an Wed is �cfi uk:? -men, thil Buslue ApTil:lltb.. . : formerly the P, bo It ow. 12 pearance oil the -street cretitt�d abo as have.. rie�i an I t Belar�vij Xcitement z�i an ordiu6r" u KA 1, Dtintists -who East 'Waw osi-A e Xo. 5�- -a 21, much e y ere a —A o q EART jN' 2�- a 14 tfi t, tb6 onlY- '0116 ithat "Teaberi it is nQunc davy,,,-April 13th ," pro 4-109 5 0 0 COEab he� �earth for the -Ap i appr6d9h hirn witX-safet*- fbingr on the face �6f` t Lisi6wel, on Frid can D on njo- a i9rilbeh �prinws ow will h 50 t 8 ITIP es. T 'A il TOjIUX srres: pri L --tbe subscri er in' e bel-holl iwtbii vill%, Ph T6 Loik-Opi teeth�a d br�ath.. ki, have received. from a -k In accordaucia with the sugge ion, I-RELy . Te" prow an Slid I PU6 -2 at Zeep, 4 Mte made4n- last we on I a. "war Mlow)ier caA litiVe -the same O'bunci Meiiing. I -rafersto the f oil t9e bu'irding- of a new.lock-tup; the at4 which Fine' Beef, --Donald Clark.' brou ffis o ndil, ed bY Air. was Ow. 'Our enterprigill"'. ter Xov� own, ;, "Was -ADDLY, Luc JAMES -Af *ill app!ar -il tile next week the V1114,; C6 secured a very- flae flit, all A mestina ,her,, has ar -et, I� weighed. ohe tbou�bf rit at. JeLst -week has had b' we t e ve: anti :at) dressed �L f -eyf Coanciijors, were pres Dt. iasm. - o -milinto M ght. tj* I niing lagt; wt`6 aoff F 'Oil thw- I­ Board, On SY I at solnelfill-9t th the blizzards wbicb ay. 'matter waa " 6- --m-The aebo"llit disusse( held i- Cleik icol� oil Ise *isitedtheNorth e -C leil would givi ome asi' t th * effect -of co teoling The Oul is Inc itTh',e best bf pTopose y6ad nd- -What is it ine m'our 6w apeo le,*ho we' -mved. Y! )roperly laid. fore re Picture the� niatteir if it was. .1 p 'b it manuf ac, mbet of cast ihe� movin - to that regioni d suggesied that it be left �d by Coup. Br Tho, party. thom,snd 9. -Mov - �y4fli on I resang, to Vo- Lwreljct3,-thht thiq Cou� 'LIP 6 "1 1. - , 1 t gmes. te"k - - 7,jinpbell Istrek fr 011 une s4ssjo of. the County. C6 see. -by Ovun...L 11 1plo be inte AcDonald- n that be bathe vprnmodt purpose some -time, last week,.c would see what, aid the C. Go 6f'Wai'. -0 in, Villa a i cil accept t le 41, and c office. his ilun4r the !severest test,". ngttws awarded harvi� the Sam.a by applyi -would gTA1 to c6litinue'the, 0m qf�rigadf!l calilps t cedar, iind P ein aniber V Coin f -and abo me -$&00,�pei-t --all h- I ;� bit �iill be ut 20"000 Phrenology. this year, ourlerrx- Meetng, Seditish- Phy no- Ftbo:V�Cridua-prdvinc saii(4, An ac.' pe c -P O�v curling, Co.in-jibelij the- arried U hLuek-n -Maasur e Is g1or ar,!D,some me t for a ti �bo r'k jh�atitEg f stayin, a few day at� U in our town, -hp There at -the 11aal logist, w -was, paased-. Z,�ibiewns. of t4 Dow tbe bola in. 1). eeDw-�-, And they Are wondrous wise, -t:) kup Ahe n1881. Faajaiers d.666ra BW�Qf ney uthef Whitely.. paper bills.,'. Ask promptl p# their --B ajiid machin,-r�`by -using our_ -Iid&y eveoing� April ec aded L T - r -y- all i Some 1111 tyre)s: jy "press.-- Some ahrtise dock, lot the PUIPOSS of of �nd jake no other. , - --I Cal . I , fold, t1ij3 villap wa. dealer for it'a -10th, A reap a eople` who hae 'heard. Iii So 1: ihou"na wnsp his 1, Addwhile th C Lawrence, +1 - M�he ng%si, e. -gold, ed,,*for Th6fo tan T orra 45 Stan P F ose of electiag ffiee where. speak in the hi&es in* win -the P, 7 But. 6t, ", into two sed- IUDS� ractic'i - Phrenol to t w4ks nd stre si viaswrly a it, P -But. e'r at Canipbe 6a tho dilsioil: Him, J�u g4 f Tovanto,- Ser-- Sonia �.muiing charact� -�-Easter Giidb -b e and BryAW hay rroadings ele' ntly sup-- pence, 0. t6lookw Cc D h Of a Temevance bq,.ex�ected at- the d t d erb at Shipard a rag �.Ore- as whio'h". be i- n t 4;1 0 e t j)f the aftar -the--nettl Of uccessful Pra4 —Conijquent the villa:ge 'On seriois� ot ject�r on the rep a -Lail. ho 'with that deli or - at t b issiied To n wha �.Cdled6nlAn B nigi LawrelDie the south. 0 rnmen as n 'and a eCo, tea a cornmene the G6vo m I 11USIn0s c 119i arani p act, Coll 11, Ten nded as ou'ThurWay rs to re OA01, pjjjpjt� in the bWk -ours orders to the . v - �L I Tjou I a postmaste )y Coun. Bryaii- -the Aqditor.3 t1ftle. � for both morning AP -141 6th, n, excba,'ngq for- post - ton, biil.stamps was.:, ex d d DR CAMP' aving ten e-. BELt ih,- �octtlsb� Ph' Redeeming Bil Stamps. Altmpsj and parties in town jor Pro osgional ExamIll- e h d, may ill t ag! I d to. n elet f ant tjl� -r�pbaj 0 ilia The Gintic I w3jouri'P con; sequotit on - ri ha exe a. of tLe formei 0 Atious; -at the,-WhitR Y Ouse, - and w Stamp �Actltha ad le call -of. th le R6aytI., Govirnmen bas or a fe .. arys 6uli. .t.bas ss il w d ' WaY4 them At the post tile tmstera t( A -n. mbor of aar -,various pos U. I I -&-t the aitd PIOP -Now (Ion t- get US stamps in-, excliange for - p semi-alinual- season. of housA at- 36.60 -Wo �VAZ ED rth of r the. ceive' bill tee, and- th4 enter:� -1ar N1 si t th4� i3VeningS of ly d -can -and n- ientAlly f0j. r-ch-js,un oil us a charica tor - flilish- bill Am p ing com*4011 apt cite Give aoubtedly 9 --Of ag6 Stanij)S. -PWfjj0g havi� t�e:keepiilr"has 'alledkjy� eat. ThQnja -Brothets!. �Iusicdl Jo They have 'in 116W e, 6 ngli6theai for et* lrisina o" Seat and -on ban d. stawps at, tlle�,poq f action d ' btedly finest an IDAT, and MOD lox, 1111dei c(tosid mod of lined the pl&n 0 00 stil'all Y o t, clffice�. � A - - . . Fit h to P old a ly 01 -stallips in. private ecl but the necessary 011H194 k nd wiblish641'T ia ry 01; as alapp beat jbi (if its . are gettirlK calliligy in- the1 It ied, atid,.original" 0,- .7, r V ens pay recti v in iacu tle aisL ill be' fli b14Qmi1i1* suwmGt ea&g niatte aits ofthe­:w rld" aititauee IV b ee n scovered. he stamps w . �N lly in the- name Of COMIMOU a. 0 being news. trom r for duiei at h w�ll , , , L, - 0 urilat -will. iaVe inen ho is d I - f.,wife le 30.tb. Thai,,, should. aby poison w Ttie.Jo new feature 'A Oter Of custom houses Ue t -d tbar3l .1 , tilis -%,ear. beau.iflillvillstra. e Awt be oil sh off to-11all --tructio, tano ra n to'collectors, pravidos that cale 'wa"' Place(' in the dere -about t)aeq a -cl -aTid. printe d'on fine 11�av- ndor6d bj It 7 E I ve- illy be ten N anips can ac lnib6 wil a WIISTEIL ilight Jar bfiing dLrunk an t nian n in' thei-T possession o- the-s.:kme in Kireft L dy tbe� paper. h U, was -who had theni- tllo ql us 4Drth:, Ot: S�e,et w f�-- kell from t1lis ia, bas ift' _P d.i 11.1 - otir eat 9nd tbd,6ffi' fore -March 4th.. -, - d as, -rs tile ReOVa,, ro b plates ri brotghfbifo of good custoiners,. 94 ten" I C) ands ous, num e Tor' ds heap Tea. -b each illonth, at fineof hArn td a -ivd unn Cial ry A 1�t t 11 fin of dolllirs of llap#' you- reef y -c fo e4 or - The.-abstir you have r bi d athirty of th to Food at SLL not pay. the du 'S�HoTseiindCitt. Ih6 end bf e; bf _Nq�al ey fthe finiest co eqnsiliner doe DWI one o je m agi na I shown. �7 the fa:ct t1ilit dru6, st, the t fLj'j OL teas lie abscribo far- the Jburfial 9' Fe the abolition of - the duty an t - b Qur knight of t 11-0 1 h'a ffi o. '6pped' WHY forty .-pore 11* t. be f Toronto, 611ce.: price has r pole Nvishes it ear, go Y lis-. t b` be b 11� 4414 U be.seeh b s no a- 'no 'At pre, Mr. Gooi Kerr, as, wi understood $1�8,5: the' at b 4utful, Chi -.2.2x2.6i --Th ar'lie visi. ing. flea 6ril that the�yl -colunifija-D w- _L 0 -prapaiedto exeeute --aiiathor 'orial artist,. p.b 8109801! e 8;ctual cost -of advertisementili -but a f.1 tob's Y Qrk in in 9; euil to - !era, 11uni five cents 35 eel -its beingL'tb tea-, fit twenty- Or -facial opera Wl an- agent. in eypry �iont- to 66nvi ci aiid-that his W rk pound -bridger --ltlg all XP L Q. el�s Yjj;jtj a d Postage ar a ress A L!, -XIN D S Th 'sin' 0 'be 8 tew i itself , ught tot Gbrorn4- .'SatuPl(a c Jou 'a WILD G-1 Tralea-va 1, sOnt, 3' d 8V h i n' AnY, rib -lit 10 vents. ,rap, few. aty is -paid by, the acted for and finiEhedjnthe lit t m, a Tarolito f0t a nuin that ti e d ajt�od States co-nti ambidexterous the U WILth. -We - tep. P ion. o neir- Ali -and Nv that f a9bion r� dayi ould. be iiiore par ly to reat satit act d F - on - . Gdk 4 Seasoned �j talEe. a _ : - hand a1a Sumer, An, exchange and nada move �allink On­801110- F) iniab, 6r, Iloticecl if t1le dilties were re able yodrig Pe the J oar Al Pda Bug. ople are Ad andi uppose bod V. to, invelit aL.Ine Thorn f pricesthlit wo w ib f coitans woollem good, dress, T. :ff. Ag -can.T igtnn - invfiaollse��reductioli--O Y _one wherein A Sued ' 0 AND �soll*bod ess r gl­V-Q$, U11 r-y- Wi around the bous.e. . t notice. AnXe 4caj�e. -j ibe 'pea&U." - t Catskill N U. S. A4. lady daue ake,plac qn-hand-, or a yount, to rde af' ho er to-, do -4 od -wOr - as we ki4p -nolLfe Illy one, 'of -Coal Ohief MacCelmmor-1 helps her. m6tb a gus6raritee go "�rr"ER TO Owl"Cr GfT' ic W. Ith P�as clue montli b.e- Tho writ of the foll &-;zbow ,jvould thatstep. take -1 I;ut the beat of. MA housev.vor XLE 0 objedt in detoni�- -tQ D c .1111.:- lin0,4f Vidently, rotor$ e Fresh.field o and, gard.pr.. Cgle(jonian 'Itels for 'd� -L-uckn -.X -22net;' d-,! �sq P iety They rofer 4 store. ed 8 r, at)Shepard a rug, t -7Seedg 1 See m 1-e has already d. villaae� th� Chief -of t seeAsi, in any.-titiantity to oY arMe WOU adw, a ]petition And to sui pu THE -,-P ad ggys-- 1. ever ubt,to the t a iociety WX ` - t the 166, _WaUI(I xi),an -be, peetif offlieXaledonlan �Tbe 8a. op� thix pro. jo are eptem'Ver. �T Iff -poat offic .11 the.county of B�uc . .... . umefous rbaders aroun w onqt,so, enirosse In d-Lue as. folio s :—N.Valketton, $1500 A Sligh ni ,. . L .- 4 - �tajion -to "the 14orthwest. e'aily.: deciph the --callitwLl $1061 ythe - large emig Aann Chulli Swarf, who a Lailot now wi lob, Port ji Eh;ii matter aw stuchd mix no n- now $696 ; � 'L � � '-' . . . - An. impor at hislarm iu-ttvwnihip of DWI&& ceo n ljuptor, Butj,'nevertheleis t ft.fa6t, _that. -to dr ntion Un,%1.BheaU-i;hitli,& toimau mul �qwttter,-- wish a* 'the atto -the �uoplil f A!.o shei D sileaAli of 0 or'm in 8 ]FroL Aihfie�ld one d-,vy last Tha suileau'9t --$250; f WUajnnX�nQ0 Lacknow- and sufroul in- t -e store II till-th tui Ti 8288 iding h RO sh ta rea06 wirrie, sliftp to! t1is now thrl haI have.-compainced b�isineas Ro till oba -till Macruilp�iin n,- wn ster c; tOO lit: lately occupied- by- Beri� & Clelideiining� ana uille V to and in 6gaell, no Irk si - th, chatill a t 'An c -A. in gpletdid stock ot -1 ha our anlam-b- tit a, -waggoii. - Le &irgiodmo nf.chgi. W1 ,o at-terly, tool, too fre'h it Q., which open6d Premiq 1k, to h'brat g rhorwevor,'he�, ��s Cha till., r h, ji: 0, U ruinne :kinlougll, 911 8 h6pard's drug $to­ nt s6 fiad tho rid had, in.., F:anc.Y lsmCL aWoodsto6k rece -1-y- rit k� Winnipeg gir wh-o h4rse —A t Give, YoUr DWel InOv a Tlibrtlk oed Ware y- . ep- in af �ona - insu lice (*Wp&ny-- Such of Anil writesto the inhip inarkets To Oods-St6ri. Hal - wIt nt eg Su a, �j emittance.to An goo -8, birth to 4M here. pro4ed to be one coO 61 ri. -:ThO G onally Zlibsen th d Girls are: scarce all f enmpally. wrote him 6, Thi North West, ni�nag�r 6fL the fea confident that --m- -stock- please: all -handsome widow.- -If girt inste ad �statlo`,inaftt of so- d ify-�,ng-to- thesd contemplating wihtheir"ptesenee-an -t i irat utizat may onor x1t. girl I could get. married i was a serva. �erewith I ext emi, of.the �atroh�g�i.andl end to -To art, opi asking the r stitt.lenjoat count . And -to come 6 jny- 6dsp raier UVI I'm sure of tbi 91 twiiii for el;4 prWxiit�y do is, to, -come oher 16 A post �Offi6e anid,10p�ct.!Or youn All you bale to ties- of lvqlfiugton� #1 9d a jb and look inur cod -11 Q, 6cur" andforwarded­.Jt. i print, -dress F1 It the one t Vojarj _RQ QQtfUl .7" on.E York afe; RbOO aen 0 rem o e 'fig for his irieals* and coat. five cets t li romptl son -kil ow. a. y Mrs owlislOr4 an 6PP1J00iM t -a wll.,- Adcarate: manogert, Puy �YOUFL x well. tulle It to, n her-befurreldlei" hapic a reegipt. )it C�k C�Jnpbftli Str OW., ipect- a VeL voryp for. �C. lzation C�AT d d sit Oil Cska-1 used to inlk Oil cake I - of 0 a. month, atid* t1lert she illod !A, sh �s known -�t o The.-fint i i �Shel Cme UY tig.A Ora &.Dj0jC L IvIc a of -an- na F. m . 4 - � - ha4 beea ad. C. S -K -oung . ItSTAK I er out. jk wealthy y tell ifi' tried 1R6bertL ey tnSo $ 1. . turo o -'Mad 0 fi)� yojjng. rp ith her atid 11 . - - 0 . . -fXAVIN -get in -LYTESTED M0.Q 16v'e w D pri Aer ift graiitWL The setting apaA Iis easy t oilak GFUL JL Early and -Brig toxi, pesp liiie, who at afiort tirn,�,ago,*ith, h two new ra M to g y a- y- IS, a uty- patron of tho, toitigiiips will, 'not Married in WillUO TraV ok r, B. ttl �effeet i 8409ni sa 04fandtcn efo I Unhesititin I d t4 It .00111pamon -h 9: an. Isap Gin- MLOS Va� t Yeii w es;4V nows owing WA- ed hosett(A 'Rapid ity, had a #4 rare,-ZY0 gr-) 48 6ti pre.: rich., Tho-eiW i full Of You" I C` - Ill;n4b di be purcUss � - -1, - experione. -is thi best i early, not 0 ro �oqi. Th C-- -lid t stock ver In egreelt e ow Be. of thp4u, 'a oxeiiV �'Iat wif -kp -a wif onlipanion OU hi the -CrOW could ep nht ftt 16. 1 ­ - McDonald Wajiblng, wih, ty e Id, W'h*Tp Mr. . Klys-- tlieetv With 1VOTT, Opportunity to:sw 0 Ug )U er tfli%w-mileb to, e, -b y ge Wt send all-theitla ack. 40" of Wng 0110% f3t;`e1id6, 1raln -in Ontarid his -b Pplifla L . - - ' W 4 h,Lt6.__ fiku e. � - -1; ;W *6 - &tZV;. bell �qh4lt*rj -�vheh he after*4 V a L�t f 0 -- U; ill-1:6ili b6t oil 'bay thei Co. -thii an& here if YA11 Cali; It - they. Wa4 r viorry, old men t 41 lost BE old and has tin," Wr t.414 ortagoft 00 foil iiy 'next, is Pjj!tjj'()dt4tj to ;U ou L yolk f tough 44 u f T L u 'U0 VIE, ge a -Ad L�Y, t