The Sentinel, 1882-03-03, Page 8•PAIVLQA4C7r, - - Every bottla im:test:I tO:gwe satial foe: p.ba or money oliterowS-Witt EACH 80TILL PRICE %So. 4111g4VTOT to *9.Mo:otos TORONTOs OiT. , 1111111111.1h e NOTICE. „ „ T ‘,71.sV intievt-te to the-peopte 14uotinpvr nnt1 snrro-nadin., country, that I 2iut n.our ready t" (10 all kindsof work in tny 'ine at ,hlwest prices, consistent with good work. • N. ..B.---OOPyirtg . and. Enlarging 7 SOecialty,--FraMee and. Stereo- __ • scopes'alWays en -band. . -.10111-NSPN. T neknow, Sept. 9ett. , ..• 1--IVI E si-E. - t 0T10-4: xpirrit. GOING -A. No. i.-453 1:15 44 • R. ialtd tiriltrtl! ttettiO. Farmers, Attentiont • SEct,TRE your Obeyer Seed it: Dit. .• TENNA'tiT'S Th•tig Store,. where mane but -.the hest is kept. Call and Vie; Evarigettetic S-ervices. On. Smkti.,ay afternoon next. at- 3 o'clock, religious sereiees evil]: be held in the old aehool house by Mr.- Alajor, of, Winnam • New ,,•'Llbrary. handsmne new library, of one him, • dred and' fifty vaurnes, lias jnit ebeen I Owed. rn the.- MethediSt . Sabbath School, for *the use of the scholari. :- Pcist Office tnyes;tigation. . xf. D. Spry, -Post. Office Inspecter,. -Was in the iI1ae bet. week investi- gating several chargee: preferred against • the rnanagerneut of 'the. Imam owiP-oet Office. • Fireteerie' Batt. On Friday - evening; March_ aril, a grand -hall .incl sapper will be held in - tke Caledonian Hallneder- the auspices of be Luck now .Fire Cotspany. Ali . Meth-her:4. of • the fire -department are.re: , • qtresteirte ettend. New MiflifleryShop. We belhere Mrs.:Petts intends, ing nut n.raillinery shell in the lately _occupied by Berry' & Cle rang, . mkt deer _to Shepards Store;:. .Go -o -d Offer. , - I raising country on thirese. nfineet- "lir. ..,_ pen- D. CatePhall of -Litactioet",:returned- _ :LAN-41iStOE. • tore front .IVIanitoba on :11ittreday ef htsi rofl1 our otim Coriplionde7it, den:, -werek.-L--Mi. - A' very -1,nygif- eagle' it .vieiting this -riu• family left- :on. -Thursday Tor Guelphe-- -.vicinity at iir sIuIl._ *here they intend 'to reside it, future e - . , . =-Mr. •Jaraers , Sunierville went to Toronto on Thiiridi - -IlIFintendekto stay a few days _ Dr. Tennant received on Sidi day last an offer truin Manitoba of $ ;920 den advance on the price that he amid for hist land in that province two :months age. The doctor does not to Sell at preseet. Fasi Time. e 1).-E.Canereen, banker, 1.uckeoar oti. SaturdaY, Feb.:- 18t1 breakfasted in Chicago en:. left unft day moruing,where he ieinained twe1vOE hours visitarg- his brother, Mr. J CeMeron, and...arrived' Elesw rth,: .Kitrisas, early Tuesday Morning, hang traielled a dietance of 1.600 mile..' in a little over two days -and a. half, in: chiding- the twel-ve hours in Chleag , - gfficers. it the last regular meeting of Blue Ribben Club, the -following cers were elected fen the ensuing te Peeeidentee-Thomas Seeretary.L-Williarn J±d114_ -Treasurer..:---Richard Webster. . ReCorderee.ellargeret.StBtrapS011: ,Elieiatapt-Susan Ued1e) tnaplain.--e-David Agnew... Guard. ---,William -Stroud. -Past President. -D. -Webster the: ffi : ;The above lodge is lir- a &this condition,: and we believe that it their' intention ti:i build a hell in spring, Tee -Meeting -- A ver Y 'successful' tee -meeting._ . as held- in the Presbyterian Church at -Lanes- on Tuesday •ev.eniini last, ,a id . notwithstanding the very clitagreert11 le state of of the weather the bilikling - cianfortably idled. ;1 he thta We's whiph were getter) up by the Iades of the cep: gregation, Were'of the choicest. 'viable, and reflects great credit' on t!ree.:leliiratry ..abilities of_the-ladies„- a :that secth . .4 .- Sbort and ap- pinnate addressfs w re - delivered VV" Revs - Messrs. B• C. Re0 era, of Leckaow ; Jae. : Ciireie .in. i. k Lefton,hi'Dunganiennend j-. Prite.liartle of Manchester. Theproccedings were . • . ng. he For'IVIanitoba; Wedieesdar-lar-theIcillowing- partiei left thisielice -tof-Matnitoba -Mr; Roderiek :AleDenald (4..- the ere eme cif. Kiniess, leis rented his-farrn on Shares :to -Mee Richard Collies-. of li(, Several :Tndiarie halite - heen paying -visit to this: seetien. Are „the great delight .-ef their White . _ -AVM. . 01hrietinaher Grunniand Wife; - Robertothers. nonstop end wifeeeTosepheMe_l3irrileyi Ward; -Of Kincitrolince has Sarah-- AfegUrneye. irainereei "at:tentp rs" ,g C :Qatlieflyee. --ReasS-ed 11. Fire Warden.. • , •At the latineetinct of ace Luckhow F.re-Conipar..y, he'd: an Monday eve= 'ing, Mr. -Archie- :McCorvie was elected . Warden of the company.. ' The ., eight -liven& 'by chine musical, slections 1 y . pia-tr in -:the right place. * - -Look Ont. .. A aWindIer has made his appearance , . . ,.. in OM 0 .parts Of the count ryipretending to h:ive a government certifirette, and is - e .. , vaccinating people at -..:.:.)- cant% an atm 'The vavoitte matter he useeis rnacila•ge: •1;.,.aw Firien Tbaw eloffice of I.Sfeyerk DiekineonJzi Iaielcnew, Will be open eVery flay here-. after, adjoinieet Cameron & Campbell's. themeMbers-et.theehoir. , Auction Sates' . There -will be sold "by nubile aticti n On `the farm ,of Salnuel McMannus, *let 5, coo: 12;L 1).; Aihtield, on Parfet, "March 10t1n .1882, his entire- stook farm stock, _implemease etc. ;Sale emareence at one O-'cloce shaip JcI4n Treleaven, auctioneer --Mr Donalq Beyd,of lot 16, coin 14, .W. 'AR fieht, near Pritchar-d's Miil will farm steck impIements,etc.,on Monde _bank. 'They have a large amount • of March -6th, 1882: Sale to ethumenc pretateftinds to leen a a reasonable tt...drie o'clock sharp. John Trelesval rate, •artd- on tef4Ins- to- suit applicants, - auetioneer.---.0n Thursdeyi.Maroh JGtI - 'Aire Wm,- Barber will sell his tar Bg Work. stock irnplements,et�, - as he inteini Un Tt'6'1.4.rldit/ 6/-7(/`1' Met 14111rtnovihg to the _Nortiwest. Sabi t ter- was sawed at Mr john Morrisode come- e nee. at eee ewe& weep. ea • P-4.*‘ dif4auce eat of..•ki*e ; riittn-:& :Neves, anctioneers.-Remem This is gooc. work for a re' , her the _a notion sate of farm :stock,ini p•ited Mesare. Gee. . plenients, etce en the farni .A .1)4"18.:"; “ 'Rube" t;acides; w,t° McDoaald,lot 13, con. 13, township o •811""r4" • - ,- West Waivanosb; Thursdiy, Xarr, --the Foors of. Ontario. 1882. Aihnust' be .,sold, withen 0 Said a:non-spa/HT cotrr,sionaprit to: ne .reserve as the proprietor iutenils goir .. ,0 d Manitoba?) the.othea day e . Every. to the Northwest.- Sale to: commeric . bog ty In Win t.tp4g: appea4 to he haPpy. ,it 1`,?"e'e-lock sharp: Corrigan & Purves ,. . i •Wh'y ie. tliet 1 Said the waive, " WItY ' littgli°4terL ehould'nt..ne be happt1. We have a.. , - _ , Lecture. e - epIerniidelimete, plenty ter- erit,aird fools l , :from 94/e0,.bring nedleee. tem:1u we , The. Rev. ..L.- Hill, --:Bural. Dean o wartere-!, ,-... '-- - . • • Hatoe; will deliver relectiire.:94. f" `The Nleral TeachingS. of Zither Geeee,” in Spring Assizes. " • - t he Temperance nalliu 'this* village on . The foftemine -list Showa the':datee of lr\-,•edllesklaY- evelliVg ii°r•:1:, Maith • 5 ti.i • . - the 4r -ix* As..kizeK at the different SPenicing er a 'recent . le4rire -deliv(Teit Tilftees : Trik.:uticnikt :.----- Guelph, March :*by.- the rev gentlennun the London -.Free " 11. th ; Owen Sound, . March .2.7th-:: - Pi PRS :----The -hour- did a 'hall 07-artfievill Anfil 3rd. ; Walkerten, April- nth ; - Godeitieb,- April 24th i :See ,tfnad;'. Nay ` 2nri ; Mitten, March -20th ; Ihirlin,„ Aprl 3rd. }. t ne Sull;.- - . - , • -.N:reseree -Arefrate•of NeWfield -Farm, . eee-e-aseeee--ea----7 • ----• _ ' sonastbis irs under • . . aed.riyal the nightengales that suer in -the,evening,:, int( class itt et:11001 LOUSO No. 9.. lite -Young people of IA-togs-1dt; have 2iibuiy1 a t -fa eilities to learn -the si;u1 -ca-pinring art of ;swig, - believe Mr. _-_Ward is -a -very -„good teacher- and no doubt hie class will bye and byebe ex -Get yonreale bills printed at the SExtarren-effice.- ;.• - _ _ -L-Retnaiiiilier the Firemer.SiTtier_ in the Caledonian Hall ..7.--The-lertanitobafever4tilteientieneS., Anet her largelpd-rty-leaves- next. week. - : --Who says'. thi:-15,-Peis-S. failure Why, t-tver pairs of tovn this -week-. • - - --(annot tach of 011r : rinliscribers -induce a friend -to:esialeieribeE--for--_the: SEN1417:i-E for -I8821 ' Wee number -of :farmers -and :others left taliS...Station oa Wedneieley last for the NorthweiL - • _ _ _ ---: In ettirrei of -the. Villaee Council - will be. Alondey eveDine: next..." of inaisee belertgi rig. to Janie Gairlinee ran away in thevillirge- on TueStley The cveggaii:-.was-,con: aiderlibly smashed.- . - _ , • -Ihe,:-Lticknow Week- Wee the -bait -that -ewe ef=esawe_. eeeee-se-aereee BELFAST. -- - 7rom our own 001-eipc"?nd-ent. . is: tlit3:- tepee. of the _ -• prnil' ;iaf 13elfeet tell:061.1ot the elionth' -of Tebrititry.- The 1;etittlirie in:based:6n. generril peelna ri cy, _good conduce, • and -regular-attewli&.ce: FiFtH CLAssl---1et Tho pa IPhiihps, -1..".cinl n Mullin,- "3rd- Het bort Alton. _Fen -DV -lee Da.eid-. Alton, 2rid Adeline teitelteei;-.3rd -Alexander'. Martha Johnstone, 3rd Fa -twin) • -1 st Mary' SO -rehear, 4th.11:irbitraM-eMillait. - SneeNie CX-,ASFT,Ser.lst 2iiil •Theiiipsorr,..."314 Dg 1d Carepbell neekett. 87E02i.:1) -,cLA,Sg. • 2.11d.Vil$01I Thenzas; Iiwln, 4th Jainesliradford.. -PAW vina atria) .2 ad Jury,:Altort;- - . Alten 3rd -.Mary airk' 13.1::.111.41.::s..;F:).n.h.s;ii.:--14.1.st Albert Uri.rbet,.nd, iiateedefrom.- that. ,effiere: • SoCeees,-_01. *Reflector.. r. Teieninf,- of this'. v l'averebly; entioricit__e-ii=;T-the-'-Ontir hie; .Q.e neeieentlYei-d-aji'llicIlt-t-41ThrX6fihritik(Afi: at the- general elections-. r .." . : -.--It-isn't-bei-,ause a women is OXactly afraid:Of a privy- -thot the einis reWny and ,screems, -.beeatiese ;_gered dreatave , are not_ fashithiabiee • - • -7-11nrSes--areiii' very good-etlemand: itist nowi. anti- price; high. .Fat niers liaye-Oodr fortunate. --e.Aneesterii paper n . _ (*copied by the lecture ,giyen Christ : Church'. Sobel:4room last • night by the -:Re-tr*. Rural „befit) ' was it ti1110 uninterrupted enj Jytnent to-all,present. :1.,evtis:i.if fun folintt itbniniant. gratitica- unit in the quick,,eleVer sketchos end illustrative ane'.. lotee, while:gray,-r 1.tst week fiftni the: minds timid ecittally.abliudant food for herd Of Mr. George E Ieare ot Raven': thought . in the national 6.414-Etocial pro: :hill Farm ,1 Ayr, a_ tine ream theroneli blerns- treater I hy the leeftirer, -A hearty tred Shrkhorn trull, for :Wind) they , vote Of thin-ks-wa.S.telidered .)1r: lidi Deist ThiS-. is- the. gegnini Lied a iiJ,neral hype expressed- that he the Mereat Moffat lei' ve purchased- from woulcl return at -Do_ distant:date:a:A Mr Felgere.-and as proirottriced to be deliVer hia illustrated lecture; entitled -the 'fittest ever LeOught - into this -section. t al convention Of liare. net IMP t a reunion of the Tory edeters-Of-Vilt alio, and- have the thing a suceessi -reSend $1 arid: get the SEXTINET.; from no", -v January :1883. 'Op -0'4 inn Kendedre eelebrafett horseZhooks: will be givinz--tO-every'subSdiber-r-veln; pityt in-adyence., ..„,_.;f4EFOR-MONVENT-.1914.. lr Kan:sasi.! The laet issee;of the rtlk RepOrkr, contains the following 1)..-E: Gaileron, of. the .firm o* Cameron bankers, Iaueknow,Canada 'wax al the, city itie weA and mede • a pleasant 'visit. Mi. Cameron is here 'for the; purl/prise:of ?loOking a4eTtheGain tr.:other's Matter in which he is inter gifted. He seem to bo a **y . olever The Soul of Seuse Things- Abaurd when we ere sure. he would _greeted. .by a litunpar leigsk;-;fl Lecture to cOar:- meeceat 7 3 A collectitin'will be tgken at the door. 1Vieeting at Riversdale on Friday last. ----e-ersereereee-emee--4---- Ashfield 0Ounei4e PAT E 424Ine. o WIN. NoTiez 1241SSOLIITIOIN. . i -0TICE IS il:i,,REB r :0.11,TEN T the partner:ship -b, retolOreisub. stint between ' ue... the IttOersigned, •as -tio!) dhoe- Makers; ties -been this day dislolyed by: i mattat consent. Ail debts WiIij said partursit_ip are to be paidito ly. Little • and./ , . all- elaitenagein•et the saitkaartinershin 4e ,t,y• . 1:-.te : preetnted for ittleuireirt tO 'the said IV.. Little-, vihniwill Continue the Ival4iness at . the . oldstand. - 1)itt.ld at LucknO,:v this 24th day - .of fiel)ruary, -•A: (..)4; 1882. . • ' 1 - 41.01II..'; LIT r -L E TaAyEtt: c -I - WiNi LITTLE: - E. .. . • , TI THEPLFIlLIQ ARE CA tl".CI ONE'D. NOT', to give. soy credit to my wife cliatgiable. to, lay aocount, as she has -left anY bed and • : taiard withOnt aAST Prowicattion. - net hold raYself responisible for any Itilkti.4 con- tracted bY ler. ° : ' • JQEIN ;V4h. 1041;1882. " '•IlutkrieW.• 1 - T SELT„. OR REST. ADNyol r ARK To SEI.,;40B:Itt 7res.." Beiliathe berth part, of the utte • . halyes of lots lio•-.61'and'62, in the villacri LricknaW.; tontainini about tiltyfi•re. aeree, Ardo it hou,siana iut itt the tillage nbw: Ytif further ps,rtieniarfpiply to R. 1-1 peoptistor;07 .‘nuereille„ Liicknome. Coutreil met at .Ti-ratig's Satn.day, Vebrriary 18th, 1882. All tiie iiivttib:is Present TI.1 TTieileetee last • ,Couneil Were -.read andesigeed, - Pa then elehe. .Eehine :-e1X 1ieryae-sidelinee9 awl 10, con, and-. 2. re -tier of F,,Q.:Meelio for township Circoiar treni John Dennis, patentee trtisS *Ater, nrOol.blidge.:*Cir: The annual. rneetirtee of tie South Bruce Reforin Aseoei n 1 el -a 134-vsistialti On Friday„ana vies the ni.ost en al u Fut e an (1- sic -geed -file; gatherings ever held- in SouthAIruCe.-- .-Over_; on hundred . -delegittesewere =mere; wiling" all. parts of the rirliiiinand-it,the epinione et - the, varlets clideguies-bir•-14 saniple of the fe-qtiji:g:: -111-01,7: .(btlflt*, SOUtil:BT11610 will, :de her Ai -at -e- at the tient eleetieni,eand send to - Par: 'lament- men of prineiplaveliorw_ill_esuPe pert, :the Edward; Blake -at -Otte win and the ",lfon. 0. Mowat at Toronto.. After the reading Of -the .thinutes. of the peevious ineetingethe:felloavingeoffiters were. eletited * --1 - _ . _ -cuter front- S. _ !Sen, ;Ireielottuderin:-.0.rengeyiler..‘ ;-.taceoterit- . Itite-sintaqe-Itente4-y. There is no better core fat' rhetintatisnit an tligYard'e .YelloW Oil ,Ased- aceolilln.g. to .di rections on the bottle- it aTso .eures In As, r scalds, frtmit bit's, brases . larneness: ina all wquilde 'of the Ite-Sb. All'Ileater itlkit. .friee twenty-tve. tents. - . - OA E8tate, r.e.a itb16 raes..011,-teiim "of paythent tto spit 1;orr.o.Vii-ei.s: ELLIOT TRAVER OFFICE-----Noit to Post OL leucknou'e March 11; of Goderieh 'News- _tor printing.* The] , apPlicaOreef Win Becket, to.-arneiul le cATtikplEs his assessniaut 'as ie1eu'u[..Mr. . rt • , OViirilloi called' the atter ion Of --the -Centred to the necessity-eflaViiiii g-,p-iit.ect for diStkibutdon.• The,Clarla ---w4;iustinOted to apply to.- the. lecia Pa: . pors.fa tenders for the tewn ship printi' ing. Moved:by 4cUeph Griffin,. sire by - 1).•11.1aNiurehy; that :PatriekCbre, and John -Whitely -be appointed acointitittee -to examineand reporton the advis - er.oeeniog up SeS, p am 10,- .rbetteeerr'oori. 1 and 2 Moved by John -14vIiiielye-Sec.. • by. To :-Griffine' -that .Ayilite19:416- Todd; - proprieters the addreis, Vostd; ectipt ofS2, eith .pai ESTABLISHED IN 1 - ,.• . lIlVI FITLLt TESTED 11-10()RE'S' JJ_-. Early and Brighton:, tw-o. n -6w. Ural> s, I unhesitatingly advis4-14-,patrous to. plea t.-. :Yint williwt he:diSlappoifffted; illoore,'S ea ly - 4, the :best Very early-lilacIt Gt•ape yet grIA a _ in Canada.- It haS gtOOCItiOT-tY degrees bel 'W. zero unhUrt. Brighton ii: a deliciusRed : • Grape, 'ripeni.ng .just .., aft-fw Afetn•e'.s ; eaT1 .They are both very la,rge in bunen andlberr , . -and very produetive.- ;, --will 'Lail hqth.to a y r -G- --nderieh iVeivi be 'paid 'the su Sum Of I fee $1. • Agears-wanted. Address - St. Catharin President ---K. McLean,iThesiiiiter..f-_ 7 Firsi Vice:P.1 eS-JP. Corn gen ,1:16fyieed-.-: 2i1.1 yreileielinOW Treasiirere-W. Prini.p,TiosTwater,:e " Bee IcG-reglie; We -Ikea -one- ' Cor.:See-,T. aMattlnyeen; leeiWater: • • Personal. . MissRotten, ;of Kiecardine, is at present the twat Of Milli' Um, W..Potry, of-- Mt. Forest, ,stpreaent -visiting at ?Jr. A. Matini. tyre's. -r. D. E, Cameron 'armed: h9ino from. KEt101aii Tuesday. .11e fentroroAn d we wore pre140440 Ruske ipealta in glowing terms- of the cam;* cam; 49,1101, tAnc.«, -ttrf and pinnennues it tbiAget0 stock ' . • The. meeting sadilreseed" -0'06)(nor,. of Wallkorteinaint-lite-- 1.-.14-i; Wells, afterwhiCh. feseio: Item yeere-_u- eutnitrionsly -paseed-expreasr: . . . irig -entire confidence Hon. ward _Blake.; tlie lea -de -14i -Abe : . _ . partyat20-tteway anditii-O-itetOrm- - _ Greiverit incur -ire °eta -flee - -...AOSTUA-CY svntsimoit.. rcit, TILE: TOW-N-Slilk_-_01r-lcill0Sa 044PTIEJilk-I _ -1817.W - - 43.250-Ltee-4-1000 aSS-e.ssineitt$; - ' 'APV -01 by popaia ./trellutchy,$0,0ukied by Petrick Clere,;tha.tRaberti Wet Steri 1%, (late . and. John - Whitely,. be appointed f aieathitetttee -49 jet -a COtftraPt. Of 1i -bridge -801-Os.E4 the - `..Nitie Mile River, S. L. 9 aini.1-0,coo,‘.7.; iviA-pied by John Whitely,. sec. thet. 'I‘lepOn; Aid= be paiJ the -sUtIt of -$1..00, fen plank la.101 '0;4 nt . oved by -Petrick .ekened_by widOw.:-Griffin he graete4r-as- ' - Dec; 31.4„: Treasurer's 6-12-24.7 34 -- !ENT...1'1%11E8.- _ _Dedetraufir.31-4,1Roads-auclBridgei,..1 2415 43: 704 70 , " 1119 09 a". - -Kaltool 7tates.„..-------_-4083 60' " 11116Cetlanines_476 70 - " ............... 21 To biaanec -Treatinyer.;,-*-:._:,213-341. relief $3 . i1OVCd Clare,yby 'Griffin, that - be 44 -Tali -Via th-4,.....§-tfrii:0'f..:$8 es relief...MD-fed by Jelin; ;Whitelysitec. by_11.11--eMiareh,that the. -Collect or' be Paid :the_ nun rof 3for ex: - t it senile...es.- Moe eil-by. Griffin; -see.-- by tlert _ AIM; 1g -el Otc'sli. 'r.t)e gtatitt Moved by 11-.1 • _ - _ _ilturetty, See; b' -Whitely, that the ditans'.._repert bo adeptetl: iIoved by .thaftine..-Andr e tte'''. be _paid: -$2 _ , . . - • , fuliowing accounts were paid : e44- TQad; .priuting, $3.5.0 ; John. •-a4.1'. planeieg bridge 'on S. Be ttiI,-$1 -Mclntosh, re1iei $5, Widow Gra tr; dee $3 ; A. C.-- Hawkins,. Antn,ting.;$1-0 ;••01)...• .1,-Siillivare do. $10; Jaineir Brew* salary, $88,-,1:10_inanc.11..- :i.i,,Ij.i.urttsd egaiii- it Martinis 1211.40- Dungituion -30th ilnatt• _ - 812247-34' _ -Al-raETa: 283 Ti - -":44 - !!--00,1180039aidD..... 19.18144:1 Tutat-Aiaitii 401.--30'; - \: Tneumkannis,:tii . . - Now is the season:for dden colds a d distressing coughs; treat m with He yard's Pectoral Bilsalm,. cures induenz asthma,..croup whcoping cough, and all iinl- Menary complaints leadiing to cotstimptiond . • ;lute RacK. • , • • ,• kichiey:.coMplaint,. neura10,:.rheu iiatista and. allatuU.iafla*Atialtori, :are soeethly clirecr-b`y ITaiyard'i"C Irene* OA. --Croup, -sorit.thros4, horns, briusaj., q.14101410 ar14, all isoUndri: of the- aoshiare3qMolchr cored 1-4.itikgyg411 Yollar xiv3,36ac, To DXSEASES Comer.oireTs ae.4 -AC!C1DEN.:Te _which .HAGY,ARD'e- YELLOW OIL isguaranz - teed to cure -Or relieve either -ia -.MAN .cir BAsT TAKES" IOTERHALLY - FOR: - eliCAFJT, CR 4MPB,;I BORE, 1IER0A1;-` ASTHMA; _ . - APPLIEttlEXTEORAXIAT- FOR 1amum417sT4 21-eti1eAtolv4 cgruizADTS, :.CALLOTTS LUMPS SWELLINGS; STIFF JOINTS,GALLS, FROST.BITE,. L421-2ENES.41" COINS, .- :CONTRAgITONS !ERITISESi- VIIIIIEAGG) DA4.FNEt3S,._ NPRatiNtik fkit