The Sentinel, 1882-02-24, Page 6_ _ . - - - - , , - IOL policy -Of th4Admilditiation haTC:been, it(4. H to- inertia ie theorbe Ilie-ktinlired 11 the-_!dirlictioW of rningr:WillitAviseAstea. en. 14wi1Y nOt 15Pealil - no*OfIthet We find looar-rellway charters disallowed ; qgestion my hoz; friend alluded to_of :the. , . . we find in this part ot the"-,,,conntry inek, disonsaion-involfring . the relations. between' . OV-rawit Feh..14--The Senate Met at S _dinate powers give to the company freely the Dominion- and Provincial Governments -- - . - deloch ad-akt,once took .up the Address in availed of; we- firtd localrailways absorbed; 'and Ilegielature ,100-"willhoitiehelluipvisol :reply to the $petai; -boa the Throne. , and it poesiple4hat those - 'ho viewed ' alinetter tO bee Kiilif aq.dispaisfonatelyi ,..,,, 63,.. . . tvith,*insitlerabiOf- Vq.n4nifliity. Os- WOO- . cusadtipa, and 1. &wilt beieptireltebe_d • 7T1A3532,tsss' cinemas of these -great Powers being %eater- on both bidet !with- the ardent desire to pre-. .. . - 11an.- Nitti littetanesi. ini - #1•6•ving. ble' .01sed in .a• lana ,ralgir- pp, au away. and Ice4kaii un,diiLe IrictAon between the Fro. : AeldrSee-, adverted approvingly to Va.* vv _0BleatUrea- of thelapeech frenitheThranki over other . persons . -i .., n w ., vinbial .and , -Def#X421en, riegsliti*eitolttal little More alive - t� the attire" - of to Secure the most advantageolissoIntion-ol r 0.114-- i.spoTov flangnicely --ofF the Wein_efi_dle...._ Buck powers, - When -theyfind thenV the . =why. i My. hon... friend. :414,41 - restztitalikelY to accrue from His Excel' _exercised at their own doors, *Mires • s 'fault' With the l Minister' tor"-FinEinee' ier, ... .1-00y the aoyeraor-Generers tour in the 'which bear 4913..030.1r owls- should -0g. 'We. announcing Pro iesed charges in the duties; • Northwest, eapedallY from the', ineentive it said that Sault Ste. Mariexvaa the objeive but he seems. •?'• have forgetten.:. that -the: " " - I • W011idgivet0-lechni.gratiori- hfet- only . did ipoinomp9safittoibi reache—dat as early a dignity of -Parli iatent, was fully conaerVed th-C:11'• l'Ys' re401-0 a. welia Of 1praise at 140 time as possible, hitt we were kaa that by tlielifinieter annothiChigh4,his--Waceleaf 10--401!-44 the source of the • present.: Pro*" 'those who advocated such a thing werein -session that . if negotiations for reciprocal .. Perene ConditiOnof the country„, but the raver of that which- was treasonable and trade- with the ,InitedStateafailed and the • 00v-erbnielit'B' Ti-a61:fle RailwaY PolicY Wee .unPatriotiOAnd-rietWithstanding thattherevenue . contin ea,as seemed likely, he , unqualifiedly maim • ed. , - - year beforeIht. bliideter Of 'Railways him; ..woula prebabl introduce_ ,a _ Meat:dire_ to • . A • ' - • Eon. Mr. 00vIo, 14- ' Vieuumhug -the s.elt had, been among those w,h.cf faVered -remoVe thoee 7 'duties. .After_ a - graceful 'Addrese-,,epoke eulogistic -41Y. of the opera- such a course—that all who favored. it Were allusion to the i' teeth Of PrellidentGarfield, - *Voila of the- National Policy,- and corn- _botoia itIleague,..hostile to the hiteresteOf Si'John resumed his Beat. • • _ :.-__.;i teented,briolay on the VatiOna feattirew of the country...-. (Oheera.)_ But we ;fin& that Mr.,Blake earl if was not his bustern-te- . thell-petiaili.r - " . -- .: ,- ' - - . !the Syndicate purpose to ;v.: nearly:to-the refer to inatters',..of.this kink but be desired •: lIonottlr. Scott, after complimentingi the, Sank by the main . line„ and to - reach to say in reference to the allusion ;made by :.• mover and seebndere of the'. AdOreas:. di* that point. by:, . a . branch, • and the leader- Of Atte .Goveinment as:te his .Sented from their favorable View . of the thi.s. filet Is -nevi regarded; ' ,as an •connection •Wi4 ;the recent Speech frOin •:-: ireitilts- ' of the 'National Tolley, and excellent, thing, wid, .a strong , argument the .Throne. at the openilfgbf the Ontario• : _claimed theit a very smell- -Pereeutake .Of -in favor of the -Grovernmeht% polte-Yr. -Legiblature, thlt he never saW-athati speech the people had shared- in the alleged it is admitted that the prosperity- of the bili after its del c.i•OrY.-- -.' :bandit& _NortlAtest. -1abased upon its 'fertile lands, - The -Speech ras-then paiied paragraph" - Hon. Mr. Haythorne- abated that the :toul therefore-thepolicy which is to.be pUr- by paragraph, read a. secer0 tithe---and- cropian Prince 'Edward [sand' had net sued with referenda to the aevelopment of adopted: ' • • - .. • - --', ' -- • - ' ,- -beinteugoud. as the Address 'asserted, • and:that country is largely a lend Policy, - As to air -John II tcdonald _ moved :that His he thought that the raminfeetttring . inane- the bulk Of these hods theGOvernment has .gamelioners sp pech. he ., referred- to a am,- . trim whioh couldthriveouly bytheremoval taken absolute power to make regulations: inittee to prep ire an address in reply.- - of the outside - competition had their :value As to certain cIassea of lands,hoWeveri it has -Carried. -- - . -:,- • ' • to the- country : diminished by that Chtilui" been agreed that ,the _regulations Shell be . ..The tollowin 1,0epartnientaireports-Wer _ 4-0411*-.:_.- • • - - subject to. the disapproval OrParliament -on laid on the tab le -- ' - ..-- t• ----- i- - --,-------4, - - ; H. am Wa* enderea*:hat gi', gaY•:- being taid. On the table,-"Biltasiotheinfilr-- .. Report Of .tli i'Vnttlio Works -Department • lalfergesalciabont;theorepttuthexeritinie ,of Janda they are -entirely under th_e ettntrol By'Sir.H. LeIngeViti:;, _ __ Provinces, and expressed an -OpitliOn _that•Fof the Administration,- We find that sales Report of stater -of Militia—Mr. Caron.. --". „..lievt-:-Brticewielc waalaf‘t. season Int*weree- ;after seriee of regulations_ have been issued, - . Public ACCQU BtSend Tradeand' Ravigat: _ -,--.POsftierk thaliit hadbeen iu for reauY Years= onu-fialoViltr unotheeltith: rapidity, but tion returns forItlieYear iiidiiirSiiiie•i8Othii - in thiiireePoet., . . -• hardly with the symmetry pi the Weide- , 1881; also; report of. t--ithe :Inland --.eVinine-, ; -14fe Addtelis" - was' theil carried' a'1:4 'iinPre- ThisikccesainAY„fer two sessions we DePartPleut, - )tai auPplematary-reperta ' ordered to be presented . to. the Governor -I argued, t and again at the last, •_that, ifthei on Weights -0# Uteetenreft.i.011d-atbilteraffiou General. - • ..--: - land was not giVenitothe,/ellier„, of food by -qir''f:-Viiie3ii- - ---•:t.-'' -'. 7.!-' ' T HOUSE OV COMMONS. • . . do not :giviti,lt .to,..the,:epeoulator :except, , Sirlt.4.- --Ca rtwrighttengralulatedAhe . _upon payment of Oath, We find at Government o 1 the -promptiatiS,diaplay_ed.,- , , _ , _ . . the -Go-treatment is awake- to. in laying the reports of the seVeral-Depart,- Awl.' Feb. 10•;•—the -Speaker-took -the hist -that chair at 3-.'e'doek., .-•, : , - ;the evil in part, and the individual- .specu-1 manta before tie. Houle - at suoh an early _ . : _ . - Mi. Bergeron in rising - to move- the littor at keit 'la tom what we long ago: stage. He hoped that the report Of the Address 'a -A44:resa ',In reply to $Peeeh, from the !claimed aasound- policy—that if he is •to - Minister .--:Of :- 'the . _Interior would not be . Throne was_ applauded by . . his friepds. !buy at all it is to be for _ cash. : The party delayed, as it taS-blab- sesitioili•tilr thedey- _ _ , _ , _ After a feW mtrodUctory remarks he: pro- speculator is still,. however, - .allowed . to of adjournment , nrchase tor credit; How fir is it consistent kr4 ref.; Oppositfonhhadieoncurre pleaded that e sitratilnioiaSehang 6siboe,aciatita, -thent of -Canada, -" in-- t gXerai£10 Of AS .„ Itaitifidbted right," decided that -they. etitild not aPPEOve- of the a,Ward. The charges- of •_ chair 41'3 r00.100k4 - - .•. &!--tititiing up civil war ivere .repeated. • . Theifouutint.Otitionra vverif-,-vreseuted faet,.19-.4art--, as the, fir.at ter** ,of -1 his Mr. M�Laughlin—Ofthe brahd Division-speeeli Waa,,concerned, • it wits little ..tnere • 'Sons -Of Temperancerifeir -theiritibdention ithair a repetition 'Or hia • Utteran.ces. during of scientific temperance text books into the" the. early days of thefseeeion. Corning -down.. :• -colianson----eialieele.:;4114--OU. the Grand i to financial- hard pan,' he objected. to ithe- -ffiyisiduSonST,I,pf-T-ITenaperalace, for: _certainiTreesurez'f0 comparisons,: between the Anitelidnaentelotlie-Iiibentielict.• - '• aitnation Ontii-riO-'s.nd the --Other.--,`Pre- Mr. Dryden—Of the. County . Connell Of Lvinces, affected alatinf at the in ex - Ontario, -:pf Upperependittires-Of therrovince, dredite,d the lateCanada College. j -• Sandlield Xacdonald.'s Government with Mr. Tooley—OL the Couuoil 01 ond,_.Ott e.,-establi_shroeirJrPf.Olietitahleicetitutiem,4",_ West,forthe_Pasi.S.40;14:-.-the,LOndoiiiatirte:-*41,'Argtlialliatili-Order•totet atttiestete- - 'inient Of Ontario's lie:bill-ties. the :annual ' - Meat/age. frotist-E uldbe -• theUentetiant4OVerno.r. liartantittihplis3 caPitaliSecIV declared iib the '-0.15pOii- Mitiraiteilor:theTytier .. • tion was ready for an appesito the, country On motiOn of Ur,-2:Weodltho-AstiitiitePIPAad 0441kft.P.P.00 applause :from - the ' Left - -Wererefeiredttiocuunitteo:of,58410:-; -,;,:degedihelfibiStryto teSt--.public opinion _ :-_-_Mr.Tardee-ipresented the third report of thy _24,yis4jg, .g.onor 'to dissolve the the Committee on • 1-14.1waYs; Which was House forthwith. - „ . " '116wat ThefellOWnig-private tillti-were read: a [to. liey esition in the-. matter . of - - the -Boundary Award and bantrasted :their 11espectingthe Prince. Edgard ;County former attitude seem:hoc-tied in the linani= EailveaY2_CoinpanY.--: , . - mous resolution -.of, the House to maintain Te'TitteettiOrato the-: Manitoulin. r Island the, "just claims . Of the ProVince": with Railway -their •• present readiness to saorifice. the. - -• • _ . , • • - • • -To:enable tbederporation of the town .-mterestsof the PrfegiliCe;BA-411.0 laiddipg of - -PerV----HOP_Slo inetar .liability'.for the con:- their.- vetcm; ..Re,vortiug to the "etrUction-A0 extension of waterworks and -Estimates, he heldit-as- proof of theenii. 'for other purposes. - . . • -• .nently satisfactory management • of the _ _ _ _ - of. Mr... Wood the House affairs of the ,Province, that the Opposi- rekolvedcitself into Committee of theWhole 'Careful serutiny of .all• the oq the Bill restieeting. the - sale of lands in items . of • expenditure, were. only able gorda-lo:r7GOVernment-Aaxes. ;, 7 = A.Prt suggest tio-Jerw;- insT ificsait'fletaile in 1)-nithe-----general-PtirPortf-Ottlid Wal; .*14.011-A,livel'pessiblEiter_effeiif any saving, 144---Metedith- Said that it was not wit.'; fair '.iimoinit4ig in all to a few htindred that;-_-.-WhalS:71o*---,,ua: paw. 'their Woo,. Mr. Creighton deprecated the selling ofothe. He if all were Placed. grievailee-iont--Pf tlae distribution of the : trhe-eremitt7ihdhlicl-fi,of Paid should have -them, tie timber linntS, and tried- to Make a on same -fcting, and ave -charitable grants, wnicn, he asserted- _ , • **Omits- already refunded. - Went TO- the ciiies;.while-the'reralcdistriiits- Mr Wood said it tvas almott 'v;r1 emrer-n. exgolueettrge.d.0.‘111-sre,a- - cn t-heinerease :of to de-rstriet-Jiiettee 3n: all cases, and the =C4o.veriiiiientihad nOint_ention' of refiinding proSperity..indiawted the ,auginerited. revenue, and denied ;that the N. had. - _taus -already , - Mr. Meredith the:fight that the distinction been: anything but edraWhaek tti- the luni-- - -.• . • ber ankagOonituralAdinitrieS. _ drawn-Wasrubit-tinfair.. W--1"ardeeiz•Mked-if itwould not behetter ep4rtgagthe4gfialiltiirlt:40-eintrais-• • _ loTaereaBikineking tlienk all sion. . Was warmly ,-comrcentled ,bY Mr. Meredith;said he Winiild be satisfied Watere; who .urged. . an. increased distribn-,. ivith;that• .tion- to Meet the preSsing d.emandlOr T.-----.111f.'"Vood,:teininded the. -House that if The House- went _ Oetemittee ofthe -: _prineiple,tft the AWL .rgentleman was 'SuPPIY. ahd.a few items were passed.- , _ acknowledged they would have to refund taxes to the all . the back -town- - • . _ . _ . _ . . . .---=-The_.">Rin_--WaS, -passed Without amen& meut and7the 4 committee .rose and ; • --;;• reported. - Mr. Crooks rnoved theedjeurnnient of the -- • • -"IiiIiioUseadi-durned at • _ _ • _ ;Tnnankr,;.17.eli.-14The Speaker. took the cliair at 3 o'clock.- , TUE, BnDOBT.- - waded to speak at some length.upon the present prosperity of the 'country, which wi .he -attributed in a large ' measure to the to , policy of protection favored by the present pu Government. After a graceful reference fig to the assassination of the:President-of the ju United' States, ha concluded amid applause by =eying the adoption o! the Address. no Mr. Guiliet in seconding the Address -cc, - congratulated the House that the hope ab e -maenad. by His Excellency hi the speech it , of last session had been BO abundantly B "realized in the increased prosperity of the Da. • country. The eitended. tour made by His w Excellenoy in the. Northwest diiiing the recess had added to the -many obligations a , under which he has placed the country for g the Warm personal interest Shown. in its be • Welfare. • n By request of the Houso, the paragraphs • ef the Address were taken. up seridtint. t On_the first paragraph, , i Mr. Blake amid applause. He said: r Mr. Speaker, it is net my pitentionto inter- p pose for more than a Very brief - space w : between ft-aHouse and tbe passage of this b Address. We rojeice as heartily any al can Upen, that measure of prosperity -which t the condition Of the country: exhihits: a rejoice also in the improved view. as to the i , -source of this prosperity which is apparent a in the Speech. On fonder occasions we p - haveheardMinisters declare that Our pros- s perity was in SOMO small measure due to. t the condition of agriculture. They were good enough to give some small measure of praise and thanks. and blessing to Provi- dence, but for the rest, which they said h was a great: deal mete than. that, they .11 _ Claimed • thanks ` and blessing for thernielVes.'. remember the honor -- 41/1e- Finance - Minister disclaiming ' - -any arrogation by the Governmentof all - the meritfor-what had occurred, and .• he stated in a ptibliet- liTgeah that the preot - Was that not long since they had institntect • a day Of than4giving to Providence for those blessings, That is about the prop6r., otter day to: God and the other 364 to the Ministry: a:Aught:O.) But this time, lern glea,to say,- we. fula that the improved • proiperity 'in its vatic/Us aspects is attri • hilted to the Giver of All Good, by which I attune: we are not to 'undersand the '-_lincilirmister. I believe the trade and - navigation returns -and others will indicate Verk-,f01,49":,-the propriety -of this more modestlittribution or, these' blessings, and establliih;L'as Other eirenrciStances will the: faet that, it is to these atehglialoonditiona to which we have • repeatedly referred _that the subsistence • and continuance of the -improved condition _ of the :country, , common with ;other commututies,--0 to be attributed, We fin also. that the &wing =Pictures presented two years ago as to the iroinigre, • don. -front Older lands • is not - now referred-- to I had_ hoped that -the .of the ..Animmetration at that .tinie-woulaime been So fully- realized as to have -gurtified a strong expression of • • tthrAwl, Feb 13,--The-Speaker took the- th the, elevated Views of the;reneet due, chair at a 0'0 . - , tho iepreeentatiVers of the people. that r CharleS 'upper laid en,;thritable'the- blid meetings should be told what :the report "of the ?epartinent of-iteilwayeand, eat policy of the. •GoVernmentis, told not Canals for the fiscal year ending 3_0thiaine," directly but plainly and openly the duties. 1.881. Also a return Of _the reeeipte_land tea and -coffee are to be removed, eP.41 'expenditure of the Great Western Railway thing about in the Speech? .(CheerS-) in respect of ort Stauley harbor, and hen in a former session he was asked. copy of the co tract made for-thSaquednial out changes in taxation, be said, -" No ; on the Wellan He Stated-that:the mould never do to say anything until the latter Was • so_ )iot the - dithapprOyal-tof30 udget conies down:" The change in his =Parlianient, ode:of procedure ieso revolutionary that Mr.ANIacke zie : asked When the Gi_O-vern-- iiile-he has decided that. We shall knoVT: ment intended to bring allthe,rePerte othingebotit it, thew.orld V) .know: all moved for , hi t session:- - bontitIongbefore. theseesten e„PeeS. Tho these. moved for had 'eti_er -;eeeheid7thei - _ - _ - . - . urplus no doubt is very - large;-' but it has Elouse. • ea _produced, by the increase of taxes, ana Mr- XeCar hY" intredheedla:OilliteTecn-,- ot an. abnormal consumption _Of -Stitute a Cour Of: Bailway.Commissione* orted goods. agree_ Most heanily with and to - amen ,the he views which have been espressect Act -of 1879;v:4*h:was readitifirstlime, he Speech Hem the Throne -.with ; -Sir -Chas.. apper " stated -itielily-J=t-t-gi.-- eference to the calamity .which befelthe White fElseti gs) that the finellecationiX eople, of the United States of America. • theroute t • e laiiiray-Canatie nowbeing e *1St alt agree not merely in the spirit, deternaine.d; hat,dontreets wotild-bee-alled tit also in the language' in -whipli that for at sonnas the lobationTwaST-anni-Plead; hibioit is niad-e:- is:a-painful commen- .and the Work iigorously-proseputeditz-i- ar3r upon advanced eivilisiition. that such Ur. Houde -askeVVVlarellier_.= n event should have happened, and tht it was the int IntiOn_ot the ��vernrneuiiio n the history of that great Country, withi introduce a 13 Ilthia eescionto4rovid-e±fiiit very 'brief:period; the lives of two of their the -equal divi non of -the entateeef-ineOtient-__ residents have been terminated in debtors.... . uch atragic way. I will say no more than Sir John M net the-ii-ite his,that we -heartily rejoice; to know that tion Of the G Vernan Ott to do the recent illness of the 'right hon. gentle-, In reply to nr.-;,l)e.O.osinoe; man opposite terminated so favorably- that Sir °heti. Upper stated -_thatillistetta= e appears amongst tie again- restored to- ,valte -of . the !work- - perforrned-np_To-j3l.st- ealth and Strength, and although we hasty December last-bylOnderionk=&-- Company, ope that he will :change his -0100 in 'this contract* o i theEinory;Savonelioniztraclei House at an early ilay, We also hope thathe 'on lie Canac an Paeifie:-..,1141I-Wayteett--', Will-centinne to 0840 -its halls his maled by the Government c engineeriEvWs- presence for many years to come. .- (Cheers.) - S1,80_4,824: ¶he total_ arnonnt-paid thereon - Sur john Macdonald Mr Speaker, lean- -to the • dont 'iactor - -tn-ithat- date -Wee cardi_ally Join With ray hon., friend it many11,624- 400. in parts the wrk1Wee , oentirely _ _ _ _.- things he his said during his - interesting completed,. ho rails were for-abet/A - speech. _ In. the first pIace-Ijoin with hi•in.„ twelve miles jnd-the -work wasfinprogresa in offering -u1Y-Sboore- !collgriaclations O all along the luue The number- -ef-terieet the mover and- seeonderef the resolutions rails at imiliading theSSliid-On-thS for the able manner .in which they hoe track, was 5,1l77 tens-,; iI491t-Oni---werenoW7 pressed those resolutions on the attention on;the Way a graory,-biitunuemiihei of the Itorise. I congratulate- - _nay. hen. to Pert ; -17 friend cin the kindly and pleasant tone in- . Sir 'Rich rd Cortvitight- -moVedrfo-ti which -he -has addressed us HO •early in t)a.q return -in th form:need-in-the a:tett:U*5as-- s-ession. I thank hiruespecialIY and Inn= usually liehed in. -the: -G.orett-e-ioftJie cerely for _his very kindly allusion to _eiports_anO importer_frOro. naY.Aelf.. If we -are toremain: looking at aanuary in auk of the years 1877,-'78 sach other; and. .1 cannot hope to be '80, '81 :and. 'i'12.2-respeetively..z-shoWingt-the_ arrayetion the same side.- with the hen. countries hence and. to whioli_theisanie gentleman.. I hope we will always look at were nape° vely exPertedndimperted--7--7:: - each We -0anjand as we • pliertalY; ' -Mr. Bow il said be had no objection -to do My honfriend laid down the t,y-khe naOtioniibut it wenlitheutterly-f irapT047-f principle as to --cotirte to ..he.,7 pl.Mieckeible, from the, --ampulit of -work inVollted, in the opening -of Parliament, that he to have the return -brought-W*4i intiniete .441dresi shall . be passed-- without ,4oy he -of nee- f *-the---pretent extended discussion, except in-. v ry expoP House. .• . tional - °Sea, where the continnanae o! the sir Rich rd Cartwright :hopp-O'lhalithe Confidence of Parliament in the Adrainistra7; papere"eee d. be PreParedzin-time tion of the day is questioned Then, dept.*, -mission be ore the - Bones-. rises, , and -At -so', 'the sooner the -question is brought to the inform 4ion-Wouldbevaliiable. :decision the betterThe met on was . carried. - Mr, Mackenzie -7:1.1m glad the hon gen- • . - . has, changed his opiniaii, in -thie • - - - - • entitsing-TIO meyeths_gc,40 frite-:conarnittee- of. Supply, . was received _ -He said Air Speaker, -points of intere,i4; ---,turned at 2 :thiaiStheilf.Ph----tincie- I have hadthe-°a:icrli2:,:e4e1.1a- 0. amteo .p4.17s,g4-{1:1,01\67.-letd.ea.13 Affretthi iiaSTreaiiiterte alibi:nit the annual finandal dinner he conVersed, (53-i inernieg's - -stet-emelt-and 1 ---shall 4ot attemptto do - -adventures,- and 1: Said - " When first saW _Niagara- Palls- wa.s disappointed iinthe entline:_-. The' d.esigui: it is earned to WaS";wpiiting giVaideur:- and -variety of line,'Ibut-the-,-tielets Were.laeautiful. The -dn11;grefly:w4ter#4.geed izith,„.greeo;17.Were --4h*git1g .10.veline§s.... . of the- colors are colors in •Metion: -.It- was not. •till I -stood. underneath the Palle at ;Table Rock' that real** the. _,T.O2fie5tic,-sPlen.49r and strerigth physical -fa -id) 'Of nature , here. .".:The sight was far beyood. vqhat • I 41 two 'most _wonderful' things in the world . •82,15649. -,-,41,215Allitnitevbr6418thearit:odfrp.v1--a7iiilli%siea'Ail",::::-Ie:th:retli_f5t:tilett.L were p woman's): singe and.- the -motion. of 91,604 to. mighty waters.", ‘ITC,Wrote in the Prospect . House private album: . Itili);roar of 147-aterSis tiaezoar.Slien, tlIslitr:**68,W4htlekz7kni.,a);- of duoery r.43.—Ci.ou;etline Tux AUNFLO;W:Elit Tilt FALLS. • The ..ilEstife!e._ Corapillnedi& Old Niagara, tieeak, MaxWs: - = A latitl nightli, Niagara Fells :despatch says The daywas thatruldla desired Igr, sight seeing p_scar ide breakfasted early. Wrapping his long fur _ coat be- fitend.,buf_esi ;tile . -Aterandah of the hetel for nearly. an hour, ,Steadiry gazing - at -the sedie -before him:. A. carriage WAs'. ordered it 9 -o'clock,-; and ib: *Com- pany . With his agenti, gr. 'Vale, they 'started ifia the different otherwieethanto-lay-,before this House as _ _plainly-a-eft----ifi in nay' power to do so the •statement- of-zeceipteend expenditure of the year Statement Of assetiid liabilities s 0.4---4 the -1st of January, 1882, and tosubmitfor the .consideration of horf.T.:Metnliere----the anticipated : receipts and expenditure the-entrent year. The - - B.EcEreTs FOB- tHE YEEtne-182,1 .1-fave-been---as -follows : . $1,116,872 80 bLmCifiC 80;660 co DattgeSti_ sp.!_eial.---fattas-: 106,626 62 _ !222,504 Di . aSi782 01 reV-Einu =Public ---thstitiitions, revenue- :— -ighiCellaneous. -On ateOuntni--eclucatinu revenue... - • ... . . . . . _ - liA-7-stamps 57,502 10 _ -Algoma . .. : 16856 " 9053 27 - :625'65- _ -11ancksold' 514-04 -327550 ..... $2,746,172-98, 1 may hero -refer to our receipt's frond --theDoMinion-GoVernment. _ It was Under- Acietkand,agreed -at the time of Confedera/-„, lion_that-w4Wereto receive at the rate 1 -'or 80:-centS-4er-helad-rof the population, and IhatT__QUebee*as!_to receive a like anfiOn. !. subsequeut grant *fei3 rtilit -Pioviiio0=-Ot-T-150;000; and to Quebec of 170,00G result being that . both -_groviticesWerepaiO the$ rate of _onto per head. Upon what rule principle -that-rate was:fixed:I-do. not knew. One --ii-c-ulthaie-enpirsed that in making: the • appertiOinnent- : Dominion Govern.- inent-_-Watildsliase had regard ta:the ropu of every teni. years; but Bucli_has not been the the case,. The. result, has, .-been unsatisfactory to. have --inereased-reore rapidly in population -flap and t although We:, started at COnfederatiOn-..t with sp cents• per head we domot beoupYthe-asane position now: We. are being paid only at the ratetoi 02 derits--.-pershead, although receiving alarger antountSf-nieney ; qn9b9.0 is baing iiitid---.ratA:(0•_ate cf. To cents:: per head, - -Ntivi-PcoTtia-----gets 1378,630 . of Dominion -stabsidy,:"Or-J,3fiesiati:per heed. - Whateensus are those_ --figiiree":;based T _ •• • Mr Wood—On the Census of 18S1.-_ New rtinsviick-getS1428,009, or U.33 perhisad; Manitoba _reeeives1105, 653-, -:Or $2.18.-pek head; British Coltmbia, includinglnaiafls, lett 420S;q85, or $3.16 per head: Prince Ed- WarallIslandieceiveS1154,041, or 1.41 per So that eb:-Jar: as the SUbtiidriranl iiielihatat's 1461).orailaioit Government is concerned, it --w-oAlq-aPpear that it is working unfaitly.to A:despatch frOm_,New -Yol.k says: The thePrevinceefOnterio; Duly saythere are birth pf- Barnum'S hahy. elephant has .- SpecialITeirpunistances, :connected witixtbe afforded an elVertunity for Obtaining- the en:41er PrOvittees-whOhey;sMuldgeCeiVe milk of the animal -fol. anslysis, and Prof. larger :-grUts,;41-iid'td -that 7eitent T ainit Doremus has improved - the opportunity.. _ Aliat-4erhaps--1 ought ;not to refer to the: He says: isT,evidentythat the _milk . - • 4ppteaebtES fteqp. cream. TigfassettitifIlte:grovinces#1041:49$8 was !Pleasant ffaior .and oder, 'and Ver ad the Iiabilitics 1131,856, sur- superlor,in- these respects to - that- of -man plus ef 4,509,9i.- The- receipts for 1882 elutes -4i; The I Yek " fight yellb , , -arle.,::,-estlinatedfliat,12,94.§,9Weleasipgl'A resembling 'olive .eil; and 'is:very pleas ,t luriSinfCelierLexondltnie cf-Appl,V5i • ,in flaVor and taiget whatelier stand - Mr.' 1'.111triinthV" 'aides rif tir the Speeeh. . point We view the tfaCteal product of these was largely devoted.- the Treasurer/0 .45,14 •fo 0:FA agia Autranted - ..44088 ii-gW013.6titri,„.-tri(.37t9..V444,0,-N 41Y-tgaiitiit _IA -awn* inn': weed Of having departed ut so great delicacy 7-13.avcir.I' The frem---hisi, natal =Stern_ by .introducing mother's daily diet is three peeks of oath, politics Ado.-- ,lais Budget • speech, and One bucket . of bran intieh, five Or ifix loaves' repeatedtheOpposition arguments on the of bread, half a 13ushel of roots (potatoeS, _OnbidOt._Itebrring the resolutions passed etc.), fifty to seventy-five Pounds of bOr. during 4 former session, in -whi h ;the andforty .gallona of water. tlemau . opinion upon the subject, Tliesubject has matter.. 1r MAGIC -EVEN-TS. the ekceptiou of an edliisiori to the subject change DV mind- I am not a Bourbon, BoYFras. t. EpAlier, sa#, learn:Benne thinga and 1 forget some things. pi"cove F—Remarktililyffinddeibetith;,- , _ _ . brought before us pore:then ence,bnt with ` The, lion: gentlem,en on several poem. - A specie [despatch from- tretroit--,_ been considerea for years, and hasbeen Meedenald—Well, I soreetinies of immigration in the paragraph which apeaks of the extent of the country upon which immigrants ; have settled' wefind norefereneeftethe past- or future of gration.Now there -hasbeen a verY- cen-. eiaerable ,inflax. or people into the Northwest, but solife.; as the information available to the publio'goes it seems clear that tileironligratfoxiso far bas been in a great part from the older Provinces of the -Dominion, and that as yet we have reaped very slight Portion of thesefruits which we °petite -reap frotu the stream Of eira: 'oulrouti'the-olacr countries. I'ao not Althat many of the people of the older TsitSafibiat to go west.- a_ am. net a ttle isod at that paragraph in the tellsine that the Indian quea- taanding -seriphs attention, proyisional districts wet() be iaims -congratulated 'us on several matte s —land regulations and other inattera= that We have taken a leaf out of the bookef the Opposition.We are not too proud toilearn _ from my hon. friends, and not being Reforme/rs We find occasionally acutethi.ng toreforna. ,. it is quite true, • as the hpu, gentlenian says; that sofar there.has hot -,t been a very large. EUrepean irtimigratiOn, but there is a confiders:bre transfer of population from the older Provinces to the Northwest: That is,- ash& saysi- not toi be regretted. " Every Irian who improves his own condition by removing- to another part of the country does that much toWerd -advancing the interestS -of he country on "thewhole. ,Btit ,,not iMIY that- • rbelidve thatruqiiebee- and, Ontario; ; espooisilt i .the mare.,..feEtilie ,1-.4u34.; old -Settled gone -there--" ae.. etting to be - ct great ubdiiitif fuming prop nty: lire/fercernent -Of Um W44 was deceived titr6Nreri1Or1lif the "and the ndian_ftuPerintendant OgrkraikY;, ao very long way rhoett interests- demand so In reference to fiud that the The killing of one. Indian might leod to -conseattences of which we have no idea,, but we know certainly that it would prevent and pestpone for znany years the emigre - lion which we hopete getinto that country. Therefore it is for this Purim:fie we ask the We* for OVerk04tO:-, - Araong. the charred debris of humanity - "that have been removed from the. ruins of - the Ring -theatre:within tho-.. fast few days k the' - were the re.manis ame , chief- _of the claque,- who, after displaying ... extraordinary gallantry in reselling. several -pereens from the galleries -0 'the. Vurning house; loot his life in a vain. effort to save-"-- overeeit 'His-jhbrenghltntiivledge of the his and outs- of the theatreenabled -him- teentetririrgaia and again, each time with tbit and -success, hia heroic -purpose, while the conflagration Was raging. He had just cenveyed.-..as insensible woman from one of the -lobbies' -int) :the balcony.over- looking:the Hess -Gass e when he suddenlyl, remembered. that he had -ilett his iiirtotit betigingrfrtina pegtelpse the exit from the gallery; in - which part: of the - -house he had -been seated. when the 'fire breke.. out, and .forthwith resolved ;to :recover it. One. of his subordinates entreated him. to forego ea Perilous an- enterpriae; • and even endeavored to keep him baOk. by main, tutislamek; an extremely -powerful ' Man; sh0Ok- him off, eielaiming "Nothing aim happen to me;for I knew the house as , well' as I kilt)* -my own pocket,''. ana vanished into the -smoke,- never more. ;to eitiorgeftlience?alive:- -.While- perished the thliu*e atelet Ithaeli--telint. to tha iliallgatetja Ein labors'. He died far cost,'it is true ; bn .cnot Matil he had.proved himself a :heroin - ebetter eattliethaa -that:rem:which hethrew away his life,---.Xiondon Telegraph: • . • „ist Says:" As :Henry Veneta; of North Col-, cheater, 0 tario; was drivihg-alpadofccirM (Odder ale ig the road in:_,that- township, he noticed ,:t lat one -Of , the wheels -.•-01 llie waggon , as blocked in some vntyi _And= in getting down off the load. was horrified - to find his :Pown,little boy, aged-772yeari,tightly-gm dged in hetvg..eeu the -Wheel -Mid -- waggon, and' brushed :almost into eabape-- iese.mass.1 On b`eing taken - out---the-_-_litt e: fellow breathed a few_ times and expire. It 'appear i that he had run up behind ti .wkaagdg.en , auid attempted t".C.- Plimb-,ii-p_eil_t_b_ei On Sat rday, Wna. Drake,--one-of.•-lhei oldest re idents of the Townshipol"-G--o-s-- field, Ontario, died at the age of:75. Ileiviii Vie riewaleriireirirrni0find--- -i - .T.ied-ge.,0 Freemafic4 i- Ho ileopet si_i_Jarge 1144.0Yi,Affivell: prgided..,-- ...,,;-__.1%.$_- --- a, - near Co laer, Ontario, was sitting-in:the- . 'Aladrerlt4clitim-,awageta, 414r1 llyifig.- helm t • 6 other day ahelling_-eorn., His wife, wla a was in another . room,. heard sonaeth' -- g fall, and on going in - found, zthe_ old man lead on. the &tar, where he had fallen o thiSchair.