The Sentinel, 1882-02-24, Page 3T 4 V-1 4 A i I tq�aii 1!1 �7W FE -47, V. 0 44,7Yk FED. intonati tan T LION AH EAGLE 9UKCAL GIRL9... Me 0 -VU!E:- 4ZANNEtWE -to ilidth hy, I he. pv na a' --could ter, have 1z Y Out Rap VS,01112006 -,-by r -66drem - ­- " -- t — 6W Aiii alit � .; ­ - �z - ­ s .. bistr,,E�sEje 11rom iverift— g -V 'Pie -pin and --by the eiriz Th h4jkw jejk, j6�vj�jr rat-,only.oh t - "Me : - 11rhat -isr -46_, 2, tul,6 i,�.b #9 Abdured V tho -40id of I e Brita kfic 1 JR, plikwr pt 11 Oulit it is If -ilierel x1pe it iAVIA y T He XAXY-Wjpj�­� 6CTRjXp A yes'tdr4s- UP�IMLD. bd--11�611W%y in -th&4e -yvoij despatch �a I'dospatch fr a 'MAKES AN SS 0' ONG: r-RACTIM.- beinj . W�SHIGTOX r�ab, 9T HIWELF ONCE MJRE, A Q STION OF"S E�c AIOTe ThO Ireriza Caltuou had 66666a, of bajr received i 11 says: eLong7s Party is between stati do Daienhawat � hoaring,-ou,, th tea, el6 spatch ftom-wkshin t. su I' dated'Irkutak, 4th; W -Let 6. WL -10U my story. 6 jitah, contes 9 On Be 'she -has t hich -or. I have -daughtre--. 6ns cage b4brol the: House. otio House Committed on Forei., aiD tTudidiary- co cru Affaiiato-dq he!aj am r -`S B mmtteo` riported, advaisely the. re -dduldn* The- tj solution of Mr. Inusica �srrowu;01W inclibLe enabled 'the aco "es oug-put`�to 'l:LBn` Robinson (X�w York), as d.- �gfi bdeil mu and-theu mi- lit it -not bass eIg 'tY milba long, div fd Of, -bubita mMittee to king -the. Attorney- 9 tions and`g=6� Jerome Colli 0!bY., to !cOn n8volunteered' of his SIX opinion'whather, if oseph I- -th "dyiiig Beaman Erickson SCOperiof the, indeq0zjcY ull Generiil f6r lined for sop4q time, �So 1; e may b6 iuuch� *ic b u iq'ite wh iob seia an -i ­pnlu ic C and-leittheothdralotthep�itypu�h creed. Some 4'the rap Cornell QrChas, toward 17 Mi1SfG th Y.91�'�Ou Warr6n. Reifer, Alofizo B. tw stand b lies 6 wholly musical Y , y- ibe gained 'her. Bu' or publ' tj6n... Mr. 04imon statea 1111 ., -f Ica Ckfroll Should -the British 'toward by th6,'16g--# in a ra bf in '415 rty. buildso--huts, and t � . - . 1, - - bar& mugip -Th Young married c6ples -dithout hivhgCOM itt, th Empire in ad crime, jiot a, n sician of an rkyel through tho ieaich--p e:Sa Oppogadlpolyg4m.y sorn-'eti the English Government - by y- sor 1. LC�Snnot guage as' pan a �-W 40 ' b h meEL becaad:the suspending. a1wis Sucoessfully `Ibund-&-cor r- oWeate, -that hei�� could, liwful 1-Y notkumamuslical . 7d a dvery sppi -a Ito fir, t bi the: writ of habeas b�'heayydrih-io adpra er-stone-n �4 raw-- durin Thi-gener-al 1elalth of thas g -t not lae"I equal. 0� the. an husband did detin him on bidefinite - BugPICIO 'n roug laying the pl)6rt.. of two n- without &'tarldne'frdm bin sing 8 -sit -le w..ehty-oneM S -M. -0 nea Or States, to, demincl bib iele souild 9,9 9 and w, OM - 14 thfilk-that W12"Ve-S But he bqli9v.ed the general 14allor, *Uhofit 'the right -of jhwkUnited 0, until the' ear Ind age wing resen a . 1i -- - 8 x-cellent. Y of 'the -t outcry as j a a Vo Mull appears' We- used -distilled water ziow�whflt ��iuffical, a-16406 will ..,as 4ndXe&r-snd-:se&1 meAt-tw. The sam&. ica I orance I ihould,raake­ a solidify committee also -re orted a& sp reciste utiou requefaiijig the Pi Ing '0 .10sity,- to be beg ewfavor of verseIy tho resbil p jIss- -I-dan ear its Po6hk to -yOj-' , r p,?Iigamy,� as it Waa believ rum -was ad. to be esi- profeBalonal keg, 'vine- service a oern s. and -b 4 ways- y)[ug wa 'reglilarlY -held.- to be III& opiij eventually nee u . P -;n Iniusical museum. W6 took* klY� 4VOwed- w h. a, revelation ftom� Ood- dbUt to COM13illniCAte th' eaponden-ce 1p- - , *it,' -110641Y' all -,Pcieupe.. such a Gorr aD' i the Fitish. Q nientwith-refera to its'erdWbar: of.cl -- -a , ; � 'Ple#y th6 to the case of: D. H, O�ConnQrj. an rit�. ".: principles ;f otbod-, W.:ijj6js ftj�. exerojo Ev _11�awijn M -its w afire uinle scirbe. .-To rij a sno a M1 w were trute 04 -anon., said,, seMr. -Robinson d -k , ii� -slid �&Valids- No spre , Yer 1030 Whole earth, bee 01 'Zen- I'mPrisoudd in -Ireland,' wh6ihe t or asical dkii d -the �Morrdoii Church- Americah oommOnce.-- -I have so� d- fng,�thst . 0' -eryboay would' adz o ", --,- -* as this' cro We got abbul 30 they It I � 4 - rap 0- see any "Sha-h6wbebn Ok 119 - alone v -B'how.' wh qu&!Wcati6b, th, in Yeins iI drop' 6. P)ra6tice -of Afnerican, mu ic 40 8 w o surrounded the you- All possible obaorvationg wife to t%k& subsequent for the., ArstL ed at for e -years-' and' lip and. '�jote­ "to'b4ble' ' riod Word made� the'-res- wiv soolooh- said- " Fooh to. & 111b showing -a Iaorth� ea. by. the the- pa berebasbeeua�proc a ni at- !!a-n#w o s��o R. . ?"Bad. 13 'ship keeled lovi'r. in e, en Owment house and for- Th On Who werer-in1he teach th d cour'e. Thi hind tb d rdsolution' ei* through--,-dur�.houge� wk --!-,They Viffl bViiiAlIdir'b6oks' on -'t ­ scl and -heavily smally giva the English bastiles were the equals.. of, - a Jq9- Moab of t 0 T actics 11�� &UOB. eeii- tvig sm-med tb h M- to hei hi4sband. Cannoij. gentU or 43ail stiperfor to, a'- t - - -- -ITtL b I'E amarital strizifi ;wias rhe leiii has b 'y ur dine declared the. Bill- -'to- Men oil the flo, a6Y6r of- - - Ila 3�19 qfore the Prevent' al; sor t Poly- wh6 did not go t '9*m's W- frOM` v0#119. -Or- or- the fiela-ef-b4ttle. The, -Be -wA0, & lan -dampaign.7- They said baftlei in. the ship's --c6fligany4= OwEid ltd B111-6117 t permanentl-0-1 'be- er- -6f -the dtiA 't9r-the- t -:ave. 0 appidv4d month or a generat in! men, fac 649 to, be. mad 11a.d, 6 clidIant an amer-ded e1my, t6bace6l, a impregnation of to inokde. Sit illicit, -intercourse. betw aid. hac - fought for t, air country 1, ty milegi The jee'drift for, tlj iII fight. butt 6 last afit 4 n the parlor- -after-f T: eon- ingereq onj did-; we kne*of 6 -wag ve)y -rapid.' Soundings nd. *for the Union,-' but, e asked whetligr- tb6g6 0& they '.were- absence�, -_There -hatebeen dapp were- �--pretty jevaB�.. V�d di-� w zottingIn jail;wbile- here in tfid. Hbliie- Jfted'- ',M There are, eighteen -ev --an Inch In --ft -w 0 _132 I ible� seventy-fiv men- 4trip6toraof unceitai or, d' "'thonig� 4ea-i Wik]Ddl urider the' ible &L, rsollitiow of this- kind. Wa in -time often via a leabt'�O� good Xeja�'incest crime' ag'they weWwi 1bgto-bilibusA pia&d !�Y, Utah. in -h ime' to . -ay - - Ora, odki-and --rules depth.-' foun a eighty. - Cannon- hositate4.gtaminers, that th a that 6eri -a urges., -Sw ff b grgatest ge thirty. -five. Ot know I and finl4lly no spirit'of-the . AS W�piogress, the girl as, and- ta d *a n remaing ir�" -fis p -I- . pov %nd-the -avera -6 thought, "a Wisthere-Ame an.*11dod -iij. the qup. �WhWw or' -where th 4tFs -after being th Xud Shrimps- -I do W --.t -know.-- Siona 8 "aii martinotg %6ba- Goo-g-rew, undortook to, h6agr of any man _V10. could. at,%. t �1ottbzn *jj-blue. and.pjain: ridgulatem.orality, in nd on this menced ew--ball10 his- cl Tu)mlhj�iip- and aooin-tho-o we Th6 tompir.4- tam ng-na Z, blood- rushin -ith Vtah there, were InAtWO 3NOS - 110cr, without, - 49.- war(# brought up' w h - rer home -hom� di to Bf to andJ spedirild ich required atto and his eini rijin riki #9 ind� V, 91, the, Waaliingtoxi IEE6 h i would. th it 4Y -was 2-0 0- kb,06 - ze' ntfon - ad eadin. mart whQ VlDt� 'Wt 9 . seem it 1p now.apapers of. bab able the r q� roi­ Theextrb�ios.df toe�die: Lea lift tion -He- w- A taeseteach6ifiba�vdun-itediiisa�', - 9 �4 L76j6dr-6of all n ­ f th - were re-6twit c . o as Borr to in -e.air. G corner lots. Hq' th t there y -hear Mr.: Robeson th4j in fling- anuthe daughter bag iliusical-a-bilit -t 58 0 belo Wag-& condition of- �ffairs. iwt4 OT`iatriot of mas and curses at thq Subject- and th It. all 046 k, #�wpr god iWIf -to higA3 w zero,. t'heat 46 ibo�y�. ki - I - I I - niesii . teraperatu -vr -first wi titer the remark of Zft� Robe which reiquir�edthe a Referring to. a is it 0 up a4d -Ov 6 ete :�VOP*�#44fiothez�iebel start pr4ctice Ampr 'Wv.§ 33 0 ek Prac ce! that 'or- A evise on. 4--udiciary fxxore� tharr did i wintb th6i CoMmitt of thellbus go thot ptacticl i could xiot.direot the Attorney the second. cr 130 39 below. -The first. siinim Utah%,. G Oternal I ain-intd or the'ffie"W' eneral to, deliver. an opiniou,�he decl4red 91 idill,14 noipor IMP the girl does ractiee.-.-�� 0-- y r'eVfiod,.- aris cracy-monarchy not do f poun ure was -40-0 above that01si-thespiritof - to Y emperst .Keed Sharpl p cof- 59 miles 'showed a �61oi do, wathet' ffr� oiblibson) uoh-,61se' wit 44 & acing, Imam.. He (I o h-- doUnd pl and She* -practices h hPiviest gulf sbi ue ga Os are -no 'h- -9- n ut., 94 -the bout is ho. babes in. corner lotLei �bo had - � d and- there: iW. law against, &rc1the-how1Qj.ihd 3rAighlion, d enargYl ku crunching of the U-DnOs of Ana I i awy -of-.& better caug&- ,Si I . i r ------------- A krep--y-ours,. Ve -Separate erican citi-- to" atiolid on ar energy -How lon, Zen& uner. its hysics btrd�gth and 111118 1 Pkw. He.heard the chains PtL j--A4A­nO -iune . yet., 10 TRI on thad long-suffering p great.. There bee citizefii, 6fth -61111,191119-ilroitad the limbs of th ianb, 'had -i�r�how-, e:461416 coinci ant *1 autorag. and had looked expendi d -in housihold avoe'ati6na;we ma-&., -at ea�viedt never tsktjY- Wounded see where., th �ydid a �,cook,.-- a eag'O was.'- But that-- or washor�-! flKNED'. INWO. eC jEngi and e -th van aw4t an, tha neer Sc4ock'Bbea 1"Xi!d. d of bi�4*that. a kin witg Act wonjah -then I think gave urrounddd the gentle- if. dS !�Nb.Mlrombeind-cruahed. aover- 11440,n6' wires - aim -A- W-aghinetol± de,;3 have be in -several jypunag' Ue faft, -- - d 'it d -,were broken. Ilepublican h Tli itoquidrilles, li d. 4t. I in, Rngliah­- Prison$' w suite. ovemE - w. i. j 4,vingf plxlx� o6e, couffned' '-phoi rhdvation2W ants- be put, patch aated las, - ni�ht man. He w irroun ad by dormOr Is e ices reflecting on- tlja�-cha -had aertificit-e of VM 'de roa !ilt- Of, the- ke. t6 ograp 0 mciter !II%t=1iz tion, on whi Shop 0 ection tag Oft wfth'zth6 Chipp a ch a e re do, C1# �k- of- the, Senate Com., 'Were engraved 'the American good-- -daughter.: 'age 3 ON xv ilons. WG ilso ee- eagle, but a On Railroads' d tytannical despotpa'di. n t he naturalist's an newspaiper car- 6 more attention. o r &Ximl I I asd- T - Mit seems liscouraged. Though ie� X notes were Ve ean- it thanif cannot I UY: 0, 112ne with :respondent, SOfeldQ; de6oMpanie'd b* it He asked -out-Eltoppi1w, -a-df re' I.-65ve-ral- 606 Island was y his were Alm -little f In tho lisbovbr�d'Xay l6th'in oil:in tho 66N 0 -broth6r-Ohj�iales, called -at rest ar'br 16 gibu -d Woul pili Massachusettistan&by. and lotone of ber eakim Y., where L 11 eJ58.P 56 east. - to 4�-horth 'I , 't b- -0-40 ky� not. visit -unx app 'U 60 a io,�nig d, tr was, lit and handed citizens rot -in a forbi own oi 1'sh averige of. -SeV6n times t a statement to ra �risoir2­'.He, had mall Bad roe ..�7k -, d relice Barton-,. news editor, which be' been tune, 6 er Q�to*ks� r kunning off - the. track at: inttorval of �16fl enTietta, Isledwai-disb assailed becatiab- he was' g i , "' � Wer6 ove oing to, ofsixty ��cond%. or coming,- s- ej y 24th in,latitiae 77 6, - 8, desired h T ira tG r6dl n0 down -city aseem - -t a litnd e north, longitt &K- Corap ed.but Load a. hWas* a 10c, d -k ate- give plenty ­ 9 sciers rose. P f&�osition--wi-th-SOM66thei-ttin6, are do ima 9 are scakee 'and" I Id mop int on, entadig �emajA- r t� 7 0 is - an eiten is aildi, Od OialdO he� won have to 1 -1 on an colitEnDing .10 006' 92" see. Gorham, Uero any cowakd who held &a Anle or abouf- it, Aa; B controlled. thd. American prda& who tices yet- W�ijj- flaame's. Tha� Sote-140. stiiick. she'Pr ennett Island lies.. lif latitude an air" KD4 knocked him. aziuSt. Would Say"thalt, tb e UnItGd. S tat r4 ;hopbfully-6 sectio f 760 38,.-- qs could not the 'euSueld tmke London. He would drtalia - tiebt, o gitu 6140-'0%90 scufuel if Sweet -and resignat rgd . un r� .- - Istimmo ed;by'wirii to 40 is ver durin _to � 11 t n.91- 9 a a - -scene It we-. fou nd many birdsi 'old ho table on th� take Lbnd&n at hilt the eipense that Vicks. 'A��ivg-tt , 6 houie (t , a my as. wa's -if t d 't& , - d' =ds- .-.Frank burg 6 1101se, nk �mqnotonous di d 'taken. �-Referring to news- IsPor - while and.,doai', -but noisdal or waj±us6: 0 busixte.sa reoh� � i6whej, who -is -attdosp lot h6ridally- a: or : n8oft sai Y--�Vz-apecla- "t tiain;`- They n. was observed.* Th6 man4ger,wbo picked it up pi�per criticism,, Mr.� Robi d'heLad-Ntronger,"Compona -­of-b rogroat tidal piitol cape- on th eer tobacco 0 n hastily wheroupon 'three,' 6.r four 0�en assaulted with the mingled ferocity i b6ld and and. a chemi in quick:auc ere hekrd, und fllth'Of th ti * ar and- police, areided-mg, t F1 am- lith coastrwawntiniedCa cession, W a, g4 Welott' say d- A - pe Emma. t, -because enibalI, Tlio'compoiitora 0 Lit, 'a Corti 4, has ft d 'U k'dwinc- t . he--firs-t��we6lj ot -.er 1106r abovd- tizenghip and ea- ac W the oth stood -up for American - ej asical abilityr in- ill--" a 'event the spr A� anAlu- to, t a ['�and found 8, e neq.da Is -praotj P11 r mi ea- more, ancel -rushed-. h ry, Of the fla* Laughter an al -han -be verfldw-66cli 27 a, h- ean - reek al rg f- ag 1)�e-youihgelq.i'soteldo from the edi- aPPl4U'0O).; if a -b intasical abbi V icli-will--bg Vance. The bliow wa ty, where. is jV? ternoon of Sep Sri: Happening --the oil. will' -strike the tbe-af Steldo upon R�rton's calling out 1, 1, as citizen bf Baltimore* with tho'.North -Pble 2-- Two; Of th - f 6x (N a;hd than Ours 'or e. seized Mr. C y6jk). Bt&t Why- dox th ey get, ipps, -bwd -did : better ad ibut. O'Con- it 0111of rout- ears are I nor befbuna to, b% treitsur - of 9; so in sudh 1 ­ $hot," and, handed him. the polide.. f --knA d 't 2tb tha. three a 13 aVing over, to -er for th� eleva- ktrema cas:es. must' it require Ior rpy a,pumbei oB a W'aa- shot- tw' cidt ty- musicAl. abili --- 6f- -r&iFroad-bridgp�-----a�n-d'-Iiou 6s-ur- a 'off -wa and, on' ice,. on - cer iu the neck t' of Irish, he Such a c(op-of tQ� dome up.? tile 4 ihe 10 SaMiliovasky ibn placed ill Ow t Jig, If he as ft Will td-dra, nty­f6ur-�ho;irs -under'- thou cer, id, the briast- �,764er wound jsq� jil, in UL'country *,here eve Ingle gua"t'' Im misical'abilift. b- o a tri ght. to be n. �qr ora i4g,',t Eiden PB! sea wiped Y b ar rag ..X6 He bfChip father;'- t ha 9441. A�, X. S.Oteldo, wi�, Wteb Of Per'Boual libe�ty had b she. 4idu 6 get' 'it from her', d- .ej:ou&o& theftior.- witi, blood' out by tlia, 06erej t F4 E w at dayli& -even m-cann6 00- -a SUSPe4s'On Dig 1 -18 on Act and tIj t. I. L 'could not'get bao ovTj - an C, rij a nLbrtheast: br'g t- le H, Obull-Ot h -�d i ola in the b eas car in& could, . . �c .. -- I -tbQ - 'bL �%cb7 or !ia I during'slft� e h 1he lsl�, pus, No - 12 r0gard -thrdBa- 0 f Or evera . abbut ga o W a - this t a o- carry -his te of provisions. I V years hpve*, ad t a. feT -minAtea- party questiorf. it, w -tamki.- 'W sh nook. -Sweet- - zb st ocannot n od of-, ewrisi erve a strong vasterly.6 nearth I egm r Th d'b o w - ean erewerems sea of rift. I hav� bd6n brought to, that. paig� Urrent"i 0� Tred asseffibled colalleOtedWfith 1he highe prero.g tiv tizonship. it O'L Of t Delta. nOW. 'd editor' and t I news A i PikTIO *ith- -thdi - d- ew&,F 7 lal rooms -Swarmd 11r. Robihson.(]�O* yo the, wolu 41118,146i colrp,.no�ms , L - tt �rk) agai I, td ho ppenin the Sibeikii Islands. -ho eWsPsPer- reporters, th6 frjeuds:- .'floor, "�I&ring that- according fo the S-yS- year- o d boy, died last *ebk at Point -bkri" ors. 11-fisinega.1a ovrilm6at in' getting of zhe-� iiicel�y it malls of varnish, -n ot!, L tif its-- 8 h tem followed by the rx paiti6k, aud many every, dapart- a hd floor above fr6m- the px6egioive Use of a a aasser a ubheO ther paper was, SUR-' its 01tizel'us-Oliti-Of Prison it Would1sk r d she -g -et this t d gai -for hours. ,I)Ootori were hastily hOusand years to. get aflY 0131Ofs Molasses �y f?f� -her mus pended r an d a ght 3116ther.. -My wi a qannot coroners jury hasbrott Ie, be heardi 11171, s Une, neith-er ict of 8 k -some ; IeL 'iiiur-dei-agaaln t Summoned and pronounced aotalao t d dying, cup- Let. th6L acres of. th&-.eag at-- &-righ ver ji _W1IB Wi :7b_iiA -or- parso unk-n -thenr -ney t _:h on- wn. - An effort h 0 a made -to fina'th nd Io Nli and, M L a ergons W- 0:.,. heir the roar bf Aindrican w -he does sing. a�Axtged iji-�:tlhe, f6lds of a ('iller il" -boy li' -as., removed to. got sornewhat C -and let 11s, words -.be- -�OGteek, T4-- -ugle..'-.1 fie.aeldonx-s th -hospitaf. The, b411- entered thp. backlol, 7 8 t b the h6o.k ihait Artillerv., Refer- ered thave I'Ving rom,und-erlii he r quor. -the d'Our itothe tebrm,a ..'Robason, he stated -that my ter four ye&xS wItMUt'-LtjI6L Ilodged ring klighter is t4 throat iugx!�U49;s neceaffarily mortal W he had slightest' orruption or sign 6f -G.,. D. -ta 1.84, and-Hisa. fift- en that gentleman's - teacher� but. he wag -nearest bedr's not a. te's 0 age( SMSr# boy -Very dull 811611 Mrd - 4 sge-t .76, of Zanesville' -dues- I - ition- as . latd fibur tbis.'n' UP10; and- t a -'6dbis' I� 1; 4 12 P My Storv-' -It ia-�Uotal- 'A � it-.' morni O`�Waff& tliii Ilizlirbi says.. At sgranit -bb �boy gu,� . h( e-marrke 1X y resign :i0inizig E;,Oteldo waa asid*ho:ivas I tion. I wc d t aaxt Robes _gr 000zf _t -_O -b ot ashamed ild ask of -you -is -thiff.- a yr- Public Sch PO gj a resignation overs­qu ya e k at Easter� emg a- target. for all presezIt t m of t-eabhih rrel 7tho 9 -�The phy Of th diatiacti&--of b in very preca"bus loondi aiii.- a -th b44� not s4cceeddd in &.-true'tingthe, -folly and- of every the - Crank in -the Ho -jright�?" L -"-ow WE use. . � . Y, never inarFied bull a#Fid"- 40 -4jh.M er Wi ar- afid Said tl4i:6 iver b-dt. slight' (Derisiv.6 exclamations on the Dam' -will'say.' I know what- the., of hi" hopes" 600D 'Bliss- has succeedeg 13� the dtity-of S-Mun -r-if i a recovery� ido�) It"wag part Of zrim-,tor-A will ri4gei-b a- -say., �Thi y Will gay- thaf B1 i"a extkaeting t4o,bull-6t, f usid --mutit-bo- Y. Scion so emzi tow- Bartows, ijeek who hones#y sna-.6arj estj �FOR BEAST 2 Th ndeu�iored t taught it 7ough -certain tif c- ib 4311110 1011`10 the phil of �go -le proprietors and blooded -stock ohors in ong�­Sa t no hei 46�ih� old - ye- ar"' timed it:7­837- a Prou distinction: before Sit, hs the scal6a: F arAon t -s On and -4 his clo orth - 06-breAst only---'peiie -gg:)g'jjds, kid h A is no sorj*ous. Theothorabt olly scal0k must--- -bi� aeth msqlf- td th6 an"rs .4 f una and 'form E�m.,.th ZBX#4-W �mberZ thembstprotift-rit 4 w,ou d ad!_ �dreii t submit.fil bda jailt A -.'-1tTON .which strhek him in the, vituperation 6Vda Phalplii th afjearwh b trated thi. Vfgh#y, ing tha- ch in h lived gL big 6-utburst i6eet. - Mr'LW� has -devdfed- th anj hors . es, 8 of his IM3 ­td,the- st6dy and e -not is coffin� training . e is consa( erican,peop a. He -bad edpoints 0 f lin a b an Sathorify-ifi - the Am -9, it of ordir- now. iprof no. 1 would Bpi- -be. iipt,�-�Thi ��Ildtdn and' 4A -th s;re to-horseftesh.; Feeling des- ght� 60 ad- ---from V ructidn of pr&4 of, P to aii his folly to, thEi iobi giii� when, he _U l sou idtl metlioili Gexp r Stag, us of -hearing *hdt he had th say ii ug -in my. you those upon xig ST. JACOBS OIL- -ebr ga fk 40' 1- th for 'a of, w Ci&[--'- that ho The, Lewiston, (Mei�) Jaurnal --lie never- ifit-­ do th for: the, f ollG.wjhg Story wit oil- - the ro re rdi At M recentlbcal, gentleman ag � inL4 iii - - Wj - -'I-( ' tkyli$---Irfi�l -iost- -laid- medy of6r soine the'ills temperaixqelmeeting-a..g�6&kei, in dwelling because he- kii 'te by , him d- proper Af'r�feech�-in 'to'th Id L - - - �, i-, e-vntei,-tbsojv. -.to. ftin's, ed go direct to Mr. upon thd d&gradatiou ausby- t geutrfmaii7. wind .4 oriner ba$ to a Stables t6i i1je tervi -In ewing. r.) gers. ne. - on e b' for I' d siry� jMLnoaz Bbrlin,vherth th , su geet. Mr.-Waltoh 1q1uO4-- sai 401 know. man Who The, la6u, so Ought- to suraraoil le-2porti -tor Thb'.po ere- the matfer. -and sdd-- 14.M ithoiit prossluj& -.* - * *i .- urpose of lie- a came - wi Q�au&6 r many years- araLk. to guch awexte� I& to *hich:I d6s� -to -whit of tkb -experience IcanL sgfely.*y that I consider he, ire two t-thithis whole per- examiiethe--gonfleman before was. per- I dowh my- imusical qubstion -is this---.- Ord-- A For goo. liniment 1W COSS m a remarkably 8.o4-- seemed inapreghatod with alcohol his mitte& to 0 further interferevWith legi really jhjj in 0 g -for anythin, -AfitractabI prains -in -thei, lungs b6came?%oj ohs -r rder �.to evelq­ g,like evdnL rgedL W ity P gment in! ih'- rinses and'simi- lar affeetions. aMilhors -an- -bellowing sed ST. jAdOBs �,-,011, on doiens - jn� ing, 6ut-- a 0&1�04'ohe day his breath, 'Of G;per diuit.be­ag P O"g &k th orsesi and.. ean',6� in: blow Ith it that If the gojitlemaii- was sincere' the d' sical Ailit�r -thi I a, $t- b took fire, zo� if it were ainfilt him... If he wits Mec in- -of � poundlug-must be-- some MIS a person that L -r ever'- -naphtha. At-, the, con- not he was only 'foolish and - jendgtioug,, practicQd,? P -bg -thO - faucet of 'a now alboutsix clusigo of, these reniarka:L, blear -eyed. � and because heL Ix ractice which, it- -1 to -fail. it is -p ease Bever taught him- the Our ? ?ractice' which -ti as- body knew b had -whibli, h api _% beL raggecl-man. staggor)dforwaid0om the iear anythingp in t, a every o iV6 a T)ne. trough dim9nd-the, prajjous within i The, sudfence rooni.-w dr- ;-6f the han' which--. auc t d I orth r6se tD� t4U* ing in aanea e d pUb r6ci idd, SiAles made �a question.. rly crazy -Ir e v w a, mg, Jita-- ater, passage.*W4Y -for the grdpingjnebrj9�te,- t f-' -All h&.jC�6jf8j0nL, SOIn c 111 0 a earda a ho �T which been all day a I%dY:On a new system -of. tes �--TaziettdVillemd.jaiea- gUagag. 'Slid argued y navo'r of dis- -H -id bad -ad. that the trembling tbpet- was and Hooker. rose With, points 6f pensi --with. 1he gr -mar- and - Cox Ian r Present 1110491it another reformatign was. vory;great,� *as hioreased-as Randall �0. come, -a e! his- way forward 'to. $194 'the.: Ironclad Ord5f'ag - sinat the" Speaker., ng an rely am shop, -and 11 'in -4 - L, - 9 f-Plidgo. The' a; . warding the dictionary, wilh verbal - definiti6jj, and- the -P)r Prietor bi�`nt the: stage stood floor to r a, tOL welco h�' gladly The ML , - , Uoh I g sndtir�so e. repetition. of7' t* -WOU - - I Bldunt a- member of th cal rules M1AEk P enp h a', -'Let. ther--po P. e Of h _01 the.Olaftllo whex in b iMPL eurano stated* that he' n sing V sentence in French, - Spahidf Vpg:� -he W­ esotted-and, rum -Poisoned app ommittee 7ruWnedst.ir Y me w made sad slid -rd own ;bU-g qui6ting hes; the- resolution. considered ia. Oyer learn rp War Iron` foot the! utmost miiiao, no - Man'. Let him -hr her 'Iearn� it d rOssiont the. drd coznw or Gor ro NVth &tremulous-*ojte a 'to, VIOL Place where th6 last, speaker t part,cular tongaej Never mfn&-,its- �om th(i lips- of one- nstive'boiii t Me �ushed his way minority done so,.. - _, j 4 . 40118ible r had - in othtrm�emb.oj.of the. nuncia allence. prevailed. y to tha Mr. Willi aa of the. Com� t I Let thoinfirst-g6t1be nd, sWaying mitt6et. stated that, hat th Vidt I' not. undersfdod of 'the Bout t bod he. said': kv frion" (hj�) Want to t 0 angutt a, sha-ka hands. with- 6 resolution -bad beek bhths sinc�O-Lfft -commenced. using that -OIL considered, LetAtham r ipeat this dir�s ud- n -Lot the- commence USing ST.-JACOBBOA-bii - �il 1 -6. 1-21411OMSp find -I Shall -to use it. I over� --h6ffi 'On sav*bd nic and lotl&W'about' it &ppe&red,,'-on* the i; oj� 'r w� - alstiry tinue (hia). (Applause fro tl uMfi th t perfectl n Mi -aa --sudience.) minu air e know'd y. 8 _r tes Ofthei, bOmmittee'i inoeting& -_Hd ned 'es w tQ_, YO_ OVe-L 'tha earab _aj bEi'llrat-educated. Then, -this CwT.-M-A -Vay.- father is over P _ghtyi t 'I'll -had.� bed O Of_thOL 'g. long as.. I r to Orr In ormed, lidwever, that iust entenoe,ser -is' vcb ae-si2d--QOfner--stOnqj- nover bIO-w 00 another ca;ndla' S biod afs Of 090 and Is sub* ct ge. Amoii Itle L �g oftr e ng gt he-lastheuida 1W ad nment of the meeting 10,- e nts; Incid6ht, to the, jour 'add' h a P --his Orth stited thstr ittliere, pains in -Was no obje.c' tkndb bearin 0, way. -11 anguages RIF' athose ho­�-b an morm Re- -theF. g nope. he JIM dofi6 jo. 'k Ith the linhn:ent nj -i is ba and- 61htsi and fiblieg in-difrerent,pirts of tion lie would report th6* resolution, - and n4gs!gfj�ib 0 -,qX body. e Sp 'I� Ich _zorei isli of mmeneediping ST. JAL%BS OIL L'Dr&-. Sqkdale, eldest 'g6u. of the eldest eadi offid 10, V 9 a nVeral- montM since-azid: Wr rabbingjilmself Duke BucOIg.uoh*. came of age : rxis6 Mr. Randall 3 'learned. by� d a point bf Ord IS It' 'be er,.-th&Vas he reso 11 d a grandfather was a 4uko at 1-8 IW-- speak thom 2 din to the printed directioni he ob tj MSYL Ot 'Wh io at it 1061�8-as thoi2gho," it it Waif. notj the' English a decided --r be e.. 'duke s St.'JAcbw 0& and it always 7h 1% Fj-)e&ker fib rd -th In order �ch Amerk- can pal or b roporto&from ty in. -�vbi h a .1 it h phm`[VWay.� Nowl-fdlly kridw-from. pexadb4i A hot(!- -that Ykerid T e -a or h !there camdtO6, Is hutaa? And do. not those MCI= that:WhWds gd6d fori�mdL s.1 11—Ftitherreports-bring the ot aape With. -d ­cotinu -E -and er lor- -that Aistides --welsh s.q 0 FAr eu. 110ta past 60. srt be wishbatb call do* their in R ll&Ve-been�instDucesoftizeir-liotsuc eedi XrL Raii; , . 't "' , ", a] I anguage -as V10 is um. ng III! 16r real speak the I- 1heyL U i all st an M�el er t -an r ol I ly ence -k the-attentio d --ii6fitfisi 09A Stod -Faam, near Philadelphik the Theodore - n Of the wuntrYto the fact that, not -wh Lewis,. Presiclete Q116 that fear 1 rd wide 6der of-thatfamedrater, Iro pm 6 Of ted, UftgL and strongly. endames &JACUES - Amari for the t of the the -resolution ha& come- to the: Houge With- sobool-tsugh?'�' r a: :hsiv. _qud% aboverd� �CaJX AssoclatioIj C congent of Allent -awoude are of, out the -tile. time? juitse ects upon his 001nmittee. or er His died,, aged' 79, in Br ki 01w, ho OWIV - - W M 00 yn 'OrL 6 is the f. y vv-*�%;w greu -riot havix exPerlence -with- the Great German -gi g, a unqyalifi aWfied hi --in- ed' e YX in ouis lalancriff- aomgorous uitil he -hsd­-xivs1lddvRip -.Vm- -are- let, d r9ement (if It, d III -Saym4t. that big z -t --- - --- - V9.6-agh'the Me door -W �L7 thrb=t an I- -mu no -gia� ozb&7bxi- should