The Sentinel, 1882-02-17, Page 47 P z Imam. % OVNI Whealind is., �on" of* the best sit 'afe& t mod 9'ratei k1noirolt- of nic'n - 01YJ - consider Q7M ilt land, Ae alteapost, And* th IN 6 bdat. R1 U AIDW lie. 'a- 11 on, the R. ve iniles. from Gasselton, on fhe east j, 16 fioni: Eli ten4roin Buffa r ------ Vile, a n �w As- t cost west- with rice, J tuall k�iiou$ six 01 -a� , 1 -f -6 -Md -V V4 n ­t div tha The -e I[ Stock F No Us t:armiiry -he M o4d �se- GQ TO. ARGft -PnEMLy- this area th.� to 0 ffybe- saif[tab4the choice' U at land -in the ods ley, Nottled- m6silTy b y lin totintip,* of Huroia.ignA Bruce t'_- uctivelleA.'st of. -k, U nd aoin Ideriv �f the -p.:rod the anil'tudy be tin kRC6.AT$ �uring the montls d frotii the -fact, ihat LA W ETUO, UKOT L OV - � I—. - -_ -_ and AWovi, of- was, dne..hq, 198-1 dred and f COST, -�DAUS$ Goo 'POST e- FWtOr Of ofwheat T -h6 twe %pproachell it n Drawers he, Ik atlandeldvator. RHI It Ts 'a' M4 t 4-4b.ippedthrough t The M t Of *hich. Oaded lfu� I Hsir4j an 11 most of, th, .1tendirl-9 i . Mmigran -COST, high.48:81-35 piTsr bujs�ljol� No COST,; fruIn youry. nity, -in e aMount I ead oc 'ropi thig Yeai, though ther 'Twa �.l st 19 nifiliST -as, tor which, of u8t 61 k 0" up their _Ttheta �js_ twice, th for the two, 'griat c ER+ are -that L JIRTCES 40wo: . - " ' -- (3 tj 4 cau-atris ' At w- maKe. theif Mr, a we tid' if have Agood. seaon, 1, thought - w e r n4bf noi be out o k�-IE:reaso.nabt�'to.4itpp6settitit the afe id'as oti (Whaph wer did- not- have)t�st year), I rity of yi)ur ship e knowu as- I ani to t a ntiij M nt fOr 1882 wi re�ch -950-'060 . . . . . . . . . . re s. - There. -is flo (160t foelivi In b usheli. also g�cfd` .0p 0 L sevet y 'anad ian� 'that, al 11 ott r4hi for tradeikmen of all 'MA ke [bgs-being Wheat Iand,'. and &"good 111ve. _ne[*8 paper pia�Qr Uvitig utider tlje, 04 flag and em is eqpeqiallj� - I ... nd -eke 1 -inight ge pecti. liwr to their say.- that.,aniongst. th tr' e ea - Meg ibat ar' a. 0 e 8 ouitutr -ate at*:' n Y Come* h of, a cklift-� P, ciall -gqod ill t4i Ver -.herol - slid finfla t e" makerscaipent - eialbake h.ut6hergi one Ile and'blacka' ith fill, Bill. r1ged-1argely nO ne We, sobjegt justice I be' ift a n6i , �,Ihbothoofl, �oln� I hav wl W 9 agreenitytroe Axid Tip �thoiigh U ore, 1)toperty proteeWd, livin ''tie be. would ish. like per idx' b i'&, rigIito -do-wpll h and i;aiwspa rt Old K fool, tat 1h9vo treipapitill-ofioul Od qtxairf.�it.,,att�t.�qi",Sn-A, .99 mareofer' 1, anti *11I �r'&* er Lind iii Iarizi-r rraiDts' th� natu're lorq e s"o"g 9 gg ing nfoxft , er ndv4 Ing Opts. done-dus. _06mied ralabl, tle to 0 attkgesi��, he very.- qttietly, -Y tw the M -do. III pockets his. �tflolig wit larcf rs: a' -d. goi, t#_ w u- PlPe ork j -ha: struggl' sell tv ma-kei W 7' U-8 net bt 480 acres T- Ut lAud" frir flat *ill. brillgi, Wdh A Vor-StMe 150 f 9 we &uod span of horistra aM you citit Mgko n 20 don't, d`ependt (011, One kl)e�14 railroad1hat ii- Prog�-eising. very alawl we have ihdi e t*erlytv bu 1. 11sid or tor hiroi sud if line- righi Dr Y air to 3-o� have*aiiy. ed-rplus., 11011 at we It, oI cash' r mectinj �vdth_tbik water: 4id-town1lots-which A it in Whestla t 4 tile gmit _jgg_f�k th6_ fu-, rityre's; Ance the chnim Of aiketa'an'd fit -INTO Th li!,e. im. go _Cro"Iid MIA intersee ad T. A. ]UM111-T. SPAVIN Was# -Veb, 30, 1882. by- of her .B 81 that it'! R p ;,iblkjor Tai settler -to, lcitty ten nXile, -vb a alit watiqn�.' Th t 18_t� settle the. bride's &thmr, an the 8th 1112t.Tb POTMO—W-MR.T.—At the.* re-i4buce of rid- marketing h, , - 5;�_ - - DAUS -1,' -4) t k. �g it com-i e I) Wit fowl, is � Ina I TA -, � T X, SUPP le a) i thw R&4 John Walk H Igo: Potind to Miiis Melitle lVeAt� both. of 'milera.. t PAVIN'CU brr h Madec' rbud�, With "n 1EY eikir (10 0 1i -the; 8th Feli, 0-M. r rWeNt wtivatioshtiy: the'Rev. --R�beit T f St. ell, ioio ­(Iaie 0 wbiliM the oask ---St. HeWnr 31r.- Ardiii L �ald -W bacir a -mew a 11arbour, --H�st,'Vawanogfi Having bouRilt out. - a am -G-rih, 44riniiied W that d' pay. 'Jim Lydiett, West Wiwanosh. - OB6 Streeto intends f6r'froni: t w _v Carri-a 8. an Oa] AtArif & 7-1- nticknow -on Thiftsda �;et � I I— a . �_ � ost'sul ne4 mif- obessful-reinedy-evei iti c nnectiom n itt, -efflTacts iii,d'does.luo.t - ta aged. W Y tu' llorseshoelzig*&- Geieroal--Bta rs. The tia noraL IPA# ------------ tk6liYalzint, rwani for the. ilettlar 'at 1.86a WDALLYS' SPAYIN wil-leay.-o t& family irwidencP-11ave-; bseis -yet 11nttp,, A U is certain i grant fe6r';iry- Bill i3 will do fl.ouvlt 4 groat Par- n. of the froa pr6of-be 'm There will-, be scitile And will- ui�krarftee s 1�ek at.-mt today, at 2 P. TO." -04 ftorkattlomlant rin:�pi� of the,trade., N,ew H -)si cenit-terys ofoh6ices:t and atl6*esj.- H_ .9 P� ol -on y! iniploye goo& Ono- d. _ a _0 s riitg whore the ljaid.i First�claaa Woiknien o ea. SV&,�jx Cuxe' bo4k, q the work iupeeJntli'jdeA -by t6jritelf. Fifteen ce, is an u Thee, Ia. years of erien vnt -*arrat tiifacelol�_. -with d thest leofTiny-Workm shi Upo Marto. ion the M"t bitsinessi he.also, a. s, wo ME -AARETS. P, a old Wo �jig to,fte,j"h via& anYth3b4_,iu-"the-' tied for-teu -will be. in.. the' market ih' req�irbq -Y Ke hot - to inov*, - rhw ge-,4)i with, three railro.vis .a(ii fo lFall Wkesit si lf oo... 'linefs will. do w th ell to .4 b, eas ixentme y zone -lift, Q1VtMKA-6A iiot half -aft Wheat.. ... .... a 06' �7- 2 . o boo -42 E N VEG count or usiiij half! s like youn k lc.u' Lope- by- Rtriet. �A. tion -to. usiner seallolks stil" inerit,a, Liberal Share- off- the t L Nd 7 land to be got in Bartle&- Pswity agei 'A loik foi a roturn- (if M a o0jitintiatioll-of -pa�r "q _7 118A V law, S.-APPIN-4 OR:, 'A4y, one wh W, 0 ddi s for' jot Itted: 6ti Wea e.rl propf -;Df-iM -a think qiLyes pos.3 No f -how Ito-ralln'tina stud Re-wrl im'mf n"g 77 Dom# with neatness and' 0 froni dpa ; pa K- AD. ISS h t -Potatoe success V_� 4S know F411 over -w tUNTIA9. u our IF&A ri 4K Whea' we arri at Hay-Tow"per ton, - 3: 06 1 Price 4r%W4 ldoltlty J urrIQ MILL M �rAWiCqt tioant rgan. ww me 7th '81 Lufskn0w, 1%14Lm-hT` 4 Atiii�xkk 022 '0:22 or six bottles'fo Aft d 7--uggisti; ha, 1k. 431 .for you, or it wi I he sentlo it o stunt) a 40. 1�, Y x64 the balal)ce eas. on re6ilit of. price by the* ppoTi. 0 16 0 la an' Dr. B.J. Kendil1,&_Co-..EW FallN V 6ribur- 4f t I th 0 16 019 By A I I,' D- anerid U h tp!m - f4ttite tsue drug*', I lou sp� perx, MqTRFA1 -2,2 u" P ECI A TAR V h6lo" A cor- fin I xhoe -sifliply giv, In or0fir out )wtoie -f i lie gr4wt It o towlis 86 but Villik Dzil"M C;oxP'LAxwrs, mind 4ccwzm ch, tee& w either i "Aron; ve heia or relkiii r oCOME GET rr- -Yllig" ILL* 103P�- COMM 1-50" 2MOAr,- tract of 1,�fid I OOAT Ar A ST C 4EXP. A on 16W t-cot,xay in tl--je Iurffl(w vality, .1 f'061 NBV3UX.M�A, U AL OUBLVMPB e: Pau'd -0 1W -River. Tl* OR'RELIEVE'� 0021tws. acre t rhe P IZZINE-$ But, COMWA W 00 ir BROMY t; d. on-*" easy tems. 6&-T a MAMA _Zrawl I Ub 441��V 'J"Al 16f. OF - FHE HE4 P Disem�, IX ld-bxpect-, -Th s�186 Traime er I and -.1-ND STION; FLUr TO, MELTU OR- Or- �"itei7,,AervWi- 0Y Y, farms for s,'le �U�441116_ . , I . - , I . PAnrAm ------- 114 -hilits Ott, A-tv, PIN *7 ERYS YXADWIN FARM TOTS A ILI ru A311 I T4 M, #EU be SALt th4o&1aiTide UU�V(, been liskea--b give si�_ romACM, nrt-h Io - n B ling, the it t of -the ta, No. 61 anti 6., 'In 200101s. Without mewis, *110'. if- tltoy hialve of 1.4, tile V11I1We__.0f fi U" WML F'TkE 89 U -1d sell now *ould ha = W"rm 09 Lit, it 61411stainhi-ir iiloollt fift -fivo .Lu�k­ iiry.SpGoiel; of -dise ion f iirt Wid y tAll -d I EY6, STO ACH JVER, -MM alla 114�iu the village i oTENWANT, M, D., diso 4 'Vltkp we. .. �D M �Da 'DR Ot BOWE 13161M L Low Pro pr-tt'ri to La OR e (witer t Da -W� T. B RK -7