The Sentinel, 1882-02-17, Page 3PAPHIC SUMMARY Lat4S1SiSt fro3da 11 Ovei Ole W4:>rld. - • . canaditane. During ; the Month Of January 186 patents were issued in the Dominion. 7ke`O*OTTS of the Puliman Car dor& peny deny that the smuggling of goods Canada is permitted. by them. The paiiway Bill haspassed its secondreeding in the Nein!. Scotia. Legislative Assembly, *are being only five dissentient votes.: The Baptist church it Kingston has been_ ! improved to ithe,extent of $2,500; It is now a- nice building, and will. be opened on Sunday. Pinkeye is proving very destructive _amongst horses at • Belleville. A large- - nunlber in the city and surrounding . coui- try halin lately died., from the disease-. - A, yoUtig lad; son of Frederick Staples, of Neshwasis; was scalded to death on Thuraday night by falling into a4ub of boiling water. -He lived 'MC hours tiftgr the accident, when death put an end to his suf- ferings.i • The ink) of Bradbury S. Case, livery stable keeper, St. john; N. B., drove over . to Feirefile Iasi evening to. attend a social, • just as she finished removing her wraps in: •- the dressing -room she fell:dead onthe floor. 'Heart disease was the pantie. - • , A large quantity of cheese,- la,rd; 'meat . and better :from the wreaked steamer ! Moravian wan sold at Yarmouth, Thursday, High prices were realized, butter *jiving 16c.'.lard Ile-. to 12e, and cheese 4c. to 6c. St. John were-ths _ principelpurchasers. - Petrick Sullivan, a Ceradoe 'farmer, • accompanied by his wife, was -moving from one part of the township to another, when a most horrible accident occurred. It - appears, a spark from Mr. Sullivan's. pipe •had dropped into the straw in the bottom. .of the Waggon, and in an instant Mrs. Sid- - livance dress ignited. She ,jumped from We vehicle,and before the flames- couldbe extinguished she was berned in such a horrib1e! manner that her life is despaired "of; - • - ; - ., . • ' It will be remembered that prior to the Christnias holidays a fire Occurred. which . . . 'burned:Sheds in 'connection with Queen's .College,k! Kingston; Which contained . a carriage and other goods beioeging to the :jaititor.„... At the same time a 'fence was destroyed. t The studehte ha held a party in the medicad departm ilegratiOn Were blamed for e reon, • and • t .eebect the the con - now 5e00 is demanded as indemnity from theta.. The penalty of non-compliance fii not light.. Five Medicos will be dismissed; and eighteen of the game school and fifteen of the artsclasseswill forfeit a- year in their . cournes.fl The difficulties of the Nova -Scotia Sugar Refiner'- Company have culminated -in the Merchants' Bankof Halifax teking a inert-, -: -pie. of: $60-.000 On: the- building, and machinery, and for collateral security -a . '\ • bill of esee of the stock Of- sugar for the ' seine amount. The meaning of this is -that • the company owe this amount to the bank,. . and the bank fearing that theaction of the shareholders at tbe, approaching . pleating • may-prejudicetheit.seeurity. havegobbled -up everything. • Three of the .directors of the company Were. also - directors . of th• e hank. ' ThreeyeungfelloWs, thevoungese about • 17 and the eldest about ' 20 yearsof age, - were ta en in charge at Si. Uohn, N.13., --on 4,, Thursd ' night on the charge of stealing 8400 fromethe Western Union Telegraph - Office at Portland, Me. The robbery Was; committed an Monday, and the thieves _ arrived et St. John,' N.B., on Tuesday night and registered at the central.HouseeKieg squire, ;under • the • .fictitions names of " Edward,'iGreyson„ .john B. Burton and Fred. A. GreelY, l3atie Maine. Their proper names are Nnuntfort, Bond and O'Connor, and all are sons of respectable parents. _ • ,t nElereelin.', - 4 - .- - , It 18 seated that Russia has signed a. Patk nth Persia,- by which she acquires alkke bases-. , . ) , :Iiii London Lord Mayor's fund for the . relief of ethe Jews in Russia amounts- to 126,000. Lord Resebery. subsarified £1,000. . . - • • . Sir Charles Russell,menebee of P. arlia-. nientior ,Weetrainster, England, will lea. • ernediately: resign. his .seat on account of : ill -health. . . • - , , A Cairn. despatch - pays- a .German -cone r eider official was . lipstled about in •the [ streets of Cairo, and an English .gentlemaril : vines beaten nearly to death near Alexandria -1 yesterday, Engiand, and Prange mustbaok out of Egypt corcieletelyor act it pike. Egypt is the Vortex of Stanibeiii intrigues. Anythingia possible. • ` • -, „ ° The Journal -de St. I; eters_bourg,_ comment- ing on the proceedings of the Mansion • Rousseting,,says-: "Englishmen would sider it strange if similarly sweeping • eguage was indulged in in -discussing • •• English legislation for _Ireland:" The Journal understands that the end in view is to revive the Russophobia which the Gladstone_ Government has mitigated. , m • A Madrid despatch says the Cardinal. n • Archbishop of Santiago having refined to be SATEMDAY'!-• SCENE. The Assassin .4.ailse Hee Sentence , . _ • with. 1>elight.• . • STILL EXPECTS- TO, OHEAT THE WARM. 'Vengeance Invoked on. @Qum Jury and Counsel. • The 'following is an - extended report of • the seenP when president Gerfield's assassin was sentenced at Washington on Saturday: - The closing ecenes in the Guiteau trial Were enacted to -day, that is as far as jiidee 'Cox's Court is 'concerned. It is not at all likely that the court iirbenc will reverse the -stridence. • "- • • -The prisoner was brought into child this -Morning and sat deen. beside his counsel. Beeville said that he had.sonie new, eve. 'deuce to introduce. The equrt overruled all his motions, and said that theee was no direct evidence to show that the jurors had ever written On the Margin.. of the newspaper as claimed, or had ever even read anon- . paper, and all eftheie gentlemen had Made affidavits that they had not: The court saw no reason to doubt these affidavits. - After Berne -further arguments Attorney Cerkhill -moved for the sentende of the court-. The prisoner was then put in the Weillti rather a thousand tiities-iha_-.-. in - - - . my. position .: than in that of 'those who have :hounded -me to -death, --‘.--1--::sliii11 lieve' a glorious : flight_ tie _glory, but that miserable scoundrel Corkhile. will have & permanente job dean- lielesr-wheretlie devil is preparing for iiiin,:....- 1.- will , go to glory whenever .the . Lord we -eta -mete go, but I. will probably etay ..down -here-a:gotta. Many years au& get into the White .FlouSa. hilt 0:k 11. dt °0:Ve ii:h' . o. , t, hw. e il_ Lalearnd. '3', . It:bn..47t.,11.: i le_ - st business,e:1puI_ . land7e. : through with ihehelp of two or tbree_geod- lawyers, and all the devils ja -- hell - can't . - The prisenerl*.- SotaeLniontentietintitt,--- . .. .._ uedhinehonta and-higaiiiithenieseipontlip Court and thecOuniel-lorithelpeosecilthine. In order to silebeelhiiiitheDeputyAlfarslial: clapped his hand over the-prisciter'sieinith,- aa action which the latter would .quickly have resented With a'blovihadnota_palice officer grabbed his hand and clasped'the bandana -upon his wrists._- . , . _ --etirresne-roineWeectiee.-- - - : . .Guitean was lidieri7taCk': to jail_ with- insteuetion& that he be".geardeddayand night. The jail offiVials belieie-there-lano danger of an -attempt at suicide, at _least :A-yelungetraXiger 8044 , into. a_revival. . natil,,efter thereview_efilthe----ease by -meeting at Carlisle; Ind., 1 listened to a: Court- in ' km. . Rumors of T-Guiteau Wiring 'exhortation - to....rijutance. ':'• He. having killed himself, and _ other ... wild; Went forward When relied . at SianersIvere- groundleas stories, !were eireattedto-day. invited, ' and wept e whii ' the brethren . - ' - . cHANGE114-4EAR&Itik..--' Nee.; • . 1 - ' --:.- prayed ' for him. -, When qdh tiozied, he said •he. Was.ArthUrThennee; it, :gar; thatele Judge com od, -iiria-oner)_Stand ,43., iniGapuipteearielnhpites:_iinwdeliregneeheeato•nica-eitr eaitturtz:_ _ had 00132e 19 the Village t pen.sdes;end Have you anything to say why setitelice Of the, counselitable_insteakof • in the prison-_ had entered the church t I: fano', ; that death should. net ISO:passed:Imola you? - - .- 'terpostpone•sentenceIte long ee possible. diseti, deak-tn:clay, hiSJaCe,--viiiii=paler,.._and -lie;weS' truly Penitent, ' an ,..eleiebedlo can.' mitted . in, neighboring. tie , -ii',.eberiff • Guiteau (stilititting itek Yeur Minor_ -thinner than it appeared by the fight DI -fess robbeiles . which lie d- lately coin-. : Judge ox -Stand .eire: Have :you- any-when pronounced upon yop..?-. . .. •- - - thingto say why sentence should not now the ..gliteinering ...CandleS,-::about3be :dock_ has e 1: ir e cti iet-i_ixnrYsuff=deecrleacieeL.:,..w,sieepiessneiii: and found e,ii.teneistOtool.bst,i.c.ltfr :raltluiridgerriii -oheise:. elm ee--#4yie-__..ele who happened to be preee areeeted him, .. . -, arid anxiey. .-- His small eyea----glared-Wildly The prisoner arose ,pale, but with lips of Whieh he accused Wined and his handriTyravo_aimleitlyeelliet-ha. . . . _ compressed; and desperate ' determination , , . . -, astelined One sae th-0-:_jantice-.:ot anineane AT somewhat singular at r is reported - stamped upon- his features. In . a- low, rthitL _ _,. - •- --. . -- :.-..._, I front.. Great . Yarniontli.; gland, :..Some deliberate - toile he. began, . but ripen . his - poutie--- - - Guitean - litiliaiid-inere-.-like i.---7--ineniete, eight and twenty years ago ' man named manner became Wild, violent, and - ing upon the. tabIe he delivered, himself of than, he did et-isny time during the trial. Vince left his wife Siidthra0 .'oting Children . . _ _. . His ' impiecatione-and:_hlasperomie curses arid went to Australia. --NS Mg Was after— the following herangue :. " I em not guilty -after the sentence :had -111enn•-preelogneed ward heard of Min anclAP;INN7 _apposed: to be of the eller-genet forth in the indictment: w • - '• . vi . . _ ere-trightfullyintee-ee.__._His-featureie*ere dead. About thee yaers a fie :returned to It God s act not mine, andGod ell '. take careof it, and don$ let- the American distorted, KEE :fi-sto,_:_were=elenCliied,and-,hip: Tartneuth and openeda bee od.-shoe shop- . He will take care of it,, face seemed only ,under the mine of Bernath tad remained people forget it, -conittenance,*, '• ::----._:- , .,...... _ ------_,-- .thirecogniSed: until a day o hsiiice;. when and every officer this Gwen:num:it, from -- RssisiosT,_ - Ill.,' :Feb.:- '---,Otherj.,.-W.: - his 're'vife Went- into. the ,isiiir to - nitikiell - the :.Executive down to the Marshal, taking in every matron that. jury and every mem- Glliteeli,j11.11,,_haithrOthee•Of- -thkiteeiteihli.- Plir9htlee. -His face seemed ' alai to her, ber on this Bench, will pay for it,and- the. eays ill the .inenibers Of Ihke-Iairdly..aeo. and on :.makingeinquiriee- discovered Ametican nation will roll in blood .if ::iny -satisfied with hissentente.-±E,They.7 never that Mr. Baeilaril.,. weii. tr. -.long-lost had'-anytlyinpathy_withhim-.-:2- ... - . . husband:: The fatally, h4 er,: declined-: ,body goes into the ground and -I aril luitig.. „ - . . • , . - , , e-- ----.....e ...7 --e..--e, : forty ,t.o'have anything to de Wit The Jews put the despised Galilean. into , .. .. _ - _.. , . ., . . .. . . . the grave., For a time they triumphed,; , . -Taxa. _Pikeluzikii_jtailfeillim.,----: . The "eat ". Wail adminis but at thedeatrtiction of Jerusalem: _... i _. _ _ - :---_____ recently to.twci. -man; .Tho ; yeses afterwards. the Alrniehty : got .even 4.- eeeligienscieeer ithoilleeniiTitee-tiesie Patrick : Beech; ' 'wild we with them. - I'm not afraid • of death, I' _:_. in ----Trusting- to. the Loriti'lsf:.__ , robbery With violence. -.T am here as God's Man. kill me to -morrow_ - Yesterday an inquest-waslield-at_Plum7- Were sentencedtefive yea if yeti went to, Teen God's- Man'and -,I'Ve Stead bylue:Arundel-earttari.;:corOnerilor tilde; were; in audition, --6 - ---e---. . • • - been that fiviathe start" -* Itent;:ontWhody_of_-_-_-AbrahaMitibyr,-k: receive twenty strokes wit•._ - - • -Was first . led _to. the .Whi whose are :inenehers,ofethereligicaiii • - -- , - . PAWNS ,SEN.TNpE.- :-, knew nothing as to whet w Judge Cox then proceeded to pees: 'sone boy died OE oniai44sti,--..sniUyisike,Tnd 'sent knelvni:nnetbee---Peenliez.:Peteglere•Tae, . - ... . . . . . . , . . — _until stripped.. Both men s twice.. Ileeald said: Xou'have. been coeviCted-there -being:nee niedicafiatnilant.ADeigie ably, and howled ; loudly - - of a crime- eOterribleinite cireinnetancee - eabeititeate-eedeathethe-ciiseveesretnetede 21tecat_wa_ndminiatered; and so tar reaching iiiits iesults.'th.at it to thfregoner. -,ThejagaTryeretated:--tiouch rete .a powerful male %eh world end the exeeration of your ,country- of the - Peculiar People, the---"-sisteile"--F-De_ hen drawn forth the horror of the whole interest, and a largeidteMianee _ . ..- . . -- -. - Ill ,MedeLesseps'-new pa iiithatcapacity, before. ' - : men. The. excitement produced by . such. thesectheing:_epeciellyiirerdinentnetheir. ing article appeare, _gieing - an offence Made it no easy task to e secure- Qeakee4-ik-e-dieae.--_The.--_llndyla-y-=in--:the Of - the • Savannah; . the -firs. for you a. fairendimpartial trial; but you perisfeniOrtuaryewhetethejury,--Mteepro- ever crossed theAtlentel.. have had the power Of the ' „United States testing._ --against --- the-1.--riek-----tie---whieh. three years sieeetbe Seven treasury and of the-getrermitent in . your they Were _. subjected, viewed..----iti -west. -380 tons, sidled from the. p service to proteetyour Person. from violence, of - _ thea -r. _Ileing-:=',----aatiiffied:----hitizlooking iliet„ the WatinemedierIAverpo andprocure evidence from all parts of the in: - at --the' ogee --dOof.-------Thie:-----forenien. was built by TranceFic country. You have had as fair and as of the itityfortlerComplareideturniiig :Where she was launchedIff an impartial- itify AS ever,assembledin a to the iliquestraonx,---thitte.-they----.:Weree Weed- _fitted - . with -•- engid court. of justice. • Notwithstanding all this endangered bybeing-braught-. into Contact lItireisteeen; R.: j... :- :The er you have been found guilty. It *Mild have with the: witnesses- leash lrette:•-a. house theecean ie..due,to: johWiell b.eeri• a comfort to many people if '' the ver- .". reekingteithinfectiejilliit thenerener,_ bought 'the-. steamer just -a dicfhad established the face that your act- while eheribgtheohjection,leaid there was stotfirs.' ,It is stated that -Was)hat of an irresponsible man: it would no alternative te:,-.proceeding___with their Ship With:a lininet-- artived icaee Clear, e - • „ have leftpeople the satisfactory 'belief- that duty. ..The,firet-witness,vias:11-4.-ohel---21Corhy, she was supposed to he -oil .flrtuue cutter the erime of political assassination . was Who said -she:vies; thewife of -Sehallorbye Was tent. from ' the naval- ion at -Cork something entirely foreign to our inetitue- laborer; tesidiegiat7Ne.-:49-1)7iChArc17-11-6.41i, to. her rebef.,:- - -A rumo v1ng - gained' tions and the: civilization-. of - the:. Comiery, Plumstead.--- _Deceased;=theiren,,was ' ei, credence ' that she. wie'deSiOd to -rescue but the result deniedthem- that comfort. , years and -5- months e old, and had Napoleon from .St. Helena, a-P.Aharp.:watch ' Your career has been ea extraordinary- thee healthy-Mitil the 27th -of December, when was her. . The reee.ttjet .wee to people might well at timee have doubted !he-wae takeniliWith irnall;pox-...,She-kneW. sell her at aprefiteand •shis:' a:offered to your 'sanity; but e one cannot but believe it Wasernall-pox, becaueehikeideit brother :hut DA neither Would_ . bur': i.. She - ence ',the: SWeelieh' and I.Rusei , 6veritments,. when the crime was .committed- you thor- :Jam:tart-Was taken-z-with4three---eakkir -13, 'oughly understood its nature and its Con- month": previouslyi-i-i-o-7-other-r&=-nt_Ame- a, inore made the Oceen paielag New Yorke !sequences.. , . . . -_ -- ,, . . ,: - - - ' ianadytihad --::,beenif.:_attiekid--,-andf-TTAVare- traded.hetweeteNeW.:Yorle:' , *Saisinnah,: teuitean-7"-I was acting .a$ Getre 'men." now --getting bettere:-.--e--,!.-Deceatekle. Was and was finally wrecked en 3ng Island.- . : . Om (continuing)-" And that you had a no ' worse than . the,-----othera_.untiVlest. ' ' Macaroni iatateo witn-yel --.- equally by - reoratsense eonsciou's enough to regagnize. Sunday,. Whet:ber- husband went the all civilised European peel; But the the moral iniquity such an act.' - - elders of theeharch,and-,One•nft_hentecaine;-. ineident-WhiCheriginally -SO t its name ,-Prisoner--" That's a matter Of opinion." - laid his fiends---iipen-thechild,zamt praYed. is few of thosee - Cot--:," Your own testimony shows . you to the Lord to sate -hie life, but the Lord its birthplace -who hold,:iee in Sicily! e.rhighest rectified with horror from the idea. ' You; thonglitfitto-takeiiim;_and;hedied Tat . -'4' esteem. - .- Once' upon. oV-Ftriheh a. -UM- li- . --wealthy say ..you prayed against . it.... -You.say yOu treeloCk in thalafternoon-;:;-.The'naiii7-4-eit the: Pelermitan noble- owned* it.• thought it might_ be prevented!. This elder- was Thoe,---Hineer,TfieeCerenert, inventive genii* - One day,l rupture of shows your conscience warnedyod- againstnone of you sieekmediCal_Tfaidl_Witiless i-iiiiiiiiary . composition, ' this :• teat ' artist it; but -by the wretched sophistry of yonr. No; we do nothebeveantleate_-*elinetthe .devised, the -farinaceous -.tu Mich all Ovill :Blind you worked -Yourself up against :LOrde-r-Whoieallethfficient for US. 'While love so Well, and . -the sencule i °.ecesioieee the prOtgit of YorteoWn conscience. 'What this diseaseWiteragiriglii.- your house your Of rioh Sauce and grated:p.arm ; familiar !macaroni MOtiVd could have induced, .ybate this act hushona, aud--0601.e*L-14vvq7-7&iitinl,-odt-4tid to those Who have pitetekete tinist be a -Matter -of-conjecture. Probably : about as usual ?-Yes; (Sensation.) My - ---ekstign " in Southern Italy.. • ling :. filled: ',.. Men . i will . think . some . fanaticism - or , husband Works for -1Mr.-71i-er-iferonTtheTark. a -Mighty . china bota with t .delicious Morbid desire • for ' self -exaltation wasestate; andheia7a -good deal in compound, he - set it before •-lerd,..a the real inspiration for theact. Your own air, but, of -course, --7,h7ET-oTisc tothe_gourmet of. first Water: stood by, testirdohyseems to . COntravert- the theories sometimes; Do-:--YOU-think-L---yniii creed- in deferential .attitude, to wa .the effect of your counsel.. They .maintained; and 'authoring you :.to„...intirder.e_iitreet full of Of. his experiment ; The fi7 iii0lithfUl- thought, honestly Ibelieve, you were driven people? -There le no fear of Did --you . ,:--- - elicited the ejaculation.1'`' Carl idiOrnati- -: againstyour will by an ,inesda.e impulse to egivenolice to the sanitary:authorities ?---,.No -:callf- equivalent to ." excelle in 40g-. coromit the - act: ' But . your testarnony we: did: not knOwthatitWasnenessaiy=f*do, _Iiiilifro.my the illnattions, ep ts.- After - :showed -you deliberately resolved to •do it,, so And yonkeptit 4 &secret from Swallowing a... ::-second :. M. • - :!- . cum, he a• • a deliberately Will-was_the _bors2--.1donotaseoellateWitliexclaimed; 11 Nay earn' joyneighbors; Excellent, -P- , so e impulse. - . • This may seem insanity' to: they are "ftlieTeveted."'-:-De..41fiedShatPee indeed !"-!' Presently, as the orofthe . some persons, bathe la* looks upon-- it as house surgeon, said-hfithade7-e.--yes.c-iiierteer teitithOomee_mese : grew, -ii tin,- , his 4„fiiful otime...;-• Yeti:will . have the oppor- examination'of the body,: andthat thechild- enthnsiaSin-.., - rose, . and .- , -- cried, 'trinity Of having. any erreiii,I May have had died onion -fluent sMall.pex.Hecould Out, in -- it.„ _voice -tremolo • s'th-' joy.. P0 incanted during the course of the .trial net say.--thatinedical attendance would have :fel emotion, •:13Ity,- •,, . passed upon by the , court. in. 4anc- ; but saved thaboy'Slife;:but-it-woi4d.7certainly -deed_ i -, ,most -, eeptenielye - $ #01Y: icud:. eanwhde it za.necessary .for me to -pre- have increased the. probabiljty of :superlatively !.-eitehentl",:.- I i ying.thiS ounce the sentence- of - theism, That you recovery.:- -Themes ' Hines ,saidlie'wasone verbal- tribute -tiirthe -*rite ,¼ his :rioOk'a - taken hence to the common jail. of the of the -elders ...of-the-lendliarfleeple,..Laud: discovery he unwittingly bested a name • District whence you came, and - there : he hadlseen deceased _ threelimeeliduring his Open -that admirable preparibiou-whieb kept in confinement ;:. and OA- Friday, the :illiteelL --Last fhurdayllid:._daidXanda=-gpOn hineetnele to it -ever since.L- -. . , 00th -day of -junef-x-00-a;you-betakente the hina-and-prayed-for his recoveryi-alidireeted . It 7appears.that .Criatanil, he. a" . ;very, . „,.,. 'Placa prepared for theexeoutiOn- within the in the fifth ehapter:OI the epistle of effecteeeniodeeef preventing _ ,,,,.. Marriage -Walla of said jell, and there, .between the. verses 14- and 15, and in many other parts of their female relatives '..vei, Imeeignerse -' :hours of 12, noon and ap. in., yon be of the Bible,- ' He did. not-adyiee-inedical .A.fainous-African ekploreri-'-1„, `ting-.Creter. by the until yone are dead; And May aid; as he considered it enperfliteutiewhila sotte - years age, • fell - deg:feta ly ite,40ie • the Lord have mercy on your soul." • . • .- - theYledlaithin GOA. The jury with allovely girl, and partltihrough the ' Scoville took- exception_th-the judgment- ‘Verdiot of "manslaughter" : against Jan good offices of the: American h. ensue See. - 'and sentence of the Court. ,' ,..`d. - , Morby,_ and he was eommittedfor trial, but (seeded -SO well - overture:4 ihat.:a day allowed atliberty on hail.-,--Lep4ori TinTree---7= -Viii4 filed kik the nuptials: ':' & our -before they were to, take place there. ,. lied* three' Greeks,Avith. aninterpreterlia - intro- duced-theni.: *el; the hig:,:bro ii ' -,. of: the: I bride: ,The ...interpreter . -Al fought,: a- .parehinenK*IliCh-lie eXplaine a.-deed101.-Settlernentjiy, whi -groom dridertiao- retil:-PensiMi - lithbri:7 . law and the triad of .b.rethe neeW,',end to pay the first install)* ,.... The unhappy -' 'bridegroom ,.',eiPlea that he hadn't the: money..., The. bre , a frowned . and growled, and ,-Matteta.lt.--A-ed squally,. when, to the inetpeeseiblee 4ef of the bridegtoone, the Consul . aril* e_and; with great diffiooly, enabled his a to :escape' further dealings 'With-. this uusinesslike. 'family. - '•-• • - - - .. - - - ' -• - Nubs of N ek - A. N. Sullivan has defiu lJ. resigned his seat in, the House Of Ooinic,iis for Meath. - At: Grenoa all dyad bo es may now be legally- burned instead eburied. The ineinatory_ efuinaees Are ffull working Order. • • _ A boy Who died; last The-pritt'of _ andhis conditi Was a.pitiable -oh:677 4: onditid,ri until deap041,114. imagined the idled ..were trying burg,:0., had been -teethed . great. deal At times he by his schoolmates, and se e time ego was. badly scared by them: At' going home he took sick, became delirige and remained is the first approached by Australian iud Cape vessels -nearing Ebglend, is ternalable for vessels Wilt for speed and.oNvad.,i4. to, Falmouth clothiers.- They sometiehnei are, met 100 Miles- west of the .S.eilliCe.e,'reieing about, andwhena, ship is sightedetty board her and Make .sales. The eS:11':.. do net pay cash. The purchases - are dedeeted -from their Rey by the euptaine. A penny paper -often-fetchetao emits: - in.Newgate Dwyer. alit- OnVioteil: ;of isonete; Who eenid 'serve,. ordered to cae. -.Beech g -poet. He, o take plate. --4-coesideie eele. stroke,: one-;-Of---the addenedety_ - an interest deitcriptida inship that. s just sixty. 1 a vessel 9t.. after -which 'Theieseel NewYork, and after - of -made at crossing rough,. who a:she leftthe thenovel.Suffering of st-Mt. John treir: L „St. J-Oltn,.1%.r. Feb' 4. -The crew of the . St John barque -Sarah L4 Smith, Which put into Queenstown a ?short time age on her voyage from Liverpool to .1sTew York, had .a . frightful -experience -.1.4etteira . received in St. John - from Mr Jones, the-. -firstmate;stete-thet the whol Crew; nine' . _ in number, had to go to the hospital. Ont.: of this number six had their limbs broken in -one:. or more places The reinainder Were -completely disabled ; : Ca tain Locke Was learfellyiejured. -; - • . _ _ .• IITERNITIONA Patin REG Linn& IiIonteiniilated Chinge wIIa Regard 10 ' Printed A despatch from Washington says: Reny - wimple -lute havebeen made of the ,evasion Of the pastel regulations between thiscoini7 try and Canada by publishers. :Under the treaties matter. printed in Canada opines to this country for about 1 Dent per pound,.: while the same class of matter mailed in the United States pays postage of a cent on every two ounces. Taking advantage • of - this -.circumstance, .many publications: intended for circulation in United 41-1.ci publishers, weo thus secure much lower States are printed -in Canada y agents of rate • of postage thau they are entitled The evil has grown to large proportions, and the Canadian -authorities have. con- sented to adopt regulations for _its *mien, - tion. It is probablethat-Mewed-plass- Matter -mailed in Canada and *purportifigto - be printedinthe United State or .cireie• lated in behalf of persons ;or firms ie the. United States will be compelled pay full United States postage. : • How an Artist Trente'd hits Visitor. To the Editor of the Salem- (ilass.) _Register: I would have accepted yew- Itild invitation : to visit You in your • new- .4auz ters with - i pleaenre before this had not any old enemy; Mr. RhelneatiaM, pounced .on me so sud- denly. , He arrived last Friday, and, with. out stopping tcv-send nee his card, rushed in . and grasped me by - the hand with such 4 grip that in. a -few. hours - nir ;hend., and wrist were so -badly 'swollen . and painful. that I felt as though one �f Mr.:Hatch's * - 'coal teethe- .had run _over me -Mr. Rheu- matism has been .a Constant "visitor of thine :for several years e always -swaps and pits , on a great many airs -and Makes hinlie . self at.hortie, devouring my esubstance and leaving ma poor in fieeh and -packet,. Lest whiter- her came and stayed two months. I thee -Made up .niy - mind that the next - time he came j would -change hisrdiet; as he has-alwalfi-gobblecidotvu.ev -*thing: set . .. before him. I was somewhat at a loss 'what ..to feed him with, bu : finall eon - r chided to give :him . three square - meals a - day of St. Jacobs Oil-ritornid With, and , nomi and night. This foxe he disguste • is packing up his trunk and will leave by , to -morrow or next -day ; gay* he - cannot _ stop any longer; as lie has pressing business' .- elsewhere. He ; is . -a tteachareme.fellove,-.: and I have • no , doubt' he intends visiting .. some of our- Salem friends; lif he does, jest give him the same fare that I (lid and he won't stop keg. J; S. ArF.k.vers. .. . ..uovrafile D.eatii et an Into tot -tied , 04 • A -St. _Joh us -(Nfld) 'deepatth says': Two _ . . eisterie named Morin, elder L.persona, -engaged in :the grocery bueines on Water street, StJohnswere - add cted :to in temperance. At 11 o'clock n. ' Sunday , -night one -of noet-of the - houee. and oriedfor-help,_ saying her Sister . was dead.- „The neighbors -rested in found that the:younger sister l had :fallen : into: a ::hirge ,open fire plac6, and ..Wae- fiterill)Y-roasted alive _ All the elethea were burned offend the 'hedY chaired and --bliste. ered, in a sickenmg- -mannerTha two- WoMen v. ere m comfortable eiecumstences . • arid.theownere of a large einonnt of Pro-- Perty...-: It was only after -awaking out of a.- :drunken ettifidt that the eider sister Was - eonsciou.SDf therterribleaccideet. The fire ; in the grate had even .gotie out before she awoke. , sanction the proceedings of the Carlist .. junta -for tbe organization of a pilgrimage to. ' Rome, because they are opposed to the wishes ofthe Pepe; the junta has deter- mined to.'dissOlve; and inf ma the repre- i, eV:Id:aster itch , sentatiVe 1 of Don Ca . os of their . action. .1..t a meetingof e Council, of Ministers,the King presiding , Of Foreign Affairs expressed- a hope that -the proposed -pilgrimage Would lead to no complications. . -- • 1 . Aniterfean. • The Senate Committee on Pend098 has ,reported atBill grantingMrs.-Garlield,Mrs. , Polk and Mrs, Tyler, Widows of ei7Presi- dents:penefons of 5,0O0 a. year from Sep! tember190,1aet.: • .- .• ' . • ; , . In Boston, a few- days ago, • Mrs, Annie Milani was taken to the hospital suftering : from starvation, - and died there,- She had &bank account of §4400,. and 64.0, in cash Was foundin her room.: . Three Canadian banks; wrlidse 'agents are , : doing business in New York, paid into the " State Treaeury on Wednesday -VOW, the i_ same being the amount of corporation. ; tat-. 1 • • .- , x '--Of the £1,500 requiredfore e statue of the late* , Thomas Carlyle; 200- is still eventing. • • Sir William Jenner is the on physiCian who bears the title of K C. -B. A GRAND STEEPLE C As if there were notsulficien excitement - at the usual horse -race; these mectings on the turf nearly always close with a grand , steeple chase. This kind of ra e Combines all the excitement of the regul race, with .. the Super -added -element of da ger which seems to give further zest t the spelt Horses, and good onesat that, fien receive . . 'severe injuries, which render t ein-practi- :- , gn ntofreely cally useless for long periods. At least 'this was the state of 'affairs u' til ownersers and breeders of fine stock be _ _ llee ST.' JACOBS OIL, :the Great -German . Remedy for man and beast. invalu- able -artiele to horsemen has so grown into '7 - foiar on account of its phenomenal efficacy, .. . in diseases of domestic anima*, especially the horse, that it would be diffiieult indeed -- to discover a horsemen unacquainted with - .,„ . its magical potency. -. The . Philadelphia . ' '• BZCITBIO During the reading `Guiteau stood apparently unmoved, and withhis gaze .rivetted_ upon the ;fudge, but when the final. words were spoken he Arndt . the table violently, and shouted, "And May the Lord have inerc.y on your soul. 'I would rather stand *here I do than where that jury. dogs and where your Hohor,does. I'm not afraid to die. I stand here as God'eman; and God- Almighty will curse every man who has had a part in prosecidting this unrighteous verdict. Nothing but good has come from Garfield's removal and that will be a verdict of posterity on nily inspire ation. I - don't • care a straw%for).-- the verdict of this corrupt . generation. I .s• - 4 A new colonization oompany,with a capital of 22,500,0_00, _has_been_formed in Montreal; with Sir HughAllan as Presj- dent. It is intended to purchase acres of land in the -Northwest and intro. duce settlers from Great:Britain,- — --- During-a-fight in, a -saloon on St,-.1"afil street, St.. Catharines, on Monday night between two men- -tamed Atkinson -and - Watts, Atkinson drew a. „revolVereandlfired at Watts, the ball taking effect it the wrist. Atkinson escaped; and hasnot yetbeenarrested; • -A great Orange demonstration is-to_be held at Kingston on the 12th of July. • PAO there'll • he bride. 24 • ait-ay 'Hour, in a recent issue s ye : "But ... ' i one of most important de elo... . . _ pements concerning Sr. JAcous' On, s e discovery • that it _properties which arebeneficial', ' to the animal as well as to he human *cies. - It has, of lateebeen in active de- mand among•livery men and others for use . on horses suffering from sprainsor abra- sions. The most prominent instance known - o ri this connection is that related by Mr. •vid Walton, a well-known Friend; who ' • kbps a livery stable at 1240 North Twelfth- street. Mr. Walton. states that he was boarding a valuable horse b longing to . Benjamin McClurg, also a_ 3sident pif, North Twelfth Street. A few weeks/ the animal slipped and badly s raire leg, making him -very lame. - e" - used two bottles of 5T..73-Acor! animal and found vvithir.' - _ ,. week, that there was no for the animal :Was S.(' -