The Sentinel, 1882-02-10, Page 5• We -t,re bound tosell our Stock of Hardware before th March, and we are offering it now E= -AVE A ILARCE STOCK OF HA VESTOOODS-`suCh:as . - :louas Ani • R DLES, GRASS C YTHE 3 _ FORKS,`--.- .-HOS SPADES,:-. WW lii li 'we. . �vli sell at Prices nevt?r� before heard. � of, •"Partl,ese keeping a-Geneial.:atore will find r � our �oa�ds cheaper than: they can buytllen'Wl �:l � ' _ - �u es.�le,. and - ��e;�vlll: dispose of: tem in:Job Lots to suit purchaser. . WE ARE OFFX10�200L�, SCALE WITH WHEELS FOR $22t,; SPADES F011 65 : MOBST : ; ��N�S�.. I3�EECM. 25 CES TS. at -is the time., Call at once and secure bargains. L MacINI iP�he tc Littoral tl e_publie tliatlie-ltas anatautly. un;`h$nd .i FST -CLASS STOCK OF Women's, . Misses'and 'Children's Boot'.• &rut examine his really euperic, Alla,.in each 'class, especially his .. rug Pebble £ W. ito.it-Staak Roots: le:foxo p'atchsssing elsewhere; lanuracturlllg a Specialty, . year's stock " sold: at 'end under .Amt WE gland $utter taken it .3xchange 1 for goods Collar GRASSIPli 11anufaaturer iti all kinds of HARNESS; SADDLtS , TRRITNES, - VALISES, &c. ' c DitSTEIS. RU$TI_ER. ` RUGS,, r RAVE ';F " , 0 1YED THE LA. (ZEST• Cb span: ai' 1best selected ato� oTRUNKS TRUK S t tett xs" er been brought o this town, C clearly an - see them.. Prie s rangg: fron. I Its t)wards., TES p... cµnc. off io> Cssb. M . T/�*r a -WU. CRLSi ICKK, GIME" ft. CITIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK. Tii•EGBEAT EN -TRADE . MAR GtrREMEDY. ' An unfailing cure for Seinin- al Weakness, Spermatorrhea,'' Imnotezi y, and allDfseases Before Taltbatfollow as a, aequene ofSelfzazer . Doc t ento ritton A few Village and Park Wfl! be ' Sold Ott to s':. - s i table tO the times. ister of . for Sale. /i -LLE .Heary =Tweea �' nts. 1 =en' adBoys Lone Boots Men's and Boys Plush C Wobi S`uares— - q adies'. antles All Wool and Union_ Shalls. . Well bought_ _ :_ds is none. invested Deariought,goodsis. money waisted. make the foregoiner libera--offertQ clear -Ont the balance m •winter-_ goods, rather _than carry them over to next yo And thus, not for old wrinkled, rue- s -tock- but -good, g :sou n.ew.goods If you: require-a:=hood Goat. Ca -or Mantle,t }s � 1'� is the place, and now is:the=tiine. -. - AE WNTY•_P�1� _" A. use; asloss of Memory, Uuiversal, i',iessi- - tude,.rein in the back, Dimness -of Vision; i:'remature alrlage, and many other Diseases that lead to Iusanit<k or Consumption- and a Premature Grave.' . t -1 u11 particulars in rur pamphlet, which we desire to send free )y nail to every one, ocv-The-Specific Med- eine issoid by all Druggists at 81 pper pack. age, or six packages for 85 or will -be sent' dfreebyressing mai- - lon m receipt of the oney- by ad- TRE GRAY- MEDICINE CO., Toronto: Ont, Canada • *Sold in I,nctcnow .by all drnggisttaq.nd every where in Canada and the United Stat s by aI.1 wwhelesale and retail druggists. • V�a week in your own totvrr. Terms n.ird- $5 outfit free --Address, H. HAL-LEp l', Portland. Maine.. EAT 3AftKE' TAMES GORDON - in spree -of opposition,is determined that h SHAH NOT BE :UNDERS�LD- an'i to this end will sell his meats at Lower Prices‘.! • - - tbar anyone in town... mart', patrons may rely upon- it th 't while: there wilt be a lowering in • prices, there will be No towering in Q.uatit as in bis lengthy experience he has found tht it pew to:kerp nothing- but good meat, • rscou1 _FQR NET CASSH. its sac e beton •. v* LUCN, �e2.n nom busy collect:. runts,.: has.•nott=.got timeto than; diver teens t this =wick: Remember. that Gordon. kee s the; Bost Meat" Supply.- in To:, Meat DeLvered.to- all Parts of tL : Village, On :Shortest ,Yotfce.:• ysters -I:, Oysters. - I- am .i eceiving- FRESH _:OYSTERS Which I %iill.serve Piaher CO AT Al\Y- HOUR. Also -Fruifs -tf any Odsri { Farmers Will save money by - csill>tr my. DI /PM ALIA (FROM BRAZIL.) The New. Compound, its' -wam, der-fu1- affinity to the Digestive, _ Apparatus and the Liven, increasu ing the dissolving juices, relies; ing almost instantly the dreadful results of Dyspepsiaandigestion, and the TORPID >LIVER, makes: Zopesa an every day necessity in; 9very house. It actsgently and speedily is Biliousness, Costiveness, Head -- ache,' Sick Headache, Distress :a ter Eating;Wind on the Stomach, Heartburn, Pains: in the Side and; Rack, Want otAppetite, Want oil Eeri. nergy, inLowvig'oratetBpir its, heFoul- eStr,ow sIt Liv`car. - ries off ail. surplus bile, regulates the.Bowels,- and gives tone to the whole system... Cut this out and take it to your, Druggist and get a 10 cent Sample,- ora large botxle-for 75 cents, a tell your neighbor about Has constantly on hand a - - of, LADIES., rriga. well assorted -stork 1kilSSZSb, CHILDBEN'Si -and MEN'S pours..a ' (Severaldiffeent linea of EN'S FELT- BOOTS. Call aisd nee than before purgitisbig else.. - wliera: '10'13$i1: HO S • • and RUBEERs.. MISSES' -QVERSIHOES and RUBBERS,. C HD.DR,E lNY'-S: OV ERS HOES and RUBBERS MEW'S OV RS -HOES_. ancfRRU - BEERS. SELLING AT RESONABLE PRICES 0a1f Skin Mits, Deer Skin 1l4its, and Fur` Nits made to•.order.: ilis,ntifactiirera cf Harvest Mits.; wholesale and retail: Pot & Cor ir€ , ta2 0.. Ap°4..a e 10144114 .ata.a� 1yo�a�ooaohmemag a .E.cEm : 134v k tam t H o PI. 4,3 stAl �t�ho tao 'a.s Also Bread:, Oakes andConfeetfo a w: 812 a day -at --home. easily —___ ut lowest 2eek made. Costly outfitifree.; Addsear - Ii' 3t t✓U. yAnarseta, �liaid.s -1V RS, ' %i0cfl1{. =-Coe-Caaapball and havelock atrelta, Ii.0 x,®=N E What is' it? -'rhe best Machine Oil • world ;.:is.manufactured In, little -till, Bros. & Go , Torrrao. This Oil' undt> r theieverest heist -and the int-st .fictive eoinpetitiois, was Awarded three f tlir,: highest :urines in -1880, .namely, 'J route 1ta . dustriai ithibition, `First Prize Provindal. Exhibition Hainilton, Gold .�ec�a1; 5nd t Dominion Ezhil ition, Ottawa; Silver` 111edttJ- rainier.; :and -others running machinery rekrit°. s nave money and mfichinR it by -u ling l.AHoL . goat merchant f,r it and -'take a : othea