The Sentinel, 1882-01-27, Page 4• t Primutt;: fuolasigart TOIITTaBA D _ c " To a8airn:TS y_: . • AeOng01J1G TO` THS DIVTSTIN croons �A.c 5 I' • Peso ! ABovs anverBHs Lanni ts. oknowr„ Jan atr 1382..: - Th>t DominionVarliainent is .called uptni to meet for thedispatch of bulli n4ea: on Thursday, tbe-'9.th of - Pebruary. The-9eeeioi -is.-likely-to ba.a-sshort one, - . and it is supposed: that the Rouse will be dissolved immediately .at its close, • a ithich the: general elections will be • �d o hu ri n rrz ressmegligmos- FORT _ .&f&ETnfeir fipcitzt is a -good dsa1 of activity meI[iif est. on. the part of the Reformera • tt aughout Ontario. at lbs pies ant tiros, as they are: organizing ani makint preisteatione for the neat; geoerii Slant- • ivo.` There were seeeral meetings • held. last Week. and there• are several" others: arinaatnced, •, to taks place before theopening` of Parliament. Premintint among; thole. who are taking an active pati in thole: meetings, fife: ate pleased - tv notice the names ef Mee.re.. GharI ton, Roes=and Patterson. This ie aelt should he; ae it gives euco1ragetaent, • ai;d- also.. lessens the -labor ef • the P iform leader With mph: 'nen sE the kelin the: country wag ,east : nrfsared that: ei4ything will be done that is h.orio.'able to further the . canoe:..of.- td:a Reform Party: A meeting of the •_ Reformein - of 1V orth Haien Rill .W rind in the town hall,- ii inghani, Mon- d•cy, January 3Oth, at 2 o'clock p. m •Tlie object of the .speeting is to elect 'officers; and for the; pure se of organ- izing for. the coming electoral- Catepeign, In the evening of the same day a" gens rrdl pnhlic meeting. -71i11 he -hell! cora- menti is at 7.30, when speechee on the political- question of the- day will he &Aivcred .•by G._ W. Ross,•. of Strithroy, M. for West.Middiesex M. C--yCamvion, M. P., of South Huron,- E .ills Fors, M. E. P., and Thos. Gib- son,..fid.-P-P.. TORONTo.O/dbe :--A country:. Breast ipte &int for our inspection a sample' of sus t ' statedto have ben procured -from a nintreal. refinery. It is: a yellow sugar and "cut- 8i cents. Instead -:of being crystalized ashy loose, the ,sugar, is in lumps: of abut two inches: in. diameter, and hurdle appearance of _putty, -which his be"en.allowed to .harden: The grocer O va that a pick -"had to be u'sec ; to get. • the stuff from the barrel. The lumps we Lava -arw all, but impenetrable to -a: pen bon. " .it:is?quite evident- that there.le, tit this eample,_so deleterious •sub tante • which could.not'by any possibility egme- -1 t!:ore "honestly. It ie rather•.. too bad . th it the public. healt4 as well as the pahlic pocket 'should be tampered with: by the Vending,. under the;.name. cf sugar, of such an execrable ecimpoua4 as that which liesbefore: nes F t_. TUE.Clovernor(seneral.lisas retar-ne& in spite.of all reports to. 'the contrary, aand it isr to •be-hvped,:hrtily that_ rugs; ora. tin the effect that -he will not eerve out his'tor-m are equally withdnt fowl--- ". dation. The Governor's visit to the old eu-unt ca -:not be said in hays` bore, tine altogether of plcsSitte.,,itiast neh sari kilos gout` Enoch in:the sl ort tittle._ hi vr*O. absent to •make Canada. better, known,, and her iruzaenae agrictlttiil po4ourc a batter appreciated by .the pet.' o' England, While welcotpii g him he irtiIy back, Canacl'iana.' sincerely de-.' 'lura tiro illness. whigh preventgd the' Princess troM =accompanying frim, and aft' the more deeply, as it: tvab tbe`resu1t", -of an accident which occurred;. to het here." Her *retain `in sugimer wu;uid he welooined by all Canadians• 8,4evidence ref: restored health. "= : ` t LA=ND rent reductions gots fors iiia rq mirth - and so noiselessly in Scotland that it would almovt appear aa " if .the tends hoped thus to avert the threareiii- Ski -legislation At the -coming -seeeion , of _ Parliament: In East Lothian Which f> tle.scribed. ae.bkte home of ti. h taruiixt u;iro.,farms recent ly"wete,re-lei-et; a; 're:. irr. total from £10 h3b t . "s rent of o'r e`.iell•` frnln 1- 1, of smithy 1rviu £-520.. to third .t ow 1.400 :tlt* 'emitWax._ tt the - time of the amall:pox ecare,in 1872,7011m Boston was eo Sorely efliot: s-• recipe for a:.remedy was twice Published in the Hartford ?'robes,. and some •onein. Boston. obtained a copy de: com hied'b pa y a- letter from the Softer; • who 'stated that there were, people in Herrtford who could_ vouch for its. effi: oiency... It'ii said that a person: who tied it in. Uhio in. -a cash -of • confluent Antall:pox,, whirs the doctor had little pe, found. than it saved- the patient s. life., • Other cases were then trisdi ::ud everyone was successsful.. The remedy was. acid to lie equally sure inkeartet. feever,and to prevent orctire the Smail pox, . even though the pittings f s Were fillings..- The recipe was as folloe "Sulphate of zinc, :one grain-.fo eve,(aiBitants). one: grain; half a,iea.a,00n- ful of sugar; • wh.n thoroughly *pried, add- four ounces' of water: T e a spoonful eyery•"hour. • ,Either oreeate. will dtsar in ;twelve hours. `For et Child, give Smaller doses. aucordiag to age," _ Of this recipe a: -Phpaiaiait said: 'When Jentier.discoverecd cow pox ill EuRiand the.. world _ef science _hurled_- anavalanoe of fame on his head; - when the must .scientific.. school • of - medicine in the world—that of Paris -'-published this- panacea for Small pox and-. Was paaeed°unheeded, It is as unfailing as fate and oongiere -in eyery instance. Zt is harmless when. - taken by well .per- non. It is remarkable that thle reme-- 4 should not be more Widely , known, gib is what is claimed:. It /night , be well= for some<ot ottr physicians _ to try ft -and make a public statement of .:the TEM- valua of -tile drainage' for form fund eha ,aoarceiy be over -es' imated. 1 A tabh duet completed by the Indiana Bureau of Statistics, with a" view I.of aseetteining tyro benefit.of tile drain e, shown, that hied which 'yielded an at r age ' . of` 9 - •.bushels • of wheat Tier acre for five •years 'before drainage, yielded ab 'average of 19/ bushels •der sere: for five =years after t drainage. With corn,' the increase:' 'was. from 140y -ono • bushels . to seventy-four. During the wine period oft- time the member of cases of malarial sickness di> ilnishedtrom 1;840 cases before; s'to 490 asses- after drainage. I FOR- THE •a The pauses purposes to open main the North Wed • Territory a big_s'tore full of goods, .where: there is no taxes for twenty years, and where there is no GOVERN ENT ouT Bat to the . meantime and ra order to :ei ready, he oSera goods to the'fertile belts iif Huron. :'Sinlors, Wawanosb,and Ash- ' • field; at prices lower than ever for • itt. FOB' GASH 0 PRODV : (loisda and Scarfs at coat.. Shawls at east ; Blankets at coat: ; Skirts at- cost•; Dress Goods at cost,- Tea at f!O:cents, worth 7• 88Bente, 1'ea at 83c�nta, Worth. 6® Cental ; at• 60 Dents, worth 60- canto. Sugars and. To- homed very_ cheap. QItIT-beloiio buying'andyon will be : oonvii'ted - a dollar will bay you one dollar and;14 - helfs worth. of goods.' - IS NOW SHOW Dress hm - - Goo d cs� Gas eras; nits an yam; L. _l:,AAt E- AND WELI c es;Flannels, Shirtings Gloves, Hosery ° &c SSO.FTED STOCK -OF tton enkets :::..: Blankets, Shawls, CO s, Bl ere 0-o a `inc ;Winter .Tweed, _e cerie8 Crockepy- an , eadyµ Made Clothing, Boot ; and assware. EveryE -ort has been made to Satin the Wants of -the Public at- Prices will C Satiety �,ric: es that wila avorably with any. Agent for McCall s New York -Bax i= Glave-FittingPatterns _ assortment on„Ii and and yreceived styles les recas published. : - d p ��alo _ esendflashion Pa ern: MEN'S WOOL SHIRT$ AlMD DRAWLS MEN'S WOOL SCARFS MEN'S CARDIGAN -J OKETS;11TO -SILK HANDKERCHIEFS: IN ALZkCOtons. -SILK, TIES, IN ALL COLORS. _VALISES :ANA CARPET--SATCHELS. A Complete Line of Men's andLadies' OVERSHOES, M ti FELT` RUBBERS andOVBR8RO38. • ,• A. FL ,. NAVY SCAR R ANNELS. FLANNEL&, FLANNELS , - -. Tornio Green or 1, 'a Pickele • Born,' _ Tomatoes, Peaches,.� (_�e�a�se. • _Closeout*, Coffee = ` and suitable for as: - LBMON, OR "'v` � " ;x� cad GITROI# PE$L:- - - . • OF OVERCcL&1`5.- . BOYS truiTzE8 E VL-STERS,, BO -Y8 SUITS, Ver? heap f�JSPLENDID_VALLJE . f FACTURED -II+T TOg.ONTO. A Pertrienent; aura cure fns"Diseases, Di orders and Ailments of tha Kidneys, Sladdter and Urinary Secretive System, - or :Attendant- ef Complaints-caueing;Pi n indmall'o1 Sides, etc , produoingUrina_ -tyvisordesr =Snell_ tin too frequScanty,-SoentL onit,Palnid or Coprons:- Micturation; lability of=:$etentfon_ cad Se alimentary Urjri.,Dropsloai Symp$ome etc.; denoting the presence -in `"'the system—o1_ Diseases common tr the -Secretive-Organa- known as -Gravel; Cattarh_of the BLr a dd.nii_ Pdsaa Brislhts'-Disease, Diabetee,Droy , Piles; ervous Debility- veto. etc. Pamphlets and Testimioniais San -be -obtain ed fr'om,'Drn --i+te free; Peron--Child'sPat 6Q,=iontep ;bed- e1 ting). RegularPad Sd:00 8� ssis1 Psi -fee_ Chronic Dieeasea; 8,.4:00 Sold by _.. John 8. TEFltAl(T, B. _D.i Laeltaow.:- DS- Wi,r Maar, M D., .Kfn_cardine:. -Bkar,. Wine m. (rata -of "Bt." Baieno ) _-Hsvl ig-opened out pie new shop, neat deo - (Irabem'a `brie block; se determined oto keep the-:pnbiio aagvlied wsth 'INCEY8AT 1E BEST VALUE DT TO:V7N. a-� ck and Cashmers1 FILL BANGS OP PRICE ESH. M ebeiSe gaai y great variety and'et -price.. . In aeofaon w 1tb the toed; bneiaea , see keeping ofitill 65 CENT Woes 75 CZ rT3. o- Chia W - CCl1tlVL� I ata Receiving- - �S OYBTERB' D&E W ich 1 will serve either COOKS ANY HOUR.. 0111 ps of �-ao � Bscript lite K. ¢. trTRONt. ¢ate of Paisley) - EAf EB- of Vocat,.Asp Inters 1710eil -.Pie and organ: T.Musto AoAADiiicso-Oren Mr. .d. Gren off•` Rasihane ,-.Mr 'A. McIntyre's. Is offering Great Bargains Uaaaeas. teddies, , Trams, 'l"4lBses,: 'Belies,: Blankets mile, darned-, Trent -,$11 np, :.;, Tearte--from m-ir$a�s. ping in, the line ` cheaper than, ate • ?hamlet for -i ash or otherwise. I -ata- eau ,not,` -be undersold.:' All work warranteJ. as I keep -sot -bine bit first -plass stock, and facet- `alias. workmen r defy nempektio Ii 't forgt tke piaoe,•eppoeite . Brick oed: R. PROCTO 3'uddklim" ,,` +mite t3tf;1882: 4.44 rt • having -bought -out Mr. - - - Roes Street_, intende'ra :Catrin -e and on -1 BUSINESS, in--oonnectionwith,whish beq_ =will do „•.- :Horeeshoeing it-.GenesraJ .Black - emithtng= -_ And will guarantee satieWaetion is botie lines of the trade Firet-clase Workznenonly emy_ed:_stal Evci'itfnyaesdwn In rtlLnknow "l }oc Ni e thework eupcirntended--bywy 1 : Fifteen: lc.wieryep �y 43? 154... o years of eruperence s infcient warrant of:_ ;ala, h(;*Gyr,Sly" „i " theet leof m wor nsbi.---- ;—� : "f Iinewtil_do well to. = :