The Sentinel, 1882-01-20, Page 4Aimmlimlewelelemossimiss M *chow e#tMittel '.1;11E LIBERTY TO LITTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO THE'D4t;TATES OPCONSCIENCE W _ PRIZEARtlYRAEDOTHER Li -BE 1ES. Luck1ooq; 3a atary O 38 The Reformers •s of South. "Harrod held a- most .enthusif stic meeting in Clinton on -Friday last. They passed _resolutions endorsing 14Th Blake's. course in awl out of Parliament* amici utuch cheering, and approved -_roved. of 311r. M.- C.: Cameron's' con duct as . representative in . Xlarluuuent. Mr. Cameron,. in. :reply, spoke of the n:emsity for- early organization of the Reformers in every constitttenCy in; the Prrc.vinoe;. • Alludtng:to Mr:. Blake, he `Raid a WV/24k WV/24krefreshing in,:these •days a iAlfishrte8S among the public: mets to • find a man rel desist int au inceuie of �. $4(,Ot10oY,,s50 .- t.0 per annum to' de- vote. himself to the, service of the coun- try.- He had called "upon `°.him. at his: o#ire in. 'Toronto a. few days ago. and ,saw. banging there to his lawyers ,hag, hut the briefs it contained` were all 1 ibEi'ed " We -it Northumberland.' Mr. Blake had told. him that he Was -pre-- pared pra-pared to: evote every day of. -the wining summer -to the 'I..therals of Ontario.. He aled-for • Mr..° Blake the unflinching Support:. and: firm. allegiance of every - Member Of the. party.: • A 11 NIIAL MEETiN �.• .:. mErkkg and MATER1 Company will hold their Annual Meet mg at the cheee,e'factory,on Monday,January 30th,. at (12)twelve o'clock sharp,for the elec- tion; of_sufficers and the receiving , of the Auditor ' Report,. and for making - provisions for the--ananagement of the factory for the: coming season. A statement *ill be produced at the:meetingg showing what_ patrons made who furni8Led milk durin ..last season .: ' • T. J. 'STEWA-RT, _President-. Kinloss, January 17th, 1832. • THE MLR1 EIB. X1.23 1 05. 5.00 ....-0 65 Fall- Wheat Spring -'Wheat kart . -. .... oar ey Oats .. Peas. ... 'P.otatoei-L•por boar Hay _per too ,• • Wool, r• a Pork—per cwt. . • Eggs . ... Yare,mOiiflt. • . From Our. O•tan Oor respor dont.` . Arai .R. J. McCall is noW recovering. from a.severe. attack ot Quinsy, from which she has been suffering this: `Week past, • Mr. Fargnahar McCharies who - was tinder the octor's care,- and l who: haq been . unable tooffend to his 'u4ua1 duties for sonie'Eiine ast;is now ,able to go around again. • . TfuEvr o — Thievin is the leading future ' of `tlie night, especially on the 'second concession of Huron. I t4ink i.?> . is a perfect little ,Bidclulph, in ithnost every respect, for Dearly every Saint -lay mot Eht sone party or partk.s visit: a pile ` cf 'nod on that line far a Sunday =sul,lrlF._ ` 1 think a stop; should he put ..til this kind of night'- work =Ono of those important events which generally. cause -a flutter -of esciti-stent in the lttcality in which. • it. s=cents;: took. place- on Monday tie` rtXr: :16th-of.'T' eeiti;tter,,_ Olen Mr. Jamss7 .i �t=1 Marr. Anel •- Miss Emma . Alntira Irtirb'ti t of the 2nd_ con., Enron,: en - tete,. t s •• tate of rna tnion" ere ! the h:t,P). s : tri The usual festivities ware participated, . i n hy. . fe-sv ti• e. friends and. ac- quaitt,t'ances c'f the .happy coup! _. They, •errs• Nett: conveyed to . the- village of t f f.trdinow,; - where they took the .11.1.2 train. for Mitchell, where, thef spent- a f •« days among their friends.H, They. ret:urneti on the- Tote •train • to Ripley what're they intend to make thou fu tare' horie. We wish: there success.. • Farming in Dakota.;, To G. K, Bcirnes,Gen.: Pcrssenver Argem 1V`orihe it 15dcifzc R. R., st. Paul, DEAR S1zz,=I 'carie'. here fio_m• the 1�t1nship�of (:ulrosa, Ooun'ty of.ltruce, thtt•t • years ago last «lirirtg, arid 1=t:e etl two-antr a li,alf stilt=s. 'south -ot IV to, atlaLd, I)nlcnta.: tArhen •1 crits.rt 11 -ere my nwa: s tcrere very, liwit,t'd, now 1-ti,v 1,G0 ares nndler 't.Iltiv;ttior ori Hay - hone -St el, and 80 acres on another taint tli:it •lk 1 -ought, hast sprtn..t. if c'taa e yiebl of Inv. wheat Alia season,: (1: til),warx 20 lKstiels per 440 of "No.. 1 hgrtl'r .«lair l 1 eoltil for Sl,3 per. {{o ash, elk ail cutter ori ;a,gio-cv•��:izc7l'`:zi .attarye' tri y :aS _'Ot,l {l '..v tit •dot 3, eon:A& ti4 cite best c nutty ata the world for a. r for mat; pr.,y ideal he is sober and -i.it- dusts ureas When 1 Guile lit -re, I was wwcr'h $1200, ItO'F 1'am worth over ,utsrFsspectfttIIy, • ;Tow MelcmztE, • , Z.ate t1t t ttirtass, Bruce C'-.- he tt1�i icl vakktt.i Nov,11th ' 18 ._ , , .881. The E eeti•ric-Light,: as itdoes. d i t.y3 ,P is go , all other, modes of iI- ,It.anir,ation, and rivalled onlyi,y the..glorious • sunshine, v ill_ not be hailed with greater joy by. mankind, than is Burco.3k Blood Bitters, which is- as far superior_ to all other . blood • purifiers'. mid tonics, as the electric light is: en. per or to the old fashioned tallow' di} Bur -- dock Blood Bitters cures scrofula and all foul tumors and: impurities of blood. 'Butter Hides-- . Apples. �Vnati-�- Sheepskina ... `.030- • 0 70 0 45` 12• . 00 .., 0,22. •(♦ Jr. 625, ;:013 a 0. 16 4. 4014 ria• ..a 0 i0 5 120 6.00 -0 70 0 38 0:'71 0 50 12 :50 '0:22, '"755 018: 7 00 60 75 250 EST ItNo6RAZING1 !ANDS gREFouND OH . HE Ntorth.ern--Pacific'R. R iii MINNESOTA, DAKOTA, • AND -MONTANA:: BIG- CROP -AGAIN 1111881 Low PRICES LONA TIME:- REBATE FORiMPRom0. MEi(T;REDUOED' FAREAND FREiQHTTO 8ETnj.ERa. Fns Fuu..INFORMATION.AODRESS • 1- R M. NEWPORT ,GEN.LANO•AGrs . . 1dolinotitt$ 4PAPER. J 6.f• PAUL, MINK ' -. tom• !S NOW _SHOWING A . LA;RGE. Dress Goods Cashmeres W ncies -Flannels - Shirtin s Gloves,: Hosery, kfze ORTEDSTOOK:-! Blanket Shawls, olio, s, S w , A Full - and- Com lete rile of F . -:i P - �. all W and Ilter-'Twee Shoes, T Groceries `-C;rocker . an rsets eady lgade Clothing; Boots and lasswate.' Ever _ Eforthas been made to Satis ...:the W ntsof the Favorably With any,Agent for McCall's New York Bag assortment on .li and and nes Styles -received yeceved as published. HAA 112EN;s W('Ol; SHIRTB AND DRAWERS:: MEN'S WOOL SCARFS. MEN'S CARDIGAN JACKETS, ETC. CSC. A • SILK HANDKERO73IEFS IN ALL COLO RS: SILK TIES, IN.ALL COLORS. 'VALISES AND CARPET SATCHELS A Complete Line.of Men's andSH Wall time FELT RUBBLES and OVERSHO$5. : - - • ist . .ri- d, P I ��- will ' � . . Prices that _. Co} pare love -Fitting Patterns. A. large atalog:ues:a n u Fashion Paper F free. • - FANG :NAVY • SCAR )RTMENT ANNELS. 11!) FLANNELS, '''FLANNELS. Teas in (been or Coaconnt, 'Coffee LEMO?i, ORA., E OVERCOATS, BOYS ULSTEIiS. - DE MASTERS; •BOYS SUITS, Very Cheat::: k, -Pickets,'- - Corn, Tomatoes; Peaehos,, aisons, and `other Goodssuitable for .CR:rsta,as, , and CITRON PEEL. - L, 1881.: Great reduction from regular prices on For Christmas and New Year This reduction .will. begin on 20th, *and continue till Saturday Slst, 188-1. : 1+'ACi'URED IN Taft -OW O APermanent, sure • cure for Diseases; Dis. ordhr-s and Ailments of -the-Kidneys,--Bladder and- Urinary$. t retiveSystem, or Attendant= of Complaiiits-causing Pain in -Small of Back,, Sides, etc. producing Urinary Disorders, -Stich as too frequeiit, Scanty, Difficult; Painful or Copinus:.Micturation, Inability of Retention and Sedimentary Urine,Dropsical Synipptoms, 'ete.3 denoting the in the system off •Diseases common to the Secretive rgans known as. Gravel,;Cattarh-of the= Bladder- and - Passages Briglits` Disease, Dia tes,Droysy,' .Piles,-NervousDebility, etc. e c� t, Pamphlets and Testimonials can be Obtabi- .ett Obtain- .etfrom Drugeists free PRICER—Child's Pad, 81:50, (cures-bedlitet_ ting): Regular Pad. 82.00. Special Pad for - Chronic Diseases; 83.00: Sold by .Jahn S: TEN 4NT, M. D., Lneknow, _ L 'Win: MARTIN, M. D.,_Klncardine. • , W . 'T'. BRAY, `gingham. • INSP1TON SOLICITED. M. CAMPBELL. BUSINE a week; '812 a day at home easily TRUEmade`. Costly outfitfree.;. - Address TRUE: & OU.;A -ugusta, Maine. INTO' RUSINESS ArAIn OFT A L.YC CNO .Habless Is offering (Treat Bargains in Harness, Saddles, Trunks;. Valises, Itt9bes, Blankets. Single alarness, from $14n team Harness fro. -• -t. a Andeverything in the line cheaper: tba the- cheapest foa: oat-I.:or otherwise. I am i}raid not to be iinders.;ld. All work-Ivarrant,d I. keep nothing but first-class stock, and firs e1a's worIimen. I defy competition.' Don't forget the place, opposite • 1VG S. .: Har- ,s d _ � rrck Rr PROCTOR* -Luein aiv . Jenifani-1.3th, 188 : • (late of St Belem.) - :Having. opened.out his new shop, next d txaham's: `brick block, is determine to keep the public supplied with E • irk and Colored Cashrn� VIAL RANGE OF rim S. A C E lei WORTI 75 CENTS.: of ohoicest- uali i" ty, gre•at variety and at Io .' pn^es In connection with. the meat business, h - purposes :keeping.inatock la /EDEN : JV EG. L'� of all -kinds in -their proper seasons, The Patronage of the Public is respect fl�he><tea MISS K. C STRON (Late of Paisley.) TFACHER- OF VOCAL AND INSTRUME 1 Muszo -=Piano and Organ.- - - Music Aca»EMY -Over, Mr. J. Grenacl "Story._ -= R aIusNer . Mr. A, McIntyre's. t; Having bouaht._out- Mr. E.Dere's stand,_ Ross Street.4 intends carr-ying on 'the atria aid Jaggon-Makio BUSINESS, 'in • connection with which he will do -. - .11torseslroeing & General Black- suiithin , And will 'guarantee satisfaction in both lines of the trade. _ First:class Workmen only employed -and self. Fifteen any the work, superintended years of experience is suiiicient warrant of the style of my workmanship. Parties requiring a' h in the above linen will do well .to ;GIVE ME A GALL, 1 hope Eby- strict, attention to businees to merit a-Libcral Share of:• the public patron= age,. I lock for --a, return of mfr oldsus- toners, and% continuation of patronage.: >Ire -Pa mting ant 'Re 'rfinni g. with Dote w' Done neatiie�a,i►tid Lnokn•i*' •DdttiiadfL4, obaccos Cheap, e W.CONNE s e 3rstets —I :ani- Receivin ESH OYSTERS DA. Whist. I will serve -either 4W -OX COO: AT ANT HOUR: so.-Fiults of Or Bscrprn_ -FarnersWill-sive money' by calf Tray tidy.: ATING HOUSE EALS AT ALL. HO RS. Also Bread, Cakes and =Confectionery at lowest . figures; AIRS. .31 MOONEY Has just reoeived ottne of the Finest St 1 Ever ohow i iL-L'i'krtnw, Iaspeeti.�ii is : .kites, -whether you buy or not.: it is - ;au able to bbow t e,d,:.>1 todk .y • of P D IT -LT Is always Complete.. Patti -s wan ti�g tom iii► in I.urue or Small los, will to Well rt. _oil •-' and =inspect my Stock end ictf y .0 ..rake your purchase elsewhere.: Cire<et<vn seties in'all.lanisof- 's --EUF:NTL1IE, CAIIPETS, 4 .-. PICT - U iiL AND PiC1!UItE ■ ' Gal and Tic+ ootvinced for yourself._ ._. d. H. AGKE • 5 WILL CURE OR RELIEVE] BILIOUSNESS, 'DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, : DROPSY,- IND,IGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. CE - - OF THE HE RT ERYSIPELAS,- ACIDITY OF T. BALT RHEUM THE 8T0MhCH HEARTBURN, DRYNESS.: HEADACHE,. :Of • THf S1N- Ard every !pestes of at-t$Ingrone'- -'• disolidered-LIVER;' KIDNEYS, 8T0 . G -H; , - BOWELB OR BLOOD,';, Ti MILBURN` & PO Prvinisosa `,i