The Sentinel, 1882-01-20, Page 1-AM ---------- W ONT A.Rj L& 82 LOO HJLP�', LLY 0 itorin Chan. _ 'CAME to Ont, t -A Bea ue�ry. G')jjveL 01190t &c. door KER 9 da Y- porit L 8 are D'()W- Ien.gth`6ljfjjg now-, 318 T, JDUbl: The -G-kaham's .6 ffice Ta Thw: School . B. - - fil. A, t lluary �y 0' a alew org... Pr -were b meet, tret, Kin L aardlixe, an at-Reducect is. -T -0 mes UD 0 a bnbt s 6 1 er ceut., -D RO W SUit the.Ti & PRO ortg� sTj &c., Goderfah: -i glas, -L AND OFITCAID Our 4absori -T- T- QAIIRO'W f IV -11, PRO I IOUGHT I Vaty� rapialy ------ and o� dre d Drafts, 4nd mqUes go . d- -is 113,13 S, �,fRR ILLE, adblite dishad, .-- — h and Pro t a -stea' To, TANCEA., Oi d Co.-ivr, I a Patd M iohn 0 ebtion j'L AC�OiIntg R, -tj - ers mPt Att6bil0i: o the whis Is a tachid tq-h art ��101X&Tto loan on easy -terms -eal t e qu OAR -Estate. Valtmtor for'r�uata amountin ipti A- bili fr g -to $8 re 0.* th LE AT iseu'�d bi- 'r6ouj. for jul6 IYOiC i ut still �th OI)a a tie -for - �ia6vin� -IXTON, Co v piciijal citi re v e8andtowisof a a -Oy-aater, Conim da. P; i -ti B., it wnowsok the cella Ivi-onev., to Vhi;�d States_ Rh d d at 6 I)ier.ceiut.- straight interesv.,, vAiva-! tbi 0& 68'. by G bmi o eold r -r for The Land-ed-Bitlklng-Ca� PaIrif t!st weather! he'll . ; - 46 1 � �. - as. avier expeii- econded -by :U-, I�INLOT enced. -TGTt P Oj, Will find thig.thL, ehelyest, a. OVO' 'accol"Its b tid. d M. 8 07ed pai bei' -'and se6onded tha- th g( tie TREMR10K ROOPMS, o t- Meetings. are' ng M, -INT &R: M. 8-1 hold.. (L'Afe of Teeswatoir;i.) 'Five, er' pera�fiee - -Hall' the: Tell, be allihoilzed to of 50, Savings -&uik De dolivery - cpnt- -allowid on,*Detiosit, I- th thl.; week. ev - ery fdr Ahe adertise for eon a- C) ff .6- 10 Ed� men t1lit F Partment P itte partift... -wood eare Prepared t offerL to ur -next year. 0arried Y,� Ab�, f441ity affar&d L ar-- - erna--to think tinle 'L oif� 'thd_-- .qNG-W Scotts B�knl�. 'h�rt,red2ER'n 'Wren and (in .4,, � by g Passs �La oncled Ce a allYfavorable te !he )o nd'- geo 'T 'y Lila Yamount ot funds to loaij, -Giah eyan461 C . - that -w. or a ohn CraNford 11y, ors are. -C ubilee giva, Rg in all I 'ma ing 4a -CARD-- -a touli thro "tbi. �gaged at last Ampeftiess :neighb -, L't1laf his Ye h L"--_- '-&:]r* W- Q Mp"-YER' t suce be de ued�as.-per fir� oo( y BARRIST wid Lif a will w7on. eiery Wedn du of oil- _V tb w0re. Ou. to hj6ar- the ubiles: ns '1� I - r be at Luckn6 a in each %ieuk- �untjj ilie Bi:a�mch Offic BEST C(�.0 d. e is J*,ANI "llai;ch, oil econ W -by W. . Z�6-n 6 OFJ-�Jft 110 9. A. --that t6 AL- --j d TO 4 P.;X Vi I -haiinlab ccr WE DI -0AMEF T r(51 -&I ION TL. ------ ------ to IT .e le �OA]VlftELL� ay a of duCition i a regard' T 0 &, - � - � - . '. 0 - , DR IMA6kiDIF A to- JT. 1�q-, On accoulit -of �ihe �sleidh all lVeS -aga"nat - Afr f RADU 1TE..f th' �rqityoffofonto O� cLioa- ll� u.- ds nd- gq� -e fro T 111'9 p'] bank. In case' C- st., o�j�lsitethL Physkian,' Surgeon, &c. . O.ffice qatnp t he Dr. -t-our -dry '06 he,dffiC&'L 6all at.the, Luckikow Ba�nj-. 0 qy clorkSL vot: 14to C -N b enty - Of pjjt�do Car . rzo, silo CA3rp n, orning. ...... BELL) Or exe*ie you� N' 0' T� -A y ap �-.. w 1B 4o _C :0 -.Eta -XD on easy. term f Ztej OU n -g nt. Ap6ly to NO W.: 0 -r..0 p4yme to Ion _C*08po d. Mien d -T0MN:,CQGKH, 4r, nt DungAzinon C e anoW Sh 00OF-doxtere R on-veyAnci iusly V. -1 r. .-Da dsojI9 d 110 hold one- of con :PQP#Iar 'Soir :i!9 In 0-111tR J�rancbes. gre, Dedds A ore fortgagewk than A Land surv,eyor, Yelp' .I- - 'r9eftents, t Bnd ator 0, promptly rM �ca'i j o,,fice efunY Pri AY even'lli ed.; and c6r SUal, overEadWs--D= Sbite apar.. Adiftary' 6th ,g by mail -"Otlioss rink ib-' Special and proj3lpt -- -- _11L -- full was a �q*m lOte Out.— 'All ordeta re- att I L . blaA a ention pal P tiiejvu prompt attention. Id to the WA_ - f IMesi and to'an, matt eja co 'every afill9d ih",ev par 7-- 11 the transferf n lideted wit J-1niinie 11 -ha—ve -a' ere ` Up EstaU. says V41 soon ]D C Cariii obe?t 6Xpet ti a Ohs- r1he ei h top. t, ion whi Lan f tikiing. t fl­e�-O-Q, 4r 10 -'4he + -gen -BARRJ�ITERS &OL d6servoctly �arljo Gue h h 6 W. At shall I W 1L h the__l offlee one ...write.4b 44fits' f -.1 in 'door froni (joftj ron er man, - --told or. hi a. at 110-16d bed the, ppm VVr' W I atnp '0'LT0ITO,,for nk ei. e1Y oneAid I :,i AQ - ­ 't, '4n(f th , mm Lfientla;e 0 agh k :­­ Y ' ­ -. . 7 �j -- Z� - .7 (jf'MtjjjjjgZone�r --ounk-laditji . . - . - - I - f - -Dentit S=P -v has re ard the g66& -Who ir whero.--he will carry. Manitoba. v on to deuti.itry-businegs bat li� w6uld', beg ter. Farin, Tojvt u t was. the sqpplyy.t a --reo DIV ha. 4bu e e ane.. r, fo, And Village fo M visit Luijkn ' at d's Id propear I Ought' -4�lg hours a� da 4testify --theit OW Itb y -Sutherlatid Rip4ey, ea- t and I oil rs AE 6 -�fiesday (privat� on ay aad also fri�d � fro tga and t a �Ae tl�lid -Monday and Tuesd%# of. each month security at 6j and bf d� W. or vei- cent wlbr.�! ted fdr prj�a Verel FO Office at PascWs -Hotel.� Money,inves te�- perjong upon to- the occa �0 1)147164gage 4PPr ate th -Without -ah pering vii, 9pri , hich pense--to, Lender- o are in the, sion habit -,Of,; b- Landt 'latt4 .9 s -b ig'eapij�jjj, fy. st -lodge -�gh for ia!e it' 4aftob ne ors ei i �orth- ISENTIkgr� b :[gjVe� --A readi ag - was Goido d 194, G.R . LO*V x0ri - _ _ f n= 0 ?p bar r �rboforef - u 11 RAJ _V_W oets the Thip-a-day- OINRY TO%L OAN ijN G- 7 7 ropert - -: OOD, nY at 6 and ra ord j)er cent 0 or- V -'l a9r' 0cdUPiiK1 -the h ach monthat; 8, tohacconiats--a it 4el Ing to -the security The aboi fi -h d e W e p. in.. Vigitin,i Vreth: loaned, On, any. terms to alas't ahotIt . n cordiallyLinv Gogosj�)ondence will be . suit the borrt wer 'a Illonth.- At-. And, in big- - e -e IWt ch nd of that J-illiloltqble -:co ttibut6d la 1��O re u ere 0bd* teicilu- lijbyj6 Y01 eerfully fills tfille a rj. A. SIDDA.I�L, exp g- 1, -the-- b th the putic -h -1-0-51-- LANVR 'M' 'E�L W��'M.' -Ser.retary. apply t, e lc(ir- far r lar Ve vani Of. --the 6ienijig - TI a 0 oa - d - aff are VID 18VI age to drive to th' Ei dii e -rur I he C n6il �;W! Wedues, meeting of t FIRST- MALSS of.th# &k Ou Mee every. rrida avel&g at AA 41 b6 the Cleiik'i Ace 6 Y- TO. -- Mqp-,nE L A 9- W. e NY t xu­-old, -ir Cam-pbel st. -All. t r6n cor L (Ilially iniyfted. RTAGE8a U*.'B -- 'I,- g Sa 0 -that they 1�ad. c haFiges 11 erest, able t ii -1882, pielent- �j,6e 'J' NV. 4�R'14 7t- -a STRONG 4ecret �S cent t nuarvi. 14 h -very Modefiate A Berry e ry t 1h -1 t y,� -e 'Secretary ofthe West Waw 'at is is- te AMillutes. of -pre, rtood Oour reanosh Th joy 11 1141 vl ld,it io'by ead-atid �T no hi , propertyinaured; t ing -but, bow do Awaolvin 9- V� is to in ure. pl-daeated,and o -In this pol re, -ma;ken h?ore-fta of Colborne, Astifibld. -East afi& M h0 Piid L C�o �ul ibr tamers companv in the who ha�s �b t 61E for Gl�sp for Post Cardto me. WillLlie.0aile eadit g on. -WEWWanush; AIMOPS -511ld Jiur6n-by LUCKHOW j r I Y , III fl� Ornervi letin, r d- on -'% d - av �ry MURRAX't Sti Helens� THIS C-OURT lat We. --$-49 20 -j)6g- MLEBT9 cc '0. 8�6 6 - 4 �z -to.Thos­ th K -atteiltion oin 11 e seri;Ous eniperance at. vilage:au �AI�CGMTY--- Collector. wa- A instjoue �'d to- e -fleat_ X �fr 0 110 C P. the First -and Tbird -in every n our 8tteats h�jild h wntli, nit 7 30 P T11- will pl ease attend._ ONE Keiiiie A! ALE MAGENTYRE R q-- YTO LOAN at- 7 IM14 on the- part of a C Mdlitosh.a4d -th e -cent., 6 wh 2 )2 W641thy. anstcra Sam - in n ario, as *e a�S P Ject,for the p- t 4d and- -Dollald Maz�ftoba. Tartles flew oum, by ingPdeting't ple-i seilt freLe-'Addgasa farmsi will consult their fiiter -B pted e ts rol.n ::156 i VTNS�C -he ad - i . r ---- - - & C 0 W1, fair At 01 e of a 606iit of h scriber in Greitt Biiftain and, a,. ��Ou I'd- fo -:7::41:kqjU i. ad and c(n� Convention OU tnPut Of lands 6r' sb'le. to aatdie as M 't' le rl " -the nom. C-ol T-0 IP -Troi 1ji—i jatpd by PQL ROCIU:on WA L E an, je�, --flnee.tingL L ThWAk.T -*� - - . e. YE V d TI Luckno 0 of w.R'.-'T;kZj LEAVg woro­j-d-ky: at, aladbrrdiilu- to 8vatut At G, atly. _A 'P. as�-wd-- .-�co - or r R te past, -still keeps on Reduced ' 6466-wiii e Reeie, -ad . IVIEkrge an'd. -XIAes. _ Iff if9li. -- 11 -C awfeiite, -rERAM OF R E- PAY -a 0 nc1rroWe_r__ roatijj�7W rA L ew co- ifcillof�. Tr U ent fr-, 1i - rat-PUM A.Vur -Foi e�tiewhere.. E -e (if OA YApply flan . th tbe 1�� % nel- oever. %Raw _ltr turat"d y er ofi& 00 the oW -he -ot I Cocilicillor, Br utter t i ifitein- ld and tdn, e TRImnlats -by' y oil littleL 81aga., h- has all _f s ti tle.-' Yellow --oit- cteo o6 -th� fftitor!s rf il chi blaibr,4,latnen6ss,- curt xfitiu t I I b rs 'The. RO wob d,. A 00 IL s :L E t) five ce't a ed t 8 th .0. t 0-.1 a,,.rry on th - e, N blIsiness with OW6 For "or, and by 0- ongla. 7Vh 'liable' rem�d- Jrjijj�r oqt��got, e Mont. co on, o0 at t pa paition, shoirtfiessw S y 't_F_ IAver itlantici Mail -breathi aor#4 throat Tq lichial tIon fE bles .. . a' -- Th43 afl,�art. ffagyard's 13 2 pher, 11 0 urope. a SteamerflL ppol, Lon(J�IiL - Tl(,7xet§ fo -L we�k'Ljiinga.� and. all bro - IPik "Ooti�i jlloso OW as Sny other first. -las j5 ectolal B411ja --h-- is Q RA M. -A ft' - . M.- - r 'Pri P per stud,�'oi Mankind D, a., ve cen.s. 4 thereal all; and 0 Of ikiaa Ag-eftt- t�y Line 6t 441Y If peopl(i undtir-atood"and-hee6d the. la*,3 df sorts. W611ld r6siirt and it Ticketsfor-w- Ua�g�*aj &0 Al. a*i or d Peet wnPelly4kred B tO MIX Pa' of.: th Gwedt, We&. all At C111'es pbugho, ol'4, t0-A'cOMrIW0n_-_-sefiRj like:-Aurd T in, whoop d iait qwn, ock -13lo6 era mall -Y 0 th'i that fleab is heir to, j! D CAMPB d3ugh, sore,- f .4 tbro4t; br,6&rD e 1 _ rt -USIIYL r. .11 Unk"00toplaintf; 104 L 4 0 -,remidi d on TQjl.-Q -Ates aildtr Nee it in "t,0, ore one to& g T - M 4 :9 OLE K 7,V `s The qaaj�e lo, of the p r tj- f S- No... -882.. 0 Z -A h* . j vns ip of Hui6il, was eld-on,- rd -- J)e-Q�, Fri6y .- Z azid M, was grgely Wended. by- th e !rogj- f dell tp� of., be,sedtion. t e, 1), riaid '6 F 1p, s xaini�atidn. iji t1i a lorl. rane 'Ile --b 9 ta� 9 t Ind4r.ptibl, s6hoQ,184 *jotd evine ed 4 e borough owle 1188l; eattaindd, oij y. -u- a -- that P - Guld-6 tw * d-er ih phjL' gJ4 tda'a ad- of a faffhf-�]' e-j3-simia- - in'd - 0 and- -skilful tbachOr Y OUC& col�! was 4ghly.-pleased find this da, t i n- g- , I - i i- .: , ` to ". - P PUP118 Ore Air-ou I. 01498ified,jo f1hd: th-oul: f the _vf�fy prqficientin -each- sa- "ect as far --is Htrrt6d rsquired-.'by--eur progia, e of studie . s -t and 'to, DIM skry -,Id -their department. 11.1 ders. -dou-Id be desired t the -A CIO' of- f)le 68eh , aminatfon thoteq6berspre�4 t,tjiv ei addrbsesed the- ILY for PuPlid, And th-b . ..- .:. Ye"d their - " -k- Yetaar . a 7congtatfiLted Don - 'as--- 8 a&. I AM- 6n' hii ucces A. ellU iar,, -and rdloep,regret hein !e ressm thei that con. a li 'p iOn ;w ed ith, eir seboofwas th �w to� J'.,* severed ;s'they ever 7 f 'th -fUl in -the -di eve'r A1112 fat b f thd.� ruplal and' lee, zi - a Ai M - tu At P q1tare of the PUP1. ff onlralt 6 to- ch4r- A �L ir su6cess U d"of llis!'Worke 'Thepupils, oplilloill er's 616 -all, fel - ed .1 hatr UCtdrQ T`�, M.. the OW'U& as '%#bich.. WAS .44d as ith'in. elpi,� 4 �y- presented hinj W bb4ind -.Bibf Y. e: Yo. A 16vonazd" P DE.Xif- TPA YOtif - Pr bat olz. - US as -a Aruobg - -1 iome to .1M M w I o-uh - d VVe 1,be - a negr- i9eting a du t y bion in' _'HuMP way expr V19.8. the' eStj jerru i--- which'w.. 0% M" OW, e h9ld '.v d-' as true qtoeln� _ A A IS '4C a not SpQk-611, us 't -Ar d Ol r6gen t� -Ij thris BiWe e as 'a; - practical -j jouv f h 4d amt expie - Salon o 0 apprecia on of not the. -keen watchfulnoAs b:nj zoalo is, jr-1- us YOU a ways hci Wo J. any-' 149-Tartaining d, - a d for- d -to JgqOO bb6kind- cbe- - I Vrffil,` synaliatfifjt- YOU -in towaid's U-6 at all ---'- R r�tha- - est. assJ4redAear;- +' t Ce -What�"r position Yoa�ina --be C Rl Y a led, -to "31W 113 Ur Ou as - art J.,fd1lit V Yours res-,)- eatfulIV ea, XARY - -A. '13�A TON, -()ATH:kRjX-E -pi TW NG.s Farnd X -Azrne8i Gen - p-- a8genger DEAR gik' 'left, thd �C4ou-jtm t.,�- j- Ot n tbs- a prizig .1881 .04ma to Y- 9 Ttook up -1.60 j 4M of -16 19,1" ught 0'ddris�-- Wore-' f or tf�,b­ 'paid per acre, and - for the "I alto �w:ould xibt take ONO.- - �Ia In OP 1881 d 11P Part 30r-_ AMR,, ot--.t;h a .th S a 4- f-Wlaftf �Aver 11 -aged 18 t Acre,-' W4 the- badmic -11 Qa 8; Y1, - -ats 6,1:35-- bushels- -per a*dr6.:. Vor.my Whi lat roceiAd $1; 25, d per--bus-hol an � fVt ..Can Y -0-efit-9--per buisl it ie t -per acre., o K, 7 - -rals tj -crops.,. -a&u1V f qQ to' j pion a W it good - whOlit Lji& a P' Pod"- Water a eti� I 0 I C WO t baxota.. liexb.s PrIll r. Y pars DIMOND' OLLE-qaj Br --0 a land -D 4o 0, 0-40,111M... 3 Pre-sen- tatjoW407 'Al ki� ss. Whitel Yi �ou Yiidgy 01109 ast­M18g Wh -:.wh drUrirjoi. It6ly, �K tvj, p3. '.,,--;and IL half yearia-ha-s- 8 tv k ]'�ed -the jjjtie8 of --6r9!X4i C st, -f St. -Chujoh i -L.tjek;nOvv) wa�-� proftrited dn:l') h of ".the congregatioll th Wi A,(jckq and, ibl V-04aWe L e, 4 t e o i U q t6kel�- f -t h 0 e iip.p Aho zonv-,regafion f, - - - , b NfisC3 AN" hitely- Y as on, -�an;-, f bf Church - Tb e pri Js e ntati Ua-R n"Oe 1) Re -Ta le Pe eQolr a 4 offic-ra b.A.1to part'v was -afterwa-v4s' literfained a Whitely 4, j�,y n a sual-pht.,T18 I Whitely -lert 'for Tbr6.nto.".on. -�kon.6� M - will &-:.Year a 'r morning 6;4tenA the'Bishop Strac a