The Sentinel, 1882-01-06, Page 7- t . • * THE QUESTIOL-0Y- (Offing., .$3,0.00,0994 • The *Oman:- church and: the *tate Fight... • Ing fleece, the itiatertage itertyte-erroe testant clergy, and marriage -Licenses' Nowhere -Against the church 'et Rome - - Voting i.nete,O queer .Alteritative. A.-.44intrest clesPatoh of -Saturday's date Biqa a -somewhat notorionecase was decided - late this afternoonby judge - jette in the Superior COurt., 'being. an interlocutory -judgment. in the suit ,of rtarainee against•- : ,Evans. It apmairs that Mr. -Evans, ‘who. is 11gPtotestant,Vislied. to Marry Miss, Lara. Mee,: who , is rase. a_ Protestant, or, as.. her friends-. pit it, a discontented Catholic.• ' The. :friends: of' the lady did not likethe • marriage .and eei their faces against it. „ The young conplethernselves, nevertheless, insisted • upon becoming :man. *-and ▪ wife. They procured a - license. niade in due ; forte and ,sought • out a -French • . Canadian Protestant .'-minister, Rev. J. IN. lieaudry,- and presenting their • license, .asked hina to inatry ` them. . This M-raleandry' did, When the pair Were: • satisfied,. :Ent.' the " friends. of 'the lady. objeeted,. and brought the action to have the :marriage - annulled. They took the .ground that a 'Protestant: minister had no -tight to marry a Catholie to a Protestant, • -even though • tbe plink§ are willing, and - notwithstanding that they had a regularly •. made marriage license. Mr. J. J. McLaren,• . for theoppesant, brought Rev. Dr:Jenkins: andothereininent-. clergymen ef the Pro. ••testeric denonduatioe into the witnesabox. • to show- that it had been the practice to Marry •any parties. -who so desired it if ' they possessed a `marriage license and - were . partie.s. The counsel for the. • prosecution maintained that the decree of the Roman Cethedic. Binhop. • was paramount, aud that. the license didnot made auy differehoo„.ThepeollliatIV of the case exolted ranch_ comment it the tithe of . the trial,. and as the question inVolved. was whether Church or--Stateviraii paramount, -people laceied • eagerly_ for the judgnient: It has taken nearly fourteen eionthefor Judge Jette to arrive at a con-, elusion,: as thi-.-,--case- was given to him. sometinie in 1880 His indgment Was voluminous, . He: • reviewed-, the marriage destom. since the 0hr-idle:IC-eta daiwned'iinon the world tracing it dawn to the present time. % He then showed bow -matters stood between -the. and. State and individuals • during the French' reijiteeiu Canada. -Upon the laws: t„lie in existence.: -he based his judgment, contending :that . the -treaty of ceesion, of the country to Great- Britain • protected the rceneheanadians of to-day in the eejoyment of the then exiting laws of the State within the Cliurch. His itidg, ••. ment, rednced teea flue point in Englieli,- is•- . that the • parties -,should not have - been married: by a: PrOtestant-minister, the marragelidence. to the _ contrary lidwithe standing; that the raerriage is null and void legally, and that go farasthat part of „itis concerued"Whieh is a:, sacrament of the Church, it be referred to the, R.entantathee .• • SLATE PkilOms.--,-The hard, Meek Go.,_ lic Bishop of the diocese to be exercisedor =au slate pencil has been superseded -Of -late - `years by the round' white -pencil of Clay , Thin'•Reiman Catholic bishop is Judi- elate. :- At the quarry. near Castletom,'Vt.--„, ciallY.- asked to expdoge. a sacrament or about thirty-five workmen produce 50,000: Claureh ordinance administered by a Pro- - pencils daiiy,-and it is•proposedto increase • testent clergymen, While- the law declares the daily ,output to 100-,000. The blocks: that theitatter is al breaker of the -laiw-. when:quarried are sawed into pieces seven: . because he recoguiesas valid a Marriage bytwelve inches; split to it thicknensOf tieeflee. At arty ,rate, the merits' -of the half inch and:Sri:toothed by a Planer. The ease are not yet thoronglalY disposed of, as block is passed under a semi-circlitar knife, team that. the counsel- for the eppesantand,after having been turned, over; the apPeal the case. Meantinie the • mar- •Pr.- oc'ese is repeated. The result .507 inch - ,tied .pattieware said to. be living together,- - and inthe iuteritubeyjXt the appeal* and the block - : the next judiment may feel rather in an They. are :assorted, - The 'Cost of a First-teass New York•ltrite - • 74. iritin.dering _17;renieust- ' A..-Now•York.despatch says; Afire o natingin "Messrs. Covert &Aker's bo Warehouse, at Nos: 71, 72, 73; and 74 S Street, and 162 Maiden Lane and DePey street, as one of the Most destruo that has occurred : in the city for seV years: The building,.kooivn 71 Sc street *as inclosed in one of the angle Messrs. Covert, Aker & wareho which- were -avei stories Mes Covert, Aker & Company occupied all buildings, with the exception of the office 71 South etreet, of john R. MoOrew of Messrs. „Moorewpod &. Co.; mercha and Messrs. Frank & Jno. A. Grim _Importers -of teas and East Indian pied The buildings ran west eighty feet. In basement of 71 -South atteet were sto high -wines, and in the basements of 72, -74, ;were stored free goods and tobe worth. $30000. The .other floors w packed With silks, cigars; tee,- spices Beet 'India -products - to the 'value r§1,500,Q00. On the contents - of 71 :so street, being - worth .from 0700,000 $900,000, there was bill insurance on - the building and contents. There was del :in getting -out after the-cilatin, and i engine tardily; responded. The :magnitu • of thedangerto property:, in the • beildi and --,."the 'neighboring- Ones were se and two -mere &terms Were Se • . out. ' It ' was ten minutes :befo four- engines were - at work,. as tlio that should have conie to swell the nu her to more than- a:dozen Were . at Broadway .;fire. The . building - was sttongly. fastened lip that it took .11 •rainutes to force the front door of 71 Sou street. 'Then the building was full smoke,- and the air was so het that no fire - Man could live in 'the narrow alleyways,and operations had to be conducted from antsicle. A tremendous explosion,- . is supposed of gas,. shook -the building - and blew out the windows" of the second floor. After damage of a millien dollars had been caused, and the firemen had Worked. two hours, it was - thought the fire. had been got under centrol, but suddenly - immense sheet .of flames. burst forth, and 71, 72 and 73 Smith street were entirely destroyed, with the building on :Maiden Lane.- A: large quantity of Indian -shawls, wines and liquors, and an inimense quantity of tobacco. were destroyed. Several adjoining buil:huge -badly damaged by fire and Water:: The loss is estimated . as high as §3,000;b00. The princjpalIosers-are W. F. Milton & .Co., Wetmore, Cryder & Co., F. Gareia Antoine Gonzalee-„p. dc R. Solomon; *hose loss is estimated at 30(*),600 ; and - Clement; Herdt- & Co., Whose loss is said to be Woo. A fireMen has been- arrested on suSpiCion of trying to break - into one of safes. • - - rigi- nded cnith ster tive eral uth s of uses, srEI. the 13; in ood, nts, old, 13.00. the red 73, coo, ere nd of uth to th ay' he de ng en nt re I80 a so ve th of pencils. ..A particle of 4uartz in Would break all the pencilzi." pointed la grindstone -.turned awkward fix. It is hinted that the clergy and _sent to wii..-14.„.t,t-Azi boxes of a bunclred.--- of the Reiman CathOlie Chureli offered, to Tree Ti" • blessthe- marriage of the 'lady should_ she- consent- torernain in the Chinch; and -41!4.--b-T '-‘`' `1-1 '4'1°D PAInkt alie refused However this may -• • public will look -forward to the d Monseigneur the Roman Cath • of Montreal as his will be th this conjegal romance.. RAVAGE. (§ C./notch &lei -Vice* co A Ng* _ eveniwr 3, o'clock, ix. hair 'r..aoh.311-$4., -All brethren °dr - i _ - • • , Secretary. Sherwood Court. 0.0. F., NO. 50 ONT. Tv - 4.13 tel_e Firet •tn-li,;.1 7,35, PL - eeeee TILTS OdURT third f-; n I s i:-everv- ie Tittroperan(," FLAIL, 11:-Iri'4,„..-nt pkyaea.tteutt. . • aciNTYRII, :11 Per' Fly athazne. Sam, T.459 -twit freq.. Addreais s ,t),. Pertinid. - JHI F-4, D . . vitALTE.;-t-riR.-.--fiAvard- . Aka lial t4tti ik..-4; 4U'il ice,:qp, ..1..E ti<iad. 44 larkvana. .- -Szneri.„.r.S•6eck el- Gr34: P- A L tVG Eli I ES eyeryttd tbe larder -of a ;Atli etee bf form the . I e- it -117,e fekiailfgeatralltill- fty, r„ ne th4 iserviqes of.a, 01""1 -1 -?-,1/2 • 01' ' -1,;,s1 t • 1:‘,AH • MI LER &pet' wig .rry en -eel heshess wit!j t te, '1,1( .)y• tueunie „vied griste qn ,e„ pgreeage fruw •p ie. Aid Isof a P.. IN AND SEED - a cOnitantly ou hand. sts• Daiverod. say- Part at .fit TOWN I roperty . i. 6 ittst. 621 per -;:ent,aecora- ,$) tile :.t.uur ity fifere.:: .e.iie d(.( )V. Will -tie " aueri. ou_ atilt Lerma to suit the J3t.riqwer. _,-)rreiporktience $,,3 , ee cheezttily answelea .vitnout expenm, or fur.,:ter p triii...ulare ,iplityli.,... .-. , . . - . • JOHN GORDON, • 4t)71 - St. P. 01 MONEY TO 1.tiiut. . . Art FIRST OL4SS AigETAPES at 7 ti t per ewe. interedt yay aide 3 eayly, ' ROI -MET NIU1.141A.Y, St. Wit -Jai. Secreta!y plihe-43, est Wawauosh Alutoal Fire Todnrance- Company, nothing but fa Flu nropertyineured, Parties...1k ishing to insurc In this prendar.farnterscempail in the town' •,,bitYp.:of Colborne,: Asidield, Eizst and ‘Ved't %Sri/mm.1'64h, ginlOss, arbd 'town by sendihg Pr.st Card to rue will be calledOu and every forynatien given. . - ROBERT- Vfel ens 1), 0. TO- ..1.1.1A1 it, eliarges very moderate. - 4 lip y _ • kir 0 NET TO LOAN at, 7 per - cent., froth Lt...11L to 20 years lists of raruts for sal, Ontario, as well as years, ' Parties ee- airous to sell fahus; will consult their interest.' 4e:inspecting the aciveitish.r, feeilities ef sub - 3eriber in Great firitain•and°11.e.i. Id and, c6n- cirieut_of lauds for able; . • . US STLWAI.t-}.'r. 'Land Veheitor. lineknoW _If 1. Ont. &ION EY Ti) LOAIN At Greatly, Reduced Rates rIERIdt Or' REPA.-YM/I:NT '1'0 :WIT a..ewhere. Agent fr./ fir.t-eless IITSITRA.NCE COMPAILIZ'S berrower... See My ratesbefore bereol-rteg. 0E011 LI. N Trana-AtIftglio Mail Steamers-. Tickets for Liverpeol,London, Glasgow., and all pinitte 01 EnraPq.-4 low as any other arst-elress.1 . line. , -..egilAlea Agent for liestty.Litte ofStoamers tvwek,a1,47etst.:af,et;e7vinu,:_Peg...c:anAdmar%PoziinatLe.W..ss., at • thoo4:***-,.`Tal4 - A .-TABLE--liOSSIP., -At ZWieken---- -Saxon • --'--- 8 &VG 1 . , cured a very short-sighted mare of shying. How many poor aniniala have been beaten on account of a natural iii-the-eyee-_ _ _ •. -It is -said of "the travelling woman" of the nineteenth century that she neither sings nor plays; that she is-nsuallYeingle, not -often young and seldom very old: - - LA traveller for the -H tf d' 1" - ex of tines says , that sunlight on a faded carpet, or even -on a bare_flOor,Iii prettier thari__the richest, most unfaded_carpet.thatean-bebongliito cover. the flaor of a -dismal room. • . _ . . :-,-.13allot boxes in -which each ballot was e pitied around a_glasecylinder bymeansof a crank, whieli also. rang a bell and recorded the vote, were used the recent -Eoston Tale :ClitleCIIYA.RD: It- NI.,ED-. -: „ --- Gkoetly-_Visitauts to an liftit4 Sh lanrial- ----__ • --- - : -:Place. . , - -choking -soiled or the ;Whooping Cough (London Telegtaplio'' . which is well -named. 'This feeling of 'pain-. : - _ is increaled-- When it is ' known that it is In the county - of - Stafford,:about two unnecessary for any child. to have this „ . Mileenerthwest Of Endley :an - one .-thile disease for- More than a feW..hours -While _ '_, from :_. Sedgley, lies the village.: of Lower- _Dr; Wiledifil PulmeilatY.Cherry Balsam- is - Gorrial..•-..This place-rduring t ; last few at. hand. This celebrated- . remedy .for weeks been in, a. State of at eteite--1 throat and lung diseases lies had a rennet*, mei:it,: in consequence of eer b. -rumors able. history in the miiiiber of 'wonderful being prevalentthatghosts wore to be seen' cures Wade • ki it.. In the most obstinate _Walking. about St., James' --' urchyarci, -cases it .only requires tobeused, with judg,_ et. J. Y. Rooker, the ,vicarOwo:yea-,ts nien.t to destroy the seat of the disease and - -Ago- ;Year .fired at and badly ifitured, and this being -effected ;there •is no need for - eyeral ',persons who...knew M.4 ROokeni alarth. - lut ' it is always better to attack - Wotild.--be -• assassin -asSertecl et - they the enemy on his first appearance- than to lia,d -seen -hint lurking, ebb , while Permit him to tale -up &strong position othete declared :that :fig 'es had before any effett. is Made td dislodge him: been observed - walking, -up: . 4' down :-- . --. - he fiifiil --yard, - perforining Slit kinds , of : A Aievement is On foot in Birmingham, tringe antics. In consequeftc -: of -these England, for erecting a Monument to John . . persons Bright'. It in proposed thaNthe monument Whooping -vtaugh-. Nothing is more painful than to hear the niunicipalreleOtion. • t -Speaking of ooneertsrthe-Loridon World says - that handeome ytiting woznuuaziy en statements a large number _ o take so long to dress for their appearance became so terrified as to deal that they should not be put clown :for' the that on no amain:it would they ' beginning of the programme:. " - '' : * the churchyard after dark,' anal -If youhavea poor memorY iiiii-are. eited.werethe female mernherg unfortunate, but:with -,_111-1 you -----r f6egetting +h 4'.-. .refused to ge to prantie Jet a kindnene and aLieim-be-the lad th** tinleseeome - en aceompanied . . . v e- openly shall' consist Of: a ;colimin, 'Which shall.rlier_ .--.- ilk near the highest of its kind in. the conntty, and " o fright.: that the finds -shall - be .provided by ,.- a --„ the -Oho* national iiiibscription, also that -the feuda- - ';-- .. • . at night titat *. Stone --shall be laid -On thci 1:0th --of . .' . _, . hein-- hit A.ugust, 18-32, when Mr. Bright_will-. have _,' forgotten.-•-•irReineirthor:_thp_laa. wile hair: -Pre ection. The police have -1) U. caned-. been meznber at :Parliatnentfore Bir-mring..., - helped: icinrithen - put were •in- tiouble,- -upouta-inquire-intothetrutli-e e riith- lienafor equarter Of a centdry. ; :- .. rememberliin addreSe-40n. ataY- need -him, but tfiCY have Iiiit ill'iini.WaY htitil Success', _ No poisonous drugs 'enter into the*.coni. -. gain. •----_-_-_-•-- ' .. . . _--_-„...„-_-r ful in solwng the mystery. ' - ---7--------' .* ' • ' • " .........1cAlwing that r position of -Carboline, '-a- deodorized extract * • • ---,--tlitzs •(.S1,1 A Iii;ratBE.B.:.• -:, ..i. --------- the Vicar had been permanentli in3uted by. of petroleum, the natural hatir- restorer and. r . me_st,ratidefitrrofwi i-a-tb-et-==.------- a...former- attack; a band: of "'rating .--i'"ett :dressing as now iniproVed.. end - perfected, f'7' Isle:rival liath haeaveilne_diene er ; • ' - pledged ilterflgelVel3 AO WatChl&a.d ' hitiie_t *-.1.t lithe: perfection of the -chemist's -- art; - -And thrivethln--winti3r ancriti-Mber. :Yet he neter rekig,_ns , • - • - • TtAcrtikktbe-world-e'er-nealigne.„ .suatinitry punisliment Cil` any pgrgen found klict will, beyond . -a peradventure, -restore .. - :the hair on bald heads: attempting to attack him or hisideiily On h hia`billstraiglitway reaches/1m /-4ting ° e firit.nit nrotnvie iotfn thhe:oetvlioelittinterse,anedt: •That depIetee-your exchequer,_ niithe Seelle to take his share ill: gieWateh:. Would eqpip_a three-de_gghmh yer= ing not being recognised in he derk,, Ancr,l_make you most s.wftilly cry Was raised that he .was,.- the guilty • • P. S.--_The„--1ibTalatim_ i_ncleilf*t--zumnd-their individual, and it:was only hYge4ling the gold wataliela and---diainiond_ringli-to us, carei -garden Well andgetting into ti* hick of a -blisineg.413ELee"-:-• •- ----L.. T----:-.-----• -----. , house that he weeded -hitt &ratters.. an --The telegraph was first exhibited in Saturday - evening, Nov:: 26th; voices were Nett -Ye& forty-four years ago, At Ilie heacl.iii- the vicarage garden, andlthe:police present time the Westetirtioli---operettite were sent for, but. no-perison Oilp. be---dis;:„ 356,006 roiles-of::-Witethe-:=Arnited Stats, Covered, although every-,- .' *het . was ands,_good'inany thOuSinet1811-1-08,114dak: --' sear9hed. - In a r yard at te biok of the ',---It is *mid_ erstood-thaf,=_s,inew,_ map ----at house tnere voices Were. -.heat --Aii, tl 14. the CanadkIPaicifie-liailway is -being pre, Rooker, upon going out, was : ,,Ad by a pared hy-tke-RiiilwaLys_ancLCItPilipart- . . . _ ment; Ottawa. It '-wil'ehotethe abilh-dened-- . mati_? who Cried out; " Yon.have-46Me to kill . . r e vicar, have you?.:: I've -•swkei to take _portion- of phe_olct-ro---"ei-_-_afid_new ineVeys. 'Your lifec-You-villaini said I'll --.16.- ,..._ quick." taken . , p. _., :i.__ _---'' : . t —7_27--L-L-,_ : - - -L _-_-,,,,:4:::... - -Lights being produced, the rev. ' tleman'i -Rev. ---- _ _ 1- ---;---z-----,---_------- istiallent Was found to -be & neiihtbr, who A.iiente Church.LondOn,inannOuncingthe t(lobara_Gaet-Qt7the--quee-n's- !lad'been drint[ingln kiOW04* -Se. The r-• -entertainments from the pulpitfor the week, idea stated that lie-intendeclturtiingover a -neW yard cannotis _haa*i: ire ddls.paenIdleto .8thhnewt tt nal,kiehunrde, of leaf at -the c °se of the year and, Would, superstition which exists it Mayft..a- stated leave all such to bo adverteea thrniigh the :III'S?' wc'mall' Ei`fe*: niglitil agdlielliart; turf four live in -?god was ease in tity can- tlitf were put under . the . communion t and him who„iese_fortunete-thanyelirselk -all,pvied- tei: remain four days, ... , 1.401Toe. hie children- all that can:be-hatight4or the :-' ----‹ occupies .nuich time in trying tobbtairifer--.:4041disappear 044 be laid at resi foz.ovet,;, little -Money that -helms.= ---- _Tr -7T•- -_ ------- <--- ''--- • ------a---- .414; _. . .• , ---_-_-la_--A-Pstralia,--Ch-rietinas is a -inicli-is ni---- - ,„,_.---POVEDTY- AND . DIST mer day, *and Arts._ _celebration na‘ ust varY. ----'ziliat.:-povertY which prodnees: ver in '11-f -- : -- — ' • * • proper* _niediurnthe neviii-papers.- Gaetihas_aleVeI heed. --The -nail wile* has. a' nige-n_un(7_6f money to expend for Christinaii-r-getarid of it in a shorttime-,--71nit the man-who.!_zlia* only a -dollar stome times must tale hours to make his-purchases,-Dedicit-find fault . - - 9 vicarage and requested: Hooker to permit her to cut • inches square from. •a particul the churchyard, in which she- a -a-young than who could not lie his grave in consequence of a science. She stated that if the4 a_ in the__Xotherland of istress is not of the purse • of the -the -.Aultraliaii :71-11------Zanaite:;- :Deprived of its richness comes _though the day isigeneralf_y_blood. associated with scant----eknd -waterY, - a. conditi , armed a bracing -atinostiliereria-:ranneY---Bk-7-1-':alla aiiehzia in medical -writings. 0,fgen tilts snotV-covered over -which sleighing: -teneitton, and .scrofuldue Sweiltnis greaten - and glide, m the ;MUSIC- of the martyr eoree.;-gazieral-and nerYonedebilittkr ose of sleigh bell, thiii----yeeVen-the--.7-nortlitrii- sores, ind appetite,_ *64 iung-si it0,...t. .ths_ .biekvioode will -hays- to be- content With eerie,: spitting of bloodandeOnsitotionare - A CEtRisTitAs=ls -NIT. 7 --7-i=7.7------ eliffeter-frain thin, poor bleed .e jbley Dr. ___ , • . Has circled to the happy:Ohl- The seasouspass, but one thiu- ...oth abide,. ----'ic whh-etiricii-0 the blood aud Otes these bare ground. . - . .• . . - ; -• ' - '.. . -- among the eothmati reenits..: If!, . .11 area Once more the Year'on.,wiug-:,-_-.4-andzirief Pierce's-----ei_c_Goldenl .Medioal_ ;,Dikeioyery;" b Andlove-and faith defy the_falling-leat , "-- -gtive-affectiona., Itrivito than Not even Tinie, the sleepless, --envious thief - • -ood-__liVer oil and is harmless in gal condi.. ., . . . . -demote hut7 „. , . Of hunian joy, .-stiatc the hope Vie hde. -,--- ii cif thetse; 3What theea wi—. btifeyaidcit_ton yntyetPWerfll' to cute. .N.nd sofe besethy-niabyTa sunken-r-eef-.- . II .Lb, er „ate- !_here are winditljatbraw•from--Heaven's Own --R. eftin-- n a @term° ' '•'- " • -. -, .eitich wili etti,ere are pethwaysin_thetrackleim-seas -.:': ---.....6firopos Of the .love Of ZOrksitir then for 1 , nly Love'siclear,"eyes can surelylnow ; :e* .bOttni-g,---a.-.S.,h*1111 (En land) -pite e .4,11(..il t.t.a ly Festiva -of Peace- - F. " - • -- , %lade, th.ouglr tidos -,-3reettlevringster3 : Sheffieldealnititer; Iu the evening -,noted---for:his long -seri:eons, wasitratified to: find two 'liotoriotir- bettingz tnien in - VIM -f-Y. b1; :Lists all' bs-efte-aee4° a W911.- th the el.-3ra% he 'Auld not „ urch three Sunda,, --skin euccessiiiii. Like ft r had t...est#'41, 8, eoneeieh tiOUS .CatiVnba Of ishioner. So .he.called upon hirrukHaticl found , .„.est in his g s. The teeabhei- LL "• ble metropolitan-0litician uiluittstand it all';buthe -theugh!-- it his d was- a grt Stle as, . . 8,4 eitt prePal:04 aws.kene - late one duty to inquire into the Nlhang4 which fittg the regent -gamPaien- after had defile over One of thein; Wto will a par- district-" Mary, a largefumbler - and - t e smug. I lie chair *tali .a quarter of a pint of I tile lemon-juiceandaliiint the pi tsideti t, ▪ _ittersi And 11.1i See if I can he Vice di it, ex:i'anitr--P2a10 the !" . NIL ck„,. melit:rd-y. A Purwsities of every large puzzle-a-pre:teller. What doyoumean?' expressed pleasure seeint Aim in nliuroh,*t_loreat- the. parishioneri4aWid heartily, and-iiii-d-he was -glad; 00- for he did a good stroke . of business thitt timet goo stroke ofilinsinessT,repeitedl the • . • - . '1y about the holiday sea-. 'Mean! Why Ve ,quid no:lee-1 3Lesik at.the.girls young man. to rthet:---yeteulci--gaT-on for 'forty ite-e-ve wt.st wawa,/ s pursuit agreeableisminutee-every-time. ° y n 'w ic bee '0104.6.tLiU you - Wek•.ster, •Reel -p Aslifie rapty- With- 'whieh 1 -41e-re -is no -trouble- ' .. in. , .irlimenaosto. . V!.:-,..loteritiz-l'il z i.t el/ : it" te'ljf : .L. ue!cii,k-i4 -1-..•0 18 his.,.001,identiao-a;__ ___L•Ks.....E.,_.:P. :S.contr--(WOlitigtein,- NA:: S.yi ' -1.-)ett,..idetit of thp'Turtii5efdria 'noon until dui* writes: ". I haamoCheen---,ib._19,---tO * " for ., 011.11 t. tat. -..4716,..6.,ii, ; vr.0.- ,:, - Giii,voune: 'pan Pia4-7b.i31--11.\*-11 Ot-nlhe_Orkilt.nbe.O00/teg:no... .5011. tiludee00,L"3411. Orlit!it..batoi.:33,8 . . . ... ....4 i , .. _. :ronghfares,- - Every. _ •-. - • :- ;3 ,-,:ii II A iliti I °eh 4" ;Li& tiiie, li-:4 Pr°c,40 . to inveg-- ' , th,.._. Thisi.144renia. S-1. i�1 --e119417-1100.41-. , s hr,hut,s. Geo. 810134 daitha • - Sturgeon t. 1 •- • ' a 're Y' CtirrieSite Jainee .D1 elets4eeP-78 e not -do this e-euree -er iati :j):reths.21, J !,11 1, Jau,40Pon, A. ...'nanis chief soak Ur and 18 of grea e i Thos. lierlin,je? -gazing loneandl • .0n Easter Monday, 1203, the whole of England was laid under auinterdictinterdict by the Pepe. - _ churches were closed and no services allowed, save confession, absolution, baptisin and adibinistratio11 the viatictim at the point: of death. No .--- niairiagee Were to he celebrated, bodies - Were buried" witheut- honor, The King -retaliated by seizing property and lands of . the Church. . The interdiot remained for -1, six years-. ' - J. O. Call,- Carlisle; Ont., writes: I -hate used Dr. Wilson's: .Anti -bilious- ,and -.Pre- serving Pills; 'and find thein the beet „ ever used for that purpose. My lamily do net have to 'pay dectors' bills since vee_used theni._e A Entail lot of live-- western - quail was Shipped from 13:oaten on .Saturday Liv- erpool for aceliinatiiation in Yorkshire, : - Eng. -• • As atonic and nervine for debilitated women nothing._ surpasses Dr.. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription." • By droggittn. -- . On Decent her 29th Gilbert and Stilliven's comic opera; " Patience;!' will. receive ' 200th performance at die Savoy Theatre -London and rits : 100th: at the Standard Theetre,.Nrew-rotk. _ • • .- One _ ThOile 8 .1.alptoted , Horse and Cattle MC: _ Was -0 Dee. 7th -shipped to the model Parra • - where it as been.largely:fed for the Past three te-IF.- The feet of th3 free - and c - years- :• - - 00tinually in creasing-1.1Se of our Fbed at an.Instoution where things are -never doge at -raticloni, but where experiinent and investiga.tien aro always made . With the uteiositare,land on scientific prineipies, we -shenallow to speak for itself. • For sale by dealers everywhere.Ilalanfactork John IStrtet South,• ' Hinnaton, Ont. . , , . - ir.tt6.1viEmrc itt.,uc)thrit . • ee ISM set au a: VIM liM_ A -- „ , .4::::. e 1°' ;” ' - 4tf i , /ii, yt- .4.4 - , ::,..,,A,L., , • • II . I k :::::::prtr6mRaptooinni.::ffrkee. tua(iArtm7y,). for Niavitmsttess in ALIPits stages, -Weak Memory -LoSvof Brain Power, .BelCus.1 Prostration, Night - 1:1eW6.snweile:etetairt, Itii: PX:u7i ir i nv 'sf:e-i- clae 1 ill S'i:sd .1'. ht Phi: ; 8 ,1 .1)L!. Sdi 3- ° 7-ltandi:t l repairsR1 WI eeaatt , ok I i• Sr N9t ree5esrsnv:9117 ds " ' ;BoarpeniSdatiaiS:iingtiPSreiraSiCil::PS:de7a:kilalint_:*lt141:11.11:t8tain'i;t1;i1' .:. -Genekative oxg:nlisd. ' - The etZie,Fstihof6;' • - ' dt a arduins thpaxe ctihdelialpEttvtliksi.,:ie .e,-:.ittre- II.. z -(171V,thinith: Irialle7:ilti.,:. si.c. -1...e./ >ce.e..1intie druggists p, Mal t"no. ioatta-eta"1, or will -W -_ - .. I - . • W. tint t;r2.4rreeittl,i._ dun ,iti sneak fr-iie Utz e4. i -re 1 tuniz well (..1j:,t))11. ..111 kftre a-cclue:‘.1ini:te-r-ii:- 11.1 its great atrength, it being too :6\-tTaL:31(111::11:34-u-°11'11:a.e.- Amveritl-61‘1r j'1.1:;111...e-l141111gfs1111.11':118:!`114 jttr:1•"1-1.re' and other sirnjlar diseases. Its • o t tie plc 11. P. '111' j: R g; 't•sity • J. - (3 'lker8"" t°{4C - have - - a w t r. 414163'--- 'Gen ,1 - •vy MeDui 1-4 .u.lttemoth. -17a IICS ic ,i5k ft ' it • . think t hat 1.%.14.. Sill 11 Volt LI) W P telesis• 101011. ri'rt eKei . - uoun- . 0. =-Tife-Pitt-shirg......_--7-. oar „Oils :bawl • _ - _oy.s4e.r 'At11.8f rc..wr • W Alitisiii011." • - •' 8-6 OA vottr.. ' ' 1 LeLn fl'UL : 1t 144 inVt4: a 11, you;,---a4d-shad. , , " (& On 41 re 0 f th: a w.at-co-,- y tplIc to oo it, item- •Lier ttie • 1:1%Lii °14.-0firo7--i.1_21.reli_1,etatYP3IF.:7241:fy---„1:k.-P:4-i-'),.::::.::: album, A .,e , , ti large natal -Jot. a otheff.- titructjons the chatnum called - tittkoi• eyriling exprAmed-r The .eh'e-rir_itu Crinii; ono and Giiiier; A, liaGrot- - - ------64.1'111.1-1011i=4112,:he--:bleiteri,:lix1rAti• ' ;that l'ailespatr lito*It. wait /tot _ tit • tit' tiito liittr als el:Aiiiiittt- writiu , -.:7_-.:- -1,, - _rfel,14.1i-s!ii_k_Prialleriy.- i_..-.b4kolf,af tiA fa doubt,- K.14rtze nittabet_el -;!' -tr---inilte_aud iliyeialf--I ugaun .than , '.8,0.."1141.1aultoti bY. au sob treas. 'ro Whit the Pratatior had to lay' 0 . . tf?r ilia p•Tpose of 4- . np oce840,A.814: „Shall closeliy- saying that shall litd. 1-jah 'atm gar I •