The Sentinel, 1881-12-23, Page 8Gt cm the publicOsaka hire-: hand a - LASS ' STOCK F. Linea osE* stun' tales Misses' and dab been The dc's a o • A a `` e soon aoW Children's Boots. �t�h is'iiayYuri p"ati :tti • • - .. Pori*at our Liye:lino: his -"really settleslits Weary tyith vain r h C1,iSB eegeoittlly' hia Pcrr things that Weary with countible &. Whet&&1�tockBIl;oot The graves ie met '.Iopened the ooko Br Auer i its pages. rel<purohrleing elaawilere What one of the grail. < In. Lii�iet of trouble s, '- • is a12r1I2g a Specialty. heard, 'like a voice , The royal singer's a ' Of, faith in Eternal stock sold at --and tinder Teo treumph.avet R:. - The .la,� /gay- be wild But rr�. pati • ' And r x l eut trustdueTliea f! 9C13di2 8.. auianrhrr the-gg - Of light at -: - - And la! ins I. read the. So dear to the wear I saw tb Clouds of au Tait: yytutainsawinf And jt.sheined like a That 4ouched illy e As L., ac,ui the souse:_ lZepealting_the awed CQRD()-N: WEST E� INET oosition, is determined that he • ILenamrkial.Ic� dibrtuta. Con umamptis td leo (a T- cc -clammiest. NiVo to .Awaat �C 0 V SI. Iiisfesama i :L 'I.eucr to T ` •1 1 O Cuurne -• A desp`i,t€ tl'. fr*i. •Bostcend will sell his 'Meats -at mused_ l rn.: ' aver the gK _ or trot ,toy 'be? .1 cud -r . ` that snieide doult}' / Pric s ! bilrty; • retort in s, less . epi# thanl any anyone in town. arro-wsw'hi, h. alit geo : - at men in thisw a • this city:—'a ins -1 patrons may rely upon itthat. friends, liosseee. tc .e; there rash be a lowering in ` ter, stromal;=� sari s, prices, there will be s honor,- ail retro. I=. • . - - . ' quiet, re*ei�vedt'g •.owermg in QualityI ng in,z, , came to• a. cr a 1. coolly • o.O 5_p " nothing but good meat. art. of dais ` nd. f - I - _....__ -but*this • ac$dese ' attention ' T.IIi . : that_ Gordon keeps the,. Batnuel P''.. ,x - a . a lengthy exterienoe helms found that t� estate ilphap - Meat Supply iu- Tows, and _inde. health. V informed sumptiortY ' cat dow father r papa _ ear . cc P . ,.. , sttay.. P ? bef- chG: _ gre whr met- wl' th fo ,1 cad- 21oi 10 . 174der304 meat .DelIvet+ed ail - Parts - of the Pillage, on Shortest Notioe. Campbell and 1I'avebok streets:' • .cue Wieheato inform the public of the fact that notwithstanding the great demand for h$e liVAGOPINN CLU2ISG�BR, _ P - AETONS,:.:_ and;:BUGGIJS. Se et311baeea splen d; assortment remaining They are all mann ure,d by thoroughly compet nt work -o well -seasoned. _ Li>nDhi aad_ia,the latestand moat I ; .fashionaibie' designs. - He also desires to cal attention to' the fact that ' he has secured Sole Right,: -of t b e village of to ow, to manufacture the SEAM11110...-PATENT NASOL: A iris - n eotion of • P blah '� will . n ince the 00 9 tilos taC sceptical o cal f i s: superior _ being P r merits Pe Lighter, Simpler and more dnrablls 'than than the one in comnnon nee, ' . And whichonderful to relate- - • will be sol at the" nnpre- - cedentegr nrioe of $80. - 00` ` o10000000000000000000.00000000000000000000000'00 01? sLE' tio0000QdaciiibOt700000h000 <` 9 s aref handsome in appearance,reuonable eay._way suitable for winter wear:-. a o nethi prioi The with yo HORSE SHOEING And General Blau thing. Repaving and rabic lining will executed ;with neat- - news, cheap" ensand'despatch. ' - NALD MoLEAN - Lucknow July. 14. T- ELEAVEN, _LICENSED L1iCTIONEER. - Parties havinisale will do well -to gibe hitt a` oe1L Highest Ca"si Price . Paid for; taxer. • • - Resider e_ Wflleug by Street, opposite Method! t Chnrah:. - •JO. 1� TRELEAVE T. Lucknow,-August 28th.1881.: 9 - GRAY"- . 8 TRADE'tUMARK.T13 Oita An' cur 5,1 Spe I and- Before nd" BeforeT„1`„.tlia • f '�seq e A. use; as Ions of- I hide-,-Pain-in the - .Premature old age that, lead ta tnsan Premature 'Grave .iur pamphaet, whi byrifail to epefp o cure -is -sold -by all age, .orsis packs; e free by mail on?: ; dressing' -• Documents t• VIC MEDICINE TEs -TRADE M RK.. IMEDI.- ufailing r. Semin- aka ess, torrhea, - tency, Diseases 11ow as a A A. ceafSelft Marv, Universal, Laisl- k .-bimness of` 'Visiaon, d; many -other Diseases or Oorisnn ption and a Full :particularstin' h we .desireto send f Speuifio M ggists of 81 per pa for 85 or will be _s i t of the money• by e THE AT MEDICINE tiO.0 Toronto. Ont.. Canada 'Sold in Lu.. • ow by all druggists nd every wherein Ca a and the 'United States_ by v,11. wholesale ea d retail druggists. nr own town. Teiina u fit free. ,' Address, H. id, Maine. d - tit d - RAWas week nd -$5 ALLETT. 'Por • tew Village. and: Park -Will be- Sold ou terms sditable to the times. A register of Farms for Sale. 4A8. SocaERYI LLE. Luckhow. Money - to Lol Onf Real Es4 te, at reasons le rates. on to s of to payment suit Borrow ; rs: E P tOT .: TRAV R .OFFICE " ext to:Post:Oti ce • new III t71stel:Coats els ant in - 80 1(3 la arra and warm materiel, and well got np. IE I tFROM. BRAZIL) ” 3 'I'ie Stew :Compound, .iia w,r desfal affinity, the dppairatas and the Liver_-, Yacsees ting the disSOaVin Lridesi: rate., �_ - w'�,.. ,. -' �. - itcdi�t - y.- ..rata -. ` �_.biie' tit-iifD : resflit8 oiDys -. epsi_aadigestion; t?t28b@rg.. , �:� • and: the. .= .Zopesa an every day necessityZti 9ve2y house.: - , - %It acts gen and -epee • Bitiousness,,-C'otiveness, Hest Abbe, -Sick 8ea dache, Distre ss ter Eating, Wind on the Stan ac Heartbru ,Pains in the Side Back, Want ofAppetite. Weat_ai _ Energy; Love Spirits; Fobxi Stow achr; It invigorates the Itver, cam - -.des off all -Sarpias=bile; regalatea the Bowels,- and'gives tone to‘- tree oriole system. Cat this, out- and take t to. yowl Draggy;�t-and get a lO-cent,3ampler ora largebott,le for 75:cents, teZi amour neighbor about es are going _r C-ime.early-aud bring the- /OKA& LUCKNC • • • THE; 1\TCYVT --is now in ` r: ETTER-RUNNING ORDER than ever it was before.-We-havepnt in a• new1'Engi re-aad a new -Planer . and ha ebarhanled all the rest of the -Machinery, . and are now prepared to &) 3� gI I, KI TD :of , WORK in the BUIL DING We bare also on hand -a large Stook of d - t, Seal ng, soned. -Lumberand,BDoorarnEs,avSasheTro,_; uBlindsghingMoEtcu House ., .ROLL APiDBBAPOD SA /ill G y _ •STAIR:-SUILD1 A SPEC•1AL T ;i; (*hems r veeril before puivhasingeleetwhere, ISTIE -e 0 .9Z17341,14 Hos oonstantly on hand a well aseortefl gl o.ok. - LeDIES', MISSES • CHILDREN'S, and MEIt' `BOOTS Several different' lines of ZEN'S FELT ' BOOTS: Call - and seethem before: purchasing .where. - r LA IES' OVERSIOES and RtfRE R.S. MI.SSES':OVERSHOES and`RURBERS (CHILDREN'S OVERSHOES and RUBBERS.: MENS OVERSHOES and RUBBERS. SELLING AIREBcNABLEPRICES • Calf Skin:Mite,; Deer Skin Mits.- `cud. Fur -Nits made_: to order. Manufacturers -cg--- Haryest Mita, :wholesale and retail. Corri . ``... ARS WEB- CO!b t, W, DTiZ A63 for purifying the Blood. - It baa been to use for 20 years, and hue; Droved to °be the beat praratlon in the mar -et for SIOB HEADAckIF., PAIN IN. THE BIDE OR :BACg, -i tV R COM=- PLAINT PIMPLES ON THE- FACE`. DYSPEPSIA; PILES.--- and all Diseases' that arise from a:Disordered. LLoerror an impure bloat Thousands of our, beet • aytneto� ;t sad: r it t o tat ei who useit ouee rreecoma. ' � Itis made from :Yellow Dock.. auric; raw Sarsaparilla; -•Wild. Cherry. S Dandelion-,, Sassafras; Wintergreen Wirer avell•knowi a valuable. Boots and. nH-.- Itis strictly 'vegetable, and -can- the most delicate conetdtution.- 471."Oa��the- best mediein d in use for $IL le sorties Bowels. t - 41 responsible Qirn age: at one dollar for: aqbow' tits bottles for five dg. °,° Those who CapM'LK-brain g_ this medicine' from':-' send us one dollar., W.:olDt9Toir a co.;` What fe -it? The --beat Machine :Oil 1. world ; is Manufactured be McColl Bros. I:o. Co.; Toms This Oil, under the severest test z nd-tbe bRst, active competition, was awarded throe o &"tom`. ]�fghest orkei in 1880, namely, To/na:air-' d"ustrial Exhibition; First Prize Piovhistad Exhibition Hamilton ,• hold Medal ;, sde tri*- Dominion Exhibition, (» awa, Silver Medal - Fanners and othere runnilig machinery fivnt! sate popney and mpthinew ty using LawiirrX 44ak; yopr:merchant for itaad-take nr oda*, : -.