The Sentinel, 1881-12-23, Page 577M�F: �77� F
7', Y1
4 -::7
00 said- L�MP -HA
Hiia C _q;;
yatifideri-but ii��y
... . ... ---
alie I-�-Bpk& g
YOUDg. g' _d
Wdt-*ithill.. h- Ir Wag if -ill.
-ling - U e �$6*n �61f, R J:fulj�j PU019tv County
-7.7 t on the
f �fl 0'rWe'ti
Cry -r 0
o WX aw -calling
ties.: 1
&-trip Without St. Jacdbs Oil-, ii I- d6 -n adds Wv �nl&u for -out ap ille �Passecj the
0 boycott.-,,
_hOrrijjjW -h ii the -new alWs are e
�.J iee how I-cau get v�lofig.wlthout 01 over 010
whiladelphia Record.) 'St. Jacolis Oil has been eadoiae4 rieted, and the
W Who OW THE-' WORLD WAS MADk. alterationg
I not h
sonfa Of. national reputation, Wh6 we -fien cfjmans� P -and, dworation.--corapl.t.d
-Wil in,- his se'rmon
The Nineteenth (]e- t all other Dr. 'a S- a g' the KW�holid. Now It
ur -Uri, above The Conro ery i Un �ni t,
lead their u mes if the [were not -bo uc6d oftuna 6;�-oues emerged- Y nig r4l, Wkterfbk�
a yl
V 19agligbinell �&?e -left.-
ages, has been'noted forits many- be one thel
invell- --after-their- -aft 411Y. M413Y
-has given US''the . that it, was a. duty.; tbey� -owed to au ugglb showed �"st inlrelaAd.
tiolas. It steam power in an
Mi st ne MBS:i on COUJI,t*r-JU
i1sand-told app _Wr ASH- 1- atimes-blood b H j- I -And it- 'At the
licationa; the tele- humanity they have eiperiencidthewoIf to hqu
G7r �t d- pass, as eiZ SOU Wag In
--battle ept
w1thiff-if-lives-on:&W7 a e d ittingi(foish6 Neligap -.0111111B 0
its tho derfut"effeot-of the. e rman Reine y.. dge
graph, the telephone, the electric light.- and -how - --most Ainfile 10dilm a anfavdrahl
The -ditd), that - she! cailled his onr: Ille tateoftivxonw�z,- 012.
or eaturesto k 4�Q -w- - , I I ell. - gre 'had, he said a ak
he�,�j- I he . P
sagZekies, a,11 ble -and they4alittheiffellow bUt-hit-Wherballod him Ben ford hereto
innumerable other di ssings f
the result. Wemould only mentIbu in this- e r' n
ag- o
Le ani -no e eqa
ave ' _I L 11. . Vute,'but
-hUM.qn'jtyr;- each d ely-h 44m v -
to: my bringing- U23 new Rachel, whose-
wtherel We
connection the Itt. R V� I I ' here . AV. - - atioilL
so can bag .-ciden ar. L �Agit
-he-1fifteezi miiiuteg-aft6i� recor 6d, �had -named.:-th Lu -
U The au.
_�Cur If
gurpria6s until we have beegme Rocus of Cleveland, f6r- e e i3enrohii 1139
Ohio xbellerrt 16r i ti-, d
---h L 1!�jt-wo
tomea tothe.exhibitionsof 'thei-genius,of -_it aB- I bo nds.
pagan ism Car,
ma -child-of my sojrow;!I t L 66nstifitiou:a
di eaS68*. -W-fi ra t -0 n - g I �'Xhii -
-development is tism and. kiiiare4:r 8 vfti �M-listt bu -,hW father withir I aware of fro d*
our centurythat-any nei atly.?f :, qjg �1r�, -Q , j, n�6v- --bbe . n lied him Benjam tieswere :he -
e y -right
Mma...Karie-:� a- io'L the'son -of A-
th d w
es femaler Miss rjeB, against
bbuefited me 8 rge�
con- gr- 1 1),
t g. a -In' us -en eavoring
-at- once received as a matter of natuial-' e a.
J' to per. by
f r A nou
r 3, and'- mogt- �peoplq, will simpl - I r . W - - -a I =
votti, prime, donna, wilhelnij - Concert Cifinb1h
Y ilk
sequenc( -it _L - UOUnt
set an wa i n
y, -died lately Wag Int;j
Troupe Nothing oso t1k a the,
remark - -I, told you ao.".' As'a7d instance n compare wi 'tri ;B:of Be
prompt, relia for rjhe��Ed in
as. M,
-ion to Imellr, "Tiou - 19,11211Y bUrial-place a
-were left ounvilielli4
is. falet -dd 4 -door -or.- Be4jamin 'Was
Mee. repose f he
K a calne-in�Biw this- account the best -bowmen -th - s6ut: i _80fenIn 0 r
�Of ih we w6i. )nly Call attent H -reingi A§gi,ts,t- a haDd6d here
named2' -William
that 21derfuldiacbvery St.�aeAAOIL.A York, -Post-- E 51 e rthe, 0
Wol Gelleral *SuperinteiIdmit, New 'tl
-this Grea� Germaft-��Relnedy- -of I ou
few yeaxs ago iim. �UITlillesiin-ligapd, army sraele Th Haryboi parish chur6h n
ved-all thO ig.ohamed'-foithilD (purse eing� AY- She- Was 84�
0. -1-, ell 0' years, o age; and
- -h I -Of 4, h Nond
had.- never -'been hear& of before ia this 4filf� ily- -st-tiie-ad-or; 'r6majil d, ]:I- - f
Oil and found effiquoi thenii. and
at.the'siege of, Was the last survivorzf thbs.6 01j;sI
country 'a io An&t-s ktthey�qonjd Jerusalein Titus 6p' iie& orawho
an, hardly find ready-- reli6f1or
-to4dqq you. 0 It."I oil.. -ii - 103
iomplallita� . homes a, br� a ate re atod
rheumatic c h, P to% have- Settled- at (:,,I
man, WOM -once- eac in the ortl� a Onsaughy
an i an
stek� NewYork; ieferritig to *&lit 'for- ihe'lefilanded f ter the n3cas8acre of aSt
the United States 'Sam6s; posting ti� glecL.
di -0 "trib6-t6 -h
who haff'- not used.-thd reinedyfor sonle pain an Pa"S'PA'I Oughall fhe;6thiBi trib (1�)
�rintenddnt.Wareingls report concern�.
--entwined-ifierrisel This *aSL done: i -h
or -aphe, or 16ast ba� witnessed its use -&d
Tac6bs Oil: Lconour."- - - Plri4 C. h __!Ph V6s - in' WPre'alFlughtered. A
. 'I UO.-was-
onderful effects on 'a follow- OrmltY to, Piophe6�-,-Ah - -h T' n melanChOlYfttal acci6t
d S�en its� W a -doyn�nsgil
06 a f
-ing St
Ibn 'Ohic k 6 shidke-h Ong t
-M-Bralidon Bwy. .-7TW.6
_S -itiaiti -t ' IR t.
onal -0-DuplesiiaXanager' -9. n dburt� &I
t Jacobs- Oil has-Voaama-s uati d-bad---exeeUted- th-
jp�ffillg _1.1. . 1 "'Lolij, profeisiofials' bildbi er getti& me named!., e&
r it 'N -pref�renc'e td every: 'vOUr -eon the 13'- ,thge a3
t- Chicago, a h7before��tlie -gou - 0, h
a PO4-and a' y6ling nall'i6till
ry city, toWil, BL r
-flilldK' Id rusalem
4� is known: in eve
K �JPnya p over the'faca f
amateur us. in -Ing-w red.1 ed: J7
dr Perj6ng till 'they- bf6ujht Were.-empj6yed in the- mackerel
-haveii -ge W-. 0 ate 0 the earth' er..
Wilagenudihamlet in the 18 -H 4 wef
they Geor d -6rushed-- -_- eaL
1 is:praised and�' 'to 8"L fishery�on the bky. r6 n
cosmop9lit%n, preparation, for it th It no- ce as Nortnan' :. Th ' 11.
w ened. they but *,he- Oy-, We pt - long
rn ' ing-were�outbem-� Hap�py- h u'tbey'-s'u'ccee"-'d.i.n.gettl,]]g& 7
E5q., Supeiinti\.`,qq olice, W_ -�7bf
-Am, nder -WjIIjjbjh� the take, rge,
by the. ericans, '-German crossed Over to, England u -4a,
City: "Nemberqui-Illisidepartmeit,
ort If dors and onquerorf an -Introd d ok
age- who -corr! -C d --- � - In
D&IAB, Swedes, -P but the � a , -ill whie"hey
Bohemians - eve I U of --rheumatit W,4er Joe b nee the love 61, the at L were
Ow into OACO:swamped, and th L
-to thejf�&12f-The ebrew,gank�
by the ing
V w! by. -its ilsei
Mount Aubur r -q L iolan& Henoe
was. b with
er and haVe notbeen see -
Was made througho- -for tj
ed by the stop hadarchery blubs-theY Were. the- trib Of' lit he. day. t -hat English n since. - --SiBakoh
ell Chihee." It has -y be ed 6--iffigle men were gr
ii lilellned '.�xe
Esq ladde6f -&Vfi
�=ds. French term the:
road, Cincinnati, Ohio 4001der niF at, archerk and
-is ndors �to -�i r it e -ak
re dicinb," ap�Wnitea.pass 'but Done 0 heir.
uaiver�al blessing, 19 markable me
14 - �,�IBPJamln, and jt w
-ricih -and poor, the clergyman and the pby- 4�b,6fqr"tw -io bodies,
YL em o left._ C Vered., f them.has-,yet been re.
--meanwhile 'beeii��6 Jd-,and --twqqed- 0
HolzwjAh, Cfii6f. Detect , Iteetq--bad W
i 'in, the' nferchant and the labor6kf J6
OU. never., saw- an-
j1d the
mmon Pleas
Was to bef beieii-
ear�i e OUBLPFO' - d d' d'hi �ropbetie - a6otor High CourtL.f - luttice last week the ebu
ell 00 A ob � Ivision o
-a W
Cleveland, Ohio L: Surpriiinkle SPen'
Iket-by &ILI 61asgPi--of the C, OmmUnity'. -St. � , _P ding -- �-r added -ny ore L t -h nEdw e- 6 In the. Cc
ge �JODme ere,l ere, the --I
its '1�0 T -; �,e I -
-cobs, Oil, by almost mary �est?pi rt, .
uVwr. Ohio
ep, trok6d his 'I heard an aPPlidatibil on'bob.
-bb.-emplo�ed for, a as- - e
perties Can Dnqp� It �w a
a- h
af te aIf Of4he E
-qubted by ot1t6r.)
. n -the-- b1i'Would of-Ban'try-to -ail -
C '4411dtheocc t4 in ve:to at
IOur Cou�t Make li�i twi hia should4i; to- substitjjt6 seyviCe
ry;. for Is asio A -P -throu
"May -cot, I �.. L .- . . , one,tenanti on d of . 1)
gh-- -t ir; he - ------ so. twenty -
or a so exp i quarter of a a erey, aboit.'
t * Louis po,t-j),V�tch says lowed Ilien,. -a the IBI vbder ihe� le When IlOwth old
t't'6 of'Old-. PL 18-a N �- L' - -, - - lained howill -from the
Of the- most useful robabflibies�
the mile
31jo�u-ld- Qrmans- hid a wolf the bar6ny- 'f d, 'in
ne cre nat two bovs,
and Va the: U Y U Vr-I.A -o h nn9k in Bore, couatkof
Go— of in't calling St. ne, f en lit' Cork. C6un�
n't6d States luable 0 on their ba
-_go. :Sel saidthat h
widely kn vernment 1B re with the proplibaythaj Benji t ie island was -,36 -inaccessible.
And t renti-had " beeiie 11
min Ow -,o eeted t
quite ag -tha
'18� PjLQfL -own But ati0nAl Blessibi cauglif hold -should raven-
� I knowli M naT
over w
years. Mi.
--atieet:�Fifty- -a- a token link arou d how Were theland" Oommi
l0e, the a on, meteoroli,ilit Of -th L *p Alikers wer lion and the-uIlj66jrn`-s;Dd the
whos e- he fe.�l intbAhe. b ith
n becklof -the 14 -iter
la-waysi ssiotlers,.-to-Aa
-9-!l favorite a to, -contributions
V wor. n n harmony tl ith ey. went down t6fi-kfair ren S-?�
v t
'k'2g4dhhad overlooked th -pr The brc- Counsel - said that the Id-fi
natio Ve given. 'h, th 0;ve& �112-t �e- cfte�MIBD a over whelfth
Uri akin
0 oat-, the
St-- ppbeoy.
orth eceat irtant-meth-od of A !Th ented'114njam, cult enbugh wou ad it diffi
r )ken link through the N tour r1solne-mebbed ey id-n6t, at Y Was B07 0 Ve t off.'- The pdacj�
b was-.
-escape from� the. afety. *Its througjj...thel i.1d a,iiw
Zia west the P
ha.oduar; deSPatell from the iron:'bUrt&jn&nd-a8 it'
ribe 61 Benju
q4ences,,of a confie- TJ e. Oreen d''b f fine days if
th, e op -got., t&� � Ali
Fludden -a urg (Pa.) of -if i
-free, ftleby -Si�ibjig t
eu . hit the., ost
a 6e f kael -- ound.
Y.L , t - 1- 4
0 a th _Ocr 0
.,illness very r I ible Jrqr,3ey S
I Scene of t rWZ�Urr
----- Hij acu4r o e -rible tug�d aWas t6*7XIBsto
thus -jr6ferSL -to which -he b0i,u.-disb6verad I W red. -
Ing L 'M e -Oue- B
'Con The
d, -that SWERS To :cog]3AgL
aY after Con. ENTS
ary- and wil been--IOwera-U-ftLw �Y'
-i� - ay.e
Bay th
never con _W�
orium-- tblia- ere i no: on of Tow.Bh Udit ere re
B rise of" feet LOuisai Me -oul
of bibiek. e -
le 1 �vOuld b -YOU them.. I' gs -to
z belon
Y 8 --And--the�:fire hat.
berw last, res at IP - -Westmbtelnd b-,-, a iievtra&of them- ojj� t1ji aILL� Th- h- - Id gee the Use
9 * Ben thd vidtimg the -1lame B -694h and I 6an ave 046 :at our house- with Decem- b lit
attack 'Of vft!3� seized q--;-
ki Ow
-call take you to &DIg MO r,'and she thinks
iron YOU ig t_
e jeP& Iijre-�4 do -�part of Your hilr-stabd up, Can't 86e -anything wonderful ibodt it
PPOsed-to �.havf) b -ward the roof. As the 0
11 1119- bredth mit ied by Some. Inembers Of -P-ain gi�eath ag
eat, almoat, all 4trocloo, 0. eel to th,b,-. -that would"make th ovejyth ng Preve t uialg�a 1-11 the sudden rag �, which is sU b i limited at e and
Ing X,
ei,,,hty. fell toturt, Y Pulse, U Ull ban is of All
nnsall ab6u 1, C1 ad_of in
Pastbeenillf the- fire fiiikht-halrl� g On Vdare iftli' -do
C A a. cat. Mother afid'-SU
ad y. -g,
old Coat try� ev
Meat- cover, 1000 hells -I. am boubd 1br- heaver) I -Pa t ell Chas
ticceed6d, and 1itusea. e y ti Z1011 -Y Xguir-a'thgfhave hell
of don't Pret2aild.1 0 QrY' and Pull -hair
Clammy eating that [It -hasn't half- the -sense
ary Me ;�V,, ae
�S' L Who extent of- the ca am-gPing to -try -and get I wouldn't have a do -the ho
'11tire ol
e -nding. pby my- L -body d Vo -
reheT;., IS Murde gin use Ut the:?. L
her. red -ja or me. r
-donothll I b
e; after suffering g10 - ter, Tffi U right, Inch. Underi
.0' as Go- Su It by,, an
hree 3-6a year Balls, ag- .1 ne d made-
-ad b .8, -perfect y svieet2!" The
I tb ougli t, a. for, t LO tated. 0 Y n, �11,96illg on about the ba
I h is h indted the
lir Y - -persons sure y- - -e coo
Ing. St. -ja y make,it'stan -- 'Man W 0 In d
red thiOunced-a t e polic d 'still., The h - worst thing- ab6 t
.'Would try' it. I rec.,ver. is ng,_ 'the steath -ell [,ine- baby that
Wigood ekffeet' Cubs t b
for rh - - h I 61Y
VkLmatia 11ri3al S you're.
84turated PIL V- - of- Could at' ece -of &1inel'. L, el -u be 4-r-
arge enonli to palus, I always he lvqng that Ill "�v fAw expected to Uke pare of him, and then
vveaitby, all "d L::: ted t is -that thejot�l 8 sun 0 appear. o staig
ill --t u Gi?d-had made th " -t - to - Ided
Be op it. Perh 'a
Iny b repu # YbLu get Be
cover fered 94
e vi3 j-, Inch less than19� tl�o -nee, when, I wag�4ll
-It -In tirlingIbick-
kap Y
Cheat_ with th .Uills] 0 not or. ins a Here -j,- Jimm just hold
PLP jei I.t. -9rd.
-C OY in thei ba usan 'L Diountag
Xhe relief -tj - ergon -th
j Us was alrnbst preh S e baby - a
C hot Be anJL,W-probible that of Belleville, the Sun a a- a good- boy';
-d and then
alled that thes -he-remere.s
fr 11, one te. th t
ee.from pai * -hour i e U25 -soon as..
III Ubd would ell1irely- tile C i -set looking away to tfte�
Ile u.
traiii. to.fill a I" thought ers6fis in �gou-i You have got it,
h they ay.
taken til flag b I eavy rob, third.. r6 could gee thb,g D
ileighboiil,� t il aPPOintmezit that jj�ght e ell perpetrated u W.Of 8 perished. Ull Shining in Pri&e 0114*o-thait I Just look at him1 That
j Ue4e Edwrd. P6 h
ub ea carfied off' bo'% much' ra. erspila. r &Pa -Itr Wag the Aame
6 persons_* boy will kill the childl Hold
Owl, had,inv fripi., elite -the theatre -a Jbilluils
Down ai minutes after -the fird -W llne----ThoUgh -itr - striight,,
it was, took Th - 11' You good-for-nothing little
train f Ouse as.. discovered scyphid
tile dered 10 —L -Was Phil&
several L -the
been trr�ubled S. Loui,, an f I - , a8tnteied. a dL mirked -ai It'sprett - h wretch I
o- n the tim al fact thaf sun did not Y . ard to d
e t. at.--obinparativel yet thi o. your best and then
dh, �obber ars ago,, ay;;v -escaped. -,Theth- B -6 Scolded for --it* but
iVe�llot a did not i k --I' be
Th fIlem -. in their hasty tlight le V6ry. P, Ins, a out the �- ible to b that.1B the, i 'b
r..-. People-th6q a i�:- ar W ay oys.
Glob coat an CT Ij.MD ace -was tecupied--excep lit -it -moved; a treated. -� pe�i
t e -par- -- .1 9 spa after I'm dead
buil 6suYS: Chakle-48.8triek. for ide at hit e be&-lette a gig written so th fd1ki
Iish they had der, No.-'g.Bbv nd �-boiiaij� it. a �pe wil e. eriPBS Lt4 the grojind'eD ()their- and. Sue �. went Out'to,�
and. 11 ever Sizjc OP]e could tmd6p� done. 'differen
up 0lbw but it e& 0
Oil aeline, host n. �Vllus thouaand. :fiU bit Sunday I
arris to?' street Saturday, In
N -will
and pm- oil. ji - old me. to it pleasure which Y World w "s- ad 0 - make calls, andL
atteipt drd
issue I e 4
to oxpre�� Vvilfbe, b' Is aPprtebe-n 6410 eta Were t
ined by w
to, �S of.. ourth gaII6 Till- h There ean -Only be r I ry a prop -e- baby Was a
hereby k d f tb and-tako car Y a othe,
Veyedj y w -O bich tb'tr eats, for In � A th
:half etic doctorts,-a.j baIII a
rds. Ph th :, 'Of t6h-,- but what di Y.dar for -
character. all yslelans Of, very hi affair cH %,r—formalled— grow
line. TI,
d 6h otabi these Aboutz-fift nigh the that? They d. the
i ed witl made i'hig heareig, didn't wanj,t -- t
-0 �aeveral. tiji-aeg
rageE latly, otb�-r ithey -had'- lhad-b ego -c f it made no
nOtoriety have :0-U *�� iave t iligh-
-her6tofo, an 0 90 0 it, and'so
rh e _0mmi -a -his;
-tfie' -h-earers, -on
eurnatIs d fro ud-ao ji
Up -L 0
6111Y to find d. b or. -notj They said they -would-be -go
ecifics, incurable County,. �h tted in Weitru �e aP0 m 14- d e of difference - -whether I - went i
ave arouse SIX ocation- I t
most- numberless'lla death by ff 6.8too th
cure,or even allevint6 the 8; Middl
q sermo - n t6 takb off oul nw
-to for WaSZ,to pla nd if- the baby waked
job has aY, W Ioblhad-h' his -over y- a; little while - a
- ; o Plxcitew(nt, ind - the ID68i the-pissagew. e Of
Ve failed t t
Lwao. c. ever enough to 16ik off Undb
frequently -the preparib Uriated -rest were. -up --t6-, -01 oloc _ I
Pdin, whi Intensity, 1bf 0 exi coat -and
r., UP Y w th it- and keep.i''
months at act that Is YlngL 9 , 'a
Jul Ot wreak 51 Alice-comli r 0- -n
Y room for three tflja�d lne-to u Well, an cing- th or
-,'..Week a L sure not. to let it'gW9,11
-go � I. W 31m. Ii . ---' be L'
a time., .0 .1 tvs -rY Puni, seen Y1119-Withilf-the fatal'9611ery- i e -f d -
j are, 11. up6p , � - rricades as�gr6yand. t at t bA
of 'human bod 0*
8 -seized wijll - I - '. _, .. '.. -. ..- - . . . i
'acute rbeUL to, L t.- leg. out h 'eL a dickey UY -Plzls-" Of 06IIrsia '-had to all attack Of Vousi b, th O�Clock the. foilrth�galj -f 'baby -Wag InatiS nverary.
e nel9bbori no firemen er and the soand -a
houis l - Of -the ku ea. 1?9 MQUO dry. ell "he
ee, orne' t it- 'Went sleep. t' go 'left it juse:carryinj Out IUmps6foharj;0d
'to enormous joint became minut6sw de PrOportio ]F e bodieswithout form, and far, beyond the A Public, meeting -of th—, I -L NjD - L- . - . I . - - e
redL. i 'NO 'na r X 1C0j?j& e inhabitant's wentto-see if -there W48 ally
NC ossaverary
mPossible thf of i6cognitio Pie in the pantry., ..If--,
ng and Walk,
-met and- 1139 remain n.' Wh th -assembled n -was'
ed. or 'Victims are w -beknown,� ese. recent y for the'- the-LCourtTrooAi. wouldn't je
beat Intended to res A bd until�tbere
6 go dre&fully aus
Ikeie-P-ev'erythil P ousig: to,
looked up.
myself, as. acled W a relations have- addrss"s to. the Marquis of �-L.or b- k-- got.
Ight P'IkPOCe:.� pr6ient*
BY Chan tan6tber Montilla r ]p announced them 'is- n2il4aing. ac UP-*st
'The -airs -again
U e wonderfil -Be ernor-Geneial of Canad,
g0riies.�' f, Longlistkof-the dead-Alid--- n-,
ve,prOperties of St j- to4ight, filhn -q
ed of th despite
ce -learn ta-cur&- fftY,yearB g --near y't- U�S waaliwling, ike'he -was- full of
awake and
straw ago, -zn6re- WO Pages'.'-.' Amo accompanied to the
it as -acobs-Oil Platform bA
a fe 0 or ess, -th6se-alryidyiden "g ---brother SOI
P61,gowski fied are Polish D Lord Waltel�
-thi was rnaer, -then- li ePU'Y Provost gav6 him$ the'fir9t - Ing that,
Caine -handy to
f , roni Pain -i I n- I and h U* Utched' G Campbell.
the, knee, rs fee in t Incr and hit WeMix
As-bef arm and he 6th Ritter. Upon: cArthur Dresidodi ail- keep him - -hap.
-ore stated oncessiOu of tb r -)n 4 ittlier, -13 - I ��X . quid. it'
ShOU Bi Von d called
I can Idei. -Beckw,jill e Muker;'- Czerny 'Mi enderson h POned io'be w bottle of. -P praise an Clair t e Clerk, to read 6, --rench Po h,:*ith
Convey 11 the-Obunt, t deso
d rauecongriktillatory address On t
lay not find W6 d La"' ri -:--as; froaa, America L a sponge is
ild, a .0 -e jD11
r S tia ch A ur His fie end of a -wire, that S
overer bf t toL,the dis- had �w4 girl- 80nae. of 'dsi 'Waddell, a- 9tudent f baving-wreeeiviod the 6ddr -bl- ne
his king
The 012 Ildez Bd to the b roin 'Scotland Another 11sesto ack-her-b6ot -because
'Cago- of t Boa And -his fro'L epaj a, -girls -are -
4-6 oung wife
ancb,-.,y hic
..oil the imei says Clear h ac y- Aerms th eop e- Wag too lizvY to -use the regulij-
S arrin L in e-, *rkp -
verybo Was then r blackin
Outh Side knoW 'the' g brutilli
Esq., who ha - dy this littl !I -read by Kr.- Stewart,� ores T the ll�by stopped cryiii
8 J'. D- L '-]I L e oi e never- ca rj -9 a's soon as Igav
8 beer, C arvey, me lliW th ftr, 9 the Early 6cea Invi on the him the hottl6,.
I eighborhop 6Ut L �rary estate a
quis,.w 0, ami paper
Oyer t turned --es pailto of ad, prese and I "Bit'-d6wn io �r6ad
erVe nted to the Ai
-seardfied th he U xt T lo6ked -at Ili
hicago i h
eaLxs. wo6ds Stj -loud
�U heartfe 'Luse returne
hbr mother all "and 'a o
'Where 'r, 'hand ij auntwinay ponge u
pressed him -8 . elf On- the r; Harvey- ex- nook- - and C 3r Whpil.a-giti ig:bQ d �'t, thinks f6jL got out'the a In- he'd
si Der &If of. his
e, -thi f;r't
-00 at or ape ekitedtowar" h 'This WAS'anica fix
i e, ent over 82- P i7ished -`bUt
foll Ows t t1h, expi
AVO SP Oil 49-Ileh and b h
my Wif not ook ak� to the in -black.
BID. - Two bottles of erest of, his life-,� bUt-if j ey nothiiia
of r4eumatj 0 to eftre clu xclude iMS61f and- the' o"obs- Off -6riace ot-her coji-thera hav-f they-sqliat o- hey I. ei had -met-ifi Cans;�da, lie -C.Ould"get- the-blic
aid* 1' knew-- k
nainq4 d- When m
d Wi h bg his face, an
Moo waby. the wayside and cover t 'Scotsmen- who boie-'the of. blie wouj& ga th-6 be
r came me
-a-r-ef- -who the baby was - spoiled and
t gs are
ears that, :-w kd done it. -N
ricitv. Iscovery -than Qe- le obliged- to-� L speak In, one an-6therIg pregen in- French hen- -k
dL to ed h Without up'their aseri .�.Malbdonald, 'd
-DaPhshed What all tie. carri
reatin ell t fa _b jFr
regard it . i.le. ring 6 bout. I app er
as 8, gr6atei d cl,devolnd repliedL spa, ell an
ce, Ow -1 think a
and .,to the hUma e *as §t"represented - th - dy-us b a ever so -MUC black bib
8, boon 9 Who �Irb.gbt 19- &,.peculiar lingOq Which llqt� in �English or h -than &ji�jjl
allivery-gi ad t6h race got b6i zDarr er Up in.'1 feet andz lep -they call [e-. a -more stylish Y
H- I w - ite baby,
ed '�baby
UP�UIY milid
OfL t turn,t,ongue.11- This 4ueerAhileci-is-notL anticipated. (Laughter.) -and When I
ave rtuniLt ;o dd6d atfW,6
testifyi. his;6pp, me length to -his - ti A b
-ag to, its,- iB y they lived' posed used for..e6noesimblit�1 saw t at the
Y lie Were ex
allnot sp or every r, ac e
mlil,4 -elhda it, tj Africans, but --.Unde In."the-N6rth� 11 th if::-
ble lat qrly Of it �116*jh- our; westf, -k-d -'-- ' - - 'I
0 all ovei -worth
stands it -Md-iom6eXihip-1es a -remarking that -*lie er he Went h -it'would-
PY- -I Where Some
IVIng �T re
-be recreant I he bi�v ften faithfull Ore than it ever, been,'jilij wpe-r
eako-o highly-ofit Ilid WOUI& r _to In a was b
t t Su QOtSm L . ' 11 1
lighlandets.- pt
0* lay-,. u ty. e
did yl� in Common w - ith t e ordin -
eef S''
ary ellf- and
lift r afflicted die -old li'bodi hguage.- To give -an. --id too- -A rubt dr- woni
foL those Woui&
retain' a
Y voice in I d litelyw- and befdr,erate"" be. ver so much -pi ha
-Thd'Philadel -t I'sp . - ! iormality in great, many.Highl — - - - - a . -. a priiqa. fall 0 struggle - anders were to be S L
phiaLedge),-says�: 'Mr. Onfe . , I I - - .- I - - age Loulid in - - � q 1. hurrie u eased.- L Grahani, 4si6n of e Ow --part f
gave good'coLat of'
e suppose OU. OUI Ij
820L th, 3 f, -slid 'Ong PC
Ainete6 ..Geo. deed. Dal cramp ol' thes ree am in tario-a
delphin i's rnenr, some with � -easy jiavqeg,meD- I-ti6nL- Ina z; ave keen ho -
them -Were In' W that
ver' -allie
0 ering- on.: �if . . . - The
--of -a y me n, v, b
t ni their: 6ides-maid - - L 9 _�Ool6nel J6 -Walker L
Journalis Y be made- oU. f4a7dties L�tl,6
erestl as
Wag ut
on, and I, had tbe'En El time us
ve-bee I - - I . . I ad -
t -6chf -baby- find n3usj4 ending upon -the L -de b to get- ressdd- agai,
t 1D eat ji but built Ynesi - ard.inde
Plipleasantne..7 is rtly con. th joj� ed -Sue ca
- I Xi"'Or -a I Blized ha�e�- bee eatri Orrin. Al"68_ - by which they mg rried-p4ir ba ii&X4C611 the
eAperielice t-andisacti many, YearsI Azq int maid n hh Polish dried'�as-sob,ij
ve g. a - groom -don'; herid -of Himilton - a�
the Philadelphia Sitn.d connected *!?#h-
th 'a to.
Engl OIL". then Pa lo next I wo th-e-remar -was made �by ail E-aglis)j frie I Wlien-ln6thr-and
A e Journal. �Duri ag e e-gropinamall -that ad- lhwer- -to we in. 1 wodidn'
in -t- e aSt t --e side�of aEllgliShiji myA If
Optain of- Mr. Grahj WAS VA' have'their'skulla' a relief _tOL 6d e
f, giIage�
(,ompanyK e t _fbe-fire, -
-on a n t an,
s -all t
-been calle
ed -couple the 'llain; and
e L new, marri -e a
d an& e ce okell WI e on -tEe' �Bep On- 9" -hi) (the When you've r nkin -third p One liulidre astorted and br er, the was not of. that
an. Unn
8 0 allowed- to -,speak -t or 0 e� in #jwill rdnkle In a ura -- Fson,,
ennaylva -hegime�t and. , ic of "Dpbrt&fie-
through. ejLP 3ia 8 protrude --La boi ery -town v,
Osureon the ;UL and ri.: -not b
ti were to OUbd.'Sc h Your'beart f ariety' 4 boiltracte - t t cotinue. the- gha '011 h bg f ots'. W ges.
and he says a e d t 131 b -an up, eld their kily�red - ter
Y t Or— �-The,bride is- cilled- 94, not. societi at they said to. me
er, th, ell p6rabns.have, look- es �alld games.- I didn't even see
Wa. is -,e
Th6.Canadians, His Exe -Iffind about
80med"'Bof-rheum9dismill th iY size smu, I been, around," and- the pair in
e arr_ ell fatber� bI�lt na to
_ft!ad tf. C mcaped wounded but aiaiDgPOsition aie --& ---- a ways a-loyall Pe were him. wen UPKtalrs, with
I War inheritance th t leg ago. 'The at -standin e the' BUOY said, 086, -vv-
_�Wh In aOl 9 tOChUkch or
OpIe, and -the -ties bindizim. as L
vaia at hahad by. a ell itast.roplie. Thereat you As -if I
recqmmtr'6c1 to get. rid atge�T;k - 9 peop.0--liv ear thern to'Gieat Br -t Soluet zIg
h _aear-,-w Use
Jacobs Oil a oa rele d lay hi t t -encouraged by�th6 feelings jfie�L SCOj8 The
'iltil he is fear6f'reau t ja� Bove 1 am werb fos that didn't 'hurt!much.�
15f. U I -near w h
ended t Was -41anner by -in and -laugh "by -Is 0- try Sj -Peeping b tjfUl
states tb _jfaWre�
hepld,66untr f fiat it W111-.
Ppear to. soness,negligence e and ohiny,, th-ougli-- the
it' he iel't a slic, e' Id
the first p lit relief eve thrown th drd'na - pre6autio of bore to -t. y, or blobd,-is. thickej
wear o in it fe
12 om� ry n
P 'cation of,t e
an -ger. dy. sh6 e had- bUt f
Excellency, ws any gFktitude for
he, oil. %rsq NobD
h the flist botile he purchased had be Be - for,§ as h Ipless. dA (Cheera.) Hsr;ubl6 I
ell --used ' fashion th each iudividual-as 111116 left took, ...and I * call -tel L YOU. it: L.
-Pit a 'ben e I Co b- b
d ew, traiceg of his rheulb&q UP no-th The' th urt room.. oan - at, this tj- a outs of Ortaiii laqy in h 19 county l L k Y *itbOut getting -it
me- he- a nection *h a"4'
h. ... r -to thE aUdiaice,."eudjeavor -eggs. hiSVe� aLd somet"
ntirely- --�6ft -the dis6as' upon thirteen
eLhas at of tht ards- uln -169A inaes
"biell hb -a -or
all- F-eac�. Itfs hardly 'while-. -to li�e
entirely- RbOkifig hitb-th P ng - t ink
8 urprise
U ulife-elipg tb,, the usa of St, attribut6a ying that tere'was e. hesti�-She- W& -a Tlireaws .,cjfti]1j �cold
anloug 16, thi
-Taobs oil a t i.k6tbe-actofL& heliOn-Wissing and t great beiw wor d.—A Badftis Dja,7j
4� e-pggs-go matory rbeum't'; n LLID&M--
ism and jjjnlrftl� f
t r,.nses. I g�.
Uffdr w 1, eir steal . E6
ith. e t ead'L ve-.
The,catmeB I k -hu-& I -rattle e, bt-it-has
rileumati., Q person -need Ile ld� Ix b rta-- Y Col e -.Up, _.. otleljjg� t . 1. 0.- � . 'bridodd by allied if .'Jacobs N14t;- coul I haVe -one n d N e Wel been C
oncerning -the - prospec
9 Ob- Charleslo, D Ive Inarriage'llf
Z rest othig' kliti6n 6f-hig Ow B-SturgeOli` 11 'L t
wj I aJoh- nd d &rest to him-.' 9xiak&b1p.gboPr6cUredi�.s j4le�Duke of Albany with,
08" n 6 German, P
a Weight ill go ible to save any, one ,pinned big head to eground.. Be In -a
is WoIrtli it rit 7 a, Ca
r bouebbre thinks that. Y�he -
r lament is. atke�d- t
rawil Out ind- Ahatory r euma ism, te him the Sa
0490 ln6r-Oceq ithLa rake,.the tail--- *-I. * ..
n sys Of. Jhosei:. who :Wa-s says: suffered . . I I . I
in h 0. Vol
full -ene OWFI to preveuV*rggjiD�g
-.%Uj Boynto the '-world-renowned sw m &at d d or yearg, part.0
er, thus -Last night -tiffie being f i1fibuil allow
the- ance e
speaks -Of h I -OU 41 e soon the -repin, -PonfineUto- n 2Y b% d- I t was grant d'
question ins, y.
-Ing colild1ear of 'e why an
Y ail azid-�ihe-�eg04-- ak6,u - 0 - V-6 X -Y t
9 mbelong' b om rie
edy-': 9t F1 Old Germ . "I' I wke of con
rom. conat�;. #j Ing
naught. the'
e -uppek lasges -was found in g,. e� -beriefir.Dntil --I b re elv d English pince�-
'b a ... all6wan n
5-� urnlng at subject. to- Fo�re I'am ]age Aeter ti 1111Y; *ugled used Dr. Dow% on.
in Uld &- - - . treL, -ey�-were pi fi- - t - - hot, live,
-A: PaIns, a d during a.ver e - -_I_ lD oil ce Of a
Ynge Ili men
ande-heiiand-eventuall 0 W- 3 Ulh P;:A ouc ere Of fivb -h
'he& fen66.1 -doubt N43 hit if o
vnAwakened I crying out in" U the-- ch-ibliells--gre - --he Wag- Mieved; from -e c6mfoit
ces. Are regret,
trai. luedy. Wh' -th an
Ydnight. -�w _h6veil. eD
een Amalie riet- regard- for, tilitli eaagonies of &6flity t5,K
11 gri, Ir , worn by. but
by Ople 'who had old � \ .9 Amalie:' !ompels us -to- say t at th, -inffam m h
mittory year U,
jr. -woman, i h h �&6fie gooc
16for yearaL ladies en - was-liot yery
bjji6fthajL,.the da,kr cally' wallowed -nor' a- him -who
e experienced
-lfii �mirk�e-d -
b 0-1 to b
and- -it Gif that, b tile same ben ftf the".Empre
ly rom, Owl$
e th -Df D
0 PaYL
ire, '66be;
be -t -'jill
this remyned ter L for
k 'do withou e, ps.. t. :P�qUvPj07W-t;-j,. 98, -Of 'Austria is about t
-oil uni Sturgeon- #,#other ,visit. 0-0besh
re bey on; janua
vhisk6j,- for at ry,15th
not atiew ar
pity -,vu