The Sentinel, 1881-12-02, Page 8„ • a._ • NOTICE wish. thifitttitate thine people of leacknow .,aed teerreandine country, that 1 am wiw reedy to doaltkindof work in my . . line at loviest .1)eleee consistent, : with god work. - e B.—Copyiteg: -and Enlarging Specialty, Frames and Stereo. sciepetalYeaysfre. hand. lEs'..24.: JOHNSON. mete, ffeot. 9th. 1,04NG NORTH. . ..&o. 6- it 12. 8--e I IA 3 44_ -4. Van. 4-10 19 1- 4 - . • GOING S011T11. -No. 3-11, la No. 5— 2 24 0., 7-- 5 40 Villap and ;adult Hareees. Shop. weirs. Prinele & Shelton, of this place, Italie started a new harness. shop in ipley. We Wislethern. stiCcess. • Lac- tease Concert. . The members orthe SePor *Lacrosse Club wend having a grand., (*nowt in the Temperance Hall, •some tiareabont the Ord of Dec. Presleyterian Social. 1-1-Ve believe it is the iaientioa: of th cfrkg„ re(Tn atIoof Knox -.Presbyterial ()t this village, to• hoid: a socia the Temperance 1(all oa • Monde , a -se _ eye -vane,. 19th Deceiaher, , . - Chinese Rate ” M.. Thee: Little,. who returnedfrou i Dak ta on Friday last„ brought with .14in Chinese r re, - le is fee eineile n tliel ketem n rat, ex e -pt: ia color, whici kr it e with menet eeoloredeep 0 te. - 1. Wiri ham Oddfetfows, • -:Ort tfeeday night, last a eturober • 7,-Vineham Oddrello we visited tlieLuck: tiew. Lo tee, ' Atter the! lodge •'• meeting the . vst1agbreThr.n -were euteetainet ‘toa .upper at Mrs:. INI:eoufy's oyster p trio, Fornittire. NEr -F ,T; Frazer, in:teeth atkiling her etop ete etocle of heusehold furniture,, t, aware!) w,' (Set u olay ), at :her residence; stautfer ;ere Sale to conimeneeat - one: o _clock p.m. Wm. Ntellie, •-.Hefoeir Club. • • Atiehe first regular meeting uf the —Referee Clubewhich will he hetdi in the . Coledonian Hall. en Tuesda3 (leonine :Item+, the Hee. It. M. 'Wells; Me t4 outh Ilrtice, will deliver a .lecture en The Hie-tory/if Leeponetble Gave - r nine n t:"Lerhorb-- he- a eoo. 1 at t 1- - ettee of the mei there. ' . Embezzlement. „., -.__titi Monday-- evening it; •-fIlt the (.1eititity Court, atNkraikertott: X. ..j. : Clark; License In:Teeter ifi;r- Icorth. Bruce was caninrieted for t.rial on a_ l:. • „ _ : . ' .,.., charge -of eittbeezlitig 8.4.1g. !.he. property ofiAlt., Joh a-Pe-lei:ha°, at Kirilase'i ' 7 -- • . kleavy Weight. • , . „ . Mei ..AlTe 11. Pase)e,= of ahe Paecee lleusila kilted two pigs. tvii Tileaday last, .6' months aial Itl ilaya ,old, weighing. :421' piled*. . e•Se at les: were he tight from eter Got riganeeEeq. e on the 17th day- oj &ante, and %Vete- then five weeks -.'old.' lie le theekired -of pigs ta' lee'. . 'Whit ii beat it f.t• -.• . doornottstie. - • .Mr, ,Dion. C. - Sallie -en, of the Witte haul 7 inte-.1. . has dispostej of the.t Jeare ,rtal. to Messrs. E twartia 4 avile..y. Ni•,,. sollivanstill -contititwa irr• die riews.„- letper: bust/lees, •IniTeing pureeeteed ' the ki -Walk itoli Terasulope.-T. IT. _Preteort,- tleefal mei- proprietor havine accepted L "sifeol. the ietriteteeeteaer stall --of I-the 17.*;ont 0_ _Globe. '. '. • - .. Dos* miss th.o. cirlamio ..of .1„tektioz - , . eapplv of, Wititt ( - Geode.. e rilei have - :to. bee-siel.t, tee nieiter whataro e i At ., . . . j.i.i.affir & et-Ir.41?--F2.ticNT..,.it,Ls$.. - .Exact,t / r. clailt, , • . - . . -A lean naltact Cm -Mete, Who was cern - arieteit•t& Vialk.trtatt ;Jail kat • week on Inteace'e thed ill jad, an. • ethivii lay litoreieg hist. /le flag ier le vow feetelre aterte a %rhea hroitglit 'eta, An be-ter:est ts hel 1 T-aest lay after JtY On Usher,. 'eereneri arid.' a vardiet., of deack leel. generel debility arid old age, rendeti • ' • . (teeseettld,fudge &ern. the neinitered earlwaY t[eae. that are, heid Yer- , . ionsee;rot. ot the coil etty that the • rail-; wer 114er ijwt beeittreinia Naw tinu- tra jee`ed every directien, - Leg.ars to -be- the de .ire .of those In this aection / botaltet, with the Crelit ;ft ems that ell t,.e tntartici- ot obtaieing reilwoy plate' a good deal of C. fatueeeprospects of eke' " eug0.. e-- e h Lb. r.r lid " e Geri „ ghee - t toft' • 'itlfust- say th'niceat-thingsI ever • used for the Vieth and breath,' 80'8 overtone having tried "Thanconv,” the new toilet gem. Get a5 cent sample New Library.- - Afield library Ws. been secured , by St. Andrew's Preshiterian Church con: egregation for the ise of the Sabbath School children.. • Large Mangles Mr. Wm. Percy 4flet IS, cent II Kinross; has a man& Wtirtzel arown On hiafarnieekhich Weieles 1S ills. This - is the best yet. ., Religtous. There will -be-no services in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday morn: itig next, owing to the absence of the paetor, Rev. 'Mr. tre'renerop. In the evening , the Rev., MIL Anderson, • af Whitechareh, will oc -npythe pulpit. • • • • • few -more. of t ose Lamp -Cbiln* ney's: at five ant etic at 1)r. Tennant's Drug Store.. . I'. Tug 'at .Ware- ItgleCenstable has sent a challenge t .staale of Bruce tor a Constables of Hur take Piece in Luckt nettled, and the loser per for the party. Caledoaian Day do a tua- 7 We believe th - . niety?wili not only an programoie, but also give a liberal prize - to the winning team. • •In Kansas.. • rrie, of Gociericli, the. High Con: ug ef war between n and Biiic,; t� ow at some day to pay for a sup - low would next . the date for the. Caledonian Sot nan.ce Won. their • ' We dip she foilring from the 0 &tie rce1cet f NON-: 25th :-.---". 11, Grant jefferiSee former resident in .13-eavertonand prillia,-noiv soj Urilittg: Kansas; mainly Lir the. benefit of health, -.is; already improved . by the --dialler) He. IS also geiting an extensive' -..praetiee ixi - hits: profession. We trust. that his aspiretion to- return to Canada and the old flag, in ,renewed health and: • vigour, may epeedity be realized," e • - - - • Is rge- assortment of -holiday goode, Son - receiVed at Di. Tentsanee Druie Stare. Second Mail Train, On Thuesday hist a Second train *W. 'placed nte the le IL 4!13.• Raj] wey hem' n tondo,' arid - Kinear tine. The hueinesa men and othersin this. '-vilhige will. hail with -gratitication this bpon, eta commend:the persisteacy of 'these who have been itt the inain leastrumeli--: tal -in bringingit to a _eueeessful issae. The trains bringing _the. mails will. ar: rive at 11.12 a. 111. .alisel ;3.44 p. ; leaving aen. and 2.2 P. en., each day. ,Reforrn Associations-. The Reform_ ASsoci trete in various criestitueuciesof 'On Ontario are Makin . g thiegapretty -lively et preeent by hold - log meetings forethe purpose of ceinplet. lag , organ:;eatiorts naming _ di dates. Itis likely that! before the open- • jog of the, Dominion Pa eliatiient the • ifouu Party will bequite ready foren- ' election erienpaign should Sir John core. elude to try hie chatmee belie e the peo- ple hy a diesplutien of We House iithne- diateiy after the, °Lose - ofthe miming session. . • • • Tereperancee About three months faanlieea s.liore dietanc , now. ,united formiog a lemperance gociety„ which vres-nantted Blue Ribbon • Lodge, atd onet. every Friday night in (litre r`ent families. It i new in a flour: • isaing cOadtion, and masts of -111'.ity five. inembers. The f ll�wing officers were elected last Fti,he, night for -the fil gularter.:: aidelit, • Webster; S itarY Joh trBiiiirettr_;- • rt-ea4lIrYot . • A zi reW g s I I, st Aseist art t Mar ' Xenon- :Recorder,' S.: Bennett, jr. go a num er et west of Luck: eimplaio; Richald WcIr hall, .Mrs. my A. Stioud• —Com. t -Vises Vases at Pr tennata'a Dreg Store •_Pipes of alt izese sh a pee, kee7, • reed •orices at 're _ n,cnt's Drug Store. Obituary. • - Au- a. quieter to ninee 'clock on Th nra- .4*S! evening,. VW 17th trite Frederick _Eyre 'Sullivan; the sell. f Me. Dien C. rociert: editor a el propri. tor of thie ioarriala dep. erred this. life at the rfe selerme of his tether. ae; 22 year -a and 11 dla, of typhoid- fey r, after pain- ful illneeeof torteleen iya: He was a tined:leer honor un ler g ladtrate - -the ziro r tp eiversitY-, tIllkith30. 011aeht, f,f. the leaxvii in the law iffiae ot J. A._ lkferton,,Eso,, barrietere He was interred in the ta-y.„on Saturdav last.th • of thie town rant r ttr.tine- 1901 insk;,the R v. G.C. Maclietizie,of Greece Cheith, Ilrautfogd, irkuling the f metal.- Service. was- very hard "on- his arente to lose „ so premleiug and exern Lary 41 young. h k bp Winin an. aa WaS aa- J. -Down With COrash.e. , I8014e time pit the-Sidelvs Catiobell street, in front Of tbia Office, _ ig wai noticed to be in Et shaky condition but not sufficient tv. cense any ,immedi: ate alarm. However, on Wednesday .mornina . last Kr, James Somerville noticethe sidewalk sinking., dovenend- inforzned theReeVe of thefeet, but. be: fore- anything eould be done. to suppert it, a -large portion. of the sidewalk,: and the platform. eietendiUg -from the . side: walk to the bridge, went clown with a terrible creshento thd water• beneath. It Was fortunate the danger -was discover: ed. in tithe to stop. pedeatrierni from passing oyer it, or We might have been called -uPeri to chronicle a serious if not, ttal accident. The-Reeveinimediately - set merit!, work to reMove the broken •, 'timbers end hate the sideWillk repaired. We believe it is the inteetion to have nevir brid.;ge erected in the spring.' Wanted- It'just Hight. - "Howe inch will this costin your• paper?"e asked aeoniet looking roan; ae- he handed in the felheiving - advertise: Inept at the --- a e-countina m roo: - - ."Sso.T.Efe=Busted-ii trace, in this city, Fridey; Just after dinner,'Mary Smith wife of_.the, undersigned, aid daughter of old Sim. -Pratt, ,theleading_hlack: sin ith of-Den:vet; Col. . Tho corpt.e was liihIy resPectedby the hightenedest families, but &nth -got the- drop on her, and she took the up bucket With perfeet 'ootilidenn! that she *mild have fair show -on the other side Of the divide. The plant tradeoires tbis afternoon, at her -teardieg hese ant AVillavi street. Come one;-Uetiee.all: , DearestMary then hast -l -ft ns, 7 , For -you an earth there;wasn't room; • But 'tits heaven that. hasbereftus. . " Andesnatched otr darling up the futhe • ”beivr paper's please -copy • ' and send bill; or draw at sight. "By her late .husband, D. &tali" Personal: - We are sorryto learn thrit Nies Treleaven isr at preitent in a vert.loat -condition trorn -.fever: , HeTreleeVen and Wm. -;Con: nelk. Were -Confined to. bed tllis yodel:an ewe ate glad. trasee they are -able toebe eround again. . - , - XL Andre* West,e Nene :tif7: of ilus village, returned howi trot+) Dakota this week. Mr. T h es. Lit w left bete teat spring, tet hohle-frotte,Dakette 'au . . Friday night -last.. Tom- brings aiotnie 'pot?. -lope-its of: the --Pikote • eperitOrye ;and he intends gain', back :en the -•eani- ing spring. • - , • • 2,b Editor of thq Sentinel. • DEAR wish: it tc. be distinctly- under- . . • • staod that in vihat 'have written I have no :reference to any person's:"private character, and wish to speak only of the . matters under stonsideration, and speak ot men and things. r a they behnig to the .publio; Whether in or out.oltucknow sehool section. : -So in- my goinumnications I have intentionally spoken. of Wee iestead of narnes Of persons concern- ed with only tine exception. As to the find- ings of the chairman of the tru4ee Board, .we are not quite satisfied that all Which .that gentlemen has said will pass uncritrcise : -We aretold that tWo of the. pipits of Liickhow • scliord Wrote- for.entrance Axel:Oblation into high ` school; in Deceniber, 1878, -and both succeeded, . So;they did, 'and ao they sh.ould, for they were clear-headed- and plucky bop, and in our. humble opm.on -could haye.writ- ten an:coca:011y in the DeCembeeof 1876, We . Wereperinitted to witness' the examipb thin Of • .Lucknow sehooLin that year, and AA 'pow - that it was very Creditablet� all Concerned: We ask; is.it.fair for the chain:Mtn to seek to make the iniPression that he does, ea to the success of Lucknow school" for '79? ". Dues he think that people have lost their senses? Do we 'tot alt know. that 'Murdoch . McLean At teride.i the hivh rine filled -papers more thaneqUelto third.- class,- before :he :entei.ed %Luck -now. school It • is true the:- Messrs. Mathers, Atchibaldi-McLean, and. 'a young ladydid succeed in 1840. ,All honor to,them But those' particki • were not edu- cated, in-I.ucknow, hut attended it rather as --a review room, in addition,' receiving _instruct ions in, mathematics, which any of the old . - teachers of 20 years. ago (though now they . could not take it, certifica-te" at _all) could 'on these branches meet it the reqUionients af _first class teacher.- Now tilling out ground, - that those, who haveheendepending.on.Lnok- . now School ,as it now exists, have all failed. As to plinils'of 1881, three wriite for iritetuni- diate, andOne for .entrance.: None. euceee_ded. Though the chatiman has Cold -ha that..tWo hop- 14 .years . 01(4." received respectively fortyyeandfiftyper bent. Now that gezitlo -Man who is `-`.110 novice in school -mater," -must have -deliberately stated what is net (rue,(:or he isigtiorant tif the requirements for eertitieates—(see Compendium ot S.chool Law; Pages 210-211). T6re you con Seethat.twen-, ty per bent. on cadli gruff) of 8ithiects,und- an average pf-foity per cent. :.keetireo a second lase 4e -end -an average. Of fifty on 10, and . - - • -not than thirtY on anz group setaires second class A-. And if t .ose youths received twenty -per cent, on, each grupan4 thirty per cent. on the whole, they would hate Obtained- - ai -intermediate Cr.equivalent to a third • class certificate. New, -goad pe.aple -of: our town, this .tets- the matter fairly.hefore_Yon; and I think that yoh.- will! agree with me ip -sayingthat the Chairman Would-b,irbetter ployert looking aftei matters entrusted -to hiui lin the -ponies, inteted; than iatrumbeting: pritisetiof upy mannt,theexpense of -var. iacitY; or in abusing hia neighbors by the uee of atiCh :appellations las are noticed. . by "Parent "in his paper .of last week), With the -. hope, -r Suppose; that they • Would- be accepted as argronent. Mr - Editor tlis: ar- tcle bee grown on my hands beyond My ex- pectation, hah(1 ask donot wieb. totrespass on - your indulgence'by r-ecupying too Much space - n your valuable paper at omie. 11- Olose: by offering this bit,of ridvicertoM4Sliairman, "-When next you talk Of -whitt..yint view 1. Think others stews Well its- you,"7 ' And l- leave ; the. ..onmintanioition:•erhieli inue . . . taketeteich liberties wet g: ley -nanite for. 9011-. : -04DALVNeei oonl ---:Get your skateareatly, boys. • --Large market -on Satiiiday last. --Wecin sday last was St. Andrew's Day. . - —Are vo a candidate for Councillor . _ ter 18$24... - -- • . --. -- ,--Aed- now 'tapple. dutnpling.socialk . .. ,. ., . . , . arebeing lie1da : Whet .next 7 - . = —4 large .arrionat •of --siternele Pre. -Veils etpresteht in thisVillage. -': --e a -a- -T-L•-Tea-reeetiog: .- in : • Oki:- ---.-4.41.ieclis' --:Qliurph;on'slkinticlaY evening next: , .----' ,,Lucknow buyers pay - thea77-highes price for wheat inthecotenty. - . -.. - —.Goods eigh in g - .,on -7 -MO it day: '1ast4 Nolbita itch -ea deep en Wedeesday. ,e.Aiiit iv ' rsery-serv:ice Will he. held lit the 111 - . neit. : , . . .. eeeteicktiew now . enjoy* ' tivetedeily mails._ Tha Ike *ie.* the ..Liatd-On- Tn.& Piess.:-. . odist Chnreh err- Sunda _ tfasto; &cozen. -- 1st " Jeremiah • . if -Willie Bowleg. a 3r#1 • - - am Irwin ; :4tia Thoe. Pees' SkdOND.---let, Susan Alton, 2nd, Lavine Longheed ; 3r Etta - , omeitzer ; 4th, Helen Hunter. PART FIRST.- —lilt, Henry Bradford, 2nd, Hamilton Irwin e 3rd, Ifebeecit- ; 40, John Alton. . _ TO SELCOR BENT: . A clobiFORTABKE iPEAME ROUSE - kt.'awith good ' stable and gaiden, situated on Henrk-st., in the villa,..e of St..ilieiens_ Price low arid tetras easy. aAr ply t� • ROBERT 41.11tRAY, St Helens.. 411.- ctirrbt :EsTRAy. .i.:14Ni-E To_ THE' PREMISES 011- THE undersigned, lot 22, con 14, West Wa- wanesh, on or about-fle 1st of t.etober t3,0 Dark -Brown Yearling Steers, also a Red, Yearling Heifer. The owner is requeSied ;it proYe property; pay -expenses and _tak0 „then' --. 46171a-3yin:: . IDE1.4WRIteehilje,' Y. 0, - —More gram bought in Luelrnow- than .eny other village of its Size jel the Domittiota • - =The, fattening fowls - now look; out: :ham the'lard by the --waysidrheir Oaf is neer. new: store hes beim 4a -id on _ • next to Ro-e' harness shop, h3 Mr N ••• —Andnowthe heart of the. average piing inan_rejeyceth-enioenhglit eights and geod eleightag. e—A meeting of the Maitland Presby: titer will be held to this village, on Titesday, 20th - • eeeThi.averageeihar lads- :ne*. . be, attentlin 0- -; Sunday ',S.:311.061e i 4 _the : hopes r et rat; (Thust, as -trete. —A. rneeting- the. .'Refortir::ClUb --wilt. be held lie the. celadoniaa. on Ttieset evenink .t? ext.- Misen has Opened- out s . Sewing.-- Meanie agency, -next: to -Proeter'e. heroes shop, on • Ceinnbiallit, .-W4Faai-:yotie 'go .16, LtieknOW-Onie, attaight. . .;1.--ou leavOI:t:::W-t'llipleased;- rejeice: onglover !he '!egaitie ,youhaee•received. at CL.EN. —e"The' windows of 4 ntrifehantee- 'IlioOltstoreS:'and toy -dtalereatite aliiiidq e holiday appiteraneee •-a-The IVIarquie ofLorne,AO-014407 led H.-- R. II. - the -Prinerisa,i....Leuite; will sail tor CanadaItiy theAll ste4n - er -oft the 12th -January. • e—The.v Ore queer prizes = in Euibro fee -shoptiog.Metches. Amon theevate ioe-e.prieee .notiee,..1._troadf tickets, Ibralely:britt lee•arid ' o greinetiit, for brave voluriteers -;:----AnOtiree 41# 1:1: explosion iIyhitei: iy' flotej, on Friday litatT-The _ . - , • ilawabe dnifi Was fully covered :by • in- surance.T.iiisiellie-seeatiti:tiaitealintpi eiedoeiou-ocenered atthie •„ hotel - C.114kiit'' Ilene' the. 'cheapest In 1 spite, of :.the 1 -bad roads-ethe 'people -steiVe • get to BERRY ie's---:.They • want soo:nre:,•son*-01',, the-liargains befoTellepare all gene, j.„:J:t..- jq0.Titt.r. nit" . - , , agent -for • a.very , -musical strument, awhich- it mow attracting a. great deal of attenticn, the Meohani: cel.Orguipette. Read- his•aild in another colunisf. .—DOziald Ross; Scatch eviatioellite who favoured Ontario With a ti011-14 tinie-age, declares that "the devil larka'. in the pages of every ne.wspepere7eaLike • the prudent old warrior that .he his Satanic Majesty. evidently- :means to e.irn elt. he can -about hie foes. - Itellettet. ' • • . Prom our own OpriTsPe.1_14*.a. ...5,(11100L ItEPORT.7-7- fo1lwjjjjs the repert . Of -Belfest Selice4 for- -the menthol 't74,..tgin her. —The Standing o the pupile is hissed_ on, goad contiact, genera, pruficieii9a_alid..regulak atteltd: - - Finn, Ceasseeelet; Hackett 2nd, McMillen ; 3rd, Herbert. Alton,,4t.11;-)Villiiie) geerostie, - Fouolt . CLesee=elste Meggie—MC,: 2nil; Adaline•L'onglieed ; ard; Alex. Caintibell " 4th -J IA Alton - • Thum Rhilliose; 2nd. Relle —3rd Mahe • johnetena 4thaerance Smola Szoom.-18t, Maggie Agar; Thnuipstinl_ 3rd • _ „ ftidm*arcnexttwgek. ihnix W *Auk 4th) Pugtikt PoLebelli A.IVE To THE TREMISI.'S- OF TIIE _ undersigned lot 21, con. 5, ICinloss,on oz About the 15th of November, ar_ White. and - Black Spring Pig. The owner is requested' to tarOVe property, pay expenses and take laina" away. ALLAN McKINNON, - 411 lin Lucknow P. 0: -PIGS. -ESTEAV. TRAYEP INTO THE PREMISES 10,71. thesubscriber, lot 10,-, con,.4, bi about the 1st of Oct., Iwo YiThite . „ wrier reiauested- call;.provtae_PrOnerty.,,pay expenses and -take thernuWay. : ' SAUGHI:IN ALTLEAN;1 412 3m - ' Lwzknow • . CATTLE- ESTRAY: AlVIE TO THE- PREMISES OF TIIK 'undersigned. lot 8, con. 10, A shfield, on. ir abinit the Ist of September last, a Red and White two-year uld-Heifer, The -owner is re- iluested to proYe Property, pay expSneeS, and . lake the animal away. -y - "- _ GEO: 412-31n, - ' Belfast- , " • STEER: ESTRAY. AME TO -THE PREMISES. THE undersigned lot 8 con. 4, Kitilase,Ma m- arabout the :1st of..Septeniber last, a - Grey Steer, coming two yearsolii. The owner is - requested to_prove prmierty pay -expel -aka mid . I take the animal away. dOlIN MeKINNON,- 412-lin. •Lucknovr.. , TallYtire• F403:1- -THE_ -.PREMISE)! ....of Charles 'McKinnon-, Lot 39, Con. 2 1st, j-Chilotis, onorabout the Middle of Atigist: last, a dark brtivin spotted White.steer, risirne - .3 years"61(1 ;_ heifer,. spotted White, samne col :or -as steer-, rising 3 years-olit;- 'also a steer ria- • -year.;,o1,1. grey; 'nearlf White. Any person giiingsuCh-interniation that will lead.? to their leOverY srnitaIL)11' lin -41(M CHAS. IVIcKINNON, . H E11117NAD4E- EFS! ORN 71; tl I V. 7 II: .111E1; `.40 11. itifoini the -f. arniers and others the- iirrOunding.country that. he has purehas.e.d1 he Celebrated 13erkshire Boar, "-Mar.sheld," • ., ,nd will keep -him for Service at Lot 1 8,epA..5,- Kinloss.-, 'Terms, $1-.; to .be pa..id= 4 'time serViee.- Mansfield was bred by if. Snell &. 'Sons, 'of Clintozi, and sired by the , iamb us -Berkshire Boar, ``Champion,"his dam being" Western Princess." ForJurthef pare titulars apply • • '• • -- .. • • Con: 5, Kinlesa. -C;V.TTLE-ESTRAY. AME TO. THE aqi•KgISES .t.11 Gardineri Lot 10; Con; 12, Ashfield, on - dr about the middle of October last, a -red and White Stedri and a red Spring-Palf. The own: eris.reqnested to prove,propetty; ;pay expert- .. bs andtsIce. the aLimals away, • , ' ' J.. II, Val:WINE ft , Ah,3i.n„ Lucknow, 0. • IN.O. TIC. E.._ A.KE ITOTIMTHAT ALLPARTIES -Indebted to the, late firm of - Ackert it- oey,--are requested to set le their accounts at as,they will.after the first daY Jahn- - next, be placed in other lianda• for collec :Stictessors- to AA* 4 Hoey. . iteknoW, Dec. let, :1881,. - STEER piTRAY, TO '11-1E -PREMISES OF- THE "undersigned, let la, con. 5, township of• nron; on or abont thit 1st of :Tilly last, A Brown Yearling Steer4, The_ owner,ia reque 0 to prove prOpeity, ray expenses, and -I itri away, -ROBERT4i12 3m' .-- t' • . ALLoL , . a G L041ILL HAVE J. -1,1$T, CEIVED A -LARGE -stock Of the- n cest thirialt out: for a hit -attains box. or 4ewYear's. gift. _The - toting ladies pitapat:, hem.: They are a "Dick. Crisp, new"lot Of -.. •• - R presh-froiii the mint. Fa,rniliea taking half,a., dbaen or.more wiH rebeive them at Grange 'Hew). - -• ;RdB$RT MV.E.HAY, - St. Helium., We Ake. cam, eteltoutizof Wo k ' cid now earn stly request all, rties wini pttoinise4„. to britig: ood tior t/jr 6•40.0t1114.7 to 4%44)