The Sentinel, 1881-11-25, Page 7-
"•NTORK. ['Olt -THE ItrilliSIONAE.a.
PeOpte Who liont-Their Hair anti Eat
, - their Grandmothers...
(Faris.Correspordeetntiatimore sun:i
• You -have read Darwin's " Voyage. of &
- 44-
Niaturalist,'i and remember his description-
_ of the "'Terra, del. Fuegians."' Be says;
r certainly have never seen creatures
more abjectand more Mis.erab1e4-com-
• _ pletely nude, the body running_ With, the
'filling rain, the fignreshort? the *isage:
• hideous, the Skin_ dirty and greasy; the hair
• disheieled„ the Voice dis0Ordant, the ge_sture
Violent, It is hardly poisible helieve-
-i London reviewef:: vs that the period
-..-A pretty blonde i lay enough to.
become & belle, but she will go cracked if
she is tolled, so too often. ' -
.--L--A fashionable lady calla the 'train of
her. new silk dress. " Cyclone " bee-ause it
sweeps everything before it. -
—The Ontario Legislative Assembly
btuldan' g is receiving a eleanin- g in prelims-
, .
tion for .the coining setision. -
• of cheap hap no to, tir
. .
to —The hestharpists are said to_j in
•therhao- be, human creature.% inhabitants o Wales. But hai it not icing been e at
the_ ame world With ourselves?' Air the thebestwire-pullernareiraToronto ? 7
- - -
„Ala 014-Tinie Ease Re:railed, by lin
• • 'mite of Late Mappers.-
aardin e' --Acclimation here there IS,a group
of these. creatures; .reeently imported, and
. the deeeription written by Darwin fifty
years ago .1.4 as correct as it written yester-
day. In a large, encicenre taken troro.sinne
- of the other wild animale are ego:Ambled.
four men, four women and two Or three-
' children of these barbarians, and a more
-curique sight -I have - never seen, dr a more.
- interesting one. A-Crowa of tholisends of
the, dean:vino-fide and the curious -of all-
.01aetes preea theirnesea.centinuallY-against
the ..-re screen Which. surrounds: their
inoloan: '-e. Sitting int their. hen:a-cheek or
. ' lying. - ,at - half - length. abonts a log
- • fire; are- , these Creatures,, cled in ,- as.
ample sheepskin:, tied by a: string
about the `r heck.. and waist -cloth. ` The
latter iti. put on in. deference tothe prejn-
dices of the -visiting. Fairopeana, and
particularly for the Parisian, who. rather
fancy- the aude.. Their hair, full of vermin,
is a tangle & . mese,- which they are cen-
. cinually seratching," It is entirelyinnocent
- of ecitisors„. excepting at the forelideal,,where
- it iti -hacked off, or• baeged in -the Most
faelaione.ble anci•icliotie. ityle, to ' keep• it out .
of the_ eyes. They in feature resemble the-
'a -•-French are patronizing a
fied 'feint of the Mother -Hubbard cloak.
The gathers sheathe neck are graceful.
- —The followin, g typographical error
shows the vast importance Of a
At a banquet this , toast Wail ,--.giVed:
"Worame—withent her roan,le brate."
• _Man is *the. Only animal that den be
taught to sleep quietly on . an eniPt.Y_
stenienhi _ The 'brute creation resent. all
efforts to !max them to such a violation of
the laws of nature. The lion rears in the
forest- until he has Rama his Prey, and
when heihas devoured it hp tsleeps overuntil
hineeds &nether mama. - The hornwill
paw all night in the stable,,and the pig Will
squeal in the pen, refusing all rest or gee')
until -theY are fed.. The .animals Which -
chew the cud have their own provision for
late meal just -before droppingoff to their
nightly elumbers. Mencan train himself_
to the habit of sleeping withent a preceding
meal, but only after long year's of practiee.
As he comes into' the. World nature is toe
string for him, and lienaustbe fed beforehe
will sleep. A child's stomach is emalland
when perfectly filled, if•no sickness disturbs
it, sleep follows naturally and inevitably.:
As': digestion- :goes On the stomach begins
t A single fold in it will make the
Himilton_man buys dry gciodi. for.
his wife and. wet goods for liihnielf, and
botIvare perfectly happy .beeausehis means
are such that they both have all they want
—Nothing like an -himest quill. A St:
Louis paper starts au editorial with : "Our
&mestere, the baboons ,Of 'Africa," etc. -
Don't you ever get IonersOme tetate the old
folks? • . -
- . . . - 1"4-' -
ii,.. -
—London -Truth suggests theCthe Order
of the Knights Of St Patrick -W, widened
and remodelled and that to the Y4-)sh Order -
there be given a green ribbon 'in, place of
the blue one; . • , -., '11 - -
The,' Cur:ions freak- Of an Insane
Near :Alexandria, aboutftwelve ,
ago,a yoiing inannamed-JohriAlford Iften-
thsh'ow eVitlenceil, of .mental derangettteht.
His father is an: old,respeetable citteti,
and there je --quite a numerous - faniffy..of
brothers and: sisters well knewn he
-iipPer end Of the county. -He 'Was at Ibis
•time unmarried and about 30 yearnottOge.
He was rather good-looking„ talland
and probably aix feet high, and therCivas
no apparent cause • for his. derangetAnt:
Solite time after, during the plait
a a
of -1862; -be was duly a ju:
hinatio and taken to, the Luna:tip A
at Lexington; .. where he: yernai
few, months- and. :Was'. anthem -0
authorities of the asylnin harmle
ineurables remained with -hie
for a While and :was_ then -taken
er se. ,
We have beeli faveredwith the following
• maternal verses, composed by afr..Robert
Hanter,:the wortby Bard ef .john's
Ledge, Ne. III., Hatii4k, on hearing that
the members of- the Craftwereaboiit to s
erect a new -.Magenta Hall at Eilvainning; -
the cradleof Scottish masonry :
`county at. Aleaandria, where has
renntined with phort intelinissionl, wirer
Once, But strangest part of th..§.-.8tory
base yettp bo -E told. Soon after kith first
f d to s EVerig effort
to ,a, ito .
little sleePer. restless, two will waken it, Was Made, both at home and-at_the alum,
and it it is hushed again to repose to indrice bird to talk; -but withouti avail.,
its. short' and three folds plat an end to the He had a fair education, but neithetwohld
. .
slumber...Paregoric Or other narcotic may he - maker, known his wants by. ikriting.,
close. its .eyes -again, but without ' either During. all these . twelve years.- he is not
'food or Some -stapefying drug it te4 net known -- te.. have :tittered a ..1. single-
sleep,.no Matter ho* healthy it may be. wercl;± and - - has resisted .: the: ,', :Meat
Not even an - angel who learned the art of importunate -T end ingenious .effebte- to
minstrelsy in a celestial .choir tan -sing a indnee hilt to !Teak. 'A few weeks ago,
babe to sleep. on an empty storeach: _ We thegreat BUrprieQ, Of his friends, . hg 'began
used the oft -quoted -illustration, "sleeping to converse as well as he had eV done,
as sweetly as an infant," . because_ this explaining: hie strange- conduct by -Paying
slumber Of a child followil iminediately that he made a Peornion- to. God-pathe.
'after its -keit:each is completely.' -filled woulknot speak for twelifii yeare,„.0lld the
with *wholesome' . 'feed. - ,The sleep time had now i But a retii-Matief hie
-width comentoadtitslOng after partaking ability to talk, however, brought , ith it
of feed, and. when, the Bkirnitch. ib nearly no •bnprovernent in: • his realady,II, TO all
or quite empty,:is not after the type Of. 'appearance:- he is .-hripelesslyainsane.
infantile -repose. There.* all the differ- Although but alittle past 40 .yeeeti ,tif age
ence in the World. between the sleep Of h' bod is stooped, his.linabs end 'Med.,
refreshment. and the • sleep ot.exhatstio#:.
To Sleep . well the blood that Swells -the
veins; in the head during enribeity hears
mut- back; leaving a greatly . diniin,
ished volume behind the:brow that.: lately
throbbed withstiolitiebelnence.: To digest
man whiagdenin o a s ere where -
fish arta sold. and bays': a dozen More then
thefenaily requires' May be described as
one Wholuita been all day- and -is
on.hie Way home. , -
- • • •
Circassian rather than the Indian— or a --The Pall Mail Gazette s ary
. says that the practice of rifle shooting can-
ede the ellect of tactical disposi-
head brOad and. low, nose broad a base,
mouth- large. .Brielly -their food at home
, chiefly iish, eaten alive;. here it .is
beef or mutton; hacked 'off with , a
•bilge kuife and thrown into the ashes.
• Whe?.." Lioolted to -their taste . it is pulled
out with a :stiek and eaten, dirt and
n p
tions, and that, above air things men must
learnto fire rather low than high. ,..
-a-The following curious birth notice
appears in the Londen. Advertiser,:
Routais-At Ringsmill, on the '7th NoVereber,
the wife of Scott.Rogers, of a son (No. D.
• I din the
- all. Of their chief luaury—their gran(.
• a . weight 10 lbs. All doing ,
father, who is considerably -proud. • '
.Mothere—the-y are unfortufl8t8lY llepriveu.
' It istheir custom to eat the old and feeble
Mad the wounded.- When asked why they
do not eat their dogs instead, they give you
to understand that the dog can catch_ the
otter, and anold woman can't catch_ any-
tiabig. Of the -family or familyrelatione
• -chiefs or patriarchs; they have no' notion,io -
ielieion no faith not eVen..-'fetieism the
of_ the most degradedairmans. He_
has, no Itiowiedoe of 'his age', of any
you are tempted to do wrong
action sit down for a moment and say -this
verse three tithes and you will be sae:
A lover_forsakett.
A nett loyal:asp:get,: -
But a neck that's once broken
Can never be set.
—A. -traveller days, he found. prescrip-
tion made up precisely in the same way, to
'vary m price in the following_eities,thue:
' h
tinctive-- names, or -of time ; be as a Loudon, -8 -francs ; Paris, . , I
Fuegian; as a horse is a, horse, a, -pig a 4.15 ; Stuttgardt, :4.15; Bucharest, 12.50;
iig, and sfinply a menlljer of re. herd., aLthens,... 5, New. York, 30 cents.. Rents
no knowledge of propertyaand no regard • . • - • :
hieve a bearing- on these :prices to some
for it , beyond a miserable canoe. a bow extent, but Bucharest rents Oiii not higher
. • and arrows, and the sealskin. 'which- he
- n those of London. I • , .
his face -haggard and eadaverous;
qUite gray - and. unkempt, mak
to appear tifeellle obit:nen. Ude
case, and doubtless.wlatild be an
ennto Medical gentleineii.
well, this bloodis needed at the stomach, Personal.
fact established beyond the . pesaibility of
1 Of the Bisho of AlgOifi.4; a lady
. • .
and nearer the fountiiiiis of. life. It it
ate death isaimoiinced Of Mrs;
• • d e e p
knOwn-and appreciated inth_ealrigi7us
World: : -
tO hair
g him-
throws over. his, shoulderS. .H. e possesses ' •
night makes a rade nest like a Monkey or!i -141-ing -
—Thedays are chill and the leaves are
-nothing. He has no habitation,. t
0 ,
neighbors. His life is vagabondish, T-ri;° bira P° IcTger u"tite caAing ;
dog, and-eleeps huddled toaather with his Stinuner his death note bas is softly Auugv. •
Autuinn is,passing • her glories nailing •
' atomadic, and. he seeks somethirtg to Isfulpnger the leaves shine gti*-Itlen brOwn;
• appease bis hunger continually like any -. Bat wet and•dreara. s ' :
. . ..
0 ThrOughlmoaning eerie
wild animal._ ler. Darwin says of their sobome, ere,
wigwams : AThey resemble in 'form and
: . . The atirtlir4'sa.1
mn a ving will soon b
• : Size a pile o uhbisli, the work citanhour."
Their language, Capt. Cook Wild, sounds
very:reuehlike a man "-gargling his throat."
i-Therr- cruelty is notorious, andthey.think
. ,-..nothreg. a da-ghing ofit a ohild'a-braini Pia-
- the reeks if he 'displeases thena. -
Carious Fagts.
lips.when the JaparieseErapererpaeses by.
dir pm :left mires of several fi
alternately ,from :tight to left e.n.
• to •• - light and bece '
The pragtice of kissing is Unknown is impossibl
_ .
among the New Zealanders, ;Tahitans, -back to set
Australiani, Sernaulis and -
stirt 18 w'a
Leonard de Vinci frequently .astiniished. made. to fit
bis visitors baiiirnping to the ceiling': and form.. Co • there be a better illustration
knecking his feet against the bells .of a, of the ignorance and crass -e4vidity of the
glasa chandelier. _ so-oalled_guidee to fashion ?a -Truth. •
The people dare not...even 'Move their
, bilany old Greekinscriptions were -Written. read in & fashion
nu down..
- _
Ding ;it"' said ' Gallagr 'to Ragbag,
what- do you. want to tel. irmle4 howling
awful lienfor ? You were giVing yotraelf
dead away.- Nobody believed you. Tont
etthe name of being the biggestliar in tii3O
City." Do you -really thitil4eo ?" asked
-.Ragbag: Think so 1 I knoW " Oh,
rapture 1 That's what -I Want Dna work-
ing to -get the job �f selling a of mining
stock in the ruraldistricts. ' .
rnal that " toiir-
es o horsehair are.
g," and fp her, •". that it
to get the dr:s and tunie
as they should. linleSe some
`ThafOrM,then; is tt1 be
he, drees, not the dress the
.00n idoTnEn LOnGE.
014- detirto Scottish Masonry,
The Mother Ledge ninst ever bo
home Of Worth -
• TliatbroUght to birth. --;
•Alfrotherhooil so. grtind.ana free.,
. .
• Mer broad foundatidnadeepdothstand,
Whereon is reared our Temple grand; -
That ;guiding star
That-sliinei afar,- -
A beagen light to -every land.
- . .
z Adown the page of laistery. -
„ T:hy-s-ons. are ifidning gloriously ; _
• Like jewels.rare
. - neymie compare:
•TheY gild:the taine of Easotiry:'
A. nam.e -that hath been nobly wen.
Bytintiesdated antrbravely done,
. • ." . Prom shore to:Sher°
. The world o'er,
ftrund.Whereler me,n hatiagene.
Thy daughters-apashall honor thee, -
And. guair,d tily.bit•thright sacredly ;
They love thy naroe,
And proudly "
A.near andnoble line from -thee.°
Thy hoary lockd a grown shall be -
• -An.bonornye-t0 1140.8only,
1". Till earth and, sky
Shall wade and die-
4nd..timeblendifi Ytertuty. . . •
The Duke ef. Siitherland:iaas plat piened-
• ..
bin:well the .head of -a -ebmpapy for the:
PthuereitalaeeorraSiiixrteYa-d13.4tella4emlbahilae,sfoort the pur
pose. of feunding a celenY of Sco.tchinen.
This step is supposed to be-takeniniantici-
pation'Of some great 'changes about to talvf•
place hi the administration of the Duke's
eistate- in Scotland. SoM0 years,- ago the,:
Weald: diSterbed by the . departure for
- Zealand; from I his grandmeither'84.
eetate, of &Whole- elan, avithits young chief .1- -
at its head, leaving the land, nntilled and, '•
.unteninted, to be -used for sheoting.mnoors.
contradiction that,aleep ai s ige , .
that the process of, digestion is conductire
to refreshing sleep. It fatale no argument
to ponvin e us of this mutual telation.
The drow 'netts which always folletas the-
welbordere Meal is itself a testimony of
natoreto this -iaterdependendea.--/sIete York -
Journal, of,Ccrnmerce, . - '
11.0.w -a -Woman Waif Piiid fOr Ilea
- ' • ..
- Chickens. 1. •
. (Salt Lake Tribune.).
Governer Murray. tells a laughable story
of. his experiences in the Georgia match to
thelief). whioli Worth repeating: • '
- "Speaking of the fardous march thraugli
Georgia,' said the -GloVernor; "1 never
-tempt the amount of Morley it coat Us to
keep an'old f• cryingtly death.
ff the ----
Rev: Mr. Robeiteesi32,' SuperinNlident of
Presbyterian Missions:for- hlanitehl, starts
on a tour through the COuthwestefiri part Of
-tlie Province. . -
EX-Qtieen Isabelle of Spain wil „return:to
. .
Parie. Qneett Christina wilLziei .a,ccom;
pony Kix* Alfonso on, his Lisbon
abOsiiiiiit of -hei indisposition.; -
Those who use Carboline, as new
proVed and perfected, the _ great petroletun
bail reneiver,„are alivays distinguished by ;
the beautiful soft texture of the `hair 'pro- -
duced by the use that most exquisite of
411 toilet preparations.
IJIOUS headaches dyspea rheumatism.
piles and- desire -.for liquor. • Sample 1.0. dents,
Waded ' anywhere. W: HEARS, DrUggist.
Mr. .GeorgeHagge, Manager, Mer
chants' Isank.of Canada -at. Mot -tread, has
been elected &Fellow. ofthe
Inetitate London. Mr: Hague iitt'preeent
in England. _
' ire -said that Me. Tailderbilt'e, physician.
heti told him that heshouldhe prOpared for
the "last moment" at all_tittes ; ,that
_ - andwe nab -imp -3' and that comparative rest is absolutely
-apopledy promises to terminate ins _ days,
Of course we were obliged to subsist
ountry as we went eleng, a
necessary. . - , • ; Both of, the younger daughters Of -ex-
-Queen Isabella of Spain ' are soon to be
mearieda-the Infanta-Euladia to an Austrian
-Arehdake, Queen Christiana'abiother, and
the Infanta Maria della Paz to -the_ heir
aPparent to the CreVen-9f-Portagill.. -
tank about the:best in sight. One .day we
.took-p_oSsession. 91 a chicken ranch, 'kept by
'an old lady, Who deed at :the :front geto
with -a, hroona„and . threatened to it& all
,Shernasals: forces if _they:did-Mit-thrive Mi.
Now, chickens' were considered as
meat, and lea we. were infernally iningry
Wentfor tbeseeldhenapreity lively,- When -
she , sate that her _fayerite loWle were
being 'caught ,aind OW, she keeled right
oYer, and 'began to cry. Preis_en.tly
began t� screarreand finally'rin could- heat
that Woman's yeliclear to Atlanta. I sent
tlie surgiknas quiet her, but they felled;
• and then all the officers: took turns, -but
the. more attention paid her the more
she bowled, I then . got pretty ;nervous
• h le
army wOuld hear it, and they Might sup- nesday night. Bir Leonard 2-1illeY was.
A bride's dress .in Fiji is so .cniebrous --An old . felloiv- whose daughter had
t the failed to secure position as teacher, in
• that it " is carried by her nen
ds o - church and put on outside' on the- shore
-•• • ander the cocoanut trees:, ' '
Finding -the arteries empty after death
.gave_rise-to -thtf idea that they conveyed
only Hence their name. It was this
• belief that Harvey overthreiv in 1620.
The Word " dad " paire Welsh, and is
.cOnsequence of not passing an exa ,
said.: "They Oli,e4 her lots ot things she
didn't know. Look at the history ques-
-tiOnel • They asked her about things that
happened -before she was born? Howties
she going to kr.9se &bait theta? Why, they
asked her about old George' the "Third and
other -men. she never-knevi-? That was a
pretty sort cif examination
,. a an intereating- survival- among us of the
of' the Lord's. Prayer in 'Welsh is " Bin
There are Many curidusinstances wnere: deformity a - - as mis p: ,,,
as a beautiful object, so long will
*omen do their ntinost to become'
. the loss of one Sense adda to- the acutertepa many
. of others. Dr. _Moyse„I the blind Philos- t'beautiful,' DO, Matter 11,6 _Painful- the
- opher, could distinguish- a blatik ress_ y_ f
. - - - - .- . .
the Smell.
',been given to converts in baptism es s;ubsti-
tutes for their fornier pagan appellations,
•-Cfmany of -which were borrotved from the
i -m.iitiffaett of their gods, and •yiere -therefere
ancient British language.: The beginning
',The, Lancet, in an .artiele 'strongly
_Mr. -and MrsaJulian.ilatetlabine intend
to spend. the *inter at the " orittause
Cencord. Mr , -Hawthorne in -at in
Italytaking notes for his niaOklial paper
�n the Places -described in ilia faiiher'inevel
of a The biteable Fa= "
Vieierbrurlimond, Charge ca..Vaires at
the British IAegation Wtishton, gave
an elegant dinner to the new anttish Min
over the infernal noise, because ister, Hon Lionel Saekville We, on Wed -
- - •
$600.400; '
six hundred dollars are hereby offered in epedial
priz- es- theleading fairs in Ontario gni. •
- - Quebec,1882, by
poise that somebody was tort
Woman. Finally Sherman rod
a,sked what it was all about, and W en
nrIng. e ationgthose present.
daino.uncing tight lacing, eays : "So long
- • t regarding an unnatural
Ali, el -Berge the lik6ther-in:ii*
e up and ... A
h we
told him he said: " Give bar- a bushel of
Aeting- en this .ing sul:istance in tne defened Of PreS1-
if that won't.stop nex
*bp le defending Guitteen, hal written a
Scoville adinits that he -is dly weAt-
dent- Geafield's assassin..
Thodey Horse and Cattle iFood Company
-AS follows : $150 cash at :Canada,'S Great-
Toronte; 560 Great Central Pair, Hamilton ;
530 Western Fair, London ; 520 Port Itope; -VA -
Sherbrooke, P. Q. -,-S-1.0 Ottawa ; al& Chatham;
815 Guelph ; $10 kingston ; 510 Walkerton ; and •
$10 at ,etinnty fairs -in the remaining Counties in -
Ontatie.' For particulars, see circulaxa
letter to Chicago, asking Orli), titi.h
Confederate. bonds. for her ens, .and see
• - • h
:Mari bare. :Molesitlortli; Mrs. Melee-
' T1 Earl Of Mount Casheiti_ about to
Worth'e age is not ...kb:wan:. The Lan was
born in August, 1192, and is in his.,
gdth year . • _ •
After leaving Yorksleke was
admitted and was for iiieve4,1_ years a Blue:
COat.BoY.. ' He'received,therefere, in edu-
cation soinewliat-better than itagenerally
belieVed.! .There are Persona yet livinawho.
remember itt the Bine Cast _Scheel. -
• -
said: °have Made a painfill -itoprestaion -on
Qurn Margaret's nervone :condition is
those present at a Mass iirthe court chapel
at Vienna. -She temainedliteehngthroligia
hint, proceeded to business., .
eaptiired a Confederate train.' the. day
before, -with • $4;000;000 of Confederate
Money, and I Minted up tile train -at
onee.. Well, I staffed 'about half a million'
_dollar's in an oldearpetsick, and, marched'
ilito the hciuti • • •
• ." Madare,' -said I, Opening:: the eilek,
give you $59,000 to quit this neise.' It
was as Still death in a Minute, and then
her face expandelina broad'emile. I• laid
the paCkages of -Money • on the table, arid I
never:611W such. a* delighted' *einem. The
effeetpleiteed miaand I :Continued Gen--
Bliernian presents :hie, doMpliments
and $100-,000' I neVer in ray life saw Buell
Christian names are so elated -I -by having
rejected as profane.
The falee, pearls manufactured -so largely
, in Paris are lined with fish,sca,les and: wax.
The scales Of the reach and dace are-ohiefly
aaployed_ , They have te be stripped finM-
rate flesh while the fish la alive; or the
•.tenirtg hue sti much admired in the real
pearl couldnet be irnitated..,
.&t the Post -Office. _ _ -
* A -Inotherly looking . Nieman yesterday
carefully -handed dial- stamp clerk at the
P981-4-Offi,ce a letter merked." in haste," -and
:inquired if there. watinitY extra charge- for
writing_ that on. ' - I - •
" Oh none at all." ' • c - ' .-
t .
" How- goon will the letter goout ?'"
eadealtowhiclethe_y will!, have to submit.
Once more, then -,--We urgetlie female mein;
bers of the community yo abandon this
fatalartichs Of attire": . .
- - t
lea- Man who hiF4, just- Stopped
his Paper. _ 'What 11. -Serable-looking
Creature. he is I He; . as -if he had
'been -stealing- Sheep. .H will he -Know
e has stopped
-what:is:going- cnt-now tla
hie -Paper ? He will borriir his neighbor's
paper s One ef these Deafn be will Break
his leg, or be a. Candidate'. for _Office; and
therithe Paper will Say riething about it.
That will be Treating him . just Bight, will
it not, little children_ ?-HPriraer. -
friends. I have yen a dado—a new
dado—among you? No don y -
most of yon—new dadoa this year. - 'Twas
ever thus since claildhoo.d's hoar:- We
never loved a fondge.zelle techarin us with
-her deep blue eye but -what the confooilded
-thing- was sure to up&rid : •The dodo
going out of fashion. Meths of, England,:
&pleased old *Milan, and I woun np
bydumping the contents of the 'pack right out 1Jhe whole service. At A e e ev
down on the floor, and telling her that when iliii-iltait-e-h-e clasped her hands rigidly_ and
it came to contribution, . distressed -11joked upward, her lant-litreamilig with
females I could be outdone lair no man' tears
living," ' •- -- • . -- - A cerrespanderit in Zululand reports an
'Shainvited the officersito supper; arid she interview. with the warriors who killed the
cooked. every chicken on the ranch, and set pririoe Imperial: When they were asked_
.oat cider as free as water, We were having whi they .did not remove the gold. chain
d time when. a. long, link old and! Medallion sactind his nook after death
1' d . " BeCause he Was brave. lie
die- progress-. Of our .studente
Our method. of teattbing. Watch -
Investigate our claim to have the moat -tiler •
ougli and -practical sdbool in Canada, and before
spending your money, Satisfy yourself thatbe
Is the place te, learn_ business. No instfttition .
offers equal advantages to yoting Men,. Stialmita
enterat,any time.. For circular, and. specimens -•
of Penumanship, _. •
• • Jkddreas: the ilecaciary.
a pre y g
coon came in, and she saidit -wee her husL y_
b d Pretty soon his- _eyefell On the fought like a yonng lion." A: dross marks.
• thelepat where he fell, treee ttiaA shrubs are-
' planted around, and, stran— to -say, the: -
place is kept- in good I ordemaby the same:
.Zulus who slew the- haplesa re.
naoney: Sarah,' said he; 'wherein blazes
-didlcu get all this darned truck?' '
• -." • 'present from; General Sherman,'
said she. _
Werth & continental cent,
they're kindivin' fires- witleit down NeW
Orleanti.' ' •
"The old :WOMan rose uP,'her face as
white as _ _your shirtfront,- -and. her eyes
wasn't -peasant to Meet: . , •
"So you are the man that gave the this, -
are you?'- she called out, reaching for tile
old broom.- • - • - _
The entire DUMB rose .and Letarted --from
that *mite. We neVer heard any mete of her, -
d there isn't a Mail' in the crowd-
the great authority in, such matters,
" Iu. about forty'. minatee' - declares that -no wall -pap°
"' No sooner than'tliat? "'•
dado,hut that the dedo should jai) quite a
go at off in about twenty roaraitei3X separate affair, of etamPed leither, or of
". Well, we might 'lima Spacial train and
" Would it -be toe ranch trouble ?" ' -°arvect'woa' °r's°11:01.ingt allaa" a 1114
"Oh, none at all."' - _sort,
r'shnuld 'ave a
... She thought for a -!. moment, turned. the . .--A medical authoritY lairs When You get
"later p.iti:i7 three_ or four times, and finally a chill all Over and away, hate) your ' boles,
. -I - --- -- - aiaid_liegin_ tneniffie. and almost straggle for
,..-4;"91. &Mesa, I .V10111-1. Sak you. to hire „a .Yeur-breatn, just begin lin time and your-
- spiociat train, but if you .will tie . kind- 'tribulation -need - not laiit very long. Get
enough to telegraph toy' sister that 1 have some . powdered horaaiIIIiind • snuff the: dry.
.written her a letter to -tenter that I can't powder up you nostait . Get Your eatta
- _come till 1 fonday, Ei,o4 to be at- the depot to. phor bottle, smell of. _frequently, pour
meet me,- and that ";mother. didn't. go to sonie on your handker iiief -and Wipe your
Toledo. af or all, I Shall be ever so nnieh notie with it wheneveriiieeded. -:;Your nese
ebliged. 1 Good .rabrning. "—Detroit Free Will not get- gore and lit;?:iu.- will sOon.vionder
. ... ...whit has become of yotir cold. - Begin -this
treatment inthe fererititin and.: keep On- at
intervals until you get bed, and. you. will
slesipas well. as you air did. - - • : •
nor -Gen mal of Tripeli.
Pasha -has- beim appointed- Gover,
" LA. snre -
,a.effectual reine
dy Neryousness
in ALL its stages
• Weak. M-ernoryi -
'Leis ofBrainPower •
Prostration, Night •
Sweats, Weakness.
and General,".Loss •
Nervoua Waste, Be• '
: Wawa If Arts.) juvenates-the Jaded -
Intellect, StrengthenS tbe Enfeebled Brain, and
Restores Surprising-TOne and Vigor to the- Ex-
hausted organs.: The experience of thousands .
proves it an INyALnAinx REMEDY. -
The Medicine is7p1easant:te the -taste, in,
no-- ease and under no circumstances pan 't do
harm. Each box contains sufficient. for two ,
week's. anedidationk tb,us .being teeth chaper
:than any other ntedrchie sold—and wh' ait is
the cheapest, it is much- better. - •
Full particulars :in our Pamphlet; which , we .
desire to to any address.
Math's- Magnetic Medicine- - is -sold by
:druggists at SO pts. per -box; ar.1.2 boxes for $a,
or will be mailed free of poStage on, roceipt.of
the money, by addressing „---
- .
The ea-Emprees Eugenie 8tys ago Paris
seenie like a cemetery to ter. Her firre
friend the Count de Lessepsanallti her the
"Isabelle la Cathelique of tiffi. SueaCtinal:"`
Her hands are doubled _up Aeith:rheuma
titan, she : has a bloodless faeet_and walks
with a cane: • -
- .ProfeeSor-_-Seeley's history': lectures at
Cainbridge are se popular 41iiit they, have
dimmed deep discOnifortlo tlia p.elitelixider,
graduates The' ladieg 'Irani Newham
• . College flock to these ---litaree- in mi.&
*mild meet that old,. woman for all that
bewitchingairoWds that th gallant young
Of thei
the dollar bents 011 .- at the Treasury Depart- T men feel obliged to give-..--utttheir sesta arid
pa.hifully take notes on the t psi r hats.
Confederate money, if it.'wonid bring 190, -
ment,..7ab.:nshitnogriot,:ii.;:o.n-, 'ess,:a12,1;_l-ng.c.piavi...0-t'ea. ..virTilh',nn:,otird.sataell.i.fuo.erl:
...-__- - -
Murderers must .. beawarded to the two -140ndenaerraests partly en Ili wrier.
Rnmebergere, eenteneed• to be : banged at 'Alp' of the rioh Wilsort.. 'este, -,the
Harrisbarg last 'eek : Henry received tha -Wiminera,j partly on his. ienreee . tati ia- ef
emoounoeoloot with -entire osilionoi, vilile- the -Western Province irebie:IIPper Heinle
Frank - remarked to ' the _Court; with a of Vieforita ema part1i-6i(htlit introduction
smile, ". Thankiii1 itita in innocent:. man 1 ''' Of salmon into the colOn Hu went :to,
Even a .:giiiity -Man could - not have More Melbourne in1852,-workett- for a. time in
courteously expreseed his gratitude. - . the gold -fields, their:joint ,l.i
is brother in
. . _ :. . .
Cardinal Nina has succeeded 0 -the -Pie. sheep farining, and with he help of a few
fe-ctureS Of congregations formerly presided _favorable SeaSOnSi . 1-1*-11.i.be00,010 . a - very
Over bythirdinal Caterini-.. - ' ' prosperous P294* He we" igh-tea iii 1875_,
- Meek's Mannede Itledidne --
. • . Windsor,- Ont.,! -Canada.'
Sold by all druggists everywhere. • -•
Over 70.0 stammerers have -been cured -by
-during the past threayears. Testimonia.
• of thean d Canada. Addr
841eIsS iervil11111.,tIVIT,r6=-i: -SP
• roB - ' •
••• • •
A-. so many aneflt
"ITIoaehliiiiiyscaangeoeiilt:i7eg:oss":ealtod, aquiaatunokinat4is."17bamy:•