The Sentinel, 1881-11-25, Page 5• t • ishes fettat )rm rho I lil_4ic. tit the 1.10: mat -Antis, O tt 4. on1and-w 1:138T -CLASS toil Woren', Misses' and Children's, Boots. Go .lkttt examine. his- rcaflt • sti erifil � p 4�itak in each class, especially- his i.I uflits iOte ho1e.�tock Boal i Before- purch'tsing elsewhere . Nt• .►Specialty�,.i,�zfa,�tu�rn ,, i r t yeart4 si ck Sold at. is I=d under fi11 3 and I3tittL:r ttekou 1a• Azchatire -'f',.ti• Cr,iFitl�t.y - ES GORDON n Isii:e o f• t Iiposition,its determined that he and. ta- tit end will still hi4 tett t:hat anyoxneiu town 'EST END m r oval = . cLean;. Wisltes.to info= the. ublic of the fact that notwirhstanding the great demand. for his _ WAGfOPMB,; _ . . C-AIURUAGES 'and B1;JGGIES. $s still. has a splendid assortinent remai Hing • They are. MI manufactured by thoroughly. competent workmen of weil:seasoned timber, and in the latest•and most: fashionable designs. • IIe also trestles to call attention to the fact that he has secnrtd Sole Right, of the village of l;ucknow, to manufacture . the :• kilt° iu ilv patrons may rely upon it that whitethere be a lowering; in prices, there will,'be boy Lowering in Quality •�; ifs bis lengthy -eXlkrietccehelms: Totzndtliat it< 1*may-s to •ke;falx nutlutii but gootl meat.. Ream miser that f ertli n-kea;l the • eat . Supply;_ . in Town J. tial - Will mot .be tV,aiorso1a WAX Delivered to alt Parts of r.the Village, on Sho.rtesh i'lot ce.. tMftIYiUitl . t`-n.i1:�1 i': i.ttuu r• � An inspection of which will convince the mootscept cal -of itasnpenor rnerits,_being_: Lighter; Simpier and more durable than than the one'incommonn use, ' Anc:wliich wonderful to relate will be sold at the unpre- cedet?tep price of $50. k FI'OP—Cor. Campbell and av'elock streets. O SE - OEI G And OeneralBlacksmithin Repairin .and retrimniuig-Will be ate ted with neat- cess, c,heapnet. an despatch. DONALD -11;cLEA•N. Luckut>w quiz ..14.• - :VO- TRELEAVE.i� • A nice :New • Mant-le;-bis:. a very important part- of `a Lady's 0046;and adds greatly to the cflt CE ,.and --3 ..'TTY of the wearer; Hind nature ras given eyt:ry Lady her share of beauty arid corneli.ress, hence- every •lady may: be dressed.to look well, Some.. really handsome ladies are rendered hediuus by the MA +TTLES they wear, which forztyle,and. fit remined one -of wool sacks: andIlnedriaf itbhlea(nkQetsT; _ Somehink:that fine ma ernals make fine nanntles,:hut ret PIT,-PIC1E and:MAIM-40iot,hm Your•paticularstyle. of build, you have :Only a $L. 11ZT. naaoMn a1tch. Ladies_,it a mistake to think that any. hack of a -seamstress: can` Make a .Mantle Ii fit it. ione,but .an ARTIST can do that, and none: hut a good Salesmq.n can , and point out its peculiar adaption to your naturul developmeias:_ The judgment:; 'ear. is (bettthan th ladies'- er at often we ii en. - of one-man of taste fn'utatters of w LICE Sig. LbCTIOlo=CER; Fartieshavring sales will do well to give him a all. Wh 4 Because their C1thes .git; their Mantioll Soure• .Ladies ahca >,1eok neat.. y •y to agree wi*h their�st style of i uild and. bodily. configuration. Ore dts:gned Y - i tiigl.rstt Cash Price `Paid- for irittefr. Tie silence=tt ii.•Fus;hliy Street,; opposite t r�3 _Sieth:iitst Church. • Ilii:E Er' ti Luck a -kw., Au.g4st 25t4. 1881, • LBaIES ! LOOS ' at my 3i A3TTLES. come and see buyor. not. I1 I can vou,in Sttvle Fit, .Quality I want to sell you a M IOTL4-:. ex Village.;antl Park be ; Sold ou terl - o th &tines. e i ster r s for Sale. • 'RACtE 1111 'ARX.'.1'i iiCriti.ATE EN -TRADE 10 Rt(, tiLd15-1-I Iti'.JIEDI. An unfailing cure for Semin- al Weakness,: Snermatorrhea It> pot.eney,.• and a11Diseases u^,fore`I'0l en'tbatfollow-as a - , �+seeluence.of-Self A use; asloss of \(emeryy*, tr iversal; Lass- thde, Pain in . die back, Dimness of Vision; Premature old age. and many Other. Diseases, that lead Insanity:or :(;onsuinption-and 'a Prematt're Grave, - ti Full particulars in !Jur pamphlet; which we de =ire to send free by mail to every. one; s-verheSpecific. Fled- clue• issold by all Druggists 'at . Si per pack- age, or six packages for $5 or will- - be sent, free by mailon•receipt of the.money by - ad- dressing •• . - - TIIE GRAY MAIDIONE CO., Toianto.'Ont ,.Canada e- So1c1 in Luckribw. by all druggists and every where in•Canadaand .the'United' S`tates.- by all wholesale and retail clrtursnsts. ' a week -in your own'tewn Terms an°1. -5 5 'outfit free. -Address.' . If: , LLLT'T. Portland -,-Maine. DIES..? YO them whether you •ind:. Price,- ,: make :or mar your future:; Besides it: _ will help 'me 1111e Mantle business may for eeryy laity Isell- to becomes:a living; walking, talking advertisement; • better and cheaper even than the Printer's Ink. (PROM BRAZIL.) . and its. .. won- 3'he New`. Compound, .... erul affinity. to the .Digestive , pparatus.and the Livez; increas ..- , ng the dissolving juices, rieliev- ng almost instantly the dreadfal - results ofDyspepsia j ndigestion, I . makes s =LIv �,ud the TORPID opesa an every day necessity in* very house. it = acts - gently and speedily in- iliousness, . Costiveness, • Head- che, Sick Headache, Distress at, • er Eating,Wind on the Stomaek, eartburn, ains :in the Side and°: ack, Want of Appetite.. Want of nergy, Low Spirits, Foul Stom- h.- It invigorates the.Liver, car--- es off all sure = - lus bile,- regulates. the Bowels, and,gives tone to the hole system. Cut this out_and take_it to•youur ruggist and get . 10 cent Sample, _ era large boti le for 75. cents, and Lellgourheighb raboutit.. fir` :: opriga ,, receiving Fresh Fa and._ Winter Goode a daily, and will sell t same lines_ of goods as .cheap: as any Neuse this side 41 - : j Toronto 'FINELTNES _OF ur Asso tn'iont. of nig OLOLE TOBA DETROIT, Mics.; and r br,t) o trila bee nb6 if 17:1 Wbti H 1 tri 0°1 (..9m. _60p to 4 •p' ands `t3o D eP 1 ,m8 Nes _ .t o - M e - m CO CO., WINDSOR: Qtiar, Mon: Ern Real- Estate, -a rates ° an tel'ims cif, suit_Borrowers;.:- ELLIOT :OFFFCE--- ''it. t Luckno*, Marc1l,i1- • .- reasOiial)le p -ay h ent to• sle - :PilSt;cl;.,c( a.• . In all brancle will be _!con- plete. in a few, days: CALL AND SEE .. We wi11; endeavour to give you good value "a t. rea- sonable ea sonable _rices. SnecialLines will -:Ue Shcii- Close. on Cost.. LIBERAL DISZOIJNT FOR CASH 084 a$t Co if 'ag.• •' i8 tow :in BETTER F UNN imq.. --OR DE. thanever it was before. We lave put in a' nese :Engine and a new Planer;' iitid t,serhnuled all the r st`•of the Machinery; and are now irepared to do LL KINDS . of' -WORK = in the BUILDING - . U 1BING . I Aire have .alsu,ou hand a "large Stock of _ s Lumbe'r..Doors . Sash',Bi Ids, .l_ --Ing; House .and Barn Eave Tropghi ;g, Etas- &CROLL-AND SANS SAWING Ve STAIR BUILDING A SPECIALTY.. Give uo a call before purchasing. elsewhere, oHRiserig DERTS l Y. ,t' tile !ear X11 o- 'C JOH STON'S "?7(/ SARSAPAR1LIA Lira GO PLAIET, DYSPI 5IA And for Purifying'the Blood It1 as been!�n use for 20 years.', and had - 't't proved:to 1,he'oeat,q'retparetion m th inarketforS1CK.REA1)ACHE; PAIN1 i SIDE Olt<13A('K. LIVER COla:•' PLAINT; PIMPLES oN THEt FACE, DYSPEPSIA, PILES. and all 4Di,eases, that arise from .a Disordered i ver or'an• impure blood Thousands of our best pecaple takol.it.and give it to tbt.ir chit•: dren: Pliy'siciaf prescribe it daily. Those: who nse it- once, recomnienci it to others. It is made froth Yellow hock, Hund ras Sarsaparilla; Wild .Cher ry, i tillingia, Dandelion, Saas,saafras, \Viuterggiigen, ;other :(veli kniiifin valuable Rabts and. aierbs. Itis strictly vet etable,'and' tan - .not hurt the most delicate conStitntion. •:; etas tina ot the best -medicines in use for -Re.;tilating-the Bowels• it is sold by alt responsible druggist*s at one dollar. for a' -quart bottle, or ;;battles for five -dollars. - 7:hose Who -cannot obtain a :mottle of ,t: this Medicine from _their druggist -may;`;, entl us -one dollar, and we will send it c them.' s • • V7. 3 f3ttSTG;I'a CO!, -L ftctsrere, T Aurrrasrnrra, ONT.. F��ti e -•.,r k.:��:x �r -ti.. -�S,i 9u fc. r+• What is it? The' beat 14Iachine Oil iu_ .the world'; is manufactured by •-: .2160011 - 332o. a: -Co.; . Torontt.' This tril, tinder the severest test -and the impst ;fictive competition;<iw,rc?ed ph?ce of tb.: highest oilier in 1880; rratiit-iy, Trrt=n`f031, ' dustiial ..Exhibition-, First -Prize ; 1'rovincini. Exliibiticn, Pnniilton; Gull :Medal; and 1'f 1)oniinion Exhibition, Ottawa, Silver Farmers: and other4 riuining •inaehinery gill save money and .machinery by using LAuni? Ask. your merchant dor it and take ne others €=z >s