The Sentinel, 1881-11-25, Page 4Zite hlY rLt t T.dif IItiY TO tITTEF,, ND FREELY .\CCf1RV I\ -f: TO TMIE DICTATES' OFCtaNSeII NCn 4Vn ear= A €3tb,S h ALL OTHER LIBDRTIES..'� Latalin.ow Novanibor 25 1.8 GCENZRAL ELECTION S.hould.Sir John Macdonald spring a.! general` election upon the r otninion in itt ance- of the time: set statue, and'' it 1 1g generally believed • he will, it ; ` his: would be tal�en:as a confession on f, part that he dare net allow` his boasted: policy ti stand the test of another year;` that the lonuer it is hefore, the peeplei! the, mare°appsirent becomes the ,fraud lip`*n which it is t:oetl, and that the r+•zit' chance that exists et fastening, it item the country' for anc>ther•tern), lies. in tab; tti advantage,c f the alightly imp prove I times, an,l the presumed •unpre'-. Vire dn.lss of. tho far an Fleci�` tion -campaign. . The only valid expla- nt fun that could be giye:n: of an early. t1i-s dution of parliament is, that defeat in_ 1883 would lie let abaelrtte certainty. IEI:1r s LT'': AT EiXAMINATION43. There. seems: to be, says the`Olobre, a lameutable::want of common honesty • atnon a forge= ioumbel -of those _who present. 'theiiisulves as cai.didates -at ,ka niinatibns desigided as tests of their d; tainarlelts.. ' Froln: thio tel bilis iudivitinal. delinquents .are .t in the txd of•usi.ng memoranda, or. "cribs, i:. the ,Xaininati'n hall, :and occasion- ally a .whole locality becomes ',Bore, or 1t'v demoralized. : A candidate who sees akS_tither fusing aids without being detected, is -under stronger temptation 14 resort to them himself,, and • the,. plagneapot -of, dishoncsky has thus a .tott'lenoy ti; spread. keret •s, app `- `entiv, no effectual retrtei3y, except ott. the _part of ..dose who aro responsible for the: .c educt the ex- ii"nitration ,; auti we entrusted withthe t ti.-sohiy " of the p: pers.,: anti judging =# •tuff the revelations' which have _beep, tit,tcle in the: coarse of the investigation at t1xten•'So-and in connection with ttte exicnttiations held there for intending BORN.. I3uno-xsm In this village, on Satmdajr-- the 12th inst.; the wife of Mr, Mail: I3txress,. of a- dau;hte , - McWiftiN im.L-At the *Nile, on the 13th inst., the li*if -of . Mr; -MeWtiiriiley of s: daughJ,` ter. MAItRIE?. ' I McLEOD lass.- At tt e, residence of the bride's- Iiiother, : Y ov 29th, by:. ' the Div.. R Leask, Mr: 1`l, A. - .A McLeod- to .' Neese argar et Roes, daughter of the 1 to.. Archibald Mei eod, all. of Ashfie cl. CRAwFoRD ---In i heTow ship of -Huron on_Tueesday,' 15th N *ember,. 18.81,-= Katie, F gost- � ,tie onn dau ter of Mr. ,Jno. Crawford, of this • vi lase,: aged 25 ears. y 26. years. NOW- SHOWING: A: LARGE: AND Dress •Gooses Cashmeres, Win ies, Flannels,Shirt-:ings Cott Gloves, I-Ioaery, &c.. . .THE II1ARK Pall Wheat : .. ...... Siring Wheat :. •... Flour' ... Parley. • ,.. .. Oats-.. •.F '. Peas - ... Potatoes: +r_fm -• • . ito per.ton- Perk—per cart..: Eggs ... - . $fuer. Fides— Apples- SSneepskna 3 , 1�v $1 2Q 1 22, .. 1.20 I ' a ,.: 00 fi ; .,. 0 74 " 0 7 .� . 0. -30 0 .e30 ca.. 0- 1.0 , 0 , 4- :.. 0 50. , 0. 8Q; 742 00 . _ Ia. oo 0 22 0 22 .., `i 25. 07 fl' ..;10 13 - 0 18 ,. 00 50. .. %85 Keep The Fe t: -Dry. - 'This• is the season o£ -slop y weather so pro- ductive or colds and lung t oubles; neglected cold or -damp £eel is a. gre t source of these difficulties. Gure•your-coutIt with Hagyar 's Ee.ctoral Balsam,. . Pleasa t =to talk_ and- I. ways reliable_ - . Full :.arid: 'Complete , Line of Fall and Winter Tweeds, ' - _Shoes • Groceries. Grock'ery and Cela MCTEVery I .. .. - .` f_ . will Col€ �r .. Effort has been :matte to_ Satisfy the Wants of the Ptib ic, at Prices that Yorkttel ils', A .�W Bazar ��ove Glove -Fitting Pa , Favorably with any.: .Agent for.-Mc��,ll: s DT � , , , and nem styles received as publisublis R e , Catalogues 'and Fa Bion Pa ers_ free-, rge �ssortim ent on hand � , ..;. Papers SORTED STOOK _OF Bi tickets . Shawl, Coi;;.,ts, Made rlotl ing, Boots~ and ware I.B.BE vrshoes. 1NTYRE' SPLENDID VALUE• __ The Pioneer has ust opene -out his New Iii )ortation off': SuOTCH TWE DS, OVERCOATIGS, `G'S, SHAWLS, __FLAB NLLS. &e. &c. : h forquality,.and chic u Myles Price cannot be Excelled achets•,' the deree of carelessness' at -t�ret exhibited is poslt`velY Startling.- ': .� -It o u [a he possible to keep. the pa-. " -r-. in such- a way- that ;no one but, l7 ., - , tie: prr4Aing" examiner" would have . access to' them •befuru_ they ware Sliced in tha�aa hands' of candidates, bltlt . in „Often g int. -they were: put inte," a r;•l:apttacto for which there- were. several _ k�‘ s, and they ivere:dtaniugrerd wig', • as a muter of course; It should be' loos= :i,1. -la to prevent Candidates • from copy- free from 'tkr oth€4rii'-8e .chininunicatitlg :with _cc.h.-other , in the ' examination . re Iili; FP.it the=re -his peens sing:ilar = hee • altet of 1 Et.ity r -ti the nog of con iii `bete tb:« Omen Sound exaflnittatii.ns, it n tr'M by Ti4ge, from: tlia testimony • ?ef_the candidates who gd Q evidence at th-e irtv'.: `igatiot:.. - }tci:sv any : presi _ dein extrnvtt r not actuaIly asleep e- •ul 1 al l.fw . sutth•. pi'ietices to go: oii; _ S-=fdiE :his pyres i -',R my:3tery. . It be- • ‘c•ki o 111,1 ez1 ac ir% )ti -,betel t r xc nt to: • t Like. trite-g,1nt nt'"•1c-u1•e- to Stamp. Otit li.0-h eaityl^tortes a: d. dd'sht+i sty in semi( tion : -With - them -•(\ant'l.a tttait1S: It a -n exar iiiK tag, .121-0vt=d Iiirns€lf 11ri-' nrth}- o'' 'tho lu-;t ro ••• s t:? ri• him• lid s`totll:l, be pi•t,tctI)! ly .c:t; hiere..1', ant' 1°tn tt Mites coaV.t'c 1 .64 resortin • to r t)1s: c_iu r rit€ans •t f ..[3•l'- 1ft• tike • c' nin -alio€tr stiotild ti o cotidewuetl td st.F k: s,. e•c th••r Cabbie, itun that of : teen h- tt '.. Corniti:zre.hot-i Stvy:is. litounllt. to he, 'antinkli pt -rt ble i.el._rzlift&shoo of -ever.- one who Ilia' ehal{.gt of the,;• iett l- _ lectu, tl an,... :moral tlatnitikg of 'children. t •. The:11µ i li let 'anti ott E Gid eft 0-citbexieli : tf tilt:. ITieks int N ifs of ' the It , jietrar 'of iLnron; tions 4 coiab11tltd attack at- , 1leuri,cv find -1nfh antarian eif -1 Iiln s - ii I�t:ce�Isecl �vae cine of the.etiriicat settleis 'in Huron. ro . I t. .. • l - An g iso8—'Tice oltoroh to e . p • = o4:eter social has:. been turned -..):0 s n thtz •otnniunity again. Two _ear i s wli:icke 'up arra. • irr�7nineht chticchc . bought a<whole c•cn between thein.. It is intended to give what is k:ft to tha poor.". I• INSPECT ON SQLICITED. i.CAM ■ BELL ammoth ` Collar' ! T Ad Manuractnier of . i .lands of - .ILRNESS, .• - SAL DLES, . TRUNK DusTE s:_ HAVE TU PIi C HEST, O '" peer .4 'of TRUNKS : at s e. this;ttttn. t early so r rali�in from tens t 'cent off for Cash.. • 23.LISES,• &c. &c. E•R 111UG ,. ED THE LAR. best selected -stock r been brought to. see them, ..L?ii. e s LTT ,.-wards. TEN ar: J _ tultAS`S iali `. l6It►TEB` LOST. •OST A PRO CISSOR — NOTE,MA3)E . - in, favor of Q. A. She�7and -or bearer for the sum of $52.{5, dated 31st of May;l8 l; payable five months afterdate: ' The pnlYjic are aautionednot`to receive th@'above /Intel'ee notiaegotaWe.. C.. A. Luokuaw; 4NoSHEPARD'v..4th i&2i . -AtA0NUFAC1URED TOP;.ONTO. .R- A Permanent, sur cure for Diseases, Di. orutrs and Ailments of the Kidneys,. Bladder Urinary rinary Seeretim veSuste; r:_ Attendant t of Com ,laints—causing Pain in Small i fBack, Sides, eta., rrotluetng Urinary L)isorilers; such as too frequent;lScanty, Difficult, Painful or Copious Micturatio ,:Inability of Retention and Sedimentary Urine, Dropsical Symptoms; .denoting the presence in thesystem.- of Diseases common • to the, Secretive Organs, `known as Gravel, f..7attarh of the -Bladder and. Passages ; Brights' Disease, Dialietes,"Droy'sy; Pileb; Ner.voue Debility, etc.,: etc. - • Pain1hlets and Testimonials can be obtain= ed from Druggists free. • - PRicEs-Child`s Pad; $1.50,:(cures, bad vyet- ting). Regular Pati, :$2.00.:.Special:Pad for . Chronic Diseases„ $3,00. Sold by John 8.. TENNANT., M. D:, L•ncknow, DE'WITT MARTyN, M. D., Kincardine. W. T. 13RAT,.Winghain. • . (late of ,Si.- Helens, aving opened out his new. shop, next door'-' Graham's brick block; is determined', to keep the public supplied with lit ElfS BEST -AUE 121.-C� ants TOl\7: and; [(flared Cashmere�� FULL BINGE O>1 PRICES:. ES WOZ T .75 , CENTS. of :choicest quality, great variety and at lowe t7.0140003 prices. - In connection with the meat business, he all purposes keeping in stock GARDEN- VEGATABLES of all' ki in their 'proper seasons, ll Pa of the Public is -fes ect£u The tr ag p S011ult -d MISS K. Oa` &TRONG§ (Late of Paisley:) t: TEACHER" OF VOCAL AI.Dh- STEUNE tT ii• lMiusrc --Piano and Organ: • Music Ac inpix.—Over, Mr. J. Grenache'S Store. IlESIDENCr` Mr: A Mclnti*r':e's.. Having 'brought out 1'r- 1 Dore's stand,,: Tions Street, intends carrying -on the . Carria ..-Nand 1 -Wavy-Mao BUS.IN1:SS, in. connection With which " he. will du BIOrsc& hoc, g s 0e10:er al-111I4eli,- S,nithi. g - And will '.guarantee satisfaction - in both ;lines: of the trade = . 1 First-class` W orkinen only en plt�:yed andl the wiu•k Superintended myself.. Fifteen years of etperieiiCe.is sit ficicint `'warrant i,f' - rl . of n7 . workman: • . a • the style y 11?� ` - Parties. requiring anything in. the above, lines will do -.well to - • s r' IVEMEA 'AL • � Q: L • T hope by strict : <titte.:tion :tti •httsznet to merit a Liberal Sharp the pitbtic patron Age, - I lot+k`;fer a= ret' n. of , ray -4.1.d ens -toneers, and a'eontinu o i of liatronage Dte-Pailinti at Rew rri>hnn;<tag Done with neatnessr nd despateli,. =knew, March Hes_ ;n't i• ccis=ed one. of the' zinc at Stile -of :: eters ;, . Mors I'atn Receivinii— ESTI OYSTERS DAILY, �Vh�clz'I twill serve either + . COOKK1 . AT AL - iJscriptrcr Fanners: Will -save' Money by-calling1 mr . TI. • 140UP -Also-:l reac] Cakes rtind ; ConfeetioneryA 1,tvo5tfI,ill;c • MRS: MOO -NEI,: Everµn win t i 1 "i+know: I iF��c it 1� ii iicitc i, w Lt th, t you - uy 01 i_ t Vo ;rou.tie.t. u}i,y�0 d;••. J9.v , rt. r �� V O lit .1't it:7h 71 t bt. I xli a3 s C 711 t, 17 t I' . �. iii I.t1r'e or tiriitzi117to, .,>�:1 tl•, 1%611 to e41.1. :aniLinspeot inyStt!ck'and I'i•i es,_llef..i•e you inake :yogi pit ch s risers nevi•. Gr.e it variett a iu' all kinds of I n '�I FB .� tet-, I UFii TU G�. ii TS, AND- PICTURE-:- - IOU3.1)211TGS, Call and be convinced for. yourself # J H. AOKER WILL .CURE__OR. RELIEVE - x BILIOUSNESS DJZZ� ff DYSPEPSIA,' -DRO. INDIGESTION, FLUT JAUNDICE:: - 0 ERYSIPELAS; 'I1CIDI -8ALr RHEUM T HEARTBURN,: DRYN HEADACHE, 0 `�I1nd. every species of-diseas dlsordered LIVER, KIDNEY' BOWELS OR. Bt MiligUR11.4 60„ Ss. THE; SKIN,' s arising: fra77a' = optieTOMADH,, D O , etOr