The Sentinel, 1881-11-25, Page 3Wk 5 nt �L 71 �N , . ��iz - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5. T -4 f 6- -i4 :Confintedl$om second liage. ON TH �A FEAMFULI -JFL SWAMP ED- thit he could.) MIS isve sed us after coming X- Terr,016 im elddWk - Heavy *urglar' Jgkn*s frdin a F urlh-igto"L­ C, A�c A* arE J up theAiff I'-. if I roiir t ltr&ylb Jody. �TW ful Explosion -84 of JUif Sink- on'-. Wipilovviand- Esquipe "-Quite, imp6gsible, meam. your an "it head c i Stan& lookingovor here, u. wi . . . . . . . - dik Sun yo 10arkildfuji4 Willed . . . . . . A Troy (N.Y.) despatch dated Saturday bw Y IJ see --that yonder, is the only. path. up, from - ake. Eri� say a this- everi4v�g­ a.: f6rryboat-With. -Engh (Mich.) dospa d6t Cap 'an Detectivb-, Ash -the- bay and,"'except at low tid one can- Skiff AfiL East Saginaw t.- ed L' taiti Petty d nineteen' were swamped -by -the not. get rouiiil either point, Th yes a says: �tAffif.- 6 before arraigned at Esspx -Tdarkei-,Cdi�rt yester.- ith L 0. oaverri. - Y" swell of three pzopellers while cros 'Loy ging the Four .-Elves' -t;:-`$223j000 Worth of 5 ties almost underne us.. - If hd had'.come 5 L IC this. morning a I uttaiP`bf� ten,-.da:y a notorio, , -ind dangerous-Joxecoxivict e Must river'from this city to Port -Sehuyler.­ -The pr;iPt'rtyL ]Ujeft h, US up hereL on thd down w royed.: ed h have seen 'f b a.. brick. boiler.hodse fittao named:- -Sameg Sinith, who, &.-few ours 'g are,'kuowh to be diowned and- ollowin hlm�-,- there. is no,- A Buffalo despaitcli dated yesterday (San- to he'saw, mill and salt. blo.�k d th' 6rvi6a - of - fouf pLrevious-y, requiKq - e or g in it the Cd­.�- six. 13dilef !police , en to stood Elyou ciM6'by �tb"t'very three -oth 'a- iie misaiii 'George- Hay shelter 6xcept� day) says a collision i,ecurred on Lake Erie, V Clare & �elow� faila city ab, biblf arrest him.-, He Smith 'U 'ivith handcuffs On' 116d been I (ulindarried), James --Dii6mdfidL" Thomas d,eloek' But the tidd, has'ndw risen I ite highy near Dunkirk-, .'�PaSt.L' on. Ox lod(A With' all earthquake foAe -'Boat- bar i6l), Sen., iles - erb 'and ero I - - - i I y or -hocanubt the vnry�t Satiitrday rn� ni'ng,, whigh involves the It g the"buildiDgS like chAff, andf. causing sought, after-fok.� a barglary'c mm Robert, and itted on -Ii 6s, -an& at 1easf 6225,000 -im ens-e-distructi6n. -.Eight-of -:t-bb -boilers' 6� iho itable-i 6 k--, ancis, bill and obn * eyes' - of four human V the 21s ki ­ .. of ro.. ero -as not een 0 October oi f Fran' a at mermaIll, of pro B eamer wore tot -shreds; an 't e pifacesfietO tin Shapter, at go'. hi i Yin Worth a h )M Cheriiiireeti w -en - Not untess i1b. b nis'SMi" potty. The new iron t, n into Si a ro 6, It laden e boildrtthead�-di�q ping e: 'blanket b ... ouching runswick with 1,500 ons of .661 'In, ion on several hors buffala as 3* -Andraws, grfinnGg and, t' infor a o loss. ng'to the. B t -6very'diiect' nted. eir great�excitement it is very diffibipIt to obtain ga of. though in -for- the'-Northwest6ry F nel Company, at '900 ee, 6 b6iler- and sorue. thn sleigh bells'Lwore his: li%t, as ace 6 re b arate plaki4niiis.", Parties [a as h' 6 away.- Not a b.iok of d -a for jocking before, big 'a Ing Duluth,'Ieft this port L- it , 10 o'clock - on housewas left standingupou'ihe Aher, and Stolen. - 0.1it t a evenin� -of t1le t1l6ft Detect: upetiors., tk Mv- own belief is'. for the bodies. a e gh, was tive En . glish saw. Ion ruile"b to* the large 'brick chimney, 100 feet hi the stolen as the gentleman *got..- sb9-ii,6k; and-,. was -Friday night set. . Whe Smitir Withl H ing the oompletely' 'evelled -i. & The proj?er 'his posae-gs-3i" -later deipa;tcli, Says, tagard lauded-& go6d.wA* short of tliiO A Dunkirk, aind �some' distance fromshore, to the -gr�ai t on, an.d f6fi.owe& be back at Saiiij o' a.forty -boat disaster,"that, whe4i he boat had_ y in large -.steai, mill h im to big rooms the fourtkfibor of Not, on e6t. When� e 'the. 'river -he V'd by r ev n. Dicky Bay, by sh collided' ith, theL."6chooner Carlitigfori West. end pf the. e . .. �. : -L r 'ached tlib . contra �Jp a w almost ffj- -.this time bound for. Buffalo, with. : 26,500 bushels *.as t to -pieces d thS entire I Eg sti keetIve - -L dbulbralized. ich was Swollen by recent Thomas L Box I" cried Mildied with of whe*t--Aroni PiIlath, couili.i&. to'stractur& -Wrecked, and.',. entered the burglar spring out Of th "lifted -d6Wto the --paverfient. It was i'l it g 1 FoX,'-Sittilig 111 the -itern, three' pro- Mr. G6orge Sundrock.-. IThe soboorier'tTlio Aarge steam dome: ws"' -the igpi � y' appr-o-acbm"g5c from -the, was. struck on the L t car clasped-handi; -then be may te-ven now be. -st eat _uort sidei- just forward. bi -air and ca;iuo dowq -on the leap�nemhich- English-- did. rid _6to taged Home, home, for igh in'the South. He called to, the oarsmen Heaven's. sake W -did I -the by to stop, of the fore rigging -by the abaro stem ofth opposite side Mill "St lea et of - nd brioly pieces imitato­�-and he fally.-expected,110 find eam- d 'W- but,wide open. Ske' L of iron, and timbers"Wete thrlpfp. -hun- t vec my but,th6y failed do 'so, and, the. at ek &!I as of ill.broken on the sidewalk. ''To: 'With that a rest - the sou�h shoro7 uass6d within a went do*n-head forobaost in 'About twentyA, drads-of feet st0taij L and imbers- li� - tatter. aisto�ishment 8ififth - - had elatter, he turned - and.: begsu -tot few -feet of the b9wof the iff.-Th gathere ha t -The ietr q'e'. her. -ate' h to hear I were found hat f, th N d himself, i6gether. and espaped. ps, wit out w which -was". ovargrowded, minates,. and in some, 80 water. fib. Mile rom e m wa A with- he water, pa§s6a, had� pon - a ving 1 8 guu- Captain Homer Durant knd.911 of big crew,' skit blbdk:-was. adly irecked-kby. the- 'ji wbat"keomfort.the heaterianvs 'wife was 'lea nos;rly eve e. sbed' 'a find for ker�­ Moreover exdepting one, managed to get explosion, mbers -And arive -down io the stree to but oil"teichin"g ito.the. mill rolled h--* , a d a drill house b 'hun- Nothing -more as heard of the moder-n- of six men, -iron beiii then bel4ed her� the 1rit swell iu.�. safiety-, - throng it u t Mrs.' Uarey Jac a boa'ti and'after a rougb pa§ - h the L second shipped considerable water' W a util. y6s't w a boilet SAfPLPat6h "d ords.; it was. ale and full of es landed SE'Jily dred feet distant r6ceive a piece. apprehen-., 'The third- swell most filled the boat and ge ..of about twent�r d eer aLy morning, when in no e the no i Detective' E 1- 11 d ija'kti -.-he was tower� insatiable sea, which had already-, devoured, - e- ipantW (die*.moregla le at tb 6 'th occup I antW came greatly.- alarmed.' at-Duanville; on tEe banadian. shore, at 8 that shatter d' ng is learns dp -R a d Ed smashe n: 6�# -id6 tbe morning; &I or name ward Cono. Cil othe. r It is. employed. - on Pier - 41., North AIAL, one- IT men- un oa Ing pot The,* men, -&war that the boat would frbfn St. Johns, Nfldi,- d- impossible to give an ide e- di ato"es -fiom. a coaster. 'Fol- -Man to have been awor-thy. recklessly dous.force-of the 6xpli -with grfetedy called a of .-the'- k' the shore, slid, Wks sucking called 9' , hsiling� an -he cliff itself,. she hastone(f a r 'p :B uk, y nion'snd th t e her- said lowing up this clue the detbotivo., found 'his i��ho- propellers, the Coria, tutned�around, .- ? .. I L - 119. I -.to -arrest him tionthatfollowed. The boilers. -re ired, Man, aiid att� pt d ran back 'when the vessel was sihki but the-- otberi ontinued -their course, -his clothing, and apply was -overme, id. Cantain.' Gbsilin -end skv me oT6P&bout d.1 to' a jso, at night to a gtesm�-for�th, T a w -he �Cors- -' team4---slo It -t6Ward8--tIie tchL be -we- -n d -tli-thb -wreck.- -After arid-th-i-fliemen at work were at ed,,not two-dffice'-B of the Stear�aboat ST ad t own wi skiff% but before. �4e --could reach'it the boat r -at Chanifi u,- of the� onelescaping. to. tell'the story.- 0-i ichael h i assistinbe. The Vnildis New we to qu e th, schooner bodied , burglar- tnade t ipgs lively f6i� - capsizekand All the men were struggling , Bruti-swick, headed her for S ibmie is issuing­'�y instat-� in the water. Thomas --Fox, being unAie for Leb6au,-hesd fireruari,'who hal -&rge -of- The Denv6i"Tri ft-takibg off her crew, but Soo or debris, the four mein, and would- h d't6 eel of the skiir,'and ave t6owli'- the'jarpme o n the, boil -was -covered in Igy� merits 'a novel Primer' -for the UseL of 'to 11 graspeL a wn ass 'r after - knowing Western. - children��' It';'is' much called to his ociates to follpLw­ ii -is exam- seeing th t his o boai:i�as going: down he and the:bbdy was'dqg oiA, -an. hoA theib all 'into the' river had o'tho ex losi-on occurred Both Ll - turned her towards -shore, Herbowswere (*a w e more entertaining than. thbm-� us.ilal taM6L ple, Several did- 96,, -and hetc1lon untilthe er been for soMe bags of potito6s which pro-_ burst in, and sh ' 'ent down- by the' head bro OUL oloW the. knea ad was bated - them.. - The prisonei,� - a stout asseitions-that the red, fox is,' oradrew-alongside. -Onboariit-theCoraa e w jj6at biav, L -fiv kful about forty' e niinutes"aft6r the collisioa, badl ruised. 'Joseph Lebead ther of i powe man of 30 years, *as finally See the" Lamp PA.. By its. -Dim Raya bo.named'j?ickett'displs�ied ory- OIL D -same vad4found- t1firty'leet 4i6vvn upo his bacli 'in4 eight miles or so rom unkirk, in thet the Mentioned youcam.beh d -the, Electfic-Lighk across �dnd "presenee -of Ind, e�ii the. men. th_ Way, depth of water. that '�ngaffed �-the Carling-, distant, with'his right- arin� and R 6uldor I d '-put'-upon h rn� On the tber.. Street. . Tbere is - 9, -0, the q�pBi�4skiff Xw Leanih-, who wdre.haiiging ori t e' an 'cnffB ford. Aathe forward portion'.of th' Bruns- broken, his abdoiiien cru�hed in; -land his- Lamp,Poit., Perhaps, I he a Agpinst the ihe-tam� -to --hold fast. ''He thriew- lif4 �pret4erver'a e too to,the-statioii made.addp6rate t P. t7 T These mbri wiek -got under wiiter, her - st�rrf being. 00hing torn off. L *e,4� M an Posk-would Fit ere'. not,: For, th d: to strike.his captor upon the bead"with,tfie' 1L if it w 0 tight, and left; to; their less ioliiinate,co -kgthat, boni'd z both big hands bdt ain- high in the air, She broke coruplet4y in. 23 years old., -and, rdided'- at iron-lin n panions,'and bracing himself agAlfist the side Here we H' , J�Ulle ' , L r�, � 0 -blow: It-ia­j�qmpdsed' 'of the tu d in John Lever. - Several two And the sections )plunged to thef-bott in. ilwaukee., They. - came fk6ni SontrMl the as dodged,amd- Smith. as a pairL 'ungs -have . . 0 - I Cit V. Chamberlain, when it was sedii that of Bald Head, snqa�Pair of L p and -i6ltiv" n -of yearsago, A nurber of row- at Wrists -as reminder. A harge -o Pej others were then secured.. 01 'lowered his' am Frank Blanchard -Was blown int64-he bay -burglat.-y -'by--Mrr 'takes a -R-'e -the Other boats soon'. preferred of the, Lanas at while e scene a, his steamer Was sinking�, was Shiipter- Runs th6 Shop::-' One of them ig; always on Aur m haP'c]ked up boiafs,: and eight of his drew. of fifteen - took 200"feet ,distant azA I -his body, as not and Smith wL as - held.-- in $1000 �'bail-.­ Re eni Flemin Tremble-' ug almost. to oiie-, the 'remaining seven - getting nto recovered until D'ek all of the Ti this- afternoon. T body h d In e me.. The Bab B- dead. It is agreed. "that the pr6oellers.had a one.ter ytiaa I gor tbe.other- boat.(� He _gi4 -man, was badly mangled -and th or 25 years o man. than his;,Motber. He likes. Walk $0 lights on ir I oats, at tugs C a, St 0 aa, �waggom ttie, M. When the huge -steamship rushed down Id, and belongecL to Night.,.'The. Ha awlin were _0 inda M, N n found eltvo 4 aSLiwearing, lie 6ttg, and: the -he Robi 9 red. Capt. kploth-T -:1i Dis i 46. ob c at of, the Walkinjearid. all -hen the a 66: eat e boat' aiouna with. his. Father at Vedbits ii id L Fatth�i dos L mo, "the' notio of the -water capsized th ju bqc Charles Oarpe�ter ;AA1 w d occur on the 6tarboara side in 'which -were ly 'i ew feet from Joe Lebeau,:h -age .?Is said. the oft I)SO.Iii Lof t Captain oIY7 , r�, �y ed they the first-Iengineer, J6bu FiirIcomb, and ing torn off, arid. his �' bo -(1 y bad 44baldbil Rev. Plato Johnson the'. -o,.- er venin.g, As This. sorry 9pedtacle. is a Plumber. He -the Newlin-whoij sk' di&not A. G. He was -a sil him t doorstep� ragged and G614 ry-.L t ears dur reporter. Bat with is and' He is stop, said they di� -no hear, cries �;r assist- 'the Stewardess, Wrs;. -Fletcher and �urned. nible cottage, an' ough Et t ance and did not testa of- a efromQ1 amage- of his' -hu 8e6L Him Nbx Very, very Poor. When You and her dsught�r Millie, of Detroit, old; and' c m iebeo. Th;A ihe ent until -feacli 125,00 it, §jillLt6 my a a bb Sprinif he Will- b' Bank 'At- once and Were 'lost. . TEe by the explosion .-will 0i Low oghter be ��roud h Her 6 Vd-ry very riclI,`wear .-an. hour after. Al 11. oclocklast iqight-thei 7- t: -clinging to water is given -h - c -its 0awb o.ther'five saved, themselves by �s t e &u�c` of theg Bt - mind de aeb ob lightniii'bas Diamond d Broadcloth. "Uis.,wife takes only er. a, e eem e t`-' - 6id eqdei:�Au-s thoug�t� body recovered, was that, of, Henry wreck,'an.d wore picked up -A so 8 eces-ot th' 'Th g in: Washing: ii Ow-, but, She will be 'able' to: ler'py. GarrettIllhilly,s one-artnedman- Pi e& lost i half hour later by the crew -of i& port for: a mecha ically Move in the First Cinqle"y the Time.�-hejwas­ saved by Fox,. who grasped him bythe Weatber turns 'Wariner a A the Pabsies: boat. All twelve t4eu''mkdo their a hirge bandana fr6m hig.oapacious pocket n collar when sinking'and pusheLd him towards y rst6ry of- Wo Safely to shore at 'Dunkirk�, . The ere ws of The Old ji3 a wipi, row. 6 Bloom again. the' skiff. n his am6le-b ..9 -po wha1ap m' ade a study j6f the--m0ods ot 6ur� 4-6 both.Vessels. Man's Doi lost all of their personal effects. inot interrupt h Ilib surviv6fs 6f his f--- Lou'doi the W -61it d1riebd,--di The-lialian 31aid ot- Eawl),Oth. THE -EAR pavirm ur. Papt. Chamberlain an A der, t -h rom in pa q is crew reached this city at 4 o'clock yebter- att �of: -' Gr6wt-Weste I ffilway -Teverie�'but'waited ention patiently f6r po (Lon(lori Standatrd.) Referring to the recent statements in ssib e ft dto� vel tions. day afterndon, �ndbtipt. with,his Constable Lagmn was last -bight d", ""'e, �re Ali berry urt' At Lameth olipe Co e 'resc hiv. ye'sterday" ourcolumnwou thl subject of th giadual ued sailors arrived here all right last :apparently o continued after a little, its all berr he eat inland, -y -6 dat-t b b well' -to coax do Elizabeth Cater 18, a �Irobust400ki gr night- i6od �vatchhig arg girl, fall, "in recent�.yean�'. 0 young w in""' tird in the im'Itati6ii of Italian cstume : lakes -mote, the.New ightnin' from The Brunswick *.as's new and one- chilA in her -grtrikiOhich clotidsi b Lit after youlve-�' "got :it Ay'On ario �ears old, 0 vho ilarl boat Station with s� well-known in connectiouL. whh�' organ- York'T�ijzes Says o st'eam6iti oit- tbeIakeg. seemed -be scarcely ixdqni�s o1af1d Seve. .-golte look- out- f r it pretty lively.. grinders.,, was- chj%�gpd before Mr. Sauu'der4 -There 'is abundant e 6f� toe'huest-Ar n- to 6 ouvidenc6 that the She was built this Yost -by-the Detroit.D,ry 8 had. obse - N.ow, yqu kin. tatne.de..wildest1oss-so he." ing ce 0 e earth with, play a piano organ- -in- amb6ih -of will sh�bs' f6rgit bow to kick bfit,breiss ock Com' any at thoir-tiron-yard'st Wy�,rimni s�spect re d( I. rved. lier-f6r amount, water 64 the�. sutfa- tit N2 Sde�. Thb p if dejecte . a walk to.tife: annoy ucd,of John ily shing for m&DY dotte. Shewas ow 8 B �i w has been stead imini ned by 9 -ho hid de Lo' f.�mfts ndthiI4 di Chart b6cause 6f -the-c.61d Storm to -hie! rd,dejigh complainant said his: wife was ill -and tN e ick tnin, 0. one doubts that and. others -of Detroit, -and. was Valued- -tit been exposbil in'. the iktee6-: - upoh;Uquiry n, is ds'of at thousan -yearq� N a lers rona'jor a.' chance -to. 0, tim rgAn plaing distressed hm He asked �theie,w.as Ee s -urea for about half her e You -g to k yereye on. e� w ii the Ca§Pian Sea $150 000. She. is in -it-w',as learned that sbe,-with lier 91 a hid hit som bod tb;..'-priS6uer�to­gq Away, bat she took. -no. Comm - ated' with- the. Black out eep, unic Godericl $�daj and value, and her cargo of doal, is fully covered. co e dow from I 0111114.,-4ja slide me, aih` even. dea, yer, cannot -be '',.n6tice-E&nd.cdntinited'playi�g. She -then nd it when the..Medit'erranean covered- th6 The C'arlingford. though built iii 1,869, was Trunk Railway, and from the lattef, �tiition sure :WDiiigoo off on- a - Iscur0on an' kill' moved a little further -'off �ud r'esu ' ed the fo hi- For ree e so agm. part of the-� aha -it C', - Ik'- i greater Desart'of 9 ratt Iii in excellent- condition. She was owned bY w over t tb f or plei ari!-1i b anycandered 0 e G)reat Weste ogists'! tel I us that t one- period, -Wickham & Co., of Huron, Obio, rated A 2,' pomb -two -with Ye can-, wink - twice.-. It is onb-. ob -.dome fact,- gfiol I years -she had been IiVfik r nga won Mr. Saunders (to defeada1it) -Ake vd- a an the o -of the -was coveied by' was worth UO 000,� d is nsured f o' ctab ' f III ti it 't heber do to �IeCrun to se- whol r the a res e 6 ami y; and P 0 Italian -water,, alid.4he fact that ont.*011t8. -of dry sumf §17,000. Herciatgo of 25,500b-wbels. young f�rm 'r -W �s e . ppe -Ouw. Prisoner-fNo,'sir.'. acquaintance of er m the oun' de house. ell',: if 'it' t ' d r land now rxist is r f that. thore-is less -wh 141,75 th6 reault''being in ti gorter slow, you know, go yo of Duluth eat �*as covered by 0, vicini hen how' is it that you 'WE�ter on. 0� '07 -il could,git. w hanMr. Sauuders­--�!T- ur klobe there. was in' In promied- to mariy placed in eight' different. do' panies. Both heri bat his :iv6w: was )ut der way, "t.;W6uld:be a ddffbrent tin orfle. attire youis - elf iti thi - a costumer 9. -its AtfanF.-: -Thii. dimiriutio,-6f our, of the vessels and both of the cargoes will never kipt. He proved faithless -and-1as :biii deL:tr6UbIeN it leftII16 coUntr- f k'-'te when Prisciner-Lo'ge't More- 'mon acting as. supply o water JS going oft at'the- PrOe total'losseg. since it tliabbles,.rii�;: ey -rg dat is 1, Ads.understo6d, y or quic mpered, and at, rate so i rapid as. Italians. (Laughter.y. presbfit day - 'United Stat6si Those Who had 'for- trabbles- o -faas -is- d6ne doald' Mr.. Saunders -Is the - instrument, your d&t you to be clearly appkeeiable. ghe riverg dow:ln io. ad 'been her -friend in d mit- an' yet h6 all"'burned own.?', re s .. o per use e 89kange. Can E kind 'And - thes res- Jluid as dat usn't be- fooled Wid. Now Prisoxier-No, Sir. are visibly, smaller- than they w kid tw6nty- -get streams of 'our Atla�4o; States hof to rbside there'longet. : pay 2 R She could ground Ifore you can cry , Firel e itroin 1�'dla MD. assistance of any no QvM:. ass week, weii I was d to YqiMk I Went day.for it and keep� all over -'we. cau;collect, five years ago* Country broolts, in which sonS, she says, forced- her �o Yeave thA t I own Xr". S&uwder& said- the- pri�ouerJ %(I I10- -meir-now1M -_A -Dillsborol (Ind.) despatch ays about mg -w --accusto -:'Cd stable to call n- I'se had &-r-hem r6a t6' fish in destitute reuriftstances. h o Brudder�Edison. a organ I Logan provided f6 any immediate dey..ssy- ought ter ay objected e in their boyhood'ha4i& in many presenting �o itq:. e would, however, dischsrge biri ases totally �disapl dared, not W-iou" themselves to be Kentackyofficerffsppeat6 Wants, niatize orfle ad, and c gh any. f - t t - I- t Bra er Edison- tot h th t people And bath three 'weeks.., ago. throb men re and it thexiequest-o -the-un or,uns Zoung- - ry ec rial dd H upon -her prornising6t. td act go* again. The here purporting to be. after Harvey Ph3i -a mel. e act of inan-,but solev in-consec i0iLcedf -the om AS Lt ed -�th author-itie til could handle dei'lectricity Jess v nee ome I i'�jj ior thadgh helwas a light rodi rp ng a barn in Kent W n'§,Refuge, And gaiiied a'dmig r gi%ve go. andw*as faiture, of the,' prihl and rains which. o prisone theie ired promi nell for'bu i u6k�-. - ihffl�l qu nbil. -ate woul& dis.eharge& reported that they had. come -upon Purnell - vel of the areait lakes is bar. A con*ioybnce*w.".procurea, tid n fed them. -Ther-le she 'tdb-himinobarm. He -said I 6ould learn -hal - - - ye r.. There -a- falling year by and after firi shots, I 'captured -him If do it too' but When:1 tried 1 1 :1 re many, -fo- er Hux -theii in er was safety lodged there r the nig to rl,�dxtdk. Xter tl�abr to -Pay Slightly wounded, and 6he of: r i a bi -t -. oun'T. -Pier buad' a on the shores of -lake-side cities which ar ha ISO Slightly wounde. dn't. le ned much, or dat sainfin was �vessels once approached. -with -ease, but They recrossed'the, rive -their -IL8 naue,ot. the- ic e.- al wrQug".-- only wondbids dat &I A Baltimore. young-- man w uty :whieknow thardlk,reach 'to the -edge of the it, and as - Parnell e I dn't die *o., locked. was missing n earnin y9 e n --holler to, w -I couldn't:. ve, story wmi -believed. It now.'abpdars that eye tells as much to - the who du the elmige df dieord6ily conduct, r.-,' Harbor 4e every t wate a m Ing for sbal Purnell was muidered,'knd by1his ruse -the. know's bow to.read it-asAhe wholq - -the, old him- to die plaguey ting away his young-1wife ad successfully`pleaded -. his -is not'due'to lower the 04dai has paid atten mer�y that themagistrate relinquished his Ieposk urderers escaped.' -Last Wednesday two face. To one�who twfilo its le' e go -homea I', nobber - of earih r'o ight' down -by rivers or. '1 11 wanted - o 90 --, home -nti6n 6f sending the hasband A- his- place, to get the b4y of � s -alphabet the I anga ge of the eye full o -,much 13 ag inte a t6 of -- refuse fromeity iQwers.. The- barbor of men cami my 0 would- I ate the in ions -very one; 1i -- I& v -Edis iii. -he tole hie, few. bights -later ho, was -again arre d, an they said -had been -in- a-rdered near heie, of, isveliti E a on sstud -life. ..Mr.. T oronto. has grown shallower iii spite of -the. e gramm thereof ; fi He Said obsrp being the same-,- as on, the previous fact 'that it has beeri.: dr dged out and exhibited a plan of the plfic'd�where the th at )r -often take- hole f'1*0 little handles.? '80 trate lined body lay... Af t6r considerable troubb5 they 4hing else deceives, the occasion he magis hiia slid eye tells thigiruth dit-was db Way it'! acted on.de rhedmatiz.: that the bottom ri ok 'has boon reached, 'foilud-some one -tog with them,:and'the . to When, the - ee I said. to him' IF d6man i thing Ald -the. �or-sure,Xr. Edison, I will, andleg At will dW bait to- ke- ep 'the', Uoac6., The- and, all the dredginj which. cail7be done to -ob ith, merson �ork will not permatt -urig- wom,an w n They' riepre- t the ,.yo a - baby- I' het arms Purnell's -Iody. was found.- iougue - anoth-er"? E take. hole --dose two h the, harbor of New- 'bl' Al ige you, an A664 with: &� puzzled Pxpre ssion, of ited that a heavy rewAira was offered for PrACtic&1 man relies di 16 langua;1" wid that I cotch hole �ob len!. cOun- ;rielatly,.deepoii it; a growing-. ahallow­ Purnell's'-body,- dead or ailivi, and they fifsta" - How- - i3lany inclinations, tfib. -are, en I �goCtight hole ob em -M r. Edi terianco4or-several seconds, when. an ideat on't- �nesff.aihb Hudson a more evident- above lie said Brudder you seemed er, and she, askbd if the wanted assistance to.'-gbtAhe body &*ay to -Aisserabled 16y..tbe lips are cohfeisbd by f I the tide water regionc, Albany�- than it is.. thing tickler 9'- No Ma -boil a this,. they- the -byes I How,often4 hbo Biudder Edi Champlain, 'before :and like -the outlet-, of Lake alsff,-,'gues�s you can?t 9 to alrild, ew rd Failing in gWtr&teeWouIdw&it half an r' ret* the. �orlxig Atitude replied wid er'husband The, Inagis% Which was bnce ns b omised G notif v the qorouir--at Law- Or. -s mouili.-full'oi threatening "ids, is sendingg I b I than canoes pr r a y a qual ng -i a.. time-: ob de year,-,. trafe vXreed, and Itie-thau s�e hacl- at all geis ow ow Hudson is n t t Y' 3, the enceburg, but Went aw y *ithdut doing -betrayed. b'- 'H 6ye I Thst� Oatless no thundif Storm: at di ou M L It - proud - boast of :thqi� ngue kill de1aS4 time-, I lea foi r she return that. - The coroner wasL afterwar e belies he ed very, Mae Of, :,at ost bare of wate inmany places duri .d notified,. OP, Ing a whole weel reah stud, witiliout, the. baby.. She showedL �the"Suninaer­ III all --other parts-- 6f the and sy, hold an -inquest, eye is. -tag -of- -D6 nex- Ininuti-well bress -yestbrd J�ndiug Tfigt-'aggrdasivej ferocious ed by, partie ich -the Auffle-dove -my L that Purnell was: murder a "Warning, de Lord dere idn�no tqrbrds to spress, 'noter from a 9�ellttknowri citi before w -h zen, who had world there is the same. steady decrease of 'felt* asAhoukh ddwhdI ot consente 'to; g usAn o t Nevir t Central -p in Europe, wherb7 scieni nB man - carries in. his eyeliliq- -- York and �Iaced- on the -counter the sum of el -75, d ''-socurity for her buband' unknown. -The body. was horfibly muti- voice Should n lull.' ouri, yi water in rivers and lakes,, and AII6 rainfall lsied,.. Purnell ��o�ly 'recenti, Each t Riroad was-, runnin- a y. moved exac d collasion,,, theAmount.of fixia and, costs in less than, it wai at into'the district-- It. is ceitaln"tho -ijadioation. of: hi �jj&m6nso Arms, an' had- I athi�cgse. are: made is manifestly a rank in tl Me w such was his -true name. Or! his peri Men." -He* may try to sul: had a %grwrid smash iip,.-wid-greitt'- What is 19emble �e had pledged her baby -she E 4, for "& pe 3on ScA.16'of d" d Within man7s memory. -6b- life. - I dia-My holler, an" I r10 'papers %which bass to at amount, and sho. hurried. awai with were found tended-to:8h w `bisrauk-bat before�one Who, is lor'ned in- becoming*f our water 2- Obviouslylt is 0 e was I . ioappearfi*g through ovapo it ir. husband- to borrow :.money'iii,some noti ration that h' fro n the. neighborhood'of the, I -is � vain, -to Mdhipt 'tell you. de truff at � I bobber wanted to for r- sed. carry- on the, deception -long. Th Elf d are holler, so much In- my life; but Tbouldn% n ay, word. My 'es, - do f7 : - - w6fidirfal p6*er y rhome - who have 9, a the' atmosplibW" 11, and'bore thot oiher.qua.rter' to redeem the infant. 'i thatca6e'rains woujd'-give' back.whats- Brookville.:- One lette' �was addibs' a might. rockville post- 19 ever ' water John Horne veiling the expr6ssio - ii of -th -6ye,'Ik-tt 0 an' my. fingers ouble,qp absorb. mirk., a outer -My head hey - on My an a, a NAAbor N Wemusb accept. the tffe6ry. that,, A ? my hands dqy double up. banliot, a1wsys be 'their gusfa the L The boilerm [ng like the WiLterof the'moon our, water is' akers. of Detroit, numbed Ithought Sam Ui -Had "Em on. an' a MY-,Srmsi yin me up m,&- thousahilknotO. Well, a. o once do. ting was . g an! I dop,do Hug- -the gbdret of e:one w a e t . I about900person wilI.strikeon Monday if -ainkirik into -the earth's intdrior.�; hidden- lights and smouldbring flaift s will- On I , I . I - . ! i Not long ago in due of th*6 Paris- Police flash, out atti&es, roves they do not get- an advance from $2 50 to, - --, j . I - Courts, a worliman ccuse& of sioalitig a the bitaded,, - wbether-'there be str6bgth or orie, A tr on per day; sin, the'Ndrthern.Pa 'fi` 'Was twice psii of trousbrEi was discharged after. a long Weakness. 'within, gen-iu i an' deni.: wen it'waa t.60 late, -I set. -why-- this, man -is :6.bsyrad -and r 0 police be heardmost 9; mile. obstructed"by buffalos. ioine a& near and patient inveatigiti6zi on.- th a o imbecility. up s ye, The first, classirien of the Torout da! 11 dat�could' e ground -The reason -a.petition. iprdyingfor'an the-' bor r tans and thaV there -was- not sufficient evdence-t Ahat one Said I Ad '-Xr.- di - force, h&ve iigaed, de %' line: between- M04 t-cerita.pej I is 'dat. ginowind:Aighthin'21---�B increase of 25 r day ;atheir va'ges, :Dakota, and Was forced to coni, is not, isbe6ause -the ono'ba E son,- I Bruddr, ,l fiQ 6stabligh* his guilt. H- remained seated, dye.-, that commands obedie rudder that laborers� got from itandstill. The nee dfid.,:the aThey say re were sk -xdm,ber:of however; on thi Ai --not 'the' 6f.,Johnsom' said �be' d pri4ouer's bench'. after hii dihe.r has'nbt. ' It eye I de r�sl 5 per day while poli ge rom aboard armed -'with .'repesti 139 acquittal -had boon anfiOuncea. ,T.helawy6r coarse,- that does this but� the p6wef t�hind come - tf n Jess iMported*- from de ebbia, --so . Z rtiolej 41.75, per i also state' rifles, and- u6srry eery 'passenger had one e -d will, the we r,, $1.25 to, Is... They who -had condue e 3eiv-. it he r -a ri sense 'of ��po it- didri't� stop st Custom: Mime to -pay, -t 4 his defence, obs -t t -.revolvers. '-They aii-jo�iea -in - E6 th&fi tlip I prioe� of prolvisions. hat, been raised or more h -learn- a Utile . more Ing -that he did ant in ve' informed t 110- "duty. -Will you'-hib Ov., he intrepi mindi Whi 9 is hii Si --I,' Brudder, Edisozi�*�y -orors� their increaae'.' -fire at the buffalos, wbiclii�umboried him that -:he "was free- to 'go about h . the eye,' an d n rare- inaesuct says e -- since the. -lab got brisk ftough The, mixera and teasers of th� glass sixteen the flist ti a shd twenty to thirty u 0 -dat 1 has' had 'nuff- for tbr. day. business, if he had. any. He, sho6k his -insinity in in% r ferocity i .'pinion'is animalaseerridd wholly ahouses a,t Pittsburg, i0ho. have- baeu on. a the: se6on d; but the head slightly, but did'ndt budget, -'Byt this. -PArenological Magazine- w ant 'some more I Will- call agi atrike Ifor tw-or at, -the, old -indifferent' to the Ilets. None of the' inweeks went - in� In tinse, no other ea96 --being. on -band, the -Now,' -don it's --al --a atter-o taste a o.e naof cou an �l a' holdin'- oil to lightniii' sing M tfs'. Money's action -agains p6iless I thet train a le to proceed until hiT defende'r Inquired,, with' some Burdett -Coutts is brought- to obt W;a boff hands, an, not, f6elih`it, but- ges. fell or even. being wounded, rb wa iarly eni�ty. Aggin addres r toint evat eraO, which leads 9, most pthey saw fi� tot and'scarrippr-oiff.' about *by tile. deuce lie di&not -isori- -She4e 1-9tho ears to'.me-dat Cie: Lord w 4h ere., is noe�­ being generallymiled'-. A --g&ii - it i is---" ae- §400�00-0-67­:�esr-for did on !p have- t6i ? telp T, is way -a mom4int, Whitehall Bevie bhe I& mske.wman on purpose if fie'vatited hini d -her c spato says t 0 �up an go W -Says, Upon -1 year, by, the Turkish` Ish Flying Squ dron, bringing the tvio- replied t4e`�tea4fast pi ,.and the Duche Church Brit 8 si.of I vid- davort ob ting. 'It -dozil do - will V11B.0h retw -no A talega once t. 'o hls�oo English princes, us of, the Prince of 161tindwhisperinydorear, I-can'tgotill rheumak iz, -g ivea rin-took -edited with. a. an stricti an alien Irdni.inherl UgAn rtion ood an el arrivo4. at Yokohama. from all the.wthesses for 'dw p property. Th ncWales, -has i roseoution h%ve of the�, Sick de t,ake,.my chances-. 'Australia-. -'Thev e fact that -,t A-V obess"husband is mow a iiaturalized: 7n, d acceare in Tokio so the guests left the court de regl4i Gavan Duffy-, author of of: the Tapwries; Government: The pra� Because of the stolen Itrouseva-don't you subj6ot-Abei not, it w on ill be conteii ed- -Ma, gramme of festivitilds, iri%their honot extends 688�i6diy I do not lie Via 6i. -Abijaijareen - of New York. State to be rried'st the, intiff's behaf, he t seven ys, an two anquotg� understand. N� him -w.it Preached whermou9n 'P �otv ailactuaes b -widerstan Fhat:a the. trusers fi week, d corners of he,'� *hich i ble*-odt the gas *ent-t6 be exp cit in itsttokmm Ivibit, rve �got..IeI4.-on , P, itk the Mikadq.. On,,