The Sentinel, 1881-10-28, Page 8• n'Jt _ • • NOTICE. • wish-t.o iatitaate people of Lueinow aitki.stirrownlin omotry, that amnow ready tir do all kinds of work in ray tine Lt l(vWest 1)riee3 c!)nsisteut, with good — N:&.—Copying ad Enlarging Specialty, Frames -and -Stereo- scopes always 9n hand:. 11. L. JD�NSOI. S-ept. 9th. ' vot e .17 A Bt.te,: - :GOING No.i• 1.1 12 ' • Ntt;:--8'L No11 12 ra 44„,- . •'2 24 No. 4-10 3,9 No 5— - ilingt an4. dattil grat0-. • Methodist Church. . The.Rev.., R. O. H i.lelers-rSf the 1.sh. • field GO:ottp,pieached the thanksgiving _ serinoti in the Methodist(Jhurph, iii - this .villageon llursday last. . • Sheeting Match, • shoot'ing patch ,and raffle, for- tarkiee, geese,. and &mita, will be. held* Blakslee'S. Ilotel„,..Kiniaugh„ -on .• ,Tltnrsciay next,..3rkt .Novendser, • Thanksgiving Day. • • Thu:milt 1.ast„ (Thankseving• 1)av),.. Was .getteratly (the: erved as a holiday in this village, all the Plines. Of ImPinf!ss • beinos Mused._ , =ligions- 'seal -us -es Weal. tles botin the Various': chutelies, in tffe v tilage...„ As Big_ prie.. , We: Wore shownthis week-, by . Mr: W, LitIe,eine of .the largest,. inarege worUels- we have ' ever seem, it w'as the- tarM •et Kr; Geo. (.a11 .t, ao.d..weighea over seyenteen The -_Weather- • N'elior sa.vs, after the. 2 -0th there. will be wet weather every min r for the rest of the month. -N(e ailieh tine weather aai D the 4th - 5th N,kvember, - When a fieel ahd - .apesu, te.rui is probable. - • 1-• "Hail,. 'beauteous, boutiteons; gladsome • ?.=4pring-"7 -this was Mark Twain's prize but 'the dire cliseases'incident to Spring, spoil ' the tonoattee. But -deck Blood Bitters is the • prize remedy, the remedy pried by all •ltac-e triet it. as the best 1Mood purifying -Tonic aftd Systein- .R.e--ratator in the market._ . ft- Cures- all Blinid lianiors from the Worst Serofula to a common. , Sample Bot- tles ten Ceots,fur sale lziy all dealers in riled- . , Bad Roads. -• • Theltkriotts . leadieg_' to this - owing to the -recent continEtied- 'wet weather4 are in a very bid mut tr4var is almost ..en;•:-Toodeli. The • -Streets throughout the vil.ige have:else'. hountiftitetippj 01 Inert. Bruce: Pioneers. new society lies lately bs en argil:: _ . - ized at Walkerton. It:is eomposed the Ptoitters Of tile County of Brnee, primaPally men Whnanored. in thei e the year ISO-. The chiefelkject of tile: Society is to form setiornes: tor -tile :re 2.etof indigent _pione r. Quoits. •• . = Rumor .has it that a. quoitine• match tor $2,00- a side,is shortly:1a . -played bet Veen the Kande pr it he rs, -Of BrifsSels, and _Chas.- Walkiitsliaw, of: Wieshain,. and IL-G,'Crreenwell, of this. plage. • This _will be ofie of the:most ex, citing.gatne..of quoit s ever ph, yed in this it.astion.a, this contestants RIO. fit4t-p1ixt:S pitchers. Target Practice. Quite a few. of 'our. rttlemen vent: a few hems. of The ksgiv ing1.)ay . 14 the 5:' btitF,"..praCtifiierl -6-11,4l }t. waR. the Intention 9.3 the Rifle eitilion to hold- a competition - tor tree X-Sociat,ion •NledaI,biit owing to the -att_k fl lance a MOD. her tinAruitch was p .stponed te. some • ftti.uie date. Bridles,: Stolen. •• • - Division Oburt. .13000000M Tire DiVision Courtwas.held this villages on Wednesday last , ' Whirs kLis Honor :Judge Kingstnill; • when a uumberet, cases were ofspthed• of. , . Tremendous rush to the new store of cheap goods at Berry- &*Stiepard's, :Accident., (M. 'Wednesday night last as Mr. W. NittrchisAii of the Medical Hell; Was the .apt 9f loading a -revolv,er,it iecident- lv discliarlid, the ball entering -.the. palm of his- band, just te.loiy _the index finger, Dr. Teitiriqt sucecieded in re- nuviflg the balletFertunately. • ne) bones were -bruken. -- . Revival Services. . •,- ReVival services are lieing held till& witek in the.eaeada Methodist .0-.htireh,. ni this' village.' . Services- are field. in . - - - ;Ain Rft er unons A. halt past - two, arid at : hattpait sere!" u'eloek in the evening. Sev-end of the 1eadli-44 Metliddist Minis,: , L 1.4 in • this gistim took- part in tli-.. ti • - - , • - • 1 -;ervices anti a large atir,olifi-t of (food i4- being done. * ': .' .1 - Hagyard's Pectoral BalsaM; 'a few dosee -relieves. the most distressin,g. cough, itha-4 twenty -4v e cent bottle ,:cured many a. buff- eyer from -Asthma, Brencliitis,. Croup, Ian - 'el -ma,. Hoarseness and Boretiess Of the Chest. _It .is..the grand .specihu. for all throat. -ap.d.- lung -complaints leading.tg•Constiniption. Another WarriingA 1 _. - •7 Robert Stairoeent Of "Bervi= e .. was- , . ,. ,. . , . isharged bk -Licens ,: Inspector Angus Stewart, with*. sell icio`. tiquer On WS t . . . siniratn occasions contrary - 16 by j --..w... the else caine.up to trial on Toesdat daSt, before Magi trates iNlitephosisoli. , .. , awl Berke% of•-K.ncardtne, Vit.en -110.- WIIK, fined $2.0 .atet .. oats for thei---arst „ift-ruse, am!' $40 enkf .Costs : fur. _the_ - secondrMaking in all $73„80, r' "•.„. - .. Prepositions. . _ • . . L. The followeuffi,- p °positions by A1r,11 Blake cannot Iftt.qtf, atiOttett for fairnes:3i' and_ s• mu:dee-I.- : (-I )7That it .is iinj listli and inipolitia to cf.iiiipelfarmers iii%di mechair:es. and latipa oreis • to ay 'extr! . _ . _ . , , prices -tor- articieS tleY buy' so-that.ille-W-: thatrufaatiiies !lel, .be enrif.shed: - (2)!. , . . 'Thal, jilts pretepill- `` protei.tioe- * ti)i farmers"' has net: Age -idea •- them thei sli...htest behelit rand Was •onliheld. out ., as a bait su t haf,,-thir.seltish eleman-ds ait'. •-•9,1Y-it- :Lit mlitadtaferq might be sati.stied.-; (a) That the righ t tr.itny.atel sell iCeely"-. in all the lie -4, in itileti s16ulti. ' not, -be- • .erippled by 1egii..4.0.1Ye _ii4effrIeUee - -: NY.,at every beely edyS must be true,-* -10:1ds tire being- set 1 at Be'rry 4 Sheik: ard's cheaper than offered - liefole- in idickhew. . - I•. - - ''• . I ' • Some time Atiring the peat week a `tIttel. entered the prenrises el r, Robt. •• West„.(the 1,14dWiti farm). and Stele twei ser..v. bridles. . wlifflettee.wos. also, taken ire in a wagon. , sattiblif yarti, ,;\tr. 'James' S-Gmenvill's stable weeS also ifsited by thievcs lat,ety- aattf pait.-rof. buggy -lines . takeu., T -ie Stint:dement • in our hist -week's issue, we .announ- . c..d our intention to printa supplement containing the 1411 repo0,- of the able-, aldresadeliv- ered. hy Sir Richard Cart; but we found we -Were nnable,t9: ttqs .lfacenc.vasifffi,ci'entanibuAlt.. •of type, the 4devu".'-ihavittg. 'pied' a. fill case on T.tteSUay last and Fiteriti to at least* three or,r_f, air militia:1R K.iCh%I; k until finished. It ievery itt- restiitg and we it U.$. it ;-2, read bi- every. tiaZtsertb,r. ,Meeting Of Bovines.: - One- our • medical men from- thei mirth east end: °Tans 'villare as a!) pre' sant busily _engagOd in reading Dora ohm Sisa. , More .part=culady.;- thaz, p.l.It relatingto !cciW by'laws, it appears that Une trig- last .itteek a niimf: • her Of the ileighberiikgcows usiwblei1 - lit his hara for the Puipese ut delnit;"- inf; 6n ther'rekarb tant -price asked fo-1' hav by the. .fartit.ers at.!the present ti 'the- prospects tor the.' coming &num and other inaters ot;. like inipcelenee., 'After -ckinsiderabl it Wtis sugo. td by the leader, a big ugIv uv from the ins 1101ltate f take some; t the .txpense., of 4st- :friend,' the doctor; which • they the ,heariiest ppss int tier. Aft r 'demolishing ey6ry hine in the barn,ir - .. 'the way ot bran o , etc • they filially; dispersed, all feel ug conifortabla -.pleased, witit the night's epj,6). . , i • • .• Tbat marvellous rnri fyer, Bit aDocg BLOOD Burl:its. willspeedil changethe sallow &ea to one of -freshness, ealth and haatity ' It regulates the" Bowelf, acts promptly on the m when broken- Wii.bY Nervouset. (1 -en - Liver and Kidneys, rd strengthens the sy te end Debility: Ask yr tir Druggist fora, Trial Battle, the ,co t is ,hily 10- Cents. Lei•bi, . . ThereasonB6rry & Shepard are sell: , resentation, itvg so many goods is because they are I _ selling away below genen4rices. Bank Closed. . Messrs. Cameron, & Campbell,have closeal ,their,banking -eitablishinent at Ripley, Seventy -Five Dollars. - . • If you. want a firstelass mare, $75 will, get one fer further particulars apply to D Patterson, Photographer, Laektio w. Sale of Stack. • At fist .2G, cop. 2, Kinloss, there will be big sale of first:class stock; on NOV. 3rd, the property Of Alek. Kennedy. John, Tieleaven, auctIcineer.• - Bazar Patterns. — Mr, X..j. Macleod, Of thia` village, is agent :for the Celebrated New York Pazar Patterns He has i 'stock a large selection :(.1 the ebuye patterns, eblitaining the latest styles 'Th ladies' and a h ildren'§ costumes . • • .i'MuSt say it's the nicest thing 1 ever nsed - for the teeth and breath," :sa5s everyone having tried `ITi-,Ansaay," the new toilet gem. Get a* -5 cent sample, Watch Lest. , Lost • on 'Saturday night the, 15th insit.,soinewhere -between, M. Campbell's Stmo'and the Bloks a hat_tittg case4 silver wateli; Any person returning- the same to this office will be suitably Ve: • warded.- - Found Dead.. Mr. Ewen MacPherson, of .Lant•rfsid e; recently lOst a valuable sheep._ It Was not missed from the --flock, hut after Some •Iiine had elaesed it:was:round with its, -head "fi-ftioy wedged between the projocting' rails el. a _tersce;-• the . b(21-iy being partially decomposed. -.04:-Fpresters. • A very . interesting,. -• pleasant,: . andi agreeable -social came oft ofl t he evening of -Monday the 241h, ii the TeMperance ffaM, ender t -auspices- of the Qattacot ,Oyder. of Forestei s. The • mem hers Uf Court 'S.herwe9ef;** with, their Wires and myited friends were present.- The evenings en! trt:uniiieijt was :opened* , by the Chief- -Rarg.r,-....k. T.._ Davidson,; readieg t be bbs utiful ritual pi, the. ortler.. itt the 'etiSelice .of the (oUrt PtiysiCiah, 1.)r. MacCrialninn, who was called away -just at the opennig, it. devolved. Illiclittyre to eXplain -the obj6cts of Forestry, -*au r • .whieh -Mr.• in a happy woi d liveiced an . •. ainiusiug anti appreciative,. adoress, fel. Invied by the coin panyenjoying, a lin st sainptous rePO:1 prepared- bY lad ie of the Cow w hash ainpie Justice was d -one by all -present.4 'lhe. tables ng:cleated-t he music .1 ortieti of the' --progi ainms - was . open eel_ by ati .insti u: men tal :selection by Miss 1. Stroeg, and •songsi-_by Misses Hornelland Lizzie Macfrit) re- and.. . Messrs. .. Mtelittyie, ,1%.tirr and Denoln, each selection being. rendered par -excellaDee,'" after Which tile , le4lit. fantastic Anis - was -tipped, to the we slue,' nyont the twat?' The seeiety deserve reat praisie fur the creditable HHIIIZII r it wluch the 'scent!' Was emidueted; and _we hope at seine*: future aims to meet Ou bUCh ._another happy occasion, -A few - nights ag.o the ReV,-,, Mri : rich. a ,,,, and el - e.ut plaid,. troth the °onto' - , I Queen, ot-lia0n; was, prefienteiLw th a of !.Spptia,--: by „the.- Comiersii Seheqi Teachers.- within: the lientauf his _par,. iah. • These , ,yoting : men, ,a0.,ie- -.Well' known : by all thepeople ;11-:tliiis part of . • -- ` the -- Country, ' and especially , -.Of hese who. h Are thebenefit' or their laber.es teachers; are! me_n -of talent-ano edinsa....-3 Lion, -ai.d keen st edents in - Classics and. i . . 'Science, pi cparin 0 ,, . thonis.elVes , for a- . „- - - _ I - univeriity, eoiirse -. of et udY,..„. 'Mr. I'Vre Queen ap1nect,41iligy tnenpraiseworthy motive, took' delight ,in reading Classics i with them.' -When the plaid wea.pr-e-i: seated the following addiess was rea . bye...sleet the, yeang.pieu :- • .... l'o the Rev. A. F. .211cQue.eit,. , DEAR SIR,—Allowns to eipr.ese to you onr Jeep thankfulness for the keen iota eSt: which You have exl ibied in. our welfare.; ,for lyour self-sacrifice in -denying yourself the ease- And rest Which is BO much needed after performing the -anions' duties of the...day,and in occupying that tiine in patiently gtiiding'as through .. the intricacies of the Latin and. Ureek langaages , 0,nd alsorfcir the b'efiefit-, which .-- we have de- rived from.your tuition inthat resreet. during the as yoar, so" much so that We can further. niirstee the study of these languages rourselVes with pleasure, You will .please .accept - this . plaid; net; as. an intrinsic reward; not as an adequate exoreSsion Of our thankfulness',: lint as a small token Ofgenuine lieartfeltgratitude:' That the: giy.:.-i-. ofall good may lone' spare you. to colitinue- Sttni labor of - li,ve and ma ifest . kliniself in all your works will be eye : t,h.e, fervent P•rayer:of-, uviEir A. mici.ct: Ns I . - • r_ 1-(0BENT" BARI3utak. , .. Fftiron;-Sep.Mth, 1881.- • .44 • Headache. BLO fiche when BunDocii oD BITrEBs.1 will ,Why. become a suffering martyr to reit surely eine the canse of all varieties of eithet - sick or nery' ()us &adoche, -cleanse tile- sMstenr, re-gt4ate the secretions, relieve constipation cf the bowels, purify the bdood, rertova4e the liver anilione -op the nervous .systend and - distressing head ad Ile Wi 11 -.Lie unkliaNtia ? Sample BitttJe, 10 Cents._ La re" 1'ottIes".$1,. ,Squirrel Hun -t,, - . The annuni sqinel hunt of the Kiret .lotigh 'Rt•g'rs took pinee'on Fi itlny. _ ae.t,. the 21st inst. _and was •a grand, igeecess: The being,ftne and game. ; pleatital, ati extiell. ilk day's: Sport: wail . erejsoYed:. 4 uti3ing from the:lin:Heber el .4- tales' tirouidat liosie by -the contestant4 • .we. think there cati .soarcely be _a red squirrel Or chip in pik left in thaneigh: haring W9otts.. . ! In -th6 evening -a "grand' • ,. supper was prOvid .d. by mine host; -.1‘11-.• Chas. Blakslee,_ of Ie ;Rival __1101.01,*. at the Rah, .when- ii,.., very ‘pleasant time' was.spent...: The A lowing -is the namoi ed the linitter-s; wit i tEescoremade: lav . .. . , vaeli„, which shows Mr-. Pennell audible party bad. to Pay f r -the• Bupper ; 1:-.• • - . . . ,•,,,i,,. Carrane:-.T. 'tensor ils.,ileitisli.PEIviln'..L. I Hugh ....19 s. luix. 1IiiIttenIiy,. 31( Ed: Syteltzer,....:. .14 Francis . AIeL Shaebi.ptanA, Jos, 3 Jiat. Geo:. Malcolny,.....100 410 D. Taylor,.... J. Shoebottom, -";.:40 • .Thos. Lockheart-,,..‘160 Jestin,111-cPurely.....190 , RObt.. Me-Connell;10.3 :Jno. Hodgins,„...,„ '10 . • isyce;' • itiolqugb. * Dolf,t Yott forget it, goods .are away below their value at BerrY & Shep.ard's. JOHN Wir.u4sis & Sox, the .Po.pu: lar Boot &Shoe ..lerehants of. knicat:' dipe, wish,es to announce to enir Sub: scribers. sud thie.3s„public in general, that . — their Stuck,of oCts & Shoes, Rubbers, and Overshoes, anil Felt Gocds,is one.ef 'the Larger.st-, Best arid -Cheapest ssorl ted Stocks to be found tbe county . • Call and see Steck and Prove Facts Note the spet. . of the Q01.4DEN BOOT. JOHN_ WILLIAMS & . SON, Kin: cardiue. ••60•111••• • Personals. _ Mr. Duecan Biolan, Who left here last spring _for , Dakcta, -arrived' home en neaday otjait week. - DU* ,TteleavQn andr' •Cathel Keir. who left here for Dakota, last 'spied arrived home on Friday - last. • • Mr Walter. Campbell, who has been Visiting In' the. v it I age ' dfiring• the past week, left -on Tuesday- for Toronto. Thos.' and wife, cf Wing - ham, spent a fepv days :visiting friends in the yillage last week. • , Mr. J. II. Cameron, brother of Mr. tor E. Cameron., barker, has iecoived a literati -jive position in one of :the largest banking louses u Chicago,- - • 4.4)10.• . „ the.Aile, en llse -:9111 Jact, '.-Jactopar, .01' a cla ugliter. . I , inst; the vife ef::Mr.._ John Dqstow" - -'ot a elaughter. - • DIED.. Wal.vaitos -.Mr. John Hamdtou, aged One • . and 8. inenths: • • . Eton! our.funs Correspo;ndent. VISIT'ns —Mr Ale.xander Giryin„of Calitornie, brother of ,11147... I.:harlot!! Cirvin, Reeve of West Wawanosh, is on a visit to Frkends here. Mr. Jelie. Glahlteks of .1t.tillle sville$ Ina Just a levr Ladit s' Wool breilifast Shawls left, at -Berry & Shepard's,- AIONEY. TO LOAN - . ONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD -,k7APal. Property at 6 and 64 Per cent, according to the security offered. :The above Will be 'loaned nn - any, terms to suit .the horpiwer. • Correspondence,tivilLhe Cheerfully.* a.ti4weterl. without eipense. For further particu)ara-. apply to • , JOHN GOI3DON, 407. St; Helensi.P. 0 _ MISS K. C. STRONG (Late of Paisley.) Vo cAL AND INNTRO ENTAL TEtItTC8702.-:=RPZno and Organ. • Music AOADERY.—Over Mr. J. Gre ache's Store. RESIDENCE.-- Mr. A. McIntyre's. ly. !FEWER ESTILALY, • 18 .-Viouper haaiwt: opened outhi.-Nowimportatiou o -SU9TCH TWEEDS,. _ ERCOATINGS,., "A FLANNELS., Which fort' Style, quality, . . • rice; Cliiinot he Eicelled, SPECTION SOLICITED. M. CAMPBELL. 140,14, 1881. TOWNBSIIIB. OF ASEIFir_LilliNvi;TT34 NiPTI7.0:p.-4CEON: • BEING A _ . OPEN AND ESTABLISH A ROAD Arn? --DrsroEnz. •-:OF AN OBIaINAL ALLOWANCE FOR ROAD HERiqNAEtER :DisCRD3ED, -FOR THE or.,ENABLIgG ACCESS TO BE -}IAD •TO " TEA.. liong J.,AA.1.1.1-pRox. l'IBRTF,AS. the -p.ubliC highway .running- : bet,Vveen-facits 't flirty -.se V en and thirty-- . etglit).Lak e -S 'acre Range . is .,precipitti near = .tbe bank Of the lake - aii.d the said road: .w.orild 'de more 'On %Ten ient- for -.the _pii bile iia deViation -• --- 4Cre ytade :30 that th-,e _said road-_ auld run. . tiirough.t he Sorith part of It thirty-eight...-. .., ---' .e.i int ,whereas :Mr. James Murdocla tbe.owntr Of said land haS-execiited a deed of c_Onvey.ance • ; - fo thisf-2.orporption-Of the. land- necessary .for tjkS pi•OpOSSI:1 aeylation', ,L.,.. Alfdwheree,s-thile,oun-Cil-hs•agreedtO-ezie7 .. :ttite a, -deed tif _ con);reyance- • Of the - aferesaid- l.triiital.allo;vartte for roati ti' the said -James . .-.11.ttritych ihatituperiation,there- for, • - -'..,. ---- . .'..r: And . WhereaS. a:H....proper. noticeirlaave heen •.. giyen Of this iby-laW - as required by sectioni- : 00&. of therevised Statutes -of .Ontario, Chap- ter 174,.and:the ',several sUbsec.tiOnetlieteof.i ,•.- .•:t -NoW, _therefore .1)e-- it enacted bf .the 1!.,Iiini-...- • -;:tipar-CorPorationof thei'Tewnship of A shaeldli.:: :--::that front -and after the :Passing Of [his by la* •-•k•deviation Shall:Ile-Made iii the puhlie ,:hi,gh-li . . ..'Way -running lietwcen lOts.37 and 38, that the•;,:- - latid -hereinafter -.particularly:described :And; -Mentioned shall be established and.oeenecf..fo :, - .1C•trery. Plii_i•49se. of:a Publid.hVaw4Y Ivittlie„,,:4vt...:.. . aid toWnstiip. The description of at? Saig prtioosealligh#iyA •? as folittvis- ; Being composed Of part Of ' the..,.-.....: South:part of lot (No; :34..,.,, -:number thirtreight,' . in the tikke.Shore.ltange,af thes4.idtevirif-ship,:-, ; l'and-ptirticularly-deseribedaS f011ows i Being a: ;- --.Parcol--of latid one -chain Wide..,-: the:centre-line, `•-• ..bf Which maYbe:better-knOvin, that is 4.e -say,; 'tniniritritingl - at, n. post. plaotedin .the south-...•*- iasy 7 11111it di gild lot number thirty -"eight .iand - :id SO -being- in the northerly limit . Of -the; road; -allow-a,nce . betiiieen ' -lots' thirty S•eveR. and ,-thirty eight;and itthe;distance Ofeiilit chains,. a,nd. sixty. eight link., 4.:Intb fifty 'degrees: and"; ..-. . thirty,'ininutes_ east frowthe top-of:the high. - bank of Lake:Huron. 'Thenee north' 'eighty - silt degrees; .--east .onet chain: and forty.Ahree: - . links twit post ; thenee iyorth t7iventrone de- grepa.east, one.chain ,and .fifty One ...liiihe- to -..a. :. pest_ ; thence north - sixty-three .fle,grel,es east.-,,_::-. - • one chain and fonsteen -links to a Pest -;: thence"; - - - - south eighty-nine'degre.es and thirty minutes .- . , - - -. - -.east, three c.tarns and fifty eight., links _to _a -past .:;• .tlierice Beath seventy-eight _degrees east; ann. :chain arth.-t-Wenty•six- links ; thenee south. :. eif.ihty,fiv.e degrees and. 'fifteen minutes .eas,- two' el:ming a.nd twenty seven- ?inks ta a- poet •;. sfhende southfifteen degrees nadf,-,rty mitnitei., east ; seventy-six links .t.o. i.vOst.;_thepce isPritIt''• thirty degreese.asititwo:chainsandliiiiety-eigItti.:- . , , links -to a pest ; 'thence:Oath -tVro. degrees anci::::: :fiftv ininntes West,thrse hbeins atidfift-y liiilui;---. ' more or lees to -a past planted,,m, the_riortherly- . limit of the. -allow aneelar road. aforesaid con-. taining..:by adme.astirereent two•• _and - seven tenth -acies..be .-the same more •er le• • _- and • that the-pres_ent tra-reiled 14igliivsky, portion of the 'Original read alio:wet:160e -:lote nitrnber thitty-seveit and number,: thi : eiklit,:-. intheLake-Shore Range, of thieafore- '.....sid Township •'f Aslifield.,:bp elosed;:the. same ' ; Is here* clesed as-a...public highway fOr ever,i. . . and thesenne audtbe land coVered thereby:, is: -.---- ..hereby - given -and Salti to....the said jeriieS ' -- IVItirdoc41.-agitile.,-tai0a- and CoMpensation: for theland taken-trom -him- far -the" .new road herein described; -and -Niiili eh .saiel'rfaid. - - flO closed .aft afOrakiaid:ntay513e-14:nownand ' des=. _Cribeitits-f011ovie:T. 1.:'.hat is to,salt, :Cian-tiaCnting::. , 'At a postl)fatited on:theeotitherly./imit ofsaidl 'hitinuinlier'ilfirtY-eight.- -and alSo .beingou the., - northerly limit -Of .t.b-aferisaid.triatf allowance')Detween lathitembef thirty. seven Arid thirty-, . eight,- andat thediatance of oghs:diains - cl•-_. k sixty del:it links. 'seeith _fiffy-six.:•ElegresSt-- 'A -- irty -rninitt40 east 1Foili the top 'of . the high : bankofLake _Huron :;;.-thetit'e eastrly . silent.; - tbesaid 'oortherly_lintit.:Ol. -road allo7vance a; . .idistiiticenf:eler_,ert-V,liaina. and fifty -live- lin/L14, .. More er,lese to a, 'post .;,:..thence southerly ,at ' right: angles.' e. 4,nOtanee of one Chain tatli.O. : ...,kuttioly- ishost of aforesaid ro#,-1.,ath-roancp „,-- •thenee westerly,alang Said'sentlierlY -liEn4 :Of -2',t raid:allegfAnce-a,00tanee ot,eleven.ehaine mill ''--.- -fifty-liieliiiks, moreor leis,•os.n.-poSt•-; :thence • northerly a ti4ht -angles A:diete,nee of One: ' 'Chain : te. the niiii eL-beginning,-- the whole:,' eeeisittiag -ah. Afte. of on0.•....ecte and three twentiet.beg-en4ere;,91oTe or,resS, : and-ihitt':-.. a rleed'ai cOnVeYapOefbe_execpted.by. this -00.7i- -... -potation 2t.n.thesard Jairtea::„.Muidoch of. -the: ..- -said laet:,-pleepjlied 1)ieee of land. and Via': Ria*, 0.f-the:'?9-14toWosiiip of,Ashfield is lierc-, 1 . by Aanpoviereit aiitl-ieq4esfed?tp execute - inielic -deed ,-and itliiiiin-eorterate.seal,of- the , oor-: ' liointiten, Of Aii_Slifi..eld thereto.--, '.. r. • ' -. QTRAYED TO THE l'ILEMIS S• OF - 1 I, Neil McKenzie, lot 3, con, 12; A hfield, in May last, a one, year -old Heifer The ...owner is requested to call,proveproper,pay expenses„ and take the animal away.. 1V -Ell. /4eKENZIA. 40.5.-3-io. ' Limiest r.-0. , , . .1•. • Calls Special Attention to Plain wad D PLUSH —PliaudH . , DSHADED RIBBON. Plain andr.T-- &aged Ostrick_ Feathers Plain: and SHADED, FLOW —Jet Ornamental Trimmings BONNET c - Jet • *Ides. All of Xicellent Value,1 and the attention of the Closest Buyikr.'k MRS. Sall 4. Campbell Street, r PioirAmp.. . The ihrblic is hereby notified that .theToirri.:, - Ship councV of Ashfield pr?poses to far th. , ahove;byr.inw=at Its regular meetiag,- on Tries , day, iiie.22nikla'y of NovembeT melt; -.11:'• 1881, C1ekof the Municip1ity of Arfielt,k 9•40e -411.4fiekli 89.t.230., iegat !••••