The Sentinel, 1881-09-23, Page 8NOT1 ot Z *Mi to Intimate tothe people of Ltieknovr k_nd surroundim, country, that 1 ani now ready to do all kinds of work in my. liae at lowest prices consistent, :with good...work. N. El.—Copying And Enlargini a peplalty,: Frames and Stereo-, acapes always, on hand., E. L. JOHNSON.. , Sept. 991.. • _ TABLE.. - SOTTr.PW No. —U 12. 40- =• itoor uud ATifluit* Rful0. TAIL0RE,88F4 w4.NTE1.-H.4„ few good dat and Pant makers wanted. - Must first:elass hands: - Steady employ.; -Ment.- Apply or address; nips. 1,s1,1.2,. 'railer W deliair Ont. J.. AI ,A,*'ENggli-- AT LAST. --With this eey's issue, we commence the pub. cation• of a new. continued story, extttled,. "Avenge d At ',Jest," tale of lave and daring,, by the author Of `A-Vhat He Cost lier "-etc. tOnnztt.y.,--D tiring Wednesday night 6.t.last Week,.. some parties broke into '-barker shop, and stole a Intimber44- razors etc; in fact everything , they could coniteniently•carry away, An_ -entrance wai atlected_. by breaking one of the large Panes. of glass in • the „ winclaw; Qampbell street. •-No kin o . to the.thieves., . " SISFAIC On Caledonian Dv', white the ganies were in .-progress„ evetAt watelies,--monev -and other arti- cles were taken frora`the crothes ofsonie of the- athletes. . People should, be 'caro-! fui how -thy carry Valuables on ,occa i,?..us of thiskind; as a ,number cf be "- 11e...4:angered gentry" unike it a paint to be itt attendance . • - 0•Nt itaVe been told Of a farmer who lives: a "feW hile$ from this viliake;,. 11-71-io thought. the • world ...was coming to _ an end on the .:14,ack .11briday. He called his Tiapas frotri" the harvest' field,and ering his. f to tly together,spout tlie- rest. 6f :the. day end night in prayer ani tie, votiOn. • • • During this- month stunmei• ceini)laintp, • commence their ravages, - 'robe forewarned- - i to be -forearmed Fovi-ler's.Extract•of Wild- Strawberry iS-the hest knoympreventa- • tii7e and voure or ali forms -1of • bowel com- plaints and...sickneaS„ iricideatak Ltm. sum, • ra,c,r, season. - AeT,Wkr8- IN, • S;abscriptionS . are always pa.iditi ad- -.Y.,ance; -that• is to say, if the subscriber doest net doit,•the'publiSher is obliged t), a-3;- the paper doalers, the coropos. Itor.te type nr-Aer-S,th irik rnaker trieseissors- grinder; thepett cll. sharpen.'" • •the. • Oressraan,, the landlord,anti citlipt4, will. n4t wait1or their pay 'till the year -expires. • AnnivEta.—We have -just received a -.frtn- MB 'or, . g i rant Jefferis,. wlio' •' left_ Mit/ company 'with 1W4*r ettitand Streng, for City,_Itansas. 'heir many friendtz this -see-tion . will be glad to .hear of. their,safe ar4yal., Ti -key like the, looks -of the 'country, and are: perfectly at Th e-clector promises to give .the readera of' thP SENT1NgL a short *count of:the denary ilia fattire isSne. PomicAL MERrixo. Sir Richard j...-/Cartw_right;-- 4. C. clineran, Q. Q. M. other P of-Gecierich.---ancif her _ _ - _ • truislied members of the &farm- party, address.the elector's of Sutli Bruce • ami _North- liuron,in th;-Skating Rink _ .1,ucknow, on Tlittisday, 13th October. this 18 the, rrst visit otthe able and • eloquent ex -Financial Minister to this- - viliiige, - a large, attendance iti'41. no doubt greet, AT_TEN.D4a--,So#,Qop.-4t may, not be _generally kti4twn hut it is the-14ct,- that Act passed kilt session ainencling the School Italw, states that ehilorea overseven ye4rs,ofuge end under thir: teen, are required: to attendschool for a period7 of ndt 10Ets- than fifty-nve dayP in each .haft...year;., that the parents or Pardia9s, ark.directly- rep;litsible for • such attendance; and that .trnstees, are squired tp -notif,y such parents of any neglect af.dutr'in ,this respect. Parn,in9Z_ Duncan of.Londen lashio, 'writing to a fd.eint at,Ifyde ark,-- lfrotu .Part • liape, .3tiahigan, bap; the fims,:ragingiri that diStriet, coulJsen. the- sights-. yOtt 74'"pip;, ta en, .womei children- • lying aratif.4.. burned to r• The-- 'Oat „hero t) -datile soutlifty ;g1tKtiotit11west, t 'hi 9tte4tfiley perl ..sons burned to roadside, ' and n I cannot tell you the desolation a twofold worse tha ea.:II-lying along the one to carefor them. he 4undreditt part ot ivoe. The fire is LosT.—Loet in Ili Caledoniariyark on Wednesday 1 st a. muzzleloaCling, :pistok the prope ty f Capt...Thglis, of Brantford. Mas er -Mao-, • Oritnnion also. Io t a two pOnged fork • belonging to the fffr1 of his -Highland'. diess. ,Any perse ieturning theaboYe •'articles to -this ,o c will be suitably rewarded. , . DTEGniCE#UL - CENE.—:-Tifo of out - .,.,- ‘.'lly"---young meii et- pretty, well soak-- ecr with ,fortr-rod IOU Monday evening • last,...and. 'created,- on. •i :derahle disturb, - mice ini the stret We were of the .• opinion_ that Luc at - hal Et village constable, -or at, 14 t paid a *man to act in that 7capaCity, b t a • no arrests have been made we: must a, � beerimistalOn. UNCLE Tom's. 1i.r.—M4,- Fred: R. Wren's NewY' ..8 ar Combination are: -billed to a.ppea at the Ternip&ance Hal in thia village or Friday evening next, 29th. inst. - Vim company 4 pro, rnounced by the - res to be the best eombitation travelli " rid We hope all -will make. iu .a.- lin irt to be present. .- .A-. fail pack of 0 'ba aid 'Siberian! ZIdotl /1.6unds-will-.- )p ar- On thOstage, iti als.0 will the fa o s-tiick donkey,. "Topsy." - See large Pal .a.. . . , . RuxuwAv.---On. ed esday evening - ' last as _Mr. John y ore, in company. with Mr. E.-Fargirli rsowas clrivinci along -114Telock dr et, - the horse sud-, . ,, denly„ bolted off and thy w- them out of the- bun.gy, . Afr. - M pre Ifallini-; with great force to the ro nil,. receiving. several • •`SeireT8 plk about the head and face-. - .1.fr.. IR, scaped almost u n hurt.; The .lior e fter ' running through the prineip . treets of the village, was capture ear the 12th concession of .14..shfi d. . No- damage was clone to the bngj. The sutrimer season no v• -re ches its climax,„ .and is prolide iu developi g bqwel Complaints. Over-indulgencein frui od1•t. drink- ing Of iced. -water amr au me beverages, in a few hours produte fatal va es omon.-. eliild- ren and adults. Dr. Foc. ler's Extract of Wild Strawberryis the most r- lab e remedy- for all forms of summercomolai its. Sate, pleasant, and prompt in its. effects._ f -A. dealers keen- it. - . - AUOTION 'her ev11 be an auction sale of Thor ugl bre-1 Steck, - - etc.* on the 21:krket S uar Teeswater, cid Saturday, Oct: 1st • ndrew proprie!or.--John Par ins p of lot 1 1- . COU, 11, Towns14 of rulr ss, will also - bat e an auction.sale a a rn Stock,etc., . - • on krulay, sept. aot \Vm. ioUis,. anctianeer for both sa es. Great credit ale- of Farm &oak,Impl mentErt- etc., ;it hitt 18, eon.: ZS, Wel awanosh', on Saturday,„Qcf.„ 1st, by Q. Tait, Scott, 'auctioneer. W. -Orr. roptietor... • orkRtooTED.-.-::In the judges at the in. our Iast issuc., we tion- Mr.4o1n .Camero among :the judges- f-- etag. Mr._ Cameron ly s ac for the moiety ever , • tion, and we ' are in authority' .that is iS--- make --Mr. eatnekon a ber of the society. lh The for .singing Gaelic 'fang “A's,,, Laigh Lama Fi0 in n for which he was aVard prize,- a handeotrie sil r b "Donald Denoon, of Lu awardel tho-stcoad-p -Ying the names - ale-11% onian ,gataies ect; eted to men- , o awanosh, pilyng -and- daii ked• s.s jiidge its Organ iza- d on f;ood intention to. 'orary mein- competitior -he . sang Gaidheal,' d 'the.. first oodb. . Mri know; Was e. Nature Makes N takes. „ . chOlera morhus, ' colic. cr Mps: vomiting, sea Natures ownremedyfo boll comp/aint; sickness, cholera infanttt , cli rrhoea, dy- sentery, and alldiseases o „w li e_.nature be- ' longing to the doln)ner se n, is Dr. Fowler's trial E Extract of.-Wild-Strawh- Fry, which can be • ebfained Of all- dealers in etlici e.- • ; of ro Posy- °Frick' NANA, ENE '1,.. __ . The. average, while in 'grain, -fall and s -Pring .a • FALL SHOW. - TheFall Show under the aiispicles: of.. the KinlosS Branch .Agricultural Soeie: ty; was held in this village on Wednes: day and Thursday last, 21st. and 22nd •insts„ was a decided. s.uccess. The ad: - Vantage , to farmers and agriculturists from the spirit. of emulation engendered by these yearly exhibitions: has long been recognized, an, we are confident, are thoroughly appreciated hy theabove classes. We cannot' but think the den_ey_is to_en.courage:the -raising,-of-- a grac.le, otstock- and the paying . a nioe attention to both the cereal and rook _ The 'showing cd .a fine herd Of• grade or thoroughbred cattle by. a prominent fanner •is apt to set his neighbors -and friendsrin thinking and Ina -airing into the subject of stock Tads: ing, and in. nine -cases out'of ten to go:- The- saaje with itIceelo and hogs.- Tile visitor or regular ..attendittit. atthe fall exhibi: tions-. held dining the,ast: kW. :years canna but -b6 struck with the great. ad:= Vantainent made in. -the -stock' 4epart:' Then, a thoroughbred wah .. -the exception, now, nurneroue herds are the rule._ .A.gaii.these poriedical oceasionS. hen! --the- far mers-caurineet together and d.,fscuss.rnatters sef interest and eriAtiire into different subjevts, are" productive of inueb geed from an educational and `800.iill'4andpoipt.. It- Must poi.: toil:and workfor the.faeleri -arid: these. (Jaye a relaxation and_ enjoyment are -in. all senses:a benefit: On Wednesday'. -evening •the inside deprthient waS opened: to. .the PUblic; but the atterid„nce Was not asilarrie as' on forther„occasionS.- %The building,was! nicely.ilituninatea,and-116 Sweet' strains of nnisic cliseouried by the Lucknow - String pzitio,Andited.nitteh to the -enjoy:, ment of the evening. On -:entering`. the building and tailing to .the -.left the • . display of fruit that met the eye was 'nos( year:he-stand grapes, heifig in. profusion,- -- while dt the north. end' the. floral exhibit. of .11r. Robert G-rithant, •;beauV to the soene.- In this rani) Arr. exhibit of photographs, Were greatly admired alsj the diepiay of canape birds; a new feattire • in the she*: the ?aSt'.side -Of the large, build: ing was alines-I:entirely. taken. , with ,the 1.)epartnient: ijere . could. en the result of niany ours no ns labor on, the part. of.: the s of this .section; And4viciences of le bandr:cratt could- bn obserYed. on. -side,fronilhe delicate en) broidary uslin an -d silk to -the cheerful:look:: atclied quilts; the hu a ofwhicli- sted_ wiirrnth to •a greater extent*, than .clid its " S.mple pxonOttioli.s. no the- principal -exhibitors in this weie Mrs. Dr. Maccr.hrinion who' received the first honors for_ the cpilection of.ladie's work' on the d„ Mrs; k..McGrori,- doming se; ant ;Vire. N. lUeXinrion third. _ &twin tuis department is super; - - any former- year, :arid Ifiras pro; ed- 1:)y, seVeral-Visiters present to _ s the display ma,de at.the s.-hibition at Tero.nto. The show ote and vegetables was, aboVe . the be se -telia ladie feria every on Ih ing p sugge &Veil - • Attie class justly beat groun cowl, s ior ta- nounc surpas • 'Post Office hav " been for .w116" was - largely ext.ibited, and -Of some years strivjn t e pratical suPr.j0 illastratt3e'61 the error wh eh in the- naiktk, when he state -a -t • at two sides • "nos. of a.tiianide howsoever ken are great, .edie'd Which contained .-ahnost every . . • r' quality. The largest-exhiliitor in:door department- was , Lawrence, who showed - a large on of stoves, bird cagea, tinware er than the third.','- T. ey.. re . tScidly etc" asserting they are „less-. - .. . . . at low ?- The 'varietY _i.st-. train frani-'.10-titio to Niringliain R. D'ey , reaches. the latter town; t a uartSr, to - eleveri.in_the•forenoon... NV, net aVail theniselves ot this train and end :us 'a. - tadriiing'Inall 1, .-Kincar rue ttd all the interiteulnwtowns and v Hage., togt4... er, With tfiose coining .. amte P. hani- and landon.iveuld " e be - fitted.. hay availing themselves -of tit, g arr ngement. The thatl vv_c•nicl . reach_ - ,Trilic rdiiikt by . - .. - . . . , 11:50, ft.- m.,_ by this si pie pan.'In place of this, the Peat 0 dErefitliorifiea Bend t-IYY:Itiqii eOst.viraid.P-. o irisburg- ,... which leacfies at a.-. few , dile' 1 s Past iglii" itt,--the.m9KPilagi.. is dela pd there' uni.ii -10.10i and is tb 0 dsnatche,i r-northWArd-S -1-eaeli4g-NS! ,-,-,rzha at 3.$0.. , in the afternoon - au4.,-_‘ :rue iiline nt-... IR! 494 obotik 4.30. We nligh, 44 our mail 4hour igQrsim--:_-_,Wii4 A . ..taine ; Du .., ..; - > . of tinware in common. user ..Mr: idsOn was .awarded the first prize for a liandscatte set efbedroani furniture., • , Mr. J... It Ackcirt also - made a line dilplay of. furniture, bu,, was entered- aite:t -theitidgeS had. a.wrirded flat plugs. poultry .ctoss.the shawipas net as goodaslast, year, very Low, classes being rPpresentq. WrP: exhibited a. large riuinber of -sewing ma-ehitas, ler Av../.1iPh w_aa....alYar4eU sevTelriaeljkiont:eids;' show was largely attend; -ad On Ihurs e nsiderable iriter: , _ _ eat was nianifested in the ot,. the.juctges. hersee..,aila.,eattle the re -Als6 well .represented..„ 4: I .P1).fsi Pti.1114_1)1114.01t8.'FI riages were shown, Mr. Wm.. Miller, of Lucknow-,,being the -most' extensive eibibitor: -1 -(Continued 10 our next issue.). Personals. ',Miss Nettie Caswell,leffon Tuesday last.for-Toronto. • 3Lis8IL Moodie who has been Visit ing for SOMB time.past in tins village, -,left-last week for Toronto. Viss_Rastalt, of Kincardine is visit --t Mg in the Village.?. guest of Mrs. J. N.Y. Wallace. - . Mr. Alex. CaMpall, left on Mondayl for klannIton, where he has seottred a situa,tion in a largetailoring establish- . 0 il - ment., 'Air. IX A. Kennelly of Toronto 'Was in the village last weekvisiting his old I s. a- In _ • NDER AND BY VIRTUE OF -TI1E pp-wer of sale contained in a certain • moatgage, which will be produced at. the tiant of sale them will be sold by Public Auction, at the Office a the '- VEX RS OLICIl'OR In the Village of Lucknow, on T.URDAY, 24T11I-7)A SEPTEMIIEll, at the hew ef three o'clock, in the aft-ern-6On.. All and singnlar• that certain • parcel or tradt of land andpremises situate lying and being in the - .:-VILTAGE:DE-.1LUCKS(l.W. . • WM. Thornpkinsretinned "home from Dalidita, on TuesdaV, last . lookina ale- -and hearty. - Mr; T. hitenns •:returninc, . • - to Daktita,-..,sliortly.t - Strachan,, of Holy -Todd,- Who bps been on a Visitlo•-the-.014 Country, for.some tinie.paat returned List week- _ Mr. W. -ITT: Little:and fain ily left on - Tuesday 1,1et for Lambeth, Out.,-.wliere they in tend 1. -Spending a few weeks: visiting friends.: - :NOTACE 7 t.i.7.teE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT* F. FliAZER, Carriage Maker, ofi . the Village of Lucknoiv, has thisday-inade an assignment -of his estate to me for the -behefit of all hiS. Creditors; and all persons having 'clairas aiains(the, said F. S. Frazer are -here- by notified to send the particular, of their claims to me,witlitheir vouchers for the same, and. the natureand particitlars of:any Security •held hithein,lefOre the 26th .day of Septein- be next after -whichclaie Isliall proceed to distributl.the assets of thesaidestate among -7, st: the pa ties enititled thereto having regard only to. the • claims which shall then been. re- eeived by nro:1--:- • •- .1 4 L. C. HaelENTY1i1E. D_ated thiS 7ili daY of -Sept A. -D 1881. - 41111111.111.11•1........ • . MISS K. Gi STRON -- (Late .Of Paisley, ) . EACHER tivsalan ENTA1(' kaid Organ;:, 11•TUSTC: cAnEati.;---Over;-Mr. Store.' ' * Restyles.— : A. McIntyre s. • •, •1 1881. The, Pioneer hasjust opened . • out hi 4' New -Importation Of : • . SuOrreil TWEEDS -R WAWLSI •FLANNELS. Which for S,tyle, quality, and Price cannot he Excelled INSPECTIOlk SOLICITED. MPE3ELL HORSE ESTRAY, - , AME INTO THE PREMISES OFTRE umbraigned, on or about the 22nd of August.'1881.j a DARK 'BROWN HORSE,' ° About 18 Years old-, The horse is blemished. The owner is requested to prove property, Ray eXpenses, and take the animal • c. imAKSLEIE ' Beeper. ugh, Sapt. 8th, -1881. TO L GOOD ST'OltE AND DWELLING- TO ' Let. Next to Proctor's Harness' Shen. Agood spring in tire cellEfr. At reason - ' able ternui. pply to. . - RS MURRAY Luek.uini • °TICE. vieih 6 infnun the citizens of Luekubw and surrounding country. that I have openea tip _ UTO1HIER - - . , ;C423:tron & -1 FiAlcePP t?n hi.ratt at all times __ 1 ALL , ,I.KANDS OFt:FRES.114 MEAT; a -,cal A JAMXS SAY, P e t 9 • r7vvl ini4leagt : On- - o , numbersixteen;: Somerviile-s Survey of. the - :village -Of Lucknow-aforesaid, and Containing •--Ferty- Eight square -parceiS of land.; be the ainikore or -less. _ - - - - - There are on .the lot "a, comfortable Stone Cottage in good repair, and good fences, and -it is, situated conveniently to the_businesipart of the -village,' - = TERMS- desired_ by thepurchaser- two :hundred dollars of the purchase money may be • seethed by -.mortgage on the property for a- -reasortabl&time; ateightper cent interest and oftlie balance a deposit -of teirper cent will be required - at the time of sale, and the balance on completion of the Conveyance. - The- Vendor reser-I:les the light 6.1 one -LIM. Further phrticulars may be obtained from- • PLLIOT TPAV . - Vendors' Solicitor. Lucknow. Datit ed at L' cknow this 29th A, D., 1881... CHEAP aaci IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE 141,4110 County of Llaron. Ont.. „ TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD;,„ North Half of Lot 1, Con. 9, D., 100 . acres. About 20 acres clea,recl; 80 acres tim- bered with Beech, Maple, Hemlock, -Bass- Wood, Elm and'Black..Ash. . Log -House and - Frame Stable and Shed,. orchard*and The soil is:a clay and sand -loam. within cfm- - Yenient distance of SchcolS, ClahreheS - Pest Offiee`and Mills. -Nine miles from Luanow. „ . - N. E. Quarter. of Lot 4, Con. 6,- W.•D., 50 • acres. About 15 acres cleared, balance can be cleared -at a triflin-g expense. Small frame . House- and Log Stable. - This kt is 'conVeni-- ently situated on a good x Oath _The soil, is a' light,clay . Eleven miles- frain Lupk- - TOWNSHIP�F COLBORNE. : Co: 13; 126_acresf; about -35 acres cleared; 91 acres timbered with Beech,Maple, -Hemlock; Elm and Bla,ekAsh. Frame Rouse, Log Honse and Stable, YOung -*orchard: The n. a -sand and clay loath. Saiv:Alillon the - adjoining lot. •Seven:Miles:to Ooderich.._- , Part of lot 16, .COn. 14, 54 acres ;• `ahout 30 acres cleared. ;-halanre canbe .cleared at a ; iniall expense. Two. Frame flenses and Frame Barn, all in:goodrepair.' The Si is a - sandy A Saw Mill oh Part ef this lot, - 'Geod. roads. Seven Miles to Ooderich. TOWN.. oF EXETER. _ . Lot No; 4, in the sub-DiviSion.of:-Lot No. 19: This property is situated in the best busi- ns the east side•of.Maio Street-, and the:beildings. consistof "a Brick Store andDwelhng = two Storeys high, 20x40 feet, -.iner-Kitelfetchild Wood Shed. • _ The -above properties. Offer an excellent: op- portunitir fora good investment, a, sthey will mbeensot,l" OHEAP and on•libera ter..w .,of pay:- * AND MUST BE -SOLD _THIS SEA,S01-st; For partieulars,:aPply . - lAiiigust 1st, 1881. d .3 4. E0S.S:( ;SI c ;A:0E:, 0; 4 - - Bankers, LucknL.e.w., or late ;of Sk- iravank opened out lns new shop, next door-te Graham's lirickiblock; i determined, _ todreep th pubhc Sum of choicest quaility, great Varietyand at lowest pries. In connection with-t—he meat business, he akii PurPcses ke6Ping stock• .rq...41tRELVE:GAt:r..knE. of all kinds iii_ their -proper seas*. The Patronage,,of P-nblicia remeetfaly- solioitt4-, ErAr,p. LOT 2, CON. 12, :WA D. containiii,g 50 acres, good clay .< :loam-; rod frame house.; frame barn„astahles. and (Irving ,sheds ; \good well, splendid s. orchard --alt 'kinds- of fruit ; good fences - icliortls <handy.; ,nikles fiorramcknow an4 20 from, Goderlch. Tent's -reasonable Apply •< on the premjgee to 379-4 044..,734,11x4iny. •