Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-11-26, Page 6AW1.1; . .. ...... .. 71 a W- V� 'd professional Oreo r 00 -you eft Ayst, you,, i,ig b6ttej'if they deal, i Ai esIr, price hotiogily to oua y,,pure VV aya 0 0 d' +++,+,++ +++++ take bred fr6m- -the mmon, flock.' Un� ji0i J)Q 8, -the hipeder,takes,tbig 7r our. 't. nThis`, qu, ow glad Td�­ tile as ery w t itpripra, ej-, :,everi. thou kedi. hr '444 'nor did a'ithba yea� I k pu ig w t proper t p rvision Wk Alp PAY11110ither.,w tAke- abip batheig� "little -but 11110 'd . V INES ira. other U5111oF h ',n so b anJL'aStWI0'6f- 4 niler an,,,efti 011e-�Sh6res t h managemort owevqrj, p ain ijust, nol I, - , c ': � - 0 Po" an be mad6.1�,� sr re'ssed ag, Re"ri Eskithos' have no aold �,veryzatisfactory h N Ir, ey -lack"neither �vith �w t d"t t, ya�t;e Y' fit d -the robSIQnj alll ad w 0 Do of a1afge It Ite the ffi 6nds :ori pages as �use �­ q a—'' -,.ev,w the um zyar Ing i -m r, ght'l b "t Of Mr" H6rbert'L:',AIdrWi�s I t 0, 'as Ow a c Inkt prepa�r6d t oueir, -OiCeS;,!In ask4 and -Sib td: b It th f4p �erable alnount,, of, taTe an& attbA-` ct4de h .1, awned, I cria is, art, �.,,pqr ap ihW 0 payqd 'by�. children, along by 1� ' �-Bya 6h k' achArge" he is under- a0cOlfit which he,, fi ii It 10111, -upon t oukT,, f I tough- -probably -save this Callgh o nd t A d A�ie6essary tr bb d Baring Sea He -emaj routine, the P. An t life. Four'db6t6i'S &-ty-in, prop-, UV -6 �U j F t L&Aed. Scot L The: P to' 6 is a I U IT, AIS t become simplified. Ito , z - e 0 rs t n seerned.:to' bq��j t, aC ad, -1 f i4st. be -bis Over- fi r,,t av,.�put t �,,Ad paspinb' h TI. hem an y h ov, P, 't easily digE RA !t kaA b see that the fiiSt c6xiditibns or, se - 0 5h: �'Vr was,. being'. 7 yej nlojt�7p bothc till Sleep� about h"i 16ft- to-; the', care o ire- �'Ill the 6 -end 6 d-- th, ae, p� aso,VLthe A ail'. eye' a these- appen,to ver.- Chil Ungs, unless w man 'T d f . be. ore, th t upon the" *aa on ri d d rthy,.Ibss-&n d Orbri: are fond *VA 22 i B Und lid's naine 'd iAlly titl6t*o �ey dawn:flas y board' Ment, ttiO4 .:d an sure, og ehe d lio di a -re urn- re -ar( er caring "for cgirls Are viuch: -b' ter' use of h or ment,-, th being, tossed '614'neL, A- and r p �-k a, _ _ nrp In a a s �evi-, A d fittbd 16- hiiaVe Aha` -h- f the n ide sohaier' IS. Use walrus tfiA14 a t 6f skill,ii-to see wh rain, o,con, ent that,a bato. lid, n6C.-W ite. 0 can ]DRUGGISTS 14 dlse;.fan�i6d he suiroun& Ili r - flockj­6ink generally bai;e tossed U4` ra 0 ''air Y, agracefully Up Did, must, ha points for the:, 6uc icassful manag carding �Iu n. o�x aus-s a poultry., A�� d It sleds; which ey loid CeIP6 f rini", th th 1h skins' nd, all ..sbrts of Ari Was turned be,'cleianied -adex. Boys pr cuse f inIt �-sh6u]Cbe made: so eir OSQOAO�i and' white- -us- P P ay ti a CGTT & I on hjg�, PI h - ever t an towr� t ate a ingi, it .1 , L i rom it t'- 'L ­ * Washed:-afid' thus '�,k�pt free -f �20 YV4!11i�� ft. W.: as i9n;-jt i,the,,.qu w k �ermin.,� VOultryl will n It h( un-, W do well a' sto, u t 'dbersk' 1* is anothdr eah with, lic P o sers., sea 8 �so ery.ful�l just -d wa 'th b ghast­ in.: re, also much, indulg d 'a diffi,�ult n -feat is t6:*alk'6 tl +h well :in a 'dirty hah&, " ­ n Of _he lags" b6ijig iniria Ing t ought, r6i Pe. o er u Ito bo h, a outsOut -Co I_ a 77 rits are to,be trn'parallel ithAlia r is habit, was to -,7a FASHIO Aj... Hi 4�h­ upLiftingfiriat'li NAI L K W 0 il RN ;ter P Ctoril thoughLI MaY it away W1 house. w -0. VOR Ulu W 49 white man. illi er�thiy h ar litt it ill a so get r. ,its ;-I ` I t t a eading b - a 14 1 ajkojjSe,:WuSt b. h a,- ea- Ike,- 'tr in found 'vent R, .SO tL W the s"AmAhrowfi ;6th ccD It' L fL' ad, close VAL o grea accur�, .or a,, ... .... ...... t-Jb �ask A - --------- 'wan n a os ere.' ii-,othar that'thoy often -hit -4 mar 0 y. eat. The faculty to �'YeS­' j6ir ...... Ouse list have good. veniila- throw 't'one Lion. . VV hethor,. poultry � keepirli is:innate in�lbveryl'by. - n k �Cottage--Lo '' L - t_ d kezipiyelyor, th p casan tIle, ihL The, time trouh Y thb� carrie, on e;� rouri.,' ljo, you 'know who liv, it wjllL� Writes 'a* wall, kiko*n riglish d, as ..wor over; eat- a go t ScId Or''t ... M h 'C"irved "Ziu h mj61:' -h t P r- le �woman. puv 0 h a�- -�-: S he - to -6 1 (0- pg� ranc a yi r I Milk 4r. proid It f ed-, it' -is --Ciiriad-01"n- th glet-beauty -lik" hiter. =L-Q&nadiau d ermine, -mice or othe �s ins� Ajne.'of Ie ortunAte: enough to light 6wri f l'ohei 6k to :ehhance, any bill Of 1CO­Oj� in 0 th thei, a is to -kick a Sh an ;,P Sol -PP, -a as remains­vA Ppavore -,.-to,: s - 11, �e is '_the- �of e v ab=t r s� at he FARM �NOTES he passe er l'on e, 0 Ill fif the object,'being,to keep it Ilf the h importance U its 6) -th S" Wi hout. iou'ChIn jre� and . g4l h �� t ips' Which , fram aIx 9 't, f a peri?tur6. to Which milk -,"n: be set it' with their hands, quez, sir. :Thai,,'is tco say, not ]VUT,'L Z a. surroun ings must, be ..per,:; They . a,' , so-tos ' a,-, L pebbles,vary ski t . i I on,, liable to fok&t to 0 'Iti I of. A, - ., h ' , , ' ': --al tperft er. In the'"iliveritibil of hiuts� a' th'ir! p-resant`L ya QW; I for: reqP7;sIon ames, feec, inward qualities. whkh� mig) Sh6' n' , .1. 1 , : �� eing z a* the utpj d herself W. ''L.. Ix Id fully, Some �ble to keep -kpun L Uhle­withT good stead"':wfi finger-�oiiii,6d-:,.ou�t-.-.ihel or -seven -in 'the­Aj-r-,-at--A­ -iserve---her- in� t- d ei, ki kled anil' hl� 1a r-1 I; N 0! d' convoriatidn of.' the' -'h­­hV ft, h-"' -,6frn(ist 1ib fiarA.: Theyofriqtt a or ad' h, morning, eig o re�Bp grgynh ; us, \wrin convesa' he gar an-- 0 'cro 'lessened. ;` Bay race eta of It re b, 00 e ond this b. $tADee__Sey1j"ti L aaL irej a ne -r a ruzxg�:PbA� a 'k on to that.� Clouds h n l -or., _T at, w pretty, pros7a, Pight-of, he'se'reen, fid' -it- m, i d 0 at th i ad the advifita ti YL I jally 'to those cross-- b pecas12; 't' breaking, of 'the �moqow. -s it loose';,on w'ou Id be a� ke'li most cro s . L ach 'other'"between ill O"es'.. moul erin ;, s L 1nefit to tossed, in the air, the - hari& L ge. of the, profbs�16' r the rig sor MySt, P this it ss"ImPtl6a: of 'Your avoided any, open..,referen- th d eion liabi severI5 winds. ing, I v- An A incOcate� the, e r r o to c6�:.,to anil- Is eceit and ery 0 (34 J--�Jsling bracel6ti, keep time 0 s"Confininnent to obher evening LUCW T 1; e`house'�ajuda walk- when Aney plug is 00 reason so 1jay, farmers fail. nipanying,the!p14y with-, ne i atevety woman ik)I6, h' The, wisdom,�df 16e nd acco t i OU 86it..6f �ICL ' . : (1y Y t the bialid was known hi par a beb 'me in., tho mortgage from the fa hant. eautiful.. ay 0 to,wt ee p an: o time 9 mail e ant of a defiriita,\ I ac-, agiVe the- and 6nE -at he� o 'an6ther ki d h; 9, grASPL f, waa� Ullong ;.too, t is for 0 a, a e had countb -ti All farmers whohi-ve-.-remov- h*g'-,�ii&--­t` so R 1, a- Ooked as ie answered 4G, envehi'llim, theL an -I ' It L on on th a ­ua laura wai's':'bit'.'' ces are those, VA IET she must: bt ce' orself "d W, reply Nhe 'stretched 'ouf',bei, -ticking away k b uch encum at 'he *1 o, ave raise �Wnd.,, With the- in her fo' ours till ile'6­bd Abne - havin I ih d'some special crop� Inclinations to,&,. larg6 extent �, n th woliian 4. LW of thO D iffer� _je he' 'ii1g, I�Ri of, even t b4die(..the-` -,o K-jr �stock,: with'.t :Vperts Nake 7hot_ Lax ��Orl _ - - S Aid ight-. - eia - tide a t -me eyes: pr that,, Altogether correct V.' he reducing the indebted- K . hi . d 1 A idewof thug"�L rmth o 'I. the pia�­ 'he d* ads of the Taking.'her d f ina.ry, pro6'e Unit6d--S 6ts-D, ­Kipua inquire -h' 'd 11 ­ Y )1ir e, cious nticipa- i eL 'farm were devoted. tib''the liyin of jDjL Agriculiti-te ha st ngjn�, this place ha, It V eard 7", 9 ve, 6en, MAIDS AS MASSEUTMS:2,: an :ftt.Lwor i'L,and k aga n fi, 'I I A was or a,pexio ii o' I "Wag eclipsed by C116,619idity mly d the payment',bf in-, the result -is er than i d 'to -night, an, Sonle mine, 1 -motlig 9 is consi erbd inte', good Of or 6 clamation with Somewhat technical, and"twf). a all L ders, have I Ii A a4x in in ayf�i Allc6 one,. r E & interesting, if r—he /'whom"th.e. un b a s6k'w sh ke.4 of- 6i ­head;. negary lirgest alized di sertation " It. cheeses,, gb a, wet bil a profits- are r .. ill L y She­i�aii­ Stand ow theyt maid th6roughl trained Ili, t orrow;­yo- ye a ,, 1. 1 1 . - a 8 0 i.. I it j, all lie Ing It -6m'daify butter by -,the' then who ari6 made what tha�L are-'made� of, hall -not yo ow with her mitienad� '4nds fi tricaciies off ladi I P' crosse i prep for.,,;a a an h- as hilllsclf�to, the' ' oirit d ared evidently supply their butter-,:G�-th in" ­,wholand All, tic, details -connected -wit long talk b, , innumerable social Suppl� to families each tb' ' b '­ llThose loquent a wall L POS7, Continued" y their butt6r a usine,ss, sAYjL The Omaha�tiae� a&ol at ut n6linatici how 'I" of harp; �sesSed ot'st � I week'4 and a a hc It t them fike& price for, the The��bxp6rts announce, in An intro- feturn from 'h Ig u !lPed. 6i-SOeech as she. re Walked' 'We bear pie te t,� el that he season, This method is �erta nly Vuetbry note, ilu C -L ihere ate 229 them inust '4 Y tP 'a, iomeniindja an lvlth� fear 4 ll or opera,,tadh�Li 61 a g�I AS' had"done or' said "You knovr, the Inaster of, 'the. ri of cheese and tha res, pedtivel tdid C d' hin4, to, L of-, the most'satisfactbry, to consuiners known* va"etilea: 1C two t the baautlfying'�procegs -it 0 %Y­� Ulay' not 4&k& en at. , R-deking -'hdis 'braini, -yet h6u as well to the- dairylnail,� Th of these are at all alike ex- f h a ja Oil d ..... r c t in e amp. Bit a t, ui� fail"" to, fin�, �'�oiild .4iot or�pho whbL�. our,, in.j rai ad, Wot Ihie,. present one consumer can depend on', a regular that they. have, th� , , ,, Ima It d- b air 14 Some the ravages of d loss it Lns� i4 � I I Y' Ine 4t� ha, iter L of uniform form as walk in.- e -evening."' there is � one itist ''DOM, 11.1 Sup ly of good bu the basis. Milk i4tha foun- 'In: sbapini qua ity. ' If"they'ru sSlumber" not of, the 'the' �leep lin' -and E veii a small,6r oSL round n Short find dAtion 6 a., , c ease, t the super- Think df,it,! -'To be;. wrs ad a satanic� in it. 116668 M a" d 'ei, -11 m- ajesty IsaiY to buy -a -little store structure b6,.mAde16f'anythirlk Steai4i c e an , ma d ankful. He enquired'L had blitt,41rL. jh­ , 'd,- 9 d the wotn4n- his held th' r �oomparison only leads from sageL-. o. soaps one� Spalh� eager y --l- o,gravor depending for sixty loiig thoughts wete so fill! of they -w them to �A better apprediation of -up n the 'Wh ell. amillute, SL 'At elght"6'clock?" ere the, meaning. smi a with tb cheese buil- t ki6d:of yester- w 'fresh diwiry butter. The dairyman de' C� nailnle�r. fo, be A The fringes lifted hih She Aet 16.6se''Ahe' 1114 n 0 1 r and'. the taste of th I Co �Cl t P6 JiL' o res Thes6­wo- in, too,' he's4w' the red si it Bug 40 ahas re ar sale for a given-amouni 'Che6seL mitki� -of' the -pip-, Then 'must haive.`S�m6thi I!, ", �-,Ubuttar,­and can date mine when eat ;arts, r tradei ng of,the inge in�thc eaS t nio­dah, nes giving'bim riigbt. Aga labelled a ft vely, hideous in g'is one' moo� a. - -His -inflinina or � habitsi - impse of Hexvert,. Ong r w eadd r tomp O-.T�,th&y won, t', parf� s�ifit in'th i Ia 'he, 8 ep iew customer's or dismis' der t,� osiion� fight "he sa all. the, glb - of her rendeted''it difficult 6 i to, a d no Ik the gam6 A warm dri . 6 some. Hd,paya no.grocer for h4ndim an article of diet back ill ie a , I h'L Xzling rainy d4yL;' so­pk6per control of h*g'Voi his L the hazy rth the. candle. eyes, as sl uswe�ed wo ,, � 4 L . — L I a found the weather on awaki times of1istory.; a6d hits: nevei lost The mother has '"first, turb''j", ng�­ qqqjAired— p�6 net and can command . I -that lie, hadj or -a g000d grticlel. oitt 'with. angip L g -1-h ItL mistress;," th6li V Is then w4 [a had. ti�vdj arm Unif6r pilbe f' fashii)n-s. hought t 'possible inL . . L . - - ------ 1 1. ie the girls. Tbii, of course; I his -Window �oft'n-; his 'landlady re- L tone of his A P1 That ro6m c6uld be found for so dewl., ftlor-ed -t". th, ' I Impatience the� fond,dn- be. ains.of South.Africa, means th A t d 'condition of, things as voice. He- had hoped elicit re-. LIV9'ST60X- -XOTES. rra at it takes the Iasi one one in a woman'.S .,,to 6ri the shores of, the Medite' I ;� - . PASSea u- illree"hours before,'she may',finuily That was, not the plies without thi, direct inquity. a 1 .1 ` 64n, in the Of the, Alps, on swfifterance She p.should4bo ho�sd arid kept ga:tij bad.' Pera6hally, I think that 3' '066ch of hats he., heard' that Felt ashamed, of fiiins6if � tbe while -the banks, of 'the Rhine and tb aep -' would one-syllab'16 *6rd., wornin roig all stotrias, ' Exposure cause., :really do- more or he probed. it wAs-ht a feeling the, the chief troubles with' 666'p�ea one, on of' iboir IoOks than All this rAbing'and, 1 Ith ' " th6-'aieppas be"' P You Should firM. mb -walking The proverlb aboiit, list6n tg�' rriad. shared, She answered—' And in' till cotta as d the i3ea. the 'Paradd,-At. tll�Lt timel" h6 the*Ld8bd thin Y iarrhal� an 9 pounding,, hiob� though,,, excellari� utdo,or win ring, with ai the a open The readiness of.'her' vil- iheoded, 'at sucij gs tlle*y sahts� in pdlace� bf'ptinc' sWoula, not- be to him. eg,, Sir.!' Where _.o nil on hinc as, .4juntefs f the disple-as-ed"?", window lie t answer was Proper,protactio on in Age n! for bives, is prfxc- i2!ad 'and, so iimcivil�ied *orld h unearthl o avoid a.ppLarent., :She Was the.kind ofwo- tised,'a`olony -of boas will requite does not ."teauty' sleep" is'so with6r nor cuslioni sta:16 g-61: t, L Vll ta a ea prompt the", society- womo that n. was man to, wh6iii Slander was a dainty 25 to sopoun o entry it th 0 -be tongtie-rolleA.' , Her a b ie o1i betweart, the hiiii,door in 'r'sel to �aridty Welleese. There, 1 a 0 film deserving s6nio little re faffing 'thia, r through,,Wbile with indoor ,w 'wa dMVjj to andlady and big, owfi. own tongue'becam I e, as" the P wshe falls .;back,oin,sow� are CaSting hor -of, a i-ing A I tie', in 'than h4lf, this, su6h1fnSdtisfa�t6,ry sll�stjtui6l land astdii woud" have, 96rited a ready lwtif�,t`4 It Sickbifed ill , 'qua ing a Min s.6very day'Ahat' are and. oi, eaves ropling, 0 co It 61det thAn any 6X owering ]let kolee too' fiqiner, but -he " nti -tied S 0 '6 test the qu6atiori� of, high feed- no . pijt is T t 0 idulAr dhe'ese is -A, case 'was recently btought, ttb'. alm6stL.4 r in W6, 0�tha.of, the "And the gby6rness?'! men 111OLming paper, 'in the',dolum'n­§ of 'Vig 1 9 wearing' out 'cow6j four, *6 6 mentioned as, bdiny ' ov , or two bull-' my noii�e n which"aL ' Voinall" It I dai 1'Whdt4-tvhia �6ttld yoti, think it gorous shaking. of- the woman's ke, by bear w6nty years, 'ared"yei Inaill head "again. - Iii,thia", same kedole -1 said thatF­11 ing, hi,, Th, c its old� an reflecting great R iniprovo -bet-, e he's nt 'I "�.Whlch­ timo' ihe�,,i *6te still Cr6dif n the famlllj�that 1possesses L ' , o tight , to c po an, at. 6f-aourriesg style, too, as -she an- fattened iLi constant use' Of belladonna, ad -tot nil call to Attention to MOB t Over in'g*itze I n le M.Iduavoiled W help hel'L t gwered-:�- r.& d,illay bav6 she, dropped, intoL well. Ona,:cow that "ma a a very a, p eaggii I t 'custo& th6m , in orde'f'46 Ss or "There., I b' governess thoke 6f: making a' enlarge. air, pupila,. . S66 poor record th0e-yegr-61[d, bi 'cheog at the birth: of' and a wornAwof f6ity—with, p tillThe ons6rviin is the cook bigll fbodifig *a,, aa rp, Uni% d it W6%6fbie ber' 0, UjU At big, full6r&l: toast Dr at lyi nr&�y'y rg'of My1im §&W j6jii walking 'and 'ourG'maid and the odd b6 -y- pounds of, butter, *66k'at, five th nI of,Mg silii:or*a�dson, Ppoln 0 L Speak' foid "a (To Continu6d.) And, is 40tally blind W ­g 0 '1 P At,, do 'd d' did not ieo g6rit, li a ill Years old andlater tWtw6lv i p6tin's figs,.beafi, Said that fhe" k T h igli he c*6 fhtte= in 0 mpre comprises t OfljYL t Mrs. gave itilk iO'44 squ4te'ruile"g, o L f Which ni' , -modorri:­ for mAi0rdtit is innat6 bilho.WA, earsayl11 0 'enough 'to for er� *h 052 -ju W11I ft6t. 6 any "Y g is a persona on at ng-, Nyll 0 4' L eln A gall f Weighs ntoj n 6 vinegar f b6b& #,ip olik this ve)�S, niornin', quiet on Th ver'Ago ea h* a pie, 'Who, ­dia ilikoilgh. a f at Sha�,,g '' eo- leClet a quei 6oid in th A for beatjL eoitld'L ''A'[ th Itis 6nly'the ill"Winte'r thin Ch to ajid' Cold" L n P mmerf as e- I for ca QW8 caua6gAh id ta - , Wad �h A*kes �ots of ify nonization,. e44 S 0 AU, to Cont c r yudo, po$A .. . . .....