Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-10-29, Page 5••' • -774F •"."' r . . ••• • •-•":7 • • - • • . „ 1_ • , I 1 ' • , , de ftii Otte' tIs bzgbeb 01* fPt.,9tt Special bariairaJo+ Peal .44 • for liznited.thoei -rola of eakey.71X/4-2-f 101114 bistfiwideh ha te'effai • MANTLES The waa,ther higterto this fall has , • not bean of a kind to neeessita,te the • wea igff heavy ..clothlag,„we will it -"all right, ,and tilos who • Purahosol Mmitletti from UB earlier in • the season will 'tae ample oppoi•tu ity of wearing marl enjoying those • beautiful, dressy ani comfortable •• garments. The accompanying cut shows one of our spec els at $10 • No. 623-7--•All-woal Kersey Mantlei,,, , ' , • - - 48' inches long, trimmed- with- fancy - strapping and stitching, lined to, waist with mercerized Ening, pries ' The abovelour lines are s few of • •• the many -choice oae4 cairisd in have also aince.ringaof • and -Misses' CoatsAnd Jackets at • right priCes. '•• - Flt stior, EISTIIE SHOESASI-LIONS • 4111 d; ,1 VAV NAOS\ • -• No wool Kersey Mantle, - 7-46--inehee-lOng, - neatly trimmed, with self strapping- and cording. Fly front unlined Tnis coat ‘.• .• gee, favorite. Carried in -stock in ',, Blaek, Brown, Naliy and° :special ac No 610—All-weeltKei say Matit'ic h• 4t3 inches long, semi -fitting, •lbeauti- ' fully made and trimmed with self- . tapping Fly front •and unlined, inice $12.50. Keeiey Mante 48 inches longbeautifulty trip:kilted • with fancy silk braid, velvet collar • and cuffs, price -$1-2-50 • , - This bealktifully designed style is made of ---fme Patent Colt with dull matt tops, and is one of the up-to-the-minute Blucher, styles Although we offer this style to you for $4.00 itiooks and fitabetter than • • most $5.00 shoes. RUH-13 OuYtoek of Rubbers is complete,s 71of styles We haeclle the Rubbersd with full range Jim aendbysizettio. Merchants3.ber Qwpauy, fn, Berlin. ; The farmers have nearly all finished • putting in their provisionsfor ;Winter. Murciene McLeod 4400 the Teachersreenv,ention m *Ander- dine last week• -=-Mr. and Mrs. Isaac • McFadden of Greenoek vet* "a •few • 113:1742t24:27t4u1Z744-nftlf; Wait after it' pleasant trip. -Miss 14ry Clarkson and Sadie Smith of Paramount spent - the week -end, the pert! of. Miss Tifantosh.—Mir -If-Taylor Met with an Uccident: •one inght last week wile walking 'hone in thedarkl---Miss, 'Mary 'MO - Kinnon was the guest „of Mrs. Jack McKerizie.L---Miss Nina MacIntoshhas L. katkie.141°-!--didal.t:eDr;-tin"sP:n4:1161ingeinat'y-lictrellisl::::rti- newin7gliii house with avast �fpaint. 4911111 Loa Wirt *Pt SundaY • atmachisTabiooneshalieol—.0mti; anornd !e.speitirout Sunday in 'Unless: 7:77-÷The-liotOnt Rink The -statement isa pleasant Surprise: ••Thiliest -year in 'its history. The Molsons Bair, which concludes* its year on..8pt3Qth bas passed_ thr.,, Ough;in that time the period in which the Banks have been Most affected by the: depressioninAratle and it: is. big nifieent. of theeztremely sound Chanict- .er of The 3folsons Bank business- and the intrinsic icanadnese of the Country Ahatitbas..betainbleicaecoott.thai*St.... year inits history. The. profits Were .$612,000 as against 044.4338 in 1907 and $434668'in 1906: The claposits tire on a parity with 'kit year, those bearing interest being $20.527.083 as conipared with $19.443.582 loot yea!, same 134:0P1 thatare thebftalion;P:*butsiiiiesseallY' -hth;8' been on a normal keel. • Theearnings were over. 182 per .cent as compared w49.OWt&-Thc The - &Cement. is a Most encouraging one when all the adverse :conditions are considered., and the favorableresult - rem III F.ini.1 1A3.4 comes in the nature'of a surp,ofrise..ea - • 17tliT190-81 • •TheHecia" liaS four grate bars. „Each one • can be, shaken separ- ately. This means that you can shake, down just --the part of the re where the • ashes are, without disturbing the rest of the coals.. AOgiCOPene!lT6T4;PullliC Those. people in town and outOf.toWn want. tn.be very careful what they have been saying about 3. A. Langford and deughterAiiggie.: It heti beezt Said tbat,.I turned' my'.gbi out NOW this 18 kfalie'repert and I want shintunter :sfiipped:atonce did. not tont her otter take hie:away,:• ShalTdalther own arrainginents.herSelf for rigstO alictillifehireet'snt "of the' house. .She get the; befeverything that vtas in. iny' howeAnnounting to about tivO±handiek doilars. That • don't leek ranch like the report. I have . • 1110)y. U010 •Witneinies rrbe eareful in the future.: 'It is a wonder ;Maggie; staYeamOktbe_Old. wen assomesaybutIthiukhe..*111..etiM- , pare. *Spy faVarablyivith:theie people that have soto say abentothers: NOW. Iiisive been its'', this country for 441y nearly eighteen years, and 'never. hadt9,gy? to the. ,court house 'yek for. a, Witness or. anything else. ',try to mind MyeVrn limainewi and 'new, Nosh others: wou1d-try and -de the- same: , -New, whaever thinks this. c.isp• fit* ot. it; ow wear itAread bare.—urs truly' • A. Langford . . •• , • . • .' , • • • •• j •ThQ NoTTArls, • To •blqi ''our Boots and Shoes for: . wet 'weather and thc JOVNT SHOE STORE , is the best place to buy them We have just as good shoes as, ars built and we sell them as cheap as the cheapest. • Our sotto iS, gell-close and often and give satisfaction to our cistomer and that two , salesis better than one.. • ' • • . -.764•INNY (JOYNT, 0, JOSEPH .B. Pkopiittoit.. MANGA: CO Fry' • • . . . . The, recent rainfall will add a • moistnre to the -pastimes but it 'need & consederable amount more for the plowing, though quite a number of farmers have -considerable done. 6' • Mr. and Mrs. Yohn P. Andrew of. Luctinow,accompanied by Mrs. .Wm. Lane of --Gedericlif--visitodfriends in • this -vicinity on Wednesday of last loanei rifle team spent plea - Sint day last week • attndin' g' the • Caunty Sheet held over the aocieritiii • 'ange: A late nnrnbervierepresent and shot geod seores' considering the high. Winds and firmly atmosphere na1dng.the target very dim , •. The beef ring Closed in We burg on Friday eiMing last, • • QUite e; number from this i,igh- berhoci attended the section side of Messrs., JOhn and Themes McKeith of Lothian on Wednesday laat .• Mr. and Mrs. Will Peltier' of Bat- tleford, returned: home after •Spending .the surniner mit West. They iLitendspendifig die winter here. 79th, J:haill3giving, .1Day, . the boys of the Lanes flfl�cisti�n hand holding a. maglfTh) afar': noon.. All memberantmse intend ng te join, kindly keep thisdate in mind Oome early'6:pd.aveid the rush: 04tOine.4. Gaither°, J. Eose.• 'Ont. Merchant ha a little Rhcurnatism occi, pc.. bi"ciHowtP!1P*iSimple,3tiitur"Re- markable:. • A well7kriOwit .anthinitY oa.Rkeit mations givs' the following valuah* tholign ,vo hickanyone-calk aasilylpifaparta at home:. •, ; • FLUidE(iscti'Undated; One hail Olittee:;Compoktnii-Kargon,onSonace - • COMpound Syrup *Barsaniirillai three mix b Shakinit well in a, bottle, and ,tako tensp mini* ifitile each innal audit bedtime. = • HO state" that the kigrodienta can bei Obtained froin 'say good prite8ri0,, thin plitteticy at smallnost, and be - Vag af *egetsbla entractisn, are. heron- Thkl kniintitra,. If take rest, iderly for a far...4s !cis maid 'to over. icnne a1mab ity Fits Of Rliminsitisin The pain and SWelling;• if nay, dimits- isliel: with each dose, until Ointment resulta ars obtained, and without in - jilting the titonnich.' While titers are Many so-eaIIed Rhouniataint remedies. Otnit *to., noun of which d� givo toilet fw'roony *IOW Tutui, uent rault,o, and th" above Wll, sto &kW*, bagreatly aPpraciatal by inflaters hare at this time. •- ' 4014' atthe drug 0 stores of this: neighborhood elicits the infonnatinn. that those drugs are harmless and can be bought seprateilY, or the dniggiits, hero' Will Min the:prasctption fur Our Lochalsh : • • Mts., Isaac Ensign, sri, axd Mrs. Ensign, love, returned hon•ie • after visitingfrientiii in London, St. ..theirtaiu1td Tio4e3ford. • • • • • 1 1 • • . ''',:4;?,•• • ' 'With `filecla" Triangular Grate Bars, you. :can .get, rid of all the ashes—save coal= ---keep the - fire-brightand.clean-:-,and-do-away-with sifting - -ashes, because no fresh oda'," or' half -burnt• clinkers come clown in the ashpan. .#1 We iambic be pleased to talk over the furnace question with you and show you, part by part, just Why the "Ifecla" Yurnace the best for yon to buy. Come in any time. • Male the makers ot iwyeessess peninsular- nuages. as URDIE tUTUER.LAND. -Lucltnow‘ 04000O000000a000wieeocioO' opoome00000ocit000poccuo;. he SASKALTA Steel Range r • • • • • • 4106.faiwilaB2044"/"."gillim.rimirr, ( improvements -all its. own.' To see it is to admire it. ' Come in and we will be pleased to show you all about it eses0000ecmcpoecloo00.0000, • , •••0•0000000000060006. . , • , ". . "w"••••!•••••••""" ••••••""4"••••!******* • We have on and at alt times a large and up-to-date stock ot ..Prnture, Wmprising the best makes:, and latest pat terns, which we are offering at Reasonable Prices. Ai,ndly call and inspect our stock We deem it a pleasure to show goods -- :Picture; .f ri.z‘ningi and repairing done- 4404and_pioraptlif,: • OUQH See oitr etOCk of newest designs in . -7 Couch Throws. ARRIAGE . '1010.E14gES ISSIJkl), .1 • AVIS. L SON Undertaking raeolv, onr prompt • and careful attenton,, day or mght e.voisi....*404040.04.444,tft