Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-10-22, Page 8Did n we can fit the e• is the best iri Heavy. weight ' , Made of _Pure I�Tova . Scotia `,Wool -- guar,-- anteed Unshrinkable Prices `$L25 and $1.35. Penman's for fine wear gives excellent satisfaction in Com- fort and durability: Prices 75c, .$i.00 and $I 2S. "Ceetee" Natural Wool Un- derwear. Full Fashioned Very fine quality guaranteed w shrinkable Price- '_$ L 50. Maple Leaf Brand Underwear is medium weight—guaranteed unshrinkable an excellentT wearer at ;?5c for medim sizes, :I and 85c in larger sizes up Lo . 44 - Fleece' Lined Underwear `'-= Heavy' and Medium Weights, .` anwith Wool fleeced - see our 2 special values at 50c and . 75c. awes% : liadAt-weak' -Union and=Fleece-Lined, sizes, at very reasonable prices. URI 111e5 ilg8 Yicy Stt ►pts; tickets; S' SWEATER apt returned la, Towle is, nt---:-Miss Nellie Stewart ,srent the' week, end' the' S_Ilaith—:,The an - ,the rnralonount beef outlay evening 19th. ior•theteming year. 'McCann. has ret - as usual on Sunolay,night. Langside gpent .1,inday at his home here. Mrs.' A. Reid went to St. Mary's of Arlifield-Visited Airs. Inni• s`of Guelph is spending a couple of weeks with his brother Mr. D. Mc Innis.—Mi: John Finlayscinis at pres- ent staying with 'Mr. land Mrs. James McGregor. —Mr. Finlayson, is suffering rung people assisted with- th-''o-S.mi,e7iW at-Bethel--Annivergary.services-on Sun- day laat.—Next Sunday 9et.25,,th. will: Church here. The •Annivernat. seeirelSen of Bethel Methodist church, held on Sunday last were very successful', ' The. wleath: er was fine and good crowds were present; the 'services hearty ancl the offerings most.liberal—__The_Rev._ D. Madden, BA:, of Pine riivee, 'de- livered deep and impressive •Serm'ons, morning and evening. The Rev. J. E. Ford 'chairman ..of Wingham Dis- trict, preached a very practical and and 'the Lanasidle choir rendered choice_ musical!' selections - - CKN grade of work stamps us as the great practical training school of Western b We have three departments :--- Commercial, Shorthand, / Telegraphic., Office agSistants. Individual instruc- free: 'Write for Elliott 81- McLachlan, • Principals. Oea. M o 4104/1.1 1loeaj of:'n Q#at1 magazine `in.'connection;rt#the Se itinel at a price thatmust appeal to all lovers of good reading. The Home Journal leas already, a wide • circulation through-, Rout Canada ;slid is fully deinonstr ting the fact thet°it is not be necessary to. go outside of this country for ;literature of thia:relaSa;".lt is :wlialesoine arlesa and. interesting with a fu id of valuable in formatiori, stories, i lustratioiis, eSe, , sc : forth in the best ty iographical' Atyle. The; cover for ,October 'The Little Apple Gatherer," 'is typical of sturdy Caiadian' childhood, Zn_( addition to a serial and a number of 'short stories, there are, rote °sting a`rticle`s" on "T1ae Milk Ques tion,"Women's, Work at the 'Fair," ''Che W. T.U. and its'Ei'ork,' ;Nfiisic Fashions, -etc. We are able to offer this magazine with`"tlie 'sentinel L: for one,year' at the price of $1�3i1 '`Suis offer; i1'. only hold good till Deo..lst;; ttlfleid's Lines Miss &label Alton is visiting friends inStaidkey._. The k`. i+'. M. S; held their, Thank offering meeting on Wednesday even_. in; of last week. Rev;''"Ml lliither=' f®ra of 'Dungannon had ehar 'e of the meeting. Mrs. R. Curran, of 1Tamilton is visiting her mother Mrs.'' J. C. Bala win. The boys of the . Rifle Association were practising on;, Saturday and in- tend ;going to Goderich en Tuesday to try their luck. Miss Deneda, Sherwood of 'Lucknow visited' under the parental roof on Sunday last. _ Mrs.S. 'Sanderson of Dunga,nnoa spent a few days .last ` week the guest' of her son, W. P. Sanderson. Miss . I1! A:,. Andrew ' is : spending- -some-time with lirsr4r:Smeltzer A-numhei-of-ou 'r citizehs`atthnded- _the-nomination-at-.Dungrannon;- -- Florence Florence Alton of Belfast is staying with Mrs. D. Alton. Crewe Mr Orville burnin of the G spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. Fred Treleaven spent, Sun,day at his home here _ Mr. and Mrs. Sam, Snerwood made a business trip to Megaw last week ancl purchased a fine colt from Mr. Tab)) and she is something pretty -fast. Mr. ThOS. Culbert lost a fine horse last week: Miss Jane Culbert has taken a po- sition, in the store at Crewe. Quite a number from here attended the nomination held at Dungannon this week. Mrs. John, Gawley_ yisiting_her old heme at Mafekirtg this week. 'Mrs. Thes: Reed and son of Mafe- kin. were visitors at Crewe on Sunday last. John Gawley's.last week. to Dungannon last week. - Mr. Sam Sherwood, 1. J. Gawlev and Clara A. Stackleton_. artapacking apples this -week -near -.Ludo h Second .Concessiol. miss Mary' McDonald Of ;' Lothian and Mr., Will Kilpatriek,-. were gueats of Miss kale Can,Rbell_en__Snnday Sam Congraca's. hired _man _happenerlwith_ an" acsjsig_t_ktAy) falling eut pea tree while picking applea, but Messrs. TErwin 'and MCInnes thrashing- near Lochalsh this , week. 'Miss Kate Campbell and Miss Kate fisher were Collecting for _the Tract Society on Tuesday and met with 'Belfast called on his friends here on Mr. Fred Griffin'a family of Dun- gannoni have come to live with •11. clay of laSt week. ' week near La ngaide: to • live there before lon(4 Net alone, we don't thinke cry -for rain- is"becorning-great.--, Water -is runciine- short and plowinir -We always have good value to Offer our customers in every line of goods we carry. The best for the money is our motto. .ThiS applies to our Ladies% Jacketi" and' Men's 0,Yer, coats. - BOth -hianufactnred ihe best of their kind in fit, styl‘i-- and quality. In Ladies we have the tight fitting, .which is the la,test, and the loose fitting,'WhiCh most cUstomers like hest Prices from $8,ocr $17,00. ,For Men the style iS hloeh the _same, year,..* -the- lOngr-comfortable ' fitting Coat. . Price . of the best lines from $io.od tO 5.6o. small and large men. Also the Ladies' Garments in the same make-. The most popular is at $1.10 each piece. Our Millinery Department is. well assorted as we ceive new goods weekly. To -snit -her ,customers is -MiSs Pentland's chief aim. Don't forret -that 'Millinery is cash or to b -e uaid before the season closes. 4610 - Lay dull -care aside and give yourself the -Pleasure of a visit to this store. Come and enjoy the sight of good.„Butter and Eggs and all kinds of,Fine Groceiies. This store has the reputation of paying the highest price for produce and we think it is worthy of this reputation as we ha.ve a large city trade and are able to sell to a better advantage, givirtg us a better chance to pay more and the Farmer s or those selting produce reap the benefit ° We can also save yon-rnoney in the Grotet7 line as well as giving you more for your produce, _such 3 Boxes -Laundry Starch for... ; .....45e 3 Boxes Prepared Icings 6 Bars„Fancy Toilet Soap A full line of Cured Meats, and Vege bles 'Owa Remember ihe place- teaxer Block, Produce. 'Phone. 14. lucknovrs- -Meat —Market, -s the. latest in rancre_construction• it_bas many patented-- 74eatures-mot found in any other range -arid' with 'all -these- - it costs no more than rnany-C;rthe ordinarY-ranges The ' flat interlockincr grate is the latest device in stove ' con- struction and is a fuel sayer. Drop in and we will be pleased to Snow you the m3st hangsome and up-to-dae .1.a.nge on the ,Ca.nadian Market. urdie Sutheda AGENTS FORL--SIIERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT, DURTIAlyfgENENT_ 'laving purchased the ButchertAff _Busin- ess, forinerly carried on by .1). McCharles it -11 be. our aim to al - Fresh and Cured Meetts. Meats wilt have our best attentio .J. D. Manageri INSURANCE FIRE & MARINE, GUELPH ONT VOLUNTEER BOUNTY' ACT WARNING TO liURIIASERS.. Aindgnant must be -by Urar'of--,•aptioint---- input of a substitute and nMst be ;in the Special attention is halled'toStib-section 1908, which proVides' that' no assignment of the right, of a volunteer by 'the ali-, A71• 6. DATED.. A*TER TEE DATE Or TF14 by tbeNinister Of Milipa and Defence COimillsSiOner of Dominion h :-71137. Kennedy Jr, w!fi con- ducted under the nes liEhl.ilEritt Y&KENNE .socctssoRiTo_. er-da# P. -47E11 U.S DEBI Li AisTr? .111.0613 IIISEASES. have any of the f Mowing scrapirnits,ccinsult tis'beford it is ton late. Arc .1.ott e -,..es; with dark cire!es under them weak hael.:, ) idneys irrita- • pal 2itatiOn of t' -e. heart,,,,..bash en", dreams and) *ses, iedi- ciiroy and streugth;tirea Mornings, rest!, ruohels.Ns•cal.:. tannhoodipreznature decay.; bone pains, hair • • Blood Poisons BLOOD, POISOpa are lhe most tit -w 7`ir REATMENT Uloue eatt curt you. ,and intake a *dein of you; Dader. 4 id f it nee-the'bo.iti adthie, tlie biped 'purified so that all 'otate.d.,•;Ctl d-nmei cease—no Mere vital waste from IlieLsjtiteta,, Deurtlet quieckai and fakirt. r..ih 'yen of yOur hard earned dollars. We will aura You le ha oat. '" 1.4-6 ter Owli has tre9ted Von, spite feitan lagneltti3Ophtion,.Eree • ictS. E or. Michigan Avo. and Griswold St. DETROIT, MICH