Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-10-01, Page 8IHppel"i, P0 Ittr46 red Tery ausWe In niaking our p iavie w a Ilinkerand urchases lfb�.Fall an Vipter We 1 'well fw Bus she' . as W.Quidre�son 6ut th*lpul4e, -suc eed 'dktr4 values in man lines. oi them c ed in ge y the 119 reuiut 'it :w as A eapy.tdL ftylse l3,u*0hm0nt* oft- won are, some,,,. D eess�� Goods!L­and Table L' exi In In e , re, is *as' because sh are. h a roform -tr de,winning prices. as al Wa'S t I L n Io fin g qome� d 0 ldenter thin good an satistaftOry In� WooMosier taining In. everything -that 'came her y we sb arg.akn t' 30 S L'd- tosep 4v it _Nyas sometimes, i� a je.. A* pretty �IiSeourag'ng to -the. troubled h 't C - I I 1. I " IRS * turpsq. P4 SUlt L ipotlie to findAhat after aor, New vel hre6L r iin what' and h Ought gty,16 L a e 66, :popular he �om- I n Ladiei' Qo ts e a a lty�LL I 11 ' ' I , a , � nd Q6 Jirst W meant to be,a d i menj the.,, 0 se'n- Id h. tirely missed. the:,severitiPs eIOge JU u t garments t S e an flop., come: mong, I I , 'I punish them, i e celebrated -o -R loth These� go6d:fiitijj 711 C 9,. we tat or d at �41sposi, on Y_ pleasure out of theih as-noy qq c Ities The nsecure 'I'k B Wear t 'to find A -pen-` mother,,. In. hejr le y, Ing PT. y,you, get �t e est, 4--X-a- t 106AU& �90 h" b go t tt 'Ar ; AS a,. got i p p e a ra ty6 L , r I � . I I L I eit a,,sorel e 'th punis meiiC wmcu ti -ii, W"al r I . 'F iihAi . . ­' , L L ­ . ah' la Y xj� anei Ike tjr tij h In., gre t S, ab 4FI, 4tl'L V th Ae:a I pl miskies� which the war od ,it, jIjUtS upon him :fo'r ms go ary, 0 al lines a fir f':,% -0, 2 50 5 O' 0 ed dark-cfi�mber.'- The� ara �rrjl ]]�Pthpri,Sliut Our- Millinery�..Department -is-.,a place- these-jdas closet an, small cidthe mp� in a ver: Owingtbthef sh, ill b n --for fif ru o orders there i e o pqning awath Ininutes. it was al I thair Me mo s s tbi w T 'd Millinery"' Asoh :bdt� ih e ill �be a isp ay 6 rimme came T d buld en ure. the' she; on .14URSDAY A N D, F R �PAY, OC, T. r si:and L ,er heart c 2 lad T he to ty dies_�are listened. bacii anf or' softy 1-iliiv vited. ��c6irdl in' call.'afid, seel%�the Fall es. *ere miAled and, Iharticuldtb 'sounds. buvalue n� O Iild not bb-: copstrpeO, In 0 PINK W va ue Ing, =vd offere' .e, iger. By that ti n _6nr ,sorrow an lt Rn. pre 6 jnte I ely with i r e _,An t ns It' e. foi the: little-b�rls oner at sne, s -h, se Fie., al,.U, we �.Jjjjqn to -lier wh6,., there, had\ th all. kW,� 0 we.,go a snap, uying', ­ been �.$i8 and t'' in b em and h.' $2 -h an putus uIent (1, the e, the 1), L t on. inplished.' She opened- :form Rew be, prisimet free and take l_,clqset 11JD sev liciback Imito-hei, iovin." favor, and, -for was; not, 6 'A W -- -- ------- ..... . lCoatS , X cap Ive in u- Iected. of Water -one e p P.6of f. �caye red a air rn 0, D d o sle, bUr 4469et, and friendly 'fairies out of -the, a u son FUllL ap 'Range Nice Designs. Ne at L. th clothes -han-i e, hooks and d some a dr ri& d en a f an ple ying wire: a ry vilig a 'In Rtting jjjd�:O:Xt value at'$0-56 and ost. sinful and unre WeL! ra L was L ha kg put a CIL I ppntapt good tiin�e nd requested_pe!!7.� So: some: lower price. I s; to. clear at e.4 'th al ' 0 ne -day wb a eIr ffiese DUSSIon to sp _e test of the T t, eEL your ook L en, a by furniture I h b 2.00. w ere 1�r6in:,�&al Atitobio,; iquid new' Varnish tain or L- Veheerw make'lit look' lik6". North' Aineifean, Review._ raphy"Lin id aN P., home b6�;�ithoUt, ab 6�� 0 _LLiqui neer as,�, littli of it, US L �PROVERB� ed'o'n ddstin d cleans afid,renewS L: your rm- g ay. �IN fu ry little" L f L ture Wi eNp th: ve enditure o time or a or. Ut eycs� The ;5mzI1lx Ings Ea,K lond to the 1pfflan!s 7 t throw -;v do your eye- farm'66 n away _-Fa�ning-, As longer th" an h The palefaeel rip wor - � ,: , . L' e 'i stock"atid - Ives are'worn out ;:we, . v ithe sei ha 'e all-isi f wii n Wh ­ repaired all old -tab- iy the m' atL Sm COS wal oit, can nav t jumps. suaw's- tonjqe� aw6-h -ve-tlie, -nest line RangeSj­­__L.­, the,wlad! -Ieg&� -46iget that-- a' so- e pquen There n6thin B od'Coal.r Heaters qn'the,,InArket. Cal and see., atilesnak&s 'buy- u .The , '-Ind �The them'beffir6 ian 1;�aljis his Openly paleface sk-i ;his ins frieiids. -will 11 ve together in quiet s ying Two mcin,� '­hAvt -emp k ''I sk and friendship, but, two squaws never. ty a --ath -_rm A ta '�W hjte�, i*P.0r!A11T1 Man. 'k en a y abou -did]-d Orge first Inspff, a'ti I t equirin.g mitch wOr steals si-xi, tb6, Great . Spirit thunders Per"PS h reatest, pxpert, m. the adequate finan- prays one a and nstanVilltiteption t.LoU6 ]aXgbS. movej jhc� CiAl Pioy ill be 1pres6niy �Oge isions 9jid, co nentj w u in OSt sand the ev! dh .86" ' its- S-7- a n dfifi own W4Y TID bol -expe The Cel CommitteeL London 'gtroag'. 'man' to d, h.A four, oj.Ave retur�aed.. L 5, �now, missioliarie� , reo��nting the. xariou ' S 11 : A wild horse and a handsome squaw. :OD*PriS tivos, ,as. f6, ow ti Wd Acno J itAke jumL to; es e �W4 yl� il§ cted t mur, I ilfor, of vaxious defioil6in;itions� L&k L gathering, L. At�, th -Ildie6tings mo 401 l K. H. PC 7 A f I be soiic&d Affliean�—J.: opei 0; H.l Tal AGENTS: FOR� DidlkllA CEMF.kT' Ion or: mi& a a P u r, POO, S. W_ w- 99- W llsessiit 6ter de _:A__GR*oP H mel tek PmtsE Fu�iApks --Gx§6uwN--LiGHT -28 _b ed. will, be fa, rced e a big one Ile( onin, its.owxi fibld and two� dogs, 1. lice and C EM. SQAANjjbj� L as'L en named -B meetibgS. Pris j;jjjjj _'M 'ST 93 -that 114Y illy. ev 1, 1 re"' erntani'd _an��j C6 �h 't, of fresh 'fond C R omer- was hat, greedy creature 7 149 Jinderstood t dready stat eoucaoVe an ,, I , 7 . . be' When she tion for the n�e'si_t_._6_n_e uL al*ays hap_ oe C.WU@ated* to, axouse interest Undou has; been thia central,glq Meth Egc�tt, J. ja,rl C It s e& oay she ouno� on d6r the' fral h _777 L -w. 77��� ot7Wt7­_ffj gr -4 -he bNeause,., -M ff-, el "Ete ,ft ti—h. -t LeSO COW 1h _F . -the- C s 00, arge. oF gwuhder� s e& S&Y�`w 0, b —.0f4irion --- - tat ernian. 0'' We!j1te__' n�oj &0l G! ,nj;e *hatr "ini -wi 4ht be Cr6mer con Bap*t—C. W.. A. Woodburill-C, A� -She went aWay andsoon returned' th . ' ' - ' ' ' 'r'L : ' � M*ej d J� B. Billy, bringipig,' him Just' before se n To 'Organ, N isease Af of- is' J_oondon, an `ihe � ' -John the a -"s a sort hisf drawn an'4nge O%MnIM U Sions, both informataon ani Chhr and river. bell holi&,` p -Billy waq stupid and did 't Fr. W. no er und ESURUSH Congre. jfto�iiw! wil- DRS. ][�.' 20 YEARS being A le to ian��ordon- Gleason". her.pawp wi, ut b Consultation 6"t, Wiloop�. e egg. till - seemed t6 unders"d Christian What was, ted. IE1e'wept''ftder the T P _A-.-­McDer he.40 bt th me" 0 ppt'I W� I 'been ecL roug pt. e egg'and Q ljt� haw de .... K 'CAS CERY LUC' Alice-,whoi ate It Wit $a hr great t Q601flon BIN& _An4 rotij, Oii ormalaon, togeth ty Fi6in him ink thne to 'time W Obtained" through T h the joint committee -invitft ons el A young woman ne, 7 t nue VT to lulsslon,wdrk on each ad iti, iO 'be alon tile, _Ydrk, Was to commen 't will valri45US meh6nj' fUrth_ moved smyaon take Real" li;6ijAing th d �s"e-. monotonous apifcheerless�e2Astence of et cjw own ptmjp el an le L, - . , , . L , I , i 1 L " _:. .- , � 'the large attenda�pde desired., :�, the iiih -uring abli nts of the tenements, the I suppose re is little brightne!as The M�Tepieikt a, whole is one of' sa ideskinost an nd recreation in your ves id she I a most a th6 �rm , . I", ­,. 1. . Old girl. VOUS WREC ROBUST MANHOO :of' jn6de t A'NER K 0 a1011i I idonT.-Rilow- -Aboat­� -that," an- I CUrable, dij 6f."SirletUr jxieans� at east. -the "It abi't's6 dull 'as" at th 6. 9w Vaijejoilt r I?.' , . . W 'Clovel to fortjr non -c ns think, ayS Some- OUS h Dei0�8 al Wd Niry d Pols6ns, Vital'i, Weakfies g 90 l QuIradditi f0tic.g, n to � every, one no For. nary 8 a It's lively d6j'i'� 111all mismonanes in SOmefipjc!§, all rlght�L 9 SOS' 211 A fdki gn you Uthe pleasure, Of A, fj,� fiel , with' the:0.rte4liond- instan , ce " his r ' nlj� t th-e.,pedple on: `Dite*es � Poll.1111ar oftielh Lay dull aside an, give rsel . . ' rt* r a t up,high.' Deid was M4.10 afid W t 'I ter iiag financiall. bli 0 IS s �C 0. , ga Ion. The church 6or was�a-cu tip 1 b6n% voiste your time and r money on cheAlil dangerous, exrperlmentdi treatment.. iau�pekt­tb ug-wbat-bad,de DohltincreW�eat your own �!ost your sufferings by being ekperlmeMed on withrentealies' -t tori'_ enjoyL the Ag x grood . But.. ia - hi�sr , ow- thff a gen em an *bkh they,eWin to have justAil BjjteoMcto�U4jn0onjjdefiee. F Filie Groceriiegi t66meng an' de ady thpl, yoki coniielebtfouslyi honestly and WdIltally, and re6tore you to'bealth inihe shoileSt d gs and allr'kinds OJ '.'.th6 w.orkers'and' 'the'fppds,,hd the POW as' �v"A.jagged go she nea Lac I 9 J" lily si6ie (irtid.ti4th the le.18t inedicinei disdtimfort, and expe " h ferp� er hall fr4 nse practicable. , Ij f" and, giory of the, ittich .j ad eto , 'o - pa 'This sto te, h ais' 'th yipli the -highest lboth 'at �bit her sisit� a, edr. Oft"'r Our Now Mithod I ' a origivatand has stow the t�st i�r ca110 y Of, t Aome vj2d. abro�d t6 Uc ith reputa il "priCe for prod V able to, Sell 'to a ge I y I. el ias ar d and. thi eLapir . it Of: faith. 4n love, Hurt is Feelings. OW, gc van aore� -be -,c an Py m oyou tha --PO r r r. . . .1 .11 c� to a t pDor Young Y y come hen ihis wokic i's done. in onl ,Rion b tter &KEN 4 We have a ort., e U Its. I %MNED, NEOP my' 11 . . C the 11 Urs..'Nur! I *r.,Mi i anAve. and G&wold St.' Dtfroita, MiA. tcb,� "that you!d, jive' those g ali in fit. 0 produce re 'the Grocery. in We can a so Save you Oney n �611 I -Won't," lkerrupted' Xnilt& f0j 'Our produce SPch . .......... Well, y as, -8he, sc�nt him today With a note that'. as giving you'Moee a My. elwpldyme t f xeq au a mere p Ne ell .41 130 L ndry 'Statch for. son. even, rChe works fo, IS at 1011 riled io g- "M the . . w, , eg k. e W hi Ar' thonia for, Illie, Me I . I . t as in athe ibletit Of 106 urfig. :p it t a I I ce., hiiVe t6c6iVed, froln 0 in one Timm Vegis orar-generff- geCs & 106' Fancy Toile, a.2sc � , a r , . Thd 0 6rk's institu6tious On t6 laiiei� Bo-it§..Prpa for aare E Selap for ft, a djja ,, �:, A 066 0 cteyd 'L ,, " ?" ' nder the n6w� raw "awtod our,opintion. kthW &D ll yed ehj6y 'Poe y an 1�bjhf are mandatory and th" A full line of 'Ur Uk to ymbut tt ere ore in� Uone 001113114 la M-0841 Ca*&&d. "It 11hy or ftP On in C a great conr irgat* hand L I I . . . . . gent = W I a.L'At jilp the "ja lconvefif6nce %�ill be avoided it th6'llio To c loptil torivellilenl and deitths,an P y , *d4L0k"k .'it: enables people to qu6t e Ipst6h d of. b e Moh secured. The inten 4 ace r 9 Re ember the' cki m , r " L' ;r'- L CP t66.16# stupidly, 'b, th Of jho tIon )a 0 pro new act' hOtle 1-4, ro it is Under t 'o q 66� 0 S""C er an t ult e A '6 k. All kno �ns Ol Us M. , t 1. - 'k fulmix �6 r6t%Ans,t.)*l U y happi cau' kOeo oO"1111 an oOld to. § ar es laawow. 1, I. . . . . , I ID i C