Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-08-13, Page 7IXC .m- Frill.'-f4-1TWRaf'11"k -tV :Aril, 17(60 PicIds lee' thOj'rk-1 --1114YGI'-jist. °Pl.'dealers. jou, insim 0 nd : 6 en- Pm kiCS at yh'4.• finestand ,----0, wusain .e.elkir.tby.s: w ,Aot for thon- w! . ., .,. Se IA,. S 94 . •,-- i y- Olives - The :cultivation .Of tent -tikes marha. the.okre "groves of Spain ' *th:,tvoticre,bpst-', '...4.10brs 011ivos are iffiported. ..ro.nt tilt; oldest-4nd most lain* iof tkesq grevee. '711,e metals a Sre-yreduct:delighiftillt appetiz. ,-- `'Iri5r...:On'e 'beide' aecl YoUir more and 'neVerbe without ibby's PrcserveS Pure, ripe frnit- and pure sugar in_equalvartsi_coohectinst_ right and „timed to the second, in Libby!s_ureal_White_Kitch- , kis-the-secret of -the' e4reme aiiperiprity'of. Libby's-Preserves. here's none as goOd at any Price. , Grocers and delicatessen stores '..earry all of Libby's Food Pro- ducts. They 'are war- ranted thebestto both aeller ---7-14rrV;=e- !fake Good -Things.,.: „ Eat.' : - Insist on Libby's al your dealer's. 'Libby; McNeill:. :-PMER,(4 CV. NV•ii.1,•••elfES'0; , 93/ pities 'not -11104 tong -When The ,$30 000 000' 'in geld which gertaanYI:keeps hoarded. ,rip in the 'Tower ..p_priaadau against the next!grpat EuropeariTWar-,- and whiah CertainClerical members of the ReichStag recently.:•wanted..AO. convert:to ether and more iminedi- ateTlie-KS_-_;the_ Eiripirefi rret-it -great T' -sum -,as- • GOVernment.. war, - chests go, ' In the event of hostilities breaking! out with •say, France it, would probably be exhausted iriside, of a .wepic. • ,-18704f,- marck Made the. $25,000,000 :he ,had on hand last over the first fortnight. But ,wars then were not nearly ao, costly,as ,they, have since become, • Riissia; posseiseda war -hest of $200,000,000 srhen hostilities, broke out- betWeen her and Japan -in 1904, Or, at all events, so She asSerted, itet, she was borrowingmeney freely befOre the campaign was four weeks -Ths, b the bye-:-Waggthe higgest “kriegschats'' "(emergency . war - .hest) •e'er get together by lirry na- tipn; • although theU.nited Stales once bid fair to equal -it. This was after the civil *an of 1861-65, When - the Government at Washington was in Audi, dire%Straits,for money that. IST-n-CteSTI, artk• 111 -Vale 'until' they. would fetch seinething less than one-, IhTiallie-,tr7.-:fam-e-V:iihie".'"---- • "One Of „the. first 'things it Aid, con-, sequently, when pitblic credit was at • length:TO:11y' restorecl;• was to start ''"kriegsclir..ttli. .eye : to future on:ergencies: *ar tire, however, was not in. gold, but „..iri,...,eoilietUlibtOttlID Weight -64 .tis presently brokedoWn the Wails. --of--the-Ltreasurjr,-theresultant_ave,-2_ . , Ta-rriCrasnlrena- SeY e rat Ira -hippy' cler , , After this. eiperience, the United iStatditernained to ,'rely_,_ as does :Britain,: :on her ordinary bank' re- 1.Toi...T$ :F0:a.j...,09N9::e'etel „T;Il?,•-•'„, - 0 On.kilait•TAIlte: O'Oele'llt•'•Over,F001/' gin! Della'..,4'iroebe. '",itiii, .h0f4' „Cat,t, Thoma'ys''113'r' l'�i liallYgP*I" 'itt w ,40,,74,,,,zi, •,71,i,,,r ,601,0m. UnbLeYdri:3,11'0..1-11,01:,11, TD:Itttli'Ll; WhA At 10.; . rl- 7 ''' ai'll'IPti3trat:114.1141214'f'g4T-"J 794111""CalVi A retriever. " knoWn as Sack has • - , - • e"3. 3,1...47-!?,,,F4.1,•,„i"K:q -p,.-,l'e,•.,..w9..-4,,, _,,_ ftI Retieffepv; .1:'-rz4-itcz tet' Once; p own, roof, , 4.4ktwvtor,idLikit'h t.'_015•44;:q&-li;'' 911-"'T%-' 'E'7;;1. 4914R9 tak-en 1:1Pen h/mself the 49ties :of otoldge,twoh.,itisi.icheth7i, Iff-est centenarian i'fi;alfcithiSiiIP148144-7V64419'1111"-Itr'tgit -f141111 Line at The Canada- aock, Liver- Al. poOl. '• AS ,soon as one; Of ' the conl. , canine% supeririteirdent. of the Allan pot,.:13,,Dpia4 .iiii..t.,913' 71,:gitich.. food, ,e ,a, ,i ..M, -made. l'il.proefe.TilelaTnc lied"re4:i 1 5-nige ICe ra.#7.19';i9:4 ciaimizewilf °Yine'ligaltd:Ibili: .: 'ffoy-Vii:e7enditiOn,,anorreeuid-fiii•dif4-tP7-. at 101 -Or her lifelong-legorree-in-- g st, W., Tc,,Foiltw; ' ext Ske- Says: lituNeu.,.,,,steEiroiiii`::.arrive.s:e is the - first, up -Vie pra,nk, Making tracks for ,,,7010,sti:Ive•sr•t41,Aye7r1:0.1n.;?Wastsi•-•-;lvv4irtleasn14: 1.:11f.s'rpierb'siti:on'grP,:ull'1.4.48Yeaazieront!a9lni•:4.:1'1::.°1Allbt-lalyrii''sdrtps'hre:::).7:VV'rtmkyo,Lay the' -galley,, Where the cook -awaits- , AlradleyattributedAer-goo•Oregth- .1441-Wifit .0,...b0,4c,, .,,..„,,. -,,.. .,:,, _ : het,,frete--droetorsciti44„--niedicineiv 1 '- ' • '' ' -- ' At 7 c",clOck every ineretri,d he' could not enjoy my meals, tilei, could a dailycoldhath.`-:734IisEli-xa, work 'harking at the head 'Of' the P/4.4.:•clesahofit the eyes,; • NAME OF tHE , . . not sleep at night. .1 had heavy,,dark,r• lWoogrkisifaett1005t"esmaipda't'ecIhaatIcitir4biaitnedmtyo, 'a:Sheri.: the dock laborers to their - ,-OPor°t•c--ets:-.1-fd"in.ria6 1:ri,,!raan6i1P--9,--real3dasn't.ehsell•Tli" -,w‘a‘si!aydiirrPi:an.--dt: 7j-te•Le-Pmetiruelle-aal-itrrmfaX,Etn.: iirr'll-h-Ye.Y.faevr?Ititees:iwieetet941,ha'it‘e64odr dalir.414k1.1i1.9,1c4. Gilt/ ADA'S .tO board' an Allan •:steamer /II •t,he Ott CYmPictol•Yebted.. IMMOot say too : C,e1ebrating . a wooden ' wedding Send for free oato,iog, IA1111:). again for the • afternoon Jac a. to mY JoY I began -to imProvo with the • „el'. coffee" • ' ' ' ' ' - 7- 1'. &,O1QP.k. thee may....gc:e it. mile 'away first hOttle. • After taktnWSix bottles I. , - , .. Iiiisbahcl' is a, Perfeet stidk.• - ' ; No, 76. o , :doesn't always demonStrate that the • „ IN./fell RIP,O'Cliti 9E01 to 1111., 01101011; 0111 . -Se Ve.., ' RARY BUREAU ofviii. :fitted- up Libtariea--aft- OttaWa, Toronte, ville, liramPten, ,Chatham and, Sarnia, -And are the • only 'Canadian Company- •• iii-rekiird to Card ,Ca-are-ge;--Ptargigg "grrs— tenis, Furniture -ab4 lIook Stacks. - Inforniation-sent free of _ • charge On-iffiffelaion. -Library' BUreatvoreanada • —• - • 0 BAT/ STREET.. tOfl.ONTO qaving dock, but he never makes the mistake of going on a wrong, vessel. Sunday is Jakk's visiting day. . • How h6 found out various Allan officials' homes in Everton or Wal- ton, miles away, nobody knews, but tth„oecrin°n°ersr, ra7tgliolnaer3hYO6uPnae' „iceman, rornew_litoend and to tea at another. , At 11 o'clock' at night he returns to the dock, where he barks until the watchman opens the gate for him. much for. Femur', as a medicine for -Women in a run-down condition." Pe-rOMa'1),10111/ii, nde.r, 5., , Pprs."..pu.dgo J. P, Boyer, 1421 Shernian::„ Ave.;gVanston, . came ran down could•neither ea.t nor • s1eeweU,and tostriesti and spirit,: :Pe- rituadid wanders for her; and oho thanks 900 ,b.r.J.BIG:TEET OF GOLD... :the year 1.908, .Sos Mr• 'crib • , , . , 1BABrg 0,,EAT DAN wagenen, .cou.14 be-- packed' into. it city 8,nd. town in Canada jwith Water worksio • ACIENTh VVANTED. A 'reliable -Than in eiery , 1)1141N1.11.01.WEATHER_ rOOrn .10-feetTscinare-ancl-•9-feet_high., • ;public building,---Sells-.at-eight:1--Dnetiers.-ean :ucti_m---onoy:AeLioad: a patent article needed 1.-eliery home, bete/ and • npill P:ErffiffvtillieninlYEls:roe:Elln 611:KLINE'S d'ilEAT 82 Inial. EOTTLE FREE . F3ont throngli!.:81,adian,?VgaPe! Permall.ent IF ver-" _ ... di•ea'0% EPilevi5Y! 8Pumai $t. Viule'Danle. Pni-• ,• ,'- , Debility, greahacion. , Founded 13/r . DR. 11-11. KLINE, Ltd, . 4 " • 931 Argil St., Philadelphlai If -----.- . . . '11311e-Vallie-of-thi§-gold3E4LbOile.a4.0.CV.,..and,arfildiag.:$fi.9.043;_flAy, Write •at Once for . , 000,000; andj. its .weight is ,nearly •674 wirtkilialli. j 9.-F7e'L-e°•te'r°*--.'"Ii-s•L'61"147721.0.irhooks,morso.Tack.-614-..r.i.4i,iosposoiloo.,8o- ..„ , , - - • • • gine to saw wood.• primp water, grind feed, tho.„ relfitle-fiVeS,ie:::lo:-S-rzdit.tli'-ig '01.-m•- ...-Sluce--the-Aliscovei7Y of Atter,' ._ _ • _.,...:., weArould not be able to. supply t e demand. 15'7a l-diiralfrrsentiler-mr-tp•-cian-and 170- . the hot weather •.thaa.;,.at,:auy,otwr ica, the world' -bas-mined.-altogether The • ',"". ..--` -- . . will send you onr free catale.‘,.e. ' ' Mild - elinialeT. nr-VirginDe-- 76-"Trt,h time of the Year, diarrhoea/ 'dY•1301- ".iiofb,tohillet g210,444ctoett-ntsoOlfitellid; .b."thritt.13:1,it-... ,oloro splendid oPuPloor,wt7uiti_evt803-fou:r,Iiittlitotf_clkii:e:la;:n; ' .. , _. try, cholera, infantrgri and stomach troubles come without warning, and tt;x04''raCe has-49-en-th-0,-In-oat Pretl. 'vt14,9gd- _asi-oefiere.- 'Pun* 9 fruit grOwing, •ditirYingl and fenerat farming. Name. a- . when -a- 'Medicine is not at handt�-lifio. in kohl, having_Preatieed fixe'T te'valub.eatill!bryle.get:fortallyo'rOmafteioditlellos..8_,7 _Iliiin,i1 • ' give ' promptly the short 'delay toe sixths of the .t etal amount rain.edlnbl_V_Iir_ .g„i,n, la' - TWINER, ' ..freePiently,rneans that the child has '190q. . ._...,..H._,c...„1_,.._,., C.Oth...m.t.t.t.laer of *.tileheititinnotA,re;''vaT ...s1.;_..4.110 6anailten raii,•;itts Opoor,stivnttne:10;:v2elittotita:10n11--,,'• SKILLED. _ "Ilew did you aeqiiire anal. §-kill :ked the inquisitive One,of,the clev- er juggler.. .,.•• • 'Why, I 'have' a natural talentL, hereditarkaL,,Mignt *ay: My „fa.th, ) CANADA er used tO eat pea* With a: knif,6:". passed beyOnd During tfre:hof • imeather_moriths Baby's. Own Tab,; -...A CANOST WORTIINTti.iI$•fi. lets-liOuld-be-kept,1"-in-e-v- ie..Jiovie,_, ... , .• - • :•--7..,, -, , ' • ' lA,LE8N-INGI,„ si.... gripe, - .0.t...e," iiiiiiito: la, .44 .. rir-smallchildren: A . ia.,'.•- 'A-Lifen ..-...Aniiitya,_ Tit' Where-theear,4 0,bsdpnit perteitlyi;y-91tr _ :In& Proosai. Try la ' . r' ': " ,'-' ' ••• '' ' - occasional dose '' of the,„Tablets will , DOLLARS is Offere'T'7-br 71:lie 'aivarea the. proMpt use of 'thisTine--_---13ottOrns7911,-A-NGE AIF4T: pack-- - , - .--, . ..,.. ' • . dicine :will - bring the Child throUgh ages before May "'al, 1509„:,... This ,,. ill. '- toles. 'Or if the, trouble.; cornet 'un- sending in the largest 'number „. of: figorpftw. TooziO, oTricw,A. a, Qtrkznito t __,,,,,.:::,,,ACte:811t1:4:19a5,., - at 34th Alt., :NEW YORK; / prev-ent stomach and bowel.. trou- .9RANCE, MEAT people to the one • sitrrisii AMERICAN ovinialie:•; ' --aairr-la...---72Retiard7RevirGip-=,-nrearprthat-•-the-Wiarter-Will,,,reeeite IIIIL LI: Near toth Street-Sub- dien,ihad,a-seirete.:ittaeli•- of diar, FIFTY-TWO every year., • way an , 53rd. Street. Ideal tecittion , gfi*; Que.,, isgys i• ---"One, of niy•:chii,,,..One::..,.110-11ar EVERY IN.ITETE:IC., or, '' bowel tr.blibles.." • soil by •medicine Besides'.the'abdve there "IS: a 'see- :dealer:a-Or by mail at 125 eats: a. ,,Ond Oaah-Prize Of ONE:HUNDRFD. box ..froin.•The,"-Dr. Williainal-edi loatti-Aft-a--,.:i- iiromPtly direct I: know of no 'ilieL can •eirchange it for dicine-en--gdo&Tfor.'•stornaeli-i.,,and...,OLSE7VTN-LHITNDR.Ea;DC_A_P:5611LEL'R4V814j: One 'Co,; BroCkillle, Ont„. •• as . follows',:- ' • • . , . , Ten: Cash Eitiee :Of , TWYNTY'' is07.404-04,4, .sh_Titize,S '4,4Pricea'and styles from $ri...40 to $2.46.. ' :Write forfreeCafalkig-ue;'' - . DEPT n. ' - - , . '' V Alt' t, ILITiraf'C'eSni;r_Ptaillea":':a.rdrelio. ;gni.. Absoltitely. He t,' Modem iliiivbi-et--r7,-B..avy' 8 .own , MOTH 1 RACE. FOLLOWING: -', DOLLARS egelr„ • ' ''' ' ' - Wig---,•!tfonea. fellows the raCes Ten. cash Prizes Of Tg'14. '13°14' ', • Wag,s,,--eri-es,'. that • s,I'v' never 1-4:Aolr'lliti,SenAI:h°;‘oaac.hh', a,1.4nri60.6'NPE:.-;Hi:TVU 'N'E'-' ,Give the . Children ta : Chance , , : . , doesn't her . ., .. - __.,, -heard-that he-..waa.-"ever_lahead_of_ _ • , DRED-Ca;shzes-nf-ONC44'• A .Spanking does not:..eitres... children, . There-Jsz-,sc-lefinsti.-_,:tile14." ' ' " •;,__ LAR -each. ' ' .' : :' tilticniail ' pause for :Able • trouble, • . ' 4' The only-k-criramn-attlIthi .blis,,, NI:, stirtniers, 13,32 190, ,vili.d. . The Crick in , the. '.B.aeli%.,-. "On't • , ,_ ' ' -sor-..-Ont.,, will -send free to. any touchf nature makes th - -whole• ;that you cut out the vottoms ofhe ORANGE MEAT • packages' • d • ,ITIO I her success ni. , home treat- YvorlA. alCia--,. ' ' sings the ' poet But . send them -7 iii- to -ORANGE: -1,a-BAT, . neb• nioney; ' but • ,arite her tc:r day . if ' -Iiimbacro which iti-&--eordirroit 'K package eprints' equal to 1:ilireEr of -: ingston.,. The hottom of a .Jumbo' „ _ . ,. .L.7.1.6..ent,TIvith_Ltalci_kittr...notions,:s4n4 what...about, the toneli.of rheurnatisin, , , yenr-Lehildren_trcinbli,: pi 1 • in.Lthis new'? -There ,is• no Poetry. in .that the smaller :siio. You should' be ,. ; :iivEq; - Dorn blame the 'child', 'the touch,:fari'6'1.1i61's-We Plie6i8;" ' the _to wili-tikee"Hlie:.-alroire,-pei-,1,• i_r_e_al....thwa.-.a.t.,iii6.7,06.dots oinilIeeltiefhwlvbedn-an• application --cf 1:;or:''.'yitCiir.-6•Ifris:ikaliits:litino 111H-1ieelp:ka,eybro:871i.1:1:Segtil i., I: . • '61i4doi.": ti,fe----it- talt":t-irelp--it: ' • 'This plighted is.,the sense f i. aged people troubled With away: ., There is nothing equals it, ORANGEIrclitr----:1141231e EA'aTild_.K.''' :i6'nclgcCist,seitsi,,,-..1178): juin° Thomas' EelectRi'Mil- drives pare ht. ',' ' , • . , ' ;..48v,hs,; jiy-nr-nol is if trite -that You .61•!1;14771i.rig .t.nilli:0 ..conte7e7thst.a. le V: "ii l'selr4nly. gave -little 'Bobbie .11;'• .bl•aek. eyel" -wor.tli trying lor.----.7 - --.. - .' '' joRogolumoiliolit::tomPA,Ni264 Yongo . Ajeffts warYted in everYitnwn. Sifitiat,TOrO,Iiito..-. Transient Rittes 82.51) with Bath ani up, A4I Outside roorea. Seruller 'Booklet.. . -Under the Manaa9Inenkni Hiatiy P. stitasoa , .1.:iiinanitis Pali of 'Potel periel woodwarg, c•-• 'one pnanet - hOokactOikily Wiled at. butahol , ;.7-7r -NNUONOTS,.,CROCER341No.NENEEM: N.TONEr lOe. pr paoltftt (H*3 prialtaIMfortbok , fait a !Moto eimeOnj LOGIC. • ' 'Leak here,waiter, this: Pltdding, •"Well, plat ten years ago to a ." liabl f • t 41§- e t., you or a. ma c ,,.•a gnest when brought the ice cream this corner. :. You gave it to me, I ..pudding4die:,..lied ordered.; .-(lbereAnitorne-,lit the thatch, aedidexit: ought to be ice cream • Served With, ally ,biiint The house. don, .and got if9;" • • • ;. • a thousand dollars insurance. I am "Cannot help) it, replied g1fi4-,o1 an opportunity rkward the waiter'. :"AVe don'tnitrite the you— "' "With—" - "With an , • tadai i YOU don't et ihcr match." Cottage with a cottage pudding, ' yeti know. • CuPid used to, alit his. dart at .a, heart. .• New he aims, with cunning look 1at .her fath-, OP'S Pocket book: " C- •,..- is 'man Whci-•-waits'untiFhe; deesn't Lek=:-: : - -4.),- “whe exe, 6 ha 67 waiii,ti anytningi. f. : you for such a brutal act 1" ' "W--. - - - .'"7. : • we he -rat° '. ' Inc _.:.....T.40.st,.ele.ante_..the*...s.teitt_Jlior,:_.fieLproyOke4yon..1": • Me; hi.t._;_..iites thighly...:---, Parinelee,s ' ','Vegetable 'back"?' • ' • -----'- ' '- • -•' • . ills ,61ft$11'.' ' the Stomach'. and bow-, ----i- . _ els of bilitius matter; cause the ex, , . ' vOiak.anit Pale Women lo011shlykeer tlah' pretory yes,sels to throw off Jinpuri•-:' Way•When by We Rae . of •”.Perroviin, -the Usti , ties ''froin. the. blood into• the: hOwelS . , , tonic. Vier:could Very' quickly reenver their health! ' . , ' Y0,11. carinet be .haPpy .while. you and expel the.__cli.:letenglia. mass. landat"ngtu; 7rOts • • ' • 1 • . .. . have cOrns. . Then: do '• not.. delay • in tr9-11i-tlY6:'1,1091t"-.1*'-',.49:,this'liibh-..: 7 •'-flowsoir--4;`'That-.--niani,Spalper,lias.:.-getting'.A.:)?9.t.g..9..9LAPIJO..Y.:."..I.',..s C9,,r31,,, cut gam „ or inconvenience to ' the , a .riaokrat :hent' towards specula - Cure, ' It i. renrov,ea , ill kinds of ,ritient3t*I1O- Speeilif-y:;r7ealizea,,their- : ktir4,7464iisk,e7.4.L.Yei„...aricLthrci,Ais- corn ' without.- pain: :Failure ...With 13-cod-nffrees as ..soOn as -the -begin' .:tiroe•--:.•he-lioa•-•40.6,jar_:irld:'-eisiot ---i -,0 _Yaovf•P.-:. • .. .. , . .1:o-t--d-,ko'effect, • They-h0e7strorig- h-•,--i0i-aw. • .: • . .'. • • . •• • - t . ..1..tti b .ie•commoxidations from. all kinds Of - , • . ..• •.. ;..,......,, • : , ,..;.,. '.• '' ' 3,--.110-Feigh-IVKI-77: . 0 • I. e- boy people. . • ' . . . • ,': *, . ' , They Advertise •Theratelves.m„. Who is ,sidling up, to her) -",What do _ . . ' ,77t--- .0, .... ,..'.- - . , mediately they Were .oftered to the yeti want, clear -to give inc a. kisa 7" . They mot in the atreet. "Do• you puhriti.. Parmelee's. Vegetable 'Pills Little Boy -'Wo, 1 wanWini hread- reineniber ine4" , ,"Can't . Say. that:I •.becarnePopularbecanse of the good n' butter that, you'Se titan' •on'•I'' . .. l sorofctsk is foolish; Itoid' makes a brat • ...matter. worse. _ Weaver'S Cerate allays the pile, .1olearis the Skin Of erupt -Wats ruid-other , sores; • Why not buy 0,40410.W:441. ; " The li Eta -of England' i'S-eiriPb*Prz.' ...e4 by'oits charter to sell any,goods cr rnerehandise 'upon- which it has advanced . inoney, and 'Which have ' not been redeemed: . .. — -- He•lpr, -..your.--.§children.S.,....to...• grow ' sti ong and tobuat ...by counteraet- ing,' anything that Causes M. -health. One. great cause of disease in °Chil- dren is worrne:- - • Rembiie•them- with Mother ••ataves' W'Orm . Eittermina tor. It never,liira7 • . • lintile.-wants,WillOenip- to- "Hosit,slid the wedding:00111e to hear. if:" q-,"'s'atd-v•iitininfa-hiteh-:- trao-1.:au,iy_671" •hitch."-! The -bride backed out at the last: I .scprr. Sts, •.,TC)00.1‘.1, and Sold on all a Exchanges tArrespentreav--=---chas., ad --ethers t.gERE Ant °TITERS.. Teainiy oher-"Joh, can yOri •tell %of , ",Salada. Tea. • s Ye • me *hat • great crinie Nero was -:greOer.. '------ '' , ., rift 'Of r ' - 'F'jolinny-"rea' in. 'He--Ilaye:d the • '' DEA:"TA) DAIS' ' :fiddle."' ' ''Why do you stick Out the middle finger of:your right hand SO straight vifill,64out are watitygle-'asked tlie compassionate wonlan.' ., ' was it ieport -hey made, for therhselvea: That rep.iitation• has grown,- :aria They rib W""rank-arirorrglhe'first-Ine,-.. di•arnes :for .iise in .attacks tlyd- 156psiar and'--bilieuseesseinplaints of 'the liver andkidneYs,• rlieuina4: tisrni fever and 'ague and •• thein- nuinerable'. complications wbich, these ailrae,nts giye. rise: .. The: final luxury ,of tea -drinking, -the-24-A1ity which dstinguishasitas the' best, is . assured risers, Regardedas onn, of the most po'••. "r tent compounds- ever introduced *.4b whieb combat „all summer ioniPlaintS tad inflaiOniation of the Ardwe1aDiJ D ellog"s. L.tisen- telly.' Cordial has •Wen for ,reputation that no oilier cordial:for the Purpose can .. aspire to:•-• . r yourTg or old" siiffering from •these .4,0•10,plaint,t -it .is • 'theT best: niediCite ttitsc`t.earrire,ikroeti-red: ' • •• • - „ • • •• An:Old .weiaan of the name of. Gor- don, tri the Xerth o Scetland, -was' • listening- to, the,. ateount gwenni Seripte of .Solointin' .glory,' -*as- read--t�-her by tOil :of the itiOnsand , owners' -which gth":1.CairiVI7a, Child.' When the little' forted pall of :the ..JeWieli •-erign's live tOck, !Thy lassie,V ,e'ried the o)d • woman,•a ". thoitsanct Qamphelts; so ye t. The,Canifibella are an" titild clan; sure Oneneli:' but difina aoe the Gbrtiona• too ?" Looks no* aathottgh'WS ought have a-goodtee, emp;•...... • "IVA boy," said tie negro sas y, tts: prepared- -to. adirrinister to - little Ephraim &1st:us his eighth spanking the last three days, "is a mighty bad boy. He"s -de white sheep Of de' family." ISSIYA10.' ' "NO, mum" answered -tile hobo, With. a- sniffle, `Rat ;during my hale- yori days wore a diamond ring on that Anger, ancl'old habits are hard. to break; 'inulTI. LOri:1 Le WtOn-----" W hY, tiltt, there used .to be two windmills there." Pat-"Thrue for you, sir." Lord ;Lowson -"Why is there bpt• one noW ?" Pat---",Bedad, they teek Ono (down to lave ffiore wind for Votlit • .0O•ifou. baggeti to know a, father ..vihd*outittr,ivaut his`sen tqlollow bta tObtotopiii, - " • , , • :Now York • and Boston $tock Foriteuralgia,. raoaci Third -Floor Tellant'i--•`,`See here ! I'm (xi,- of a committee of men in on to Sell your f1ute.."7 ;Second- : loor .Tenant --"Delighted t�. See you: I am ,one of andther coniAtit- tee, and was abonfth cone pp and • Ask if you'd Sell yeur 'baby."' , ..3,:"T'%.,••••'‘"•1•10.•• v Get ..acilnaintea with 81aek.1:1N-eitch' the bi g black. plug chewing, tobacco. A treinenklotp favorite every -Where, becaue:siif , itrichriessTand pleating 11.avOr. :#69 ,•••••„,.4.kr.,.•••••••-••• • ,•u• • •••••• • so • tENTs. - 'ALL .D.RUGQ15145;OR • ngo Company Toronto . ,Wit9LEOALE . 1.LX1WAN BNOS, & CO." Terorne and ., M'entresa; 'LYMAN 'KNOX 'CLARK,SON, Toronto,* PiATION1AL' DOW. CO.,....1:01dO4! / Li IVIIITE.D. (No personal Liability) AtlibTliaTartal, 0000000- Directors---7PreSident, -Arthur -Dinuis; • contractor. 'Torontol Tice-Fiesident, A. S Wigniore, • Manager Ilohnes, Metric' & -Protection Oo, Toronto -• Secretary t'red A isnstraig, contractor,. Toronto, F 11 /lorbert, architect: and engineer, ..Teronto; J 0 Holtby, Pent.factor, • Toronto, George pnthin,' ,Tianiger Roofers', Supply CO., 'Toronto; 4.; a Tighe, miner, :•Larder' City: Berikers1411e7•Prown Bank, te'reritb. ,A;iiditor;--Henry Barbet, "Toronte. ' _ • 14.4 t I A , The property eonsists: 21,3 .4(1-tore0„,--ins• unite e •joining the "riew famous Harris Maxwel,:,l: an upon the smile aMount of developiient should rirove equally as good. • 100,006 shares are now offered. to the publie at 15 'cents per • share. 1)o not„lose thisgOlden q.p.portttniy of irivesting in ono of the most promising properties. in the. district. For full par- ticulars apply to• . • ttENItY. DL4.11,RIELL ' • •C FicStAL kCi IT , _ . , . cother in) &root, Toronto”.