Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-08-06, Page 3'•• ••'• •t• , •ir 1 777," a 1,":—.„ 7 Cmt1Wo t efWe, ‘7,7 • • !TO, 4:11111;7: .3PW' 4 ;, I • ; ,;'• '; 4:41bM'I't ,x1IJ1M 11E E,e , I • „ • • • I " ';'; I` .7. • ' ; , or .itiry-,Pre.41!90;Ut' — 4111k • S, 7 ;:, Thne #24 rottAl. ' . . . • • Rt.ADsart*os,'; . • ' ; IN, .• ..;;A:..JdeaPatekLfrerri''' 4-1.e..:.1•1 .rci,4904'. to ..#31.04:40ji: . • •iotations ab • '. WhiCh1-44'''alt--.4the• ' •:' - - • , : • • . , • . •••7 ••••• e4,47',FMAR .1V-•-po -G1F1-4.: NO. ';,1 nOrtn..' -Or. 741 • . '.67X to. t cl.p it 0 " OP'• • - ;PDX 4571 PIO 4,7A,to 60, out 41, rae erQp, so$fOlt.I:I141'*lci'48 ton inThulk, 0.040 4, , . . - ' the .thrashilie MaeliineS can '''average,crop „;• .• • G' • ai•' •'43 yellow, nominal ' at • • ,' telt. Caiul' readre-.-- .4_,Ayera._,,,gre,,Areep,. acr._, g --T-0--nt-a• fteights------kAln .4:tried - '71/747etriff,P7iTthliV..-41e. ',the: kV:In verY cop • • " • - ' •-• - el oc • . • . •• • . -• • s ill be naueb. earlier than -last -Y•eat',:•'6;i'aids ovcP ar.bTk.P,?1 • . :1').4.tHpia,„;.satlo, No., white, , •very,-c.arly'liarveS , ). • 44a,14, ,q4.34(nitobai foa although on light, "godcensider- difaeidt:' te!':.-{ say, • , • ••:"; • No 2.48, 1ak orta ''9;' • ' • • • • • • • .. 00443,0•, f ..,., .... . ati..T14 . ' ' ' 't' . ' ' ' 1.126...pit.. ., .• „ . , , as Banff. - ': - • ,. . •.; • ... ..NYOdli..t_P-PIE: ' :4"11:tePAY.' Or!: 't1M4iii4i4v. to provpaqf imosf.;?r,a',44,*., ,.. a.ideaaniari, hilt that ,wa. , 'what P • ...,,, . , ..., , ePhool. :''• ' ' . •,' • '- , rtovvosh4i?,.:...p ::,ii„ f tOn.81n .,. 'ffi. a "POPP; afT0Aino](,'Of. 7.t:,47:4::?....,ie::,,,,:::3-•-,.,iii' .v.,•..,,9...vv7li.-gov....::::::0,:i:::o...:=,17.114'`.)14..,.. , . .r..,, . ,, , I „TI rel"..WedneSdar..• ,:44.O14: illa)d. named',. ,,,,b.rtrat.a..:,it., ..6,,,i,.,:.:,4,,,...ii,,,,,,..,.;:l....,IT..?0i,.. 1.-40,q, 4.7' rifiiiiinr:i.p..1:4,..,,e,v,iii..&,:.4ho'ati..tb...ii.:,:t'...:ti,74:4:1'.9.*.ytiiii •Viti,Etali;was Okfor loite i ',..°)(1 the $44*i-IliC'. ' ''''' . ' :: i'• .: ::..'...-1..7...,„$:-..Tiil.e.Yit'i,;b'h14* k'ittik.7)°,;,Jj'p.4.1iit.74444:';firria.°9117...lit'-i°a':ilk-T1'-' W iiiriog,.ioi iobbilig-tho ,niii-iii''''.11. c7 :','61',k.,,-14. Olt,. that.„,he •e03,11,01, '0, -was avostelEffee-employee---- , re.4,mnonsibi: t:tany. loilgo,,,,,:r. c.„,,, - . LiOds.itY 'Conacil. has. aii‘therized:-.a c'"411:1,g,•,1394.6'.:ve.th.67'9'14:•nara7"11.7J, 6.•• ' deipatoh-4-rom-nr--oclocralle,says-- -.. Fe kel? -have - the zrnesome. ex - defeated i.- ,pr4n0.44.f, : •,._ , _ . _ : .. . .,. . .: •chase an ozee NK1.HttLA.W11CPboAPPEA1 0 000 'f -debenture -t ' " - treated -4h:e,-11,--pou.,:r,p;s1,-p;f11-44a-v-m9g.p.141,),., fWlijen: ,Vickerr- t OP -AO*: Abe, -1119,P=!-. Pitallie7W,44.1"Orrifie4TWfind com amon, was si ,mr,..corretly »i the ward on hi het,'..0401#Cact, qn Jie 7. .I 1'IP. . .4:7:° : (P'Wsi#0f. 444;the 111n:0was.o ;pt tg41 rm ,, 4 • Lse Vei at w time Avis e , , . . . . re)ect,.% 450,-• . Eaiik dealers th place their names • r 0 • • • ••'THREW M.40,(ItERBOIliD' • '• .. •..r.LIG,„.1JE sw..Er$.04. iv ,.,sH,1-ii, . . , ..4s,ko.;„,....,,b's:" „..,ags. ',_„o2 r-'2,1 212, -4- ti, lk.. .°4_.t,7.... on Ti .d 1.), e, respo.nsib•lc for, . , .. .. „ , ..,. ....___,.• .,•,,.?,..,,..,,ip•-• ...... '`F,, , ,' ' , - : ' ' ' "7 -the,060. tents: ''.- . --• , ' : -.- - -,'„•,..,•,-,,-g--0401-6-§--•§7-1,--60-;-,:-.:;•.----7;-.J2-7-mr;.-.4;-:-,4---,44,74.,-4,11,..,-;" 7(1";•,-3,-41F-,4;t,--e---rmi-ii•ri.§-71nir"ft-s-vir-,47.y,:fat.' ---.-Etour-7--M-anatopa, patents, -first -,-- USI., 1401.. lti-t144,7, !kri. . tut" ,LitISP't 1,. ty!L:1; tY...4 ,t1r,t V 7 , ...,,,r 7.'74 • .4, ."; •1•:,.. ' • : • ,4;'' :.• '' „t • sa e 1 e, .. ig ano, the Italian, wan - , ..-H--7' • .•-,...,•,•si ..,i. - QI -ii.a::-'-a ... „.• • , ." , '.:: „---4.., •..,4,- •./4„4,-6,- - 4, ' p6,4,,,se.contla 455,•40.•:,,,Strong • bakers' - -. _..t„, .1,•„.„/.,.;.,,e...e..r.,44.r,.!.a.7..___•-,.',-1. ,....„•' ',..,, ',",..1.:,:,...,v•,17.le:-.. r.n"...,"4; J'ar.,..,//`412.,',L..- .,:-_-•:.-- f$,O.,30.j..;.;•01:t4li.4." • '14:4A"P'*r "-iFili0-----'"-4t...Pa-t-' . :.L -Ain.- '''t•-- e the fc)Irtil°t:ma " .A., ..tlitsti4teli,T.:ironi,„ Zeaera ----says:1:1, : A...:deSpatch..,.f.roul -,'St::. Petersi*rg,•eritsi ' T20.' .%9".•..$3/•;-• - '• . , .':lideesr.teodf:';ii.f'.311.'oilwic-he'dmigii:ii..17a4Ina4d32:!bra:sagatt- ;,' -During-air' altercation - Jon" MondaY,,aayaliThe....cholera that.liae-made .rts .. • . . ' ' ,,,, . , - . ....„ - • . ,.... thi yar1 OOUNTRY PRODUCE , ..-afterneon..." oh.: .heard 'the'. steamer' ':appearanee.-.1!,,:, 4P,o..19,:•,,-,,,,, -.,.,.....s: .-1._...,-,..,_:•...,..,.._-_.„-.:,•-_,.....,.....-__..,•.Nova....Seotia.4,is-rsen ing-t e -..:-.1.44n-/- ,• . ', • Standard '....a'.Work boat Of ..,Sittep.4 ros4,1.:r4;..1.-aC':,.;'cil*V.9f.:;],x7:414.61 '41.71; : ' Butter -Receipts are'. 'etillTla.rge. 'cess • Of Wales 13,, mink COat With fur ' • .',It •A ti'„' ',','' ''S.C.1- h f„''..ari," 'IP -''T-aarltsy:nithereliaVe Ike-eli1-.1.40:atii:';' '-iii-eitil :the'i: Market keeps:. strong .t zmming- • - ' $ . d : .with buttons ••ef: 24 - ', • - ' ' • ••• •,_ ' /.,their,_ employ ..,thie,w, ...overbnard.::•a.4 Aedordirrg.teiniresti.gatiOPS•inade.))7,-.0reatnetki: pt-intg---.:?;--'--..-.. , 24c'to 25e. kkrA,:t ke., , .wortb, a et $8,709o. .. . . ..youligScOtetiman Pained f...01-iert''Me-; .,11?-ei-,"utST:' Ven ',.. Pi, , ,• . .. „. o„ _ ..., , • • , , • •_,, ,,,.,...=B2_:_me :la: e..ixexkte.,,,,erhym,„.,,,01 _d_41apim,„ --K----All •-rite-ant--- '-'re-ticen'to--res ' • rgici'thedr-ittredical--qiiitthority.;ryitiry itfitt-C--.6•101.arz=d---c-e-.:O72-4-e:.• rianied7Keiti, lle untirbe laidlrid.una twitht avail' arid,••dur, :sanital'Y • '9.9ndidn*7-4.1171±C'e7'9 P' licl'Peal:W944 ' ' • • • • " • '• • 2,lc ..... ..:, ...e_tene.:antl.,strud_k.Ge'orgeRhal,ey,'In :-...--,-,---1:-.9u?' .41311-:L-131-1: -----!-•,----.----- ' •• - --'--4---------- "- - : 4-------4----: ' i---' "l ' ', ""Th"ezatiteitee-Aif-st Tair-:":"--ttitcs"-".";:--..':.::-4:::2-Teto-.226: .., _ • , : .,,,, • ' ; . , . 17A:Sr .47LIEAS COViRED 'EY artunaely the Mightiest Changes , ' •• • . Arlie Who 4is a dill:- d 'Solids 23040 24c k „„ T,heirecerit discovery that a ,gropp_: mijes .south f „ 'Swede disappeared'.. A. 's.,eareli ::for --..a,gewerage:,ey0einyand water wQrkS 1lnferior 1... , .... .... ... 17e.to 18c the SiVede has been instituted:.:: . the inhabitants at the ineiey'ef' : , Cheese -L -12%e arra. 13e :fer :large wIllidiag';',.,tro linn forPle, • ' ' , : 'fiumugn i's LOWER .• - . Teo 4 fall harvest.' ' . • • •Eggs --Prices are easier:at' gOe. to -. :-, :GREAT - TiltitTATN..., ' . ... ..': „ , . ...„42,11c. - - , • . - . ' .-68L'''''i 'W:0:111'ne-116;:-. '''' i • • • ' ' ; ' ' - ' F. • ': 7 l'Prilirl0 • and $.2o-O•to-$2.20,,f4iliand- ,tion. :.:: : • :. : : • A*::despla' tel;:froxii '''''T,inCl'iPe-g.--, 'say..,' ;1:. :16'.:6*..ti,E-iillili:iltellei;r145-:itilllii,gierir,;.vliraellg':1.4..::8, ti'''.1.11.1t,oetda,i0,--'6nt: nrl?.4, 9,0C 'to', $.1....1 the iine_,thods of pi'espriing meat. . '. ' U ':, ' • ' COnsiderable:4"ednetion•iii the. price '" , - • - •• . H. • ' ' per bushel; An:oilcans, '$3,-.35. to Mr: ..uloyd-Geerge "blames the ex- . of linuber was.. annOunced, on Wed, • ' . A, despatela frore, 'Halifax says : $..(36.per.i?arrel in ear lots. on traCk.periditure on armament for Ger:.- • -:' . nesday:: ' Shirdap'. and boards have The • Noi:rii Scotia. ,,,..Governnient's. here: , . ". .. , • , , . man, .distrust of Britain; , ._ ....., ' . heco • red'ildect .$.60 :per thousand, Sionin'er-Crep,Iteport has:been:, issu-. : •, . •• .L.-, .,. ' • ". • Three' inindred British members :...:-.2 ; - ; , di • -inaking--.-theAleW-price.:$1-7-'-pLer.,thoa.- . ed, •,..,--COuripared:' With ''t-lic.:-P4v-SIragn.-:- .- 'FROvIBIOINT•MARKET. • .. of. Parliament are Pledged tothere,- --.4.-„--,:, —7 r4440,-..-,:Vber-4-jsz-,:aaso-:-.a.:--,:roaktiQrbill, !crop of.•..a.--inormaltyeari.70.0:-.4opp.dit-,',',---.-----77--.:-...,.--,., 0 ..,,,•.... .._inciiva4-4f- .,--t.1,'Ieeattle---iin,-tra*go.7.-,-,-- . inept . reake§, tb,e :following :s4i3ap,te . pork-.„-51.1ert eati.,.,$23..,00„-per bar--..• • The delegates attending the Tr:Ini. .., • , : . • :..„___.;,_ ..$3.50. per thonsanct„_whieh .brings it . if., six lea,c4,11_g:oi.45,_S .tlils Aea on; One. .i:e...t.; mess, $19 tc,i,...-$._,1.?:,50...,,_ •_ ,:. i '4 _ rfrysijiEt,,,_1' 'PO.,_q_ 'congress ,..341, : London aPPlies 'ie., all' Mintier. .froin ' .British average: 'Hay; ' ;90 ;Per cent.'; Oath' 136.11s, doWO to $19. P-er fhou§and. .9rhs: hundred per'cent.:..b-iiii:giikeli-,• 'alit 7 'tjar'Lli':-.2%1:1:.r.97.' , l'..,...‘q ' 6,-• LtTI•17:34.., 1/"7...±.i.- '1,eIn.W.,619,:o..; . tl,r. • thes'...,,iii.gb7a.nd • Columbia and •westerdpOinte. ' Atia other' grains'4„,.,9i;,....7,:o_i_i_s_ anel., tt.psrsa:kne.4 'c:!-:::,.;PrY' 8 1-te.d.men4ts , Sir .Edward Grey warmly rep-n,di- 87-„46:1 .1111.-tN8- NATIIIIALIZED Small 'frivits, -90: : • , • ' ;"•„: - , . • • Lengiiyi. to liy.,e: s_th, .d ith •-t iiiit - ., A 1., . .• anis', me , ruin . an f., POI:icy . is aiinedLatihe.iselatien "of .11Xate''Beeinaell'iltibli-s.'i-6.1. 1,c7e-4,-Siiice o. _, • • --..Onif-1--de:,..-s.f---1°41-tq--1°24e-T-44? ' ..,---191./cte•-..Lo-r-d-r.0.1-3r,fle-8-13e-cf-ITd;;--gi-r1:-P-ereY :NaKm913,,que,prAmgNw..,=.-.. The whole world talked. 4464, , and all the. more because • .and the 'Kin.g, of .,the QSethe5diS- . -i4tecl.,-ovrAts-pessessifnt Maleatically into ..irie•iv on nd about the middle of. gust aet: •.t.w4h, .e sea But its herts4A„.„.. as its, 'broad expanse tow'ered 20 feet aovas T'sbort7P,Voinatie . ttiv... --ownership of• .couched Aro? thon.g11,130.140 • znage,, Were_ still in.",pregress,..When_•: l'fiTe" wavererfireraii.Ei'ireWe'ltralfdlir DeceMber... , !'' • „ -:rusass. ex. en- -ing . pro-b,'-nioty topieces by gteat stra.,,., showing Antarctica 'and South'..America, 1p,tioalict§:disapppar. more:Ways:. ithan•-•. one., This'', happened :tp the:. anatoll.in, the, Marshall grouP •.: •: -190,5,j-When.it•liappened 4 path' Of 'a terrihle.hairriCaile. . .WaVes aliontfertY 'feet.liigli Swept , ove.r the '• 'hapless 'speck of 'carrying -every•"particie of. Verdure • .. • and 'eyery form -Of life, inte.the..,Sea,. -and' not being. as 'saved. The upper :Part ',pl. ;the •coral Was broken off. and.Swept away;. and, f,e-,w7dayS- later nothing-hutthe - , "the a-natell had steed.- ., • • ' . _ . , 'Modern history •.an ha e ,11 tl Seinhlande.te.tlie Mighty mokenients •• "4, ...that have bu:ried-Wide'lands beneath which finally sank berieath the OCemi leaving Only .these remnants; calls -att,01*(?-110.:tii;e: fact.-.that,theko...a0.„ Vast' areas now ceVereil by the Sea' which were vnee :dry:Iand: Theiro- . -141_ entlin Pt!,,C,es Aninonneed•in .cnors.•-. - Beans -Prices are $2 to $2:10 for :ported to be in a very grave condi- - - A 13.t. h board will inquire i to' ces Of disappearanee WaS /irery'slow.: • - no -Ls; 105-.pples",-44001-plum's-901- •d • -ate e ea 1- s orelg light, 14.X•o--to 1 -tie•-; limns, large, Germany, : , . • - .4-234p4o-7-1-3c-r-backs, 1-71Ae"--t6-18P; . T- preyerit-fifith-er-liiktion; with: • It inyelved •no. cataclysm Or sudden• CataltroPhe overwhebning • all', ani- mal and Vegetahlelife but the Wcirk wet On perctury nft4 century, till: .great • eurfaceS .Were it" part of the. _sea,floo_r , • •.° Not leng-ifte-F was:, destroyed by earthiiiialre. on August 16 1906, the neWs. Came that, the island, of Mas a Tierra, on which 721-11clei 861101ar"s'efOt*ii.s...Srlgr'', the sea: No rth'-f-E--n -urop,owt,- • fiVe,Yeara,.hiS unhappy fate sliggest-,low Barents Sea, whose bottom , - ''bii°41.cfit • bli-xen,-'15". -Beehreu"apP.ointed•_ttew... -OIrruvi°6•1' -had au beneath-4he-. oce--abrove-thea- Dia es - sT: Ze -: -„'Sfiitibergert•and Franz 16%er; 'green EueTit out •Ofr:V-° ' O'' command:, • . brat itocalred 'again to mind the:facts Jegef, Lancu 'were • • , • that are believe:4:1'th 'prove "that' the , . - , II:MTED STATES/ "Juan 'Fernandez group, to Which A, PA RT EDROPE. this islandlbelon:gs, ,was formeYly _ • , - . • ,. : 'A PART OF gpuTn. AMERICA: • - Land once rose,.above : -the-wide- , waste ofwaters, 'that nO.W„ :separates the islands. 'from the • mainland. ,WELIdENGTO.NiS-GRO-10-S.: A 'despatch from Ottawa says: Itle,7: fr011 Duk e Wr,ate, 'Riders .on. Asses' ,le JCS'S than elrilcaid-: ' A 1 •-• ' ' ' • ' ^ '''' : " *--kl. , • ' cortlino, to *returns' receiVed at the. Skins„; ,'Which were.ltetained., .. State, Depattnaent, '97,44 • aliens '''''t---"'-'-'-'------h-i-i-ye--t-alieffii'iiViiiitiiralilatien pap,: -r•.---It has yeep:.stated.'that•the-iPtike . . MONTREAL MARKET • . -,,,. .,. .,,,....::„. ' • . ' .: ers as ' British subjects in Canada Of Wellington .wieste. his Orders on • • : • . • • • Bortlri-Dakota is to erect a, inonu- , .. • , , , , , . .. , , . , . . . . - • ' since the Act went into effect in 1902. horseback. .Dn this point Priscilla,. !.. 'Montreal, Aug • 4..---Flour-Mani- Anent to Theodore Roosevelt; : During the.Period.betwe n.• Ju1y „St,' Lady:BniglieSh, Oliettioned..hiM and teInt -Spring. wheat patents, $6,10,to A negro -charged with assaailtan .: -. 1906, and •Dee : i'st'i 1901, the mum._ receive ._ he fol owIng epW"diap.04,.; $6.,.0, second patents, $550to:So.- a. white woman was burned at the ' ber naturalized was .17,7, 4, •of whoin. , !'lle said it Was his Constant. prac-1•19.„•:,,,,:: . viinter • W„hokt, 'patents, :$'5 to stake by a raeb 'in the:publie Square .. 7,2'10. Were' from the United States, tiee inTaetion, and peculiarly. latter, te-'"-00;:• straight' tollere :$4.25 - to, at Grepoville3,,: Texan: . . • an'cr3A--irier-.e 'Jr -ma -nese: , • : cloWn 'th-e---rdb-ist-ets-e--o-t5GI'in b-'-' -' ' -.' .. '---- .. , ... ... . .,_ iceraOCI sc;uthern &eIrdaniraiidr--'7 a. few other islands- ire- -. above.left water. Of the great land-,.----- -bridge,that-Once-Jjoined. Europe and 'America, .though we .find the ' . marine ridge .that .extends all the Ani.,,cang.the many_proofs Of this niay miy from Iceland to SCotlaild apart -of-the foundation Of that land. s. - ••••••r"-it-hatTlree.n for -spirce-tinipeondla..4' siVelk Proved- that a land, mass!-Cotice sonneetes1 Madagascar With south.: ern India and 4 -Mir -wing the. .„ paSsageliern Asia to Afriet,'Of land • - canie islands after they have been 'aninials *hose 'appearance in the thrust-oheve---the7-surface-to-disaP- .West waS-oiace-regarded-4-as7inek-plic-- pear agaio. The island Krakatoa able: -.• was iterall-171)-TOwn o•- e o the roc crust of he earth has a -world 'shaking explosion AU:- its calamities and its revolutions like 'gnat, 1883,,'and the great wake •that .the human. race that .livea on it,' . resulted, over -400 feet high, . sWept, 'Fortunately.: the. naightiest-and-inost-- over the,' northern :Coast' of 'Jaya, far reaching Of these disturbances drowning 3.6;0040 people'. are not cataclysmal and the , reAtery-sl&svIyAronght about • above the Pacific nearly twent , , lylia.rrss anagdo; osniTekinaogiaeinhaius- ca,obthouetinteino .w, HA7,--rs:A-7;40ATIoN' : in -bas 90 - GENERAL be 'n Ione here , only the tvy'' 0 varieties Of humming - by his al es -d an p. , moo:. fomid 1$1e -'d1-50 ' ..,„ f„._ bu ds peculiar G TO TRIPLETS- ' -that ate, Verbal Order's were either -Tn-lnirosleins are now Strong -.to Chile that have been, seen the• incorrset13,* deliverecioraot Compre-, Pc'una8* • ____Iy,'wpro-Drivtiali.d. bats, . :tep: s ever since ey were .rs _ „er a „__s ton_ , Oneasion Colebratea in Great tyllf3 d-dolito-a-ill-o---Firorotito-ol-:-°7ats-2' 1 • • 1. • Ui " Lachine lioilebniit . tit:I'yie • ill- Tizselret-loose 'sheets J•°,6"tc-d. 46°- ' A deSpatch ,frorn Mootreal,,s_ays:: Mrs. Bertrand of Lachine gave biiih , are hale and hearty.' .SheAras ben married six, years,- and has seven Children.' The house was decorated on e nes ay in onor o e event' and a and sundrY-Were-made-wel- 'e - ,A1,s6 $1 , b kil d a. motor ,ear accident in ornmea o .93• per bag , . of asses' skiti• of the size of .a large .millfee4Hoziterio brnn„ in hags, „Card-(such_.aa,the Vitaion s-froni-gg076(rio ,$21 -:56 -;--shorts, court are Printed on) and Pencil/ Manitoba bran in ha s" ;$22 to $.3 and .when -4j ad -n' -order. s n he • wrote it with hi s pencil on one, sii.irte-U021.14P-T-IB2trelS Short • cut Side of those sheets in his hand, the mess $512.50; half barrels, $1 50 ; clear fat back.sy-•$23'4 Any -salt; long- 01-4-.-hekc-1-the 'AAP- ' talear,backs lle ;:barrels. plate. beef, seLv_eSsel foun_derclUiLa ar Clanteti. !300 , . „ • xi der Oolti, of the Oer- anjalny, will reorganiiellie Turk- •ialLarinY, • Cla;rk konnedy; 'Enghshman -TAS" tin e hirrers-diTz Se ; i'vhe captured .Tiy .Moorish - 0 • re to be • • fATAL:OLOCK. (ii.lE4Se Percy_ Daniels, Cfentes,,, in:. Coptadt, mink: Liv. Wire. 7 • A cleSpa,tch froni,•:Quebee says: ' While -installing. a' motor in •cold- - • : storage warehonse-on Virednesday" ' sli-O-ek ,-•• a -live as a.- result -of died .an hour laten 7 Deceased • witis ,Well known in Toronto; where. 4, some .7eai s age; he :ivt'Irke-il-fer 'the- -4s • , :General Electrie CorripanY. • a nephew of Mr..- IT D. Angus,' di- t'ple-tf-thr-Da:rdrof-T-Morrti "'" , of 'age, and urimarrieti. • . .• frugal 'mind it: may be a ded.that_paucnd to 9,X -e• nuj1.6 lard, .ga:nds, has been released', tet_ns eonehicle with an interest-. 14 t 1r • skins were returned to him to !mil ; 'hams 1.2%. to 14e, ac- SEN'rENCE SERM NS. • after the action Was, over the. asses' 12y,e, to 13e ;- kettle rendered, cleaned ad used Over again. ' to size; breakfast • bacon, • „ e o ,Windsor &cony C b t Pe. rtified- virtUe is but vice , ing note cencerairti the --sroulig4 16c ; fresh killed: 'abattoir dressed' tell er6inet work for ciodiOthout - .(iiieeil. Ii"„ieteria, .."--iesterday, Celli- : hogs, $9.7,5: to $10; live, , $6:95, to love 'for men.- . • ' iTif out Yof ton, *e Met the Queen:, $7. i -,. ' ' ' ' A deadhead is almost ill . . . driving in an open carriage ;• and Ii Eggs--Seleeted stock, 23d; NO, 1, blockhead, saw her so well, in a White" 8Iiip bon 2O torki-INIT-1; 16e per dozen. • . sighing for a YO -it 'Eden will not :nee,. Very,pret0:-And- neati-stoiling-J.Cheese-/-.-W.e.sterns are--quoted--at make a new earth. _ . *ild: leaking pleased and.haPPY7 She', 1gF: to 1244c, andasterris at :,11%c, F 'eet is not a thoroughfare was 'quite. a pretty' . girl; with a, to 1-13.1ilt,4 , '• - - ' '. ',' •-•: . ci 'heaven/ -•. '' . , -, 4...i .Peculia16-8wd*a4c1-'int6114611V6)Iiii . ' • .. '2-774; ; TTlbieered;nbloe 'hefrae idn m-beaneharitS. that tenoned:" • UNITED STATES MARKETS. convincing to hipa f. ''''s . ' , : 4 '• - • ''' ' Buffale, Aug:. 4.-ziprIng *heat-- , never-Itnew..-,N44-4e--ea.„ f..i , • ,, ,esr4e, c.oeso.not court secre L.,, . , , • It- ' Many an Atha:no, wi itir116.,..„,'IpP.r...tjyY;.1.,,a6i1Afo,.tiili,nedi!'tlieji..Y.„(?..tell.: 'AO, .s_tr.,,:a0e;..etr.,,,1V4•0:4,,,..Wyienitie4fir.u",icer;:„I‘TO,o.r.n., bit Itinn:•bs,•./...n,_dnfin,n,,n_e. by th _, p2 o 4 yellew`; sle s, Ne. . 3 coi7n; 80c ; No: 1". father "ever. lost an of. the 7-7 'alwaYs • visited. 4 It is not very uncommon for vol- Vie*. A part Of DegasInv on 'the • ' .: • Alaskan coast disappeat d after a. A life insurinee • • 'few Years and other land:- as recent- A smile OA the face.';.,,Ot. Father ly risen in the same neig .60s1:„: Time: . "'-e, • _ . . Far -Out in the Pacific 19t04i adr, intestment- -iii the *--taiik ;of the Bonin Ts an s new Health rose above the sea inif the Japanese -JVhelkitiiiii-67?"ili!-- raised their flitg °Vol' it and •gave it droP, ' the name of Nushirna to their ac-: The funny supplement, life's ne-Vi-si- - . quisitiori. I has sli pe4 fro their Pali • . . ' .1 . grasP,. hOwever, tor the following The sill:sax coating to the bitter • is year it: Melted away • to nine feet pill of work, a ove sea eve an e . r s -1---ir---rttl-ciitio-irrr-hez'rPol-rJby-a-sia-b, • . e,dtivil 1 .'„ of it has new- disappeared:- ,.. . •„, • • . . traction in, wealth, perdinandwhich rose above A reSt wherein you work larder in, .,00..rn;_rige 84c.", Oats- time-he.spent .with children. t••••'; • L NO 2 i•I ith •621,4e The man with inanY cornsalwaYssiuiilar . the Mediterranean in 1831,: had • a Spending your Money than you ever history, with the :addition of: did. in earning it.. . , 3 white, Ole ; No. 4 white, 60c. Bar,. wants to go barefoot in thperOwd. ple-,WithtLy-leads-nsually... ., ' -New Yerk, An. 4. -Spot steady ; like to think that they have brittle ' NA. 2 reck98e to $1 elevator: No. hearts. .. - . -. • , • • • • . '1'..1- 2, ;$1.00;f f.o.b. afloat ; No 1 :north-. Talking moonshine about' being . • , ,„n Dul-nth, $1..22X %f.o.b. afloat ; stin'shitty does not, make this world \-----=--T--- he- if A_ -'b Stn[o. e ---Fra. 'in- — Minos- vithp-d--N-61-12=-1-rard7--WintOri•-•:--,,-l4i-X 1-'445-:-b-r-raoy-b-rigliter. '''''''''' "aflt.-git. He who. succeeds in dodging duty ___:____44...:. ,, is ',surprised to: find how success a. Naval. Disaster • . _. It takei-niore than "'Keep off the Losses . in St5oic ,Market Canso Snicide of . ,..,,,.., „noioN. do.,dgs him. , Br it„A14.1....,4,:vieedsh ip glass srns to Jin ,k the path of .• • .1,/-14,„ . • • I 1 , • ....• •• . 4 • • . . • A A despatch from London saysi.:_imught ()Cour at any thud in any, sub- it i 1. a e( tlate$, -ttir-bile-the-11-ritish-subinapine--floti -mariner'4fw-a4---d-ne-4P-Ole--4-ailu-re - -, f---' a le spAtercir tnLomb. ays inc La waa manocut,ting off Folkestone,' certain springs. to wOrk properly On NO. , .9 , NN'a seen to be fatting he, acernitit of the. rolliin• Of the twOat. diStresi,;•-A--These-spling!' are -eetinbed,--...wall ieSeiie party 'WaS.,organized, and the the 'valves by. 'whieli,-; the noxious crewi,, consisting tif two Officers and gases are expelled OOM the beat.' , brim mon', vete found- notOnseleuS It had. 'been the custom Until re: in the 'boat', • • • 'eently ,•foi. 'British 'subinatines to It .seeins that the raters vete dairy white ill 'the Vk'01.1. •ThOSE3 he corining 'tower, and,:notielog little aninials,•are siiseep, %hat Ark -attention wri,S' paid to 'the to the futties potor, riod sinal i„ below, deac n4e4. . he _gq,,.ruyad e, 4e•11. hathlieS and''SaW' the :Cie* s4neaking SerVes• 10 AhOnt iineAfigelotig from .--tfin :*arniLtig' the.?eite of . an accident of 'petrol; th whial they, 160,.. tett like' the reeetit one, Sevokal weeks • , iititiiii.• The timii :pre :finally it- - .rign the ,...tititigh Achliiralty„ei'dered ,iiiiteitate,d. On ,lbein; ' ref -tight. :tO .*ItO- that the' MioP ghoul& fl'i carried ' no ditiC;t1;,trl,C.0.to t -t e vglinutiity see-. , •bodo - all. Ili°. ritddide*, ‘O'ito lengei.. -, .! A .?•outi" to non -. on:t!,e,carth, . ., ,„. . . A , , • I 1 • • • • • I .. , Daily Telegraph says tap Quebo. ..hattlefietds be hallo-wedground, conteetatdd foreirai. t,1geniiti 'Of ('•anadian nationality within the em, pire, which will one' day PI AY. a vgrC at part in the -world's affairs. The° highest • mission of Canada • i$ to Attiti het -Wool 14 a in mid the 'Uni'ted StateS, holding eaeh by the: hand • ' The tinieS the' highest tri - lila' to the, snere4ks of the Tercenten- ary- It ss eanada has ()illy to be ' Folks ,who take :their, time f•rom every eleek 'are always sure' the sun 'off his ,sellexhile. .• • • Many are soured 'On life because 'they,' have. been 0..yul,c; Make its spiec de for the bread of ' of lifek . oittof,--people .would have a' gdod deal 'more 'faith •in the ,Ahrrighty, WOuld shoW more Oocility to their , !When 'steals the 'honey, froth sin he always- tells 'himself that he ;par Tee it ;Walt: the enifi 'Of pentatiee. • • • •' It iS easy t.�Ant cy(;-•.s,f to thg. troc.(O berW,ird 1-"e r great tra.- brother who Is our hungry hands are gu-,qout to eie one who ,is . • , k:7 ' • ", • Montreal'f3roker. :•A .deSpatai• froin •Mtnitreal The hifsiness 'men reCeived a shock cn WednesdaY hen' it '-tVa!g 1,661110 that• Xr.„ Gray,: -a promiu- . Stockhroker,• 'had' committed suicide durinerthe night- by 'swal- lowing chloral, 1Te...,waS cl.u,ttiontk cut over 'heavy losses and had ,:h7cen quahle• ,Sleep for some time. TueidaY'l.night wen,t, to a :betel 3.14:01tY and aboilt 3-86 'called ap. 'At Debbini,,''a friend in Wegtinoiint; and. liade„hini good-bye,, nit ag kir the last ; friend , hee,aAie atarniedairid lintriedlo the hotel, where14 found Gray • lying ' his ;bed iniconseiou•S. An ,aniblir,, lance was. sninmened, and he Vas. :speedily oom'eved to the ,•no,Y,al • ,Vieteria nospital! where everything . was done to sake his life, but death ensued .this slier n Afg, 4t, Oeisay 'W*8 reil'Irbot of the • 'Ant Of J. 'IT, Dan & Company, and „ wag a 1110Mb:1r of the • 111Ontreal . :Stnelt txehange. 46- was ahe+it M- • • " ear -of ae, and a, 'tkar 'ago mar- ricd'.MissClayton of - Ottawa hone was origin:ally in* llalitax, witetA h„: .hS.S a 1.M.be Ihring t.t, two- • sezi, • • , ' , •