Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-07-23, Page 8_�7 o me 0319, lai o v -e ---Be _U afid o e nes 0� U ty N r0 ay, espa, c r-oni n owhe aays T, mysiory7 of -6nstabM W re hn-.0a, �h C Bay bite w last vi�o years.'som and ire bberi f 8 Ou' 1` t e tahlishl r es o Passexiger u M .Wdeipatp xm P vhite piiie, 'ing' lik( xnitpba heat-- rray­�6f hA ]Ka�ket uo 8�- nti'fi halt a �nfi!46U YbuPg*�N trains, wejt-of-,NoAh1Bay dur the 4 ed the - prisoner, 4 ror, d. In, ay ofts No The ont�brio h been importe G ive4­and 146 Lmc has ati2id Ahip Or grouse' dL aa the man Nax tidns - 46 eo onth,:w.hich, caused hi h lug nd dipt I i. $134, N0. -2 northern, sy an A, 6 ose seasO AT1nO %nee, an, me( lum, W 61 Ing baick. and. rave. ailetectivc akill,. has , it is claimed,' g, so, pX onsIve h t '�Lol;� poTthern, on t A91iicult'gral--s b h "' ' ' ' "" wipt _Q_ Initiated, y t e -:.acquiring the d f the 'best be ited to, li;iffle his n ned desti aG491ph I d �ly ne� hundred, of lege, yello*., 'Ste gt&L 1en ith �6rnmebt, jnuiserxew I B"k Oro Ifo4aV614A e-on.,solved, 14 so' Go T uto, reig eit i * 836 to­84c� ints" Vorfolkl'cftht�,� O-Wus6d wi 1, -i 7: o By"the,44t, x1Bt -fishiAg. nn Wednesday ol 04 -Pe- d b jiid he the, arrest' fie 16.- T k 2_ I W tOn jo-,46c,6Utaide'; - - - ­ le -jai _46a� e expan d- t h A' ]La1i4o.At w ea, of # e, �;-. g�ic uit is Mitrie gro, giving 'Do ho haw. ta" e I It, Sault St6. the "name 0 o or "� -er t s propose. ursery� 18, tp� b ed' f B identifi6dby frpedtive, Murray IMF 1pbtiLrSLigg!��G�_ b t6'Al- 2411itdb&� 6 Pinkerton tec wit -ut Schreiber, iat6r�pt Agtwx, �.,w ith yregqa U '41. era, Iolqton�,_ V A W, -ha�ed 'becasioned',tt mooes, U. 'P. R, m y 'N' 40c- to benAuar te that the ho� has Ireman e t is quai N 'hi eut;, o ux, ex- b rt �e to,, be estab- 'ports A 560 to,,L6o' bl� trouble. -and, eight days in: Order da, -�,ah --w e 5U- I I Om that amo t point and'i jail for a,,4e:l9oke 0�' a Omi te -the 0 i d is d" be�, bV t',�jome -futur qvprnmen g ack fr h,hag !pee a quote a is ree "01111tip t M am rge a By -the 11, 0117 n V : 6 the,� Vul. I Lim whk d ord edUl managi g to ,e 116D. elso ill. f,� t e a._ Iwated in The u declared to rp, ld reforest. I bee' iQ6rp6r0 I .1 - - JV- tc-ith they shou, iat sault-� ff " inbne 6 orp�g; quo a OV d- New z s &a ait. -me of the­� large 16sed, again. t ou'nd 6c 'on 3 Are a v 1 tA u P, di d to 9 'Z' nominally' Spot, easy;. No. 2 ie 97 6 e�t Lightly Any. .11' e t immigra, io.4. t6adi 'but, D9n1t, Tr Ss tupkwhiest est farni'laborers:nOttO 90 w _ , I 'elevator,; IN o. ork ol F 8 - . e ow: Rnmans. 0: Odted'65c to 6 r I' 11' _UJ bo stick to' 0iitari arms. alloat No 1 ern, Duluth W S Ino YN A 'uOta I �' I Ipaiion in w ET j&nd to, treat 119 t- ran�_.Quote&� N ONTP. $1-22��, f -O -b; h o 2 -hard It is.al* 4Y R h6rt�;-'$26 to $21 in W a -of th Lett( tions_.for_qe=-� - aa die its share xi�eful. goo Disco -his y in" bags $2. more. aik ir ' muSt -B -th. 1 -Apaiftl � in a- little shov: C" P; R er the d one 4AS %,h K Ba b Ffqur--:�Xan eets Om .. ......... il t whi espu OIL � �e' of 120. a- �,seconds,, $5.40,;.,.40119, Xaan: irs ancl trink x a'ar6%lajne0JOi t1 I6 F e 6uvon 11., Pyicaa��vere atchedAhe-Aiff enen&� 'jal,-of the 'er- C_ P11 R. c ontredl.-last w0ek­ $5 30 winter *he T d tasin -in- bakers' at, pat� Oron6, uyoin:d--w on d d - - -1 11 'I hurs ay Sir�,.j y to a I �atem V, Laurie.r .up 'k reported, 10c to i tons w,.,, .64 ep 0- �mad6 the 110. Y, ',aurentiaw-Roun ains,' thitt Than 59TV the erpart h" you)) the 1149 hilit ill the I t cases - but- 'for nine t . q go d Williiim'MiAr', t 'e �Vay would beI he�i& o DO "al ,ils of,M6mreal,,�,wer n,,Mouday ,In lemand for. �T­ ODUCE." t COUNT they weie,,sk.eady.'..Th.0 b hind."tWeOun ey was n-Avere O -X 'd 'posits , -in, frimprove- woman , e ey, tbe-larges Juik� aged, twelve a sis" "I 1 the, ek orters -,sh6ws a slight d the, or6 area was A 'Wh i _P1 Vaa. .., , l , "I W , - _'. -- 414kri Mg;xQ,). Tdod. To- aside jim V t At i6 jitock,iffo I-edil'stab F�_S;*p Cfe. iuvtge ere 7� th:e� -,I-e 'as or O:W,$. 1: piify ports amery,.., -anda-01 awas an in t of. iron to� atoli of -h al Y, a r lthb4gh rA stock of novelties had hb M lug pii&s; ordipa �j. lluc TO rices. The e waria;nted: the'coAdu0t, tCanal is "'T �,Jearth I leave,mpp�P�A On 6le - ia the p to, I190 to 6; in c ly -bf.sh6ep 'f6j,,the purpose of en eayc tubs was a good supp onp,couple:hO b terest ',wh d oring, to.. elect fe d- as of the business. equipped with iiew There e.- _ld into realization ` vices or. opetatil., -thunderstorm se .err d., ijt.. �would &'th6. 17ci Ina, ecounter. and. - es rgr t served eami uall have been yesterday' dese.ribed'4s, a a�go6d, vas just ab6u par y Cog I& from 19Y2O tO' a s swing� bridge 'L -,�s&the marke I 666'over e eve� - -.-4 --' - we, have,, completed, he first steel'. -lots, cast a hasty 9 a] 0asP I . - cl-_pr1cep_q,_ 60i e: 11v tX� _�a� _`�J _ north', and dy"Im, T. 'be r new h co a t, Cheese Fiicea- 0!,: foi, er_ ct. t 'd -T p'' . In C Wr!p -New -i2yi ;b t P gow, d t the �,watey' M Vis be_L heBe The *6 U njudi6jous', to, jRan, then turn- Y_ s-��$2 -for -r i es. --s. iarter,�Of. a: mile d and with- -look qi e ra ASTEST. _Qt -tttter-dsdiin for -the d k The statement -is ma e ed-- cir IF 1. of TMV1, 0 c al. nd-picked. V ha ew; Potatoes 'alk6d on, rhg jowu,� iwthO whf6rj,-Mu 0 trinkets' W, Trunk PacifiC willbe'L. e OM A "n wo o I r , I s, pa per bai- 1ti Acal Oted at $4 t6.$4.20 aar's -cr&P- aidud.' ,both� of this yei --t—"Theies--not mu gj� i , . Jen- Us re. BiA6r 'and the o, or �,FX_pLQ1QN N, part 9 tb 46 a are, qu Ack . h6m -ho HEJkAq,NA., lattoi must stan The latter, csminsteT, on� . ...... ... 'if ti e 'h from ing here -I'd -L have ate London says m r urde'inq A' Mrs., M ry. .gi face, fell, and she iee�jnie 0- ko­ d", -at et nus J. j rFs efforts, ke �bis tr irs . Blight , walk on in barg ned' :'.Oth( t co ta. are khoc e t eit. auperei. ious superiori yj_ W, &"-d David Loea4, 0 1p6ed',te9t 'M-AK6 -also T en -1 . d! a shipyard. at -H - i 'Little N'' �orrl )lyde what is: t, to tbe Cba Manning -t ,cut $23 to $23.5 .and �qA: )m of Pork-Shox her liv- 'MorriseY er's A despatch from Halif kx, says vn in the barro'( ra lot help at, 1, I - _pet,barr�l, meSs.,, $19 to,��16 o .be craft x cc 6r hotel. The latt li, describe A distressing a' idei,"W'hich reml t bs, tlib, world" oAcd,L, the, attention . of, w .me and',the' a � VaDCOUVI L .he.died. Lard-Tiem-4 e- h death of, t 0 ;orpedorbO6.&A the ed the hedatiuck the wall, -an( as. gu 6cean7gobig �t 'a; boat. 0 The.ob savetcoill.-d' 1, pa -but its -think' was"L On occurred',late Manning, is chburged L WIt t not het Wilkes,` wbOl� �.o others h mur er ns i2y"c. - _p h Ott kd -procuring- e A of- Smoked and Dry Salted r --for- - �,W6nfWbkth" _eua� le -disrespect 'COUILtYL UQUne toIlyte, Aeorp�-"r -t f e, girl.� Tb& v c ms Wcane8day on' board, 'the , orweg -'conr ,Long clear, Vaq� i ti f- the atrest,and, mi Y4 erhaul these spe v&k. 61 ng at e vhich was t hanisi. medium. An e. 'the humbit. �inent iari,:bark Ragh4i N a and �eases;:­ e h-*, C -Use on ey -connec - awoun id inbers,pt "Prom T --eq lippe 0 viction 61 any"e , " Os -Vespedt- -light 14Y26 v6r', put into e' lit h 'd ii cut 17c to, .1 engines v, 0u. -,Y:!! - V re tb..13c; b&Oks, is a�ug uI losing build� 12y2c -­ - -- illing instant Y er� are� tbAY. f -the U af S�[ 61? �sks,at­whi6h they�.m.0 Xulr�a� son O k Shia ' '19 develop" ar.u. 9 t kg:, �0,'000 liorse _�ion farm 5661& 5 IOU T, kkle, fuel she uses Is oll of,.,whieh -one-� seaman; gs nightly. to e, th�bir ivi dre One of -the, h b d matc� a Iegs f rom . is 0. T c.; green mT b GREAT BRM severely' scalding -&not of seaman'.. as _ieady had-& -Preliminary L IIIN_ TY TIJOU8A.ND DOLLARS;, rka eleph6 asel a-ec*d q1t to Ya�- t -at ot -ng whieh-theie' is, ex fOT'science ia th Lrdi b bl-.the -a I e - - -.-, 4nd ve a 0 11600, U UT OF,F__UAB t f thartkKd M M014TREAT-o.,MA b belie, hlan&aAxig boat.�.-w."�_despatch�- f* R* rming- 40 J e Shed.at,wiqiil)�g- Oud m 7 � bad.:, iiiB t patents, she 1� 6 ot in g the iDjur - , T_ like t e ag9tklzl-ng a.'sprhik whea Winnipeg -says. A c uhand an :her foithcomin I 9 h b iput&ted for, iesliatch from sopat6hts5* t k -ray. dekV19- O ma e Y dise, Patch, from, ase k u A' 'des 5nette; wife of a -titis 5� rg f -A-G-A. N _.straigh. V .rs, John -bif " �n: Wedn esday as th,6'46iult of-ral a e- - -­ _,. ,$1 m 7' ----- ---- -A �6o: iu -b b ough the rob, the 0 a9vo O Ang t r or, te,r- g.t,, La crop Rd t _Th0_,_A :6 lbed: - ge_ thus 6vea ing I a, -con- old A der lur -and - a al -ear; three Un -A A . es . I , 6 C tq 50,c No' it &-x 'B� d - In .-H -queb - I " "'Yea -rd 0�fire __Pooats-�_No. .2j. ch from "hi a- her -field" e.vicau Live _h;ve, been hand -is-sai4i to �g patdh� from A -despt - ' :? _V UP_ No. .4, 45p 0. ly twe m4her le pung in&n.'Sonie' :high Press ; - ' :-ed to -an -exPm �ranktuae, the'r Y a' Lew 40Y The stedWy 51jiPie M' d f3uddOn' F ' � I . I _--� -1. -;t 46c _46%q; agent,., -who, found, he. ha�d t66. h . t t frot �of her v n, of. i IOUs ends­-"tr-bAT ­ Manitoba; eie -ream:jus n ystem­s� . .. I . 4 jeeted, er hand, and ai tO0 op tlIe.tbanir _W a MYS rived O' n, 'Interco y Stati6n.,)ffiii� V -St (liomkal), -44c-,'to 4 c. ol-cl.�ck orr . Ifitirsday night. The much money on Ia ar I ��uitipg knives had meal_ to k0w- the bOrect. 0 pe -Duke of Norfolk X -the rapidly �g The TJ it A States.. n`� Lord Robe � 1. 1. 1i - , _d ht d a'y" -evenin j3 irke had,, a -ni e� -just. inad- hhr tocedure. . The valable, packh96 1 her litt e wh6ni $1 �wil ii0i .oPposo's- er6d bot m6rping -at.9'ha:d h 'dlO like ' di 'r anded on xiday an.or inary, and I' freight an in bag6, of 0 cl6eik, Air a. 6. The child is ying, h wounding, Loniar !� -at't el-tim I 68t, ious, in 6se, in railroad, Po 'station, reatr ed t � . I 'h" ffi' it 44 II, As ransm- a g g insane 'o jjee hi bags,122, IuPr Packages WA o Y. t ,n c if- �IS *.r. ra, brab; n, W Ic 'th' ew ']Aanitol fuily, Cipt.-Hon. Eynd A,you . IP rking,on 16art a;n elf I 'a Or young men- a( �66a�i e 6 $23 gh h d hims driven -Ge(- e .'a mother PP to -ICA m -when ,Perrin puled Burk 6wee 1 -126- for r i�aod their [Is. girl.. to the chiteau,,Front easterns.'., gains , x-oarvin IA% i4M 0 a- ­� t" , SM The Arst -dress -reh6�isal of -the, -al on Sur.s riag d an round TWO 14U.N, SUIV LTIC k. place Showing Sol .)let �utter-�-23c­to.233/26 .'for' Vein Two men balie been kille ts too. Thursday &Y for P f Ott g4c.in a. -job -the-, Plaint of Abra�-' W0 -F face thirAlatallY wonded. in''iL r6ligious.., 4:. &LV1411191 noon, -on th YnIu creamery. selected stock, ham, and witi a huge successi 'Briil��6 it Littib M e' 04 gc. t EggS74isales of desoatoV fronI O war � atiOng I n A a! 40101tIlk C,� a. d I sands beiiig unable to'se6uVe seats, h disc6ver,was tingham" � - . ,, No. , 1 T. Der Ydrk. were fiiade t .from, Lethbridg6, gh ..an a mis &. d sio�n fee, A( despatch ric A �Ox6jt, the New �6rk on oaron.. . 't. , . 9 I. .1 I at ls arpage`,O, ;� e $in " on Wednesday, Tolw, t No' fatality 4 400, �,_ A vein wfour�d'�y MenL b�. 1161i maker ]Barrel h t t tharged. lta,, A'do 11 b wi'q'h e.poi n- chi:ng., The vein hais� een '01am . li , , - * 11 d Wh6tv th'd-B-ft' t en at th dry -r" was,comIng In O -Por �. Is ev,001n9i coveredfor nearly iod'feet Uk "i long.- an, an Geotge E. Thom �6��t to the const 'B pt, sh;� collided *ith the. b, Atish b rmet sii&�' -voters P in1, both -yesse 4 eing kre s�d ot W. -CO ship RU as S Of ddidiM6 "t, e 0 clea:r son., fion- h b 'a b- thereVill,be a memori i at of Qi�goil gives t,e half7 atiom A in b ga mel � sery ce �ldtjve offieer'fr6m $17,6 den- death b' uffOC M&SO.,of calcite and .41ver, My 6 ­ t h, remove' - Iy damaged. e 6 'j6 d6rch, at.- Greenwic ,c to' ,slightl 1,* I t. AIR, We 30 feet ep had beefi� su4k'bY It is i it h p.a�,eta disple486 lardo a -rid fo e distandu ,00 I -is buried., T gvernor do e.ye ere tat the, foufidation r part of th where, Wolfe' he Lord 0 tQ., 136 -1� the ,, r, .1, an -rfdg A' c o 14c aO- on the surface--- Laden& i them.- h mdta,1 appears , I I d. sheriffs �wil rut �ggg, Bayi 4A 10' b -the M&*O,r an V -V '&ISO been made 'In Don't boil S e fing has 61,de achments ;h 0 W % '�' eke killed at Bo%ton by' &A abandoned 'entry'to ;the Galt 0, ex r, -ITIV. wmb� Vull aqsen c port c; N 0 waii. �he.Vc tunnel rt -.b t atehinan U Vef, I d Work- rof the ,ga C. IeV .... . . ..... On ace6unt' li ei ng. 5. so to, -V�ill accept no On- eorathe Pregidenti#'clim� 9T T ..Of -000 J 1TVD STATE *ARX _oVor $�05000 N aany 8,0 Spilng xg b" No Winter GENERAL. stOre,. �,c - ' olo;er,; pope �has Y n The-. No. 2.mixed, 640, Cor d th' 0111Y ei ht,, and is now on vvbitb, We 4 iI'le No. 3 Wbi e�� 'ek.6.d QU P I to .777,0, ene of rwegi di t coin 76Y4 e No' James. MA444116Y it a pundq�� in w 9 go; %yellow, 19 T n w. rowninLT. Iisherme '2 hirty f 0 Firm ay t a b�avy.g&le. off 'Santa'ndek haive W6;. X0. 3 whitei �`oc. B&rl wo rev�61ution&ry agents Baroe.,A t, 101, ; on trAc b k, 796 Bapt :. et.missionaieff 2 heai, /g;, Xo� 2 anewg�is to a B th wag dumbf6undo 4 '6 �1 and' (6 16Ythdj-U_ Th Udk into t e water aga n photo A des'P 0, ti th `0 - A in i4efitv Pro ing, has, 'adjourned 'till 3 NokthOjtll� Bay's n w en ­hhd iihiti4er6d, no 'Woaney on boayd, th. Wi A oi; 1� 16' gail V y erescuer Vitli b �tr ­b�'- the ha' ej, in, ranc 00%, to $1. f Jam b ably "i� JOA 'dita�idfi.t i lo' b' �he nae 'o g �Ttd"(a j�'e Di o u h th� N e "' anga stj%ridd a b4ttle�.. under'. the lou r—, w' gian borque/Atlautip, �vhen,AJJA. 6wa at the el e'd at fhe Aakb was duo to Ie of t Maft 61, We ew after* as it,was were.'$iven for the part OF 8 anesdai lip a f tecoxidg raftridge he ld-er-Demptet` Lind,.86;ved;� witer - lot tb6,, eptembek-, 06YI to 96Ysc Wo %togtg� 45,66 10 $1 'thi%ay ap& apohored at on, noso wag Wee IR F -ranee Who' F* 1h firs'q sevdtttl pbtfoker� nj New Yorit Up6n wboin M second Pate dif Priest haher nts $6.56 to 70' d The AtNmiid witi, 0 ho fih d i Isla . , , been' "ri�, in the I - second '10 an, WE I . �. I I 1 14 Oat ha� morn'jhg, will be 1,j5 -to $4.4t. po& �ffil 9 but bi adly. ty t1118 first `616ars,' $1 Sbe 'Was wblv.lhg theof bet th&6 an turbing, the P090 ish sent out f roin d tho for a16 - cleatg $3 56- to is., b6u)i'd to. Carleton � Que, Thi h i i in . wbal in, -an' ijito�icaked' eb Count V6ntzel- KAU`fiitg�� a Minis '$10L 00 to'$19. 60. up y naited 'arictoil e river. McManano,y artl6s re9cued- b - -wa's bulk, pott is gltuateO ift.the-0 aeuafhn July 21 Wheathe north lsffiot6 is si after. waf t, gii, Of N,O I X ortlid-t "i of Chaleurl's B'Ay'�, A tUg, B�qke Ae Johii.. course, laid.'6vft ;.,%nd. roughb'h&' $1 17'tO $i,,!8� No, n0 lie w4i,suffi6ring rom abro' last Ue. edg& At Boot was'W pUlied to sept", v;he'iro the wcmih. had'. day to e $1a' d- ebf tbw to their instrktiolit the his o i Livib sPat, s A wofrLaii starfed to, serp To,' i,$� 74y Atlantie,.an , upon exe, ang at ,b6 asked if 1 '&M. an N, 000,'*6 the tionaL he r6plied'.that h' tug Ali of, rague 'The , Count to 756, �B&il6Y that there r0r: M 6flly hdoxg setting'. Mul Theri she' Stillcli the w .0'a Div � P � , , � a, to li'Ve A� L I atoll Wn, Ott Y , fil: . I fbig, Vi ' ersitY I a' 6aah, 73Y g il .6 rl In 'd Afi66, wag th Illy. in, "A i , C ilod �Waa olz.e thiatakd, 'The 64tain a 'g e. Ife, Gm, ae'4Y _t� as # -601t'M ein P 0 lywncad to pull if�'Ou 'This can'sed MdM& 4