Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-07-23, Page 4"777 W I , �,A­ .1 1 11. -r,y -w-T +++1++-0IQ4+W;+ N n a dijable D14, A.. a Ay uwe� Rk 7- n. At Cal w �y -OR7­77 al w Wipiesomp id inuch !nQr, Wrl M -W. �fizing ai-, a D- -1 7: to �um, a th tunO OnlY, chr q ,,e, .840 had, I lenity'q'' A 11 A j UL wa 46 R7 W9 jl9w v.m said' 7-0 k I% h 61 YY- , "A'r U, '1�v ipk Val Lbb�, -WVc1,-,by 14a orop 9 yAyun chr PaSS g4 P ,fio� iho h6 sol, quiet-. h f OltlS had nn41 hie lWd ng pr"CII 4%x atmed' whion �shouid give. a'&Ood'flb� u partly E;et 'T W, a br, �A;lc Alit t TR B, —y 'D -b. th' aiw 7 I;Itv,.W OP o fjKthd stiVitLes, and wd.�w ilRu wR a V 9 lit, W�Stm t P40r y up, by lgun L Was.,, .1ay. a Per g a4, lg Ion .... . . . . . . Y., vu 7 t th . ...... . .. .7 lity, e, �pre 7- 59 Ith Of, fful 7 80,B.BED OF sio t Thit' iffit, ayed, t" a .4�vletKql, Ny idow,, So ieP. Ich tw Th ialillat, h" ror b4. f4pit on, a, d W vVI th -tt d bA i-je,r -lit - U t' f) tho -46ck; g i4proe jr t r .... .. the l'y by�could S-0 194L, --,ci bl6 Ohre- Wile �nd pre -7 a )ra� tidal y,l!!l ity 61 ms,agg, Th ine zar, 4S nor h inle th ink tt t F�V� �T Tac —a M 'fa JA h' ;6d no 9m did" "t" -or ma - for -ever, gr hefl.1ftiatarl.ng. -IT trw Y' AL.W.T.- Hi­WITii1OFF, Ty �*,hbi�' ha"ve. in t K f "It a s �b;�r h6 stoully.Genled it. afraid ChU on Tnu�,Q$ Tio Pr, 11AR that I've b6on, drieami% 60 cia�rjxla ana, Jm lkm� r in 0 ji H -changed, his Mind h6l 9.46 -7 oil I A !have, etta.414 A,Ipre (Wb6 For then!. Y�� $Ecilisi, 11PNy n-of'h'6 o*ri., -and -f66okd W &a -lout )fb put$jdd a 14y -OWAl U-C jxn* 'a h Pi 'a vat hd Qt UA, L a grond march ate, whU , aTe tO-4�iiDl to 9 TnosP;j#)endid j�,Aww�l�=..Was waiting. jvayj &P J in but U16L t6w Wi U UUM 14 inivirdly. utter ath4t ucceed in s<) daimty add d&fUl? lod,, lies n. t1idso pboipislonal 04M0rs ;s tile �-n "*dt SpendA L. 11 40 in c - � g 'y 1. g!pr ru �Q WV11f 'A� -69 And, her nigh-tt'di *&WbA� 19U eand '0 " L in tionih.., bbed his k9 ralid J�W� (" J� _. k 41 VO, �ey Mn ib,noi 6ir to, range &t.'Cb t h 3 m.3 at' m 6ar?"a.w4i WV Tjie �'aira JS 7401 Making �flit ryce tho mw --wedding. in4ae&Ae 'hird -it is WIVM 1111, ident-in- W1 � - ­ � , ­ - I r, e r1d.. n4A v! 'lit gQP'.J,UiI, for to:L her(L W OUU=4 arrifture' f WAI­ feet'; 1orjgL:'j- tha fourteen byl, & -;oneL 'Or 1` iffazur (a. Wedg S OL thVint Ay, -old, placb -W t 'have s&pW, Ztwol ....... pio, PVO emn. n a profle-�Ion�l in, any u9ing ked,alwa* on t0i given, Or.mary �papabtl;jics xna W -I Will, ahva:Y�. 1), at. an MUG and and ,j4khjg tP4 n -D Via fihe� h o 71.0 48s,jb4ml -amleur. 1Vj n 0P P, w -add a L_ Ue _k"d tncy'will adtr and:dC9111ful 10 behold Nof4fifrbq hurder Plies rsw Whjch'qhj: �t .11.0 S(n aji Q qp-tvo, *,-.You fter, 16 theft, oe;6liffl�s, and that, cou A P. lit P #t b an to , 'I day,, Inait Ile Jb8CP.jjOV ivMgW .6bWa 7 _fine Wdre Vong Lhei d"_ hibli,400t 0�11 il.. 6 tir Isla i5%fe� 4,me� e 0S Wim Vnist Who the. inj(,Pt,L, <If paid, flav, to .-De --a4 din Aa _g -flip s tt -a flat -A, a.. o ir�W bapk' lirlp,� or Cori- el nj kb, , , V4 i (1,4. W 00. pr rial, gol& is w wait k 11 th a�ld'�jfsh;q Tb6le hdvd foul vemenc� d,all. I hat, 1011d a mer ('%Ven, ma 'I ih Ile d 1�1be lY dom� Co. aJAQPli; d -of tl(f -chic k'Ki6g"SeVerill b, wa, '64 ";ba Thie. - CZar 111 if*Wes," and was vs gold Va'"�5:'for tll#'fjojW d, .2 SUS , 14D his eykt 'frdin ily, LWJJIV t �of foil the' rrilit nd S OP 10 t I It rt: b -d 11 th d pp,&m ds nd I!091Y.,-bn6. �*,ir wlimm-, whero. Sils down -ap d, not hb�VL S I ]a ugh!ng. %Qm- kf',6' be- :iV9!jh '62 vo a f follbUring vul; tile 4-- eq I ' tfte -abOUts it wi.4 found !;Iln p .44 _ U. rN -Fthjestudy, for t!jl1j f f.e., ag -Gld id6f -,that he js anj W44 bul: aIatta�6e;k s.*d Tfi� - m r g, Ille. but , his can In"that CaSO be fled t0,them4hd;of -'Ily:Oical. 'ifilatd�mi-blg and but ji ist. ebur'tle WHL 'gDOW rn'U . qu-ickor,t v&y for. Lucy W'ja U'Ve -The alt;09 ho rol 137 I+ilod 0. comfort y wa. and and 0 I -110M on 'Ir wed ng-4ight fizl-. 10 IPPrbacl o�g WcqEI4 Sl t at had oomjrlot,116 10 I he gae$tnq a:n 0L tile $jkbU hlowj- Uld: i'd t Wus be 4�� �fiore than".a. Wiel -Ailed and, h 4w .1 iM,ly U-- 3:� 'Q04"Gh PW -; - , - r a -yoar. wheIn, frt6r OV.6 is rid b 4*�& c�alr,.Wore 1e4 I' ;'L, 'A111 �Ql 106, 4 --,40 . I �, I , Kew le bu� yntidl, r�� Ilk, so W4 1, , " clifew 4b� Fk , , 116 4m IMPW. '*1`1 21-L ;6 j, Thlbh CIlWillie.S .41 'it?' 'j Wb" h tr ideal i6hihe.' --$aw I 1ndh,;1:§--ftigh �mnd has a S"lihoy Abuld -b�) ojj;�'Of thl�� 011v&y wat r, thOL'$(' ispep he bl4w. U 60's 6V vold 'of r L lovert d �W half Way betweien the- llr4i -out 'hit fend W @4..bp 6.1 4m t "the thW would' in evory rooM, ' ' * 9 U. IOU bem th al P, ;1�ur 'Inc 6f 1hom, 0, siAex,;Of I ­- 'wa &('911 he lmrpudtmcc of's, ea t 6" , Imp m6t� aloiiig hih I I -so p ErtsiesL Urry., 4 4 to -41. ll,'�mld ZIP tW'. th4eirl I pore Would 0 40 th mWorloug d in t faffie ' r 17�, jfi,".lo oWit% POSIdd-4AM'Self UPOYL Oe, �T �Pered jcQd 'Wrei' 'Thc'lr u 6� 66t and b,,�y, that Y6,6. a dr�iarn, Of-' an g .0, ftir4JMg It 64" straighl, bef4rd. bor Phlrininghanj in �ign IIf, -of, b w ji. . 4) 0, o n4� ill-- .610 U. dild fhefe'* 4 ot.%L�Le or.*D. f 11 ` , , - M -' - (' "P I'( hel Most- lb d e Ing, Or rd under OdMit, fiv thi6r. ovety ll'i M e P�tr rn -ph6 adod -With. Mr,., -And. A� t th r SSlag nob 4eS voly 6ftling 6niftet; W4, lw 11 "'t 4�n' didivitod t6k'geoW r-W',Ar NEGII GA&1r­ jh.� f4,fo of10W idl tanoi60 19 14E TL "Of" Ivan hA-- tse tile old R bir-�and;slt N�yg th' orlur tte Wa NO t IDW the cW)ftk h 1 1*1 IT19'a 10ft But WeiiXt to be fixed Upbn that: llitife 'y 1 gt 4 td�d'wmmP ptchl-I big, -v tvcre V'' I : � th6 fif� - , ' A I., * L It - , 1i4blqrnx;l dt �6 ilty lig "I , � h OV id t rmid. 7 1 wak. Al iKift the arger' WV ile. � k, �Jjt L ry", ight. in front clergywdn-,4 a d, 136t an",,Zca for YOUI7, of rL I-J(�h.; tnnthO: fh� it$ "thoul.gh you had bditght ouib U : w."dg of ct romddstl�t, Ile Uca"d� 14 Um i)f the "dn4a, ftied on P� 43 eyeLq ' _a� �7 1 . , � , � -0. 1. � led, In obt6m;31g. 1140 o-Mjr h,6 taCej. to� thoe� boa�UtjfUj 'I t Peop 0 m 14-a lin f,h,jj ',6 bVrdo much i her.. CNIN ey, didn't biinip- , 6tris' 'h m- le. dn'' t Q! to- lovlf6li�., The & w 6m h46 60.1'ouflds, d thel Art 'h,16 f 'jolf VVIth, nl&n`y eth&94h the tfilrlg,h,­ n fm'86 lid' or ri Yil( -in 90 t6 real, —ibil: -0o it till, en When YOU ge t6i a 11 foj.tU 0me adikilb d4R& g a,6. n4W .I.Vi ''Only in thp, sorpothin _St� 'of �,h In g 49j4 6�nq f�" V o t, ie. Wfi)en­� ta&e*. I:fq I h j��ts rid f a s lh6t her tOb, wido. �M, Inonei 7�.