Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-07-16, Page 4iI Pr a, Th, fr-rig e- ---------- T G ��V per spnuw� PaVir L41CM10111 1"", in.advariet, or §j,.D0 s6t, dd ?�:Y F� f it pro he Village&r furuilhingj t strictly iin a van r, mthe WAter, I water ­ I I I ics )f the ay axe so WxteA h*' hcompat"y d mpk1in". h �Pnttibutor �4ust, 41, eve d to the Wator TU th� t f, Cal was refer a I)MIX011111catiOn. 'It .. ell ig, afid'Pickli0g, i-itee O� ye ..pr -s k- a 0 e.accompiany. ubl�si ----- --- e ervlr., T h beans t d salmon, por,' 'on- u' s, an n - d gln.l3s up season t -URSDAy­'j1ULY -16 t* marma de, Ja la ME T11 wa to �se s Cfi a of police; lbaine d rVe You P1 0 r i f e ai sin w 0! prepare i . L I rd 'salad dre . 9 It and a-,kad foji,"linstructions r6 :No� fol the- musta W1 th all: ihe,n'ecess�iries- d*-. n 0 ning � 3 A % r u de, cted to. oil ic all, first, 11014Y 0. a10LY, sl -0- and M qnd: cow.by.la andie,,- R64 .9 agais -be 409 n -o too lo. path- 64 Y, t", it it We, I do4w e Qive j� iforq tfie,bylaw itiietlY., - W c6'd �j�ed tQ'i, build iAriiii Ge6 -Cater, Q! h Vill d bappy. aWith"'tt q a.'Q ods: delivOre. a brdge<-Q. con Ualityr, "the d proniptly- d steel beamW a s�&, lwan d ,coup e, were. L " _:I� . 1.11-11 ct Mq I .. . .t-- ) I lomatoes, a134ft-er All Cgg!;, t Ge ctine, t e,ab h t build frien Sin ucknow, w, 40 1691ted th, d wias:6gagqdAo' owder th, ir i �7 itbqr, -day l and er or�_ r- 91, at; U outakis for C imelit-t b S.( Ten confidoIlce iba Orbu t, ened ksil br .. 1 brand, 82 Pei 50 �oj thelix aippeaied, Wng Oil 1�f or IMM u�u r 4 i�i a,, A #4 t 7 O?ClOCk'ft U op� aran&, 2 we�w g aional ceje�bratioxi and abou, h 8a )'N the all the'requis.MM 0, .on -a re pon feast. Tabl we nit was d cided to purcli OJk6*V I- 10 0 D� t lepc h'a a as% M _,u dress an pres( U On Ur,. r �or�i: d 3uttd tenderer �s read an �sid Cater �W,ith -A and rtf­_ aws Stewii;r� &,Par red to operxed as,, It gold, h the dbrnpan� repaii 3 6 'p orand wit 4: Pr. % W P in �ihe, 3be PURCHASE hd Mr. McClu%key's tender.. bt,49 :chair-.' an ljjpio�Aptui program .0 Y THE 'A '10 L Wo nlw�v't�r a Iders lor. steel. ork ur -the lo, n T­� Ar,� 1.1,11 .1 t lr6et bri4go Wore OPP . ..... one, Ind wls 'h' thip khOl b -0(; 4 Ontario Bridge C'),. $62O.. PARLOR is qiAalified many More YClibrs PARLOR ROO, Ills ppy. COU nBridge BoPer .$500..00 ran. DF KS age �t esei. British hen -�n A C, 4.h,- C ',w", Moved and carried, th t the C Cter rtl& affected 1E LCe im- LE IT, the,plans, 4V:AB. dan '4d &N ded with no :�jeech id ce-W h* 01 as., both r6spon.. Tu: oiler d M' WATU011!v, B 'd a %,qa W mcist 6u3oyable affair, o af itender of �,;aid 0611D at;tho itakin tait 11 ___ -- .of, STANDS- M and t1IOUg' manpresimtj life� years bqi� 13 estnpasnopremit. -w and it s Eafia P. d are 4orgotien, M ALP 1, RTA -�6. 6, providing.for.watertig. ylaw C "'Say E_ was rea I sn d time a d,: acd thir d t oar6t ,secon Luc.. ow- Aen P1908 ]in ot -MI att n ton. 0 be - , Y. I I __ a ", , & %, 6, t* 'Per EPP st, t lish the aidre C,RBE,ps, -4derta.pig. rVOITO :9u., k of, .0 -PTION, A— 'S' n C o r Fr P60a y -wa�-%kpns the atul ONT­ ST r 1, I & . 'for the: babilli. A RD sting place 0. 0� ,mak6s w ire e-, ours in e W D.,'.0jibbitis beco a 91 a w by a 0: h I the soow yqu man aasy�to�eure si'lliew, 136crd `Prorv. this sc io t. , Our of ject to hold,si,position. of.,tr.u� r at y friends w jopCal the. eow, ing, th j--- h Caiiarrhozwie� rea 0& 6,'7- 4ev qry- P -,ourse,, both a arri-, oi2r ve '. an t of,10116 - A re 1 .#FAut. -post 1085�,,We"hs. -rt,A sissist 6tes,0 � purse-6if gold, t'w B h mmercla , - -and,; for-- th( W, -7 an-dep: iritiaents, r� Co 'thred-i always 6 and.- Telegiaphic. -Ve e, and it -Will tis . a il t,hitirdnes§juniformly it Cat i1hatevery CAse,ls,,,c d itation d 3me- need, in7stir-dotors. ug put'th6.'blA' C�sq expq t6t`i ijtibep6d, 9- the% kya rei b idliit6lk iTpossibli pleasant- m6mory to us -as 7J -used a L g , . . . I I , , of -the�,- -ord" May -3 thjs� razor in, your ATZ rift and, coughs, if, -y-q- ii them, ea a 25 t*' 1pon ridantly E 'tonyoji., adh1ani 36rrowi,abu day. jar 0, ------ 'LS' d Q We a3ld, C6. C. M. catot.. 'Wa. j lEncCarb Um all dealers 'Get, 4 -to -baveyourbarberl�§eal &`Mcli bl t he sin'c�,ro', vind'we WiA W qnct n,for test-, adour �OkoOs Worbop these, razors ...... . or -6f -lit t u to at: Moe 11.61`9 ITh ur" st ohg4s having JOUrn'me,n �0_ Sh rjiyomei useka. ar 1�1 � a , ' ' 'D to 4 *ie is a ,a as 00jEtIES rogg 6�j' of 1hompsou r- onfirmed orli m On ne111001 men py urer s, statelilftt 8. Ow )This bi COILTAW s1sizilwOOD, 50 ow the, air you reas ici -razor, position4f,46r- o- every germs Ir on -corr In 1. Y file(, tes and,ft- a bat "hoe* owhand; ot,V. 6a,iiii#�,h. 80A-4, file ry­Vartaf the fa ifionth, in' t0didl, h ad a I I ' : " . .� : * —1 �. - . :jjgliket. AvIng ive douday of eW aisily 6the t at c germ : - � . ... .. -thi VQting-bretbreware cor 13 , Aledd & Dest S AW, 'On M QAPS �Ry6itnei gimply�"tq 16t.itn Of AGEN "'Spence, 0. % . , - lliqo4bc am _ SELLING TS Oc -'iind,.destrjY8 th a,, D ]E� McIntosh re�` their -way to work r T- iRusgia L A WS Thi�` handR�qf T OW 11L W I11).EJ1411TIJ10�4v A.'F. catiarrbal poiboll The NICIA HA f. Anderson &Muvray- YOU are b isth h". 'k otiono or �T as tho sir tSUTHERLAND e in JOHN 0 wofl, oc '( out ssage4, -bironcliial mills 00- Rc "a I r4S-U I the air, psi I � qitb 96"m 6wp e $400.00 a red.' to borrow It for 'M F. ha�rged o Icam wdets 'O Fuca *as tube�-and lungs E FIR 8 03. ob be ire d. QUELP14 dellitoyring power bhW-daun w9giad- Townshtp,prlpO A;; t, tr�e Be- twe d as: , dh t 'I Townshi Che .,swun�.t�r,,pn er a' sist�d, 46"860bb an appotp a SeL p ilgine r ON& &RaOW BARAIST9110,13OLlu r , . k. , 1. I I I I I . - _Ithe_ I I I n1.t­_"OLJ­'.­.'- naembrane, - � L � IT. -t64 eUe toro etc."Ooderich Out ed:1aud . R.YoMei is �66., .(JU61; Were is D hy outQil jadjoujada' to i��edb is W t '6L Of tikaj wr C is res' bi 0, b-- di' �.$326.00- Co ;0Aj! gp A. Aster, Solid L W., lit n -for any is I 3ay. , pfu bronchitis; 1908,41,10 OUO 14o ate A. 9 overyFriday 07 he t ing organss. Ids, n1ce at Luckneiv -on Fri 8,, MCCItOSTIA, xamine, we 0,clock, in it W. (k All btethreiil dodilii,lly ai jod Vneurnoili.: th Clerk. b nd SaturdaY of e b- Lull. (jAmpbellgtreel jbin�; ijr di eal t1lat 0Y.Ovil the'gelrni life 14 G D FOR RAMICTO 'at g CUR" e )iMples. Sao TKE:' h r 'So� - - ld by�"" %g All suin a iluk Of the' i, id-'. ellee UCKNOw It 5, brigi e it rq V; I Met& of ihe, finest dependent Oyd�r thit block 76 I skillfully, ham- rosterg meets 1111 must be,rdo,00v- IL 000 Ste the oddfell n�jt Meeting -ibardeiked' 'by 'ban I 0 t suer I Tuesday 01 11 i %'' 7" , . . i '�XLhald­ - M tempered r cps -Meeting OU1. 7th inst. it jj , ,cl�6nse .sthe Bye em,, Ula monthly quicklY - afftolt6l-mea, o 'r, u n 4 C 111manultacturor S 9 i end- a cleari d BCantion-thati-PrAt- -.5ec MitO611, La* ralticol.T4151'r. and the- clei6ka anA - gWe ­061--luks' go cillor .). ng, C1 I' 1* [)mp exion.. Uurdoo vents, the disturb h �jpiritq there is noth- hejlth`6,nd good every one in asoaa in arm de—Ift, xe at. �e ma ,stootiabiolut6lY 'A all deal dw' r w� re'read and 1W1 any other 01. h' enough to 6 a evi t ace ounts were pa se LAWA th owing if va�� -the ado lludo : . , -d 0 at t st tender face xno threa- without Irritation it .tuokift6w �Olors. 'defeated AL F.",ifrtbly Ml s. i0anaAa Vd �,0,9.,'hydrant ear it,Ih6 wif,gham on e n Y air�d an Thai,adaiy ihey,ad,mihis4tiif-�- .p., a inka -from W'd` i 4 sio� perfect MO f NT afid. '7 4aeftfian .,of -skilled I aj M410011311soniadyiee four rib the highest el as a Frain forge 16or a _C ad the d6ge -&!bar a Souji , advt ...... now Luck d too- 700 it bridge, to finish, thirbugh t*e J. M-cNall; 'but -,ereaions, none heats Conte are joye Lucknow -war v6ry much or) 'an &TY." , �SS IiB if the steel i urni i�gqg pl%ye-d 09 Fite 'Co., 3 air if the Woril 'Ohct S it Lucko6w salo,r , f� . y d h nJW6 ke,' Olt by, A t mR 0 S eS O a, -lit ting. tott,601a,ulto will fil I lir 62,41 '' .0 W. stowilift ne y E. t lau F . . .... N s c, ar iiij work- T OD "d annoyi 91 iWest. way OP. WOM, trpipiat, of hot an The l.60 lot . *0'.l .0.1 ' OVE LI -EA. it . 0 envy 44 Oki t It 0 I od 're a t of didir hauling car! Vu Of 0 *:11o'd es not *.perf Sie6 the or I 'fecii�n, ,skay, wat6rinA '%yoina ed h f ' ", � "f b per dra6yin-S hydrant, I 00 0001106 tFj1L We I djgQSt8 Ojolf tions are vigorous' at johh Ad gjeap4 *011, ea 9 RU S Cwmre WER, Agnev�, work at Idg4 MAK PRE) 0 1. - - JSL W, tar Spin Of'.'a 1'. *Ojntn'8 Lre . I , - I /� I P AV 'd 'Orle, Teo O VtZe.% *Or will bet to'r dldr,� ir "' '' I C) !� , & rogtl &r. Vings for d 6 bp�t; the'. A k at hydrarith , kiiWotig Poll 1w wit av6. ird, hich health ep Now 10 11 s th purmtj. irheit blobd a best b & na tex ire gi�v6s, et fie ursia's aft Nianag ne)Lp Vigo lth� Vij�Ajfty little but e. 181, - I I b_'L w9od W n ina Urg Of iftAtrac q g4 ya 0 ini6ft 61 ik ioiA ont ot IP nil C (11 fill dell etp, om's 0, sooks ilea for imodirfoctidip a 0 d todhip F Ayi 6,)Vl t ait W W Ad,EN X, 4,t4. to send. bill 'A