Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-07-01, Page 5'ALAI Nw."E 8`0N rV II- ------------ e W sizes All and, Al I& C11 Rad rg siaorvbj -01) 01 wh as a mem Sht) !be inue 104 Wbr4teb- and, 4:0, �.4 W w .1 an 11"a", WWI. atacy for 166ple 84. OP te es na .40ALUDEALERS' C: t A mosk� $, 1� � t is I ion sup 6 SfUl rds, Pirty -M -S S �'Ba ,g;t, .4, x.0 x Ila 'In aoy cy,wo b M aT he nd .-Mejo. S t : i, i� .garden party- wtis. t a our.:wa,, 'A baf�'�in,c v. the othe t.bel , er tb A'd a 'I. vien d -hbmg of y- in, -a-- mer'of -Ladies Tiffe, Can i, OT eV6fiill9 �IWt the W It- 'R, S hite,dnd Fancy Velst§ in -sioc just n on., oss street. he spacious 0 req4Ar r1c I jro!�nda :W.'eile tilly, U10ted p' c for. fo. t omfort �fiiik. til the f�r warm weather�� p es, P �e- an evas Q; seasO -:add an' b andmats. a nd Pihl�, Pal� -811 N ifidtch -Whilte e or avy cost Ve, were arrang6d on. e.S, �may he�lnw'at. m 'the hou; lee a s all cream e4p I.�91kel- t -ere-4s-ih­e-ta;1­e- *qi* 1�6rvvq Aft6r"O 1 h ra H., its W' 1C a eXoG Childfe Prowimie VV To Im W _Pmm�_,T. _004L,dueltts, .5 _Liadl h.4e__Can-v._as__'10x1_` 6 y Miss AIH�i�:L& IWere endir d b 1p� sizes range, I ose r b ownie, ford.§, 6jod heet.sel t, -H h" av 8 r. y Seen Miss to Orsow,.; Readings by i 0 froin 2/ ar And of 0 Y.;eg!llarr little lads th -w H YO..' a en 0 nt b flor, $ n try- a, rq­ju Se a TS' noa 0 oy'S z id' :to k oeiiei� �,:.t Ing - for the B tly G he''th, ,k aroun rendere b th i estra., ibson Ties I14.0.kfords' in , N. in d4i�-qgAb are.. a, W Mr.' Joh e Pat 'Vy "d hole --in fit. Var 6 8,,W&V �n e.)o f the Ull', rr�a rice .6" :for, I., 9� Sjk. -C ''T'S -P th' ew It 1 a 08 ot t'r N :.'B I -sermons in the, There ite sevem lingS.j. W, h C fto _e j ress JUStr� r ave e eived. qg g. paper reeeDtl_y._;;AruAt16! ot� the Ie I f6t..of ft'.W soft- Silk, a bline goo&. -f-lo,r nice kis great _:.::�.Tbis. is the �x.e�tber that -B c 0 and him els.terc who ha befriended fi,i a k �Jn Side C rnbs,, Th ­Praan sh6 41 the I it, tha; ;R LINE OF fdr- 'd.for,,.Shoe'.Dre'SSiqgs, n, pa ese 'priced at: If haye, th ry t a a Me C 6 w ba. an and'. t e C,r 0 U-soline 'And C -Sq, -We Black at .SC)'.. JoC_� -2-5-C pr, orgiidg tho o0 -Stoy 7 e_- a-. vwry_ a�_g -d _W70 rom �.7 W__�: h� -e 40;', in -of ot t t 6. White eotr 4.00 h k Iih,6S 'd- Intan enous, 1-i 911 -to ig. A isgrace his'ac. in. ek d - i i of,-- orlb sidtar, wnt d' nk rey pale B) & at. c.�_`r t u to t "011 t oomes o a very Olet H Sto- om e- a - We_ �fte. hk6rto . ..... *0 Sho ,v r to6d �4d&t. A desire 6 -b.� the, ot can Of wit e. at bi ge( th h or wi 0 t ove orsa r4ces at. -thl �V �40W:6ilr,,S' -Ou .'D Yqu r.': WoodbiA6 pe� r partment ke s a,. W eold. ate o= ep at -a' n, �.S r $ -b .the ka'! Ue an and Brown, and t, e range. b p -k Iwe, ought it at: a speFia F -Dasi tany h et,t at, t -fed by the ttendmw, W we, as 0 Pt I*C iS' ic.an `45c a-., n-1.0 4. cu9tomers a Ce 'Ors*.. the., rh6st the ,.41at _6rth_aA61_lar- -t- -Lr� - la,r-" W. IC� 2C, .3c d e. rID- h of T he P-tonter, 'n.Hardware' rd --dh a it 'g. I P1 f siz e, i n this! �Ilgentleaxinlg ..Laces. ..... . on Oxford oe. _7 bo4j.. Sh' Pu upon. 'this. !'�. L rt -je :B JjT ioh.-blightp hpoles 77 AMSrW C Fol H I "t, a of Tbe radipebaing ea at OR ltA G PA A. X BS., e We ga CiRJ30. .'AfAG 11WORS -th d j.,61i6e c,o�rt A16 a 0 elts': NETIO!" -to' to' ae to' rj�ae to' ae h eno �"ross phas 000000% *00000000090006, M& eren at fobaby rig, ther ith­ !!�:­­��; ­', -1 - - " ­­­­_­� .,Relts, tV­stcrtk JU 10 u411y d a re Lral ac A Uor xi -V �r-: - ti -of . . . . . . . . . . -Ac; each'. 07;��M7. �Qc ------- ev, I rack- P Igamb g all" The Govirobi 'Ganen%t of', Csi#i0da" 'pi's at.- thia-W.Wb6d5iiiii Jill 11 11 k-xa Ia. ave, o ptaxnp of fashion �p?o, Is Ing Pl!�1:611.' i_;jig 814PP0007 er W G_ -S th ()r, ea- t idam t6dr of _P&riWttr6' G- mrit, would find it: mu t dixIF withioui, a fie sin as a U erns u . .... .. at Reaso #C .6a -inspect, o7k sto&k. Aiibaly an r it '' d' 06i4 it a, pl6a�4r.&16--$4 ous, paile at', �aiid oil the ston�ieh- it., millb Ill d' Too atties re f6r, A 4nd'ittrain of. I. a Str do�ze neatly =4� mptly it. �nd.eouno y- a In e :I rdirblem..- Five. peopk ..A lua�rk.id Wore4gol, a tf6ables, of. suffier * todiy -Where nogo' ton., ybiriv KENN' E NV & E K, N. the. br�pxtbinj.-%6rgans,�t% -n6ted'lti '111111,11Y #%9, With aid d'- Adhe, IZZIRefilo,' S E S 616calities., if *ill., only., have flatulea6e, distrassaffor4, eati I -spe6kg­ you YIP imei a hand to -,I j;,*1th t1jo. fir aftWo. 0 0 , -In WO Pneup sleeplegiipb !a 4odjb4he *& ind -Lerr -3o III IS 01kr (TV� toms.ot ludigestiq. re to My,: all- *.ho­&td4tftr%g wiE 9 Offia'e U �D ­-ratory-.aff-c 0 tr6l ine"s"i'a's, -ago 11 6 -S ti ii� the Alai, and thab'' I i+ ..a ei J two, _._quickli overecolob., in - uekil6w,and other i� H -An k prEnlatord emviz tbrough 'HA)kL'Y. �NUISCRUTIOXS- winLy to Dr. er-, out of three.' oan being,c'e-ce.iiscil' 96r Af UNCU �,S AND 41.00DU189 u-IInve any of th� i-oLna st6ra the atts,6k is-boglected iod - b.e� t6was .should' �.M, t. t fol�107iak !11?�02119 consill .. b 'Avg ybg use tg, Coin ien u an �oa PeL I Directo d �Iyi we, L 'k-, detp.6tiden el�kg bl� ofrethi aspedy� - relief ill comb islbi4s. yet' vo .6s. with clark �ircI6 under t tac id.r s4fe�, _,f ........... its stdi- e"Palpit6tion ca ' as I ollow c . h ---2w"mos cases Aud a ptir SOX l- who h as t ee ii with I i1elif ift Urine, s on the face, eyeq sun I"H,yqmei will 06ed oug6l relied lioos relieve all t ' ubi6s 'h " hrin f�r several Id . to on, oor eulory. lack tl elvcwov tq,.ich% -L- direc ion4 141.ddin inaigestioni,ag�MLdr enk 11161ill fin r"' nii 'Pains,, bu-sineiis Will'c6n­' ableX.Y. tr. d ixgil- is -eted. unde ;th6 lokik. spre t roat eic.. ..but the priqei�od t4i t anle, So 'relkgble is,. I hit; J-. Q. 00 0 F_ N no T H aodestrqVink A6 rerms id Aring Wi'h.5ro the air b jhoL fig ee to r6i�nd tha h1oney 7. t yout to& and.-Iff0i At gives a �guiirant KCNN'r:,Ew" B L are. tl.,L,- le's -r6m . a it t.aild I e 11114L, .31 L, the very life h,'t 6 air, sadg6i With diy medi- n6c& d the vi t it oest iril e ic4ted f roill the pit 11 Pa -mle atfon.. '(.*are 0 erc r on y suppresses the P At in: -FtVTIe S66, our s 0 it tib -from (ho Fine. Ai(P lieftly tug toolk of y c f itim?, 4y. :4THO U4 them., ays EW M,ETLHO Fr Movie ean cure you, dud tiakem ber thsit'liquidilor' 0FR N T EAT The .1 . - aider,its influr licIJ FCF br, town .of Xjftdjrdjjj&h&dL If -i 6 in the- tronchial IS a atid 'ul�ers disnopeA f, the iil�rvealieconle �ttong, as, "i, to goattliteb bondh t� the eitent, of: % ponde v tiipli. cyt becoines bright, ad Lungs.'. 1t's tk4'dry air, flioral'. bIvaiCal, and Vt. III 6 esg an d deq "T age sto le 'Ygt in' a. -fro Dout let.,quotc and fakirs "Iebtlya`6 f '! ' - SE ISSU� I q_1 , q�,b 1�� fems ad h vi Y , Ig% 6,,;q -fifty NA RIA" N �ub yoit of yotir hatd-Ldarudd-doliaf-_� vj-will�o a ees, i railway t inii f0ft -'dbdtich up� �he. Vote . .. ... n write,foritikonesto mon tdcle iaTe (ifteilt 6100d I 64n01.11 to OW a'd-, nd I .. . . .1 . 1. 1. ! , Walkerton an lie Golden Motilibrli ilt r,�Y On' urn rope d all % 6 Abt Great 6'r6 W�dilot steerage p o6dAi through tud'k 16�r t a&V 6 United Stiti I a to nd [''.tetUrning to EL ur.)pe, Tadertaki-tig rdeeives o r .Wt. move- Ie*111 be 'few: Year$ the I 6! MY hie, 16 ing to *641d 46, a, better HN KENN AV C I MICK, eMany. tifibiiPloy. . M i h, n 6d in �th#. villq.4 Or. an rlswold sti, �01E "IT 6v��Y;;Whdra; Atid N lisgfl dowi - so t