Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-07-01, Page 4CONveNiEticg—tio formality in, open-
ing acceunts,‘ er in depositing or
withdrawiz, money.
IVACY—Inforthatim as o savings
accounts' is confined to -trusted
rks, pledged to secrecy.
to -
. Ltacknow Agricultural: Society
Mr. W. S. McCrostie and 'Mr.' W
;McQuillan, the 'Gema ittee in charge
ofanbscriptions for the abov.e. Society,
have beet; on .:their :.Quid® during the
suFstantial response ' `from citizebs
and farmers. `A meeting of Directors
and Asecc!ate Dectots is called 'for
Friday xafternoot ,at • 3 p.m. ,to
revise the prize list and to' appoint
.ArbOr use it on you.'
Olnicliee. Hints' On Shay,
aing•tve_17 pert of the rept.
tOTOr etc., Goderich Out.
H. t4., Dickinson Chas. Garrow L. LB
a tor, etc., at Lucknow on Friday
and Saturday of each week. .
ss made of the finest
grain steel; iddlifirky- ham,
user hardened by hand ;
tempered by a procesi ex-
clusively and peculiarly the
with a precaution that pre -
the temper; -every one -in
stock absolutely uniform
-with any other one; all
keen enough to shave the
;most tender face smoothAinel ,
A "perfect razor" -ss the
creation of sidlled labor of
the highest class. From forge
to knish, through twenty op-
erations, none but practical
wills:Men Tont
If the Steel:is riot just right,
if the work is neglented
',in any stage of the marnsfee-
'---itiitg,-the fault., will be Imany
annoyingly in-wire.'ithi-
a Perfect, ilceeM-smooth 'cutlery,
-taktag tate of Si gti-od
1, Every "perfect rfstor as set
reedy for use, 'carefully tested
and csitic;ally .exisnis.sed« Now
and"then a blade is broken and
the grade and texture pi the
lor imperfections. Call, astern.
and.eonvissee yomrself of its
The leadingbusinese training school
in West Ont-Ario. We give a thorough
praCtical training on Commercial
Subjects, Isaac Pitman's Shorthand, -
Touch Typ•wreting and in, Commer-
isrin the hands of ixpersenced instruc-
tors.. we assist students to positione,
Our graduates a•lways succeed, for
our courses are the best. Get our free
catalogue and Pearl' more about us.
You may enter now. '
Visiting brethren are cordially invited.
,J E. Agnew. Fin-Sec.,Dit DicIntosh,Treas
everiThuraday night oil or
Afasonic Hall. Havelock
41:TBSoR] ratOr- 1,4th per anthill pay
able) in *draws ;or $1.50 at end of year, ..
AU rlu�bacriptions 41,50 per annual,
strip l',,l i m *mane
U(y I} 1:Q4TT9a i$ — Letters .seating
r 1 ve P t of the. daay are erolicited knu
tt# agama 14-,cenis ilteete t fur eve
red'; the writer's name will not be. publiehed.
WEDNESbAY, ;JULY < i, 1:908.
Regulation: of the Civil Serviee
•Ttle �,tttawa lamanasbra`�taou are in
trodiucing s me tune of civil ,Service.
:reform ` Whereby:-' . appeititmeuts wi j
hereafter be nide by an independent'
board , Appoietments ar d prcmotaoba
wall° ire accordio tp merit; and where
ever -pie c ticeable' competitive examim
tioas_vrill:lee held.,'. One 'result of
Will , behighly' inceaaed' efficiency ins
the Public cervi. e,'. but'what:is Of mora-
. far-reaching importer ce,., it evil[:'' in, a
greatmea'sute do away w ith the patrol -`
age. system The chronic,ntfi00 seeks r
'veritable plague' "to- govern Mei] s:
ands legislators and 'flaw, is the end. been.
,the ;ruin of morethanione sell mean:
ing government and we' think it; Safe
:to say, that _most of our representatives'
inparl!sad ent'and- ;big isl-sture-will wel-
tome the `relief " which this measure;
will afford: them.', As a rule the making
ti3lat, a oa lrn . , anti
tit ai'e tlieteby prrairrpnttd
jolt proper atation "to ta read. nesde
and interests . of tie tountr�.; That'
hateful word .=gi;aft—is e►lAeae *Para.
our eyesA-purer nd morn 43 gientu:
removal of the influence of the party
b.aa}ge' n, will,",we hope, banish .that'.
GrQatBri 'awn natroduced competitive
examinateon3 firty8i8.$;Q:Wftil.mol.t,:
satifactory results, and, in the United
S was the°itsu-t has boon to improve
the characterof the public serviee ,in
a nia; ked degree, and to rid'tbe nation.
of enormous publio evils.'
Tho ,movement li-ag,._come none too.
wool °When will similar measure ;:be
introduced in Torontof • This is :,your
oppnrtunity,'Mr. Whitney:
At The _Flour, Mill:
On account of • repairs ,being made
to the e over .!the •tail...race, the
_water ,power,, hash, to' be . shut . off at.
Treleatven Bios', mills and 'ths et.eam
auxili'ry power ealled into play, They
have a good steam power and can
attend to thes:wants,. of their :patrons
at all times regardless of water levels.
of, as xppPiatmentmakes.:anore-enemiAa d
than friends for thei ns of Prosperxtj
person responsible r,
for it, bot to speak of the worry of ' _ The Canadian Paciffc Railway. Co:
ti flog to decide between a number of ' have placed an order with the ' Loto
applicants who usually base their motive. & Machine :Co. of Cahaia for
le illev 9» „trLtsii .zsi
dffice than upon their services to the service.' " This as a:;: lawn order, :the •
party: contract calling for delivery. by Sept
This is the class, of men who •in the lath.. R 0- Dun r�ts: tr e an
reek majority of eases. ar.•e,resoo nei le e toy u n.tka">,ao a anter t etre
for the wrong doing that has dragged it has ,beth.,
statesmanship ill the mire in this fair In an• arti.c'e in the entifa
Canada of oura, and mobbed our par- American it is w '' that plow -
'laments and legislative halls of that mg can be done' ' ith kerosine' or
.11gmty,.,whiehW14_.not- only--theft-=die; soli -n gine-;F-e-rwer at.- a total" -c.
but; which i8 _ imperatively _•demandeJ..: o£ 55.e . an_._acre, the. same :work. done
by our national 'pride and; aspirations, With ;steam ,power, costing $1
Parliaiueists andlegislatures Which
n Ounce in Qualit3r.$
L ,-erg-- paOkage-ofti. ids= -eve -send otit contains an
ounce of Qualitk._for euery ounce ter!: Weight, ' This — ' ,>
has been our- motto in—business,—and" mean 'to`'st4.
with 'it, as we find it pays to handle: high class goads.
The quit season is here . and we will had, for our
customers Strawberries, Pines, ..0 -in Lemons,
Rhubarb 4nd'all other fruit in thetr turn, which will
be all first class. Our Delivery is prompt and up-
rn 4re Al °till:
'P 'R C H ASE:
OCkg PAitth 13:7, cit 4/,
ndertaking, receives our best care and , attention,
Picture Framing' A Specialty:
These gpods_also. adcf-t0 the,.
ussian and othir Sponges
Taicom Powders
ocanow Lopez
No 112 meets
dependent, Order
of Foresters 'meets 'in
the Oddfellow's
on.the last Tpcaday Of
each :Month.' at 7.30
pi'clook. Visiting' bre,
liven are cordially
vim(' to attend.
' Secy
swung; .under a tree
Lucknowtsi MO Market,
Our aiin to Fileasi:
,ess, formerly carried
on by D. NeCliarles it
will be our aim to al-
ways carry a fall line
Cured 'ea
Jileats Will ave 'oar -
best .attention
C Sweet to Ed
4; A Candy Bowel Ware,
- Does lack of education prevent yon fro
adVancing?' Then the, I. C. can -help you.
We' traiii;atabitious Men or women, in spare
.for positiOnS :that' 1-** SU -because
special traihiug, is *required' for filling them: ,
We can itelp you qualify, -by Mail; at small,
-,expen8c, for any of the. follOwing positions:
Dresser,' Bookkeeper; Stenographer; .Frefith,, Garina0,_or Spanish,
Write TODAY, Stting ;Ala; positien interests yO.:*, 19'
ox 799i sCAANTON„
, 01' gfporceririsiot edit, fin our end nroiLthirjekine
• Warne
Machine' Cleslanor '
Telephone Engineer
_Surveyor . . •
• ' Ad Writer' •
It' :pp