Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-05-20, Page 61­,­,,t�,' % I's e" a A� whi4li t, rs ice h 11 FRO: 5, wT it Amu .4 coal t ei ive a -now A - --1,9 ox0i NO of, v io, tp4e inn'd on 's Wely Iverly led old AOL p ft CL o oil n of thc. t Wallow` A nlct6rQlQjy �o­i.w. OY� i -Al Alt, �g 'in 4ri the, 1. t c,�iiin kthe,,w6st Sid of 1,116 '4 the 4 -to Imaginer 40 , j . " , i'� -it 1 , , 64 -�'i§ fffdow 10 Al lont , jp �i� 0 A, - tv r, -,ai his Drotbe'r.; - �6, ­ - -spent, s .01�g,,lbAjall A w vlo pro- P( 'X d In Ab , 'ho bo of,' crops ow "an im, Dr, ,c Rmo­' uy. w Le 'and in rable 'was t he, wine, WL P tho pric e Of 0oba t of �eeiiog -V ts is'� to Th open, to haThe, un tary act: on", the part'li) '.t ds, nc,aMp,:. width ....... alld al 'St thll?gs ij is cp t M -?LIV t the SO a., ,oks VA4 SJUVIA. rV tated, evelop- (L. big )Qving �tpl vry $4tis-, hat, are� sp6en of as bdfig'vi2ry.ProM iS lit 'and Davis G D t altogothi, 4 it- ugly": But �ve cantiq was hast Jactory, and the, shippi 'ant �e a�'%Vjth') dWin MAP" AWiffiAa6difig, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ '�isj tiK5n SUWkWAll A 0 .01-11 VY V, ad, live witlIDU 0 easu t oing es, trea,, floxViq 'and. rry -n '11-1 Joseph', w,' A. gliA Jima Mat'; M le� the:, fact thaV,terill, of shipsed-sjlN�4�r (fler'011y, cu big, 'Plilents. 1 b 10d" baving� cat nimite clams L D Very", Must P! Y­W"life to hUld-'�uqd Sames toWashifii�bhd in M6 b Rh th� rnhf o occur'� be- " Ill, him Mr. LesliI& Sha0 Fo t ba'ye: unile r 11Y U tPP ty, t Xb� on ()n'lar) 0. eTty` IQ, ,Us, �FRhsA, ceilt� liaviing,, sun aft thef to I up 11 f ihhabi� �f -A"] id Ic -one, Lila ,3(, feet, the-re tat - suth bUtho UOrr �tiij hip, boun&'r�',­ Prcs�,� TI riter �Unab osee 1c,1 uhfilre�ceatly was in liti&ioa, bu was. t authority V �j �ana acc. gone- ";Some rmi�d n, re nble taf,on 'th' I th h th6" PeSt'$110willa has p d.. FACE TeS will, b inth4,ple, �dist Viet; that h -they, hAve,-sl id 'ineheS S. N40ne th ,light �-hn :o V d -Ul tile, giin§ OUND OF 1 s -k, ja -0 1-1111 b� lo )d L sound of tfi6' umLer of pa. 7' MAX"T L X, Uleans of jife; .ag �,-Jfs- DOUBLE Cull, - TUREL Ati�-al T -bo - '0 folsty FICTW, , at A ar, &ficeL to t t I Jor 3 4! LAND. T7 fi jpmcs� t wissed; and lots" a are�: struck twigs an d slighti the ARG Unuay. 1he dis. 'i " - vrid" from off qC d Ober —An E:ieniplary has, the f rA, CeAffil., d' -Peay 1 dt- BI a,- rich Q 4 No, inan ci 1K-3;''jj W _it, all­jS essen ta em8n( S1, t d ry oUr Elie bf:L ;$25 ED A -BIG SUM. the ixst claims in, Jam6. or a t l ait ilaving, fovrnsbip� in fhe parts f s re a We lif wiout'UP'. our t e arrest :of nort. t qu' 0,, heis drlk- of the, ,outh half lot 1, conceession 1 James. s (bz X� four inches W1 U, �Rl� DESMT. �Siifte f pur:ie rl te7:tha. could a, e strugg e a' tabl itanddc---�Sunday�, �e Y n burglar bloom, smaltite-ad, na sihie'n At a depth�L of four%,feet A 1ptod' a� Atte C -V nheIne ans weN b mealling of06 n a ion in-,scries .0 4thcjjasj -b - -7s, six ' chs of d6com-- In Veil. About feet of jng, tins T�rd VrA`-burg Smith had' krri) 1' t riving �c .,9 1 tge ier cli. 's, t shi6ftable Mq� d .3 b6ch Jri,6 on, this- vein'lind ijt Te- nesr. e' recelved '.in illai %v r e urider� a, blaz,ing s;u f tl !Y Y,; COPE, eve Per bw �ln: EiJglhfid­'Septj tj an Ti f Brut e; Albeft M-- V cy., are All rty along- s, i"etal t di rei her food no through 'alive, says r . oand hers and: gard eng rest, -only W mpelle _-to rC�Jeage the ---- -�c e. idlhers" all -of, Which In 6' d' dj T -- I : W -*U,Y, 0 1 -They: left' hom',together din wa am, fivs sPenCer" L A- MODEL., CTFIZEN Me W% 1. OU11ikln hain p9sse Jnsp g Win br tbe:r water'sup- t1t]eL4n the: Snse of 1% Ax :21 to I- zis-&, model bu ;bf Lek-esteri d 'dry man d rlmning:a, goo `9 0 s st -e and. !c Ypai n % a re a iplite- the- r a e, but zraduall�, come into cale 111- is wliich grows -4hundantly nd dunes'and cionsery its Naza -of--�-tbp 'to -Xiatthew (27.137): t olii Nvetek days - 11 Sfindiay-schwi, e a s .,of 1Hs oil 0unday. 'He, a14 J! ridd. oil M. -JI. *3 M3, a, traced 75, feet', wtith dpit "ffiOlf f6u d t tbeir,. i jhatjMse 1ad all''been, rjSUmCU JjY 0 if UIA z4a9d Jesus Abe'Kili "The -'King tended,meetihs: of- charit y prgabiz, t" )epally. 10 t poor,. and vein com�pg in a depth' bf 1044&a n& 'the-i6arclt sm0tite and blcin dr6 ;it 'be'� f oudd. -n adle na-, the,flocks did�,IiOrft,of'th m he alahari-, �Tbo fti'�ffgre Abck they,had brb of I . -s.` y same. vein as rougn with,111i CU arY' - of tbe,'Je�x Joh, 38) 4, is the Kipg , ', 'I . , , 'h 'fact, Jn cldfill -M. R,'-� 380 andi-ttfirb _gyyq� .!ofl,t and:. a fber tk ­ hTH itwe, 4a, eyevvi probab y I,' LESSONI,*wl) wel'a D gel gllv-:� t text �- ;oexmp ary, a;kNi n' th�.T , ze Itilow, fs, n f 10 `Jjundked.!'i� ThtI&I-COnSiS o 0� potincis sownbe pits, hav n Sir. thc,vein ao"lapsed. -six. and aeh.cf- these, Pits Ai�closs three two d ilys without 4rib The travlleEs. Were lif mili 'fr.Q6 the:r dstimtion. qlo t -th tilbi��Minimum, ot rty days an Mare n b only, its su stili co., lid 4n All(! 20;'Ili, Uebrew, a Laid .911 Events. -The bci�ayil fI -,sgcr ceremon 161 -'4nf le 'the, or $5K ich is,'Ovilned for -we V.0 Jntrest td, Ci 6,,',enable them to,. istart in -blisiness. d' towards' the main ipping veln. B�81des the wrlp.alica 4dy'deserib- 4A Dt­ii8T�hbs,twb �,Pits. Sunlit on a th�ce­io.six bandoning -"the- ca�,t' bild oxen- determined th.1nalce: the rest of� the'jou Kamp I I )6t.-A,&.ght miles, I h �Pilgft. Br t PS the beavy, sand ri yiner 0 n cluld so t Let gard-en weent, jBid-night ioh, Latn�,w some, relig. asl'�' -56, ad �d� tt�. �6. 47 1 Oman mailith. I ote ngu Cthe eral'bur&iUs izi"Ahe' neighborhood of bi inches ln,width of ai� ex austion�­and leilvingi-hi a stdtc h'' Int Smith, !led 0, behind. Mr." to ftitli hj�.-nlj year. a: -n exactly tPassages).- An.nA, Greeic" win. -J Cal- whil angL the. f a PU­ �0 M . 119; I -lie; a, S!�� and eInau tly loqu 4`ACGR: WOR 'THE PIONEER. A'. E i e. elk ot a score ing 'Ing of 1he period, 27. Matt. ffio finC '57-z-27. 10 le',tbe :Pr,6tqts.ted... agaist th pi rcgcfr,,. Is the pineer pro� atempt to, make 11 lie too' r, t water, Lennox's 'farm, Aq§ of" the Weff t� and -the 'monM. orbillorl. -spee-c Ot 'commerce was, liong o� ote Ml� Eik Lake eqt' 1; of 't li� having "Cam at. Macdn�gorls Land- h's.Qnly.hoe. I rl six hours he had' be- , C doys�,'�bi WoUld: acqufr6 A� I , 't - - make t he: i,, - operhuu�. �and 'the rpPO' t- ihc�34� in its pul'it-�, but,-th anee lind s6hed�l, eof ludas.. It'isx-as. still X -Twodihicatio k early, he chief prie&ts S -SING AT AT.:' i I I it he� Was always mysterious A,i T. Iy iig� and i . Ir ,an to: t Q he'number Of'Ma6s wJ have. canips, adjoining Mr. : U t lace Imowil'in deat', ne e 1.was,'alm6k come quite ye, blind, his tongue :had'. shrivelled upo'diia, 1� his­jpalate and-, llps'4.cre coa'w wAtn: a ,,Use, 0 1 uwoi -S gdl s-Alid 23.'.Tbok-,1iis . t tho8e nof kt of b Urg, V's t11 til e u uture as, A14 ville. Alessi �Leo:nard'- thick skil. ha& left Brkm 'At d -awh nexL morning his. lsb, nand id aties and poisons,: op; vvi he� hill Fred 'Bickf -ord, John" n-, litobe'rt Ir b reW up !fie' spo'n anobinw woirldi:the first" .6 and Tll6 f the rec;dgiai7,ed, I!igllt ol',the on, Vx-cell tell. which. qoktcd�,sle any, :Wh,jle r 0 Ali I gusti,and hbe'r W-buid WiiiY4 :,be rc Pilate T -he feet: that., -*fore 'de- Cotit-Or, Ift d r t Ul 1(;, till Ull el- garment w aNuumt, lie in t,,t1jj0 r;i Janies Mac-dieg'ar is- �Se��ch "by, birth, but', mali�s his, res -i - his collie d g his. compaini. or tWo later'b, g6k it, l jcsll�4 10 bo c1ruc N -maefiln4 fi-ord; 1hei neelt, tq.111�6 in, prisoner. to si, J�Jr pos ib y 5 as some ime he pahe btisines s4-nd"An church. He� -finally captUr �:by'th6 merest ac- Mr- 'pro n our by AWO� Youn& Tfafisvaalers, Adtll� o'. -in' agtc�ri� t ake t Isffitiom, extended over Galilee ana, lesus had', s, Pnt �'2 'P&806 Where re- CO 2�. .18: cident, the, policeman4r) . Who�e arms b, -';ran, all -but r&dsingAo :�kliijve his, h8s, charg of the PrlY of 'the Galt sy4ndleate, Ic wnihg six ass 7 Gerber and Lei n'liorseback. They iad,16st a ho anarce,-,proposes, Apr -11'7 Wltit�suhj�V s�L k ter gee lif in pa b :his e:,; Herod w '��Tjjey ip6rt'my, yes Wenot li��' tdr4-,:'Ah0 �nrask­ from 16mes lonivship. A Ii. MacGiegorl also far, from"Ahe'-poin w* here, Mr.' Br^ e e, an, was' lad, I nf,iit this t�61 d' grmetits among them, 0!, t �Qp vesture- And uorf my Sencevs face.. Pas 6arg of- .the Tomfito syndicate 'ttalmg, mor had Uen left iyjbg;-on veldt. lic a f6und y T6vin'g Wh6ni �he -ba4' hea�,d, much, Hc was disappited, .-I nAN' Dtj ots I ana',2. J9ines' on -all of &n made. waturAhemse ift-00 to hot Pusiiied oft 'to -�7 KEEr. OM 25 bolh.1ferod and his ith that ter Mary'the W'J'60f, 01. hsj and, Mork op. q Barolars' ery little worit _of fhj�. a$- bOellUne t6i date 'On a thirst; to be� [a 'Sa` 0 ix Y�9� in s t mother hn( his I into, Uledromxi..' �cw any of, these'clinling. the Luck iay.i.ng, �110td heL two cn his Ilorse by Gerber. T mount- Ati 'pt: be,jot id,Lng Win ba�k to Pilaie,(Lialic ojhiirs the I' ' Co- fididl-e't'.oninfibed from. tfi�e: Mingdale vve 2X. 516). pas�. and Mary nev . k-noi�el is be to have bt 1)6cd heh ediptoyed, by thieves f d rev claim'st trolled by Cbtily and 6thlwa parties, a comparaftvcly.� 'ek- ed men went on�, ahead, prornisfili -�,End back help and rs Th ralian Prohibition of the im� or li li�t til ct. OA n of opilim is: zl­fhrce� the w�:rnllig.'6i Pi- that the as the ) L gg"' '� to lave texheprX25, Whoi i,nt6 -fllo.SouEhc"t�rn Hote" Edgiand 'I r at -of deve.16�mcnt Small (Inlou� Wo hd� 'Ven d6ne 6idafe -but's6me,find,show- When still a long dislanci. frorh Mr. Lennox'8 farni.M some Dqm- own at it, i's baf- dom, now1frankly -admitsih by a� unscrupulous, and �j ihgeriiou thing to'do Witt) that ai,vcnd0rihg oMbe. passage (INIatt. 27. 119th of is it left' to be �'UPL in r- 1 ffigs, have - been -made' 4 goo'd disco 'very, Was� in 'a d ol 6n the:' ara women (refugei fil-D G rn rnlan st 'outbw carrying )nl te: ii. a c.,. ma, pif- origi a ion 6`11id- and that in th a] rndring' fo 'Mr. 6, the r In 8 -and , watsell gour s, on, the'.. r h6a4a,.4.i Itieriddible as ,,L: sinugglers;,Whio.-defy evryLprc-, "ution, olitwit,every detective, and. are fortunies "the also,'tfio cruel mcItery nare no marks of punctuation, We 10 scourging at U* lland : I the ban of note also that I no ' con untic' . . � I n occurs 'betNN�c tor "Xly wife, wokne� me at, bout "aild.. Vi nativid S�jV4erngit- is propos9d to force of. about ten men. on these play h keft,'t ese inhuman r'6' t-,0tagn'cVee Smith el out"of L .10,000 Chinese. and � $00, �Eruro�pcaii i,`victimts* of, 'the thc� en the, phrase, - "hiis� mtesis-' .. 1 M -30; 15. att.,� 27. 1, tei" ­nnif the following 'ich AV, Chapman �s�Jdf eoinplalfi4d that ber eyes in,nd face smar ted.. I '. g1so '.a properties the m ing'ilimm-er; After 0� Eentually,* he mana d to btain a, 9C sanall cupfuF by', the- opium babi ILve',, ml, Cam- however; adds sorri 6 valli- wh, would seem to ind icaU- thdl,* bl ing the &Lai -IS touch cen� 1wts wer-to'be, id0fitified, thus inaking Pe 61 fol , Sgi;.D sell i, abdu tnv eyes' A 's zind. an/ itellifig, dust fia in, over a numbct of properties, d -i -'t---youl�---e6trespoh-dent-,strugg!e.for- -thlspoi The CustoniSr.'Departm-nt offiefalg rse, inade-- seiz bavo, of cu uies� slihice .4 our Loyd's� Vial Yetro, -Pi-late 'llic, nu ber I the women mentioned 19. 1-15), including � file -m�mtioh of 1166� lhvkl� im - th r Ink'n ' four as s6me ,of thro face. I am a vry S t ie, y , ' man.. 1-� Uap was fignebabily surpristed; idisCbVering. that a �f from thl�ee jo� `fojur in.lifs mote.' At n ecIlle lay &wri -a � 4 afterward $tIftUmi. 1, W6, When , th6'impbriatlon fbi cy, h 0;� opillin wasi, -bidde�; ih t �hat i�Dl Lr i,opon* his 1, 'tll sslblO isPb 4., the, Ll'it) t e er, . Nv' 0 l"d,� as bearing.of the claim V Jesus M L. w a I V hedild-I bgIlve sonic of d t s,bii into 'the bed- �as sed ciiinis' `quar.4,.has practically all p end fter goin into nearly all the. Open. 9 rlgOM,t�d 'by Ills -nleao Slightly )nAr. s�lzcld' thousards of tions, d smu*,gl2rs, 'and ififliet T)4en rly g d,pe son of od, the'thtc4.t­of­,tba . or cy I may -hai :bepn ln,teno j,-.wg­tO ppoel&in, -.1 t, ,a, �fienly 'fla e it f 'o rooliri by, ic ne. befoite he entered.' polic, to Whom. a number of M tkndt pits, finds ing 'A y 8e�s to be 00.1111 1 in, ever navQ -su n w as --Inigh� beat inteng6" tic was n6w, ­6vr bAd`LhndJjjc,. But thf'r rk d' as wo -, goo S"'lins faikd to ch6blt relee qs,6:-P! wrds Would' IlaY6, 6cen. peimi aocordigg to, lingti- ntho 'Mom. �avo bcOn Ynorphlit the' balcit 'dered ii ooftsi the "best a course 6f ':it old rivdr bed and Iortu�. the lmpofta�fiio to any mlit&i4l exteritt -equally Vee&e. 11, They took Jesus t, rc— istic ush&, P robably til qorrOdt ird' aged W dull the sens4A 6f f vein.'.matike -in the dJistrt6t, this f0t na essible sm I 19 IL a -few,- (tees. along P, rz�'n ge r o ilzin comes 6;phla , -en, " the 'by T,&Aho south and this dis- t ourse. me OU was to dash for-' from America d ebte. tblice of dc all of� i ftS hill 6&TI iialt V f iohl bddr&yn it 6 bjj�g of -tvict wardtor a, C-64PIC of hillidnd,.yii 4� as well, LIS' sIV, fi Searched Prom! U Xp ding, by a ]at!ong. Clopas." h6ra ill -must no71 M17j be confounded' With Clcopp, men. lars, -as ell A's Watih 1 wcn� fb4" d' all' the p6c is! fill op& - sevetal-very pro ising P 11A) &A te, amo .9 'are to the, heice and then'lle d�OW4 f , S 00, RIX c!1imcn 'It fade* -poin -Ow synoptic harra� flolacid in T;uke. 21L is. irPbm S tt. 10, Alvex �iinon 1�, I,illic� inside, 6utj n a eptner,of t I& West d101111 16- Willdt, the Macdon. j1d. and. 13M Wit claims hi TUdh9p,, ti. icapperinte, for' the: next effort. oat'l�ngt h Mr. r0bVt !-of Dr. W<)Ilaston', CO rnA­ we lert th at' 011� Ynd 2,1 16' we lif& that Clo- of, cy- I ftne wa,.q� t6 6"Y tile p as 'is Ack ke , i� ell tlfl.0 �%rith AlPhbhg TRUE GIIEATNE,� the do kenned tiol y claim in Tudhope, Lnnox's farm OWhe In 61 kind, ban& tiook, ustor"t-b 'If q-bIgIbIlla -father of the'lidg,(compal,c oU w hich am highly SPOUch of. The, hlin in charge and., 40ded hill! that era r. Chapan, th6t'AbsiLrWiit1, in in is -hot er'. frdjn 6, own- IN11111i 3, 18; IAR'-6 3".: 1.6; A6W At- pirison oPbw be va' Plikl,us behlg� tile Greek 'and. (�I.ops the: 'this, aid, little Rollo- ",Nbat Ji 0. great man?" 'A. Holdn prperiy, belfig in control of. ldell)hla� hot 'a 'strong M h it Of ter a -f huhs hei wiisiablo'to ationdIly r 11 about.. a, yetio dc*,6hs,1&rably�'ti6, jhc t thih e rs �Ar tifli last' part ivas th It t aina for the same 'itt U, On,' Por refer h women Of the Way (comp4re , 31, 4, to olt great man,,My son,. is' One who manages to j ather about, bm 6 Whole qj�eratiqg. panyj shtp 1n, tha- I ag -c Ifitiln shaft heg,be6n stink to t JieAn, * t 6 Cartel Corps 0 116 CapeL Mbill1ted PoWe,, whio happened Lilke 0). o pitt9i t le 61,6sg I'A -01 will take the blame, -de p h of'fifty: b" ws, alg�,�,Plunt The p Matf-. 27-59; Mark�il� 1ami 401, and Lul�e 03. for W Whil he j;ete, the cre. kpt Whoe SCO'Zoet of'c! :Hdl§ 1)0 at the tarin 4th hj4!da ately saddled' up and Iot -.6tit 'With, the, the '6vjj Shape 49" . -2 " �' " dit fon idcas.�' vie Its, all of h' valui Tile �4111jLkoce V RNS' &66j� . Ing Htle oOVS 'Y, NOW; show qood. shatt, W as's on a 0in of barit�, cal�lte and for the.jx* wis who h een fo Ad b She buys a.. The,U�t in town 0 ars#,,, OM07i- I t' is b Ot nbdoss .Qttk nalAe, ilicalviiry TILle exact site .6f i.27.. 1 fig w n 6 r.y s'a filatter o� of, ft�putei liftk"Of a 11011�0� &Mled 'by The --siniply On -bf'fh4& &ntemp.pfary, I "Where', 61*0 Aho' brigh.t., gIrIg of tho *Ith! native 6JIV0, and' 118A i0i$ftn bbt� ter with' depth. This �.PVOVMY 19 -66n trojloed by Cfnelnntitl ed to riimalzi in, the Ai Tha 'ca- t .1 Mk.� ptpp�ptihldo and' t I[Ma ftmer and 1160, eby,'thirlej T46thftient, ditive we lieflni'rig that jcnbw'k.bJ[tfvejy only- that, th- I w� tbaf hotir" Mo hlenl�: wom6fvatl bin, Is, that mre';admIft1s(6rIhg gapifillista watkidi . . I 11" cragg. n6ji Were SaV4#d, &lth' 011gh in 46 the city gad f (Heb. I l of U10 Woved, dig-, CaUMOUS 1,16ks of' Wegor;6, to, 10EFA LAK9'8 'GOOD ftOWINGSL 11 ast MOO of, *AMUWA, alkd oi- i,s bi� diiltso'uild coda !bet d ty oot�j 19. 26)�,And of the futurc, MWOAUW arm lotover :111imildiA a mod 6( li, 1­,­,,t�,' %