Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-04-29, Page 3A� A q;4 �%ZZ Z�. Jut ideAt. 41.4ya an in 441a 'Th �L�bbvei s (gog.1 19 l'baWy, but. be is: pttio�ff r no TART,� P GAI V! b ei th A !11 AQV�tJ4911911 'he wonTever 4, i 0. V, 4 q VV1PN'F�1,JF1'VE �pQUN V. olj"� elp "ent wiqrX,,w­qs 0 :4 & �U p;41 irn Th� ,Vo, �-ag 44D it S uf,�jot,. 0' the 4 ::a littler sliprW it: th with 4. $001Y 'o SILVIER 4 'at e tbp If ho A* yen 4 'r0bgr's, 4wP1*g','P -oit'!, V�l *' AnK 2 Prior. to th 6,,pAln ;sh;R V1 J) :,a! . 'Qu A 4 it prel4v been sunk, to .,a 40pth.0 I 7., 0,$# "it j,qgr so, but "771 % h Wohdikers jobal ��_lpro q 'I, Aid -:s a, was sWtors' stao- di-Atind i#nt, besides' -4 ..ant. mile s yed. P)'ic�"'thq 0iterptotaltioli -ef.the Copp adinill,44 -10 feet dr "ea q and" 110, fett,01. out C t tplp.i�SonfaijLv�,. if�vui 0. 1,,0QAWated.- i1ei, tol."Ahe no h, at. - th. -f 1—witti 'on 17. "Nlo til 6 iyor)4, -giNrelfl le p emplo _ Tl . �S A .0 7.0 bot leveL�, The flI; j F*1 P ng'for ihp. .311ontroa! t6 4�h in A _4 rim Me e's W. e" t 'Y,77-;:-.'7 i- x1to"I'W'.Juirl DIM t --OW r 40ci!F a G1 d 6m," it. rid very rich in r. Any- �er t &ate han I &J�v - imA6 ni '11-owqmqa.,� illftig" cert�aiiily tboe�s .0, tiIA4�, for "Tile Vc.amp,tas inpeed a ye J,esus is, spealft 1 n a 1 4.. 'ne 611 iA was 404,Qoo' and 1 rie�bApi, gre9t '.Pclit4n �PiOss 0 - poop le. William" Br wn'.' we.'silver..' e e0wilany 11&4 �i ei, loo, stiit� dwel4s, "Ony goonto one'o "N . 14ss,'� Often thlngs'-'x�ill be- g on in A, Pq Jn A: fOvm,er 13,60'alwilleboy, -'and I -or the, 1".V vpod suPply;of poal and t ure, Amid fffioill�ruftil initnicry. ve ti,111 ff'. his urse 0. 4z "T'lle al lir-, V0, �glr at _'y:e, mel'er Ill' -_ip" go, INq, �*lllfro, th .o her, aupplieg, 410 , * , " '! . . �,tb� Aii,oNalI_ to,41,16s f 9 'L y h :en; -uli -114;-p ijk4 f 't A1, 'A'Al 'I _,1�7 t f.. . .... y had 1,�UnL�A�. gr.04. s.: Since the A gob",. while 1.�: can leave ,�d,_Sa an. go w u or lilany, -cf, :the -FAth6r. V . . . f g 4 a, m4nu ac .. .- . - qV0 in town week, ­and hefqre� cxf, few Webk dly 0 Ing Ill me opmen -Work--. 'T wail from. Y rig, mapo,grer -of the Cobalt Central efid,stping' en 'a p, ain one Of the eu f: V�ices and Doc to 6thers, it Klondiker Qland Co cless''thing s7 a, ew oi NN, om 'n othing' of I "�'h ',Arf: :it _QeN2 bilti -16�, 4�.ev�l t one,, Of I area on thQ c .7 he "festiv 'a -NV.Jiat'; ,31, Afisd, Io; me , n gs, r, in, is of -11 t, I., w0n -do wh I Qpp a bout -6516 lEli' � 't Altme' :bavil Mide-, James- lie 'i h Ifj�s -W V P-ges mer t I go,;. .ane,a sa .4 ,e to' find nal; Th, _ L 4 e Y atd i� GobiLit Q, a car A ntr Ion$ 1.14, been 1cps means Rlefy. posed froryi the )f, th y, tons� ipo Me As esnLde, ore IV -as A ed to the'� t, .P,Pty� V, 4s, fie famp..,a e ormlly C) OOf' the j0ondi)�b.r., Weil- o''I bvry; air- - rool when. t116�, b4, �'dpy �b dy Riley h;el p 8 Ig: o 0S.' 'b t d' ubt, e he _ILSI�l 9a f lig O11 th,ff blessing$ S, )o N'4panee rif. ofltc are no or 'ftdsPiLctors Are'. Rmu$41 w he .,�m t It r4e Dona"ll'and his Y e?;P I"rCil le InOU -Yet som-6119 it 1111UN 1,11tOM ILLAOE -ti -6111 065: in tia kit '-heir woy aa�k G :gA kept isur ' 4 n ,Tne.* p ace .whic h scn,� of Ai-tbe�,s�a4on ly ev'e'oyer them all. �1 as P the. So7. and'ff.t'�V,. r5ei-' - ys -in the; �§bddow :, "I, I u th t'M t'w A: erly-,Sup6r!ntexiient,,iof*tliie:� nanm ap�Le6rs--to�l.ok_-A_ t -b g', 6-11-be�n a� -,�vldenoiid -by'-the �VPY4' DPVp:!p ba qmvb Whe joc, U 4 In Y, mig ii opf 4ttle use n this. World­unless'it is P� o�- -1,110 pras� Still; ectors .'Already making heir garlan, pW6ry eqoi Are: L,sing'- anill Leven PS way an'd _111ilk eX '' .1 re I Smythe' �am6s, W p.,call see.an., e A lays ill ilt gold country, ba k tio,the townships �Qkl .: . . �40,p w Le. $-ba re CoLait, cor T ye r -y- much 'art. -And their religi f. 4110' tile., ppq I t �ple 0 lie st01166 of, K"SERMONS. Alive this and A -Ilk on 7 gain. the u a, ea, ouses n jh­th ---- -- repor0s; of 4 Brq ish yt, -0. Y_ -a finds -have be6n of" be- h trolled n g :in joy er C aracter is con lette, *here:.mre f. MacKay had. a very �J.6yfui meeti new ,was, -in. till boit �mrq-, f lie NV,6 haYe -net yet, 01-egistrar-Gen�rai'66v to ih�- o rr,ade,*a)6d,,ivI t art.�, rol th4 Pr 1, en a rrd] ir feasts-dadIfioli, kn heir -d- ;_eQ e,"14* IlAb te f ent, to li*.' We 16, rAdvidd.," 11-6. be valuabI6,,14ys, a- Coba;lt. Oil p be Ip In tf!iie ra says -L p -in: frlen6fiips eXPeVie Oes in Dawson. n �qw Faith finds its,fulness 'dir s�ng sion e Sing yd' runs ii4 xest of re'ligin. i& fQ4-.thP_ weary,. y. Fair tf ie�, commented and gold W& phes; -%%.,hose' n Th jr�. �.articu -'despatch 'Vo - in hYtR),_, fl 7n tneek: iin to 6151" he or more nth',�: C mean not' lazy. e cksC finp tant ffin'al ir t-iq - P Y -t oflow: lov 6. _h lif y -�'pd are nor, -of Tin -mdil 7t;eU ned 3. w Ith 4& A. a' �delep souroe�4,of thankfUlne -ho'table to' -be'-fourid-An A j�jrls, tbe� to bibN I aveally.bellevd road, 80 il m�'.in_lbiigth, 's -0�v E "that ma&'bn the Id eil the ex Wl§hlPs ;,of James. and �,Bar- We,noed tOq es -1 C6.1f f1b Pr, ty' ,voiislifre V1114ge. f' builtbut of Go I 00 f, en aws4n. during t6 11 Q, th 6, &P the' race pro d, f -till 6berisbes. Om i_ an, , ads L160 a6res� arIf e. how 1' he. 6 yars io. lle. lam 0-10"11676men , tificfto n. -evem T7 -th- iesoh-.Neill-drl f Ilog, Igh't; +Ees­ 4)11-: %� `6. nster rom.various r little;:,langle a balt. F 'I'alifa I s, fi)sh 'all co c a a -d­chaos, oflour l.m. lingi Living for 1) thefs imp cona-, k V" ;ow ht , n and* souther B 7 e<a ug : ert�; -of n pi ies., errative nf *Obtal6ed- 66 Ilittle �Nvitft .. God'& gr:6at glowing, uxii-�l Wrt W nlpq� �he upliff fainily, roof Gee, and, a :bright e --r I_ ixi.ads nother. Iniproydin the, Co.. a ''Probability be -bne of'Ahe'fut&,6. the r �god -ere,: n r� ox�anddr ar you s long, yeq�ot, tbeW -)the ol, hea' and the singing1lear thiet, looking: band -it would 4arcl 11 not fe Italt camp w stAppers Ill'the- hevi' dittict. f, 1 i.'.You fret 0,verlbein. as cmented o�; by* the d As'w,6 have Pdssed; -66m' We need' to take -our, faces rom. 'Our being�x This'property, was taken, ho dikers as He. Whoil.ves 1�) I,* �seen sually has ..Klon I"t suairript r aps 1, 'been'! unaiooid� ledgers and 16 ind _1 btl faces, 46' Q tThq� q3A�d vo ad ­1T&ger--f8J th�,, and--Iove4,� mefi-�-th� �'and "Pass"ed: inspecUbb �on._itgft �in­ biWh-h ­�L31.nAisua- 'Plaff rip dice li -the opon tJ -tO7 -hiffing-ane, . mxv T jI;h7 - T ii -I,7 TP11 Y's bi at4Dhed fitfiffes its iv _Nx-cove M -d one Lj6keg h�'i the to"find work bei3ii and'thit- n100 8A `f lows du ly have ;2�4 .;of, the: ioo ad to f, a;: a peace u evO. may. find, most, entirely o prospecting, WhIell.L�re-.' live. -malbbg of a �ct E -: Lal�e from,Earlt�n to�a've- b6en $200 re reolft ng_� a cc bfitself for awj& k, mile dnd the., Gi6vemme d ' ' 1 ,V's cot ap�� (wq es an P e pd. �at Mr,' Pop t t 4 but.d t n-6 ver'.. J-IoUr4i' dbws"cohe from `k,_;ndl table welcome wbieh Dc­� i!aw to- think 4,� witil&t �4,3, have tdrgottien th e without 'thin, Ing. rit lei be ig v, n After,�all a] a. LIoyd's, representative).,. I ��had Wit it. is better to gi a nian 'by .-the'name of 6rpy. -e child contractlo ii-k.lce and amehtd,' jifid, carrying, froW. un Our su t at,bt II appearances a i gh'percent Y hosp giving. ' d in iffia ss, and g adoess' t , §8$ � p Settlers. "y h n �pe i. 1116vi to gl�e- vixen' 1A -er mile a poor'' kind �(141��ep..and Is found: nly �ple,know,bo We] he. church 'is of 9 f,,'.r the. in tive' silver 'it, Tf6 ,of �,elf-ghrfn'i ...... Th, rf� res Cahill -and Jo­ -pro-ppess We ava'7M never is .6--place--of ..e�g_y__Of--Messrs-- b dtd-6 Ahe on ter '.,vork,done' consists, bf �iiiking f: h tdo; —88a ihd-e ere will always 'be dchi the road wou d, ha a irsong :1 . n' il He who 'does omlafrd with on tbe new OU I in the passing, -,-c-.ry:,)iad' shape,"in-fact, At 'a 46�th%of,.tbree nd f Ibe6n left in: fiiet' le: hands a,re it _ ls'.claimed .,,sm UgPd in cw, e ve n -is re t:, eop.er'spnn:g�'bf-jb,y:"thian,7-we-.Iin I d ICU CKV XY4 d P,41,. their -the k, a to lWe, family-4rele -an a �j4�im d -or ace, an. exce lent the e by. side. the'ign6riini and t 16Ws, 1ro'r''so* ou r.song'�'�'. he were s"Paig sld whi d have 'been, ampfe was ru 0 r taken f cut bu.t nu gayc ybf Allose, �Who Once a so6n.thereAs s she looked id a.j� b rom the find by� only' of the."-par- iT b h .the road fore their Conti Mrsy ate few friends �!O -Pos le 0 est oo Young: bi iness. PE; W'.be4he rn�'ffie �� 1�sqdht I t d 'brought - � b aid ou by the In La Cobalt, too, eiiii I, Co r 0 mu ar s f the 4nah wha'made firty-Mx cents' w fainilk. an d for: analysis_. it. r TAKE SAMPLE F !ORE; -in hie -el �aiadlrty-,fbu r,c .�S �O h everyone Keep tile wo �ents in ai�96nie 'in If of worry from �,our 1 :1 .. II(Alle su elon,'Wth of r�stand of 'fh anti is, gisso, Leing assayed IbrAhe El: ver.- gges d, and e, 'soft D6,on acoent� jdp�qr- nd the Mining ecorder f, Larder rest will take. dard of ioun&J'very pleasanily a Visitor in the' Cobalt cdmPA th0ms;elves. Lae,'. w-bs ibu�. 7 so E 'S FEAUS. n te '!A k ral dang, as th ft 'in in _GAMBL_ ESS JqJd1S1_ -A 2 :Or _'gi 77F�A er k,..andibi-6�lit With, fii _V-ery: r'eh--s-p 661mens '61 who- roel seiz-�,Jce 'at: -of his t I,& aim re igboll 'hi -w­eredi r z. With. free Vo oe�-' -but- mos.. 0 ted-w-ith-lay-1h ' -SuP P t re gold__whicb�-- erstitiq &L4 -ha 1-�-t-h�-y-feel-nonnbed-�o-p�ac6- �-, 0 way 9� RNAT11 AL" &PO'Cll' br rne sti 1 1 altogether'� epuntifig t struick' at a dept 83 ON' LESSON, he of- feet in, the-, Hftfris�MaxWell-.property s� ciil 'NJ, ' , . ." , . ; _V. I - . Aunusud',�tlifil.g.for',a'nifning recorder a reverence for Odd' a, true s of-:DeVonf rs. Jesus had. al -ready t-�gh't- h -con �cpp'�§.,boys haa nat.dra'I turn for, 'WHEItE 'A E :11700P. none more 66:'6an ..the Ing �bimself 'anar ilis ot� he Fa- it n7bers and -0 cAhe- alE.-T tbe'r.� Z_ him beJR)oming_4ny new ca,mp,,and %VhQe f M y .at Coba L � es 0 , ont Car o. On e t sow V- 0 habitu 5. -homas sai' everybod, n ering - 1. ) - --' - - I, , . , . th-Thomas wa is. In said' I �-t Dopes that Lar6r Lh.e famous, Casino you are. given, a tick -et' I job wi_hht W�- know- " f. lit __ s'r, fro in ly; -eldest , o Table Luxury in'Q�ome Plates --",ow TPey Ukd il ye '. go ; jio great de' 0 m In the 'gPoel _,t,pke od ho is stationed a(. Mala, at hatand s ­ At Made* Pal Of confienoe lips been &tablis tick. afable. h4ed� the army; as� e st rvjw �No I'llave nobe i3i d it" h- ­ _15- np., qt f�" Locusts are -a-towe-l-uxury-iff--Ptclestiri.-e1 in, t Lardel--chitriet STV My- bo-ys -are the sea;� the suggested ty many ii I i -thecabi thatL 11 �bould -the: figutes, 011, it, be.,even, the o ESSQN WOR DIE&, P th6 D 11S. of Of man4; -ace$. -JeAjEk ut, and other, pl The, ar --must-tti 6ontsider-, d ev T -they'll have'to wAit and, grow jon il. In , Afabi are ke. 'e- m!sie-urI" an promp.111y walks out,- not. see the. irelatibil c'f the Master has dfie4 n he gmu a kind I V La Based the texi of ille R- ised ..and in the present crisq1;S,&es ht'qutt�. a �ifhrst.' -0 the. elsing oUthe �Larde hehum-* ':4'1 had an6thef­ 1p�y -in flw nav'' bu t sunoand .nd into -spebding Ple to., tuinfliatday.- Y, i�oriiing'.offlce.- 'The -.of MY of ie� irmnediale, .--or -Tru ''-at 't -oft elo Odd d'� (Ln nAe bment work AAri IT d 3 the'9w r years �-614, ­1nto 1 htW cm A, Y asten' to,. t Y-UppreCla make lie, room and' d1h establish eonfldenoelri the 00 d' of chapter we must a. rope,, a n ey wer,6 xiot able', to, pick: brown roup., rneiI.Will in eavily P! - I_. 1 �4 . .. ...... ... . ., - ­ Jh . Y burse t' vlr�*,_ In N 911, e -Pecliar' b et -'_U4 the, I ffg 'r ill of, 4he-rob-. jad'ag,Q*ar, they re bakedAfY 11 u( It is to be, h -ge tha tak of .,c o under 'Which the 6rs but by­.e�Jesds,cofttimt��to soeakrjn� then fried in grease a6d.mixed With PN table. e HELP FROM� ClIiLDBEN' a year ago will 'not be,rbpeated'the lettd table. gqst pa of it,all co hat not c6nsenting rice In..'Algeria simply A;re bo -��ummer i spoken.. Jes to In the -tact ­.7 t A -h -a c ildr 'ine ane yet Ited to tasW. 'The.A.,nibs., the elev6n disciples, in waf, lip I- wtre, sti-If diraiVa into �d*uWon l�' bjeci1ve None, of t ho ay in - a to..ear any"ing, two. in Se Me r n w; in i .,bake" them as cakes, roa w y,incomoo, ;n tile P -in-o`f_W0_%V1vt I i -e m ertOr crushAftem -w their eddingday- of the'last as to- ye -ha knwn, Tne--,Tbeir P cIlm- silowshoos and'bringing down sp4r.i bi�cause of'the old;say- imens I ion to himself as the revealer'of the" 10'.brin man bealth arid in a: IT' J.ud the bem- . I Z, Blest be --Lig . 1 up, &U, Y :in e �and dates. But tiley Only re, cli-they�-tepy-%e�ted-.c�Lm"rom-the- &npo' Me, art Thereupon SIr gffi Wo t rta t "AliMb a6b jh or ta ims which lbe�. Makecl� but the t the raiiiy-day'. bride m y con - had just ci 0I 1144 aster But-�Mrs. Cqpp speaks and until th6y�hhd'eo' -p&r' o��ible,. sci-�4thcrri, Russia, where ocusts still re kiic�Nxls. of ni any lnManoes 'w'here'it e ilersOf with the, "fact that in - siol�e ha ken one� morewit-b me to regard hllm Guitb I t they ouldtt be:said lo,teall' e leerfullY 4,114 C011ten 4e�(JIY about 6iensli,ely eaten'by Alie serfs,,the ih--; adrriItt�d that the.* sample. displayed untrjes� the de,'prays for'rairi, tak- Vet C�m"om�-L-Arder­a - --i n all ficiv 1, a "I've gp�od' hin., 4d;. t 611. an iand." i�b e i4i in -riesp nse to, (in o. .1 . man ca in n -mati6n henceforth­�-1 t ,,,y4 6� he, 1�a ' e -sets of sainples, shed befpr��- mardige-And that -there xvi MY-- hus'�. i . e 11 n roq 145n he I sc� , iples' Would love 'wo , uld: And 4 Nvere used 14 P U- n4q ofter.� Tile, de' esus,,,- aL. his d wrics on Alle, ir-bds;.'ll i i re OilbectiOti- With- the sal6- ri ns sa new e.!s-. been. - Oil -legs and roper- ie.§,, rop w Annbt I o -ow ce now 0 pllrpb�e 6 stewed, �7 but itsregiJ1aa,,Nvages. -or b lc -While AMVITY ON MONTRAL RIVEAw - #�Iwl)l lay s' 16s" ucky for, 6 bride f:s42e.,hei­ IM 6- - -raind ,g __ y th f I roiled. The flavor of.: usts th wou cefrth.also b�. gc 6 c s ery down m� life for Sad- lik ll'hd idea igd7hen un] .nearly � PC avv do Vmariage,.oft Ahat�,,' M11, - tr AD :doubt, VV Og �ind dl,�&greeable, be orneg mild Everything, p ts .0 -1tY dur s eSUS' rem more 1. , Oter, 4( mitfor after. her tollet'i colt- -sometimes I have wand-cred how we and disguised When 0111, t great acth, fjs� :bwli -frailty, and at the sanic timia: 8. PIAlip--in John?S'Gojpe'l. m&lt,16nod cooked,. 'ingAlle coming suninler,in* therMontreal Pieted; , if she * 8oL far JbIrgets. herself s manage,. It Is a d0ficlilt, thing; put. fcareely are to be 'd The, ciofi- four su, -in cohneti River 'district., 'Num�ious Inquiries to do this. and M4 -,t Ai" en -Vrrie�i u ally on �Nqlli t1de.41 in' tb�,'way you 'di-,t,ingu shed froni be broth. .'rrie W ase' the iere s a. grea at h.4s A r1drew.. - lie sAlke Tllbiii6s' d from',d-ak., to this pp -int was sur wit in, his, d in rorif r own &Ivc ' 4 by brokers ishe may.do- so 'by. turning away, 'iiwuld: be�- lq�ely to disturb the- Peace �J, foridness for. ifisisting 'on,. the' Pr'a c fie a 1, 1 -know that flici -oil And slightly salted they -New Y&k - Boton i, Plilla drawing on -her halve "no alad �,t,dQn't seem to lacqu;re a. pi,as"( nutty dAphia, -find tiny:'ribbon, glovi, 'and. baying s�mb .6f - tho� isciples "who - began to 4cst -of peftonal.'ex. cc�e eating 11, othee eas -rn-"clt.ies igo., to indicate' that -el f4st as well as,we.d-6 with"ot flower or jew ened td 16orrik forebo ir larg�& ibes invariitbi� grow a lr�allnlcre�t is being taken'in love. (UngiR. �'bori&Tnin Dostl.thou 'not,know me, phillp?­ r own. Pientiirul.- Grubs new iwiitft�t V`JfnfilcdiatI�71lit g ro-1t6w--in as Ili, "No', is ure-mi lit--hae. canip, And that rienty 6f nioney will.'bie heap, ate eaten_wIth avidity. �fr o, )e.. a j f, (his fo�L A -1- and we liave. by Pdrisfang,, and buf(10 . fli46q a .; I theln. iiene ea is I icoming for tfi�'&V616pmeilt o JOYS OF SUMMER. the rb, PA ten� by "Inrgo The- cnsidera amou 00911'. Arterns- -ev ery- Aap -regu Ar' ni'of Th6 t per-- two 4u I)e ii ties�--of­ Australl Wg - -------- flies ­Aw- 'hi h Jesus turn,ille, son fladiess a, Jesu to lbo deep �novv, w6r s. w 1w C Phil 013ut'we al*ays co6k vegetables, for China and barv�est'11169' by. some I iGive us� no pace, indl Jr doelopment work'ba. been carried from 'thought bf his cales the 5urpilse -and Pain caused b i;pper, ow oThe . butter wn;. ,�e' got from them.,. to the 11iht of milip'i,-questl good bit of garden: I -don't'-h ll 4inter-and q.tifte hgoodly nuiliber or on. now Beonible grease. d.rich rinds have';boen reported their. ultima. io'' 1. Or.- else,' beilileve me for 'the, N -et -t icnic unch fe, reun' Qnd the heaVen� b sho d lo V 0 new an The ' ' . Y �Vl)tit I] lit that, an d hloh J64W..s declard '-was in s Aurin.j the winter and'-t1)e-,grertt&'hum- T R A Will, rage,. Ibe! ri 4e �;Ith: the� Fatik SU -,it d, jis­us P. W�a pi�a lip r IIn!d being :OVTf1b aii y re-, to wLth. lhc,�4hre There %iiere any dd ways In e. 0 nnd,-. gible-evidence when Our -gihnin day for Ahe 1 9 1 a . me grCupof farewell diseourscso!. and big yela'llon to the P er, -which. wilnfed; -art, bi 'to 'buy nOt' liv�d long ;6nough tbO.- n�* belt, and'it is' calculated that, Ya , c ly things We'll sit and Hng-er' Ic cir aith in,the gnawings of' bofore.,spring stdrts� �h6re Will be mofel. 'By th Yes' u$. (Yie miraees.<).f,hi2§''entfre public :milifs� thea or tlll�re than ill Allis, little im' sciehoe, ',Dgd Divine' in -a at e prediction. of t-esidles"Yol -choose what, yon . Nyan , , P h 1. terfercii,ce, In men worlc�than were ever work And eat �hc hard � vets, led The (.�y 'had fiinishbd. L can, jbc. JmpendIn'jZL -depurtulie �af­tfiefr­ of justice was AUPOI!Stitiously' re- di.tring liast &ummer. 4h t radesi , * - Boiled egg dncO more. h ggirdcd s a daily Occurrence, s 4o,� flIolin, ihem., togethe-r. wit th6 r6-, of.so,16mn',ass,uranc, �iyjen bring, �'Oh, I often �ay. I 'C' ys, Pear- Q61.t,�, a 11 1 boom has already boil ould do ek ly, 1\�o. 4ue One splooll for eight'. �.4n s Wi eeolr b of,the Mast& Witch there". example of, qrcated 1h Uvo.cr Lorrain, and some Very ome maid will 'P W'' I I 1�11ctibn. r Oreat;6r works' than'tli6sp -shal, lip do codld 'be f-00318 th'tin In complly'. Olily'.the, �rcnt nilght.be bigli410. lit ber Ahir. � ')41111 6eles of a'spiritual flatte )rts, havet boon .-madc, by 1� r :With isdInd'in 41 . f i r v in g Iti rh se wth'so u . I . irod y and mining 'Inem-who% have A asuch AS 411,o A: I Mhop d -n ce r to -d filr(II0, 0' n5i�tunfe. off�nder' Iwas 'Preparations arete-' zenient hAth, irr C . hr ist., ficlu ind made to'&nt - tie Pi Gbd-A-filtting� xhortcdlion in M -is -6huroh--�and a I Ing 's r, f6i; Were hi-4he' pre, n -summer. Tlic'd­ nC/JP ifift h I unfly., 131 the W p snow ing. referene, tb. the -of c of"All, - It s'go-od &,(�noo the t niflar-ricts--prrornied' by go�t- Wit yet. I feel it plin�g- h y ad Always tkiistood. peciple the Priest Put stands in ay'of much prosk,cling Bevolic, i ex t dbor s of Ili in the ir,, hoalig and si of cheeso-and,'rye, bread ill 8 in n060olio days'. palk,,n on the These. he blessed Ith Jesus s) soeVer yc, shall in m BE htow been 'Ifficiblilly Io.11g What 0 fow IN , V, ST!,,'VtNTY-r1ivr, 'POUND. I UiG 4T. tages IhDt'icht is paid f6l. P had to u re -q. -cOmo "to know' his divine Aar- _rianic�T]Iese�ond phrasp is Nearly W-1 ffi� otl)ers belong . 0401'11)s, and tlle� ceiigrd,fth"ti6n. hf�.nager Cohen of the k�orr 1,ake Crown And' powen. sufl] e fl rt.- it refers to file. piplf, in w(;jrljill; it, 0111'1.rd�("Jd iient.1y I tb tp(,.,m 1�b, g oil flie. ftirnislive-in. 'if he ffianr4�d U) SW'all<)%)/ them 4MSHY br��'tgtlitoln a, nugget to. toWn faith in him' l$<)� effoctivo but if lie thoked he t � ?, - Those sticky, mea is. the"eolk a jcettalnt� And lie go i.t* ill ffi<�fi` ti),'t 'is onsidoi;,od,.by many uq _%vaq, Gob urally. eho- gh -------- "silver nugget'yet broughC into, tile pi -lip. of T 'us exeniglifled n his -own I, 01P ent folk wei�6 thus Me. S T11ROE A P -11V em.., , , - — - inflc 'C',ZAR" a 4 lip C he nugg6t V�.eighs aboUt 75'po N7, I.If und�, dni-V My V death 1),, lincluding _practica:,lly Wl d silver. ManaLtel The ,!It 4ic s' 1, �1, J1, C1iro*P,9.. I -lie thrce chief One's -a of good iCollen 8rat�e8 la _p tire haixt. fic.' iiiiny ind II111's thingt_, fo�t, cl� cc -.me, intoiab-on the Voperty-weighing thosb at tile iMped.11 palnee and tho XVInIo -tall .in illicipr eiiilfy-4fi (.illy \Vllb. C:, -n fovt� Blit dr-eda of., pZ�undg, A 6irlond It Will led, 61 '.r And-Adoc f several hun 'It'd 0. Of this, rich wIbevenly sells(,.. Title it' the nk­. seflt"60. tire .0 v, o palace at SE, LIN, 6' is now Pealy for ship.* Kr,emlin- �t "why'. yti. don't, give better ida 10 blit. lily Wit be Sent itt� at ah 4 the -01 the 114'OV011Y 17.. Tito spi-rit'ni! Init. OSO jInCL4 n I, f� r am tot, I lip 101d, . ty date., At -the Coiagas, a fbrce.ot-fW the Shah- of Persin, It enfiroly cv- !to those who bis, and On, othlq. -llfteli� Here 1. ond colfise(10011fty, ni MlindmenJ8 (it havA oiio, (if 1� in Ivilig bc(t�rlser;vidp;ll refort� Woi,idrig Oil 'a he* shaft-bblisc, plec Otis 11h. reate. flin, v 00 6fones and "Lb9t month this -now under wriy� . IA.qlij�A o I f c1liscled in filgh noll n s9rily dff� iI901vf6c, to. ]001c st'6Zn-nin9f6r, 'train Was alwb ly Iffer mings �wllfld lip, of nich'is.empt6ye(l putting in tbe &-tho, pre��n6lf6n Are e but ''h frlindAtibn' r a gas proditeer -oil 'tile ack rec. ordod' In all. in. ilia I -d tij the, icly of watt to rUi�higjll to tile ttIIIJ.' Th� nr 01.6 thron. ust abo f1b t 0 TIV Th,�!% are 14 prqVloea and 10 teii ur, 00nd dovolopmeiii C. uet, all ��f, Christ, 7ers,. wall World �es 46-m a� & klit dergl' Wf)lll 'b T, t,,O A. 0.� 61,ginal wag lo grnnfln� filllOr 161ilh The �4_,Ot bp with, thd,itAal $1.446 SU Uri Me, n W are 11" *Yt 0, a e -of P,