Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-04-22, Page 74 q J t,� ........... ... ire F'T 77777: .1� A, xt�x 7 e MiRrvars 16 owi,bi -11 4�t 7-7 g -eld ielw .9sivc, dates �brclkd', washiv, 49 wo otli lag w �ou Ing, ;Ono also, 14 M6 iward, 4. a A I �t Of th, �w, Vo eaMmer. gliep yl tim which �,� e 1. "; ;� - �,l d''o alar KOW: ls,siaug r4p at, Psi-, sa MyAo', per aclie' %40 il 0 ages '6M 'becoa fri6d7, 16 TI with! 17 P94 P01. 44 t ggiiier. W* n 4 it m f st seeding,' Me 'Kaj�e�i.'s .00,b iod'4, AM Pr dod for r4i the, 1 .01 am; Atpiquy.,Wt� .�p� AN'. re4 f , , "' -. W k, er, om" ".1m, lit as vewry, arke ft tAW4, pipepsegi 'Are'' -le - I I ­cXFF Al the 4i% ­c riatilt joldof "140. Po.rpy 16.r 11) .6 "E ag The results 77� niio opera. 1*4� -0 -777 tell jq M.$01V ng. )rp grairk at -'doNr" 4: �Wo,qdin pails is, I of., 0 yke lxpeol-1. pqrgdq� a:", e4l M, g 14 the ng. Mr. ivhaa� the la eep, dates, point, j-0 t f -th it in . . I l,l I 7; mom"'iberat. . ".� G 4 A .1 D-Cnm� CQ -AE T. EL Isr YA MCATUION e wl�y, 1q.e. tep1wirk'ani'. othe, any Of 1tho.- QrD�Js Ind 61a ly,, �gv, .AV �­Ikavx n;4- 4 e? '46W A, .!dropp a t r �Q, A � N1, & it td!174 , ULA cy ITbLy bo;,sown� Iate� in ring than the; sP ER, -i$IET Tr­,,�.�', Hot—, f��* e' In' 907 lhe-4 hllpt apt toL,,k A� JL.A- A 16, by a ppoia:j,�approprjatiolk Mad Qtityileld.,04'spe 'no 16 P, ii: -eqtls� , Q t[ltl oimoil � Cq ww. r4c-?,*OVd ';to+ ever �tltioa in 'it, %.V.() Ly or S meall jnbtice lar -Ah, tioulAhe, spelt 9 PTH 11 Vill r kr 06 to r, i n1g furio 'pr qa8eof tile f U Merl 11110!1; eMpS for' W (trio Ch. in Ing 0101C bO, WNG ',that nLiktit Inu Do tha ad ea to hese "compeU. soeaj P-611,re in . ray - Nice thing, too Wa o0,1, n g - r1r. f!pr the Olive V ML'ney a wo 111�, m in in, g, that- t ere: agr'CUlItitirw Nocietles, W ty ;so successful 4hit an, ine'rea- t r great of, t. will ing U, lincle, FE'LLED rrH DIFFICULTY.:. -Provided fop sIniijjr:. rplO 0 W ft U a ion ss,' ;t Lcle u se ui7ffture, :Wh.,kh lu:i��of jale Von asW Aut. This.; and, LUr, Mahq�anyj Wog-thoh !r.egardd witli hree chlei'm n, Zoysia AVha1,h*I. p lag d -Societies and a Iran a arina at .-he f F 6 iould, Mj),11 V P gaij It. i - leg a Urs., �H6 stroll An or7 Vte 66 m" h f Oalding­'� was;,*i0poi§� ja aMAz'Q , to, tea arld'witi. 0, 00 $UdddYily rop ied Olf�;e, rMem, Ap yin"X, anY, 6 the, on -hard Poor, Mr.;. Dayri6if'at d 'VVL 10 supply Of -th& will b,silebteld -, 'r a 9,,. prpp ':. , I woo ig; 0, her, P'etiflib,' but -CA M it ion: :ot . .... . L' ur-le i9q-, Branch th' to OAU. iejy lig .4 . . i , , 7�1 'Onta 0 for- vbrd gu, t too 1 C "d 9� -4 ng, ad just', partili f'�Of `Agriqultii� "ll ngk�ylxo yar., !or tA, eedr, B en th hiOdeb -13 ,s tb' ti ea. f6y 4,r6 IA piplag,in tt.e.s0me 49use- Ilker , es ,vp prgr y in --ftint7it-1. I - V6,b r , , ­ .1 .. . . � r0aft Of tllie aces A rac I SUP.. -par mOnt -of Agj.'jq.Ujtur..­ si very gerly a .A 4' 'ag. :ea os, Ub Won mak-le, very, thein.'ADUL Rbund- y, y 'mup me yo. Aiint m io majh objects., are. dxi b ollng'. to Yne. w, enfle 1) t6 c tile trun, c,are:, largc,' spurs, 419ju to,eAt h -waat'to 'begins t vbJ&h­ t disoboys� really- -to. -d gr -ea er-- a . we r 3 the Vrowing of ftrs�t class seed and, Irk. 6fil wl at My a1w, led, with'a-gi h grain. pO ' h arge, e ell t f ther ays I -k. s'especial y forl'Of b eet,, o I. w h tell (2) Tb.erw�iira As 9 gothe-practiceoF, 41 W Jch1hey woi Thi� mea' that Old 'inet -of; Uncle, Phipps. uch ','That' gp`Ow� th-?t tr'DeL� CU,t -LU141OUgn at a, heighlf t,61 y t he ing seed,for next yehr's Cro H -in wtfteldt ffteeIj:fe6t f' , t S C I y� -��hajc6 of e DOm lle.-grl6und, lea�vink,, ort. of, fell BAT BEA %QUAI, TITj "k �61karitbi� �to` fir ry,'happy-g6-,luc�y s N E with p When he vIs3ed-:Ertgland­ a f�vry s( 0M. fT. itself,' u4ing only the best._�)?,C to gpt, to wkk --ii, that -fie mfglit h Party.--thinki- about �gej IVO w 9*0 on. nle, cleanest and best PrFsent­cOnditions', allo�vd. to. Urd Shilsli' aid do*a tor he �vel thought, it r pr�p` fio..Waast ared, land -a-11- 9`0 el.. Ijq4 -los owing, d 11 il n M44-6 4o,-thithic, t to rlPell, Tfie�;sysiem­of labor. I ig,-L as, 0 Av tbrieshing and staring s�a�ttl Wife aIasho had no.,whelirie. to, -�rbrli, upoll, getting deeper in sepa t4 �e, that,. pai-ty �u the cut also a guest.. .-ork;46 jday thkat, had everymo. n h.rAA m "SU;ielY I Ought first,, and..:three. m,.Orl. t6a ma7 count,, up i6e. Wrkers likir.&C1, tor One ymr' (3),, To obtain Pure seed i free that" Vague 101 6ther.-varliotie t4' te -'paid� dtv a Ills d 'wark WA n Durro ES --be- deloc rers. to 'was airk� io wont, ar '-fij 9 P, ,Iki comin,g, _Inio.' Jae., w1ken We crmop sx:pert sh '4i h, the 140 W1 who are� paid accefidiQ fiet rebHed� ibd gliffill Y. 6 " On. 7144 -stly .:in W �,ry or,, Mr. Day hey, "Aftf I L the'w ST Q�: Was, Aun t, urage (he uso.of al- v(4) heAVY'Yie Idih f SOMoonet'else Wis hirh LOs saltd:C, so, s6meone 9 a rains. h e th-br, ht hiln. toil. 011y laughed J�jnri '.I:< Y' mus �U inPreassed ou a&,, n "i;ural 'D' o (5) To tile sow10 Of seed -with T19,01lout In aelghL�j M-9 e�js .$,up, f went �OIV hisi I rrom. cl eanj vjgqj)ouS r -Wff AtS a All at im, ILL as.bli:vo,�Vaim 04 :`,Why;db�:yp oy I , u. I bin nar —e ro-W :w6oden 0. iriterelstodijjj n Yer --b - W , ghtT h ..... . . .. .... ourse. The or —or T sa_W no -77 ... rg -Id-- . as-n!"ht -flJI, or, WW 5� -is,: delighiful arming . and lie: carelessly. =11 Mnll,n& he p'poduction-of of Alers�& &eed. free from w6ods. -Xl6fu 16 &copV an ttjk� 'plid, 0 wanted. her�. beca,,U,�L46 -be said BOYALTY DO S f in NE 1, 'she su Let, it' th aALWXT ?. vioe, wl ted� With �prftjo 99osted last" at Site. had The' E NOT S. DO u ... 4 t, nighi. In With-. join taken so d ter. t in er ha, rod YOU WCre eep anA bal Jie,dil(i, ed is urged-: to. further thi SUMOT­tjo,usm, ailif th-a aPpoin ments, 14 alos 6ifvd aca,in . A' -h Tcher y l0gaj d 9 and an t4 j� 4gllt Perhaps,- it lit I n,',,%v t:*AY did e tent aRfjCUjt�rjj I W,) to vodd is r. to V bus,ifie a 7 - hat to tokla with. , I 1 11 tew w1k6ra t find, hifii �,,o hei twealth arbie, itil joillais.of on,��x, I . 1 -1 IN her �lkrairik tofind what r 't HUICrs� 0 i till afi�,ratb)6r -at hk 0 n Uke AtInf- -Pbjpps,l --br.olco .6, eAnd,- prb,ducti�in -of- -the f at' III hi. abri t: iV wheft -.he;. S' arin.4 of hurriOdly, asi,,hiec rose p uthat' fi -tta;e�placerwhere his-' I -wass to, be done,:, 0 orni Ira h- -E-- --T.l '�7LI­ - rul - r Fa low are es-,.reigulatiow I and �enL �P cer ain area h -M 1 e w I e must,comw re ave buvono (j* IO'� I N-1 h �-,Aftd try ,At Wi, s* c coluki pa or. p, Wa hef -ye in contra C t In :1. for. ne;6� dlctbrk�lash, 6ho I v r tts hidil I I d inIV V)` tell' herself n t I I of was-n6t setting- ti-ti6na- shall be limited. to .,OL The menus o concierned, herself, -on ly.% Im- qP1 'in n MSlt -be snztt�h- tha QOMpe,- ward's. daily I ­S� lo, to claim Ahat �Jrn of. ey:, t and glu'mb'er 'I' g'WIa- she, b no, c a -the hointe, Of Kling:�g�orge of, 6reete rnrs. are prin hindled b -di er cut with. 6irly'llope:bf. 66�tin I)OP, � to I r King Ed Q iWIdbted7by. V - L , , ted,on b dch� should thre . are Awo . in: her ., d 11 mounted by 44' '1 kelpa, I c., shalf'in': uck wn Mlfi'14t MOS Impo ace to 111ke e 41� anns'and" Vy -a a, fdr lor ktoely�;: neileeted --ii 0 iOm--`Fhe4.`ffjhg. bag--aft­7­� iNV.a& AeCeSsftr rta d' f -pelluork must, congistf.a fleld-of, not- tho f;L." foLl. �:Mkkttlohl 'brotit, aimed- by Olive arney� "Which: pofi�& ilia t7 only V or Which: :SO that it hall) am P lian, where. beans -and po kg,�.y k b -walWAS unip, re 11 a %Ing aying. 'gaw a- little: ork, t: 1,�ss e-mininMi7pliat-1, 7 out- out� - tl).e UZI, §L -a ad 'Auht a ig eater''at go -t6 the pea ing!" tion . t. o '9' r in Town. kill fl&ro, going f thiftri one acre., Selection allisr I �. N Itst, �qn J4 :U him. '.No- A'e: made t from* U1,6401-loiking the date, a, 14 �.. : tile at. � ^, : thing u:ftUslja&-Jh--�th6t;,.,beca gt a r ViZ an -'Was he . W f he, oats,, b6r� Im., 'and t goose W re the figure that every': n ther lik ad aPPMnty no h wherk tiefoile itrin mleSk -0 d ris'fi' fbr,,� ­ I , I. I . 11' Ine r witli a ley., Corn, Oea:s', Alsike - clover, ed clover �nd two. iinds"Of soup; t -be. lepo,. a ret arlta]'. jjg��"td give s601 iabi�' i6eiiiii jn� fieli during tile day'.had,resolved- itself into pf. toes, L cd for, boe*=, or -amy -o. er crop, pm� no Oil Y- yal qt� n 16 ell re is a a roh'th'. Ier al -a -,b �c0G-Ics 'And undbircook& :In 90 fs�hj wo o�ntrees� tWo� r4cloves. le.dimppoln ment or duc.R4 for seed in Ontario land -three Ltreni-elis liclt' It; dis''obv'e'ring that r, All it on. shdll be- wu.yb d --witil rious 2. Gompetltrs.��m 9, f se., Mde t al ly 0, ki - 6f voill more reason for 'ttin etal �.quzne Gernfano arrangred­hls-reals­'in� - all 00 tigr her lceties and uslashion. At- a,.m gi;s the -fields rath a cu jhit' '6w the ow. Hol strode along, d entered Must not lie cuplou, % urle4WI sw & baqk a, -with- AIL6 pro.�, eetmed In I�U;, -nipre-than-fiftee 4 73�4 - r. at e V, knowlod� ' , n �Qnjy h6r,6 ehe Y.t "'a- that he WoUqd­be�­4jblc�.j -qUarte Gotapkitors h 111 w, h rle-a- -b r -f and -6rceld Lat t our a all can rfke- and Of w-, YOU �fflr. Day in , is, -omrmy�4sII6 A h ��.er-yftl n W, hA6`ep'mP'­r,- L-ber--that-lile had repelyoif' - SUAll- C-0 "efitry-1h only one,"society; lat 2 o'cick. At -5 oiclock a on. as &I his later tie, .1t wast,the voi busi �g�iitleman nd blif: be Ad by t USUL�j'� of, ZUC CIO - in a h4ged hts,,,, Ewing, a his shirl s who sm6ked Ci.:, �fitjs�t�opher: Dayne. no Qnp entry cn is tea'with' little cakes"I At' 1 'a iiglit d'* y ad �Olive oti a competitor. 1�011 CX1 tly si4 lilar; to the n- -his- room-, sled.. SoUnj V loeves, PlIpper with cold zn&ts,.and about, 450SLY Mi lit oj­a. draw �.eh I .. L , � en 06 `e, of gar$, 1. . I., - Qk o er :§� an --atlies -Ml y where he apparent y L s t OS ray. le i th Ghristtop&r. 4�sollld- ount­was- -ti-ke-Sup th: Ohl ell Icitchr Od.l,,,v king, ;hier 'mind, that ;-e�erythfi�g.. 'ha.%L cmr p t1la markably silve TIS hL 1, t.hoU. re r ST chicke on of fre'ss�, consis uld,not'llet artied, and AhatL ill -big pocket -IDAY OF MAY 'i t - 1. - . ­ . -that account ma, w m ao'and� a nephew, m. gb n _alt in a momen .a grow- loor.situaiej -to. th-6 right goilig . 'A' 1 4 ., leso thafijen�-. -an un, t i7iph: my t tw6lity-five or th JnLondoa aire re - 'v we! '111011Y has, all d 4; ga rtrance� and j5.gtjar d �had &ne'. ay togeth6r;�' ha ell, am the.ric er ing, heArt-beatfira' nly by a.�aunt. L I I ,,, disturb 11jar ded lb about tile li'ttle f 6dividual. rnlrf6s. l Wled, at"�Jiklost I kilie , for me- in 'thei ion g, belb Ile reakfast. for two'. laid' "a a. boo m � d ow a- 'bi$'& good thing I individual ..prohibitive I But barrod:.wfiidD%%1r, and that' Clirtstapher, 'a little b& rUIj,LO'f Q-JJXSf entries must be forwardd-15 tile west f Iretaild they are Ied. .0 With- a'heighlened �;-�C-gerliuss--4tart-thit- ARMOR Pj 0.. 'KIC y- Of the'-kelamiIii bach, 314L iold that" breakfast In . L ooldrig n'the right path, No.onel',e'v' stoj*cd';�rerkthlos ly at flear, ality t, '<)lrs in jil-le to in er ies� Paillamwit. Buildrigs, Tor�&&O, he King is atztenii d,, Aunt., Phipo ' I out $card 'Of gmwn 0141, VL 11R)i C11-11 1 .0 , Equi rof MentL. weigh.ty -fkkLnC.,tj one Of the. Or- JUT E, -1908. d -'a t6, - the �d�r, InOneY ad 'f 'ill's londries-,in--thke Yi1diz- wait' h g�ehius"' the Ife, talft�, �k ing7f r.blim.110 Str�etl ght'adi, trlij,Lof his riStaritiiople;, 'jilis cheery' 5 IQ -closed.. to I I t1lou 'little Ppla have up�set w" in. the neighbo. societies- may wrl inv&ition Tirade of a Palaiclo, at Ou 'everything tMe, L Ch6r& Co�ipetitors an. entry' f6b.ot 173% will I ' ' j shed i e, A I all . even, -of t 1whistiler from Shaer'neirro and ;mightn't it? Mayne,!! she- falt�riid, cyen'while the not more Cey, Some cru ic Ism tho very, life. th" to. Now 1. am.golng. SCILLaro f P* I-appl lofflork: 'cooked thaif Ono. d6llar. ofa 1 e f niercy., 'eve ita-Im.�rlsoned-4ir. - -p--- -n IeL _q_ OMg* make -on" 'Agriculture Will contribute $�6.06 (0 eact agele; g. little tw peopie. ther -ible that nd oher, hesit ting,ii on 4 dash, -of R1196stufa. bitters, SeaFof th� lielardild, and remains b, -,r - hr �laml), awar� bf the fact,, 'at -oil "Tiglit--aftee such.. a condition -APOWdcrcd­-8Ugap-.I Y the to -Wid - that Aunt 'lit And I disagreelabl-6 'day�!),6 " comin P Say,. -Lucy., -tile 9 be. -offered, tile,% priie's "TO'THE KINIT8 TAS ng. "DW you� habou arriount,ob-45( 1;a�. in -daylinight wai jo YOU The this -Land that did' you sleep L weill", vi66si became SO low at -this. Point )"011 to -be not 16sa thah*5 $12,. $10., $9, qd Ile Sultan is n a. great eate rd no,mor w1lba the table rk�YL ho L c. h r, for ho that Olive m;ght m an t at Vrhight­ -get fr,a sta, �!N,6tL V Olifi his 'ap 0 nuthw'. of -n* the efialoidle, Cke the Dominlon z:eling- br-an petibe with ' th she- rep seating- -Ci ig "And YOM, me �.down. o e the Then, 1460d thdro think.. ilt Wlndsok� Casflo, it, is ia da "tho-se. who ha Seen tile nicals wh�wevei,iej Ion he should t: 6&0-� J,wqn -11- ­ - pqnsj rasped tit I e cor L You � dear 'girl will provide T1 d - of,moeting Me?. anch ot sho su a y g -belkiartm,5at bf Agriculture, t tho�w s he 1 sAy'I'm- sorry, be�qause I'm 6ric not-,* jikd&� for thsit eldrapetit Ilavo-,ahy- hen-io llow. the - h in C ions free PJ QLJ po . Vider Lin 'Itly t life . woul 'bd jij�o, jf,�'afe -of:, the table, and star�d ''d y flicroyllria meat in processiri into the imperim, r understiIndin' so y� 0 you r 11101 bollection �60' d fly -of �ngland. hem, -w ..;an& poke, -'rillibkly. a9 tw-6en Itides cl OU. said r ,: 'th'0'.keIardjh. is m icirriethilig last night about, wattling' here, for mel ThLrilc h6,%v Christopli4'and the, grl -,ilia ENCE,. O SOWING ING t��O -gold dog's three fkA high, 1br- qi.esbe U to, I . I ri " d to' la�'disl k aft' m6 --to provide (or she had.. shOuld be fIfpp SPR to. 00 er imagined; thall. a 'with he editors, and used as'firo dogs-, a s6ont foulai I<fo t -he SU] tari pa-r1dices of* it nain L n In �a 1.6w: Voice. 44.1, have 0. GRAINS. rk the dorkeepers and #f- tf1guries-of Arabs Nor. bt6alcfast the M-1ca4lo aw all I ht*t :thrt*&. the me Experlinen n 9 inking stiiitijilg'-, Wfiat If it s4iould prove h flee,bbys'l And you've-brouglit mo'lu6k- Its ha W& she -had ' brought coti- 1�0 be6n 000nducted at gnouped �ikpound it %vatoring the" neVor Intnded L "that y6u� ShouldL C m 1 0 rio'Agricultu' Ir. w -bowl �of:, beam''soup and cek�ning toat'los,of fortunoha4 iloused oa�iti ­� qu�i6 a &�b-! the Ont& ral College'in'clach. &ZOLIS of lofty�gold candetAbra,, salyefs,, a f0N;V,-o(her'disj . r usu 46 dAything, of the� kinj. In fact, A les but,:Jiis,diant th� , gipl's s�Mvithieks* -for sjm­to�day, must lidw known (If fieslwinr�prir� eat, W)1101 ins and flag6iisinrl'umeeable. ally .8.Prj,,-arq mn0 9 wh 000h six Aniong I tile li which ai%q tq 1W althugh lie 1w ys 1 -shall :be at she Who Vdtlld'SO Willingiy,lur ir. Luc.. t dates in & ipring; also by'so- said o '�suvvivc jxI tile royal household. i's oUld ba�p e1se woula have Softerled' li .6as , tj'c Dayne? What if it sb i . Pher ..You' were, in tho neighborhood; nothing .0its and p -on ea6h -of cumous..'eust-oll let W pribvido' for"my-A pen! that .,n n a ile I'Doh 11, t y olf 'Cr;6k1bJer­ about th6t, AM V' �votr don't.. mind !ny' saying 'LucY1'jI1e Wing emineir and it ex 14VAgance, thti­,ve. ry, Pell, -011 6abh'of eightL' ilia(. of not furnishing " fijj,,&r When, any- ollki 'Phit slkld� thristopher. �*Itlk­moriy st ou s,6uc I n le spring; and .-b- y any guests qep� fie o��Uffing somo new. happlyfe'ss ' '- 9 ��Oy custorlid blossom, g,. �.rpi�l- t -ou've ee you're. ir -od he feIG n' k6ihilh �Jwr e On. af eS �, f tile r1ollig n he autumn I- T 10,"'WhO 63 ita' aiAnd L he sic 0 lit r I him 11 d n lbreak. bad news to int, arid Uftn't very rdpliim, Ilooking sit �v4. in. ord6r to obtain reHirible Soft�ly fn,her fielLpIcssn laight into irid. speciflo. il"galioiis Nv�y` of drillkilid.it �i lace, 7 foi InstaftCO-be will "riot, parie. �,wcll turn ),oil bilt, know, -and. leave 's Min healfirof P, %Ibrkeyi­��l MU[q -have 1110hey!" she down through. tile Tem� infbrmation'r4gardhig 'the" best tifile to tile. feigning Idng,a: Ih.o same. time holdr .'tin..V n prepaling an el�garlt let Me- . . t, 1lift, for v the differlont 'I rt hek" he' said 60V it I've lot to say to you, a t Oiii� 'Barley, Spring, W1146at Eir)(1, Peas. qlvalifyffig ficir,tolist, "To flip. l6n over -T king ell d*'ct of charity Jintil I Call de t gr� of 13�11g�(ini. L�- ms'And don't ou woi ry Hill nd I warit you lie' W611t -on', as '-10 each -of the five.ye%r/ in - which fffifis Pie a' can qw filyelf failing in everything roar f ile ,,perikkkillent, w -as conductktd Al, Ausfrian fril man and M4� Nve shall -rub 1.6ilg soniel r they 'tumed'dwatif n6`lite I urid�rtako, I can, siOa is t of all th low' redUeed. He HSIM ily , 4 S, ffa f . . .. ...... ILL r Wh4t and peli.5,L LtiOlrInSf, ntarly,,& -at could be t idil nie-vvIly you t4kne, hereto-djy seeding, t k place y0i n the I IL, ell ill said 4) It you , man th 11, ' ' * ' ly n live I a 4d was p­lapod. i Do cqr re ki� In can sorry, 4ChrJ1 rm. �niough to to &bd, hat shal I wl' -rf tbis �'slamp, wh simply to oloi bmad, ane on, the, floo jarn, joily- .01, Inde 'SetL aside. and'ealmly applioprfat�d r I thught about S�ou,,.tring so li, and- age. ne \Vo6k wa allowed betwmm and 8'.i;x'8Y goes tile dish to ffial�:e �\,ay fol. 13011letinle% d A-bereauso Wa -advan- marshal taps C r intf "lis, yourig:- atint'..6f 1.09 as sorh&n(* 'to Whateyt Oli'ver houh41fe.frilil, and a. ci)p. pf tell. ?.- Oliv it she Illust at kam lic a, Unless'unfav0rable is Sifiji?Ie,�And ,�j Ili, the pork ordinaryLoCoagi 1'*6. looked after and, -pmtebted bld to pay hadn't, heen, quil,46 nicia o you this lliorn- Wtlath6r compelled. 4 change of a day o� 116.1' tak-es 11.0 tsTarny ell, a,,hol, f slianic, at Way fill (,hat holl8e; -evei-y'LiIj&t,jhct da no "" L _to of �ing. 'rllo groin I'L to hoor r6voltd at ill, a i d 6lj of ac." h�ft"t said all I ant'd to 'say..` two �n 'the bc-ing broligh 1111 ;on 4 (fly. 14 fs dinner, in.the illought 'of �X.1flingly andL "ViLaVS. Just 'IX,haj 1'Ve been, thirk](Ing in vwofi of in e . ... .. Oat iii, Cep Ing X'.�,qpL,all y from the hand AjItL Volf ni�r,copsi�ts b ly4'. aceptc& an.d,L Of . how' ftplied� no. tho.diverage thlo flrst. date being OfillV0. Neft]10,butt' er no r -sil ban and ffaudulclit a flflng all )ell !.$ill, and' the last date 23rd 6 xed n *1111 11 ... I od,' Wer sill,Plv can't flght agrins( it. - . 0 ill, o Ili, j,jri �was,, no ni-atter. what her purpose in evon if 'it"s riever ]lap- yield' of ,both , graim n_Per ofIfi.as was hlg� them was gl. iDrq thaft pro, eC perield Vibrg to 'anyone: .1 r6,. the higlie'st� ilt, LI - t A g7 4 "e q Ug umpAvIth. th WAIFS- AND pC 1 t,,too: 06Y ill �v .v felt 9<1 I her like th t of spring wheat and tile 'bal*10.V, and from ty lie al t prefers tbachos and fJUr that"she al t "T don't want" to revive painful. me-' d it tbe8ecrid date -of seeding With , thooats s;MpI6,jood. Wilell, -rep, t, upt. ffilv exPen 0 is assurkkc� 111ally inorics, of co n n soh`10 in,' �-'l don ithat, 89 urse," K6 began' abi, an& the piliks., It was obseiVe a 6.0teni-diiial foeill the Cj ife �L , And� Wne is d. tl�le To fear r. 'the I I �-1 il-'Ib 0-whrkt�di-tln dic �P b i pp"I "W to line 111-14 to , g<) VVI)a t ThO, Ioaf, '11. sut6b"o yoll WCIN6 &wfully'cut Up[— ev6r tkoubl�g avI wt1l a,. p�rceritAgb ot.n;st; in 'the resuffing-cro blow, of course," 'to t1h6 I -a ad tW4 find Ways P i.b.thbers tovep 1,900 PePS011s-, and A gow be,soriv for jhaM -always -be glad &adually increased, kvith tionly On �Ii lud6 t%vollty4bur officers or tlj,4� Owileft, V�kkj and tk slight excepti `h o'Jig wileliti. st lij 6 indieat� al \,to L -AL the Nvorld, sulfw! upon sClwing.Sp 1640'6018 'of 'the d U� 4S ri ift (Imel. I'Watit a trip 11 Aild'third yawil into fid, -barley, bat§ and' peas In tlk� or6er here rii -1�. .&6 Much try to hsrpeas h r) -G ir oil r IN , ng w �ljjojl slsAll is edA drlo'llj ilLe had "faded, liI)ertant, lesson may be, llearned -to light, tasl�, 16 IOU and in :spite of, trIl ('11l, sjjjp�- 66 n're,,illariv. toA cat�h edd e ro'of this tXPOdMent, is �did about n thc MUdd.V'Ol Tharnics ho�rm thpoup� City built for 1OVers-newriflf every, diiy'g,dlay. there 'am� few do"n ts: of locwtwe of, 11fi a" 0 hold Wt -'Aow that', more qi nlibes wil6ft good.., nyonAnd through' at 61'fy� T to see t , . :'h 0 ding after the first week had 61 0-1.�o I f4b' h6 o rate tt at: rle �[Ijjd by kfitod 96ea in W1110h the seeding to ­k p1de6j, four chefs, 'a lu,06H Oth 1111" &V f ofth dalfilbugot that I* re -Ver beefi so twLf( or go, domfoN- tkere, was' alri, &erig-o d r "IF , or ar,6 for., ease of anidlibil And a rone man. Pounds of'barley .'29 El adh his staft of -,kgo t0 the 'headathe bdxt, 'table and' hAd Ji6vor Pburids of, oa ed by -such, w�nj;WW`or such. symoa. �P<Uzkdsi of. 9p llll in ddlflon: all - In. 0,11,6 -good 6pj�5rtunitV, 811pg past. yod ft buffds wng wheat tnid �3 toNt fi& home, dividual wbio May gaf�ly 136 dbcribed'aa -j�at and gttib no WOO iftdlt�i p r Ad! lie low nie&ch� c to' the M&164 I , tjodjftjj�j 6iDd . ANI I i ip, I I., Isn't a 619n that 'lit li�g lildhoy bbil� A OR *'fond of :%6 hugo W frank- au&b slip tarnu her porna With her. L qUito a long, 11]r;14� In 'and 600t MV6 been towA 0 --!Ygh ty ooheng 6f 4 gr Kai ed rr%pm el t ho In d 4ef rsliP Y An4ny th 6du"ge a,'fid fiaa a 6up I' ell !W '4 e or &y. n 'ftl4t �� ­' a roh V yd' i's t 40d I04 w ik�, Sumblo, floe vi t