Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-04-01, Page 8777 , 011r OWA, c()#WMA4qA 1) given L this need. coming, gum!ner, 44 C9,TUIP .. . . ........... VA;3A , Con The �6�' a0 'o 91v .,It is t be b 'b 7 Librv0 and. - wilt 110 AV IL S ps ,ever, glvoxi�-'by ;us Ur pr 10 Tfi6 still , (,#ressihg,. ril N'01�, "DRES C ODS add Iter att-theirrqg r two; PT mem ny ay WE'ha�Vlp. rel� ve ing Dress, G VoiL16 Tzinamas, Poplins, Wnetia-hs, J-usties, Self Mr. �Qba�., McGregor f Wingham leadi4g shades a t 18unda tripes, in - Y oo s wi ave. no t' -k "thl, L te$S blacks a:nd eaa�ng fine- wut� beres D -G H, 60, s e tfie:po4iti of, �o6k�i trouble making 4 choice,. oe s guarant &Chiff T"Affetta at $1-o6,i Black Peau' Do- Sole: wort4`$1.2 $ X'oo ,4 coura6ln It$ lew. por to., Mnye4nS,& r NeL for B I Nit vy Taff �tta a r', e 75c Per yard'. Oils'; N May uno eltin N r 'to 0 W In 07 AN. Th� Onwham infe ays ',wit Al h' W. "C' d L OU V niegn.16w.lApes, ry ur ahis, t.-Whi e Cur, ti ITI�' [�'AW &i)ight:,fhis w& k. 'Vo s4es,, rQ -56p, Wh t L S pwi'�-­i e, ce e ra Avgersj i olse e I e 0 F u- �W SoM ruts ngs.,, Lb ex6olliet:, collbe t to a. la all rea Y Uey. r e bite L W a e 6 0 I hen . an,, �d 4n me re d n d ersian a 00 n i ys 0 b g V eatin made.- Cloth -:'%vero tokes anA 9,S$ ing'. ou ring e. fly Vuslins aj I early 4nd'ma-fiy of', the lines a e,�Co side Ce ue 'b ight: n th din Ina D, Pi9 rid 'Enj van ve� r6wrhM to' heir t Lawn '�po t broide i A in. Ctisto' home after.a Visit pro pr. with -Mr and k)i r I mers; good assortment., d get the 4'e'nefi,t. n 00s:9 g 6 this season obq,,Shelton. :)M In our Be Ch -a Sixty�line 'Pupils' and: the Sques kon being discassed &,I t a erection n �o W 2- DEPARTMNT:�. d a oth t 00L. �..�pecia s; MATT NGSL, an or ;Ono adother rooln, r&; d* Depar6rf e n ly T inery on, t is week but, th6i regUlar liss- -LlZziee- MeWient rqfuv6ed­on' a ur. ay U V, RUr p ning w .. I r pring, 3'8peCr S URTAINS, ch. who li TAPE TRY C afidr I e on F'i.da,y, and Saturday. 4pr th QrAi 1, �Misi entUti '�, t- , , ' - I . e. , e i �q a,,it �an JIOW '�an er xv, 60 rv� y1e. of, ber Up. Miss �C t L 85C 50c,- S -C'., LACE'rCUR AINS, 25c. eKenzie, 6pent MS, s0 3'.- 75; WIt -specia.1 V -s L L Ftpop, I -LS, AND r 6' INOLEU h now the kile t & - ------- - . ....... r 2 4111 d q at Xorth-League,.'on­M P evening ill A 'g was �Ppen ��9n Ina, dMss' bh' a I, .,,ions Ili og M ........ ..... a an - iw�- 0 PapdIrs Were rea& by is% L ar age r UgS Aliej Mary Martirn re s owiRg S nigome, and CilapW t h we ifid daugh lea EkV w r: e O� 1 38 le a :this e6k f o T61 d p, -to,,�-order­aiid �-Sr tor- a __­�j,..­ __ . ze- llq;� o Vibi-, tliii A; n a o t a 00111 f J�h forme) a -ne -te n Ilet map whil Miss thq a UM mus ry. ue. . er� In W a I orni W L � I'll L ' . ' 0 e f a ill'sp6nd the 8 Q A*% V- C Te.U* in 0�.s eop�oly xA�aetiog -of I he W. C J `�be��h allj%arolk, R A C ",00n, April 8tb At tea'Aleck. he Pro a th#� Hw d, 40 Siden IS nXIOU3' at bat 'me ing" At tbi� season:. ei v ��r the bu' ell at �Usines- 'd "-siiie sy' h6usewife b ''a, SP4. — - rover: h nrl Ur.e of a.� ;spl? Ookg er. fiuriiti an n S s cc fh Wi s at, 0�f a v'e-'-,thQ sne WOE e ­ P Cos dan. mke them look a en as well' s wh The fierce r 1ga e bridt�s r on, Friday a a 4, at. -the home Ofr the 09, b SrherV�jn-:W-i -she:s' wn Ph Y I nis dtIr ble �iirni . .... .... -Lothian, own and F6 JIL e Ell n varhis paren F A Jim Webster-. i Vrolp onr 9",qp- have a specia d K e, 0d,64t-diwght& unrooiad­i b 9, b t r A Lud or in o 0 . , 1 jv;kharsqaYr I'J"U Ono of the WoAtL and W rs'. ohn -GlIlids, 'to;A., D' M ofF -An ' . r . ' . r. % �, L at.�pros6it visitin 1 .& by experir'nce, we know that i acilityre nd iblew the wheeY J. d"! h r ra - e I make a nt ."ar. 'aug l;P w'IL n 61d�plpc amera merb eemed.rrre ents. of this g b of that 1: d d ie Gi Imore Ybiqago. is., ham., on, Sa6byeta i last: aJ: nsi o int.ng.,wib have a Ii d h fr �P�n �,Ing' assortm..' di' elftt' 0 cooy, atrick 11 an, Deceased, whd 'was' parts having v6 ere with hee un6le ill) er -"o 99 to. r morit1s`4n. :Ftirt -Fr r ancis. to "th eauty.0, A- -of r e,.�an Sh i n M h a �of- thear V, pI , o ears of-�Ash eld Morrisoim, the -greater Reme :h'jjd� a.. wood e crtio cz; tn. d., Xty-seven y�arsL n in Ire!and si Ttibsd4iand as it xesule haf�.a* sj s.tain�, Olt P4.ntg. K7-SliF Weab 8 be evile — --W I— -St. 'Hdens bo , f 6�r e r ome an, yearaL ago.. Y lif cc u�ntr wh ur orresponMnt. o a e, th Sh t Pa e b I A ton gpo&--�) _U, -9- be we ve -years 6 In'POM' ell use y 'With.hi 61�- .for D vi n B 6e U a rol r arr U.-a'So��rget,t d thi isited among rela this leinj y ket. and, yo e�greatest �assortmeftt , rp4t others, ;I reiided.,here last week. Illng. L. ay 112 h of. c6lors� Mr -and- JrOM-, w �Femai hich�.-, to choose.' �cp 4nd� br :� ­ . , W -W magain �Inrle then. y :.there for some S Hent qn-lay. in do'deribb, e 'have -a 'as P W d sort bis, bef and" 'diligence he made coin- t�ajr t - . . I t�; . .. - goo men t carpet swe Mrs'. 'Win H' ogaft -is V ie'r -n on, i r' I isitin "he wh k- and--fi-ickel -polish. 'to L ick-lisbj� bub��w. e daug er, ra, -9 �o i ­IiJr--adV rn ar ISttablirb a imse, i's pei6dily r e our, ever Fail" an P -fee veking. . —Aba, C�n e st (in L Allie Gardner, ion a exit; t . his, - n uig int6nd-'talgit, .,.tL.e- co�cert Ask: se o,nb W��_ d 0 0 h -DU ett!s. &u�btbrs to'm rn' a so f a ind days, !ere. yiqifing on a usl egs, Oil ill '10 �k istar, . Mrs. 6re ing ay oftur'011 Da L e,rdn'aed a3katoon.---*1 U13 Ph6roa an. iss F is h a r .of. ur pe estfian brighd attended ioving hui�and,,an fa a cK ith an d th r., The John M me, d X"' V 1K h Rlieh` el sympathy o a entire.Pommunity 0 d' e'L &Y. w o basi% been - f. ing-rielatives -in Dfibgann�q as LuP now 'b 0 Our 6ktend6d to',the, bereaved, family. er h,.,.,bee , otbe a main at f' ni surne d 4 h to bly fi�' amounb mu--nDIE, UTHERLA ladS M&n.,., qn� )Fridq ilight- home on. jlfojiday­r�io jrom�� l M r. WE6. Lealii, I Married. Ili ]near, G e .a, V It of Wi g sea: PRI 401plii is vial h C) thic'vi6jnity.;-;-Misi M­kgat6t Ru�h6i� rg oo'.8,ittirday busineas 'rip to tbiCbu T� a olne las­V` k'aitek foid turn d. h , afid'Mra. Vm. Ttiveiiani,Ffam.­ ... ... A lno4d. to his ti�'w hom .'Rev. '9: UY with, Ilear 'Vik d A 18P.TL rUfh BIP -61a League. eiiteet�id' after his sw ' ' 'bi a on on sy, a I. John Reid, who ham been viaiting d. " i. T" h 6- u this �9,641ity, left on , Mon d their" ev. Jr.' ki b returned to Y, 'a 4061iuo L h a Uto 'on' lWohday qfoi -s veoffig. Lkot, as a re;uib of tiie'eoftteSt PPI 'Toro a ackett'a rr,'!en t IV- -beldrvn bi : n4afi6e� ospe�ialfy from, -78 T Ad T i MEN E �.will be hold on,.Feday bo Ap� ril, 3 roads aLd -the an er s.or, 8 -ole'l jck for th 5 Pf �POSO of Organ-. tI d t He Club A-1.1. interbef zing a R Offil ar guid e C V� Eiji in cot ne 8: w itb prin g an ear Ur -Aim, s i o Pleas'e., can be qqiekly­,cb&jj ad Jo:,jc. 9. Wling'of- ColorS ..buoyancy and energy h the jddiPi� In al U a use,of Dr.' Shooek :k� tth "C'a e ita g, Res a 1, a. The SM)T H: .0 to ag, nixina-toniq to ti, 'a 'Cha r red -3 -A run' U(Mli nerves, d MAL &JeW doseo -th,6-Bu 0 tj fit �kcto*lly mae h - IS -Dr e; 'n Ra is y t e:user (bab ried, ..Go do - D. Ud am e f6r Me rl ar o)z by Charte f.4, 0 Ing tired, SP06, .'' _3:: al Will, b o �- " t :W71 0 sliiggiAciroula. S 16 d6d, I W1 Oaa d dd Neits., *ayd leads to slug i_,W 4 - —­ - Y ear y a e, " . a Ult, liji of aiats a 0 In g eig The n ;, oil 0 5.01 ary a6k okereleeL Aled ir tiji up the R Iris 'd Ftesh an' tes a I neys d ve0j. ag'ni% f k a:iid oft V 11 r6j%80jjabJ ared Meats' 6 01Y., to e prfft' we kefia6 hert'S action., V'80 Ivk d, weeks pa �otaoj it few Or r S 'Ays ll' e for U will lj� 6h.16 testwill t I A 63* a you.'aro A: R da - Aid sure the Cha 'S J, Q: "o oge. from dayl t) dot�'. .,8LO Id, 41 t doilevs. the right ratlledy Y