Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-02-19, Page 1prr Z. T" w., v V. �iib 3 M, -,0 W" �1� 11% NP, 'I, �o, " "" 3 'IF 'Vet P�. '0 , ;", " END; R ,�tt 0 - 'i2 7 y _%ffll 204' gim, 711 0, E - �9,46 U. P4`14.*X"4,,4" L B 4, V: FE �MARW 0�v �X . ..... N�` T 00, "a BrloOqlii��-�A �'OuNb. pp y�,A t PQ lt,�A$ ISOXS'­':�� clif p FW U 4'' L RAN't tli; oq [lih -The 7 M�, rh 'o 6 '11N -V P.- ewe, 'Co 0 rr spondent' tce,Ahec qfl% o ated, 1855 Beaton of r �V M lit Id "k f his, t i -so or-exu .)ta,, ii tie �guE at 0 piDaue uT,;Alp, q �) imalltor a. week wtaj,'jit � , ., more iless �6�X A.� EYE- -SI JA "' i !-' I ' �i' I I ' ;� Offie6� M. �. I � -1 1 Nei(,Bbatqa,',L ' - I jUn our! j., ,jBox'34i en mail, j �kz,� F�F"' P- We C it V warffivdiff4, t, �j" Re ap a ......... F I' nt III vapo A' I soon A ordiii.� to hl��v �X s �4reet: no afor Pa,i:_"Wq '1 40 writer I b -b' P 1-1s -4 lots- - �d -'LOANER EAL� ESTAN9 , - -. -., - I � : . I - . - bili led a ' P, 11 ,., rrab rong 8 A ru 'Llore I � S f0improve a Ift t o§t. wl 900 P EAL H. The, niail,.has 'left'.LuckaoW- ""hdrt�jeA B 1. d -0 OA4 �eyry,, �ay P js year ish "t ooe� nr1d,hy OM e. d h D P A a lcDonald ng, q ,rou Th6­,8entjaql in-C� ta 'this' e Ma_j !U;� jr -om� ese�Fqin!s o ar, ens,, _UAR 01, AU '(a on t k --,s- p, .9 'an'd -gages (,,n rea, f D 11 W l .;� " gq ar yan,, sabscribem ave r, arm- properiie§', r4D tIso ��e, ippre' eyisons a- h proor. p rorftptly�' �filled. �D elr� �P th' 0. tor. erico at thelh ina-linsuranc --by-the', -upbrqk6q-.­r ea xr-7 -.—Wirrgh4,,n4--- - 3-�-p , It S-bffid-, 6f� ar:i ea', jil It '!' I , t and 0 z �6xtila hava been:, trav 1 _de jV� G ai call. atch-played e. L rdee to deliver -A --T-1 ONEKY NEW 0 N. T ,ky event g k 'j -ihas tak6w vt Nle� on D _U INTL -a 'posi on, witl1,GMac'Keudric 'rug- rtet,�,profits. for e a. yar lus of:7 at half 0 the soor� IGE' ALL1Hr,:5LQC K kuCKHO'lut. en, ed Ad-ou nted -t6-0 St era MP 'd' WA .�"Afra Alek, d Th il 'Bank s hisbor,y,., Mo Swil h retu6ie L, o ay., 2' g W6 oWn,13orresp9aden ftm our mL ar. wi ' L ---- Bag, am f rs. - 04%. UL R or Ur4U Ow,,your,,. s (I am a nd pruden key aa& a tt ess extracting ro id s e'e,., solne P': fjoyg up good hoc by doing your, b 6stAndpafest ind Mrs. a en -Paris �gen e M ry eyp .0 th �s.'Rntheifoi'd s a r ON40FORME. _C YOUr,7- eja _thing_twar in, e bre .8iiiens-Insti Tho,Lucknow.' 1 P U 8 -the Library ceo se atprrh em ady. A siniph S) I ris Luu.te will meot, at Vi500':' a" jor. n6w'hohLie GGI S ay W'18 t oni h, It truth�rli�ell, Worth:y 226cl,.. or,A] w -ourL k4c) hi Viet on �-Saturdav, Fobruar UZ eri. fi6ld, ff I L, by _f Ao Aay., a po aQf_,6rganiz1qg 4;4 M 1AI 01, 7 be -met k for - v p w Lvurtnu I thlit 0 at� mew ers eipq6illl y, reques a oOf 'do' r "a' f,d F d CiL_ �j,_ non'1:1whd wAsAdly appoint mod hone, lifit;d ve y0U.,Zd!q:,'4e8t ThST, bor -P 'd ind. e ry. b o Miss Clive daid�er list vi�eek -w tor­ratti 6LOf deposit"tDA%te,of':�with­ Pleme-be, prompt on da, h usirkess, mt H avmb� assume c 0 ip'alL j?oUR fli s h att .1 n&M draw�l an, d end g" B e. PU�pj U. v& an Y� .,o A iii a d6d to lie Con SS, -0611'6k lness� yri6or . e - wil am prepared g. t d ....... ... L- ­­ 4 A-Buildn Toronto: ''The program- presph -e ini- -the C�,dd- OF, L Allan,, of,,,F1'our'.;L- iud6r� pleasc,; elloWS -.will- -b- i,F 11,6frac ing_() iwy Weil hes ay. 0 'a oI er _P its ut er rd� lid Ry: H to ercla's, aaaress w As iery: i6te t oes., '7!, padiedi 01,Mw, i" ke r9WX :iD Andit� i office. ba r at more- g _Week 'Ordet-s deliered t ---You, b a s! nes 8 thdid heLe,iti at� aii t -H imeki U, d'i:L -e.re n -working - 'The young -)a ies,sang�An. t e r, b 0 ar date de li usuir, th t 'Post ur give, ree t?'Ansportatiot AWU 4 U LKb n.117oputo on7 es -a Mn o amp in sar-g-twd iolos The, who- wdnt:' And6esoWn M J7 C. -P curity .61 ve!-y j�k _W F' S i and 4i6ter. Airs re urn ARM IFO W ALE —'-About 11, tail e a in splencli. :voi,:e. An , w rdi: IL ed-. d d as y: soft, -have'. golle on an ext I 46ded go -50 o applauded." Revw ''M r, Mcker-ioli'made cId S6utii of thck�iovv ii� re OW, . ..... alt!'ta' rl6ndsia DU fiAm tick w c' :-kn r f o no u, p ort-Ppeed :-ext nciftig'-bi6-sympathyt it_,W :�Woods S-1 id-u��-*itft�an always e r 'a CU suitableL_ or pastar,6.-�-�F6r inclr�&des�rving,, bring I br-it-tia worik An , , . .� L _' th eO."T..U.'W, E� H The�ti 'i watered an - parti to e . . .... Y' Those,,of�our rea s ers who wi'hL to' 11 d arficvUrs- app Y' o, A D suppor., nor molre� to ca Mr. "llwin4lias, insta e 94_90� further �p rry. k- . . . . . . . . �fot . L - r e u. Rb§s, at McGarr�y?s H.6' tako'.' id,�Antako t o.u* bb rate line, engine',,, oni. Rev. M�.� Ford 'was abseut� ing, to furnis Ter tr4w e y'. lue q, lie 8c,6(ch- oncer o cAues av thro h il v. Mr. Sand A . �,�of $l.35.10i, the 'Seati6 Ua el and. We 41 �ingi, fee 911719, Ingi era, t G 1,oloal Unio e ayji al Vie7i) n i e ident. upping, --e j ha ar ain, W, W.1 7P� (:be t, an s,.o 'suc�:esi,;. dl CA jig, 'T -of ul ere, f aW i�tle� Apply to, n e t d Fellow' for the use of the houlie of, irbi� Q bill h'- It -d' S _P h �-of -Mr.-. te ! ''. . . gl� re;L ipe As 'm- es hi M ,4, 'jS the, P .e. r ri _uc asl'sh6 do �­ -.1 6r,-TemperanceL' siness. an . repor ) - ".. 1 1. . - � :,P Sal re t d e sev tinge a, ave b-e� njad6 lt� ntiktu his Coi)L eid,"ea, will lb��.'h ch of the c'hurel ered liec,60n, W I R iplay -R- ad his an6thier "o c on 6nin�;, 'r "k bonsen . . 1, _) riL Frid4 ni-ht at :8 ' I And will ,devote 1 iiii attention, to.the FroiB qur own corresp6nddnt. Lu d esp.: -an. umpbusin oUtb' am Gemmell f S or F S, raw 0 e e' the Mettv,dist Ch h tj R C The iSSe, 13 and' Etta Tlrn'wp�- -wee k f OFPtit )use 0 r_ ee s rom� o! urnec a -RPEC'1A-L-- 'LAM 0n­tlfij-*-0rk_�___Vlj pos W rien s A er,cAlection yvill b on Sat' 0, U: ood rl I b6' fola aV �S L 1kntj* do Qt,of tbe.G T. pqneA �o I nead'ai evening.,of this Woll G W e we He! delive' ed iWs lAr r rippe is sw (eping the country 'ta en S afid �Clock'S k ib' a at C&J,iinc Sto fo ek P, h wih P�rev6ntxcs'be to it, gets Watches �Upwaj p A Se6hd EFRIGERAT:,OR, h', on 9, a h P Y,� check ear ly colds �in.. r d,6 i ted: irb thi's w eak -;,aramoU j1p. --ou---. aft, ay ------ ---- "d '81.00 0 ih pyi�e. and h xt�&Mrs. lit'a .Ch�:' ' * 1'� 1 4 1, ', L 1, , Ay i(US , 4 with these tttle� Cat. looks. p For, Sallp, 9 for as at 'Yer From our 9wo eoriesi�ondent., .. ..... . W, bessensible And slifo-. All i§'I -M-4 ��on, Hur�on, ii 'mo ruing. t )f d"' par the. kr�vbnti68 'Co ggio HU Alt itors" Ptaia no 0 ing to Uwe being no,service A'lrge A§80tlaenl o ewe ery always mfo '19 I 'ts an *xperifitures, han the .!Xeth( Church.. on Sunday 0 siiil;enin�. y 'Fees P d 07. laxative �isitjngr r cousin Miss Miar wtl Tiffin of Al.bs, and' Puetialonvi, 1WU tioa gV 'to 8 ace a X �Co as .mpt y, i pre" b rercwix�g ciluain , tan a,,. an attenda a ro en. -evoningir th i K no Special-, atten i en re a ring 'be �ha-d f rom th Clek ear y were ev V 6 RipleyL erish'chiWen. L -%i 6 0 amou -k- Ur' 6 d Church w:as ver large;;. Ma e QUartett Roffatt- or the Treasu' r. iri Peter box, 48 tab;166 Vest ootlt,t I a jj' fioleetioa 9 ar und Par' re aaLeu ntiya,,arb. visiting, at her father' C I xeB� 6 MST orr gan. 6e6t... Sold' by, all doolets.' e US11 al nthel h insteal of t 'X�06 a -on jSt_j5-T , ho ititermorit'to9k ace tee Kiti'lops Air.l :1 -Toil Currie 'MY JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS, P know under the doctor'$' paqs6d aw sirill -in .,Luc and Throat', Specialist; will b6 at Cain cemeiei� on;Satiirda� afteirnQqA 15th h 4unday last Af ter a - Jing�ring, ill ness. McNabb iv o has-tAU&I t -of. Mt. -Alex h care. Th ited led in ParamoUaL 13f 0 mo of" his' rother n'to 7 0 yes teit, P. L h om!ls 'He �d '67 tuck to teaciv the: J'ate d toy, I Bg y, a 9, has: gone 10 0 RiP14 emetery. &nd Glasiieh �6plied . '-Eprworth Lea ue years, an 7 ui6nW,,;,. ho �di6d- very Tae to ic� at. the 9 and h.er pmifi6i! has.bsen. taken by� p AhAccduats'du6 J. St. C.-#Valker itl -at the Thur. -cis ai sudden] Vill IS a 'd by A4 ar6h Ist 1908 be -pal . ly h Miss MartW4ohn ome oi Thoe.11eary A'sbfied e I r Y., U C no Tayl6r-Atnders of the 'Aorrby 7eath , 4. "4� I tr6able. Des�)ibb the v6r' 0 after wbich. cl-ita they will, lbe, Pi's 0 -a McLeod --entertained- w I - ade C'o UL ndt Fe. n -A tb -and ba roa s on ads' ay qvening in t er ha"d severe we d T numibe� (if tie on Fiid 'the lettinj ini kL routes'foir� ' ' ' I -_ ed' . the. fuirlefal and �llowed the ire Para - 0 B Th6 a *m Connell attobded ]a A a e cemetey. Are-' ly all o th mount Obee'se Fabibory was postponed of �14�:br6 -conduc�.qd H/av� nel�tr j6heir ral thor; 'the late. An-, t1ke'llious-lo and vrave w6lre d Hibary of in Uiss-Mariorie in ay is wee . .... ..... MiS6, C& to L'S. C g8d­ Gr gr dm by. R6v, is V 81 e,Llue 0, �012Z $prin . Ods on hand. drew, Connell abMil lers, ectbr fYebrua WE e,w wee sinde,ato er e r Uro 'ST is brut f h' h 4hia w6ek.. thab" I it." t lk 'Visiting Nt RS R dthlan aini brothillij bir.r�4al�o C Corroi)onden The C.9 6r own �p Wd, &AERS eafi:. sgVe -lie Gilmore roturdedLl�to _t fOr iatiAt aw on 6 t o remAinlifig,'brotheks es it ou t to acti.) f ay idbey. �jildj e n ts Wo d K -oney oti t eir -$Pring,. Sohn,, and, Willtim hnvlei ox� ('01 ar 10 1 Citatham.after SponL'ing, l%, ojjth� _at even ng. To expla Oci�on li)w weak Stom- "t 'bybuyintTAY'LOR- ended to., them t SUIL & syn f 0 ine, h 0 Wa Y 9 PRUT b4knels�! hbr It ap 0, 0 1 r has, a inegs Mo thi� I arq�Luro would ir,toresb all; ANDERSON Vi tf�' Wdk -we ek iti ry. b CL ugh Ca,, e 4rely s top 'Kidno n Slj()0p"s,fjLo8t0t J. Eta n'ter A la r ,) L66, Is I i ' i, Dr a ive�sci-prompt- ONE BT#k.� tt�droughly that br: Sho to' to an returned home, �week,. Rob, y reaches a , at the raa�'rh, 'L. Reprt6r to'wu 1�§'h Mfio MA;6 MeKe " I . lh', TL 'idft6lye. These �Neak h06,600fiding �a , w6fith' .9 UZ 6 as,,6� pop on VAMIL Y- -0 $2,75 -0119 mothers 'to use �fiothiixg els3 heart or ii V4 181 ung, babieg. ole, - -o streogth., Aliteki 'Bra Y016ir S6r. with ver* ­yo he w`h nerves' SWply tleei 9 mot d th toye fix -A, ngus, Mar,tya'q ci]Mho. the "lyL O some. green leg�es and tender, stows, 'Aly' Ilestor4i tive !a. 'prescrip- n sp9n., a co Dyaald Billie eftclorgo 4.3 MA tion ok. If, r., Di A Vvingliat'd ainous sheub rvesi "W` was In 'SO616 �s toll last 'week, N b of &.lung i f6v t lie in 6 _J�L Ura live Pr6pertibg 0 br.� N,,eX you per�rbnallyi wil , I !je AI tj t S T A. Mdkoith oomme'n"ped bif6v it akMart�n is 6bt6f than AA 9k your G, 6''Ibough Cari, .ft' to nia, it, f repi, iny now lio'qk14 � eti­ e is 36g%p, and"ho4ti- the sensitive �roa� Will also d" �essor 1% Week.�' ;­bi dom"d to tho cl :,.last in 4, Very low 0011 C6 J;0' 0pjU Ito m, U . 6� I mt mem ranee, iVe as. P, lt.. M' 9 foil. the b,4j, &Y4 I,t ,;�jt (o U81�d t, d' or of 'the b ��11) pleS of' 6, roform, bothlugL�:�"_harafi� 111, 81"L t a' hLx� ni b last 0 u n tro,y in eres, K T el e a y le h d ab"L' d CKNLOWO., ur a bn ay night, "the. occi i -a K chur It zi� 19" e 4 t 8 Racine S �d b, qx ONT 9 y eir wodd�bg Wi' t dee, Sh o all ae� ersi s6ird of Bri 664i d