Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-01-22, Page 4• 66446.61 iieve + �aQ. aomp- a1t appointed to meet A 1eld. out i1 azul tt*e:Dt nganno0 Driving, ai'l€ Askoolatiisura Court Roam ae='' ) 4 txou Ji C'm ton wee ap otic �dretakeir u# SalaD tiler, , The Luckuow $enttnsl. ,was rented $5; e�ipra or.,pr � t't� ;, on o tioo of Anders�,n -and , Thompeen. �b bt, 11a issuedt the amount .Flasmertt of a counts neoiohrned to meet c�n�Mo:.«� y, Feb, 8rd, at 10 o'elo:°g,..- ► i:oOi;osia�, Cisme a ��rn statins <ate r •i~ruLer t1les, 1 and i;;;oe ley dgved ti} ' 0', II:il' } °rant 01410....,,,.66,' wade to`t?; i3 is Childre i?i $ospit 1 'oroito- Carri29.. c Hynter & : Stiles; lilt Jobn Long _;and A;; R .Fl¢ilaysan; i,_ re appointed- .Audyto s . i ,� r arrzed .,' � � o -o- an x4.a m,Surber"of •the 1 ea,l B: ra teci 'of 3 1c� rs—Oar teraad Kicl;l®y thab==Tho` 1' 4 ih•be re=app5'uted;^seso ins.; 01 icere' ector; each selector o 0 et. Oflieer $4 4111 -Gish each FenceView oF,: B of, R $2 a' dsyrwere t ad 1 t`2nd as tenae�apd pas el, a; aI.�o ;were b 0 2, 3,': 4 autl, 5, appcinfed the o mud=Frkottd-oasrnaaz,ssionsrs`'the tam tt ;ys�r ' The �following acro ere ordered paid: Luckno ,.SAn 200 F® . : S a tsLr. a LucknoW oc><rtcll. lin TMnBugural mooting, of Villago. ouncil was held Jan ;13thg 'O8, when sews 4ndersolrandouna, bxato`he11;'; axerence l 'ii ' k h a d TGy eve rn aa�' 'claratton of , A;r adjo a og i meeting wae� held Tuesday evening,; 14th'ipat., Reevenderaon h Count; Mitch©11, , r urd it h; fl awrer ce . and 'aylor present . Ltcknow' Fue- ;Co'e accounb for t salary 44145 was paaa ed and paid. Th® ,usual grant of was made totho Sick Ohi1'lren'a.. [oi.: pital. The usual grant of -1135 ,w*B �ade.:to Ln ao gaeeailtu��1 doe . ciety 'Tho '%bowing comattees:for 903 , Ot ® ttb aria ; i4an'a Mitch... ell, Murdoch and Taylor ; bight Lawreneerlolitelielti4141,(12_ Taylor; .Roado uitliCe"YleYl Al1Ct l►Turdoch, P®tation� By1awe— n dersotp,. Lawrence and Murdoc;-A• ad stare. W Connell' and , -95, `l oo p Medical Health Oicer---Dr': f Jur- ;Gordon, Board of Health .S. Robert. vexa`h.,song W. J: Little and Thos-Lawren'ce;' $y.. Library Board—Dr Spene ] ; Qalth -liott and q-. A, Siddall; Pound Keep - d 3rd ; ers_g =McDonald and O.' Durn}n: platys k'ence Viewer _A. ' Ross, ;J Agar' fi'aere _and DrMcCrae. ._�'he cl'erir'�wae-in' e at etructed 'to, advertise:forgfrom 5 to 26. `.unto cords of 4 ft wood to be urchas. approoal of apply Conwj t't . -Tien `' - Clerk eras also;instructed to'advirtis and 'for the- ofeees of .'Clerk Treasuree r:: $,I 25.-Oollector, Constable, ;and Engineer,_ Dlun aPplicants`to state salary and quali& cations :The Reeve bud C'e .Ila wrQnce silly, and Miti hell :were appointed a com ` mittee to make arrangernente 're town o' teles for- 1908. Mahon carried eex =cou ¢® ding; time for return,of Collector'd' ravg 1R,oil to Feb. 1st.. Mr W E Treleaven rid, appearet before -Council-; asking that` 'they would deal th'.matter of taxa,'; 90, thin re, Treleaven Bros.- Flour Mill. Ti a above matter be refQr-red-to Ey, .: sge/ misses en Petitions a d Byittivo �to 32 Of a ta SOO It'006rfie ' of train.: .' other 'similar beainees it ittraW office as- �kez� a e ent... the� etal?git n ,,12.- r � w;1en at comes ti insldi� * 1000 4hn 1 eDiariel e . o,1� r„view the- dttor ne>tno r e, incl and fi ld4o t' at ermt be hill do the to ` - wnsltilt: og, and report at.next mee�t3ng. '"nnnioation ifrom Sic is �Obtl IQepital-wi►silEd,ered ci :' otxncil adjourned;tiIIIIMonday- 'eI 3rd, when 'Pathmasters,. Pound•, capers ati71 Fence_, Viewers - will- be appoihtsd and tiie -Auditors''Repor.t.' received. EO• -hen the ,Spomiteh; Heart .or kid; nor nerves get weak, then these. or-- olorn666, _nor.. stimulate the_ heart or The Restcirativeia prepared ex - Strengthen' these nerves, build theni lets or, lifiiiid:„..tiod sec', how quiekly. belP ,Will 'come. Free' sample test' seht .1 on, requesit.by Di. Shoop, Racine,' Witt )(our. health isi,..eurely-,wortlr this- aim: - this simple test Sold b lid 1 is uadIsn made Sewing Atacbine. hen you y It your money remains in this Country, and adds to the existing prosperity, Igroditioti;-:,YO: —get one of -the most upto-date famili se,wina ,•A high'arm, lock stitch shuttle'machine.: The Shuttle carries a large bobbin. Perfect tension 'and patent tension. releaser. The automic bobbin winder .conveniently loc- ated sr d—can be_ operated -without ruunin" the machine,. The' stitch is regulated by a thumb screw 'cog; veniently located near the dase of the arm. ertcot7nc�l suppige9, e3xprets losta e, 4:15; P .Kogan, gt'avei, C E. Durnin, ;rout of Court H 1907, $20.00; Ho-pital., $1.0.00; V4 ozld, 6 codes $5 00, J`J O'R refubJ of 19.p6 and-1907�Stat L tlieMwork -beirg clout nosy; $12 J'Lou ;nIita, hal. ' gravy s S 6 7 ,w 3, $20 25, - Di onban, , insp. g R 6; 7 w cot 9, $l 50, • Mini:IVO el Sohetton, Rravg S .,R 9 <1O A,' �.' V6r T Johns.:i :ri, gravel; R0 • .'V4 eLtaou tuppi�es , (not_,rP�ed) $� 40, T 3, Alex • itTcDonald, grave $4. TotAJLI 1501-2. Naxt me'etingg-Foli releaven, bol salary $45,-andpiost, ingwre_antoand-ro a 5 Fo toxic mien• 1,17 CUODS . IE•�IV•ERED ,YYOliH `1' • •DUCE WAMTED so r' OR.. i'V'Ve can assert with positivenessthat when buynng(your'grocery supplies you will find' no-`µ moiitco'mplete,' no_ fresher and ._ o more.: ig ell ssystock ofgroceries i>!a all tho country than ' right here infour�grocery»department. A311,4we -- ask, is thst. you give us an opportunity to' t�,11r groceries to. you; if you dpu't bay, we wi1l1lickt try to force you to do so. -Everything-tin--our -tore; i. ea�Ferd dei -open;.__; ...v v 01— r 1ow1n` with NDERS A wealth, of Stylish �'urelture., for _How® beepers seems" unreasonable to sell so', muc 1. And yet, if merit in Furniture, Workmanship... Prices will appeal to you,.' and we are bound ehatc it did,) ou`1t' certainly inspect our splendid nett* stook ;before investiirg�-elsewhere / rota tl attpnciip,. to night or da . URN1TURE DEALER & UNDERTAKE .;arrii, dealers.. _Jan, :in-61;614ra au babribed to the necessary declarattort- and. qualification papers dna then tea. tnenf Beate ,at 'the l3oard. last ..tneting reading 6°04'610 -on tion ,of , iitidersOn gedi $8,(1,7.0tirried.:STlieltipson, and Ander- .ition, that o011eetees Salary be 805; **And 'SalaiY he 400...Amen:dm Mit :Medd and Murray. .that• salary; be, $6.0' '74tteitiSon. that the reeve's .1,p4 absolute, certain tatrerftWItewenis, Acne Rosea; Tette*. Pimples,,iileckhe2de, _Ringworm." Itas been thoroaghlr and successfully tested ' , cnfirely unlike' any Other . Wm, ture or ointment that has been ao or pro! , AA* emitted:lone will convince Abet hal' ,Ptice one box leiftytetite. or five' bases tiis Bald andyecominmsied-braiv Ikratadectiusidiii4 sold by the Sole toroysi tucknowis eat :.litcernitie' be 0100. riek Thompson r tot A:I-Met/Stott . that' Wm ThOrnpion be Treasurer --LL 'parried:. ritiintid-WebbIllat- b. 'Tay Tbempjolihtits,"it"ileyle be Collector. carried, . Murray . and Aitt4ortiO4 and 14 a tray be Auditors, -.-Carried..., The ,Q61'epterit rioeiled frets). Win. Thottip- .64* the '614.1i instrilde0 te ZENOLETTN,— INSECT PO -cArriA- SALTS: It will pay you to buy and use them. Our AirTt Is to Pleaae., on by Webster liro8,9 it will be our 'aim, to al- ways carry. a full line of du orders liven /or Meats' or Grocertes will have our Oest attention .MtCHARES' rgii- new factory here, it Ili Oh 6' larger actsit'., i't;ilt bay andstihr tike the sis'6661. we -will' pay ‘tbejb!gbekk.ntaticnt.4).rhiee: proildid we -get geoid stsiek b!i.t ninfit h8.,0 the Urge ilorig With " the...srpaii to woof kote auti can take :,y9,91. Cielt order. • As WO. it -Squirt: yeir *otter nikeitromente and talki ("OWL .0Anner °less Of loge and .1uniber thou, pliipper:, of lenitjer., can let ms knots'? what • jou and 1116,t, hit piqtic.tilare, before eutting