Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-01-15, Page 4tIla M, -4 IR, IIitIWell, 4 arop.ery at;p bup r This preQtcrq.) Iv11, V 6 * 11101 a �Ompfete, ti ntj u d, I­UU glV'O. id , . '' . , . , . - 'h 1i Y.-'-- 'hero 1411 ()JI I- 4"Ki pr Va- IIipe, UA n 'E, 0 ontilit, h b u allells- ave an shoul'd prvp: e eintM 6 Ad: dxy, Jaight .'and g6t this r f. tA �ht ui to :the t -rag. ula W&IDP t a.. Id It B, ions: wou a sub . . . . . . A t4rpe,,, Me t7U IN t lb)'return und ney, or rinpry ��ordera�or:Meuma- 'f Star, V 0 I0, r_e -kco4jug k _ood InOpp& hsollip ieSt� I Id GOP,. 114 'you Me lut: YOU tlU ei er A t Ly' Ib .0 ruc we, ,ou�nt,y uncil �A IIPresent t am V� nV 'A -�Doij 47 ia;l ar tkea r b g, Art an El. iaiaikd,but f tee, on requps by Dr., OOP, i& Th6se-,,testii r Brafit, ......... Sh" d, ijur6 or euppz"Ijjj4.�;t-�giiil� :,p.r6.v ew s oc e ,cost flio., gre V ala !a of- . ..... . RMV60 ny is IOW11.1 4y- 'Pti sad ori.1n to I -shrub,Which'ttp, D r.' .. ............ ". ,.,! - , . ywhe,6,ar'3'.. D zlipupp 'S gists ev.er u ger-- Id- b acred At d7il -d sh�07P,8,.Y Y- 7 7, .0 IR061.�, -�N�OU S ousbier, M u eetin years thei� t. f Q G Y i&!,'sUd6eeAd- i ­ Ajilp,:," ­ � till. b t1b Mal Vire; inki -all r ug attic. 0ary 5. the 226 yo qf'., 1iii14, J - e ttso report-- c onatd.-` -r A IR T A a! t !pt A-0,4 Utficials find . ...... .. surpjuq,OUU'bbii,.t h 'A 'd �6 -the,-,j di 4 ind T Y Dealy W1111 re -L 0 i ts iku tu t eceaga 0 On ro, ------ b' '907i'and ro bey, avu vau L eceaga y-,,q4r On :1.0, r p p ly", p fi o o dil' Dif-i JKJ I e r`0 ow h ...... E t Moto 6 AIL t1166d.: Tfie;:� c for,, fair Jabdr re 1*04";Oscaupies. inaurred' in -'the' B, 'A"O III Sh-ofto by the retirement, oi. k -an io vpr a a rt El irli�'-'-W­W, a supp ping. i­RH ljobsori I i6-8 E 6 de *iI1 th W- is lik6ly tW i term Of bli �x re �Tboliidfi Muber 1-------. � ---111. � ­­ 1,114111-C hoilli are elikible-fo UCKNOW o, lffiour—f mee'i IL k ng C 0 tT., P. M. Apr t �,verl ' 'O r r i '6jnlng,� _ojq r:,' d t t, i.m. or, he gan, A MY ansWes, W-1 -W b:q wi I it; TSCHOOL Y W allcerron. 7 Isingtopi"i sailing'froin Liverpool,. Feb� Ppert 4 . .. , pr age :111 ..FLi b K; all' Iruirly 10hi- � for ' )�rilish': " Columh'a, - When 1 -he Stomach, ffe&rb. or d IV N4 points, fbllolpr6� by the 11$)uth ark I els,l gev: weak es III ints- the l-1datch'5t1l, ofo Arlo, Pot 011t fa 'A rfa ays .,Dou't d from yug Pte ql�q�sgdwti, land !3 -AFTER TREA MENT. 26(b: a C&r"11 h r s i:tfiul%t h h­ a'f roin LIV F a Vool d1j­ Njgrah7 Y Ikidn'o� T1 Y a ;ik shift b It Y 'Ge- P -'r' scril have'b ption know'n to. rug�; el Farmef� *II6 have not.niadi appli-' -'P,j L M E. 'leatt n'g �'biWness -7 6uMdia-xji`(, rTL.,6j 0 Comling� D, anal W ri catjon'16'r for Y pertain-cuie for 9czemft,,Acne are les,,Blacklheids -'ii he Ali Do Its office as ive; e ati've-isvelia;rr 'T re",16 'deniand oRqseaT. etteripra ide. htrves, Ba ea ', Itc in iles, Ulcers, iWiiiied to writ' Applic#oli 'diLl ; # � 1. �. L - 4ty, for dime Lrberslitch scals Usa' fal al, orm, & Soredi. ae alcutan 6tisiiew college i %016ra; ; � nd, fil'thei L particulAtis tv 6 beit, ourgrad lenishes. ap., tui th6 L fu lut6resti din �your lailt- oinal 2 "Al ert r6ds of's Ilk tested. fqr' H6w'el'l,. 0" b th' D Ahti*s R II arailon e"bayo.thre d t I- 613 *Or jiquid—a-d ;iffire'df o is Or Pr&' ffhortbsiJ4 ana Tel*�� 9FIMt IiDd by' eAfmy As 4uPP 14 Will colu F I d., test S�,tt fee. samp q -1, 'giv.bn good �'i4isfs,etxon th�. I insic me .4�d. . " ToRm Okllllli� JAN 6 asuill conviiice t OUg I jlb 1,, Y�ttyqq aild intri canada; 71, -coun ry,­utld3 If itad in Y!e a in- t is 0 Fiffy cents,or T*6 fy am ]pie test, �50 a. ea, in dire6tion ��,qu Will "avid V 8, -price ne �X Mai led4c, A�y addres� c�n receipt of pti & Jult& hel W Cff. by all leading Dmft- 1-f6r., seleding, I Sold and'recommebded V uh . . . . . . . . . . a4dresq. ;o0un y, o PRINCIPALS ron, ko I7 �lo( n ur Y ix qP( -T "T T Rincil ',1908:— W. W& 11u.4to Luckriow c �vah ew tMaidl a W h )ew tlie IMi M IS .0 logo; Ihe' 0 X'' I'$ 1�g, prpiIperit k( . frd,wioh I� 6 �d 368opli i1e*,&tob­k­ M t at Th I . .1'. I . — To . so 0IIII 1 a, . IV r in iss 01 C in@ I I . q , '. , : - ever ma e e 6hnicd oft, W t'hl h 1�8 to IId i6d Qo. k d' nokv 4a Attrj;dtjv�el W dwor an jeom i 6 -0 Do e- e atm, 0 a ,Vr Ali IcIA ARA huttle Mic I r Y 1 It,, all kiwl.q h(j, i 1: b(" ily t. u It 6 0 j�hfind-q4tet r ' nuniho. 13 , -­­ Lj , b S��M, - � : \ : . rtiry �i n IiIin tfjr� �rf6et tehafo t t Bal d, '11114t 9 r0h ati bobbin Wifide j�Ld6n.j6j %fl: �Y. The tutomii& Ia Ar ca W, t d 11. b'' tied ppra e . Madh,,fi V th Itorders II"6r G C rjL,t;.jfnn'jf."gf -t '­, ", ", "L i� ' '; 1, ITh oeir i?o 0 of j i la sft lhis- b-0116 Io it, yo r ti. T-1 IitIIiItA. Q Iiti II, At I di itI[it